1.1 Introduction
Geology is the science of earth. It is an applied science, which deals with
hills and mountains, valleys and Georges, and along lonely forests and
rugged terrain. In geological fieldwork examination of the outcrops of
rock, bodies upon the earth surface are carefully studied in details and
reasonable inference on the geological structure and history of the region
are drawn. With good approach to the geology and reasonable common
sense of logical interpretation, one can form a neat picture of the
geology of the region.
The two days from 8th of Shrawan to 9th of Shrawan we were taken to
Bhudhigandaki for geological study.
First day, we learn the rock mass rating system, impact rock weathering,
slope stability. On the second day, we learned the preparation of
engineering geological map and the study of landslide. This performance
was very effective for knowledge and experience. However two days
trip was not sufficient to fulfill the thirst of us.
1.2 Objectives
To study the rock mass rating and its application for tunnel design
Study of slope stability analysis
Study of Impact Rock Weathering classification
Preparation of Engineering Geological Map
Study of Landslide
Burnton compass:
It consists of sprit level and can measure bearing and inclination with
relatively less error
Mass Movement
2.1 Introduction to the Mass movement
Mass movement is one of the most challenging slope process related to the
potential energy developed due to the gravitational stress which may or may not
influenced by the pore water pressure. Slope failure, landslides and debris flows
are the major mass movement’s phenomena. As the mechanism of the mass
movement differ the necessary treatments and stabilization measures are also
different from its complex type of mass movements are frequent in the area, which
makes the treatment more challenging.
i. Landslide
ii. Slope failure
iii. Debris flow
Slope failure
When the shear strength of the big slope material considerably reduced the rapid
movements of the solid earth materials including large volume of water can take
place. If the material is complex debris such phenomena are called debris flow. If
the flow is fine the phenomena is called odd flow. Sometimes the viscous materials
could spread down slope. The flow but continuous movement of the slope
containing the thicker soil, largely without any distinct slip surface is recognized as
creeping. Stability measures against flow spread and creeping are complex and
demands considerably high costs.
In the field the landslide was observed at a distance of 43Km from Naubise. The
date of survey was 2070/04/10
Geological Characteristics
Hydrological Information
Ground Water Condition: Dry
Number of Gullies: No
Vegetation/Land use
Vegetation type: Shrubs
Tree inclining toward: Scarp
Land used: forest
Vegetation Density: Sparse
Cultivated land: No
Road Surface: Yes
Resistance: No
Water Channel No
Picture of Landslide observed at 43Km from Naubise on Prithvi Highway
It is known that the prevention is better than cure . So, in order to check the
landslide we can follow the following methods as per condition of the land where
the landslide is suspected to take place:
i. Concrete machinery wall
ii. Gabion wall.
iii. Planting grasses
iv. Proper drainage system e.g. Cascade
v. Making balanced natural system i.e. removing disturbance in the area
e.g. vehicle load etc. as possible.
vi. Less quarrying of stone
Rock Mass and Rock Mass Classification
3.1 Introduction
Environment on the different place of earth is not same and so the rock mass on the
earth is not of single type. Because of Environmental and mode of formation, we
can find the different type of rock on the Earth with various properties.
Rocks are formed due to various natural processes and they are classified on the
basis of their mode of formation.
a. Igneous Rock
b. Sedimentary Rock
c. Metamorphic Rock
Igneous Rocks are formed due to the process of Magmatism which is the process
of cooling and solidification of molten mobile material ‘Magma’ by the
crystallization. In this process magma lose heat and gets solidified. Igneous are the
most primitive type of rock .
The sedimentary rocks, as the name indicates, are those rocks which are derived
from the consolidation of sediments of the preexisting rocks (igneous, sedimentary
or metamorphic) under the influence of mechanical, chemical or organic activities
of the denuding agents (i.e. wind, running water, glacier etc.)
The products of wear and tear of the rocks due to natural agencies like blowing
wind, running water, percolating underground water etc when subjected, under
favorable conditions to sedimentation and subsequent compaction results in the
formation of rock masses due to pressure and temperature conditions which are
known as the sedimentary rocks. Well known examples are sandstone, lime stone,
shale etc.
