Cyber Warfare

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Vol. XXIII No 1 2017



University of Defence, Brno, The Czech Republic,

Abstract: The internet has to be considered a very dangerous battlefield. Nobody is secure. It is a
paradox that those countries which do not feel vulnerable may be the most threatened by cyber war.
This applies primarily to western powers and fast developing countries. Cyberattack may easily be
ordered through the internet. Such an attack is cheaper than an attack by conventional weapons and
at the same time it causes bigger economic losses. It is obvious from the military standpoint that
cyberattacks and defence against them have to be an indispensable part of military activities. The
reason is that the military consider the internet and virtual space to be the fifth area of employment of
their forces, besides land, air, water and space. It is stated in the hypotheses that cyber activities will
be an inseparable part of future military operations. The key objective will be to achieve information
supremacy or information dominance on the battlefield. Thus developed countries develop and
introduce new cyber weapons with the aim of striking the enemy´s command and control structures, its
logistics, transport, early warning systems and other vitally important military functions at any time
upon receiving an order.

Keywords: Cyberwarfare, NATO, Cyberattacks, Cyberspace

1. Introduction groups, companies, political or ideological

Cyberwarfare is a hot topic. Armed forces, extremist groups, hacktivists, and
intelligence, and law enforcement agencies transnational criminal organizations. [2]
have made computer security a top priority Some governments have made it an integral
for investment and recruitment. In fact, part of their overall military strategy, with
current efforts to take the higher ground in some having invested heavily in
cyberspace are so intense that many cyberwarfare capability. [3] Cyberwarfare
governments will overreach, with is essentially a formalized version
unfortunate ramifications for democracy of penetration testing in which a
and human rights around the world. government entity has established it as
Cyberwarfare involves the use and a warfighting capability. [4]
targeting of computers and networks in This capability uses the same set of
warfare. It involves both offensive and penetration testing methodologies but
defensive operations pertaining to the threat applies them in a strategic way to:
of cyberattacks, espionage and sabotage. • Prevent cyberattacks against critical
There has been controversy over whether infrastructure;
such operations can duly be called "war". • Reduce national vulnerability to
Cyberwarfare has been defined as "actions cyberattacks;
by a nation-state to penetrate another • Minimize damage and recovery time
nation's computers or networks for the from cyberattacks [4]
purposes of causing damage or Offensive operations are also part of these
disruption"[1], but other definitions also national level strategies for officially
include non-state actors, such as terrorist declared wars as well as undeclared
DOI: 10.1515/kbo-2017-0024
© 2017. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 License.

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secretive operations. [5] objective will be to achieve information
Despite these factors, there are still many supremacy or information dominance on
sceptics over cyber war, and more questions the battlefield. Thus developed countries
than answers. Although malicious code has develop and introduce new cyber weapons
served criminals and spies very well, can with the aim of striking the enemy´s
cyberattacks offer soldiers more than a command and control structures, its
temporary, tactical edge on the battlefield? logistics, transport, early warning systems
Can it have a strategic effect? and other vitally important military
functions at any time upon receiving an
2. NATO Standpoint on Cyberspace order. [7]
NATO countries legal standpoint on For cyber operations, the Army will need to
cyberspace is quite clear. NATO countries, build trust and operate with NATO
including the Czech Republic, partners. The Army must be able to employ
acknowledged within the NATO cyber cyber capabilities at all echelons, including
defence policy, that international law, tactical echelons. The Army must be able to
including the international humanitarian operate with existing authorities and be
law, may be applied in cyberspace. This prepared to operate with increased
standpoint was acknowledged by the Allies authorities it might gain in the future.
also in the NATO Wales Summit
Declaration (4-5 Sept. 2014). 3. Targets of Cyberattacks
Cyberspace is recognized as another sphere Most people believe that the targets of
for the conduct of combat. Its importance is cyberattacks do not concern them. They
on the increase as it is the space in which believe that it is a problem of a state, or the
attacks may be aimed at military, industrial institutions having relations to the state
and political cyber espionage, damage of defence and security. Such a way of
state critical infrastructure, own enrichment, thinking is a serious risk in the area of
collection of information otherwise cyber threats.
inaccessible, intentional dissemination of Cyberattack has to be concealed, or at least
disinformation within the conduct of kept in secret till the very last moment. The
information operations in cyberspace real target must not be revealed before
(Warsaw Summit, 8–9 July 2016). sufficient preconditions are created for its
All NATO armies activities are increasingly efficient strike. There is obviously an
dependent on the elements of civil critical analogy with a common combat tactics and
information infrastructure. Mainly in the although hackers attack with other
initial phases of conflicts cyberattacks will weapons, they are the same combatants as
target information systems, communication soldiers in the field. The combat principles
systems and the systems of critical are similar to those of a typical
infrastructure (e.g. power industry, finance, conventional war. Therefore, we have to be
transport, telecommunication, health system prepared that typical future war conflicts
…). These systems will be targeted with the will be accompanied by attacks against
aim to disrupt command and control important communication and information
system, reduce conventional military nodes of a state. [8]
capability and combat readiness of a state. Each computer network is as secure as its
It is obvious from the military standpoint weakest part. Computer connection into
that cyberattacks and defence against them the computer network represents the biggest
have to be inseparable parts of armed risk. The risk of a developed information
operations. It is stated in the hypotheses society is in its dependence on information
that cyber activities will be an inseparable and communication systems. A state, the
part of future military operations. The key governance of which has a high degree of

