Ap Physics 1: Unit Statement: The Student Will Study Two Dimensional Motion With A Focus On Projectile

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(Motion in Two Dimension)
(Giancoli chapter 3)
(July 2015)

Unit Statement: The student will study two dimensional motion with a focus on projectile
motion. In order to fully comprehend 2D motion, students will also discuss the application of
vectors through adding, subtracting and multiplying them. (Estimated class time three weeks)

Essential Outcomes: (must be assessed for mastery)

1. The Student Will represent two dimensional quantities in diagrams or mathematically

using appropriately labeled vectors with magnitude, direction, and units during the
analysis of a situation. (LO 3.A.2.1,SP 1.1)

2. TSW express two dimensional motion of an object using narrative, mathematical, and
graphical representations. (LO 3.A.1.1, SP 1.5, SP 2.1, SP 2.2)

3. TSW analyze experimental data describing two dimensional motion of an object, and
express the results of the analysis using narrative, mathematical, and graphical
representations. (LO 3.A.1.3, SP 5.1)

4. TSW design an experimental investigation of two dimensional motion of an object.

(LO 3.A.1.2, SP 4.2)

Introduced and Practiced Outcomes: (not formally assessed)

1. The Student Will calculate launch angle, distance, velocity and acceleration of two
dimensional motion.

Guided or Essential Questions:

 Why is knowledge of vectors and component calculation vital to understanding two
dimensional motion?
 How are the kinematics equations applied to objects experiencing two dimensional motion?
 How do variables such as launch angle, velocity and altitude affect the maximum
height and range of a launched projectile?
 Analyze and describe the motion of a projectile if its horizontal motion is independent
of its vertical motion.

Key Concepts:

 Adding, Subtracting & Multiplying  Projectile Motion

Vectors  Relative Velocity
 Vector and Scalar Quantities  Displacement
 Resultant Vector  Tail to Tip Method
 Components  Parallelogram method
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Common Equations for this Unit:

Schedule of suggested laboratory experiments (guided inquiry format is suggested for labs
shaded in gray)

TSW # Lab # Name of Laboratory Description of Lab Associated Science

2 7 “Addition of Forces (Vectors)” Students investigate the PhET simulations (alone or in 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 2.1,
pairs) and discover what they are able to do and/or
“Vector Addition” 2.2, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2,
demonstrate. Students must first become familiar with
the controls, and then they are instructed to try different 4.3, 5.3, 6.1, 6.4,
scenarios, documenting what they attempt and the
subsequent results. Student–teacher discussion follows
to check for misconceptions and to answer student
2,4 8 Smartphone Compass Students will use a smartphone compass feature to 1,1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1,
create at least five displacement vectors to reach a 2.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2,
common destination point. Ten meter lengths of string,
marked with one meter increments, are used for 4.3, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2,
measuring distance and the smartphone compass is used 6.4, 7.2
for angle measurements. Students share results in class.

If smartphones not available:

http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/motion-2d or
motion-2d ( both have teacher/students worksheets
3,5 9 3.5 Initial Velocity Web Simulation 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5,
Components Reinforces calculation of the initial launch components. 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2,
/pt1a/Media/ProjectileMotion/InitialVelocityComponent 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3,
s/Main.html 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.1,
6.2, 6.4, 7.2
1-4 10 Dart Gun Lab Student groups launch darts at an angle from the ground 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2,
and calculate initial launch velocity (speed and launch 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3,
angle). No protractors allowed, only timers and
measuring tape or sticks. 5.3, 6.1, 6.4, 7.2

Puri and Zober

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Suggested Materials:
1. Giancoli, D.C. Physics: Principles with Applications. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Pearson
2. Appel, K, Ballen, C, Gastineau, J, Vernier, D. Physics with Vernier. Beaverton, OR;
Vernier Software and Technology, 2010.
3. Puri, O; Zober, P. Physics. A laboratory manual; Boston, Mass. N.Y: Pearson
Custom Pub., 2002. 8th edition

Suggested Technology Resources:

Labs, in class activities, videos and demos:
 Dart Lab (Look at bottom of page for Word document)
Online quizzes or homework assignments:
 http://www.physics247.com/physics-homework-help/componentsquiz1.php - TSW 1
 http://www.physics247.com/physics-homework-help/projectilequiz2.php- TSW 3

Note- All links to online resources were verified before publication. In cases where links are no
longer working, we suggest that you try to find the resource by a keyword internet search.