The rocks formed from the pre-existing rocks (igneous, sedimentary or
metamorphic) by the processes of metamorphism (Greek, Meta=Change,
morphe=form). It is a process by which existing rocks are modified under the
influence of heat pressure or both
The ultimate product of metamorphism of already existing igneous, sedimentary or
even metamorphic rocks incorporating temperature, pressure, stress, chemically
active substances are called metamorphic rocks, e.g. Slate, Marble, Schist, Gneiss,
Igneous rock
3.3 Weathering
chemical weathering due to the chemical reaction the composition of rock gets
changed. For example;
orthoclase to form clay minerals, silica, and soluble potassium carbonate
Most of the potassium ions released are carried away in solution as potassium
carbonate is taken up by plants. The chemical weathering of plagioclase feldspars
is similar to that of orthoclase in that it produces clay minerals, silica, and different
soluble salts. Ferromagnesian minerals also form the decomposition products of
clay minerals, silica, and soluble salts. Additionally, the iron and magnesium in
ferromagnesian minerals result in other products such as hematite and limonite.
Quartz is highly resistant to weathering and only slightly soluble in water.
The weathering process is not limited to igneous rocks. As shown in the rock cycle
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks also weather in a similar manner.
In order to determine the strength of the intact rock in field generally Schmidt
Hammer Rebound Test is followed. On the basis of the height of rebound the
strength of rock mass is designated. The accuracy of the work in this method
depends upon the experience of the engineer or geologist.
There are other various methods to find the strength in laboratory of the Intact
Rock, few of them has been given below:
1. Unaxial tensile Test: This method can further be divided into types
a. Direct tensile strength test
b. Point load Test
c. Brazilian test
2. Unaxial Compressive Test
3. Triaxial compressive test
Tensile strength describes the capacity of the rock to resist tensile stress.There are
direct and indirect methods for measurement of tensile strength (ISRM 1985). The
indirect methods have been dominant in determining tensile strength of rocks in
the past due to their ease in sample preparation and testing procedure. The indirect
methods include point load test and Brazilian test.
b. Folds : Folds are ductile deformation on the structure. They are the strata
permanently deformed either by buckling or fracturing, if subjected to stress
in a rock mass, and they cannot resist. Type of deformation depends upon
mechanical properties of rocks and the nature of stress when applied slowly
deep on the earth.
c. Fault :Fault is a rupture plane along which the opposite walls are moved
each other. This movement may vary from a few cm to many km depending
upon the magnitude and nature of the stress and the resistance offered by the
rocks. The faults are also caused due to earthquake but it is still a
complicated geological problem, which awaits satisfactory solution.
Whether the earthquakes are caused due to faulting or faults are caused due
to earthquake. The fault is occurred due to the plate movements, which
creates the shear stress.The metamorphic form of gauge and breccia is called
f. Non-conformity :A nonconformity exists between sedimentary rocks and
metamorphic or igneous rocks when the sedimentary rock lies above and
was deposited on the pre-existing and eroded metamorphic or igneous rock.
Some conditions are mutually exclusive . For example, if infilling is present, the roughness of the surface will be overshadowed by the influence of the gouge. In such cases use A.4 directly.
** Modified after Wickham et al (1972).
3.7 Rock mass classification systems are used for various engineering design and
stability analysis. These are based on empirical relations between rock mass
parameters and engineering applications, such as tunnels, slopes, foundations, and
excavation. The first rock mass classification system in geotechnical engineering
was proposed in the 1940s for tunnels with steel set support.
4. Relate the experience of rock conditions at one site to the conditions and
experience encountered at others
5. Derive quantitative data and guidelines for engineering design
6. Provide common basis for communication between engineers and geologists
The following table gives the guideline for excavation and support of 10m span
rock tunnel in accordance with the RMR system:
Total = 71
Stability Analysis of Rock Slope
4.1 Introduction
Before the computer age stability analysis was performed graphically or using
hand-held calculator. Today engineers have a lot of possibilities to use analysis
software, ranges from simple limit equilibrium techniques through computational
limit analysis approaches (e.g. Finite element limit analysis, Discontinuity layout
optimization) to complex and sophisticated numerical solutions (finite-/distinct-
element codes). The engineer must fully understand limitations of each technique.
