Ramsar WHC Case Study Sian Kaan e
Ramsar WHC Case Study Sian Kaan e
Ramsar WHC Case Study Sian Kaan e
Case study
Aerial view of Red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) coastal lagoon, Sian Ka'an, Mexico (Credit: Nature Picture Library / Alamy Stock Photo)
Site Description to science, and over 400 species of fish. This abundance
Located on the eastern Caribbean coast of the Yucatan of wetland life clearly demonstrates the importance of the
peninsula in Quintana Roo, Mexico, Sian Ka’an is one of the area for maintaining the biological diversity of the region
largest complexes of wetland habitats in Central America. (Criterion 3). The 23 Mayan archaeological sites within its
The site comprises a mosaic of barrier reef, lagoons, bays, boundary, including the shrines at Xamach, San Miguel,
dunes, sinkholes, swamps, marshes, mangroves and an San Juan, Xlahpak or Vigía del Lago and Tupak, form part
extensive underground river system. The area is also the of the ecological character of the Ramsar Site. In addition
setting for the ancient Mayan culture and contains remains the traditional fisheries, especially for the Caribbean spiny
of 25 Mayan buildings, temples and shrines; it is the centre lobster, and the use of forest resources are considered
for the indigenous communities known as the Santa Cruz important elements of the social and cultural value of the
Mayas. In the language of the Mayan peoples, Sian Ka’an site.
means ‘Origin of the sky’ or ‘Where the sky is born’.
The role of cultural values, practices
World Heritage and Ramsar and traditions in wetland conservation
designations There is evidence that the area has been occupied by human
The property was inscribed on the World Heritage List in settlements for more than 2,300 years. The Mayan sites
1987. The area had previously been declared a Biosphere registered in the reserve mostly date from the late post-
Reserve by the Federal Government in 1986 and almost classical period (1200 – 1500 CE). In the reserve area the
the entire site is under the land ownership of the Federal Maya developed a self-sustained shifting agriculture and a
Government. The site was considered for inclusion on the system of irrigation canals. The agricultural practices were
World Heritage List as it is one of the most continuous and complemented by harvesting from the forests and wetlands,
important expanses of wetland in Mesoamerica, with no a practice still continued by several communities today.
direct comparator in the region. The relatively undisturbed The people traditionally made use of some 185 forest and
character of the interface between the sea and the land along wetland plants for over 300 different uses in food, chewing
the coastline contributes to the overall aesthetics and beauty gum resin, medicine, clothing, dies, thatch palm leaves and
of Sian Ka’an. The complexity and juxtaposition of various all types of building materials. Conservation initiatives have
wetland habitats create a variety of shapes, forms and colours encouraged the use of traditional skills and the development
providing fascinating land and seascapes (Criterion vii). The of economic activities, including embroidery, furniture
scale and diversity of the site contributes to the conservation carving, medicinal plant use and honey making, in order
of a variety of habitats and species of Outstanding Universal to help the Mayan culture to survive whilst developing
Value. Noteworthy and rare natural phenomena include the sustainable alternative livelihoods. Community-owned and
“Cenotes”, water-filled natural sinkholes hosting animal regulated fisheries, especially for the spiny lobster, involve
communities adapted to these demanding conditions, and some 70% of the residents living in the protected areas, such
the “Petenes”, which are tree-topped islands which emerge as the long-established Mayan fishing co-operative at Punta
from the swamps. Both these rare systems are connected Allen. Through self-imposed zonation of no-fishing areas and
by a network of underground freshwater systems, jointly seasonal catch restrictions, the lobster fisheries in Sian Ka’an
forming an invaluable and significant complexity of habitats are recognised through international certification from the
Marine Stewardship Council for their sustainable practices.
