Rudofsky Architecture Without Architect Moma
Rudofsky Architecture Without Architect Moma
Rudofsky Architecture Without Architect Moma
by Bernard Rudofsky
128 pages, 156 illustrations $6.95
by Bernard Rudofsky
© 1964, The Museum of Modern Art, 11 West 53rd Street, New York, N.Y. 10019
Library of Congress Catalogue Card No. 64-8755
Designed by Bernard Rudofsky
Printed in the U.S.A. by Connecticut Printers, Inc., Hartford, Connecticut
The exhibition Architecture Without Architects , shown at the Museum of Modern
Art from November 9, 1964 to February 7, 1965, was commissioned by the Depart
ment of Circulating Exhibitions under the auspices of the International Council
of the Museum of Modern Art. Both the exhibition and the accompanying pub
lication were prepared and designed by the author, Consultant to the Department
of Architecture and Design.
The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation and the Ford Foundation
helped to finance the research for this project by awarding fellowships to the
director of the exhibition for a study of non-formal, non-classified architecture.
These grants might never have been given without the enthusiastic recommenda
tions of the architects Walter Gropius, Pietro Belluschi, Jose Luis Sert, Richard
Neutra, Gio Ponti, Kenzo Tange, and the Museum's Director, Rene d'Harnon-
court, all of whom hail from countries rich in vernacular architecture.
Sincere thanks go to the many people, too numerous to list here, who contrib
uted to this project in various ways. Special tributes, however, are due to Mme.
Rene Heyum, Musee de l'Homme, Paris; Miss Ruth M. Anderson, The Hispanic
Society of America, New York; the staff of the Frobenius Institute, Frankfurt, and
Dr. Myron B. Smith, Islamic Archives, Washington. Research assistance was ren
dered with exemplary patience by Miss Ellen Marsh. Credits for photographs,
many of which were generously donated, are listed on page 138.
Bernard Rudofsky
Vernacular architecture does not go through fashion cycles. It is nearly immutable, indeed,
unimprovable, since it serves its purpose to perfection. As a rule, the origin of indigenous
building forms and construction methods is lost in the distant past. Below, houses typical
of the Mediterranean area.
Preface Architectural history, as written and taught in the Western world, has never been
concerned with more than a few select cultures. In terms of space it comprises but
a small part of the globe—Europe, stretches of Egypt and Anatolia—or little more
than was known in the second century a.d. Moreover, the evolution of architecture
is usually dealt with only in its late phases. Skipping the first fifty centuries, chron
iclers present us with a full-dress pageant of "formal" architecture, as arbitrary a
way of introducing the art of building as, say, dating the birth of music with the
advent of the symphony orchestra. Although the dismissal of the early stages can
be explained, though not excused, by the scarcity of architectural monuments, the
discriminative approach of the historian is mostly due to his parochialism. Be
sides, architectural history as we know it is equally biased on the social plane. It
amounts to little more than a who's who of architects who commemorated power
and wealth; an anthology of buildings of, by, and for the privileged—the houses of
true and false gods, of merchant princes and princes of the blood—with never a
word about the houses of lesser people. Such preoccupation with noble architec
ture and architectural nobility to the exclusion of all other kinds may have been
understandable as late as a generation ago, when the relics and ruins of ancient
buildings served the architect as his sole models of excellence (to which he helped
himself as a matter of course and convenience), but today, when the copying of
historical forms is on the wane, when banking houses or railroad stations do not
necessarily have to resemble prayers in stone to inspire confidence, such self-im
posed limitation appears absurd.
Architecture Without Architects attempts to break down our narrow concepts of
the art of building by introducing the unfamiliar world of nonpedigreed architec
ture. It is so little known that we don't even have a name for it. For want of a ge
neric label, we shall call it vernacular, anonymous, spontaneous, indigenous, rural,
as the case may be. Unfortunately, our view of the total picture of anonymous
architecture is distorted by a shortage of documents, visual and otherwise. Whereas
we are reasonably well informed about the artistic objectives and technical pro
ficiency of painters who lived 30,000 years before our time, archaeologists con
sider themselves lucky when they stumble over the vestiges of a town that goes
back to the third millennium b.c. only. Since the question of the beginnings of
architecture is not only legitimate but bears heavily on the theme of the exhibition,
it is only proper to allude, even if cursorily, to possible sources.
A nation that swears by the Bible also finds it an incomparable book of ref
erence. Alas, the explicitness of the Scriptures in matters of architecture is never
as disconcerting as when we learn (Genesis IV: 17) that Adam's son Cain built a
city and named it after his son Enoch. A one-family town, delightful as it sounds,
is a most extravagant venture and surely was never repeated in the course of his
tory. If it proves anything, it illustrates the breathtaking progress made within a
single generation, from the blessed hummingbird existence in well-supplied Para
dise to the exasperatingly complicated organism that is a town. Skeptics who dis
miss Enoch as a chimera will find more significance in the Ark, particularly in view
of the fact that it was commissioned by the Lord Himself and built to His specifi
cations. The question whether the Ark ought to be called a building or a nautical
craft is redundant. The Ark had no keel, the keel being an intellectual invention
of later days, and we may safely assume that ships were not known as yet, since
their existence would have defeated the very purpose of the Flood. When Noah
landed on Mount Ararat he was 601 years old, a man past his prime. He preferred
to devote the rest of his life to viniculture and left the task of building to his sons.