For example, limit equilibrium is most commonly used and simple solution
method, but it can become inadequate if the slope fails by complex mechanisms
(e.g. internal deformation and brittle fracture, progressive creep, liquefaction of
weaker soil layers, etc.). In these cases more sophisticated numerical modeling
techniques should be utilized. In addition, the use of the risk assessment concept is
increasing today. Risk assessment is concerned with both the consequence of slope
failure and the probability of failure (both require an understanding of the failure
Due to unbalancing in the shear stress in the rock mass, it may come in motion or
its stability may be disturbed and the rock may be dynamic. So, it fails but it must
be checked.
The failure of the Rock may take place by any of the following mechanism:
1. Plane Failure
2. Toppling Failure
3. Wedge Failure
Plane Failure
i. The joint plane and the hill slope should dip in same direction.
ii. The dipping of the joint should be less than the dip the hill slope.
The strike difference should be between 20°.
The dip of the joint should be more than internal friction angle.
Toppling Failure
i. The joint plane and the hill slope should dip in the opposite direction.
ii. The strike difference should be between 20°.
iii. The dip of the joint should be more than internal friction angle.
Wedge Failure
i. The wedge and the hill slope should dip in the same direction.
ii. The dipping of the wedge should be less than the dip of the hill slope.
iii. The strike difference should be between 20°.
iv. The dip of the wedge should be more than internal friction angle.
Fig.Wedge failure
In order to predict the stability of any rock we generally use Schmidt Net
Tunnel and Underground Excavation
5.1 Introduction
True tunnels and chambers are excavated from the inside—with the overlying
material left in place—and then lined as necessary to support the adjacent ground.
A hillside tunnel entrance is called a portal; tunnels may also be started from the
bottom of a vertical shaft or from the end of a horizontal tunnel driven principally
for construction access and called an adit. So-called cut-and-cover tunnels (more
correctly called conduits) are built by excavating from the surface, constructing the
structure, and then covering with backfill. Tunnels underwater are now commonly
built by the use of an immersed tube: long, prefabricated tube sections are floated
to the site, sunk in a prepared trench, and covered with backfill. For all
underground work, difficulties increase with the size of the opening and are greatly
dependent upon weaknesses of the natural ground and the extent of the water
Pic. Test tunnel for Budhigandaki Hydroelectric Project
In order to select a appropriate site for any Tunneling Project, we go through the
following investigation:
a. Surface investigation
b. Sub-Surface Investigation
Surface investigation is the study and the analysis of the surface of Earth that is
visible without any excavation.
i. Arial Photo
ii. Topographical Map
iii. Geological Map
iv. Engineering Geological Map
In sub-surface investigation , the methodologies adopted are
i. Geophysical Method
Gravity Method
Magnetic Method
Electrical Method
Seismic Method
ii. Drilling
Cable tool Method
Rotary Drilling Method
Test pit
Auger Boring
For the site selection for a tunnel we take care of following points:
1. Topography, which gives the general information about the construction site.
2. Lithology, which give the information about composition, texture, structure
and origin of rock and sediment
3. Ground type, which is further divided into
I. Consolidated Ground
II. Massive hard Ground
III. Unconsolidated Ground
4. Geological Structure ( fault, joint and shear zone)
5. Weathering ( depth and degree of weathering)
6. Ground water condition
1. Lithology
a. Hard rock is most favourable.
b. Soft rock gives the problem of squeezing and swelling
2. Geological Structures
a. Horizontal bedding is preferred
b. Tunnel is driven parallel to the strike creates problem.
c. Syncline fold is better for the stability of tunnel
d. There should not exist the fault zone
There are several particular geological features, however, which are commonly encountering
the tunneling operations. These can gives rise to difficulties especially in impending progress
and\or increasing the hazardous nature of the operation. Changes in geological conditions which
decreased competence of the rocks surrounding the excavation often results in increasing
tunneling costs in addition to affecting operational and safety aspects. Consequently, in depth
appreciation of the geological conditions plays an important role for design and planning,
through to construction and eventual commissioning and operation of the tunnel. The first of the
obvious geological conditions that are directly related to the tunnel are:
A. The type of the rock and their strength and deformation behavior
B. Geological discontinuities and associated strength and deformation behavior
C. Groundwater conditions
D. Squeezing and swelling rock conditions
E. Running Ground
F. Gases in rocks
G. Rock temperature
H. Topographic conditions
F. Over break
Plate tectonics is a theory developed during the 1960s which describes the
movement of continents by way of the separation and collision of crustal plates. It
is in a sense structural geology on a planet scale, and is used throughout structural
geology as a framework to analyze and understand global, regional, and local scale
Ground Water : Study of ground water and its movement is one of the very
important point for construction of the Tunnel.
