The document outlines the syllabus for an International Business course including 5 units covering international trade theory, gains from trade, factor endowments and the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, international trade policy, and the World Trade Organization. It also lists 9 recommended books and recent articles on the WTO.
The document outlines the syllabus for an International Business course including 5 units covering international trade theory, gains from trade, factor endowments and the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, international trade policy, and the World Trade Organization. It also lists 9 recommended books and recent articles on the WTO.
The document outlines the syllabus for an International Business course including 5 units covering international trade theory, gains from trade, factor endowments and the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, international trade policy, and the World Trade Organization. It also lists 9 recommended books and recent articles on the WTO.
The document outlines the syllabus for an International Business course including 5 units covering international trade theory, gains from trade, factor endowments and the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, international trade policy, and the World Trade Organization. It also lists 9 recommended books and recent articles on the WTO.
Unit Title Details Unit I International Absolute advantage theory, Law of Comparative advantage, Trade Theory Opportunity Cost Theory: Production Possibility Curve with opportunity costs and relative commodity prices basis and gains from trade under constant costs. Production Possibility Curve with increasing costs, Community Indifference Curve, Equilibrium in Isolation. Unit II Gains from Trade Gains From trade with increasing costs, Gains from exchange and specialization, Offer Curves: Terms of Trade. Unit III Factor Meaning of Factor Endowment; Assumptions of the theory, Endowments and Interpretation of Heckscher Ohlin Theorem, General the Heckscher – equilibrium framework of Heckscher Ohlin Theorem, Ohlin Theory Diagrammatic presentation of the theory. Factor Price equalisation and income distribution, Leontief Paradox and Factor Reversal. Unit IV International Tariffs: Definition, Types Partial equilibrium analysis of a Trade Policy tariff, Effects of a tariff on consumer and producer surplus, Cost and benefit analysis of tariff. Rate of effective protection, General equilibrium analysis of a tariff in a small and large country, Optimum tariff, Stopler – Samuelson Theorem. Non-Tariff Barriers and the New Protectionism: Quota – comparison with tariff, Voluntary Export Restraints, Technical, Administrative and other regulations. International Cartels, Dumping, Export Subsidies, Strategic trade policies Unit V World Trade GATT to WTO, Functions and Principles of WTO, WTO and Organization Developing Countries. Dispute Settlement Mechanism. Recent Trade Rounds and Position of India.
Books Recommended:
1. Soderston, B.O. and Reed, G.: International Economics..
2. Salvatore, D.: International Economics 3. Kindleberger, B.: International Economics... 4. Srinivasan, T. N.: Developing Countries and Multilateral Trading System, OUP, Delhi 5. Meir, G. M.: Leading Issues in Economic Development, 6. Francies Cherunilam, “International Business – Text and Cases”, PHI Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi 7. V. K. Bhalla, S. Shiva Ramu, International Business, Environment and Management, Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd, New Delhi 8. V Sharan, , International Business,, Pearson Education, New Delhi
UNIT-I Introduction Concept, Nature, Process, And Significance of Management; Managerial Levels, Roles, And Skills; Development of Management Thought; Classical and Neo-Classical Systems; Emphasis