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Secondary Level (Grade 9-10) Curriculum

(For Technical and Vocational Stream)


Government of Nepal
Ministry of Education
Curriculum Development Centre
Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


S/No. Subjects Page No.

Course Structure of Computer Engineering (Grade 9- 10)

Computer Engineering (Grade 9)

1. Engineering Drawing 5
2. Computer Fundamentals 11
3. C - Programming 18
4. Fundamentals of Digital Systems (FDS) 25
5. Electrical Engineering 31
6. Web Page Development 38
2. Computer Engineering (Grade 10)
1. Computer Repair and Maintenance 48
2. Computer Networks 54
3. Database Management System 59
4. Electronic Devices and Circuits 64
5. Microprocessor 69
6. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) 75

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Curriculum Structure
Class 9
S.No. Subject Weightage/ week Full Mark

1 Nepali 5 period 100

2 English 5 period 100
Mathematics 5 period 100
Science 5 period 100
Engineering Drawing 5 period 100
Computer Fundamentals 5 period 100
C - Programming 5 period 100
Fundamentals of Digital Systems (FDS) 5 period 100
Electrical Engineering 5 period 100
Web Page Development 5 period 100
Total 50 period 1000
Class 10
S.No. Subject Weightage/ week Full Mark

1 Nepali 5 period 100

2 English 5 period 100
Mathematics 5 period 100
Science 5 period 100
Computer Repair and Maintenance 5 period 100
Computer Networks 5 period 100
Database Management System 5 period 100
Electronic Devices and Circuits 5 period 100
Microprocessor 5 period 100
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) 5 period 100
Total 50 period 1000
* (One Period =45 Minutes)

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Level Wise Competencies ( Grade 9 & 10)

1. Student will be familiar with the different types of computer programming logic and on
the basis of that logic they will develop small program which they can implement in
different types of organisations.
2. Student will acquire the knowledge of basic HTML Tags ,elements attributes, CSS and
JavaScript which is most often used in the development of websites
3. Student will be able to handle drawing instruments and materials and identify different
types of engineering curves, shapes and Geometrical construction.
4. Student will develop the general logic of Boolean algebra, logic gates, truth table
combinational and flip-flops circuits.
5. Students get the knowledge of different types of internal and external components of
computer, such as Power supply, CPU fan, CD and DVD-ROM, windows operating
system and they know how to install different kinds of software.
6. Student will be able to handle or work with electrical equipments and components such
as ammeter, voltmeter, resister, capacitors and their colour combinations and values.
They will also have an idea of Ohm’s law equivalent circuit and how to find the total
current of the circuit.
7. Student will get the general idea of registers, instruction sets, addressing modes, memory
related operations and develop the simple programming logic used in the assembly
language programming.
8. Student will identify the electronic components such as Diode, Transistor, FET and their
characteristics and applications.
9. Student will get the depth concept on object oriented programming model. And they can
construct class and create object of that class and understand the concept of inheritance,
polymorphism, encapsulation and Abstraction.
10. Student will know the concept of database management system in which they will learn
E-R Model which can help to develop the concept of relationship between the entities. It
also helps students to create database in database package, creating table, inserting
record, updating record, designing form, generating report etc.
11. Student will be familiar with different types of networking devices and be able to use
them in the LAN configuration. It will also help students to prepare the different types of
communication media used in the networking. They can configure client server and peer-
to- peer networking.

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Engineering Drawing I

Grade: 9 Theory: 40 Full Marks (68 Period) Practical: 60 Full Marks (102 Period)

1. Introduction:
This course is designed to provide knowledge and skills on geometrical shapes, and its
construction procedure, and interpretation of the views of objects by orthographic projection.
This course includes graphical representation of physical object and their relationship. This
course will meet important requirements of all technical people in engineering profession. This
course mainly discusses about the geometrical drawing, it is the art of representation of objects.
On completion of course the student will be able to develop the knowledge and skills on Basic
drafting technique, Handling of drawing instruments and materials, Geometrical construction,
Line work, Lettering, Dimensioning, Orthographic projection, Section, Simple intersection of
solid and Surface development .

2. Competencies
1. Handle drawing instruments and materials;
2. Identify Geometrical construction and shape;
3. Describe the scale, its type and construction;
4. Draw different types of engineering curves and
5. Draw and interpret the multi view of solids with scale and dimensioning.

3. Learning Outcomes
At the end of Grade 9, students will be able to:
1. Use the drawing tools.
2. Construct the geometric shape.
3. Write the lettering and text in different font.
4. Describe the scale, its uses and conversion.
5. Give the dimension of any object, construct tangent, curve, conic section.
6. Draw the orthographic projection, section, surface development, intersection and land

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


4. Scope and Sequence


Unit Scope Period

1. Introduction of 1.1 Types of drawing 12
drawing 1.2 Engineering drawing as universal language of
engineering technical persons.
1.3 Introduction of drawing materials like
drawing sheet, base paper, masking tape etc.
1.4 Introduction of drawing tools like T square,
set square pencil, compass scale etc.

Introduction of 2.1.Definition of line and its type, line weight 6

2. line and and their uses.
geometrical 2.2 Introduction of geometrical shape like
shape rectangle, square triangle parallelogram,
rhombus and polygon.
2.3 Circle and its parts name.
5 Scale 5.1. Full
scale 6
5.2 Reduced scale
5.3 Enlarge scale
5.4 Scale construction (Reducing and enlarging
5.5 Practicing the drawing of various length line
using the scale
6 Lettering 6.1 Introduction of single and double stroke 4
6.2 Vertical and inclined letter.
6.3 Height and width ratio of the letter.
6.4 Practice of letter writing of upper case and
lower case letter.
6.5 Practice of Devangiri letter.
7 Dimensioning 7.1 Dimension system 6
7.2 Chain and size dimension
7.3 Dimension and extension line placement of
dimension text.
7.4 Uses of arrow head, dot and slash in

8 Geometrical 8.1.1 Know about the geometrical shape and 6

constructio their name
n. 8.1.2 Construction of 90, 60 degree angle and
given angle.

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


8.1.3 Construction of triangle by the help of

given side.
8.1.4 Construction of rectangle, square,
pentagon hexagon, Heptagon etc
8.2.1 Bisection and trisection of line and angle
8.2.3 Line dividing any number of equal parts.
8.2.3 Circle- Dividing five, six,,seven and eight
equal parts

8.3.1 Line tangent to a circle from any point.
8.3.2 Uncrossed (open belt) and crossed (crossed
belt) line tangent
8.3.3 Arc tangent (Internal, external and
9 Orthographic 9.1 Theory of projection 12
Projection 9.2 Introduction of principal plane
9.3 Introduction of first and third angle
9.4 Difference between first and third angle
9.5 Projection of point(s) and line(s) in first
angle projection.
9.6 Projection of line which is parallel to HP,
parallel to VP and perpendicular to HP and VP.
Inclined to HP and VP.
9.7 Orthographic projection prism, cylinder,
pyramid and cone.
9.8 Orthographic projection of different models
with flat, inclined and circular surface.
(At least 12 practice)
10 Pictorial 10.1 Introduction of pictorial projection i.e. 12
projection oblique ,Isometric and perspective
10.2 Isometric view
10.2.1 Isometric projection and isometric
10.3 Oblique view
11 Land 4
measurement 11.1 Land measurement by triangulation
/Symbol method.
11.2 Unit of length/Unit of land Ropani/Bigha
11.3 General symbol of civil, domestic electrical
(fixtures) work and plumbing work.

Total 68

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Unit Scope Activities Period
1 Introduction of drawing Introduction to tools, paper and
2 Introduction of line and geometrical shape Introduction to geometric shape 8
3 Freehand practicing Free hand practicing of lines. 10
4 Practicing the line and circle using drawing Draw the horizontal line, 45, and 60. 8
5 Scale Practice using scale. 6
6 Lettering Draw on practice lettering 9
7 Dimensioning Practice on dimension 8
8 Geometrical construction. Construct geometric shape, tangent,
9 Engineering Curves Practices on different curve 9
10 Orthographic Projection Practice on orthographic projection. 8
11 Pictorial projection Practice on isometric view. 12
12 Land measurement /Symbol Practice on land measurement. 6
Total 102

5. Learning Facilitation Process:

This course provides both theoretical as well as practical knowledge on computer
engineering. In this subject there are both subjective contents as well as practical activities. This
curriculum focuses on providing practical knowledge to the students. It provides knowledge,
skill, and self confidence to the students. To fulfill the objectives, the instructor must involve the
students in classroom activities as well as practical field visits. Locally available material must
be used to conduct teaching learning activities. To achieve the entire objective from this
syllabus, teacher must use different techniques and process while teaching. Some of the
important techniques and processes that can be used are given below:

• Group Discussion
• Field Visit
• Demonstration
• Case study
• Questionnaire
• Practical Works
• Audio/Visual Class
• Web surfing
• Project Works
• Problem Solving.

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


6. Students Assessment Process

Class work, homework, unit test, terminal test, final test, etc. are the tools to measure student's
knowledge, skill, and performance. Similarly, lab report, attendance, discipline, and performance
are also used to assess the learners' achievement.

Specification Grid

Subject: Engineering Drawing I

In this subject, to evaluate the students knowledge, skill, attitude and performance, the questions
are divided into two group i. e. Theory and Practical. For theoretical part questions and
weightage are given in table A, bellow:

Class: 9 Times: 1 Hour and 15 Min. Full Marks: 40

Unit Scope Group Total
A Group B Group C Question
Short Short Long
Question Question Question
1 Introduction of drawing 1 1

2 Introduction of line and 2 1 4

geometrical shape
5 Scale 1 2
6 Lettering 1 1 3
7 Dimensioning 1 2
8 Geometrical construction. 2 1 4
9 Orthographic Projection 2 1 4
10 Pictorial projection 2 1 3
11 Land measurement /Symbol 1 1 3
Total Question 13 7 6 26
Attempt Questions 10 5 5 20
Marks 10 10 20 40

Time 18 18 39 75 min.

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Time: 1 Hour and 45 Min. Full Marks: 60

For Practical examination 60 full marks is divided as follows:

Allocation of practical marks Marks

Attendance 5

Lab report/Practical files 10

Internal assessment 10

Practical Examination 15

Spotting/field report/project work/survey report/drawing 10

Viva 10

Total 60

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Fundamental of computers
Grade: 9 Theory: 40 Full Marks (68 Period) Practical: 60 Full Marks (102 Period)

1. Introduction
This course is designed to impart knowledge on fundament concept of computer,
hardware components, internet, intranet, email and multimedia. This course specifically
designed to understand basic knowledge of different kinds of hardware and software
associated with it. It also provides knowledge of different kinds of operating system installation
process. It also provides skills on word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation tools. This
subject covers a foundational understanding of computer hardware, software, operating
systems, peripherals email and internet.

