Gas Engines Thesis PDF
Gas Engines Thesis PDF
Gas Engines Thesis PDF
Technology in Algeria
Stéphane Michaut
Stéphane Michaut
The objective of this diploma thesis is to investigate the potential of combined heat and
power plants based on gas engine technology in Algeria. This market analysis has been performed
in order to identify the key markets for the newly created French subsidiary of Clarke Energy
Group to expand its business in North Africa. After analyzing the structure of the Algerian
energy sector and the potential of each gas engine application, three key sectors were identified.
For each sector, a technical and economical analysis was conducted in order to define its
potential, its constraints, and the time frame under which they could become mature markets.
With a potential of 300 MW, the first targeted sector is related to the national power utility
Sonelgaz and consists in small scale power plants with a nominal power output < 20 MW, in
which the use of gas engines instead of gas turbines could reduce up to 50% the price of kWh
generated over the lifecycle of the plant. With a total of 450 MW, the second market representing
a great potential for gas engines development in Algeria is the industrial sector and in particular
brick factories, in which cogeneration plants become profitable within 4 years, can save up to
40% of primary energy and generate electricity whose cost of production is 30% lower than the
average grid price. Finally, the third sector identified is the associated petroleum gas from which
9% – 5.10⁹ cubic meters – are is still being flared in Algeria while they could be used to generate
up to 300 MW for the O&G utilities if only 10% of them would be recovered, reducing thus
CO2 emissions and diesel costs.
This report presents the method and the tools that were developed in order to analyze the
economical viability of gas engine based power plants for the three targeted markets in Algeria,
and the final results from the study.
Master Thesis:
Market analysis for gas engine
technology in Algeria
June 2013
CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................. - 2 -
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................................ - 5 -
OH Operating Hours
MPR Maximum Power Reached
PAD Power At Disposal
FAD Flow At Disposal
Clarke Energy is a world leader in the design, turnkey installation and long term maintenance of gas
engines in power generation and co-generation applications. As the largest independent GE
Jenbacher distributor, they have been successfully distributing its product for 18 years in more than
10 countries. Exclusively focused on gas engines, they have an installed base of over 2,500 MW which
represents 20% of GE Jenbacher’s fleet and the largest stock holding outside the factory.
As part of its global growth and geographical expansion plan, Clarke Energy through its French
subsidiary decided to extend towards to North Africa. After successful start of Tunisian activities in
2008 with turnkey projects delivered in three key applications – waste food biogas, associated
petroleum gas, industrial natural gas CHP – Clarke Energy asked for a further expansion in North
Africa and became 2011 exclusive distributor and service provider for GE Gas Engines products in
As the largest country in Africa and one of the major gas producers in the world, Algeria is a
promising country. Powering almost 80% of national electrical needs, General Electric started
activities there more than 40 years ago and is promised to a golden age after successfully winning a
8,4 GW deal. But with 97% of its electricity being produced from natural gas, mostly with low
efficiency simple cycle gas turbines, Algerian reserves are rapidly depleting and the need for
efficiency arose. In this framework, developing gas engine solutions with 45% electrical efficiency and
up to 90% total efficiency is meaningful, and a deeper market analysis was needed to determine
where and how Clarke Energy could develop the gas engine business by combining its worldwide
know how with Algerian market specificities.
This paper presents the Algerian energy sector, the market assessments made for Algeria and the
three key markets for which the overall potential amounts to more than 1000 MW: small size power
plants for grid feeding, CHP applications for the industry and APG plants for flare gas reduction. It
presents the tools developed to evaluate the potential of each of these sectors, and ultimately the
S.W.O.T. analysis of Clarke Energy as the newly appointed GE Jenbacher distributor in Algeria.
As 97% of Algeria’s export revenue comes from the hydrocarbons sector, the Ministry of Energy and
Mines plays a key role in the country’s economy. It has a strong regulation role, by ensuring energy
sector provides sufficient short term revenues for the country’s development needs while optimizing
the long term production; and also by controlling domestic prices to make energy stay affordable for
its population.
After many years of being state-run businesses, electricity sector and hydrocarbons sector were both
liberalized in 2001 and 2005 in order for public companies to focus on their core businesses
production, transport and commercialization. Independent authorities CREG, ARH and ALNAFT were
created and entitled to implement and monitor application of energy policies draft by the Ministry,
while public companies Sonelgaz and Sonatrach became “simple” economic players among other
private players allowed to enter the energy market.
2.1.2 CREG
CREG is the Energy and Gas Regulation Committee. It was created 2002 following the liberalization of
electricity and gas distribution sector to endorse the responsibility of public service and provide
guidance when it comes to electricity and gas national needs. Main task of this committee is thus to
make sure Algerian population is provided with reliable electricity and gas at an affordable price. It
makes yearly review of domestic consumptions, identifies possible pathways for middle-term
evolution (10 years) and indicates additional production capacities to be installed in order to satisfy
these needs. It decides the tariffs for end use customers and provides guidance for environmental
2.1.3 ARH
ARH is the Hydrocarbon Regulation Authority. It was created 2005 following the liberalization of
hydrocarbon sector and has the same prerogatives as the CREG: provide guidance for satisfying
domestic demand of hydrocarbons. It monitors the development of retailing infrastructures, controls
market prices and provides environmental recommendations.
2.1.4 ALNAFT
ALNAFT is the National Agency for the Valorization of Hydrocarbons. It was also created 2005
following the liberalization of hydrocarbon sector. It is responsible for optimizing the use of Algerian
hydrocarbon resources by giving exploration authorizations, monitoring both production and
remaining resource levels and finally approving exploitation contracts and development plans.
Though liberalized in 2005, market of hydrocarbons still remains “chasse gardée” of the national
- 10 - Market Analysis for Gas Engine Technology in Algeria
Stéphane Michaut, 2013
company of hydrocarbons Sonatrach, with an obligation enforced in 2006 for all investments made in
this sector (exploration, production, transport or refining) to be done in partnership with Sonatrach
having a minimum 51% share in the capital.
2.1.5 APRUE
APRUE is the Agency for the Promotion and Rationalization of Energy Use. They are implementing
and financing measures to promote energy efficiency within four main sectors: industry, building,
lighting and transport.
2.1.6 Sonatrach
2011 ranked Sonatrach 12th petroleum company in the world, and 5th natural gas exporter in the
world. It was created following Algeria’s independence to run all hydrocarbon activities in the
country. With a turnover of $72 billion, it is also the first company in Africa. As a state company, it
had the monopoly and exclusivity over all activities related to exploration, production, transportation
and commercialization until 2005 when the market was liberalized. Since 2005, Sonatrach is
considered as an industrial group with public interest, that is an economical player among others.
Major activities of Sonatrach are oil and gas exploration and production, transport through
canalizations and commercialization on national territory as well as abroad through its four ports
located along the Mediterranean sea, which brings 97% of Algeria’s export revenue and ensures on
its own the Algerian economic growth.
2.1.7 Sonelgaz
Also created after the independence, the 100% state owned company Sonelgaz was sole responsible
for the production, transport and commercialization of electricity in Algeria, and also had monopoly
over transport and distribution of natural gas until 2002 liberalization law. While introducing
competition in electricity sector, this law also gave Sonelgaz its actual status of an industrial group
constituted by several independent branches, each of them with an obligation to results. It also
paved the way for private electricity production and for an electricity market in Algeria, with new
entities such as market operator and system operator to be created within Sonelgaz. Oil
Algeria is an important player of the OPEC since 1969. With proved reserves amounting to 12,2 Gbl in
2011 and a production of 1 729 000 bl/day, it ranks 15th in the world for oil reserves, 3rd oil producer
in Africa and 18th oil producer in the world. Sonatrach produces, transports, processes and
commercializes the Algerian oil on national territory and abroad. As shown in Figure 2-1, current
production keeps declining since 2007.