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informatization, is much more vulnerable sufficiently protected;
than a state with a low degree of • Access denial: attacks against e.g. armed
informatization. Thus, the cybewar is a real forces which use computers and satellites
phenomenon for such developed states. It is for communication. Orders and reports
conducted in close proximity and anybody may be intercepted and altered, which
of us may be its participant, as well as its may result in dangerous situations for the
victim. On the one hand, modern army;
technologies make our lives easier, but on • Network attacks against
the other hand there is an increased risk infrastructure: attacks on transmission
they will be abused. It is significantly easier systems of the companies in power
to paralyze modern states on the level of engineering, gas industry, heating
digital processing and exchange of industry, oil industry and communication
information. Thus, the most developed infrastructure, which are sensitive to
states and their modern armies cannot cyber attacks;
ignore their cyber security. [8] • Non-network based attacks against
Cyberattack is usually carried out on the infrastructure: abuse (or rather utilization)
technology control elements which may of common computer hardware and
seriously threaten people´s lives, hardware used in internet operation and
production, technology, or service. security. Virus is hidden in hardware,
Cyberattack may thus be defined as an software, or maybe even in
attack against the infrastructure of microprocessors.
information technologies with the aim to Cyber war may further be classified in the
cause damage or get sensitive or same way as a conventional war into
strategically important information. It is defensive and offensive cyber war. [11]
most often connected with politically and 4.1 Defensive Cyberwarfare
military motivated attacks. Cyberattacks In case of defensive cyber war it will be
will soon become a bigger threat than important to determine strategically
terrorism. [9] important installations. At present such
installations are buildings and the decisive
4. Cyberwarfare Methods criteria are their geographical locations,
The increasing number of internet users equipment, etc. These installations may also
resulted in the fact that propaganda is be virtual in case of cyber war. In order to
spread more efficiently in cyber space than prevent an attack or reduce loses and
e.g. through leaflets airdropping. The damage it is necessary, prior the attack
spreading of malware is easier, more itself, to minimize the number of input
available and faster with the increasing access spots, introduce multiple software
number of users. Therefore the threats of security, hardware security and properly
cyber attacks are also more likely. screen and train the personnel with network
There are various methods of cyber attacks access permits.
in cyber space ranging from the moderate to Cyber attackers have got a clear goal with
the merciless ones, such as follows: [10] an easy plan. The key to success is the
• Vandalism: common attacks on moment of surprise during attack. The
government web sites. Such attacks are earlier the defender responds to the attack,
usually fast and do not cause serious the easier it may be to stop or repulse it. If
damage; such an attack with the moment of surprise
• Propaganda: dissemination of political is conducted, it is first necessary to stabilize
news mainly through internet; the whole system and thus deal with the
• Collection of data: collection of surprise. Second, it is necessary to detect
classified information which is not the attack and try to understand the