2. Competencies
1. Understand computer system and its hardware and software
2. Explain the internet, intranet and email
3. Understand the multimedia and its applications
4. Protect their computer by using antivirus software etc.
5. Perform applications software such as word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation tools

3. Learning Outcomes

At the end of Grade 9, students will be able to:

1. Develop concept about hardware and different types of software
2. Develop the knowledge about internet and intranet
3. Develop the concept of different types of operating system
4. Develop the concept of e-mail and internet
5. Use concept of multimedia technology in education, entertainment, training etc
6. Install different versions of operating systems in computer
7. Install customized software in the system

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


4. Scope and Sequence

Unit Scope Period

1. Introduction 1.1 Introduction to computer 10

1.2 History of computer and its generations.
1.3. Applications of computer in daily life.
1.4. Classifications of Computers:
1.4.1. Analog Computer
1.4.2. Digital Computer
1.4.3. Hybrid Computer
1.4.4. Super Computer
1.4.5. Mainframe Computer
1.4.6. Mini Computer
1.4.7. Micro-Computer or Personal computer
1.5. Characteristics of computer
1.6. Measurement of size and speed

Computer software 2.1 Introduction to computer software. 15

2. 2.2 Types of software and its features
2.2.1. System Software
2.2.2. Application Software
2.3. Features of System software
2.4. Features of Application Software
2.4 Word processor package
2.5 Spreadsheets package
2.6 Presentation package

3 Operating System overview 1.1. Operating system 8

1.2. Functions of operating system
1.3. Characteristics of operating system
1.4. Objectives of operating system
1.5. Types of operating system
1.5.1. Single user operating system
1.5.2. Multiuser operating system
1.5.3. Single tasking operating system
1.5.4. Multitasking operating system
1.6. Window operating system

4 Memory System Overview 4.1. Memory definition 8

4.2. Types of memory
4.2.1. Cache memory
4.2.2. Primary memory/Main Memory
4.2.3. Secondary memory
4.3. Advantages and disadvantages of cache
4.4. Characteristics of main memory
4.5. Characteristics of secondary memory

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


5 Components of Computer 1.1. Input unit 6

System 1.2. Output unit
1.3. Memory unit
1.4. Process unit
6 Electronic Mail 6.1. E-mail and uses 7
6.2. E-mail ethics
6.3 Advantages and disadvantages
6.4 Create mail
6.5 Operation of mail

Internet , Intranet and 7.1 Intranet 6

7 Extranet 7.2 Extranet
7.3 Difference in Internet and intranet
7.4. Advantages and disadvantages of Intranet
7.5 Search engine
7.6. Social media

8 Multimedia and its tools 8.1. Definition of Multimedia 8

8.2. Components of Multimedia
8.2.1. text
8.2.2. Audio
8.2.3. Video
8.2.4. Image
8.2.5. Animation
8.3. Applications of Multimedia
8.4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Multimedia
Total 68


Unit Scope Activities Periods

2 Computer • Installing windows 7 or upper operating 40
software system on the machine
• Creating a user account
• Word processor Package practical:
• Formatting Pages:
• Layout of word processer
• Open, save, edit file
• Text formatting
• Adjust margin
• Header and footer
• Add page numbers
• Insert page break
• Cover pages
• Page orientation
• Editing documents:

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


• Find and replace

• Spell check
• Zoom in-out
• Special symbols
• Working with tables
• Create a table
• Move a table
• Resize a table
• Merging cells
• Split a table
• Split cells
• Add formulas
• Advanced operations
• Use templates
• Use graphics
• Auto correction
• Auto formatting
• Create a Table of contents
• Create a bibliography
• Create a hyperlink in world document
Spread sheet Practical:
1. Insert data in excel and format them
2. Sort data in ascending and descending
3. Freeze rows and columns in excel
4. Filter data in an excel table
5. Perform the simple formula result in
excel which calculates total marks,
percentage, division, distinction, pass,
fail, rank.
• Presentation package practical
• Create slide
• Format slide
• Layout slide
• Design slide
• Animation slide
• Transaction slide

3 Operating system 26
• Formatting hard drives
• Partitioning and naming hard drives
• Changing hard disk drive letter
• Installing different types of operating
system like window 7, 8, 10 and Linux.
• Setup bios password
• Creating user accounts and restrict

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


• Install drivers
• Operate control panel.

6 Electronic mail 25
• Creating an e-mail account
and internet
• Sending message, pictures, video, and
attaching files
• Components of email messages: message
envelope, the message header and the
message body
• Sending an e-mail to multiple people
• Search contents on web
• View social media site
• Find the contents

9 Project Work 11
Prepare document using word and excel.

Total 102

5. Learning Facilitation Process:

This course provides both theoretical as well as practical knowledge on computer
engineering. In this subject there are both subjective contents as well as practical activities. This
curriculum focuses on providing practical knowledge to the students. It provides knowledge,
skill, and self confidence to the students. To fulfill the objectives, the instructor must involve the
students in classroom activities as well as practical field visits. Locally available material must
be used to conduct teaching learning activities. To achieve the entire objective from this
syllabus, teacher must use different techniques and process while teaching. Some of the
important techniques and processes that can be used are given below:

• Group Discussion
• Field Visit
• Demonstration
• Case study
• Questionnaire
• Practical Works
• Audio/Visual Class
• Web surfing
• Project Works
• Problem Solving.

6. Students Assessment Process

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Class work, homework, unit test, terminal test, final test, etc. are the tools to measure student's
knowledge, skill, and performance. Similarly, lab report, attendance, discipline, and performance
are also used to assess the learners' achievement.

Specification Grid

Subject : Fundamental of computers

In this subject, to evaluate the students knowledge, skill, attitude and performance, the questions
are divided into two group i. e. Theory and Practical. For theoretical part questions and
weightage are given in table A, bellow:
Table A
Class: 9 Times: 1 Hour and 15 Min. Full Marks: 40
Unit Scope Total
Group A Group B Group C Question
Very Short Short Long
Question Question Question
1 Introduction 1 1 2
2 Computer software 3 1 2
3 Operating System 2 1 4
4 Memory System 2 1 3

5 Components of 2 0 3

Computer System
6 Electronic Mail 1 1 3
7 Internet and Intranet 1 0 2
8 Multimedia and its 1 1 3
Total Question 13 7 6 26

Attempt questions 10 5 5 20

Marks 10 10 20 40

Time 18 18 39 75 min.

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Time: 1 Hour and 45 Min. Full Marks: 60

For Practical examination 60 full marks is divided as follows:

Allocation of practical marks Marks

Attendance 5

Lab report/Practical files 10

Internal assessment 10

Practical Examination 15

Spotting/field report/project work/survey report/drawing 10

Viva 10

Total 60

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


C- Programming

Grade: 9 Theory: 40 Full Marks (68 Period) Practical: 60 Full Marks (102 Period)

1. Introduction
The C- Programming syllabus aims to help the students on computer programming language
concept. The end goal is to develop basic programming knowledge and skill with the concept of
variables, data types, control structure, loop, functions, array etc.

2. Competencies
1. Develop the knowledge of platform, compiler, interpreter, basic high level programming
languages and difference of program and software.
2. Develop flow chart, algorithm, and pseudo codes.
3. Develop the knowledge of how computer language works and how they are used in the
home, school, workplace and community.
4. Analyse the basic mathematical problem flow process into c-programming language.
5. Develop small program in C- Programming language.

3. Learning Outcomes
At the end of Grade 9, students will be able to:
1. Develop simple concept of basic programming language and code reducing computer
2. Develop the flow chart, algorithm, and pseudo codes of basic mathematic problems.
3. Develop need of platform and compiler/interpreter.
4. Develop simple program using c-programming language.
5. Acquire skill of basic programming structure.

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


4. Scope and Sequence


Unit Scope Period

1. Programming Languages 1.1 Definition. 15
1.2. History/ Generation
1.3. Classification
1.4.Machine, Assembly, High Level,
4GL – their merits and demerits
1.5. Compiler, Interpreter and Assembler
1.6. List of High Level Programming
1.7. Difference between Program and
1.8. Concept of Programming
1.9. Syntax and Semantics error
1.10. Program Control Structures -
Sequence, Selection and Iteration.
1.11. Program Design Tools (manage
text format)
1.12. Algorithm
1.13. Flowchart and
1.14. Pseudo Code

C-fundamentals 2.1. History of C-language 9

2. 2.2. Basic Structures of C-Programming
2.3. Character sets, constants, and
2.4. Keywords
2.5. Data types
2.6. Escape sequences
2.7. Operators (arithmetic, relational,
logical, assignment, unary)

4 Input/output statements 1.1. Header files 8

1.2. Formatted input/output
1.3. Character input/output
1.4. Program using input/output

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


5 Control Statement 5.1 Selective Structures 18

5.1.1 If, if else, if else ladder
5.1.2 Switch and goto statement
5.2 Repetitive Structure
5.2.1 While loop
5.2.2 Do while loop
5.2.3 For loop
5.3 Nested loop
5.4 Break and Continue statements

6 Function 1.1. Definition 6

1.2. Function types (library, and user
defined function)
1.3. Programming examples of simple
user defined function.
1.4. Function call by Value and Call By
1.5. Return type and Non return type
1.6. Function prototyping
1.7. Passing arguments to functions

Arrays & String 8

7 7.1 Definition
7.2 Arrays types
7.3. Single
7.4. Multi-dimension

8 Structures 1.1 Definition 2

1.2 Structure variable declaration
1.3 Accessing members of a structures
Pointer s in C 1.1. Pointer Definition 2
1.2. Declaration of pointer variable
1.3. Reference operator(&)
1.4. Deference operator(*)

Total 68

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Unit Scope Activities Period
2 C-fundamentals Installation of C compiler 8
4 Input/output statements
• Write a simple program which use formatted 8
5 Control Statement
• Program about operator
• Write program to use break and continue
statement in For Loop, while Loop, Do-While
• Write a program using switch statement
• Program to display string message using For
• Program to display a pattern using nested For
• Develop program to display 1 to 20 elements
using For loop, While Loop, Do-While 22
• Develop program to test even or odd number
of an integer variable using if-else statements
• Program to display the largest number
between any two numbers.
• Program to display the smallest number
between any two numbers.
• Program to calculate the simple interest
• Program to display the Fibonacci series
• Program to display the series 1, 5,9,13 up to
13 terms.
6 Function
• Program to display “Welcome to My School”
using function
• Program to find the summation of two
variables using function
• Program to find the largest and smallest 15
numbers using functions
• Program to find the factorial of any integer
variable using recursion
• WAP to call function by Value and Call by
7 Arrays & String
• Write a program to input 5 numbers in an
array variable and display them. 23
• Write a program to input the age of 20
students and count the number of students

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


having age between 20 and 25.