The Bible mentions (Genesis IX: 27) Shem's huts—probably put together with
some of the Ark's lumber-but the decline in architecture was sealed.
The impious who prefer to turn to science in their quest for the origins of archi
tecture will have to swallow a few indigestible facts. For it seems that long before
the first enterprising man bent some twigs into a leaky roof, many animals were
already accomplished builders. It is unlikely that beavers got the idea of building
dams by watching human dam-builders at work. It probably was the other way.
Most likely, man got his first incentive to put up a shelter from his cousins, the
anthropomorphous apes. Darwin observed that the orang in the islands of the
Far East, and the chimpanzees in Africa, build platforms on which they sleep,
"and, as both species follow the same habit, it might be argued that this was due
to instinct, but we cannot feel sure that it is not the result of both animals having
similar wants, and possessing similar powers of reasoning." Untamed apes do not
share man's urge to seek shelter in a natural cave, or under an overhanging rock,
but prefer an airy scaffolding of their own making. At another point in The
Descent of Man, Darwin writes that "the orang is known to cover itself at night
with the leaves of the Pandanus"; and Brehm noted that one of his baboons "used
to protect itself from the heat of the sun by throwing a straw-mat over his head. In
these habits, ' he conjectured, "we probably see the first steps towards some of the
North American tree dwellers. The eviction scene is from Erasmus Francisci's Lustmrten
simpler arts, such as rude architecture and dress, as they arise among the early
progenitors of man." (Our italics.) Suburban man falling asleep near his lawn
mower, pulling a section of his Sunday paper over his head, thus re-enacts the birth
of architecture.
Yet even before men and beasts walked the earth, there existed some kind of
architecture, coarsely modeled by the primeval forces of creation and occasionally
polished by wind and water into elegant structures (fig. 19). Natural caves, espe
cially, hold a great fascination for us. Caves, having been among man s earliest
shelters, may turn out to be his last ones. At any rate, they were chosen with great
foresight as depositories for our most precious artifacts—government and business
files. It is of course not within the scope of this exhibition to furnish a capsule
history of nonpedigreed architecture, nor even a sketchy typology. It merely should
help us to free ourselves from our narrow world of official and commercial archi
Although exotic arts have long been appreciated in the Western world—not,
however, without being cautiously dubbed "primitive"— exotic architecture (the
word exotic is here used in its original meaning, alien) has evoked no response,
and is still relegated to the pages of geographic and anthropological magazines.
Indeed, apart from a few regional studies and scattered notes, no literature exists
on the subject. Lately though, ever since the art of traveling has suffered conver
sion into an industry, the charms of "picture-postcard towns and the popular
architecture of "fairy-tale countries" have proved of considerable attraction. Still,
our attitude is plainly condescending.
No doubt the picturesque element abounds in our photographs, yet, again, the
exhibition is not an exercise in quaintness nor a travel guide, except in the sense
that it marks a point of departure for the exploration of our architectural preju
dices. It is frankly polemic, comparing as it does, if only by implication, the
serenity of the architecture in so-called underdeveloped countries with the archi
tectural blight in industrial countries. In orthodox architectural history, the
emphasis is on the work of the individual architect; here the accent is on com
munal enterprise. Pietro Belluschi defined communal architecture as a communal
art, not produced by a few intellectuals or specialists but by the spontaneous and
continuing activity of a whole people with a common heritage, acting under a
community of experience." It may be argued that this art has no place in a raw
civilization, but even so, the lesson to be derived from this architecture need not
be completely lost to us.
There is much to learn from architecture before it became an expert's art. The
untutored builders in space and time-the protagonists of this show-demonstrate
an admirable talent for fitting their buildings into the natural surroundings. In
stead of trying to "conquer" nature, as we do, they welcome the vagaries of cli
mate and the challenge of topography. Whereas we find flat, featureless country
most to our liking (any flaws in the terrain are easily erased by the application of a
bulldozer), more sophisticated people are attracted by rugged country. In fact,
t ey do not hesitate to seek out the most complicated configurations in the land
scape The most sanguine of them have been known to choose veritable eyries for
their building sites-Machu Picchu, Monte Alban, the craggy bastions of the
monks republic on Mount Athos, to mention only some familiar ones
The tendency to build on sites of difficult access can be traced no doubt to a
desire for security but perhaps even more so to the need of defining a community's
orders. In the old world, many towns are still solidly enclosed by moats, lagoons,
glacis, or walls that have long lost their defensive value. Although the walls present
no hurdles to invaders, they help to thwart undesirable expansion. The very word
ur anity is linked to them, the Latin urbs meaning walled town. Hence, a town
that aspires to being a work of art must be as finite as a painting, a book, or a
piece of music. Innocent as we are of this sort of planned parenthood in the field
of urbamstics, we exhaust ourselves in architectural proliferation. Our towns with
their air of futility, grow unchecked-an architectural eczema that defies all treat
ment. Ignorant as we are of the duties and privileges of people who live in older
civilizations, acquiesce as we do in accepting chaos and ugliness as our fore
ordained fate, we neutralize any and all misgivings about the inroads of architec
ture on our lives with lame protests directed at nobody in particular.
