What Are The Requirements For LLDA Clearance?: Notarized Application Form. OR

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Persons, natural or juridical, with existing and/or new development projects and

activities within the Laguna de Bay Region are required to secure LLDA Clearance.
(LLDA BR No. 408, s. 2011).

What are the requirements for LLDA Clearance?

1. Duly accomplished and notarized Application Form.

2. Photocopy of Environmental Compliance Certificate OR Certificate of Non-
Coverage, whichever is applicable.
3. Photocopy of SEC-approved Articles of Incorporation (for
corporation) OR Articles of Cooperative duly approved by CDA (for
cooperative) OR valid Certificate of Business Registration from the Department
of Trade and Industry (for single proprietorship).
4. Locational Clearance, if available; otherwise, the same shall be included as LC
5. Photocopy of Environmental Impact Assessment, Initial Environmental
Examination, OR Project Description/Engineer’s Report, whichever is applicable.
6. Photocopy of plans (site development plan, vicinity plan, and drainage/sewer
plan) signed by a duly-licensed professional.

Upon submission of an application and supporting financial documents required, the

processing of LLDA Clearance (Annex D) shall be done in conformity with the approved
LLDA Citizen Charter and shall be given an application number consistent with the
model number system (Annex E). Any and all proposed, ongoing or completed
expansion inconsistent with the previously issued LC of an establishment shall be
covered by a new LC. Change of name/ownership shall require an establishment to
apply for an amendment of the previously issued LC.

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