Handout - Color Wheel - Student

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Handout: Color Wheel

Compass: an instrument with ------------------------

------------------------ joined together at the top,
used for --------------------------------------------------
and ------------------------------------------------------.

Triangle: a shape with --------------------------------

and ----------------------------------------. The sum of
three internal angles of a triangle is ----------------.

Vertex: a point where -------------------------------

an angle.

Midpoint: a point which is ---------------------------

Equilateral Triangle ---------------------------------- between too vertexes.

Median: a line segment from -------------------------to ----------------------------------- of the opposite.

Equilateral triangle: a triangle whose three sides are ---------------------------------------------------,

whose three internal angles -------------------------------------------- to each other at -------------------.

Centroid: a point where --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

Circle: a line that forms ---------------------------------- which intersects --------------------------------

of an equilateral triangle. The center point of a circle is also --------------------------------------------.

Color/Hue: the appearance that things have which results from ---------------------------------------.

Primary color: ----------------------------------------.

By mixing these three basic colors, new colors will
be created, but ----------- new colors cannot create

Secondary colors: colors mixed from --------------

------------------- – ---------------- (Yellow and Red),
----------------------------------- (Red and Blue), and
------------------------------------- (Blue and Yellow).

Tertiary colors: colors created by mixing

neighboring ---------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------- such as Color Wheel

By Mr. Son 1
red-orange. (Note: Use the name of the primary color used to mix the first, with the secondary
color listed second after a hyphen).

Complementary colors: a pair of colors that are ---------------------------------------------------------

on the color wheel and are the most --------------------------------- colors.

Tints: colors created by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

Shades: colors created by ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

Tones: colors created by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

Value: the ----------------------------------, and ---------------------------------- of a color. Creating

tints, tones, and shades, is one way to ------------------------------------------------- the value of a color.

Palette: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- used by an artist.

Monochromatic colors: ------------------------------- that contains only --------------------------------

in all tints, tones, and shades.

Tints Color/Hue Shades

Monochromatic Value Scale

Color Wheel: a circle with different ------------------------------------------------------------------------

used to show ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- between colors.

Geometry: the branch of mathematics that deals with the -----------------------------------------------

and -------------------------------------------------------------------- of lines, angles, surfaces and solids.

By Mr. Son 2

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