• Write a program to find the largest number
among ‘ n’ numbers
• Write a program to initialize an array variable
with 10 elements and display on the
screen(not using loop)
• Write a program to initialize an array variable
with 10 elements and display on the screen(
using For loop)
• Write a program which holds string data type
as elements of an array of size 10 and display
using For Loop
• Write a program to display elements of an
array input through the keyword.
• Write a program to multiply 2X2 array
elements and display the output on the screen
• Write a program to find whether the elements
of an array is even or odd number

8 Structures
• Write a program to create an structure of
book having fields ‘title’, ‘author’,
‘Publication’, ‘Price’ 8
• Write a C program that takes roll_no, fname,
lname of 5 students and print the same record
on the screen.
9 Pointers
• WAP to define a pointer variable which holds
the address of a normal variable. And print
the value stored at normal variable.
• Test a program how pointer variable holds the
address of another variable.
• WAP to find the of value stored at pointer
variable using deference operator.

10 Project Work
• Prepare project to simple operation of result
of student 10

Total 102

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


5. Learning Facilitation Process:

This course provides both theoretical as well as practical knowledge on computer
engineering. In this subject there are both subjective contents as well as practical activities. This
curriculum focuses on providing practical knowledge to the students. It provides knowledge,
skill, and self confidence to the students. To fulfill the objectives, the instructor must involve the
students in classroom activities as well as practical field visits. Locally available material must
be used to conduct teaching learning activities. To achieve the entire objective from this
syllabus, teacher must use different techniques and process while teaching. Some of the
important techniques and processes that can be used are given below:

• Group Discussion
• Field Visit
• Demonstration
• Case study
• Questionnaire
• Practical Works
• Audio/Visual Class
• Web surfing
• Project Works
• Problem Solving.

6. Students Assessment Process

Class work, homework, unit test, terminal test, final test, etc. are the tools to measure student's
knowledge, skill, and performance. Similarly, lab report, attendance, discipline, and performance
are also used to assess the learners' achievement.

Specification Grid

Subject : C- Programming
In this subject, to evaluate the students knowledge, skill, attitude and performance, the questions
are divided into two group i. e. Theory and Practical. For theoretical part questions and
weightage are given in table A, bellow:
Class: 9 Times: 1 Hour and 15 Min. Full Marks: 40
Unit Scope Total
Group A Group B Group C Question
Very Short Short Long
Question Question Question
1 Programming 2 1 3
2 C-fundamentals 1 1
3 Problem analysing 1 1 3

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


4 Input/output 1 2
5 Control Statement 2 1 3

6 Function 2 1 4
7 Arrays & String 2 2 2
8 Structures 1 2
9 Pointers in C 1 2
Total Question 13 7 6 26

Attempt questions 10 5 5 20

Marks 10 10 20 40

Time 18 18 39 75 min.

Time: 1 Hour and 45 Min. Full Marks: 60

For Practical examination 60 full marks is divided as follows.

Allocation of practical marks Marks

Attendance 5

Lab report/Practical files 10

Internal assessment 10

Examination 15

Spotting 10

Viva 10

Total 60

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Fundamental of digital System

Grade: 9 Theory: 40 Full Marks (68 Period) Practical: 60 Full Marks (102 Period)

1. Introduction
This course provides basic knowledge and skills on logic design and digital circuit
design with logic circuits. This course also provides elementary concepts on
algorithm. This course includes logical circuits, encoder, decoder, multiplexer, and
demultiplexer. This course provides the basic building block of real-world
computers. In this course we also examine algebraic and comparator circuit.

2. Competencies
1. Develop the concept number system.
2. Develop the basics of logic system.
3. Develop the knowledge to test logic gates
4. Develop the concept to design combinational logic and sequential logic.
5. Develop the concept of flip-flop circuit.

3. Learning Outcomes
At the end of Grade 9, students will be able to:

1. Develop the simple arithmetic of number system

2. Develop simple concept of basics of different types of logic gates
3. Develop the concept of K-MAP up to 2 variables
4. Develop the concept of number system

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


4. Scope and Sequence

Unit Scope Period

1. Number system 1.1.Numbering concept 8

1.2.Different Types of numbering
1.2.1 Decimal numbers
1.2.2 Binary numbers
1.2.3 Octal numbers
1.2.4 Hexadecimal numbers
1.3.Number conversion
1.3.1 Decimal Integers to Binary and
Binary to Decimal conversion
1.4. Decimal Fractions to Binary
1.4.1 Octal to Decimal and Decimal to
Octal conversion

Binary arithmetic 2.1 1’s complement operation 7

2. Operations 2.2 2’s complement operation
2.3 Addition operation
2.4 Subtraction operation
2.5 Multiplication operation
3 Logic Gate Concepts 3.1 Notations 7
3.2 Concept of gate and truth table
3.2.1 Inverter
3.2.2 OR gate
3.2.3 AND gate
3.2.4 NOR gate
3.2.5 NAND gate
3.2.6 XOR gate
3.2.7 XNOR gate
3.2.8.Universal gates
3.3 De Morgan’s Theorems concept

4 Boolean Algebra and 4.1.Boolean relations 10

Karnaugh Map 4.2.Simplification
4.2.1 Sum-of-Product (SOP)
4.2.2 Product-of-Sum (POS)
4.2.3 Algebraic simplification
4.3. Karnaugh Map (K-Map) Simplification
upto 2 variables
4.4. Don’t-Care conditions

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


5 Binary Arithmetic 5.1 Half adders 8

Logic 5.2 Binary adders
5.3 Half subtracters
5.4 Full adders
5.5 Full subtracters

6 Combinational Logic 18
6.1 Code converters
6.1.1 Decoders
6.1.2 Encoders
6.1.3 Circuit implementations
6.2 Multiplexers
6.2.1 Multiplexer logic
6.2.2 Demultiplexer logic
6.2.3 Circuit implementation
6.3 7-segment decoders concept

Sequential Logic 7.1 Basic Concepts 10

7 7.1.1 Latching effect
7.1.2 Level Clocking
7.1.3 Trigger and types
7.2 RS Flip-Flop
7.3 T-Flip-Flop
7.4 D-Flip-Flop
7.5 JK- Flip-Flop
7.6 JK- Master Slave Flip-Flop

Total 68

Unit Scope Activities Period
1 Number system Exercise 1 Decimal numbers
2. Binary numbers
3 Octal numbers
4 Hexadecimal numbers
5 .Number conversion
6 Decimal Integers to Binary and Binary to Decimal
7 Decimal Fractions to Binary conversion
8 Octal to Decimal and Decimal to Octal conversion

2 Binary arithmetic Operations 1 Addition operation

Exercise 2 Subtraction operation
3 Multiplication operation
4 Division operation

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


3 Logic Gate Concepts 1 Inverter

2 OR gate
3 AND gate
4 NOR gate
5 NAND gate
6 XOR gate
7 XNOR gate

4 Boolean Algebra and 1 Sum-of-Product (SOP)

Karnaugh Map Exercise 2 Product-of-Sum (POS)
3 Algebraic simplification 15
4 Karnaugh Map upto 2- variables
5. Don’t-Care conditions
5 Binary Arithmetic Logic 1. Half adders
2 .Binary adders
3 .Half subtractar
4 .Full adders
5 .Full subtractor

6 Combinational Logic 1 .Code converters

2. Decoder
5 .Multiplexers
7 .De multiplexer
8 .7-segment decoders demo

7 Sequential Logic RS Flip-Flop

8 Project work Logically design the differ logic gates.
Total 102

5. Learning Facilitation Process:

This course provides both theoretical as well as practical knowledge on computer
engineering. In this subject there are both subjective contents as well as practical activities. This
curriculum focuses on providing practical knowledge to the students. It provides knowledge,
skill, and self confidence to the students. To fulfill the objectives, the instructor must involve the
students in classroom activities as well as practical field visits. Locally available material must
be used to conduct teaching learning activities. To achieve the entire objective from this
syllabus, teacher must use different techniques and process while teaching. Some of the
important techniques and processes that can be used are given below:

• Group Discussion
• Field Visit
• Demonstration
• Case study
• Questionnaire

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


• Practical Works
• Audio/Visual Class
• Web surfing
• Project Works
• Problem Solving.

6. Students Assessment Process

Class work, homework, unit test, terminal test, final test, etc. are the tools to measure student's
knowledge, skill, and performance. Similarly, lab report, attendance, discipline, and performance
are also used to assess the learners' achievement.

Specification Grid

Subject: Fundamental of digital System

In this subject, to evaluate the students knowledge, skill, attitude and performance, the questions
are divided into two group i. e. Theory and Practical. For theoretical part questions and
weightage are given in table A, bellow:
Table A
Class: 9 Times: 1 Hour and 15 Min. Full Marks: 40
Unit Scope Group A Group B Group C Total
Very Short Short Long Question
Question Question Question
1 Number system 2 0 3
2 Binary arithmetic 2 1 4
3 Logic Gate Concepts 2 1 4
4 Boolean Algebra and 2 1 4

Karnaugh Map
5 Binary Arithmetic Logic 2 1 4
6 Combinational Logic 1 1 3
7 Sequential Logic 2 1 4
Total Question 13 7 6 26

Attempt questions 10 5 5 20

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Marks 10 10 20 40

Time 18 18 39 75 min.

Time: 1 Hour and 45 Min. Full Marks: 60

For Practical examination 60 full marks is divided as follows:

Allocation of practical marks Marks

Attendance 5

Lab report/Practical files 10

Internal assessment 10

Practical Examination 15

Spotting/field report/project work/survey report/drawing 10

Viva 10

Total 60

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Electrical Engineering

Grade: 9 Theory: 40 Full Marks (68 Period) Practical: 60 Full Marks (102 Period)

1. Introduction:
This course provides knowledge on the basic theory of the fundamentals of electrical
engineering and helps the students to develop the skills on different laboratories works related
to the subject such as resistor, capacitor, inductance, voltage, current etc. Similarly, it also gives
information and skill about single phase and three phases current, voltage and its functions.

2. Competencies
1. Develop a sense of information technology culture and an appreciation of the range two
and power of computer applications
2. Develop an awareness of how computers work and how they are used in the home,
school, workplace and community
3. Appreciate the role computers play in everyday life and the impact computers have on
society and people
4. Acquire skills in using common application software to accomplish tasks

3. Learning Outcomes
At the end of Grade 9, students will be able to:
1. Understand and explain the basic laws of electrostatics, electrolysis, electrical circuits, electrical
Power and energy, magnetism and electromagnetism.
2. Understand and calculate basic units of voltage, current, resistance, power, energy, and
3. Understand the different terms and parameters related with AC signal.
4. Calculate different parameters related with AC circuits and their response in various types of
5. Know the basics related with single phase and three phase circuits and their parameters.

