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Exploring the effect of various cluster structures and Improvement of

energy consumption in cognitive radio wireless sensor networks

Wireless Sensor evaluation results of the use of Cognitive
Network, Cluster the suggested three Radio (CR) as a
Abstract- The structures are fundamental part of
growing demand and Structures.
compared to the next generation smart
wide deployment of single-hop cluster. wireless
cost effective wireless I. INTRODUC
TION The RF spectrum communication
communication medium that wireless networks. This nature
networks, and the The growing demand communication oper- of CR improves the
challenges related to and wide deployment ates on, is a concrete efficiency of Wireless
its technical design and of cost effective and finite resource Sensor Networks
operations have wireless divided into different (WSNs) by increasing
necessitated the work communication licensed and the communication
on the more efficient networks, and the unlicensed frequency reliability and
use of the very limited challenges related to bands. Each band has improving the Sensors
radio frequency its technical design and specific applications energy efficiency.
spectrum, limited operations have and limitations related When wireless sensor
energy resources and necessitated the work to the bandwidth and nodes with cognitive
reduction of the end- on the more efficient quality. When capabilities are
to-end delay as an use of the very limited considering the introduced to an entire
integral part of the next radio frequency increasing network, it gives
generation smart spectrum, limited deployment of next exciting new
wireless networks. energy resources and generation wireless opportunities to
In this work we reduction of the end- communication researchers and
explore three different to-end delay as an networks which industry to develop
Cognitive Radio integral part of the next includes Cognitive algorithms, hardware
Wireless Sensor generation smart Radio Wireless and software that can
Networks (CRWSNs) wireless networks. Sensor Networks overcome the
cluster structures; Three different (CR-WSNs), energy limitations imposed
modified single-hop Cognitive Radio efficiency by current wire-less
structure, multi-hop Wireless Sensor is a fundamental sensor design
cluster structure and Networks (CRWSNs) factor affecting their techniques [1]. The
hybrid cluster cluster structures are development and usage of optimal
structure. We study explored; modified performance. The transmission strategy
the effect of the three single-hop structure, swift proliferation of in CRWSN requires
structures in multiple multi-hop cluster wireless changes in the phi-
setups in regards to structure and hybrid communication losophy of spectrum
varying the selected cluster structure. The applications on one management to
area. The evaluation effects of the three side, and an balance, on one side,
results of the suggested structures in multiple accommodation of the the amount of
three structures are setups are studied in accelerating demand interference from
compared to the regards to varying the for wireless users on dynamic multiple
single-hop cluster. selected area. The the other side, calls access, and optimum
for a more efficient use of the spectrum,
Index Terms— use of the very limited on the other.
Cognitive Radio, RF spectrum Spectrum sensing
Cognitive Radio resources and dictates monitors the activities
of Primary Users (PU) environments, real- consumption is an [4], [5], which
to detect which time surveillance; as important design discussed different
portions of the CRWSN can factor and one of the routing techniques in
licensed spectrum aggregate multiple main performance the sensor-assisted
band are not occupied channels metrics that directly CR; namely
by simultaneously to affects the network SENDORA and
the PUs. However, increase the channel lifetime. Wireless LEACH protocols,
propagation bandwidth for sensor nodes need and how these
impairments such as bandwidth-hungry energy for spectrum techniques suffer from
receiver uncertainty, applications. sensing, channel high energy
multipath fading, CRWSNs are also negotiation, routing consumption.
shadowing and used in the monitoring and forwarding and However, [3] did not
interference in of outdoor and indoor processing the data offer a multi hop
wireless channels environments for packets. Energy- solution, but various
degrade performance purposes such as Efficiency and scheduling
of spectrum sensing factory automation transmission approaches are
techniques [2]. The and personal optimization become compared.
distinction between a entertainment. mandatory and Nonetheless, these
primary user and a Implementing these beneficial in approaches did not
secondary user is the applications using minimizing the correlate with mobile
focus of spectrum consumed energy in sensing. Darak et al.
sensing. In this work, CRWSN resolves sensing and [6] proposed a
we assume that jamming issues and registration process to Decision-Making
spectrum sensing has restricted bandwidth save the limited Policy (DMP) for the
been completed and problems, that often energy resources. opportunistic
users have been emerge in traditional The prominence of spectrum access based
assigned portions of WSNs. CRWSN may efficient energy on Cognitive Radios
the spectrum. also serve military saving techniques has with Radio Frequency
CRWSN strategy is and public security been the drive behind Energy Harvesting
involved in a wide applications in which many research works (RFEH) capabilities.