Part of our troubles results from the tendency to ascribe to architects-or, for
that matter, to all specialists-exceptional insight into problems of living when, in
truth, most of them are concerned with problems of business and prestige. Be-
S si ' e art of llvin is neither taught nor encouraged in this country. We look
at it as a form of debauch, little aware that its tenets are frugality, cleanliness, and
a general respect for creation, not to mention Creation.
To no small degree, this situation came about through the diligence of the his
torian. By invariably emphasizing the parts played by architects and their patrons
he has obscured the talents and achievements of the anonymous builders men
whose concepts sometimes verge on the Utopian, whose esthetics approach the
sublime. The beauty of this architecture has long been dismissed as accidental, but
oday we should be able to recognize it as the result of rare good sense in the
handling of practical problems. The shapes of the houses, sometimes transmitted
through a hundred generations (fig. 146), seem eternally valid, like those of their
Above all, it is the humaneness of this architecture that ought to bring forth
some response in us. For instance, it simply never occurs to us to make streets into
oases rather than deserts. In countries where their function has not yet deterio-
Tf •^"re sftj>ra\ te^i
Town plan of Canton, China. From Georg Braun, Civitas Orbis Terrarum,
rated into highways and parking lots, a number of arrangements make streets fit for
humans: pergole and awnings (that is, awnings spread across a street), tentlike
structures, or permanent roofs. All are characteristic of the Orient, or countries
with an oriental heritage, like Spain. The most refined street coverings, a tangible
expression of civic solidarity —or, should one say, of philanthropy are arcades. Un
known and unappreciated in our latitudes, the function of this singularly ingrati
ating feature goes far beyond providing shelter against the elements or protecting
pedestrians from traffic hazards. Apart from lending unity to the streetscape, they
often take the place of the ancient forums. Throughout Europe, North Africa, and
Asia, arcades are a common sight because they also have been incorporated into
"formal" architecture. Bologna's streets, to cite but one example, are accompanied
by nearly twenty miles of portici. V accompanied
Another alien type of the communal vernacular is the storehouse for food In
'°m quasilacLr gre 5tyhS PU 3ndPredOUS
C Wehaw them
Apart from the High Vernacular-the sophisticated minor architecture of Cen
JT EUr th Mediterranean, South and East Asia-and primitive architecture
proper the exhibition also includes such categories as architecture by subtraction
or sculpted architecture, exemplified by troglodyte dwellings and free-standing
buildings cut from live rock and hollowed out. Rudimentary Lhitecturl is re "e
nS mL d W SOmetimeSattain S'g^tic dimensions. In Japan they
™ ' enve °P a house, a hamlet, or an entire village. Of the archi
'°USeS temshre
tents shown Proto-.ndustnal
are shown. PrT^'h ""T architecture
h ™ WhedS ^"-swater wheels
includes 'houseboats, and
both vertical and horizontal, and dovecots, those vital fertilizer p.ants Being
" ZS: r bUta of - - mayfind the mechanicsrathef
nan the esthetics of this architecture more to our liking.
We learn that many audacious "primitive" solutions anticipate our cumber
some tec no ogy; that many a feature invented in recent years is old hat in ver-
-P flex'hr arch standardization of building components
ex.ble and movable structures, and, more especially, floor-heating, air-condition'
g, light control, even elevators. We may also compare the amenities of our
houses with the unadvertised comfort of, say, some African domestic architecture
Skeleton structure, modular building components, open plan, sliding walls, etc have been
in the repertory of vernacular Japanese architecture for centuries.' Detail from an eight-
eenth century book illustration.
that provides a respectable man with six detached dwellings for his six wives. Or
we may find that long before modern architects envisioned subterranean towns
under the optimistic assumption that they may protect us from the dangers of
future warfare, such towns existed, and still exist, on more than one continent.
There is a good deal of irony in the fact that to stave off physical and mental
deterioration the urban dweller periodically escapes his splendidly appointed lair
to seek bliss in what he thinks are primitive surroundings: a cabin, a tent, or, if he
is less hidebound, a fishing village or hill town abroad. Despite his mania for
mechanical comfort, his chances for finding relaxation hinge on its very absence.
By dint of logic, life in old-world communities is singularly privileged. Instead of
several hours of daily travel, only a flight of steps may separate a man's workshop
or study from his living quarters. Since he himself helped to shape and preserve
his environment, he never seems to tire of it. Besides, he is largely indifferent to
"improvements." Just as a child's toys are no substitute for human affection, to
him no technical contrivance makes amends for the lack of viability.
Not only is the need for confining the growth of a community well understood
by the anonymous builders, it is matched by their understanding of the limits of
architecture itself. They rarely subordinate the general welfare to the pursuit of
profit and progress. In this respect, they share the beliefs of the professional philos
opher. To quote Huizinga, "the expectation that every new discovery or refinement
of existing means must contain the promise of higher values or greater happiness
is an extremely naive thought. ... It is not in the least paradoxical to say that a
culture may founder on real and tangible progress."
The present exhibition is a preview of a book on the subject, the vehicle of the
idea that the philosophy and know-how of the anonymous builders presents the
largest untapped source of architectural inspiration for industrial man. The wis
dom to be derived goes beyond economic and esthetic considerations, for it touches
the far tougher and increasingly troublesome problem of how to live and let live,
how to keep peace with one's neighbors, both in the parochial and universal sense.