10.3 barrles / day
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Gas
With proved reserves amounting to 4500 Gm3 and yearly production of 78 Gm3, Algeria ranked
2011 1st gas producer in Africa, and 10th gas producer in the world. As shown in Figure 2-2 below,
natural gas production also keeps declining since 2007. While Sonatrach produces natural gas, its
transport and distribution for national use are under Sonelgaz authority. End of 2011 gas penetration
rate was 47,4 % and most industrial zones were connected through a 20 000 km-long network. Cost
of gas is also the lowest in Mediterranean region, with an average price of 0,18 €cent/kWh for
industrial medium pressure use.
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
12 000
10 000
8 000
2 000
1980 1990 2001 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
30 Independant producer
Sonelgaz (SPE)
1980 1990 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
1% 1%
Steam turbine
12000 16.00%
6000 8.00%
0 0.00%
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Peak power demand (MW) Demand increase compared to previous year (%)
Following 2002’s liberalization law, seven independent producers (see table below) entered the
market with an increasing share in Algeria’s electricity generation fleet. However, if from a legal
perspective the market is now opened it is de facto entirely regulated and Sonelgaz still has
monopoly over all activities. It is the unique buyer, the unique retailer and the system operator.
Sonelgaz produces around 75% of Algerian electricity, and has consequent shares in the remaining
25%, either through direct participation or through the entity AEC (Algerian Energy Company), a joint
venture between Sonelgaz (50%) and Sonatrach (50%) created in 2001 whose goal is to produce and
commercialize electricity. Moreover, these independent producers were not chosen by market
mechanisms but through call of tenders. The electricity produced is also not bought given market
mechanisms, but under long term purchasing agreement terms.
Finally, retail tariffs are regulated by the state in order to maintain social peace with the lowest cost
in Mediterranean region (2,3 €cent for industrial use), which leads Sonelgaz into a critical position
every year: 2011 reached Sonelgaz a deficit of 10,7 millions €, with two distribution branches being
bankrupt under the meaning of the Commercial Code. This leads to the necessary obligation for the
state to compensate for these losses and subsidize price of electricity.
Conclusion: Algeria has a state structured energy sector. Though some measures were taken to
liberalize these activities, national companies like Sonelgaz and Sonatrach still have a de facto
monopoly – or at least a complete control – over production, transport, distribution and
commercialization of oil, gas and electricity. Algerian economy entirely relies on its hydrocarbons
resources, with oil and gas providing both energy to the country at the lowest cost in the region, and
comfortable export revenues. As hydrocarbon production declines and for the country to embrace
sustainability and ensure a positive commercial balance in the future, Algeria has to think about
smarter consumption models, develop renewables and local manufacturing instead of imports.
Target No. of
Segment market Potential customers
Power production Electricity Yes High High
Cogeneration Yes Med Med
Trigeneration Yes Med Med
Quadgeneration Yes Low Low
Remote generation Yes High High
Target No. of
Gas type Segment Sub-segment market Potential customers
Natural gas Electricity generation Yes High Low
Commercial Offices Yes High High
Airports Yes Med Low
Universities Yes Low Low
Data Centres Yes Low Low
Residential No Low Low
Industrial Agrochemical Yes Low Low
Bricks Yes High High
Ceramics Yes High Med
Coal No None None
Construction Yes Low Low
Dyes and
chemicals No Low Low
Engineering Yes Low Low
Food processing Yes High High
Glass Yes Med Med
Oil and gas Yes High Low
Packaging Yes Low Low
Paper Yes Med Med
Pharmaceuticals Yes Med Med
Rubber No None None
Steel No None None
Textile Yes Low Low
Greenhouse No None None
Hospitals Yes Med Low
Peaking station Yes Low Low
Biological gas Biogas Agricultural No None None
Dairy No None None
Distillery No None None
MBT-AD No None None
Waste No None None
Sewage gas Yes Med Low
Landfill gas Yes Med Low
APG / flare gas Yes High Low
Coal gas Coal seam methane No None None
Working mine methane No None None
Abandoned mine methane No None None
Special gas Gasification Syngas No None None
Wood gas No None None
Pyrolysis Waste pyrolysis No None None
Steel production gas Blast furnace gas No Low Low
Converter gas No Low Low
Coke gas No Low Low
Coal gasification No None None
Conclusion: this market segmentation leads to identifying three key sectors representing high
development potential of gas engines: industrial sector for CHP application, power generation sector
for grid feeding, and Oil&Gas sector for associated petroleum gas use.
Additional capacity to be installed by 2017 is 140 MW of diesel fueled plants, and 501 MW of gas
turbines compared to 2011’s fleet. Among these 501 MW, 198 MW are already in the construction
phase, but the remaining 303 MW are still in the tendering phase. This represent a strong potential if
gas engines are not only competitive compared to gas turbines, but also if Sonelgaz accepts to open
up to a new technology that has so far never been used in Algeria.
A critical point and crucial advantage for gas engines development in Algeria is also their very low
derating compared to gas turbines. While the power output of a turbine starts going down from its
ISO rating after 15°C, gas engines will keep up to full load until 45°C. In regions characterized by their
desert and hot conditions, and where peak load happens during hottest times of the year, this would
considerably reduce oversizing of power plants since available power at all times would approach
installed power.
Though gas engines seem to suit particularly well to the southern regions, some challenges specific
to Algeria prevented their development. During the 70’s and the 80’s the gas engine technology
wasn’t mature enough to penetrate the Algerian market. Then in the 90’s while many developing
countries started using them, Algeria went through a decade of terrorism during which dual fuel
(ability to run both on gas and heavy duty oil in case gas delivery is compromised) became the main
requirement, with which GEJ gas engines cannot comply.
Added to the plentiful and cheapness of gas, the reluctance to technological change and the
bureaucracy that characterizes Algeria explain why so far gas engine has not been used in this
In this part will be explained how Sonelgaz compares bids and how to build the corresponding Excel
tool. The values taken below are those of a gas turbine and a gas engine manufacturer bidding for a 2
x 25 MW project. The results of both bids are then showed in Part 4.3.
Unit Values
OFFER TYPE Gas turbine Gas Engine
Amortization period Years 20 20
Discount rate foreign currency % 6% 6%
Discount rate dinar % 6% 6%
VAT rate % 17% 17%
Average annual use of available capacity hours/year 6 000 6 000
Cost per thermie (based on natural gas price : 4,25 $/MMBTU) c$/thermie 1 1,687 1,687
Operation cost and maintenance cost ( % of investment / year) % 2,0% 2,0%
Rate of custom duties % 5% 5%
Preferential margin on goods and services of Algerian
% 25% 25%
origin ,
Market price in Algeria (i.e. price for Sonelgaz to buy gas from Sonatrach) is around 4,25$/MMBtu.
This value is very low compared to world prices (see Figure below), with a price level almost as low as
in the US where domestic prices dramatically fell with shale gas development.
Meanwhile, this value is almost 7 times higher than the price to which natural gas is being sold to
industries: 0,18 DZD/Th = 0,25 c$/Th = 0,63 $/MMBtu, which explains why Sonelgaz has a recurrent
thermie is the unit in which natural gas is accounted in Algeria. 1 th = 1 Mcal.
Market Analysis for Gas Engine Technology in Algeria - 23 -
Stéphane Michaut, 2013 VAT and custom duties rates
In order to account for all expenses, Sonelgaz also includes VAT at a 17% rate and custom duties. For
most equipment a 15% rate is the rule, but when it concerns energy facilities like power plants a
specific rate at 5% was set.
