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Chapter IV


Management is one of the important aspects in establishing a business. It

is the performance of conceiving and achieving desired results by means of

group effort consisting of utilizing human talents and resources. Therefore,

management is considered as the force that runs an enterprise and is

responsible for its success or failure.

This chapter will discuss about the form of business, its organizational

structure, the business members, their roles and responsibilities, and the overall

implementation plan.

The objective of the management aspect of this feasibility study is to

determine the effectiveness of the organizational setup and the qualifications of

the individuals who will make up the organization. This aspect will determine the

successful realization of the project study.

Form of Business

The type of business is a partnership. It is to be registered with the

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the contract called articles of

partnership. By the contract of partnership, two or more persons bind themselves

to contribute money, property and industry with the intension of dividing the

profits among themselves. Maria’s Pancit Express as partnership will also be

registered with the different government agencies as Department of Trade and

Industry (DTI), Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and Social Security System

(SSS). The partners are both general partners meaning they share equal

responsibility and have unlimited liability.

Organizational Structure




Kitchen Stewards

Kitchen Helper

Figure 4.1 Organizational Chart

Functional type of organization will be implemented in the business. This

is one of the most commonly used type of organizational structure in which all

activities in the organization are group together according to certain functions.

The proponents think that it is the best structure that will fit their over-all
operation. It is quite complex but effective and efficient for every partners and

employees of the organization since the work is divided into specialized


This type of structure can be applicable for a long time as long as it fits in

the business since it offers a greater scope for expansion as compare to line type

of organization. It does not face the problem of limited capabilities of a few line of

managers facilitates better control and supervision in the business firm. Despite

of the disadvantages of this type which are the confusion and conflict in roles and

responsibilities, it’s still the proponent’s best choice because it can supervise a

large number of subordinates while in line type, it can only supervise a limited

number of subordinates and it is more efficient in accomplishing task and there is

teamwork and cooperation of all members of the organization.

Quantities, Duties, and Responsibilities of Managers and Employees

It is very vital in all business organization to know their manpower

requirements to operate systematically and effectively at all times. It will help to

determine the capacity or capabilities of the employees to fit in the flow of

business as well as to have a clear duties and responsibilities. Having standard

qualifications in hiring and selecting employees will establish efficient business


The proponents, as the owners of the business and students of business-

related course, will be the managing partners of Maria’s Pancit Express.

Table 4.1

Proposed Number of Business Personnel

Position Quantity

General/Store Manager 2

Kitchen Steward 3

Cashier 1

Total 6

Functions and Qualifications

1. General/Store Manager


– Responsible for the administration of all the management function –

planning, organizing, controlling and directing

– Handles the implementation of the policies, rules and regulation

throughout the organization.

– Monitors the performance of his subordinates.

– Responsible for the overall ongoing production operations

– Responsible for distribution of salaries to their employees

– Responsible for the transactions with the suppliers for raw materials

– Should act as the business’ Financial and Marketing Managers

2. Kitchen Stewards


– Ensures the quality of products and all the food standards are met
– Responsible for the cleanliness of all the kitchen tools and


– Ensures the maximum level of performance of the machines and


– Minimizes the wastage of raw materials in production

– Responsible for the safety of food and elimination of hazardous



– At least high school graduate

– Must be 18 to 35 years of age

– With working experience in any fast food or restaurant

– Can work under minimal supervision

– Must possess honesty

– With pleasing personality

3. Cashier


– Greet the customers entering into organization

– Handling all the cash transaction of an organization

– Checking daily cash accounts

– Guiding and solving queries of customer

– Maintaining monthly, weekly and daily report of transactions

– Eliminate loss of the store by accurately receiving payment and

giving of change

– At least high school graduate

– Must be 18 to 25 years of age

– With working experience in any fast food or restaurant

– Can work under minimal supervision

– Hardworking and with high level of work discipline

– Fast in accomplishing task and can do multi-tasking

– Must possess honesty

– With pleasing personality

Organizational Policies and Procedures

Discipline is the primary concern of the organization for the attainment of

the productivity and efficiency that will lead to the organizational and personal

growth. All of the employees as well as the general partners are expected to

behave ethically at all times.


It is the company’s policy to select applicants based on the following


 Mental aptitude

 Social skills

 Physical fitness

 Strength and weaknesses

 Experience

All employees must undergo on orientation as to the company’s policies,

rules and regulations, duties and responsibilities and menu familiarization.

Contract of Employment

All employees shall duly sign, execute and deliver the corresponding

Contract of Employment. All employees shall thereafter be issued a company

identification card, which must be worn at all times during working hours.

Work Schedule

It is the policy of the company to provide appropriate work hours without

violating the mandated rest days. As such, the company requires all employees

to follow the eight (8) hours working shift, excluding one-hour break assigned to

them. The store will be open from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 in the morning

and will be closed 5:00 in the afternoon, and 9:00 in the morning and will be

closed 6:00 in the afternoon during Sundays.

Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance and punctuality are important qualities that the organization

expects from its employees. They are the factors that determine an employee’s

efficiency and reliability. Employee’s presence is necessary for the smooth flow

of work at the start of the business hours.

Compensation and Benefits

I. All employees shall receive their respective salaries or wages as

provided in their Contracts of employment every 15th and last day

of the month. Cut-off for payroll computation is every 10th and 25th

of the month.

II. Employees may be required to work beyond their shift or even on

rest days due to work requirements. Every effort should be made to

avoid unnecessary overtime work and to keep work within

reasonable limits. All overtime work should have prior written

approval from the Store Manager. Every employee should file their

overtime slips within the pay-period to be compensated. No

overtime slip, no overtime pay.

III. Work performed on a regular holiday shall be compensated with an

additional compensation equivalent to 100% of his regular salary.

Work performed on an employee’s rest days or on a special holiday

shall be paid an additional compensation of 30% of his regular


IV. Benefits under SSS/PHIC/HDMF law shall be granted in

accordance with applicable laws. Implementation of procedures

relative to entitlement of said benefits should be done in

accordance with the regulations to be promulgated by the


V. Awards and certificates of recognition, such as Crew of the Month,

Best in Attendance, Most Punctual Employee, Model Employee of

the Year and the like shall be given the discretion of management.
Hygiene and Sanitation

All employees must observe must observe the highest standard of

hygiene and sanitation. Employees must be well-groomed and continue with their

work, wearing clean and proper attire. For this purpose, the tem “well-groomed”

shall mean proper haircut, cut fingernails, use deodorant, and clean and regularly

washed hands. For this purpose, the term “clean and proper attire” shall likewise

include newly-washed and properly-ironed attire, no excessive dirt on clothes

and shoes, and proper and complete company uniform worn properly.
Table 4.2
Project Implementation and Schedule (GANNT Chart)
2018 2019
November December January February March
1. Review of
2. Formation
3. Securing
the location
4. Gathering
of Capital
of legal
of the lease
installation of
8. Hiring and
training of
9. Preparing
all operation
10. Business

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