The old photograph of an ancient cemetery on Okinawa, reproduced from a poorly
printed book, is a typical example of the sort of illustration that cannot be substituted
by a good recent picture. As a rule, the architectural object has suffered from decay,
defacement, restoration, or has disappeared altogether. Even if it were still intact, no
institution, no Maecenas, would want to underwrite the cost of visiting a work of architec
ture that has not already gained status in art history by having been abundantly docu
mented in the past. Our point is that this picture, despite its technical defects, reveals a
rare, not to say rarified, architectural landscape, devoid of such prosaic elements as houses
and streets.
A note on the illustrations
A study project such as the one that yielded the picture material for this exhibi
tion is inevitably beset with uncommon difficulties. With the exception of the
archives of European anthropological institutes, no pertinent sources exist. Many
illustrations were obtained by chance, or sheer curiosity, applied to the subject and
sustained over forty odd years. Methodical travel and long years of residence in
countries that afforded a study of vernacular architecture have provided the main
stays of the exhibition.
Some of the illustrations are not up to professional standards; most of them
are the work of inspired amateurs or were culled from the pages of obscure publi
cations. (See opposite page.) Moreover, with current restrictions on the movements
of the citizen, it would be impossible today to procure such rare documents as the
photographs of villages in the Caucasus taken in 1929 by an American glaciologist,
or to duplicate the aerial views of Chinese underground communities obtained by
a German pilot in the early 30s, both of whom were surprised to find their handi
work greatly appreciated at this late date.
B. R.
The amphitheaters of Muyu-uray
Anonymous architecture of a monumental kind, unknown to layman and scholar alike,
can be found right on the American continent. In Peru, halfway between Cuzco and
Machu Picchu, lies an ancient theater center that has no counterpart anywhere else. Built
by the Inca tribe of the Maras, it comprises four theaters in the round and one in the form
of a horseshoe. As might be expected, the acoustics of all five theaters are superb.
The contours of the architecture have been eroded by the elements, the site turned to
pasture and farmland. Yet the basic structure is relatively well preserved. The largest
theater—probably set into a meteoric crater—accommodated as many as 60,000 people.
Twelve of its terraces, each about 6 feet high and 23 feet wide, still exist. The lowest circu
lar platform of the four theaters, which corresponds to the Greek orchestra, varies in diam
eter from 80 to 134 feet. Water pipes, one foot wide, carved into stone monoliths, carried
spring water from a nearby mountain peak.
Although nothing is known about the kind of spectacles performed, we may assume that
athletic exhibitions— boxing, jumping, racing, and animal baiting—outweighed true the
atricals. Peruvian archaeologists believe that the "undescribable beauty of the landscape
(about 12,000 feet above sea level) was an inspirational factor in the grandiose enterprise.
As yet, the site has not suffered the ravages of tourism.
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Ordek's necropolis
Looking like the model of a prize-winning entry in a sculptors' competition, this splintery
architecture turns out to be indeed a great monument. No more than a ruin, the forest of
wild poplar posts nevertheless forms a striking composition whose original design has been
greatly improved by the corrosive action of wind-carried sand. The hill, allegedly harbor
ing countless coffins and treasures of gold and silver, was discovered in Sinkiang some
thirty years ago by one of Sven Hedin's Turkish servants, Ordek, who liked to do some
private prospecting on the side.
The troglodytic town of Pantalica
Durability and versatility are characteristic of vernacular architecture. The rude chambers
whose doors can be made out in the picture were cut into the nearly perpendicular de
clivities of the Anapo Valley by the Siculi, who inhabited Sicily about 3000 years ago.
Originally serving as burial grounds for an adjacent prehistoric town, they were converted
into dwellings during the Middle Ages. As a rule, they form multistoried apartments con
nected by interior passages. Similar establishments are scattered all over Sicdy—near
Siculiano, Caltabelotta, and Raffadale; west of Mount Etna at Bronte and Maletto; be
13 tween Siracusa and the Cape S. Croce; above all, in the valley of Ispica, near Modica.
Troglodytism does not necessarily imply a low cultural level. The picture of the caveman
dragging his mate by her hair is a cartoonist's cliche, betraying nostalgia for bygone days,
rather than a portrait of the kind of people who prefer to live below ground. Besides,
troglodytic amenities vary as much as those of more conventional habitations.
The irregular holes in the oasis of Siwa, Tunisia are entrances to a burial ground that
has been converted into living quarters. Compared to them, the cave-dwellings on the op
posite page are highly sophisticated architecture.
Nature as architect
Our tendency to look at stalactite caves with cathe
drals in mind, or to see castles in eroded rocks, be
trays neither exceptional imagination nor artistic
insight. Ciudad Encantada, the Enchanted City,
about 120 miles east of Madrid, is a formation of
cretaceous deposits covering 500 acres. The fantastic
shapes, boldly cantilevered, are an astonishing sight
and need no fanciful comparisons with architecture
to be appreciated.
The baobab tree of tropical Africa, Adansonia digitata, sometimes reaches a diameter of
30 feet. Its wood being soft, live trees are often hollowed out and used as dwellings.