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


4. Scope and Sequence

Unit Scope Content Period
1. Electrostatics 1.1 Provide the concept of Electricity. 4
1.2. Introduction to electricity and it’s history
1.3. Definition of electricity.
1.4 Concept of Aton and its structure.
• Electron
• Proton
• Neutron
1.5 Introduction to atomic number, atomic weight, free electrons
and electric charge.
1.6 Types of electricity.
• Dynamic
• Static
1.2.1 Provide the concept of force
1.2.2 Introduction and definition of force
1.2.3 Define Colum’s law between two charges.
1.2.4 Define electric field , potential and potential difference
1.2.5 Explain the sources of energy, voltage and its units.
Electric Circuit 2.2.1 Define electric circuit and its parameter. 10
2. • Voltage
• Current and
• Resistance
2.2.2. State the movement of electrons in a conductor.
2.2.3. Provide concept and definition of electric current and its
unit ( with examples – running water forces)
2.2.4. Explain conventional direction of electric current. & its uses
2.2.5. Define and explain electric resistance and its unit.
2.2.6. Explain the role of electric resistance in electrical circuits.
2.2.7. Explain the factors affecting the value of resistances.
2.2.8. Explain the types of electric units
• Open circuit
• Close circuit
• Leakage circuit
• Series circuit
• Parallel circuit
• Mix circuit
2.3.1 Explain the connection of resistances in series and parallel.
2.3.2 Calculate the equivalent resistances.
• Series
• Parallel
2.3.3 Explain the uses of series and parallel circuit.
2.3.4. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of series and
parallel circuit.
2.4.1 Explain Ohm’s Law.
2.4.2 Verify ohm’s Law.
2.4.3 Explain application of ohm’s law.
2.5.1 Explain and state Kirchhoff's Laurent law.
2.5.2 Explain and state Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


2.5.3 Explain practical application of Kirchhoff’s Law.

2.4.3 Solve simple numerical of Unit 2.
3 Electrical Power 3.1 Define electrical power, its unit and practical application 4
and Energy 3.2 Define electrical energy, its unit and practical application
3.3 Simple numerical examples related to unit 3
4 Cell and Battery 4.1.1 Define cell and battery and it’s classification 8
• Primary
• Secondary
4.1.2 Explain the voltaic cell
4.1.3 Explain the construction and working principle of the voltaic
4.1.4 Explain with types of charging and discharging process of
cell as:
• Voltage controlled method
• Current controlled method

4.2.1 Explain the capacity of cell (AH)

4.2.2 Explain the characteristics of series and parallel connection
of cell.
4.3.1 Explain the characteristics of series and parallel combination
of cell for specified voltage and current.
4.3.2 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of combination of
series / parallel connection.
4.4.1 Explain the real application of series and parallel connection
of battery (use as Transport (for power),
telecommunication, industry and alternative system (solar
power) etc.
5 Capacitors 5.1.1 Explain the capacitor and capacitance and its units. 6
5.1.2 Explain the effecting factors of capacitance of a capacitor
5.1.3 Explain the characteristics of capacitance
5.1.4 Explain the characteristics of parallel plate capacitor
5.2.1 Differentiate the series and parallel connection of capacitor
5.2.2 Calculate the equivalent capacitance of list no 5.2.1
5.3.1 Explain the charging and discharging method of capacitor
5.3.2 Explain the advantages of parallel connection of capacitor
6 Magnetism and 6.1.1 Explain the magnet and magnetism. 12
Electromagnetism 6.1.2 Explain the types of magnet
• Temporary magnet
• Permanent magnet
6.1.3 Explain the magnetic and non magnetic materials
6.1.4 Explain the magnetic terminology
• Magnetic field
• Magnetic field intensity
• Lines of magnetic flux
• Flux density
6.2.1 Explain the magnetic field and its direction due to a current
carrying conductor Explain the magnetic effect of current.
6.3.2 Explain application of magnetic effect of current
6.3.3 State the principle of electromagnetism.
6.3.4 State & explain Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.
6.4.1 Explain statically and dynamically induced emf.

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


6.4.2 State the Lenz’s law.

6.5.1 Define the following terminologies
• Magnetic circuit
• Magneto motive force (MMF )
• Magnetizing force ( Ampere Turn )
• Permeability (introduction only )
• Reluctance (introduction only )
6.5.2 Explain Cork screw rule
• Self Inductance
• Mutual Inductance
6.6.1 Compare between electric and magnetic circuit.
7 Fundamentals of 7.1.1 Define D C current and AC current 16
alternating current 7.1.2 Compare with AC over DC
and single phase 7.1.3 Explain the terms of AC fundamentals
circuits • Frequency / cycle
• Amplitude / wave form
• Time period / Instantaneous value
• RMS value / average value
• Form factor / lagging or leading
• Power factor / reactance

8 Three phase Circuit 8.1.1 Explain the concept of poly phase system 8
8.1.2 Explain the three phase system
8.1.3 Clarify about phase sequence

Total 68


Unit Scope Content Area Marks

1. Electrostatic 1.1 Demonstrate the phenomenon of electrification by 9
friction (static electricity) with the help of glass
bar and silk.

1.2 Use electroscope to verify the interaction between

electrical charges and hence observe the
magnitude of the acting force between them.

Electric Circuit 2.1. Perform the correct connection of the voltmeter, 23

2. ammeter, fixed and variable resistors in an
electrical circuit and hence observe the correct
handling and application of the equipment.

2.2. Measure the resistance and specific resistance of

a resistor using voltmeter and ammeter.

2.3. Connect the resistors in series and parallel and

calculate the equivalent resistance using

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


voltmeters and ammeters.

2.4. Connect the circuit with a voltmeter, ammeter,

resistor and a switch to verify Ohm’s law.

2.5. Connect a source of EMF and 3 resistors in

(a) Parallel with ammeters in each parallel branch,

verify Kirchhoff’s first law.

(b) Series with voltmeters for each resistor, verify

Kirchhoff’s second law.
3 Electrical Power and Energy 3.1 Connect the circuit with a voltmeter, ammeter and 9
a resistor and determine the power and energy
consumed by the resistor in 5 minutes.

4 Cell and Battery 4.1 Connect a circuit with 4 batteries in series and 8
parallel and hence find the equivalent e.m.f.

5 Capacitors 5.1. Construct a simple parallel plate capacitor and 18

verify the factors upon which the capacitance of
the capacitor depends.

5.2. Connect capacitors in series and parallel, charge

them and hence find the equivalent capacitance
and voltage.
6 Magnetism and Electromagnetism 6.1. Perform the experiments with permanent magnet 9
and identify magnetic field, its density and
characteristics and observe the interaction of

7 Fundamentals of alternating current 7.1 Use oscilloscope and be familiar with its operation 8
and single phase circuits to measure dc/ac quantities.

8 Three phase Circuit 8.1. To be familiar with 3-phase supply and 3-phase 18

8.2. To be familiar with star and delta connections

8.3. Connect the load in star, measure line and phase

currents and voltages.

Total 102

5. Learning Facilitation Process:

This course provides both theoretical as well as practical knowledge on computer
engineering. In this subject there are both subjective contents as well as practical activities. This
curriculum focuses on providing practical knowledge to the students. It provides knowledge,
skill, and self confidence to the students. To fulfill the objectives, the instructor must involve the
students in classroom activities as well as practical field visits. Locally available material must

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


be used to conduct teaching learning activities. To achieve the entire objective from this
syllabus, teacher must use different techniques and process while teaching. Some of the
important techniques and processes that can be used are given below:

• Group Discussion
• Field Visit
• Demonstration
• Case study
• Questionnaire
• Practical Works
• Audio/Visual Class
• Web surfing
• Project Works
• Problem Solving.

6. Students Assessment Process

Class work, homework, unit test, terminal test, final test, etc. are the tools to measure student's
knowledge, skill, and performance. Similarly, lab report, attendance, discipline, and performance
are also used to assess the learners' achievement.

Specification Grid

Subject: Electrical Engineering

In this subject, to evaluate the students knowledge, skill, attitude and performance, the questions
are divided into two group i. e. Theory and Practical. For theoretical part questions and
weightage are given in table A, bellow:

Table A

Class: 9 Times: 1 Hour and 15 Min. Full Marks: 40

Unit Scope
Group A Group B Group C
Very Short Short Long Question
Question Question Question
1. Electrostatic
2. Electric Circuit
2 2
3 Electrical Power and Energy
2 2

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


4 Cell and Battery

5 Capacitors
6 Magnetism and
Electromagnetism 2 1 1 4

7 Fundamentals of alternating
current and single phase
2 1 1 4

8 Three phase Circuit

2 1 1 3
Total Question 13 7 6 26

Attempt questions 10 5 5 20

Marks 10 10 20 40

Time 18 18 39 75 min.

Time: 1 Hour and 45 Min. Full Marks: 60

For Practical examination 60 full marks is divided as follows:

Allocation of practical marks Marks

Attendance 5

Lab report/Practical files 10

Internal assessment 10

Practical Examination 15

Spotting/field report/project work/survey report/drawing 10

Viva 10

Total 60

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Web Page Development

Grade: 9 Theory: 40 Full Marks (68 Period) Practical: 60 Full Marks (102 Period)

1. Introduction

Web technology is basically design to understand about the web pages. It is one of the
booming technologies in this globalization society. The main objective of this course is to
understand the basic concept used in HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT and editors. This course helps
students to develop static web pages with embedding CSS and JavaScript as well. This course is
specifically designed to focus on current IT job market with providing sound knowledge of web

2. Competencies
1. Develop the knowledge of different of GUI based HTML editor software.
2. Develop the good command in HTML and CSS based static web pages.
3. Develop the knowledge of JavaScript which is used to develop the interactive webpage

3. Learning Outcomes
At the end of Grade 9, students will be able to:
1. Develop concept of web programming and using html and css
2. Develop the skill to manage site in GUI Based Editor.
3. Acquire skills in JavaScript to implement in web development
4. Edit html and CSS based static website.