𝐴𝑉 =
(1 + 𝑟)𝑛
Actual value
The graph above highlights the difference induced by payment schedules of bidders: with a 6%
actualization rate, a payment made after 12 months will represent 94% of its actual value, while a
payment made after 36 months will represent only 84% of its actual value. This method will hence
privilege the bidder who has the best payment schedule (the one with higher amounts to be paid at
the end of the construction period).
During the financial evaluation, this preference margin is implemented by increasing the prices of
other financial bids from corresponding percentage, as showed in the table below.
In the example above, Bidder 1 did not increase other bidders’ price while Bidder 2 increased other
bidders’ price of 15%, and Bidder 3 of 25%. Even though Bidder 4 doesn’t have the best financial
offer, it wins the call of tender thanks to the preference margin.
In practice, this law did not let a chance to foreign companies to win tenders when there were local
companies with same competencies. It had a small effect on diesel based power plants projects since
there are many Algerian distributors. But it had no effect on gas fired power plants projects since all
gas turbine manufacturer or EPC contractors were foreign companies.
The difference in terms of initial investment is to be balanced by the effective output of the plant: in
the example above, gas turbine manufacturer offered 32 MW turbines which mostly explains the
Market Analysis for Gas Engine Technology in Algeria - 25 -
Stéphane Michaut, 2013
price difference. Most of the time these supplementary MW are taken into account by Sonelgaz, so
that a manufacturer who doesn’t have the product with the exact power output requested in the
tender won’t be penalized over another.
Another factor influencing the price of the equipment is the derating at site conditions: as previously
explained, if design temperature is 45°C (and this is the case for most of southern sites in Algeria) the
turbine proposed in the tender will have at least a 30% derating compared to nominal output while
gas engine output would be at 100% of its nominal value, with direct consequence being a turbine
size – and cost – 30% oversized.
In that case the evaluation model will not take into account the additional capacity available at
temperatures lower than 45°C (turbine case only), since this additional capacity is in practice never
used: the peak demand happens to be during hottest days, when country-widespread air
conditioners are switched on. Gas engine will hence have a further advantage, which is being
dimensioned on the exact power demand during hot days.
% Discount rate Discounted total % Discount rate Discounted total % Discount rate Discounted total
Total DZD 234 967 899 844 Total converted to DZD 7 045 281 215 Total converted to DZD 1 408 612 320
Using a cash flow actualization method gives the “real” cost of the power plant: while total bided
investment needed for 2 x 25 MW gas turbines is around 11 581 000 000 DZD, “real” cost for
Sonelgaz is around 7% lower (total = 10 776 000 000 DZD)
This table will allow the model to take into account differences in lifetime before major overhaul:
while major overhaul for gas turbine generally takes places after 48 000 OPH (= 8 years of operation),
the overhaul for gas engines will be necessary after 60 000 OPH.
In the cost calculation over 20 years of operation, gas turbines will thus need two major overhauls
while gas engines will only need one.
In our example of a 2 x 25 MW power plant, the bid based on gas engine technology outweighs the
bid based on gas turbine technology by approximately 20%. For this particular plant, Sonelgaz finally
decided to cancel the call of tender because only two companies submitted bids.
For these three power plants ranging from 5 to 10 MW units, the cost of kWh reached with a gas
engine technology would approximately be 50% lower than what was awarded in 2009. For 25 MW,
this difference gets down to 20%. In practice this is the upper limit above which gas turbine starts to
be competitive.
Conclusion: for small generation units < 25 MW, gas engine can generate electricity with a higher
efficiency, a smaller derating and a better flexibility than what has been developed so far in Algeria,
for almost half the price of production. This tells how relevant gas engine technology is for southern
regions of Algeria, and how promising its development is. However some concerns remain and explain
why Sonelgaz executives are still reluctant to allow use of gas engines for these regions: dual fuel
requirement, longstanding experience in gas turbine maintenance, bureaucracy and reluctance to
technological change are some of the few obstacles that Sonelgaz will have to overcome for gas
engine manufacturers to start doing business in this market.
In terms of power consumption, the industrial sector represents around 25% of the demand, i.e
around 3000 MW, increasing at a 8,3% rate. This power requirement is spread throughout the
country as shown in the map below, and around one third of these 3000 MW are connected to an
important heat demand for the need of the process.
Out of these energy intensive industries, APRUE estimates that the potential for cogeneration
applications in Algeria amounts to 450 MW. In order to study in more details what the key industries
are for gas engine based CHP plants, an analytic tool has been developed.
Active Power Power At Max Power Monthly
SONELGAZ Disposal Reached Fee
RATES (2005) 𝐶1 𝐶2 𝐶3 𝐺 𝐺 𝑃1 𝑃2 𝐹
(cDA / kWh) (cDA / kVARh) (DA/kW/month) (DA/kW/month) (DA/month)
E31 49,19 113,9 550,7 25,84 5,168 31,61 157,88 421 177,73
E32 114,1 114,1 114,1 25,84 5,168 84,12 421,15 421 177,73
E41 85,33 161,5 726,7 37,94 7,588 21,54 96,79 32 227,79
E42 150,5 150,5 726,7 37,94 7,588 32,25 150,48 429,71
E43 85,33 356,9 356,9 37,94 7,588 32,25 128,8 429,71
E44 313 313 313 37,94 7,588 32,25 150,48 429,71
E51 106,4 191,1 716,3 29,85 0 286,44
E52 157,2 157,2 716,3 29,85 0 66,40
E53 106,4 429,9 429,9 14,81 0 66,40
E54 417,9 417,9 417,9 4,37 0 0,00
Sonelgaz’ method for monthly power billing within the industry follows the formulas below:
𝑃𝑃𝑒𝑥𝑐𝑙.𝑉𝐴𝑇 = � 𝐶𝑒𝑙,𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠 . 𝐸𝑖𝑒𝑙,𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠 + 𝐺. �𝐸𝑟,𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠 − 0,5. 𝐸𝑒𝑙,𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠 � + 𝑃𝐴𝐷. 𝑃1 + 𝑀𝑃𝑅. 𝑃2 + 𝐹
The average cost of electricity for an industry with constant power needs over the day is hence
2,32 DA ~ 2,32 cts€ / kWh , to which must be added PAD, MPR, reactive power and taxes. The figure
below shows the Excel sheet developed to calculate the electricity bill, for each of the electricity
rates mentioned above.
The average cost of gas for an industry with significant thermal needs is hence around 0,1849 DA ~
0,1849 cts€ / Thermie (HHV) = 0,1767cts€ / kWh (LHV). Despite this very low price level, gas is still
about 13 times cheaper than electricity for industrial use: this will ensure a good profitability of CHP
plants based on gas engines in Algeria. The figure below shows the Excel sheet developed to
calculate the gas bill, for each of the gas rates mentioned above.
- 160% of electricity market price if 20% of primary energy consumption is recovered as heat
For electricity produced with biogas sources such as sewage and landfill gas, price levels for feeding
the grid was set at 200% of electricity market price.
In reality, this decree has never been applied and the market of decentralized CHP plants for
electricity production never took up. Another decree is currently under consideration by the
regulating committee, but as long as no new incentive schemes have officially been published, CHP
plants can only be used for self consumption. Subsidies
Even though no feed-in tariff has been applied yet for renewables and CHP plants, a large fund for
promoting the rational use of energy was voted by the Law of Finance 2000 and adopted by the
Decree n°2000-116 of May 2000 the 29th.