Architecture by subtraction
Occasionally, men have carved entire towns out of live rock above ground. The ramparts,
castle, and houses of Les Baux-en-Provence were cut to a great extent from the calcareous
mountain on which they stand. An important place in the Middle Ages, it has long been
abandoned; the number of its inhabitants has dwindled to 250. Below, the ruin of a free
standing house.
Opposite, a close-up of one of the Gdreme cones (see 48), sculpted by nature. They
range from the size of a tent to that of a minor skyscraper with as many as sixteen floors.
Plans of the apartment inhabited by Simeon the Stylite (in the fifth century a.d.) are shown
at right. The lowest floor contained his oratory. Above it were his living quarters with a
fireplace and furniture made from stone.
Architecture by subtraction, continued
These churches from three continents are not "buildings" in the strict sense of the word;
they, too, are carved out of rock. Below, a view of the ninth-century monolithic church of
Saint-Emilion (Gironde). At right, top, a church facade from about the same time at
Goreme (Anatolia). At right, bottom, St. George's Church at Lalibela (Abyssinia), carved
from the rock like a sculpture and hollowed out.
•tr * >'
From Semiramis Hanging Gardens to the latest dam building projects, agriculture has
been competing with architecture in shaping the surface of the land. Building his first wall
—probably for retaining water or earth—man created space on the human scale. Piling
stone onto stone was a formidable advance over carving rock. Above, terraces in the loess
area in Honan (China). Below, terraced mountain top, China.
The choice of site
Man's physical freedom manifests itself no doubt
in his ability to choose the place on earth where he
wants to live. Whereas immature reflection tends to
judge by usefulness alone, a discriminating mind
may ask its share of beauty. Neither privations nor
danger will deter man from selecting a spot that
provides him with the exhilaration generated by a
superb landscape.
Phira, the capital of the small Greek archipelago
of Thera, is a sort of box seat in the theater of cre
ation. It towers 660 feet above its small port on the
brink of an ancient volcanic crater, and no better
example could be found to illustrate the original
meaning of the words uptown and downtown. Pe
riodically devastated by earthquakes, the island has
never been abandoned.
Architectural eyries
Before being introduced to the prosaic tasks of their chosen profession, students of archi
tecture are sometimes given problems that call for tackling sites like these. It is the one and
only chance in their careers for tasting the exhilaration that comes from working, if only
on paper, in connivance with nature at its most magnanimous.
Opposite, one of a group of hermitic strongholds called Meteora, near Trikkala in north
ern Greece, that have been inhabited for the past eight hundred years. Access was once
gained by being hoisted in a basket —the prototype of our elevators. Above, the Penon de
Alhucemas, one of a group of three small islands that guard the Moroccan coast southeast
of Ceuta. With its turrets and batteries, the place is a sort of stationary battleship. Below:
In the Spanish province of Castellon, facing the Mediterranean, lies Peniscola of similar
shape. A narrow sandbank joins it precariously to the mainland.
Italian hill towns
The very thought that modern man could live in anach
ronistic communities like these would seem absurd were
it not that they are increasingly becoming refuges for
city dwellers. People who have not yet been reduced to
appendages to automobiles find in them a fountain of
Positano (at right) changed within a few years from a
simple fishing town—it was an important harbor some
five hundred years ago—to a luxurious resort, without
destroying the local architecture. Opposite: Anticoli Cor-
rado, in the Sabine Mountains near Rome.
Model hill town
Mojacar, in the province of Almeria, used to be one of the more spectacular Spanish hill
towns until last year when tourism caught up with it. The houses shown in the photo
graphs were torn down, or are being torn down, to make space for parking lots, hotels,
apartment houses, and villas designed in bogus vernacular.
Below, a panoramic view of Mojacar. The Mediterranean Sea is visible in the upper
right corner. Opposite, a close-up of the town.
Cliff dwellers of the Dogon
Among Sudanese tribes, one of the best known—for their art rather than for their architec
ture—are the Dogons. Numbering about a quarter of a million people, they live along the
plateau of Bandiagara, south of Tombouctou. The photographs show one of a string of
villages built on rocks fallen from high cliffs. What at first glance appears to be mere
debris (below), is a mixture of flat-roofed dwellings and straw-hatted houses.
The absence of any large buildings, vehicles, or even streets, would suggest to us barbarian
conditions had not extensive ethnographic investigations disclosed a highly sophisticated
culture. The Dogons' architecture expresses communal organization; their religiously in
spired sculpture ranks among the best of African art. Typical subjects are human figures
sculpted from tree trunks that form an integral part of architecture. (See page 156.)
Aquatic architecture
The proximity of a body of water, whether a river, a lake, or the sea, has always been of
great consideration in the choice of a community. In the Orient, millions of people live
much like waterfowl, more or less permanently on the water. Below, a sampling of house
boats in Shanghai's Soochow Creek near its junction with the Whangpoo River. The ad
vantages of the site are evident—the waterways never need be torn up for costly repairs,
drains suffer no stoppage, a bath is ready at all hours. Besides, the expanse of water func
tions as a cooling plant during the hot season.