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


4. Scope and Sequence


Unit Scope Period

1. Internet / Web basics 1.1 History of the internet 4
1.2. Protocol
1.3. Web Browsers
1.4. Www
1.5. Search Engine
1.6. Web 2.0

2 An Introduction to HTML 2.1. Introduction 6

2.3. HTML attributes
2.4. Image
2.5.HTML Headings
2.6. Text formatting
2.7.HTML styles
2.8.HTML tables
2.9.HTML Lists
2.10.HTML forms
2.11.HTML Media
2.11.1. Video
2.11.2. Audio
2.12.HTML 5 introduction
2.13.What is new in HTML5
2.14.HTML 5 Canvas
2.15.HTML 5 Drag and Drop
2.16..HTML 5 Elements
2.17.HTML 5 attributes

3 An Introduction to CSS 3.1. Working with CSS: 15

3.1.1. Css background
3.1.2. Css boarder
3.1.3. Css Margins
3.1.4. Css padding
3.1.5. Height/widths
3.1.6. Css text
3.1.7. Css fonts
3.1.8. Css position
3.1.9. Css float
3.1.10. Css image opacity
3.1.11. Css attributes selector
3.2. Inline css
3.3.Internal css
3.4. External css
3.5. CSS selectors:
3.6.1. Class selector
3.6.2. Id selector

3.7.CSS3 introduction

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


3.8.CSS3 modules
 Selectors
 Box Model
 Backgrounds and Borders
 Image Values and Replaced Content
 Text Effects
 2D/3D Transformations
 Animations
 Multiple Column Layout
 User Interface
3.9.CSS3 boarder
3.10. CSS3 Margin
3.11.CSS3 padding
3.12.CSS3 rounded corner
3.13.CSS3 backgrounds
3.14.CSS3 Gradients
3.15.CSS3 shadow

4 JavaScript 5.1. Introducing JavaScript 15

5.2. JavaScript Variables and Data Types
5.3. Data Types
5.4. Numeric
5.5. Boolean
5.6. Strings
5.7. Variables
5.8. Naming
5.9. Numeric
5.10.Javascript comments
5.11. String Manipulation
5.12. Arithmetic Operator
5.13. Conditional Statements
5.14. Comparison Operators
5.15. Logical Operators
5.16. And, Or, Not
5.17. For Loops
5.18. While Loops
5.19. Functions
5.20. Object-Oriented concepts in JavaScript
5.21. Date Object
5.22. Document Object
5.23. Window Object
5.24. Status Bar
5.25. Dialog Boxes
5.26. New Windows
5.27. On Load & on Unload
5 An introduction to XML 6.1..XML definition 4
6.2.Advantage of using XML
6.3.XML components
 Declaration
 Tags
 Elements
 Attributes
 Comments
6.4.Xml standards
6.5.Xml and Web 2.0

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


6 GUI Based HTML Editor 7.1. Introduction to different types of 15

HTML editors
7.2. Create a page /view page
7.3. Formatting page
7.4. Linking HTML pages With the CSS
7.5. Managing the website in the editor
7.6. Editing HTML and CSS templates
using editor
7.7. Create a Simple HTML and CSS
Template in Editor.
7.8. Integrating the web Templates in the

7 Project Work 8.1. Gathering Information 9

8.2. Layout
8.3. Deign
8.4. Color combinations
8.5. Usages of Graphics Images
8.6. Home Page
(Develop the simple HTML ,CSS Static Web
Page of Your School )

Total 68

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10



Unit Scope Activities Periods

2 HTML • Basic Tags: Heading Tags, paragraph 30
tag, Line break tag , centering content
tag, Horizontal Lines Tag, preserve
formatting tag, nonbreaking spaces
• Html elements
• Nested Html elements
• Html comments: Single line comment,
Multiple Line comments
• Html formatting
• Html fonts, colors,
marquee,forms,frames ,links etc
• Html table
• Html list: order list, unorder list,
definition list
• Html attributes: Lang attribute, title
attribute, href attributes, size attributes,
alt attributes
• Html forms Elements:
Elements: input element, select
element , option elements, textarea ,
Input type: text, password submit,
radio, checkbox,
HTML 5 elements: Semantic
• <article>
• <aside>
• <details>
• <figcaption>
• <figure>
• <footer>
• <header>
• <main>
• <mark>
• <nav>
• <section>
• <summary>

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


3 CSS Cascading style sheet: 16

• Inline css
• Internal css
• External css
• Css background
• Css margin
• Css padding
• Css heights/widths
• Css text
• Css fonts
• Css max widths
• Css float
• Css position
• Css3 rounded corner
• Css3 boarder images
• Css3 backgrounds
• Css3 colors
• Css3 gradients
• Css3 shadow
• Css3 text
• Css3 buttons
• Css3 2D transforms
• Css3 3D transforms

5 Java Script • Printing javascript statements in 20

standard output device
• Single line comment
• Multiline comments
• WAP in Javascript using For Loop, while
loop and Do-While loop
• use JS break statements in loops
• JavaScript Events: On click, Onchange,
OnMousehover, onload
• Html form validation using JavaScript.
• WAP to display array elements
• WAP to print IF-Else statements in
• Javascript Dialogue Box: Alert Dialogue
Box, confirmation Dialogue box, Prompt
Dialogue Box,

6 GUI Based HTML Editor • Online searching of the editor and 26

install them on local machine

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


• Creating the first page in the editor

• Create your own website in the editor
• Editing the source code in the editor
• Connecting external CSS file to HTML
7 Project work Develop the simple HTML and CSS templates of 10
your school
Total 102

5. Learning Facilitation Process:

This course provides both theoretical as well as practical knowledge on computer
engineering. In this subject there are both subjective contents as well as practical activities. This
curriculum focuses on providing practical knowledge to the students. It provides knowledge,
skill, and self confidence to the students. To fulfill the objectives, the instructor must involve the
students in classroom activities as well as practical field visits. Locally available material must
be used to conduct teaching learning activities. To achieve the entire objective from this
syllabus, teacher must use different techniques and process while teaching. Some of the
important techniques and processes that can be used are given below:

• Group Discussion
• Field Visit
• Demonstration
• Case study
• Questionnaire
• Practical Works
• Audio/Visual Class
• Web surfing
• Project Works
• Problem Solving.

6. Students Assessment Process

Class work, homework, unit test, terminal test, final test, etc. are the tools to measure student's
knowledge, skill, and performance. Similarly, lab report, attendance, discipline, and performance
are also used to assess the learners' achievement.

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Specification Grid

Subject : Web Page Development

In this subject, to evaluate the students knowledge, skill, attitude and performance, the questions
are divided into two group i. e. Theory and Practical. For theoretical part questions and
weightage are given in table A, bellow:
Table A

Class: 9 Times: 1 Hour and 15 Min. Full Marks: 40

Unit Scope Total
Group A Group B Group C Question
Very Short Short Long
Question Question Question
1 Internet / Web basics 1 0 2
2 An Introduction to 3 1 6
3 An Introduction to CSS 2 1 4
4 J-Query 2 1 4
5 JavaScript 2 1 4
6 An introduction to 1 1 3
7 GUI Based HTML 1 1
8 Project Work 1 1 2
Total Question 13 7 6 26

Attempt questions 10 5 5 20

Marks 10 10 20 40

Time 18 18 39 75 min.

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Time: 1 Hour and 45 Min. Full Marks: 60

For Practical examination 60 full marks is divided as follows:

Allocation of practical marks Marks

Attendance 5

Lab report/Practical files 10

Internal assessment 10

Practical Examination 15

Spotting/field report/project work/survey report/drawing 10

Viva 10

Total 60

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Class 10

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Computer Repair and Maintenance

Grade: 10 Theory: 40 Full Marks (68 Period) Practical: 60 Full Marks (102 Period)

1. Introduction
The objective of this course is to provide fundamental concept of hardware, assembling
of computer system. This course includes the practical concept of different types of
hardware of the computer system like motherboard, hard drive, primary memory,
cabling system etc. Likewise this course also provides the concept of hardware related
issues and troubleshooting the problem. This course is also intended to diagnosis of the
actual problem of computer hardware.

2. Competencies
1. Develop the knowledge of different types of hardware of the computer
2. Develop the basic concept of how to assemble the computer
3. Develop the knowledge of primary and secondary memory
4. It helps students to troubleshoot hardware related issues.
5. Develop the concepts of preventive maintenance and safety.

3. Learning Outcomes
At the end of Grade 10, students will be able to:

1. Develop simple concept on how the computer system is properly operating.

2. Develop the general concept to find out bugs in the hardware parts of the computer
3. Develop the skill to troubleshoot the virus related problems of the system
4. Develop the skill, how to backup and what to backup
5. Find out any kind of booting issues and trouble shoot them.
6. Find out the graphics or VGA problems and fix such types of issues.
7. Install different hardware devices like NIC, external graphics card etc.
8. Extend the useful life of computer hardware.
9. Avoid major problems caused by unexpected downtime.

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


4. Scope and Sequence


Unit Scope Period

1. Introduction to computers System Case, Styles and Sizes, Form Factors, 28
1.1. Power: The internal Power Supply, Parts of
the Power Supply, Form Factors
1.1.1. Motherboard and System Devices Motherboard Form Factors Parts of the Motherboard System Bus Functions Peripheral Component Interconnect
(PCI) Local Bus Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP)/PCI
1.1.2. System BIOS System BIOS Functions and
Operation, BIOS Settings
1.2. The Processor Processor Power and Voltage Processor Cooling Processor Sockets and Slots
1.2.2. System Memory, Memory Technology
Types, Speed, Size
1.3. Video Cards
1.3.1. Video Modes, Resolution and Color
1.3.2. Video Display Standards
1.4. Hard Disk Drives
1.4.1. Construction and Operation of the Hard
Disk Drive
35 Hard Disk Geometry, Tracks, Cylinders
and Sectors Partitioning, Partition Sizes and Drive
Lettering Formatting and Capacity
1.4.2. Hard Disk Interfaces and Configuration Interface: IDE/ATA/ATAPI, SATA,
1.5. CD, DVD-ROM Drives and Interfaces
1.5.1. CD, DVD-ROM Drive Construction and
1.5.2. Recordable CD (CD-R)
1.5.3. Rewriteable CD (CD-RW)
1.6. Monitors
1.6.1. Monitor Resolution, Colour and Refresh
1.6.2. Monitor Size
1.6.3. CRT and LCD monitors
1.7. Keyboards and Mouse

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


1.7.1. Keyboard Construction and Operation

1.7.2. Keyboard, Key Groupings Alphanumeric Key Layouts Standard Keyboard Layouts
System Care Guide 18
2. 2.1. Preventive Maintenance
2.2. System Care:
2.2.1. Cooling and Ventilation
2.2.2. Virus Detection and Protection
2.2.3. Background on Viruses
2.2.4. Virus Infection Mechanisms and
2.2.5. Virus Scanning and Antivirus Software
2.3. Backups
2.3.1. Backup Methods, Devices and Media
2.3.2. Backup Scheduling and Media Rotation
2.3.3. What To Back Up
2.3.4. How To Back Up
2.3.5. Boot Disks
3 Troubleshoot, Repair and 22
maintenance 3.1. General Troubleshooting Techniques
3.1.1. Steps To Take First When
3.1.2. General Diagnostic Techniques
3.2. Diagnostic, Troubleshooting and Repair
3.2.1. Troubleshooting Boot Problems Troubleshooting Boot-Time Error
Messages Troubleshooting System Slowdowns
3.2.2. Troubleshooting Specific Components System Case Assembly of Physical devices issues LEDs, Case Buttons, Key Lock Power Sources and Power Protection
Devices Motherboard and System Devices The Processor System Memory Memory Not Recognized Out of Memory Problems Video Cards Failure or Improper Operation Image Quality Problems(Video
Controller Issue) Performance or Video Mode Issues Monitors Failure or Improper Operation Image Quality Problems(Monitor itself) CD-ROM Drives Drive Not Recognized Configuration Problems Physical Problems