The revenues of this fund come from the above mentioned taxes on energy consumption and are set
at the following levels:
Although expected to come, no tax has been established yet for other energy sources such as oil,
LPG, etc... Those amounts are directly collected by Sonelgaz and Sonatrach, and are redistributed by
the national agency APRUE, responsible for sharing this fund into four main programmes of energy
use rationalization within:
For the industry, as soon as thermal energy is recovered the CHP plant becomes eligible for and the
APRUE agency offers to give the following subsidies:
The query has to be done by the client and is submitted to final approval by a committee of experts.
They are split into four “types” depending on the size and the number of cylinders:
- type 2 for 2L cylinder, available with 08 cylinders, power range 250 – 330 kW
- type 3 for 3L cylinder , available with 12, 16 and 20 cylinders, power range 500 – 1100 kW
- type 4 for 4L cylinder, available with 12, 16, and 20 cylinders, power range 800 – 1500 kW
- type 6 for 6L cylinder, available with 12, 16, 20 and 24 cylinders, power range 1,5 – 4,4 MW
A 9L 24 cylinder engine is also under development (the J920 engine), for a power output of almost 10
MW and an electrical efficiency of 48,7%, but would not be available before 2014 in North Africa.
Other factors that could influence, as a second criterion, the choice of the engine are:
In order to compare the impact of the variation of each factor, a database of prices and technical
characteristics has been implemented, and three similar Excel sheets (Option 1, Option 2 and Option
3) were created with the following table. By changing the factors in each option, it will be possible to
analyse the results.
𝑛 𝑛
𝐼𝐹 𝑃𝑒𝑙 𝑛𝑒𝑡,𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 . 𝐻𝑛 . 𝐴 < 𝐸𝑒𝑙,𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝐸𝑒𝑙,𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 = 𝑃𝑒𝑙 𝑛𝑒𝑡,𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 . 𝐻𝑛 . 𝐴
𝑛 𝑛 𝑛
𝐼𝐹 𝑃𝑒𝑙 𝑛𝑒𝑡,𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 . 𝐻𝑛 . 𝐴 > 𝐸𝑒𝑙,𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝐸𝑒𝑙,𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 = 𝐸𝑒𝑙,𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠 .𝐴
𝑛 𝜂𝑡ℎ 𝑛 𝑛 𝑛 𝜂𝑡ℎ
𝐼𝐹 𝐸𝑒𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 . < 𝐸𝑡ℎ,𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝐸𝑡ℎ,𝑟𝑒𝑐 = 𝐸𝑒𝑙,𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 .
𝜂𝑒𝑙 𝜂𝑒𝑙
𝑛 𝜂𝑡ℎ 𝑛 𝑛 𝑛
𝐼𝐹 𝐸𝑒𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 . 𝜂 > 𝐸𝑡ℎ,𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝐸𝑡ℎ,𝑟𝑒𝑐 = 𝐸𝑡ℎ ,𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠,𝑢𝑠
The following table contains the results of this calculation for a factory with a 2 MW constant power
need, on which a 2 MW single engine (JMS 612) power plant is installed, with the characteristics
given above. The amount of kWh produced by the CHP corresponds to 90,1% of the annual needs.
CHP 3 Needs with CHP
without CHP
Electrical Real
energy, electrical Excess of
Effective Actual potential energy electrical
Off energy
Month Days Hours running electrical production produced energy
days (bought
hours consumption (T<40°C, (T<40°C, (sold to
100% 95% Sonelgaz)
availability) availability)
kWhe kWh e kWh e kWh e kWh e
Jan 31 0 744 706,8 1 488 000 1 411 342 1 340 775 147 225 0
Feb 28 0 672 638,4 1 344 000 1 274 761 1 211 023 132 977 0
March 31 0 744 706,8 1 488 000 1 411 342 1 340 775 147 225 0
Apr 30 0 720 684 1 440 000 1 365 815 1 297 524 142 476 0
May 31 0 744 706,8 1 488 000 1 411 342 1 340 775 147 225 0
Jun 30 0 720 684 1 440 000 1 365 815 1 297 524 142 476 0
Jul 31 0 744 706,8 1 488 000 1 411 342 1 340 775 147 225 0
Aug 31 0 744 706,8 1 488 000 1 411 342 1 340 775 147 225 0
Sept 30 0 720 684 1 440 000 1 365 815 1 297 524 142 476 0
Oct 31 0 744 706,8 1 488 000 1 411 342 1 340 775 147 225 0
Nov 30 0 720 684 1 440 000 1 365 815 1 297 524 142 476 0
Dec 31 0 744 706,8 1 488 000 1 411 342 1 340 775 147 225 0
Total 365 0 8760 8322 17 520 000 16 617 417 15 786 546 1 733 454 0
90,1% 9,9%
Based on the a thermal consumption of 1500 Nm3/h and on an existing boiler efficiency of 90% for
the factory, about 14,1% of the factory thermal needs will be produced by the CHP set given engine
efficiencies as above.
Thermal energy recovered Gas consumption
Thermal Real Gas input
energy, thermal equivalent
Actual potential energy Thermal to thermal
energy Actual gas CHP gas Total gas
thermal production recovered energy energy
produced consumption consumption consumption
needs (T<40°C, (T<40°C, lost recovered
by boilers
100% 95% (with
availability) availability boilers eff.)
kWh th kWh th kWh th kWh th kWh th kWh th PCI kWh th PCI kWh th PCI kWh th PCI
9 933 049 1 557 936 1 403 792 0 8 529 257 11 036 721 1 559 768 3 133 392 12 610 344
8 971 786 1 407 168 1 267 941 0 7 703 845 9 968 651 1 408 823 2 830 160 11 389 988
9 933 049 1 557 936 1 403 792 0 8 529 257 11 036 721 1 559 768 3 133 392 12 610 344
9 612 628 1 507 680 1 358 508 0 8 254 120 10 680 698 1 509 453 3 032 314 12 203 559
9 933 049 1 557 936 1 403 792 0 8 529 257 11 036 721 1 559 768 3 133 392 12 610 344
9 612 628 1 507 680 1 358 508 0 8 254 120 10 680 698 1 509 453 3 032 314 12 203 559
9 933 049 1 557 936 1 403 792 0 8 529 257 11 036 721 1 559 768 3 133 392 12 610 344
9 933 049 1 557 936 1 403 792 0 8 529 257 11 036 721 1 559 768 3 133 392 12 610 344
9 612 628 1 507 680 1 358 508 0 8 254 120 10 680 698 1 509 453 3 032 314 12 203 559
9 933 049 1 557 936 1 403 792 0 8 529 257 11 036 721 1 559 768 3 133 392 12 610 344
9 612 628 1 507 680 1 358 508 0 8 254 120 10 680 698 1 509 453 3 032 314 12 203 559
9 933 049 1 557 936 1 403 792 0 8 529 257 11 036 721 1 559 768 3 133 392 12 610 344
116 953 100 425
18 343 440 16 528 514 0 129 948 488 18 365 015 36 893 158 148 476 631
640 126
14,1% 85,9%
For a multiple engine power plant, the achieved amount of kWh produced has to be calculated
differently since other engines keep running when one is under maintenance. Hence, a basic method
consists in calculating the “unserved energy” with a probabilistic approach, and integrating the
difference between power production curve and site load curve.
The following table contains each engine’s net output and availability.
In this example, the guaranteed availability of each engine is 95%, and maintenance of each of them
will be scheduled to take place separately. Hence the following graph and tables can be used:
[% of time]
The production curve never exceeds the load curve since there is no grid feeding.