range of application it can handoff to construct the Redound et al. [7]
fields as follows: frequencies with wireless network that proposed using energy
Health Information different frequency minimizes energy detection and own-
Systems; as medical bands with minimum consumption for waveform-based
information is critical channel access and sensing operations. sensing to perform
and very delay communication delays [1] et al. proposed an spectrum sensing
sensitive. Intelligent [1]. energy-aware while the user is
Spectrum Access in clustering algorithm transmitting in
Vehicular Networks Owing to the fact that for cooperative parallel.
and object tracking; the CR mobile users’ spectrum sensing to Kim et al proposed a
where Vehicular devices are battery- minimize spectrum novel cognitively
wireless sensor powered, CRWSN sensing energy costs. inspired algorithm,
networks are used for nodes are power- Usman et al. [3] namely the Artificial
proactively auditing restricted devices with proposed a detailed Bee Colony Clustering
and collecting a limited energy comparison between (ABCC) algorithm, for
information in civilian source. Power multiple techniques in the optimal
configuration of depends on how tight the intensity of Also, the probability
Cognitive Radio the applied constraints electromagnetic of detection and false
Wireless Sensor are. waves within the detection are
Networks (CRWSNs). In this paper, we coverage area, which evaluated.
Network configuration propose three negatively affects The remainder of
is specified via a different CRWSN human health. this paper is
binary decision cluster structures; organized as follows;
variable assigned to modified single-hop In the multi-hop in section II we give a
each node to classify a cluster structure, cluster structure, the detailed system
node as either a cluster multi-hop cluster system model is description, along
head or a sensor node. structure, and Hybrid composed of multi- with an explanation
Joshi et al. [9], cluster structure to hop infrastructure of how to form a
described CRWSN address the sensor nodes formed cluster and subset
where the conventional communication in sets of overlapping division. In section III
wireless sensor nodes between CR mobile clusters to ensure full we explain the system
are equipped with CR users in CRWSN. The coverage. Within model. In section IV
functionality. CRWSN proposed scenarios multi-hop the simulation results
requires highly are discussed with communication range, and detailed
complicated sensor regards to the the CR mobile user is discussion and a
nodes, so the high cost communication surrounded by one or through comparison
of a CRWSN makes it coverage standards more clusters of with the other
impractical. Emre et al. for WiFi and Mobile sensor nodes. In order algorithms are
[5] modeled the Applications. The to save energy, introduced. Finally
energy-efficient proposed single-hop inactive clusters are the paper is
channel access cluster structure is a kept in sleeping concluded in section
problem using modified version to mode. In the hybrid V.
reinforcement learning. the one in [3], where structure, the CR
However, [9] neither the number of mobile user II. Related Works
investigated the registered nodes are establishes a In wireless sensor
practical is-sues of conditionally connection using networks (WSNs),
exchanging the Q- controlled and either the shared sensor nodes are
values, nor discussed restricted to be no CRWSN or direct ad- operated by small
the problem of more than three. On hoc setup, based on batteries, thus they
extending the coverage the other hand, we the CR mobile sender have limited energy
area. Elmahdy et al propose a multi-hop and receiver location resources which need
[10] formu-lated two and a hybrid cluster and Signal to Noise careful utilization. The
optimization problems structure, to enhance Ratio (SNR). The proposed algorithm is
to a common the energy efficiency overall end-to-end an energy efficient K-
constraint on the and the end-to-end, delay and energy means clustering-based
maximum packet delay with a wider coverage consumption are routing protocol and
to minimize the SU area which overcomes measured when considers an optimal
average packet delay. the short coming of a sensor nodes are in fixed packet size
However, this high concentration of single-hop cluster, in according to the radio
optimization is a large number of a modified single-hop parameters and
applicable under nodes in [3]. This cluster and in a multi- channel conditions of
specific constraints and leads to an increase in hop cluster model. the transceiver. This
approach can minimize Survey Data Release better. To improve the sensor nodes and
the energy 12 CMASS galaxy reliability of the mixed cluster heads in
consumption of sample, and we detect network and energy CWSNs. These sensor
individual node and the asymmetry at the efficiency of sensors, nodes and cluster
increase the network 2.7σ level by applying this article achieves heads adapt to
lifetime as a whole. a shell-averaged sensor networks topological changes in
Moreover, different estimator to the cross- clustering based on the the network graph over
power levels are correlation function. mobility and time. One of the major
considered for data The proposed DMP distribution of CR challenges with
transmission from consists of three sub- nodes. The CR nodes employing CWSNs is
cluster head to cluster units: 1) Bayesian act as cluster head and to maximize the
member and base approach based tunable undertake the task of lifetime of the
station. Simulation Thompson sampling relay between clusters. networks. The ABCC
results show that the algorithm for subband In every cluster, the algorithm is able to
proposed algorithm statistics estimation, 2) sensor nodes are reduce and balance the
performs better than Thompson sampling divided into several energy consumption of
the conventional K- algorithm based coverage subsets, and nodes across the
means based energy subband access scheme their working duration networks.