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10

51 Peripheral I/O Ports Keyboards Mouse
Total 68

Unit Scope Activities Periods
1 Introduction to 1.1. Perform Physical Installation Procedure 25
computers 1.2. Perform Memory Module Physical Installation
1.3. Perform Motherboard Physical Installation Procedure
1.4. Perform Identification Procedures
1.4.1. Video Card Identification Procedure
1.4.2. Operation System Identification Procedure
1.4.3. File System Identification Procedure
3 Troubleshoot, 3.1. Perform I/O Port Physical Installation Procedures 67
repair and 3.1.1. System Case Preparation Procedure
maintenance 3.1.2. Hard Disk Drive Physical Installation Procedure
3.1.3. CD-ROM Drive Physical Installation Procedure
3.1.4. Processor Physical Installation Procedure
3.1.5. Heat Connector Physical Installation Procedure
3.1.6. PS/2 Mouse Port Connector Physical Installation
3.1.7. Video Card Physical Installation Procedure
3.2. Perform Uninstallation and Disassembly Procedures
3.2.1. System Case Cover Removal Procedure
3.3. Perform Setup and Inspection Procedures
3.3.1. Post-Assembly Inspection Procedure
3.3.2. Post-Assembly Initial Boot Procedure
3.3.3. Safe BIOS Setup Procedure
3.3.4. Post-Assembly Initial Test Procedure
3.3.5. Hard Disk Partitioning and Formatting Procedure
3.3.6. CD-ROM Driver Installation Procedure

Mobile System Repairing :

1.1. Factory reset without loss of information
1.2. Troubleshoot battery problem.
1.3. Display problems
1.4. Memory related problem
1.5. Connection of wifi, bluetooth, GPRS probks
1.6. Repair and trouble shoot computer system
10 Project work 10
Total 102

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


5. Learning Facilitation Process:

This course provides both theoretical as well as practical knowledge on computer
engineering. In this subject there are both subjective contents as well as practical activities. This
curriculum focuses on providing practical knowledge to the students. It provides knowledge,
skill, and self confidence to the students. To fulfill the objectives, the instructor must involve the
students in classroom activities as well as practical field visits. Locally available material must
be used to conduct teaching learning activities. To achieve the entire objective from this
syllabus, teacher must use different techniques and process while teaching. Some of the
important techniques and processes that can be used are given below:

• Group Discussion
• Field Visit
• Demonstration
• Case study
• Questionnaire
• Practical Works
• Audio/Visual Class
• Web surfing
• Project Works
• Problem Solving.

6. Students Assessment Process

Class work, homework, unit test, terminal test, final test, etc. are the tools to measure student's
knowledge, skill, and performance. Similarly, lab report, attendance, discipline, and performance
are also used to assess the learners' achievement.

Specification Grid

Subject : Computer Repair and Maintenance

In this subject, to evaluate the students knowledge, skill, attitude and performance, the questions
are divided into two group i. e. Theory and Practical. For theoretical part questions and
weightage are given in table A, bellow:
Table A
Class: 10 Times: 1 Hour and 15 Min. Full Marks: 40
Unit Scope Total
Group A Group B Group C Question
Very Short Short Long
Question Question Question
1 Introduction to 6 2 11

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


2 System Care Guide 4 1 6

3 Troubleshoot, Repair 3 3 9
and maintenance
Total Question 13 7 6 26

Attempt questions 10 5 5 20

Marks 10 10 20 40

Time 18 18 39 75 min.

Time: 1 Hour and 45 Min. Full Marks: 60

For Practical examination 60 full marks is divided as follows:

Allocation of practical marks Marks

Attendance 5

Lab report/Practical files 10

Internal assessment 10

Practical Examination 15

Spotting/field report/project work/survey report/drawing 10

Viva 10

Total 60

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Computer Network

Grade: 10 Theory: 40 Full Marks (68 Period) Practical: 60 Full Marks (102 Period)

1. Introduction

This course is designed to provide the basic knowledge of computer networking and how
they are interconnected to each other. It also provides the concept of different types of
networking devices such as hub router, switch etc, security system, and OSI reference model of
the computer network. This course is designed to understand the concept of client server
network model configuration which is one of the core concepts of networking. It also helps
students to understand the basics of different types of server configuration like mail server, FTP
server IIS server. One of the important aspects of this course is to provide the concept of DHCP
and DNS server configuration

2. Competencies
1. Develop the knowledge of computer networking.
2. Develop the concept about client-server network.
3. Develop the knowledge of different types of network devices and media preparation.
4. Develop the concept of how to setup local area network
5. Analyse the security problem of the computer network.

3. Learning Outcomes

At the end of Grade 10, students will be able to:

1. Develop simple concept of computer networking devices
2. Develop the concept of client server architecture model and peer-to-peer network
3. Develop the knowledge of how to setup Local network.
4. Develop the concept of different types of heterogeneous network.
5. Acquire skills of installing the networking devices.
6. Understand how to create active directive for user control
7. Install the network printer, troubleshoot and maintenance

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


4. Scope and Sequence


Unit Scope Period


1. Introduction to computer 1.1. Overview of a computer networks 4

network 1.2. Business applications
1.3. Home applications
1.4. Mobile applications
Types of networks 2.1. Local area network 10
2. 2.2. MAN
2.3. Wide area network
2.4. Wireless networks
2.5. Home networks
2.6. Internetworks

3 Network topologies 3.1 Star network 6

3.2 Ring network
3.3 Bus network
4 IP Address 7.1. IP Address and its class 10
7.2. IPV4 Vs IPV6 Format
7.3. Sub netting

5 Network architecture and 4.1 Peer to peer architecture 10

devices 4.2 Client/server architecture
4.3 Repeater, Hub, NIC, Bridge,
Switch, Router, Gateway
6 Introduction to OSI reference 5.1 Physical layer 20
model 5.2 Data link layer
5.3 Network layer
5.4 Transport layer
5.5 Session layer
5.6 Presentation layer
5.7 Application layer
7 Network security 6.1 Cryptography concept 8
6.2 Digital signature concept
6.3 Firewalls
6.4 Web security
6.5 Virtual private network

Total 68

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10



Unit Scope Activities Periods

2 LAN Setup • physical configuration of LAN in computer LAB 8

3 Media 17
Preparation • Connecting RJ-45
• Preparation of straight Cabling and cross-Over
• Optical fibre cable
• Setup internet in the computer LAB
4 IP Address 10
• Configuring private IP address of Class C
• Installing external NIC card
5 Network 42
architecture and • Configure peer-to-peer networking
devices • Creating the logical diagram of client server
Architecture model
• Implementing client server architecture model
• Creating active directory for user control
• Configuring firewall
• Implementing windows server in the network

7 Network security 15
• Antivirus and antispyware
• Firewall to block unauthorized access to your
• Monitoring worm ,Trojan horses and viruses
8 Project work Installation of LAN in Your School 10
Total 102

5. Learning Facilitation Process:

This course provides both theoretical as well as practical knowledge on computer
engineering. In this subject there are both subjective contents as well as practical activities. This
curriculum focuses on providing practical knowledge to the students. It provides knowledge,
skill, and self confidence to the students. To fulfill the objectives, the instructor must involve the
students in classroom activities as well as practical field visits. Locally available material must
be used to conduct teaching learning activities. To achieve the entire objective from this
syllabus, teacher must use different techniques and process while teaching. Some of the
important techniques and processes that can be used are given below:

• Group Discussion
• Field Visit

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


• Demonstration
• Case study
• Questionnaire
• Practical Works
• Audio/Visual Class
• Web surfing
• Project Works
• Problem Solving.

6. Students Assessment Process

Class work, homework, unit test, terminal test, final test, etc. are the tools to measure student's
knowledge, skill, and performance. Similarly, lab report, attendance, discipline, and performance
are also used to assess the learners' achievement.

Specification Grid

Subject : Computer Network

In this subject, to evaluate the students knowledge, skill, attitude and performance, the questions
are divided into two group i. e. Theory and Practical. For theoretical part questions and
weightage are given in table A, bellow:
Table A

Class: 10 Times: 1 Hour and 15 Min. Full Marks: 40

Unit Scope Total
Group A Group B Group C Question
Short Short Long
Question Question Question
1 Introduction to computer 1 0 1
2 Types of networks 2 1 4
3 Network topologies 2 1 4
4 IP Address 1 0 2
5 Network architecture and 2 1 4
6 Introduction to OSI 3 2 7
reference model

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


7 Network security 2 1 4
Total Question 13 7 6 26

Attempt questions 10 5 5
Marks 10 10 20 40

Time 18 18 39 75 min.

Time: 1 Hour and 45 Min. Full Marks: 60

For Practical examination 60 full marks is divided as follows:

Allocation of practical marks Marks

Attendance 5

Lab report/Practical files 10

Internal assessment 10

Practical Examination 15

Spotting/field report/project work/survey report/drawing 10

Viva 10

Total 60

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Database Management System

Grade: 10 Theory: 40 Full Marks (68 Period) Practical: 60 Full Marks (102 Period)

1. Introduction
The objective of this course is to provide fundamental concept, theory and practices and
implementation of DBMS. This course explains the basics of DBMS such as its
architecture, data models, data schemas, data independence, E-R model, relation
model, relational database design, and storage. It also provides the core concept of
structured query language execution statements. This course covers database design
and the use of database management systems for applications. This course covers
database design and the use of database management systems for applications. It
includes extensive coverage of the relational model, relational algebra, and SQL.

2. Competencies

1. Develop the knowledge of relation database design

2. Develop the concept of sql query to run in the Microsoft Access
3. Develop the knowledge on security of database
4. Develop the concept of creating forms, inserting data and generating the report in MS-

3. Learning Outcomes

At the end of Grade 10, students will be able to:

1. Develop simple concept in design to relational database
2. It helps student to provide security of database
3. Develop the skill of database administrator of Bms package
4. Develop the concept to design database using MYSQL workbench tool.
5. Develop the concept to normalization of the database.
6. Create simple database for schools

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


4. Scope and Sequence

Unit Scope Period
1. Introduction to Database 1.1. Introduction to Database System, 6
System Architecture 1.2. Database Manager and users
1.3. Needs and organization of database
1.4. Client-Server Architecture

2. Entity Relationship Model(ER- 2.1. Definition 11

Model) 2.2. attributes
2.3. Data type
2.4. Entity set and keys
2.4.1. super key
2.4.2. Candidate key
2.4.3. Primary key
2.5. Mapping Cardinalities
2.5..1. one-to-one
2.5.3. many-to many
3 Introduction to Relational 3.1.Introduction to ER Model 16
Database, SQL and Relational 3.2. Integrity constraints
Model Basics 3.3. Referential integrity
3.4.Structure Query Language(SQL)
3.4.2. Join left Join Right join inner join outer join
3.5 DML, DDL, DCL Concept

4 Database Design 5.1 Functional Dependencies: Introduction, 17

Trivial and Non-trivial Dependencies, Closure of
a Set of
Dependencies, Closure of a Set of Attributes.
5.2 Data Normalization: Introduction,
Decomposition and Functional Dependencies
INF, 2NF and 3NF

5 Concurrency control and 6.1. Introduction of transaction 12

recovery 6.2. Properties of transaction
6.2.1. Atomicity
6.2.2. Consistency
6.2.3. Durability
6.2.4. Isolation
6.3. State of transaction
6.4. Requirements for recovery

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Security 7.1 Introduction, 6

7 7.2. Discretionary Access Control,
7.3. Mandatory Discretionary Access Control,
7.4. Statistical Database,
7.5. Data Encryption.