Copyright © 1988-2015

Student Name: __________________________ Date: _______________________

 To receive a ‘B’, the student must show ‘B’ level mastery on all essential outcomes (TSW’s).
 The teacher’s discretion on the student’s holistic performance on the unit, including such items as: the above ‘A’ level rubric, the unit project, group work and class
discussions will determine ‘A’ level mastery.
 If grading for AP test preparation, please refer to Course Outcome Rubric.

The Student Will ‘A’* LEVEL ‘B’ LEVEL Comments

1. TSW represent two dimensional quantities in Represents and justifies 2D quantities in diagrams or Represents 2D quantities in diagrams or
diagrams or mathematically using appropriately mathematically using correct vector notation for mathematically using correct vector notation for
labeled vectors with magnitude, direction, and analysis. analysis.
units during the analysis of a situation. (LO
3.A.2.1,SP 1.1) For example: A boat is traveling north directly
across a river that is 5.0 km across. The current is
to the east at 3.0 km/h. The boat travels at 5.0
km/h. (a) What is the boat’s resultant velocity?
(b) How long does it take to cross the river? (c)
How far down the bank does it drift before it
reaches the far side?
2. TSW express two dimensional motion of an Students must master all three points Students must master all three points
object using narrative, mathematical, and
graphical representations. (LO 3.A.1.1, SP 1.5, 1. Narrative Representations 1. Narrative Representations
SP 2.1, SP 2.2) Given graphical or mathematical representations of Given graphical or mathematical representations
2D motion, students can accurately express that of 2D motion, students give a general overview of
motion in words. the motion in words.
For example: When using the sight on a rifle, you For example: A cart is traveling at constant
should aim right for the bulls-eye. Explain how to velocity on a flat track and shoots a ball into the
design a sight so that it will cause the user to hit the air as it moves. Describe what happens to the
target. Explain with words and a diagram. ball.

2. Graphical Representations
2. Graphical Representations Given narrative or mathematical representations
Given narrative or mathematical representations of 2D of 2D motion, students can draw the graph
motion, students can accurately draw the graph associated with that motion with limited errors.
associated with that motion. For example: Given the following situation of a
marble in motion on a rail (ignore air resistance):
v = 10. m/s h = 1.5 m

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a. Sketch
motion maps
showing the
motion of the
marble after it leaves the rail. Sketch motion
maps for x, y, vx, vy, ax, and ay.

3. Mathematical Representations 3. Mathematical Representations

Given narrative or graphical representations of 2D Given narrative or graphical representations of 2D
motion, students justify their computations for motion, students express (compute) quantities as
quantities as position, displacement, distance, position, displacement, distance, velocity, speed
velocity, speed and acceleration. and acceleration.
For example: You wish to fire an anti-aircraft
shell to intercept an enemy plane flying towards
you at 600 mph and an altitude of 42,000 ft. If the
plane is initially 20 miles away, and your artillery
piece has a muzzle velocity of 2000 ft/sec, how
long do you have to adjust the piece to an angle of
60o and fire?

3. TSW analyze experimental data describing two Thorough and detailed analysis and justification of Analysis of experimental data is demonstrated and
dimensional motion of an object, and express the experimental data is demonstrated and results are results are expressed with basic understanding.
results of the analysis using narrative, expressed with complete understanding.
mathematical, and graphical representations.
(LO 3.A.1.3, SP 5.1)
4. TSW design an experimental investigation of Student performs the experimental investigation that Student designs an experimental investigation.
two dimensional motion of an object. (LO he/she designed.
3.A.1.2, SP 4.2)

Copyright © 1988-2015

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