% of time 5 … 80 85 90 95 100
Load (January) kW 4500 … 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Net Avail.
kW 5809 … 5809 4801 4801 3912 3912
Real El. Prod. kWh/h 4500 … 4500 4500 4500 3912 3912
Missing Energy kWh/h 0 … 0 0 0 29 29
While a 2-MW engine is under maintenance, (4500 kW - 3912 kW)* 5 % = 29 kWh/h have to be
imported from the grid. If the factory runs 8760 hours/year and the engine has a guaranteed
availability of 95%, the average ENS at the end of the year will be 29 kWh/h * 8760 h/year = 254 040
The result of the calculation gives a percentage of 98,7% of factory needs covered by the CHP, while
the previous method would have given a percentage of 95%. The calculation method has hence a
great influence on final energy balance, as well as on final savings analysis.
∑3𝑖=1 𝐶𝑖𝑒𝑙,𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠 . 𝐻𝑖
𝐶𝑒𝑙,𝑎𝑣𝑔 =
∑3𝑖=1 𝐻𝑖
𝐶𝑒𝑙,𝑎𝑣𝑔 : Average cost of active power bought from the grid [DA/kWh]
𝐶𝑒𝑙,𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠 : Unitary cost of active power for each pricing period (Night, Day, Peak) [DA/kWh]
𝐻𝑖 : Number of hours when each rate applies [h]
The value of electricity produced (annual gain) is simply calculated by multiplying the amount of kWh
produced by 𝐶𝑒𝑙,𝑎𝑣𝑔 : 𝑉𝑒𝑙 = 𝐸𝑒𝑙,𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 . 𝐶𝑒𝑙,𝑎𝑣𝑔
Application : for most industries in Algeria, the rate E41 applies, and 𝐶𝑒𝑙,𝑎𝑣𝑔 = 2,318 DA/kWh. In the
4,5 MW plant example above where 98,7 % of the needs were covered by the CHP, 𝐸𝑒𝑙,𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 =
38 904 527 𝑘𝑊ℎ . The annual electricity gain is
𝑉𝑒𝑙 = 2,32 x 38 904 527 = 90 211 000 DA ~ 902 000 €/year. With the previous calculation
Application : for most industries in Algeria, the rate 21T applies and 𝐶𝑡ℎ,𝑎𝑣𝑔 = 𝐶𝑔𝑎𝑠,𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠 =
18,49 cDA/thermie = 17,67 cDA/kWh (LHV). In the same example as above, with a factory
consumption of 1500 Nm3/h and a boiler efficiency of 90%, the CHP plant can produce 𝐸𝑡ℎ,𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 =
41 940 173 kWh, which represents 17,9% of final thermal needs. The value of thermal energy is
𝐸 .𝐶
hence 𝑉𝑡ℎ = 𝑡ℎ,𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 𝑡ℎ,𝑎𝑣𝑔�𝜂 = 8 234 254 𝐷𝐴 ~ 82 000 €/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟
Application : with rate 21T, fuel consumption in example above was 𝐸𝑡ℎ,𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠. = 92 453 821 𝑘𝑊ℎ.
𝑉𝑔𝑎𝑠,𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠. = 𝐸𝑡ℎ,𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠. . 𝐶𝑡ℎ,𝑎𝑣𝑔 = 16 336 600 𝐷𝐴 ~ 163 000 €/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟
For each of the three economical calculations above, a more precise analysis can be conducted by
adding or retrofitting the modifications of MPR, PAD and FAD due to the introduction of the CHP
plant. This has been taken into consideration in the model, though minor influence on the results.
In this example (industry with 4,5 MW constant electrical needs, consuming 1500 Nm3/h of natural
gas, on wich a 4-engine power plant is installed), the annual earnings are hence around 900 000 €/
The cost of oil is hence considered as a fixed cost, around 11,84 cDA / kWh produced.
- operating costs: it is the cost of labour needed for operating the engine on a daily basis. They
are very low in Algeria, because the engine can basically run by itself without much
surveillance and because of low labour costs.
These costs highly depend on engine type. As mentioned above, the costs mentioned and used in this
paper have voluntarily been changed for confidentiality purposes.
5.2.6 Analytical tools: Payback Time, Net Present Value, Rate of Return, Cost of kWh
From the previous calculations can be highlighted important indicators for estimating the profitability
of a project.
The Net Present Value is used in capital budgeting for estimating long-term projects profitability by
taking into consideration the present value of money at the time of the investment, to the present
value of money in the future. It uses hence the series of cash flows, with a discount rate. It is an
indicator of how much value adds a project to a company. Higher is the NPV, better is the project.
The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is the rate that makes the NPV equal to zero. It is an indicator of the
efficiency of an investment (how fast a project adds value to a company), whose result has to be
greater than a minimum rate set by rational investors.
In the industrial sector, these three indicators can be used by the owner of the factory to defend the
viability of a project to the bank and get a loan. In most cases though, industrial groups in Algeria
have enough cash to auto finance their projects.
The time frame usually considered in this paper is 15 years ( 2 x 7,5 years in order to include the
major overhaul in the analysis), considering that the CHP plant will work all the year round (8760
hours). In France, the cogeneration period covers only November – April, and the CHP plant operates
only 6000 hours / year : the period considered would rather be 24 years.
The financial analysis conducted for each option is described in the table below.
Financial analysis
Decision tools
Internal rate of return (IRR) % 13,6%
Payback time Years 5,40
Net Value after 15 years DA 133 188 278
Investment -253 000 000 DA
Subsidies -7 000 000 DA
Annual gains on energy consumption 74 170 359 DA
Grid feeding revenues 0 DA
Maintenance costs -16 644 000 DA
Operating costs -200 000 DA
Annual gross income 57 326 359 DA
Cost of kWh
Sonelgaz 268 cDA
CHP plant 166 cDA
Decision tools
Internal rate of return 19,4%
Payback time (1) 4,41 Years
Net Value after 15 years 216 556 326 DA
For the purpose of this paper and for readability reasons, only the profitability results will be
analysed and the four key variables highlighted (ROI, NPV, IRR, Cost of kWh) in the rest of this
As can be seen in the previous graph, efficiencies (both electrical and thermal) have a very small
impact on ROI, NPV and IRR, mostly due to low fuel gas costs in Algeria. The cost of electricity
production is very much similar between a 40% electrical efficient power plant and a 44% electrical
efficient power plant and the difference between these both plants in terms of annual income is
insignificant (less than 3000€/year!).
Conclusion: the engine choice in Algeria would rather not be based on efficiencies but will rely more
on initial investment and maintenance costs.
The capital cost part is around 15% lower for a 4-MW plant than for a 1-MW plant (proportionally),
and maintenance costs around 10%. As electrical efficiency goes up with the size, fuel gas costs are
also lower of some 5%.
Conclusion: the result of all this is a cost of production per kWh 7,04 % cheaper in the case of a 4-MW
plant compared to a 1-MW plant.
- Engine cooling water circuit, at low temperature (70°C / 90°C customer side)
- Exhaust gases at high temperature (around 400°C), whose direct use is conditioned by the
quality of fuel input gas and might need treatment Steam
Engine cooling water is used to preheat the feed water which will then be evaporated in an exhaust
gas boiler. High capital cost, higher maintenance and operation costs due to the necessary
monitoring of a pressurized system, lower heat recovery efficiency since the evaporating point goes
up as the steam pressure increases.
A 2-MWe engine will for instance produce 1 134 kg/h of steam @4 bars, with an exhaust gas thermal
output of 760 kW, while the production @8 bars is only 980 kg/h and the thermal output 666 kW.