Total 68

Unit Scope Activities Periods
1 Database 82
Management 1. Create database
Using MS- 2. Create table
Access tools 3. Design view
4. Adding data
5. Create form
6. Modify form
7. Create a relationship
8. Create a query
 Select query
 Insert query
 Delete query
 Update query
9. Modify a query
10. Export access database to excel
11. Generate report
12. Ms access Functions:
 Numeric/Mathematical functions
 Date and time functions
 Logical functions
 Group by functions

2 Project work 20
1. Develop a relational database of student
information system
2. Develop a relational database of online shopping
centre and implement it on MS-Access
Total 102

5. Learning Facilitation Process:

This course provides both theoretical as well as practical knowledge on computer
engineering. In this subject there are both subjective contents as well as practical activities. This
curriculum focuses on providing practical knowledge to the students. It provides knowledge,

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


skill, and self confidence to the students. To fulfill the objectives, the instructor must involve the
students in classroom activities as well as practical field visits. Locally available material must
be used to conduct teaching learning activities. To achieve the entire objective from this
syllabus, teacher must use different techniques and process while teaching. Some of the
important techniques and processes that can be used are given below:

• Group Discussion
• Field Visit
• Demonstration
• Case study
• Questionnaire
• Practical Works
• Audio/Visual Class
• Web surfing
• Project Works
• Problem Solving.

6. Students Assessment Process

Class work, homework, unit test, terminal test, final test, etc. are the tools to measure student's
knowledge, skill, and performance. Similarly, lab report, attendance, discipline, and performance
are also used to assess the learners' achievement.

Specification Grid

Subject : Database Management System

In this subject, to evaluate the students knowledge, skill, attitude and performance, the questions
are divided into two group i. e. Theory and Practical. For theoretical part questions and
weightage are given in table A, bellow:
Table A

Class: 10 Times: 1 Hour and 15 Min. Full Marks: 40

Unit Scope Total
Group A Group B Group C Question
Very Short Short Long
Question Question Question
1 Introduction to Database 1 2
System Architecture
2 Entity Relationship Model 2 1 4
3 Introduction to Relational 3 1 3
Database, SQL and 1

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Relational Model Basics

4 Data Integrity and Views 2 1 4

5 Database Design 2 1 4
6 Concurrency control and 1 2
7 Security 2 1 3
Total Question 13 7 6 26

Attempt questions 10 5 5 20

Marks 10 10 20 40

Time 18 18 39 75 min.

Time: 1 Hour and 45 Min. Full Marks: 60

For Practical examination 60 full marks is divided as follows:

Allocation of practical marks Marks

Attendance 5

Lab report/Practical files 10

Internal assessment 10

Practical Examination 15

Spotting/field report/project work/survey report/drawing 10

Viva 10

Total 60

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Electronic Device and Circuit

Grade: 10 Theory: 40 Full Marks (68 Period) Practical: 60 Full Marks (102 Period)

1. Introduction:
This syllabus of “Electronic Device and Circuit” provides knowledge and skills on Passive
components, semiconductor, power supplies, Bipolar Junction transistors, Special purpose
transistor and field effect transistors. This course introduces fundamental building block that
exist in all integrated structures. It will also introduce the student to more advanced applications
and analysis of diode circuits and devices. This course examines the basic operational
characteristics of PN junction and forward and reverse bias current.

2. Competencies
1. Develop a technological soundness in handling and realizing the various electronic
2. Develop an awareness of how one electronic device works and its implications in the real
3. Develop the competent knowledge in realizing the semiconductor world that surrounds
the quotidian life.
4. Acquire skills in using common electronic devices.

3. Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Identify the passive elements (R, L, and C) and understand their characteristics
2. Identify and explain the working principles of semiconductor diodes and transistors,
related to their characteristics and application
3. Identify FET,MOSFET, relate to their characteristics and application
4. Explain the characteristics of CB, CE, CC transistor configuration circuit.
5. Identify biasing circuit and types of amplifier.

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


4. Scope and Sequence

Unit Scope Content Period
1 Introduction
1 .1. Explain the Matter, molecule, and atom 8
1.2. Explain the charges and its electric quantity,
electric current
1.3. Explain the potential differences between
electromotive force and potential difference
1.4. Explain the direct current and alternating current
1.5. Explain the Basic parameter of alternating
current: definition of amplitude, frequency,
wavelength, peak to peak value, root mean
square value, average value
1.6. Explain the review on Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s
voltage and current laws
2 Introduction to Passive 2.1 Explain the Resistors, construction, types,
Component characteristics, color code 10
2.2 Explain the capacitors, construction, types,
characteristics, color code
2.3 Explain the inductor, construction, types,
characteristics, color code

3 Semiconductor 3.1. Explain the energy levels, energy bands and

conduction of electrons and holes
3.2. Classify the semiconductor materials and
characteristics of Germanium and Silicon
materials, doping, P type, N type materials, 17
minority and majority carrier
3.3. Formation of PN junction, depletion layer,
energy barrier potential, forward and reverse
bias of PN Junction
3.4. Explain the reverse breakdown effects:
Avalanche and Zener breakdown
4 Power supplies 4.1 Explain the Basic rectifier circuits, types, working
principle, characteristics and applications. 6
4.2. Zener voltage regulator circuit design with
principle and calculation
5 Bipolar junction 5.1. Explain the types of transistors with working
transistors principles, circuit characteristics and applications
5.2. Transistor configuration: CB, CE,CC 15
5.3. Explain the operation of transistor in saturation
and cut off region.
6 Special purpose 6.1 Explain Unijunction transistor, characteristics and
6.2 Programmable unijunction transistor.

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


6.3 Explain photo transistor, characteristics and application.

7. Field Effect Transistor 7.1.1 Explain the field effect transistors.

7.1.2 Explain the types and working principles of field effect
7.1.3 Explain the characteristics and applications of field 7
effect transistors.
7.2 MOSFET, types, working principles and characteristics
and applications
7.3. Difference between E-MOSFET and D-MOSFET

Unit Scope Area Activities Period
2 Passive component 2.1. Measure R, L, C, circuits 20

3 Semiconductor 3.1. Assess Diode characteristics 8

3.2. Assess Half wave and Full wave 18
rectifier circuits
3.3. Assess Zener voltage regulator 15
3.4. Use of semiconductor manuals 9
5 Bipolar junction transistors 5.1. Identify transistor characteristics 18
7 Field Effect Transistors 7.1. Assess FET characteristics 14
Total 102

5. Learning Facilitation Process:

This course provides both theoretical as well as practical knowledge on computer
engineering. In this subject there are both subjective contents as well as practical activities. This
curriculum focuses on providing practical knowledge to the students. It provides knowledge,
skill, and self confidence to the students. To fulfill the objectives, the instructor must involve the
students in classroom activities as well as practical field visits. Locally available material must
be used to conduct teaching learning activities. To achieve the entire objective from this
syllabus, teacher must use different techniques and process while teaching. Some of the
important techniques and processes that can be used are given below:

• Group Discussion
• Field Visit
• Demonstration
• Case study
• Questionnaire
• Practical Works
• Audio/Visual Class
• Web surfing
• Project Works

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


• Problem Solving.

6. Students Assessment Process

Class work, homework, unit test, terminal test, final test, etc. are the tools to measure student's
knowledge, skill, and performance. Similarly, lab report, attendance, discipline, and performance
are also used to assess the learners' achievement.

Specification Grid

Subject : Electronic Device and Circuit

In this subject, to evaluate the students knowledge, skill, attitude and performance, the questions
are divided into two group i. e. Theory and Practical. For theoretical part questions and
weightage are given in table A, bellow:
Table A

Class: 10 Times: 1 Hour and 15 Min. Full Marks: 40

Unit Scope Total
Group A Group B Group C Question
Very Short Short Long
Question Question Question
1 Introduction 2 2
2 Introduction to Passive 1 1 3
Components 1
3 Semiconductor 3 1 6
4 Power Supplies 2 1 4
5 Bipolar Junction 2 2 5
6 Special Purpose 1 2
7 Field Effect Transistor 2 1 4
Total Question 13 7 6 26

Attempt questions 10 5 5 20

Marks 10 10 20 40

Time 18 18 39 75 min.

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Time: 1 Hour and 45 Min. Full Marks: 60

For Practical examination 60 full marks is divided as follows:

Allocation of practical marks Marks

Attendance 5

Lab report/Practical files 10

Internal assessment 10

Practical Examination 15

Spotting/field report/project work/survey report/drawing 10

Viva 10

Total 60

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10



Grade: 10 Theory: 40 Full Marks (68 Period) Practical: 60 Full Marks (102 Period)

1. Introduction
The course is designed to provide students a comprehensive knowledge and
understanding of why we use microprocessor systems. What is the importance of
microprocessor systems in our life? This course will provide the knowledge of software
simulator kit of 8085 microprocessor as well as Hardware Kit writing the assembly
language program.

2. Competencies
1. Develop the knowledge of internal structure of Microprocessor.
2. Develop the basic concept of how data flow from memory unit to microprocessor
3. Develop the knowledge of how to do simple assembly language program in 8085
microprocessor Kit or in software simulator
4. It helps students about the interfacing of microprocessor

3. Learning Outcomes
At the end of Grade 10, students will be able to:
1. Develop simple concept of microprocessor based system
2. Develop the flow chart, algorithm, of simple 8085 microprocessor
3. Develop the skill to operate the 8085 microprocessor.
4. Develop simple assembly language program like addition, subtraction, multiplication,
memory related operations etc.
5. Develop more complex program like copying the contents of memory from source to
6. Learn the 8085 software simulator kit to write assembly code

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


4. Scope and Sequence

Unit Scope Period
1. Introduction 1.1 Definition of microprocessor and its application 6
1.2. Evolution of microprocessor
1.3. Von Neumann architecture
1.4. Basic organization of microprocessor
1.5.Types of microprocessor

Components of 2.1. Input/output 10

2. Microprocessor 2.2.Memory
2.2.1.Primary memory
2.2.2.Secondary memory
2.3. Processor unit:
2.3.1.Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), Control unit
(CU), Registers
2.4. 8085 bus structure
2.5.Data flow from Memory to MPU

3 Instruction Cycle 3.1. Instruction cycle, machine cycle and T states 10

3.2.Machine cycle of 8085 Microprocessor:
3.2.1. Op-code fetch Machine cycle
3.2.2. Memory read machine cycle
3.2.3. Memory write Machine cycle
3.2.4. I/O read Machine cycle
3.2.5. I/O write Machine cycle
3.3.Timing diagram of MOV, MVI, IN, OUT, LDA, STA

