Dubai South
Dubai South
Dubai South
1 Design ETS NOC drawings are require re-submission by incorporating below comments
ETS NOC form must be filled with complete information like Date, address & contact details of
2 building owner and consultant, completion date, applicate name & contact details.
3 Passport copy of building owner and trade license copy must be submitted
Digital copy in AutoCAD format and two (2) copy of A1 size and one (1) copy of A3 size drawings
4 must be submitted.
The ETS room must be located near and practically possible to the main chilled water network
5 piping entry point to the building, ground floor level unless otherwise specified to be in the first
(1st) basement level .
Construction of ETS with equipment's is complete building owner scope or responsibility, Dubai
6 south responsibility upto plot valve chamber only.
7 Space between PHEX not as per guidelines, please find attached PHEX space details
Cross-section / elevation plan showing the clear height of the ETS room with ETS equipments
8 (PHEX, Piping, Support, Valves, and Instrumentation). Beams or level difference of slabs (of
present) should also be reflected on the cross-section drawing to be submitted.
PHEX equipment schedule must be submitted, PHEX arrangement shall be 120% of cooling load
10 (20% extra cooling capacity) if Design cooling load is 382.31 TR, PHEX selection shall be for 460
TR, each PHEX should be 230 TR.
Plate Heat Exchangers design pressure should be 16 Bar and Pressure drop should be between 30
11 Kpa to 40 Kpa.
CHW pump schedule is approved, Chilled water pumps arrangement shall be for design cooling
12 load, Design cooling load 382.31 TR, Each chilled water pumps shall be 18.5 L/s (2 working + 1
Ensure that the maximum pressure drop does not exceed out limits and the necessary controls
13 are in place to maintain Delta T across our system.
14 FCU and AHU to be selected based on 9°C delta T with 2 way modulating valve control.
Pre-insulated chilled water pipe should be used from valve chamber to building entry point and
15 chilled water pipe invert level from road finishing level minimum 1.5 m to 2 meter. (Means from
top of pipe to road finishing level).
Fiber optic ducts size must be 2x100mm and connectivity till plot valve chamber contractor
16 responsibility
Require CHW pipe insulation material with Armaflex rubber insulation with suitable size and
17 conductivity and with aluminum cladding.
Chemical dosing system should be automatic and maintain Molybdate based chemicals after
18 flushing and before connecting to plant chilled water network.
PHEX Schedule with CHW water flow and temperature to be submitted (primary and secondary
19 side) Cold side - supply 4.5°C & return 13.5°C and Hot side building return 14.5°C & supply 5.5°C.
Each Apartments must be installed with sub-meters and sub-meters must be reflected on chilled
20 water schematic. Sub-meter submittal for individual apartment to be submitted on construction
stage (please find attached sub meter guidelines)
21 Main flow meter location to be marked on primary side of main chilled water return line.
Please submit ETS control drawings as attached, ETS control as per Dubai south ELV department
22 specification and approved by ELV engineer. Please submit flow meter, energy meter and
instrumentation details to ELV engineer for approval on construction stage.
23 Flow meter installation as per Dubai south guidelines or as per manufacture guidelines
24 Chilled water pumps are VFD operated and operation sequence as per Dubai south requirements
25 Treated outdoor air over 1000 L/s – energy recovery system to be provided
The main and branch piping adequate support to be provided allowing pipe movement
26 arrangements.
Main pipe routing and valve chamber connectivity to be communicated with Dubai south
28 infrastructure department.
29 Comply Dubai south ETS guidelines. (please find attached)
30 Chilled water riser should mentioned with CHW flow and submeter location
CHW pipe penetration for the building entry point must be used puddle flange (link seal) or sleeve
31 – Must be installed.
32 Chilled water pipe size and header size must shown in drawings