For gas engines, the exhaust gas temperature is relatively low (around 400°C) which lowers the
amount of steam that can be produced. Furthermore the shares of “power available at low
temperature for water pre heating” / “power available at high temperature for water evaporating” is
generally around 60% / 40%. Hence, a gas engine can only vaporize a small part of the produced hot
water at 90°C, and when there is no further need for warm water the remaining available heat at low
temperature is lost and has to be dissipated through air coolers.
The example below shows the recoverable thermal output of a 2 MWe engine producing steam at 8
bars. Only 752 kW can be used, the remaining 1332 kW are lost.
- Best ROI, IRR and NPV are achieved with CHP plant using hot air. The ceramic industry (brick
factories, ...) has hence the best potential for gas engine use in Algeria.
- Hot water use also has a good potential
- Steam production alone has a very limited potential within current framework. It increases
the initial investment cost of almost 10%, complicates the project (special authorizations
needed for pressurized systems) and the operation of the plant for a limited added value:
the final amount of steam usually doesn’t match industrial needs, and ROI, IRR and NPV are
the same as with a simple power plant with no heat recovery system!
Conclusion: industrial applications using hot air will be first targeted for CHP use. For other
applications, generating set will be privileged.
5.3.4 Single vs multiple engine power plant: influence of flexibility and grid reliability
on profitability
One of the challenges within the industry is to explain that CHP plants and Sonelgaz are not
competing against but rather helping each other: CHP plants will help resolve locally the necessary
load shedding during peak periods by adding a decentralized power plant at the consumption point.
On the other hand, having access to the grid will considerably lower the capital cost needed for the
CHP plant, by being the backup solution when the CHP plant is under maintenance.
Industries in Algeria are all connected to the grid. If the risk of load shedding is 50% without CHP
plant, after installing a 95% available CHP plant this risk goes down to 50% * 5% = 2,5% of the time.
The question is then:
- what added value does this stabilization represent for the customer in terms of production ?
- does this 2,5 % risk justifies the installation of an additional gas engine in order to get up to
100% availability ?
The best economical option is of course installing a single engine 4-MW CHP plant. By accounting an
additional gain of 100 000€/year due to grid stabilization, the ROI goes down to 3 years.
With the 4 x 1 MW plant, 3 MW will be available 100% of the time and the added value for the
customer of having a 3 MW guaranteed power has to go up to 260 000€/year in order to get a 3-year
ROI, which is rarely the case.
The 2 x 2-MW option represents a good intermediate, with a 50 % load guaranteed (2 000 kW) 100%
of the time, and an additional added value of 120 000€/year instead of 100 000€/year in order to get
a 3-year ROI.
The best option when it comes to securing 100% of the electrical needs is OPTION 2 (3 engines, with
a unit power capacity equivalent to 50% of the load). The capital cost is lower than OPTION 3 (for a 4-
MW plant 100% guaranteed, only 6 MW are installed instead of 8 MW in scenario 3), and the
maintenance costs are lower than in OPTION 1 (3 engines instead of 5). The added value of being
independent from the grid has to be more than 400 000€/year for the ROI to go down to 3 years.
Conclusion: having a 100% independent power plant impacts the ROI of approx. 1,5 year, going up
from 3,76 years to 5,15years (OPTION 2).
570.00 Fuel gas
520.00 Maintenance
220.00 Investment Oil
170.00 Oil Fuel gas
Fuel gas Overhaul @60k incl. VAT
120.00 Overhaul @60k excl. VAT
70.00 Maintenance
20.00 Investment Investment
Therm. Energy Therm. Energy Therm. Energy
Conclusion: the additional cost induced by having a backup engine in order to be 100% independent
from the grid strongly impacts the cost of production of these additional kWh. These “last kWh
produced” are not competitive anymore, and when possible it is better to get them from the grid.
This situation will not last forever, and it is important to measure the impact of this gas and
electricity rate increase on the Algerian gas engine market. In this section the following input data
were used:
- Electricity rate E41, gas rate 21T, with potential increase of 50 % each
- Industry with 2000kW constant active power consumption, 1500 Nm3/h gas consumption
- 85% reactive power consumption, PAD = 2600kW, MPR = 2800kW
- three options, each of them with a 2-MW engine installed with varying efficiencies as follow :
A gas rate increase has a limited impact on key variables due to its relatively small share in the total
cost of production per kWh. A 50% increase would only increase the cost of production with 6%, and
the difference on ROI is less than 4 months.
On the opposite, an electricity rate increase would have a very strong impact on the gas engine
market in Algeria: a 50% increase would decrease the ROI down to two years, and would triple the
NPV after 15 years.
- 58 - Market Analysis for Gas Engine Technology in Algeria
Stéphane Michaut, 2013
Conclusion: the inevitable increase in Sonelgaz electricity rates will largely impact the gas engine
business in Algeria in a positive way, while a gas rate increase won’t really harm its potential.
A revision of the application decree is currently under study, and should be enforced by the end of
year 2012. It is important to measure the impact of this gas and electricity feed in tariff on the
Algerian gas engine market. In this section the following input data were used:
- Electricity rate E41, gas rate 21T, with feed-in tariff at 160% of electrical market price
- Industry with 2000kW constant active power consumption, 1500 Nm3/h gas consumption
- 85% reactive power consumption, PAD = 2600kW, MPR = 2800kW
Oversizing the engine is not economically interesting at the moment (better ROI, IRR and NPV for
OPTION 2 - 2000kW than for OPTION 3 - 2677kW). It is the reason why CHP plants currently offered
are based on the average power consumption and not the maximum peak power observed. Once the
feed-in tariffs will be enforced it will become attractive to dimension the plant on the maximum peak
power consumed.
Conclusion: the introduction of a feed-in tariff of 160% will not only influence the choice of engine
type, but will also leverage the profitability of gas engine based CHP plants by decreasing the ROI
with approximately 1 year.
Sonelgaz Peak
350.00 726.68
Oil Oil
150.00 Fuel gas Fuel gas
Overhaul @60k Overhaul @60k
Sonelgaz Day
Maintenance Maintenance Sonelgaz Night 161.47
Investement Investement
Thermal gains
Oil Oil
STEG Day 154.00
Fuel gas Fuel gas
50.00 STEG Night
Thermal gains
20 year revenues
14 000 000 €
12 000 000 €
10 000 000 €
8 000 000 €
6 000 000 €
4 000 000 €
2 000 000 €
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
-2 000 000 €
These graphs clearly show three consequences of having much higher energy prices in Tunisia than in
Conclusion: as already mentioned in Part 5.3.5, countries with higher electricity prices will be more
profitable for CHP plants - even when gas prices are higher as well -. This is why Tunisia is a mature
market for CHP plants, with a gas engine installed base of more than 15 machines and an advanced
legislative framework, while Algeria is at its very first steps regarding energy efficiency.
5.4.2 Application to the food industry: the Nejma oil refinery example
First GE Jenbacher engine in the industry in Tunisia was commissioned 2010 in the oil refinery Nejma.
With an electrical output of 1,1 MWe, it covers the manufacture’s needs with reliable electricity
while feeding the grid with excess production. With a total thermal output of 1062 kW, it provides
700 kg/h of steam at 3 bars to the process as well as 27m3/h of hot water at 90°C, for a total
efficiency of 83%.
As showed in the graph below, the whole plant should achieve a kWh as low as 1,4 DZD when
cooling, and 1,9 DZD while heating. Expected ROI of the plant is 5,5 years due to the massive
investment needed.
5.6 Conclusion
The entry point for industrial market penetration in Algeria will be the ceramic industry with power
needs > 1 MW, with an average 3,5-year return on investment. For other applications, it is preferable
to offer a generating set only, with an average 4,5-year return on investment, except for the tertiary
sector where trigeneration applications can achieve attractive kWh price, though with longer ROI.