aware clustering exploiting the past are scheduled by the
(KEAC) in terms of collision events to distribution of energy. Due to the under-
network lifetime and minimize collisions Simulation results utilization problem of
increases the overall among CRs, and 3) showed that the the allocated radio
throughput of the Mode selection strategy proposed can spectrum, cognitive
network. scheme. Simulation reduce the network radio (CR)
General relativistic results show that the energy consumption communications have
effects have long been proposed DMP offers and delay, guarantee recently emerged as a
predicted to subtly 10–35% improvement the quality of reliable and effective
influence the observed in the throughput of monitoring, and extend solution. Among
large-scale structure of the decentralized the network lifetime various network
the universe. The network and 40–90% effectively. models, this survey
current generation of reduction in the paper focuses on the
galaxy redshift surveys number of subband This paper presents a enabling techniques for
has reached a size switchings compared novel cognitively interweave CR
where detection of to existing DMPs inspired artificial bee networks which have
such effects is Cognitive radio (CR) colony clustering received great attention
becoming feasible. In networks can be (ABCC) algorithm from standards
this paper, we report combined with sensor with a clustering perspective due to its
the first detection of networks, it can not evaluation model to reliability to achieve
the redshift asymmetry only share traffic of manage the energy the required quality-of-
from the cross- sensor networks but consumption in service. Spectrum
correlation function of also reduce the cognitive wireless sensing provides the
two galaxy populations transmission delay sensor networks essential information
that is consistent with because of the (CWSNs). The ABCC to enable this
relativistic effects. The spectrum advantage, algorithm can interweave
data set is taken from thus can perform optimally align with communications in
the Sloan Digital Sky monitoring tasks the dynamics of the which primary and
secondary users are not to E+V. This will activities on
allowed to access the reduce your time cognitive radio all
medium concurrently. when over the world,
your search target is which are deemed
relatively close to have
compared to the full fundamental
METHODOLO depth of influence on the
GY the search space of future of wireless
Breadth – first Graph. communications.
search (BFS) is an Cognitive radio
algorithm for • Cognitive concepts can be
traversing or radio is widely applied to a variety
searching tree or expected to be the of wireless
graph data next Big Bang in communications
structures. It starts wireless scenarios, a few of
at the tree root (or communications. which are described
some arbitrary node Spectrum in this document.
of a graph, regulatory Cognitive radio
sometimes referred Committees in concepts can be
to as a 'search key'), many countries applied to a variety
and explores all of have been taking of wireless
the neighbor nodes steps to open the communications
at the present depth door to dynamic scenarios, a few of
prior to moving on spectrum access which are described
to the nodes at the using this in this document
next depth level. technology and also additionally, the
It uses the opposite laying down the major functions and
strategy as depth- rules for its applications of
first search, which cognitive radio and Fig.1. Block
instead explores the International components of diagram
highest-depth nodes organizations have cognitive radio and
first before being also been striving implementation CLUSTERING
forced to backtrack for standardizing issues are reviewed.
• A computer
and expand and harmonization We also discuss the
cluster is a set of
shallower nodes. this technology for regulatory issues
loosely or tightly
various and key concepts.
• The advantage connected computers
applications. This Finally, based on
s of BFS (Breadth- that work together so
document conducted survey
First Search) that, in many
overviews through the
this algorithm respects, they can be
definition of technical and
computes shortest viewed as a single
Cognitive radio regulatory
path (fewest system. Unlike grid
systems and investigation, a
number of edges) computers, computer
describes the state consistent
form S to all other clusters have
of art in the conclusion
vertices in a graph each node set to
regulatory and provided.
in time proportion perform the same
task, controlled and trends including the modified single-hop
scheduled by availability of low- design is used to
software. cost microprocessors, form a multi-hop
high-speed networks, cluster architecture
• The components of and software for with 120 % increase
a cluster are usually high-performance dis in the coverage area.
connected to each tributed computing. The updates between
other through They have a wide the clusters are
fast local area range of applicability controlled via the
networks, with and deployment, central cluster to
each node (computer ranging from small limit the update
used as a server) business clusters with flooding messages.
running its own a handful of nodes to The update messages
instance of some of the are sent when any
an operating system. fastest supercomputer Fig.2 Single hop new registration
In most s in the world such clustering process starts.
circumstances, all of as IBM's Sequoia. Moving between
the nodes use the The desire to get One subset of the more than one shorter
same hardware and more computing cluster is active and hop distance may be
the same operating power and better provides target more efficient than
system, although in reliability by detection and false moving between
some setups (e.g. orchestrating a alarm probabilities those fewer but
using Open Source number of low- while the rest of the longer hop distances.