To judge from the engraving above, pre-Columbian Mexico City looked much like a
smaller version of Venice. Houses faced the waterfront, alleys were narrow although the
central plaza seems ample. The town and lake disappeared without a trace, and so might
have Venice had the canals and lagoon been allowed to fill in. Instead, Venetians stub
bornly preserved their natural defenses and thus were spared the invasions of foreign
armies during a thousand years.
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Nomadic architecture
Tents and pavilions, "the magnificent structures that have been the pride of the monarchs
of Western Asia for thousands of years, fabrications huge in size, very costly, and even if
not permanent, often of extraordinary beauty," have never been seriously considered
architecture by art historians, complains historian Arthur Upham Pope. The Chinese
painting below more than hints at the satisfactory combination of austerity and pomp. The
geometric screens of silk, set at right angles, lend grandeur to the barren camping site.
Above and opposite bottom, a holiday encampment on the Ajdir Plateau in the Middle
Atlas. The tents are made from black goats' wool.
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Town structures
Two different communal structures are represented
by the almost pointillistic pattern of Zanzibar (left)
and the relaxed geometric one of Marrakesh. A
"4 good part of the town of Zanzibar has preserved
its village character with its detached huts. Streets,
or whatever the vacant spaces may be called, run
erratically, like raindrops on a windowpane.
Marrakesh (Morocco) is the archetype of an Islamic
town with its quadrangular houses organized
around interior courts. There are no traffic arteries
to speak of; the cool narrow alleys of broken course
often lead to dead ends.
Unit architecture
The use of a single building type does not necessarily
produce monotony. Irregularity of terrain and deviations
from standard measurements result in small variations
which strike a perfect balance between unity and diver
sity. At right and below, the Spanish towns of Mijas and
Villa Hermosa; opposite, the Italian Pisticci.
The classical vernacular
Rugged nature seems to stimulate man's artistic powers. This
remarkable town, whose inhabitants come nearest to living
on a volcano, is a case in point. Apanomeria is built on the
brink of a crater, the leftovers of a volcano that blew up in
prehistoric time. The houses, blindingly white against the
masses of dark-colored rocks, represent a sort of endless
In the 1920s, when this photograph was taken, commer
cial architecture was already on the march (see upper right
corner). The old houses in the foreground, however, are
modeled according to local tradition, their forms being no
more accidental than the voices of a fugue. All of them are
variations of a single dwelling type, the vaulted cell. They
contain no interior staircases, each room being accessible
from the outside only. The small windows prove perfectly
adequate since walls and ceiling—and often also the floor-
are whitewashed and thus reflect the light. No outsize build
ings disturb the general harmony; even the many churches
and chapels submit to the vernacular.
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Fortified places
It is a curious comment on our architecture, not to say civilization, that grown-up people
have been known to be in raptures over the esthetic adventures afforded by a "split level"
house. Which suggests that we seem never quite able to leave the ground on our modest
flights of architectural fancy. Never having a chance to wend our way through imagina
tively devised space, we are unlikely to be good judges of the architecture shown here. Yet
even the poor snapshots hint at some of its delights. The fascination of labyrinths and
secret chambers, of murky passages and vertiginous flights of steps—all the eternal mysteries
of enclosed space—is here conveyed without loss of impact by being translated into an
architectural idiom that is at once complex and crystal clear. Neither house nor town but
a synthesis of both, this architecture was conceived by people who build according to
their own inner light and untutored imagination.
Family-size fortifications
Only a few hundred years ago, the skylines of many European and Asian towns bristled
with slender prismatic towers, for it was both more dignified and more esthetic to fight
intramural battles from the vantage point of an appropriate architecture rather than from
rooftops or in streets, as is the custom in our day.
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Opposite, two of the original two hundred towers of Bologna. The Torre Asinelli (left),
323 feet high, dates from 1109. The unfinished Torre Garisenda (right), built one year
later, leans more than eight feet.
Neither the word arcade nor its many synonyms translate satisfactorily into the American
language, perhaps because we have no arcades. (The penny arcade is not a variant to be
considered here.) Arcades are altruism turned architecture— private property given to an
entire community.
Above, arcades in Switzerland's capital, Bern, dating from the sixteenth century.
Below, a street in Aibar, in the Spanish province of Navarra. The town has preserved its
medieval aspect; some streets are lined with arcades of wood or stone and many houses
still have Gothic portals.
Above, an arcade running along a hospice at Cape Espichel in Portugal. Below, arcades
around a square at Monpazier (Dordogne).
Arcades, continued
The disappearance of age-old pleasures and privileges is the first unmistakable sign of
progress. Whereas less than a century ago every Spanish town and village boasted miles of
covered ways along its streets, today they are disappearing fast.
Above, two sides of the town square of Garrovillas in western Spain. Opposite, below, a
close-up of the street juncture seen in the picture above, right. It illustrates how simple
design freely employed produces intricate, above all, attractive space.
Below, a street in Caldas de Reyes in Spain where the arcades have reduced the street
itself to a narrow passage.
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Arcades, continued
The old Moravian town of Tele in what is today Czechoslovakia consists mainly of two
monumental blocks of patrician houses bordering the town square on one side and lakes
on the other. Thus each house has an urban and a pastoral part, the latter ending in a
garden. The town square (which is anything but square) forms the only thoroughfare. The
entire length of its perimeter is covered by arcades.