Given the good electrification rate of industrial zones in Algeria, low cost single engine CHP plants
connected to the grid will be preferred for industrial applications while the flexibility and reliability of
multiple engine power plants will be reserved for Oil & Gas applications.
As part of its global flaring reduction policy, Algeria joined the GGFR created in 2006 to reduce global
quantities of flared gas within the O&G sector. As such, Algeria invested huge amounts of money and
Source : NOAA satellite data
- 68 - Market Analysis for Gas Engine Technology in Algeria
Stéphane Michaut, 2013
developed more than 40 projects related to flare gas reduction – mainly reinjection – so that they
came down from almost 78,6% of associated gas being flared in 1973 to only 9% in 2011, earning the
2012 world bank prize of “Global Gas Flaring Reduction”.
Nm3 kWh
5.109 � �∗10%∗13,5 � � ∗40% [ŋ𝑒𝑙 ]
year Nm3
ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 = 308 𝑀𝑊𝑒 ….
8760 � �∗1000
As O&G application are often more critical in terms of reliability, the model needs to be further
improved in order to take into account others inputs such as other heating values than natural gas
one, derating due to temperature and response of the plant to load variations. This model will be
further detailed in the following Part.
- 70 - Market Analysis for Gas Engine Technology in Algeria
Stéphane Michaut, 2013
6.2 Limits of the annual consumption – based model
Some assumptions were made in Part 5. in order to develop a simple model for CHP plants in Algeria.
This model was developed by considering the average energy consumption over the year instead of
considering the instantaneous load of the site. The result is then a CHP plant which is dimensioned
on the average power need, not on the maximum power need.
For industries connected to the grid, this approach is reasonable and offers the best ROI. The only
requirement for the customer is to define the priority loads of the factory during grid shedding.
When it comes to remote locations or industries that are not connected to the grid, the CHP plant
will run in “island mode” and a more precise approach has to be conducted in order to deliver the
needed power under all circumstances: altitude and temperature curve over the year shall be
considered for calculating the derating at all time, and the load curve and its variations has to be
carefully studied in order to determine the number of engines and the eventual use of a bank load.
- Heating value
- Methane number
- Laminar flame speed
- Ignition limits
While heating values (Lower or Higher) indicate the energy content of a gas, the methane number
determines the knocking resistance of a gas. As can be observed in the following graphs, these
parameters highly depend on the composition of the input fuel gas, and from these parameters can
be determined whether a pre-treatment or a derating of the engine will be necessary. For flare gas in
particular, MN widely varies between 30 and 90 depending upon its composition.
140 40
120 35
and Methane Number
Composition [%]
LHV [kWh/Nm3]
80 H2
60 C4H10
40 C3H8
20 C2H6
0 0
14 H2S
12 CO
80 10 CO2
Composition [%]
LHV [kWh/Nm3]
60 H2
4 C3H8
20 C2H6
0 0
Groningue Urengoï Lacq Hassi R'Mel Frigg LHV
(Netherlands) (Russia) (France) (Algeria) (North Sea)
In this paper, fuel composition is considered as constant over the year. Natural gas and flare gas are
the only gases considered, with LHV of 9.5 and 13.5 kWh/Nm3 respectively, and MN of 80 and 50
respectively. The necessary derating with flare gas will be considered to be 30 %. This will be used in
Part 6.5.
Percentage of Nominal Output [%]
1,5% / °C 2% / °C
20 25 30 35 40 45
Air Intake Temperature [°C]
For hot or tropical countries, replacement of turbocharger can modify the response of the engine
and give the following curves.
Percentage of Nominal Output [%]
2% / °C
20 25 30 35 40 45
Air Intake Temperature [°C]
3 800 45
3 600
3 400
Power output [kW]
Temperature [°C]
3 200 25
3 000 20
2 800 15
2 600
2 400
2 200 -5
2 000 -10
3 800 45
3 600
3 400
Power output [kW]
Temperature [°C]
3 200 25
3 000 20
2 800 15
2 600
2 400
2 200 -5
2 000 -10
As can be seen in these graphs, using a hot country version with modified turbocharger has a very
positive impact on engine power output (on average 7,5% less derating) and thus on technical
feasibility of the projects. In reality, a better derating than 2%/°C can be achieved, but for the
𝑖 𝑖 (t)��
∀ t, i 𝐿𝑡𝑜𝑡 (𝑡) > �(𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑃𝑒𝑙,𝑛𝑜𝑚 ) ∗ �1 − 𝐷% /2
𝑖 𝑖 (t)�
∀t 𝐿𝑡𝑜𝑡 (𝑡) < �� 𝑃𝑒𝑙,𝑛𝑜𝑚 � ∗ �1 − 𝐷%
The following graphs show the responses of a 3 x 2 MW engine plant in Island mode (no connection
to the grid) to load variations between 1 and 5 MW in the winter and in the summer:
6 000 50
5 000 40
4 000 30
Power output [kW]
Temperature [°C]
3 000 20
2 000 10
1 000 0
0 -10
Engine 1 [kW] Engine 2 [kW] Engine 3 [kW] Load [kW] Temperature [°C] Poly. (Temperature [°C])
6 000 50
5 000 40
4 000 30
Power output [kW]
Temperature [°C]
3 000 20
2 000 10
1 000 0
0 -10
Engine 1 [kW] Engine 2 [kW] Engine 3 [kW] Load [kW] Temperature [°C] Poly. (Temperature [°C])
With the same load profile, the third engine will have to run ~8h/day during the hottest days of the
year while it normally runs ~5,5h/day during tempered days due to derating.
𝑉𝑒𝑙 = � � 𝑃𝑒𝑙,𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 (𝑡). 𝐶𝑒𝑙 (𝑡)𝑑𝑡
𝑡=1𝑎𝑛 𝑖
input data
feasibility results
calculated results
As can be seen in this table, when there is no power output level to be guaranteed and when the CHP
plant is only installed for its financial benefits, the impact of having high temperatures is negligible:
cost of kWh, ROI, IRR and NPV are almost the same. The maximum derating achieved is 20%, so at
this particular moment the industry will have to import 20% of its energy from the grid. But this
occurs less than 5% of the time! 20%*5%= less than 1% of the total energy has to be imported…
15 years revenue
100 000 000 DZD
80 000 000 DZD
60 000 000 DZD
40 000 000 DZD
-40 000 000 DZD
-60 000 000 DZD
-80 000 000 DZD
-100 000 000 DZD
Oil Oil
Fuel gas Fuel gas
Oil Fuel gas
170.00 Overhaul @60k Overhaul @60k
Fuel gas
Overhaul @60k
incl. VAT
Overhaul @60k excl. VAT
Maintenance Maintenance
Conclusion: Based solely on energy gains, oversizing the plant in order to compensate engine derating
is not economically interested. Value of grid stabilization, that often exceeds energy gains, has to be
accounted in the annual balance in order to justify a higher investment.
1 400
1 300
Electrical load [kW]
1 200
1 100
1 000
Option 4 [kW] Option 2 [kW] Mean load [kW] Real load [kW]
15 years revenue
100 000 000 DZD
80 000 000 DZD
60 000 000 DZD
40 000 000 DZD
-40 000 000 DZD
-60 000 000 DZD
-80 000 000 DZD
-100 000 000 DZD
If load variations are to be covered, this will inevitably lead to overdimensioning the engine
compared to an optimal operation, and a longer ROI.
When the engine is dimensioned on mean electrical load (option 1 and 2) the ROI is better. But the
real profitability calculated with model 2 will be slightly lower than the one calculated with model 1.