There are different factors that govern the movement of ground water, few of them
are listed below:
a. Porosity
b. Permeability
c. Hydraulic Gradient
d. Hydraulic Conductivity
The water bearing layer of rock or sediment capable of yielding usable quantity of
water , composed of unconsolidated materials such as sand and gravel, or
consolidated rocks such as sandstone or fractured lime stone is called Aquifer.
Over break: While constructing a tunnel it is very difficult to excavate the exact
designed shape. So, there is excavation more than the designed volume. This is
known as Over break.
After over breaking , the tunnel is given a designed shape by using the construction
Preparation of Engineering geological map
6.1 Introduction
Engineering geology is the application of the geologic sciences to engineering
practice for the purpose of assuring that the geologic factors affecting the location,
design, construction, operation and maintenance of engineering works are
recognized and adequately provided for. Engineering geologists investigate and
provide geologic and geotechnical recommendations, analysis, and design
associated with human development. The realm of the engineering geologist is
essentially in the area of earth-structure interactions, or investigation of how the
earth or earth processes impact human made structures and human activities.
A map which gives the information about the geological and engineering structures
of any particular place is known as the Engineering geological map. It is an
essential tool for any civil engineering construction project.
Fig. Simple Engineering Geological Map of Nepal
The field work is typically culminated in analysis of the data and the preparation of
an engineering geologic report, geotechnical report, fault hazard or seismic hazard
report, geophysical report, ground water resource report or hydro geologic report.
The engineering geologic report is often prepared in conjunction with a
geotechnical report, but commonly provide geotechnical analysis and design
recommendations independent of a geotechnical report. An engineering geologic
report describes the objectives, methodology, references cited, tests performed,
findings and recommendations for development. Engineering geologists also
provide geologic data on topograpic maps, aerial photographs, geologic maps,
Geographic Information System (GIS) maps, or other map bases.
Residual soil
Hill slope 850
Rock type: Marble
Dip dirn:- N100W
Dip amount :-S68W
Set 1
0+000m to Dip dirn:- N730W
0 +004.18 m S600W Dip amount :-N65W
Set 2
Dip dirn:- N720W
Dip amount :-S66W
Set 3
Dip dirn:- N350W
Dip amount :-S76W
Residual soil
Hill slope 850
Rock type: Marble
Dip dirn:- N50W
0+004.18 m to S72W Dip amount :-S71W
0+011.78m Joint
Set 1
Dip dirn:- S780W
Dip amount :-S29W
Residual soil
Hill slope 870
0+011.78 to S53W Rock type: Marble
0+018.34m Dip dirn:- N100W
Dip amount :-S31W
Set 1
Dip dirn:- S730E
Dip amount :-N52W
Set 2
Dip dirn:- N750W
Dip amount :-S59W
Set 3
Dip dirn:- N270W
Dip amount :-S31E
Residual soil
0+018.342m to S36W Hill slope N840W
0+023.34m Rock type: Marble
Dip dirn:- N300W
Dip amount :-N61W
Set 1
Dip dirn:- S160W
Dip amount :-N32W
Set 2
Dip dirn:- S25W
Dip amount :-N27W
Set 3
Dip dirn:- S29W
Dip amount :-N35W
Study of Intact rock weathering classification
7.1 Intact rock weathering classification
The Engineering Geological Tour , held on 2070-04-09 to 10 , to Budhigandaki
Hydroelectric Project site was awesome where we could see the reflection of our
geological theoretical knowledge. The Tour gave clear idea on application of
engineering geology in practical field.
Main things that we learned in the field are to rate a rock mass, to calculate the
RQD value , to measure the different parameter for rating of rock mass, measure
the attitude of rocks, to predict the stability of slope, to select the proper site for
tunneling, to study the impact of landslide and its mitigation, the preparation of
engineering geological map etc .
Though the site and tour was small it gave us a broad knowledge.
Finally We would like to salute our respected teachers Dr. Bashanta Raj Adhikari
and Mr. Prakash Chandra Ghimire for their co-operation in the field and friends