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attacker´s plans and intentions. Then the 5. May Forces Ratio Be Calculated In
attack may be repulsed. It must not be Cyber Space?
forgotten that the attack analysis always has Various tactical calculations may be part of
to follow. Based on acquired information, combat planning. One of such calculations
the protection of critical infrastructure is the ratio of forces and resources. The
(hardware and software) has to be increased ratio of forces and resources is prepared as
in order to prevent possible subsequent a supplementary document, mainly to the
cyber attacks. [12] decisive phases of task (combat order)
4.2 Offensive Cyberwarfare fulfilment. Such a ratio may be elaborated
Firstly, we have to be aware of the aspects either quantitatively, or qualitatively.
of offensive cyberwarfare and compare Authors present the numbers (assumed) of
them with traditional aspects (conventional forces and resources employed by enemy
war, diplomacy, etc.). Such a type of war and friendly forces in individual required
may be more acceptable for public than categories in quantitative forces ratio, while
employing the means of conventional war. in case of qualitative forces ratio the quality
Although a cyberwarfare may avoid direct of employed forces and resources is
casualties, there are still indirect dangers. considered. Such quality is considered in
Critical infrastructure is somewhere the final ratio of forces and resources of a
between state and private sectors. It given category through so called combat
includes e.g. water distribution network, potential. The fact is that enemy forces and
electric energy network, air traffic control, resources are considered on the basis of
and other systems critical for the probability assumptions. It is a summary of
functioning of a particular country. Enemy qualitative and quantitative data about the
may take advantage of our dependence on forces and resources of fighting parties with
cyber space and gain strategic advantage in the help of which a better idea of combat
a possible conflict. It is assumed that a capabilities and the likely outcome of
cyber war would precede a conventional combat can be obtained. [13]
war. [12] How is it possible to calculate the ratios of
Future possible cyberwarfare are reasons forces of cyber armies being against each
for our serious concerns. Unlike traditional other in a war cyber conflict? Is it feasible
wars requiring a vast amount of sources, to carry out such a calculation? In fact, it is
such as weapons, personnel and equipment, almost impossible. In case of war in cyber
cyber wars require somebody who has got space it is quality, not quantity, which
appropriate know-how, computers, and counts. A hundred of specially trained
willingness to create chaos. Enemy may be soldiers of cyber units may fail face to face
everywhere, even inside the country or with one talented enemy (a cyber attacker).
organization. An intense attack may be Quantitative supremacy need not be
carried out by only a few hackers with the decisive in cyber space. Thus, is it enough
help of standard computers. [12] or not to have 100 or 1.000 specially trained
Another terrifying aspect of cyber war is soldiers? [13]
the fact that cyber attack may be either part I think that military cyber units may be
of a coordinated attack, or it may only be an compared at least according to the
idea of a malicious hacker, e.g. with a following three criteria:
funny idea. No matter what the attacker • Capability of carrying out attack in cyber
motive is, cyber attacks may cause big space (offensive potential);
financial losses. And many countries are • Capability of preventing attack
pitifully unprepared to manage such (defensive potential);
unexpected cyber attacks. [12] • Dependence on cyber environment

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Other aspects considered for more detailed The Military Intelligence builds the
comparison may be the capability of National Centre of Cyber Forces, which
restoring key systems, existence of will systematically monitor and report
supplementary or contingency systems, anomalies in cyber space. Cyber space
crisis plans, etc. In case of cyber combat we monitoring is important and irreplaceable in
deal with rather potential possibilities for cyber defence. The monitoring enables us
calculating the forces ratio of cyber units, to identify in time certain phenomena
because more detailed information is never which may indicate the preparation of cyber
available. The reason is the fact that any attack. The systematic monitoring will be
statement of future attacker may help the provided through technical means located
opponent to be better prepared for potential in the networks of the Czech providers of
weaknesses, provoke testing operations, electronic networks.
and breach public confidence. The future
attacker´s statement about perfect 7. Conclusions
protection of his own network may provoke The seriousness of cyber threat is
testing operations carried out not only by underestimated. Cyberattacks of any kind
potential attackers, but also by haphazard are very sophisticated offensive instruments
non-state actors (e.g. hackers) with the aim against which there is not an easy defence.
to reveal possible weaknesses. [13] There is a common chacteristics of all such
I have been dealing with the calculation of attacks – they are of low costs for attackers,
forces ratio in cyber space since 2013. but their consequences, elimination and
More detailed description of the outcomes possible prevention are more and more
in qualitative and quantitative calculation of costly and the damages may reach billions
forces ratio is beyond the scope of this of dollars. Those who suffer from such
contribution. attacks are individuals, economic entities,
government institutions and also armed
6. Cyber Defence in the Czech Republic forces. Damages of the largest degree range
Gradual steps have been taken in building from the theft of secret or sensitive data to
the cyber defence in the Czech Republic. At the destabilization of various infrastructures
first, the Government tasked Military or even critical information infrastructure.
Intelligence to build a unit capable of As the biggest problem remains the fact that
conducting operations in cyber space. Why hackers are difficult to be caught due to
Military Intelligence? Army is responsible the anonymity of internet. Even a more
for the defence of the Czech Republic and serious problem will occur when states
the Military Intelligence is the military become participants.
intelligence service and a constituent of Acknowledgements
the Czech Ministry of Defence. Moreover, This work was supported by the project no.
cyber space is not a typical battlefield, it is VI20152019049 "RESILIENCE 2015:
rather information space, and intelligence Dynamic Resilience Evaluation of
service traditionally plays an important role Interrelated Critical Infrastructure
in this area. Advantage is also the fact that Subsystems" supported by the Ministry of
Military Intelligence is the only Czech the Interior Security Research Programme
intelligence service both on our territory of the Czech Republic in the years 2015-
and abroad. 2020.

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ISBN 978-80-7231-931-2.

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