(Criterion x). However, despite the diversity of the cultural
heritage, at the time of inscription it was noted that,
Pursuing a sustainable approach to wetland management
notwithstanding the importance of the cultural elements, the
has enhanced the opportunities to secure the traditional land
Mayan sites present would be unlikely to qualify in their own
management practices of the Mayan communities. Many
right under the Convention.
local residents have become allies in the management of the
area as they have understood the competitive advantages
Sian Ka’an qualifies for designation as a Wetland of
of sustainable development and natural resource use. The
International Importance on the basis of three criteria. The
maintenance of traditional practices is considered necessary
presence of the diverse natural wetland types, including
for both the reserve and the local Mayan communities to
freshwater swamps, mangroves and coral reefs, many of
which are the only representative examples in the region,
qualify the site for designation under Criterion 1. The site
supports numerous plant and animal species that are Future outlook
vulnerable and critically endangered, including mammals The area has a management plan which integrates the three
such as the jaguar, puma, ocelot, tapir and manatee, and protected areas (Ramsar Site, World Heritage property and
reptiles such as the loggerhead, hawksbill and leatherback Biosphere Reserve) and provides a platform for cooperation
turtles (Criterion 2). The site is known to support more across government and non-government stakeholders. The
than 850 vascular plants, some 339 bird species, of which plan sets out approaches to regulate certain activities such
over 200 are breeding species, over 1,700 terrestrial and as fishing, tourism services and infrastructure development.
aquatic invertebrates, of which 20 species of insect are new The management plan has also introduced zoning of areas
Ramsar and World Heritage Conventions: Converging towards success
Mayan ruins at Chunyaxché (Muyil) near Tulum, Yucatan Peninsula, Quintana Roo, Mexico (Credit: Witold Skrypczak / Alamy Stock Photo)
within the reserve in order to strengthen the sustainable use building workers in the tourist resorts on the Riviera Maya
of natural resources. The presence of such a plan provides coast, which has been growing at a rate of some 20% per year.
a robust framework in order to facilitate delivery of the Therefore, to mitigate the negative impacts of tourism,
objectives of the multiple designations. Evaluation of the the management of the protected area needs to consider
management plan is due in 2020 (Schaaf and Clamote not just conservation management but also destination
Rodrigues, 2016). management. This requires a sophisticated approach to
zonation, visitor access and regulation as well as addressing
Notwithstanding the positive approach to site management, non-environmental factors relating to socio-economic
Sian Ka’an still faces challenges. The coastal area of the changes in local communities.
Yucatan peninsula is prone to frequent and severe tropical
storms. However, the barrier reef serves as a breakwater
which reduces wave energy and prevents beach erosion.
Lessons learned
Sian Ka’an is rich in biological diversity and is culturally
Elsewhere in the region the destruction of the reef has
important for the Mayan people. The following key lessons
also been accompanied by ensuing dramatic beach erosion
can be derived from Sian Ka’an:
(Mazzotti et al., 2005). The protection of the barrier reef
■ Having a clear management plan that explicitly integrates
provides a positive lesson of how conservation of habitats
the multiple designations and provides a robust
can contribute to disaster preparedness and risk reduction.
framework to ensure that potentially damaging activities
Anthropogenic threats stem primarily from tourism and
are regulated and that the overall area is zoned to ensure
over-fishing, especially of spiny lobster, and, to a lesser
any development is sustainable.
extent, agricultural pollution, forest fires and invasive
species. ■ Management needs to ensure that the fringing barrier
reef, and to a lesser extent the mangroves, are maintained
As the popularity of the region has increased, pressures not only for their biological diversity but also for the role
from tourism have grown. This has not only led to conflicts they play in protecting natural and cultural heritage from
over natural resource exploitation, but it has exacerbated tropical storms.
conflict between the Mayan traditional culture, conservation ■ There is a symbiotic relationship between the long-
sponsored by major international NGOs and UNDP, and term protection of the natural heritage and the future
increasingly intrusive but, for some, profitable tourism. of the traditional management practices, such as that
Whilst some groups favour small-scale, low-impact, exemplified by sustainable lobster fisheries. The one
community-based tourism, others, such as large-scale tour cannot thrive without the other.
operators, are primarily interested in maximising profits. ■ As tourism expands so does the potential for conflict,
Increasing tourism can also result in social and cultural environmental degradation and social and cultural shifts
shifts in local communities and an abandoning of traditional in local communities. Therefore, future mitigation needs
practices in favour of more commercial practices. Many to consider not just conservation management but also
Maya have lent or leased their community-owned forest “destination management” and a sophisticated approach
lands to timber companies, allowing the younger generation to zonation, visitor access and regulation.
to abandon their traditional land in order to secure jobs as