Cluster Application cost commercial off- subsets are in a sleep
Resources (OSCAR)) the-shelf computers mode. When MODIFIED
, different operating has given rise to a simulating the single- HYBRID
systems can be used variety of hop structure in , it is CLUSTER
on each computer, or architectures and observed that the CR
different hardware. configurations. has no limit to the
number of sensing In the hybrid model,
Clusters are usually MODIFIED nodes where the CR in order to provide
deployed to improve SINGLE HOP starts to sense first the optimum energy
performance and CLUSTER node then continues efficient path, the
availability over that STRUCTURE sensing till all nodes source CR receives
of a single computer, are discovered. the infrastructure
while typically being The sensor nodes Single Hop clustering path metrics
much more cost- within is shown in figure.1 information via the
effective than single communication range control channel of the
computers of r of each CR are MODIFIED joined CRWSN. It
comparable speed or grouped into clusters, MULTI HOP compares to the
availability. and each cluster is CLUSTER calculated path
divided into disjoint STRUCTURE metric information to
Computer clusters subsets with reach the destination
emerged as a result of overlapped sensing In this model the CR mobile user
convergence of a coverage. same number of directly.
number of computing clusters as in the
The CR mobile user by maximum simultaneously
determines the probability of expanding the
optimal transmission detection (specifies coverage area. The
technique (ad-hoc that a detector makes extension in the
scenario or a correct decision coverage area is a
Infrastructure based that a channel is effect of reducing the
scenario). occupied H1) and overlap between
minimum probability clusters. In the final
In order to enhance of false alarm (a false configuration, a
the CR mobile user alarm event occurs hybrid selection
performance, the CR when the detector criterion is added to
Fig.5 End to End
mobile user is assumes H1; the mobile devices,
delay versus round
configured with dual which permits the
transmission IV. mobile device to
technique as in CONCLUSION offer a connection
algorithm using either the
The energy shared CRWSN or
IMPROVE consumption and direct ad-hoc setup.
ENERGY overall end-to end
BY REDUCING cluster structure for
1. Madiha
OF SENSED analyzed. First, an
Razzaq ; Devar
SAMPLES improvement to the
ani Devi
single-hop structure
Ningombam ;
Energy consumption is initiated by
Seokjoo Shin,
in sensing stage of controlling the
CR can be improved Fig 3. Energy number of registered
efficient K-
by reducing the consumption nodes per cluster in
number of sensed each round. This
samples since it changes results in
based routing
reduces the amount slightly decreasing
protocol for
of computations the energy
WSN using
performed by energy consumption contrast
optimal packet
detector before to the unmodified
size, 2018
producing a decision. single-hop structure.
This approach also In order to improve
2. Shadab
leads to reduce time energy efficiency, the
Alam ; Hongy
required in sensing multi-hop cluster
u Zhu ; Rupert
and it is worth if the structure is
A. C.
sensing reliability of Fig. 4 Single Hop suggested.
Croft ; Shirley
the cognitive radio cluster structure Simulation results
Ho ; Elena
network is kept to a show that the multi-
Giusarma ; Do
satisfactory level. hop cluster structure
nald P.
The sensing decreases energy
reliability is defined consumption while
3. Relativistic Colony
distortions in Clustering for
the large-scale Cognitive
clustering of Wireless
BOSS CMASS Networks,
galaxies, 2017 2017
J.DarakaHongg 7. Ali,
angZhangbJacq Abdelmohsen
uesPalicotcChri and Hamouda,
stopheMoy . Walaa,“,
Advances on
4. Decision Spectrum
making policy Sensing for
for RF energy Cognitive
harvesting Radio
enabled Networks:
cognitive Theory and
radios in Applications,
decentralized 2017
networks, 2017

5. Yi-Wei Deng
Cheng Zhong
Jun Yu , An
strategy for
hybrid network
of sensors and
mobile CR
nodes , 2017

6. Kim, Sung-
Soo and
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Byeon, Ji-
Hwan and Lee,
Seokcheon and
Liu, Hongbo,“,
Artificial Bee

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