Above and below, the rows of houses with their arcaded gable-ends. Opposite, an interior
view of one arcade, a rural-type Rue Rivoli.
Covered streets
The three chiaroscuro pictures may strike terror into
the heart of the urbanite because he automatically as
sociates them with unspeakable crimes. In underdevel
oped countries, however, such streets are usually as safe
as a church at high mass. Still, although they are taken
for granted by the natives, to us they seem unreal,
devoid as they are of sidewalks, traffic lights, parked
cars, and batteries of garbage cans, all of which we
have come to accept as the attributes of higher civiliza
Opposite, a wing of the Greek monastery Simon Petra on Mount Athos. Above, a pan
oramic view of Aul Shreck in the Caucasus. Below, houses on the main square of Chin-
chon near Madrid, whose loggie serve as theater boxes on the occasion of bullfights.
Quasi-sacral architecture
Among some of the least known manifestations of rural architecture are the granaries in
the Spanish province of Galicia, the northwest corner of the Iberian peninsula. The in
habitants of that region descend from the Celts who invaded the continent around 500
b.c. Their rude, circular stone huts can still be found in mountain districts, yet it is the
horreos, the corn cribs, that most deserve our attention. Built for eternity, resembling
nothing so much as chapels a pilotis , they are conspicuous for their severe lines. Such
dignity is by no means accidental—most peasants have a religious respect for bread and the
stuff that goes into its making.
Put together from large granite slabs, a horreo is fire- and vermin-proof. It rests on
pillars topped by circular stones that act as rat-guards, and, incidentally, are the fore
runners of the classical capital. Interstices in the walls serve for ventilation. Folklore has
it that horreos go on walks at night.
Granaries, continued
Cultural ties between northern Portugal and the rest of the country have never been as
strong as with the neighboring Spanish province of Galicia. Not surprisingly, horreos (see
preceding pages) have their perfect counterpart in the Portuguese espigueiros. In the
rural community of Lindoso, where harvesting is a collective task, these granaries are the
dominant feature. They have been placed in a privileged position to take advantage of the
winds (for ventilation) and to facilitate transferring the grain to the castle in case of in-
Below: A view of the granaries from the castle. The land on which they stand consists of
natural granite terraces that serve as threshing floors.
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Small-capacity granaries
The miniature silos are from Yenegandougou
(above), Korhogo (at right), and Diebougou (far
right), on the upper reaches of the Volta River
(Ivory Coast), about 400 miles from the sea. The
fourth picture (opposite page, top) shows a Sudan
ese type.
While the leggy substructures of the Iberian stone
granaries may have given rise to the popular belief
in their nightly escapades, the potbellied type
among these African storehouses suggests nothing
so much as a propensity for dancing. Their an
thropomorphic character is underscored by such
decorations as the human face (above).
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Storage towers
The granaries of the Dogon people (see 40, 41) in what was once the French Sudan are
hardly less monumental than those of Galicia or Libya. Both the square towers (above) in
Bandiagara, and the stalagmitic ones (opposite) near Mopti, take advantage of rocky over
Fertilizer plants
In the Western world, pigeons take their place somewhere among such pests as houseflies
or chiggers; whether nuisance or menace, most people look forward to their extinction.
Not so in Eastern countries, where pigeonry is held in the highest esteem. The birds'
droppings are collected in special towers that work on the principle of a piggy-bank. When
filled, they are smashed and their precious contents put to use.
Symbolic vernacular
Only in our time are towers built for profit and
usury. In the past their significance was mainly
symbolic. Apart from the functional defensive
towers, they usually expressed religious senti
ments—faith, hope, grief, and the like. Spires,
minarets, and pagodas were, or are, essential
parts of buildings intended for launching pray
ers; only the notorious Tower of Babel spelled,
unaccountably, blasphemy.
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Above, Montealegre in the province of Valladolid. Opposite page, top, Villarejo de Sal-
vanes, near Madrid. Bottom, a primitive type of fort in Swat State, on the North-West
Frontier of west Pakistan.
Grass structures
Indigenous building methods often show great dar
ing and elegance. The soaring framework (left) for
a men's clubhouse at Maipua, in the Gulf of New
Guinea, is made of bamboo poles and will be
covered with thatch. (Bamboo is not a tree but a
grass that may attain a height of eighty feet. For
another imaginative bamboo structure see 153.)
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Woven palaces
In civilizations less ponderous than ours, enclosures made
from woven matting are considered fit for kings. The free-
form walls (above) screen the royal court of Lealui in Zam
bia, the former Northern Rhodesia.
The primeval vault 147
The vaulted roof is often found in the neighborhood of troglodyte dwellings, yet their
exact relationship has never been properly established. The Theraen house, illustrated
here, is the earliest type. The standardized dwelling unit consists of a rectangular cell
with barrel vault, on which another identical unit is often superimposed. The photo
graph at right clearly shows the transition from cliff-face dwellings to half-dug and,
eventually, to free-standing houses. Some houses have a flat roof added for drying fruit and
vegetables (see also 1). Specimens of the vaulted cell-house are not confined to the Aegean
Sea but are also found along the Tyrrhenian.