4 Intel 8085 microprocessor 4.1. Functional block diagram 12

4.2. Pin configuration
4.3. Description of each blocks: Registers, Flag, Data and
address bus, Timing and control unit, Interrupts
4.4. Instructions - Opcode and Operands
4.5. Addressing modes
5 Programming with Intel 5.1. Instruction format and data format 12
8085 microprocessor 5.2. Intel 8085 Instruction Set
5.3. Assembly language program and flowchart
5.4. Instruction types: Data transfer, Arithmetic, Logic,
Branching, Miscellaneous
5.5. Simple sequence programs, Branching, Looping
5.6 Various Programs in 8085
 Simple Programs with Arithmetic and Logical
 Conditions and Loops
 Memory Related program
 Multiplication and Division

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


6 Basic I/O, Memory R/W 6.1. Memory read/write, Input/output read/write 10

and Interrupt operation in 8085 microprocessor based system
Operations 6.2. Direct memory access (DMA)
 Introduction, advantage and application
6.3. Interrupt
 8085 interrupt pins and interrupt priority
 Maskable and non-maskable interrupts
 Vector and polled
6.4. 8259 operation
 Block diagram and explanation
 Priority modes and other features

Input/output Interfaces 7.1. Parallel communication: introduction and 8

7 applications
7.2. Serial communication
 Introduction and applications
 Introduction to Programmable
Communication Interface 8251
 Basic concept of synchronous and
asynchronous modes
7.3. Simple I/O, strobe I/O, Single handshake I/O,
double handshake I/O
7.4. 8255A and its working
 Block diagram
 Modes of operation
 Control word
7.5. RS-232: Introduction, pin configuration (9 pin and 25
Total 68

Unit Scope Activities Period
5 Programming with Intel
8085 microprocessor Assembly language programming

• Write instructions to load 16-bit numbers 2050

H in the register pair HL using LXI MVI opcodes,
and explains the difference between the two
• The memory location 2050 H holds the
databyte F7H. Write instruction to transfer the 92
data byte to the accumulator using three
different opcodes: MOV, LDAX and LDA
• Sixteen byte of data is stored in memory
locations at XX50H to XX5FH. Transfer the
entire block of data to new locations starting at
• Write instructions to add the contents of the

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


memory location 2040H to (A), and subtract

the contents of the memory location 2041H
from the first sum. Assume the accumulator
has 30H, the memory location 2040H has 68H
and the location 2041H has 7FH.
• WAP to add two numbers stored at memory
location 2040H and 2041H and store the final result
to the address 2042H.
• WAP to add two 8-bit numbers stored in memory
location 3000H and 3001H. Store the result in
memory location 4000H. Ignore the carry after 8-
• Write instructions to load the two hexadecimal
numbers 32H and 48H in register A and B
respectively. Add the numbers , and display the
sum at the LED and output port1
• Load the hexadecimal number 37H in register B,
and display the number at the output port Labelled
• The contents of the accumulator are 93H and the
contents of register C are B7H. Add both contents.
• Write a program to perform the following
functions, and verify the output.
1. Load the number 8BH in register D
2. Load the number 6FH in register C
3. Increment the contents of register C by
4. Add the contents of register C and D and
display the sum at the output PORT1
10 Project Work 10
Total 102

5. Learning Facilitation Process:

This course provides both theoretical as well as practical knowledge on computer
engineering. In this subject there are both subjective contents as well as practical activities. This
curriculum focuses on providing practical knowledge to the students. It provides knowledge,
skill, and self confidence to the students. To fulfill the objectives, the instructor must involve the
students in classroom activities as well as practical field visits. Locally available material must
be used to conduct teaching learning activities. To achieve the entire objective from this
syllabus, teacher must use different techniques and process while teaching. Some of the
important techniques and processes that can be used are given below:

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


• Group Discussion
• Field Visit
• Demonstration
• Case study
• Questionnaire
• Practical Works
• Audio/Visual Class
• Web surfing
• Project Works
• Problem Solving.

6. Students Assessment Process

Class work, homework, unit test, terminal test, final test, etc. are the tools to measure student's
knowledge, skill, and performance. Similarly, lab report, attendance, discipline, and performance
are also used to assess the learners' achievement.

Specification Grid

Subject : Microprocessor
In this subject, to evaluate the students knowledge, skill, attitude and performance, the questions
are divided into two group i. e. Theory and Practical. For theoretical part questions and
weightage are given in table A, bellow:
Table A

Class: 10 Times: 1 Hour and 15 Min. Full Marks: 40

Unit Scope Total
Group A Group B Group C Question
Very Short Short Long
Question Question Question
1 Introduction 1 0 2
2 Components of 2 1 4
microprocessor 1
3 Instruction Cycle 2 1 4
4 Intel 8085 2 1 4
5 Programming with Intel 2 2 5
8085 microprocessor
6 Basic I/O, Memory R/W 2 1 4
and Interrupt 1

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10



7 Input/output Interfaces 2 0 3
Total Question 13 7 6 26

Attempt questions 10 5 5 20

Marks 10 10 20 40

Time 18 18 39 75 min.

Time: 1 Hour and 45 Min. Full Marks: 60

For Practical examination 60 full marks is divided as follows:

Allocation of practical marks Marks

Attendance 5

Lab report/Practical files 10

Internal assessment 10

Practical Examination 15

Spotting/field report/project work/survey report/drawing 10

Viva 10

Total 60

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Object oriented programming

Grade: 10 Theory: 40 Full Marks (68 Period) Practical: 60 Full Marks (102 Period)

1. Introduction

This course will help students to basics of class, object, inheritance, polymorphism, and
encapsulation. After understanding these features students would enhance the knowledge
in the fields of OOPs with the help of C++.

2. Competencies
1. Develop the knowledge of real-world object
2. Develop the concept of class and object construction and accessing them in the main
3. Develop the concept of polymorphism which has the immense use of C++ and Java
programming language.
4. Develop small program in OOP language.

3. Learning Outcomes
At the end of Grade 10, students will be able to:
1. Develop simple to more complex program in C++ programming language.
2. Develop simple program using C++programming language.
3. Acquire skills in using common application programs.
4. Develop a concept of class construction and object initialization
5. Understand different types of programming logic for further programming language
6. Develop the understanding of inheritance
7. Develop the concept of polymorphism.

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


4. Scope and Sequence

Unit Scope Period

1. Overview 1.1.Procedural language limitations 5

1.2.Benifits of OPPs
1.3.The object-oriented approach
1.4.Object-oriented concepts
1.4.1. Object
1.4.2. Class
1.4.3. Abstraction
1.4.4. Encapsulation
1.4.5. Inheritance
1.4.6. Polymorphism
1.5.Difference between C and C++

C++ basic 2.1. Input output Library header Files 6

2. input/output 2.1.1. Iostream
2.1.2. Iomainp
2.1.3. Fstream
2.2. The standard output stream(cout)
2.3. The standard input stream(cin)
3 Objects and Classes 1.7. Class-Object concept 15
1.8. Difference between class and structures
1.8.1. Accessing members of structures
1.9. Simple class construction
1.10. Defining class
1.11. Class variables and methods.
1.12. Accessing data members and
member functions of class
1.13. .Access specifies
4.7.1.Public,private and protected
1.14. Initializing class objects
1.15. Constructors and destructor
4.10. Default copy constructor
4.11. Static data member in a class
4.12. Static Member function of a class
4.13. Inline Function.
4.14. Data encapsulation and its example
4.15. Passing parameters to a constructor
4.16. Difference between Constructors and
member function
4 Polymorphism 5.1. Introduction to polymorphism 12
5.2. Function overriding
5.3. Virtual function
5.4. Runtime polymorphism
5.5. Static binding and Dynamic binding
5.6. Abstract class and pure virtual function

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


5 Operator Overloading 7.1. Overloading unary operators 8

7.1.1. Operator argument
7.1.2. Operator return values
7.1.3. Postfix notation
7.2. Overloading binary operators
7.2.1. Arithmetic operators
7.2.2. Concatenating strings
6 Inheritance 8.1. Introduction to Inheritance 10
8.2. Basic Concepts
8.3. Base class and derived class
8.4. Accessing base class members
8.5. Public, Private and Protected inheritance in
8.5. Abstract base class
8.6. Forms of inheritance
Total 68

Unit Scope Activities Periods
4 Object and classes 36
• Simple class construction
• Defining variables and functions inside a class
• Creating an object of a class in Main() function
• Accessing functions and variables using object
reference variable
• Access Modifiers: Public, private and
• Writing a constructor function inside a class
and accessing them into a main program
• Initializing constructor function with different
types and numbers of parameters
• Simple program to overload the constructor
5 Operator overloading 22
• Unary operator overloading
• Binary operator overloading
• Relational operator overloading
• Assignment operator overloading
6 Inheritance 24
• Creating base class and derived class
• Inheriting more than one the derived class
from single base class
• Accessing the members of derived class using
object variable in main program
• Writing a constructor function in derived class

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


• Testing of protected specifier of base class in

derived class
• Simple program to construct abstract base
9 Virtual Function 20
• Virtual function
• Pure virtual function

Total 102

5. Learning Facilitation Process:

This course provides both theoretical as well as practical knowledge on computer
engineering. In this subject there are both subjective contents as well as practical activities. This
curriculum focuses on providing practical knowledge to the students. It provides knowledge,
skill, and self confidence to the students. To fulfill the objectives, the instructor must involve the
students in classroom activities as well as practical field visits. Locally available material must
be used to conduct teaching learning activities. To achieve the entire objective from this
syllabus, teacher must use different techniques and process while teaching. Some of the
important techniques and processes that can be used are given below:

• Group Discussion
• Field Visit
• Demonstration
• Case study
• Questionnaire
• Practical Works
• Audio/Visual Class
• Web surfing
• Project Works
• Problem Solving.

6. Students Assessment Process

Class work, homework, unit test, terminal test, final test, etc. are the tools to measure student's
knowledge, skill, and performance. Similarly, lab report, attendance, discipline, and performance
are also used to assess the learners' achievement.

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Specification Grid

Subject : Object oriented programming

In this subject, to evaluate the students knowledge, skill, attitude and performance, the questions
are divided into two group i. e. Theory and Practical. For theoretical part questions and
weightage are given in table A, bellow:
Table A

Class: 10 Times: 1 Hour and 15 Min. Full Marks: 40

Unit Scope Total
Group A Group B Group C Question
Very Short Short Long
Question Question Question
1 Overview 2 1 3
2 C++ basic input/output 1 0 2
3 C++ advanced 1 2
4 Objects and classes 3 2 7
5 Polymorphism 2 1 4
6 Concept of Array 1 1 3
7 Operator overloading 1 0 1
8 Inheritance 2 1 4
Total Question 13 7 6 26

Attempt questions 10 5 5 20

Marks 10 10 20 40

Time 18 18 39 75 min.

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10


Time: 1 Hour and 45 Min. Full Marks: 60

For Practical examination 60 full marks is divided as follows:

Allocation of practical marks Marks

Attendance 5

Lab report/Practical files 10

Internal assessment 10

Practical Examination 15

Spotting/field report/project work/survey report/drawing 10

Viva 10

Total 60

Curriculum Development Centre Final Curriculum Computer Engineering 9-10

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