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Professional Development Evaluation

Program Title: Schoology Overview Date: March 29, 2019

Presenter(s): Julia Hill, Mike Levy, Valerija Zienty Coordinator: Diane Stulz

1. What was the primary focus of the professional development? (Check all that apply.)

Using Schoology in the classroom to improve teaching and learning.

Collaboration/Co-teaching for improving instruction

Instructional strategies to meet the learning needs of diverse groups of students and/or students with
different learning styles

Other (Explain.)

2. Will this activity include follow-up at a later date? _X___ yes _____ no

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The professional development that was delivered: 1 2 3 4

Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
3. was an integral part of my school and/or the district
educational improvement plans.
4. did assist me in becoming highly qualified.

5. did provide training in the use of technology and

technology applications that can effectively be used in the
classroom to improve teaching and learning.
6. did give me knowledge and skills to provide students with
the opportunity to meet challenging state academic content
7. will help to improve student academic achievement.

8. will improve my classroom management skills.

9. was high quality, intensive, and classroom-oriented in order

to have a positive and lasting impact on classroom
instruction and my performance.
10. increased my comfort level for using Schoology in my
11. Increased my comfort level for seeking help from the lead
Three things I learned about Schoology are:

Two things about Schoology that I would like to learn are:

One question I have about Schoology is:



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