Sail vaults
We usually judge enclosed space in terms of construction cost or rental fee; its sensual
effect rarely makes itself felt except perhaps in a yearning for "high ceilings," regardless of
a room's proportion. But at least this hints at the important role played by the lid of every
architectural container. Vaulted ceilings, especially, seem to impart a sense of comfort.
In Iran, where vaulting is almost synonymous with building, a townscape seen from
above clearly discloses the inner organization of every building. At Isfahan (below),
houses of God, houses of men, even streets, are covered with voluptuously undulating
roofs. The row of cupolas stretching diagonally across the picture covers a bazaar street.
Both, the caravansarai (above) and the teahouse (below) stand in the town of Qum, near
Teheran. Their walls are of stone rubble, the vaults and arches of mud brick. The nine
bays of the teahouse are covered by five domical vaults and four segmented vaults, resting
on four piers and the peripheral walls. The vaults of the 21-bay caravansarai, flanked by
ramping segmented vaults, have 4-pier internal supports for maximum elasticity. Swelled,
as it were, like a sail in the wind, this type of vault is indeed referred to as volta a vela,
a sail vault.
Mason versus architect
"Give a mason bricks and mortar," writes Jamshid Kooros, an M.I.T. -educated Persian
architect, "and tell him to cover a space and let in light, and the results are astounding.
The mason, within his limitations, finds unending possibilities, there is variety and
harmony; while the modern architect with all the materials and structural systems available
to him produces monotony and dissonance, and that in great abundance."
Two vaults in the Masjid-e-Jameh at Isfahan. Probably fifteenth century.
Vernacular virtuosity
Truly magical effects are often achieved with modest means. At left, a Japanese arbor
composed of bamboo poles and climbers. Below, the cupola of a Turkish bathhouse-a
whirlpool of bright stars, arrested, as it were, in its movement. The luminous disks em
bedded in the dome are thick, lenselike glass blocks.
Iznic, Turkey. Othmanli period.
Caryatids, plain and polychrome
This rapid review of non-pedigreed archi
tecture, concerned as it is mainly with its
broader manifestations, cannot be expected
to touch on the delights hidden under its
roofs. These two pictures, therefore, merely
hint at the intimate architectural aspects.
The anthropomorphic pillars at left sup
port the roof of the palace at Ketou (Da
homey), the one at right stands in a com
munal rest house of the Dogon (see41).
Less distant perhaps and less ladylike than
the Kore of the Erechtheion, they are
linked to modern Western art. Museum
pieces in our eyes, they represent rather
common fare in some superbly under
developed countries.
Sources of Illustrations
Arab Information Center, New D. A. Harissiadis. Courtesy Royal Alfred Nawrath Unsterbliches
York City 63 Greek Embassy Press & Infor Indien. Courtesy Anton Schroll
from Archaeological Researches mation Service 87 & Co., Vienna 114
in Sinkiang by Folke Bergman. Konrad Helbig, Umbria, the Isamu Noguchi 116,117
Courtesy Statens Etnografiska Heart of Italy by Harald Shigeo Okamoto, (c) Shokokusha
Museum, Stockholm 12 Keller. Courtesy Anton Schroll Publishing Company, Tokyo 129
Armee de l'Air, Collection & Co., Vienna-Munich 80 from Civitates Orbis Terrarum,
Musee de l'Homme 59,60 Martin Hesse, Bern. Courtesy by Georg Braun, Cologne, 1576 43
from Arquitectnra Popular em Gesellschaft fur Schweizerische Dr. Pales, Collection Musee de
Portugal. Courtesy Sindicato Kunstgeschichte, Basel 67 l'Homme 95,96,98.
Nacional dos Arquitectos, Susumu Higuchi 132 99,138,
Lisbon 93,94 The Hispanic Society of America, 156
Hugo A. Bernatzik, Siidsee: Ein New York City 34,91 People's Museum, Peking, China 45
Reisebuch 110 Gunda Holzmeister, Bilder aus Prof. Plicka. Courtesy Prof.
Pierre Boucher, Direction Ge Anatolien by Clemens Holz Oldrich Dostal 78
nerate du Tourisme, Paris 85 meister and Rudolf Fahrner 24,50
Calavas, Collection Musee de Vera Pospisilova. Courtesy Prof.
41 Dr. Martin Hiirlimann, India, Oldrich Dostal 75
l'Homme the landscape, the mountains,
Wulf-Diether Graf zu Castell, Casa de Portugal, New York City 69
11,15,16 and the people. Courtesy from Rude Stone Monuments in
Miinich/Riem Atlantis Verlag, Zurich 113,115
17,18 all Countries by James Fergus-
Central Office of Information, Irish Tourist Office 121 son. Tohn Murray, London,
London 139 Istituto della Enciclopedia 1872 9
Chasseloup-Eaubat, Collection Italiana 64,88 Bernard Rudofsky cover,1,
Musee de l'Homme 84 Japan Press Service. Courtesy 22,31,32,
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Museum 125 58,68,71,
Jamshid Kooros 151,152
Direction Generate de la Presse Mary Light, from Focus on
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Africa by R. O. Light, Ameri 111,112,
Ankara, Courtesy Dr. Myron
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B. Smith, Islamic Archives 134
Alfons Dlugosz, Wieliczka 147
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TheMuseumof ModernArt
by Elizabeth B. Kassler