The real amount of kWh produced by the CHP will be lower than expected with model 1 since the
engine will not cover load above this mean value (see Graph 6-11). In the example above, model 1
will give a 95% coverage of electrical needs for the 1 MW engine while real value will be 90,37%.
Annual gains and profitability are hence altered as can be seen in the 15 years revenue graph 6-11
When the engine is dimensioned on the peak power demand (option 3 and 4), the real amount of
kWh produced will be the same than calculated in model 1 but the real profitability will depend on
their repartition. In the example above, the profitability is better than the one calculated with model
Conclusion: Much simpler, the first model based on annual energy consumption gives a good
approximation of ROI and cost of kWh since their variation is lower than 5% compared to the ones
given by the model based on instant load. However, the second model will be much more precise to
evaluate the response to the load and the real long term benefits of installing a CHP plant.
As previously studied in Part, the best option when it comes to securing 100% of the electrical
needs is a 3 engine plant, with a unit power capacity equivalent to 50% of the load.
6.5.1 Influence of fuel input: diesel, flare gas and natural gas
Most of these isolated sites are currently supplied by diesel generators, leading to high transport
costs of input fuel until the platform - in Algeria, oil has to be transported up to the coast in order to
be refined, and then reimported down to the oil extraction site -. This also leads to high maintenance
costs - overhaul for diesel engines is after 20 000 OPH while it’s after 60 000 OPH for gas engines (see
Figure 4 – 1 in Part 4.1.2) - and higher emissions (see Figure below).
Flare gas - waste by-products that cannot be processed – is not only a valuable on-site energy source,
but also an important factor of CO2 emissions. In order to reduce both operating costs and CO2
emissions, most of gas engine manufacturers have developed over the past decade generators that
are able to operate with this flare gas.
As studied in Part, temperature - most of extraction sites are located in the desert - and
altitude will also impact power output of the engine.
𝐸𝑒𝑙,𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠 ∗ 3600
𝑉𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑙 = ∗ 𝑃𝑑
𝜂𝑑𝑒𝑙 ∗ 𝐿𝐻𝑉𝑑 ∗ 𝐷𝑑
The result of the analysis is shown in the table above and the graphs below. While the cost of kWh is
very high for option 2 due to high fuel input costs, it goes down to the same price level than
Sonelgaz’ tariffs when it comes to using flare gas, even with an overdimensioned plant due to remote
location and use of flare gas. Lowest cost of kWh is still reached within the industry thanks to the
subsidized gas price.
In terms of profitability, the ROI almost gets down to 1 year for O&G application. Savings due to
replacement of diesel supply costs are extremely important and savings on CO2 emissions are
substantial. This leads to a 15-year revenue level far from the industrial one: while a 2 MW CHP
application in the industry will generate a revenue around 2 M€, a 2 MW flare gas project will
generate more than 30 M€ !
Cost of kWh
OPTION 1 : OPTION 2 : OPTION 3 : Sonelgaz : Sonelgaz :
151 cDA 508 cDA 281 cDA 266 cDA 286 cDA
250.00 Overhaul @60k
Overhaul @60k
Oil Maintenance
150.00 Fuel gas incl. VAT
Maintenance excl. VAT
Overhaul @60k
50.00 Investment
Thermal energy
15 year revenue
35 000 000 €
30 000 000 €
25 000 000 €
20 000 000 €
15 000 000 € OPTION 2
10 000 000 €
5 000 000 €
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
-5 000 000 €
developed the first associated petroleum gas (APG) project in this country.
They entrusted Clarke Energy to substitute the 5 diesel engines providing
electricity for the surrounding facilities by 3 GE Jenbacher gas engines – 2 in
operation, 1 on standby – directly fed by the on-site existing flare, without
any pre-treatment.
Conclusion: Extreme temperatures in North Africa and diversity of fuel gases used for internal
combustion are strongly affecting the power output of gas engines. In order to meet the needed site
load at each time, a more precise model had to be developed.
In Tunisian and Algerian O&G sector, operators can develop high value projects by replacing the
diesel based power supply by, when feasible, flare gas based power plants. In these projects, initial
investment is negligible compared to both economical and environmental benefits it will bring.
Flare gas projects will thus play an important role in the development of gas engine market in Algeria.
However, the major challenge will not be in identifying these potential projects or in designing the
plants, but will rather consist in overcoming Sonatrach bureaucracy and long lasting decision making
Market Analysis for Gas Engine Technology in Algeria - 85 -
Stéphane Michaut, 2013
7. Conclusions
7.1 Drivers and inhibitors
Political Economic
Gas and oil are subsidised by the Algerian
Gas plentiful & cheap - government wants gas based power plants Government therefore price is low
Government recognises steam turbines are not sufficient to meet
electricity supply needs Development plan $265B investment (2010-14)
Monopoly of Sonelgaz on electricity prdn has been removed, Electricity demand growing at 5.2% per year
Politicians do not want gas flaring - legally prohibited 2012 will be Gas flaring accumulates a charge - reinjection of gas
taxed/penalised required
Politicians have set goal to increase renewable energy supply by
2020 High economic potential, moderate economic growth
Currently working towards democracy ROI for gas engine power plants is lower than Tunisia
Political leadership succession uncertainty is risk to domestic Cost of electricity is low, therefore customer is capital
stability cost sensitive
Politicians have set goal to increase renewable energy supply by Import duty significant 24% tax - 5% relief (17-18%
2020 tax)
Well developed natural gas supply network (Sonelgaz) 3GW renewable energy installation goal by 2020
Additional gas availability will come from flare, shale & reinjected
Domestic gas supply potential meets internal needs to 2020
End of easy hydrocarbons No financial subsidies for renewable gas
Government currently plans to increase renewables via solar and
Strengths Weaknesses
Installation & engineering support from France No in-house project management or engineering
1 capabilities
CE currently has full control of office. Once local company Currently office only has Liaison Office status
established, CE will have management responsibility for
joint venture
GE has a strong reputation & presence in Algeria Possible over-reliance on GE's market position. GE's
primary interest is the gas turbine range which can
compete with gas engines
4 Large global installed base for gas engines Only one GE Jenbacher engine currently installed.
5 Many successful reference plants outside country Only Algerian reference plant has poor track record
Clarke Energy has good global reputation and clean track Previous Algerian distributor had poor reputation, CE is
6 record in Algeria relatively unknown
Clean slate for gas engine technology Lack of Algerian market knowledge about gas
7 engines
8 Strong flare gas product range No current flare gas references in Algeria
Strong global service teams, availability of support in France Currently no Algerian service capability
9 and Tunisia
Clarke Energy has the resources to develop local presence Currently Clarke Energy's Algerian operations are
when gas engine market conditions are correct. under-developed compared to other gas engine
10 possible suppliers
Access to spare parts via distributor network Currently no parts supply in Algeria, issues with customs
when importing spare parts, knock on effect on engine
availability & service reputation.
Expansion of renewables planned 2020. Clarke Energy has Algerian Government currently plan to achieve
12 a strong renewables offering expansion in renewables through solar and wind.
Opportunities Threats
Development of Algerian engineering and projects teams, In country competition with greater resources
1 once critical mass is reached
Development of local sales office with local partner, Local partner is required to have 51% stake in
leveraging their resources, market position etc. business, ensuring the performance of the partner
meets correct standards
3 Leverage contacts and GE's reputation Brand damage to GEs reputation may affect CE
4 Huge Algerian market potential for gas engines Substitute products - paricularly small gas turbines
Take clients to see global reference plants. Need to ensure Competition exploiting poor track record of first reference
global reference and application base is properly plant
5 documented & segmented.
Build strong reputation for Clarke Energy in Algeria, Damage to Clarke Energy brand, particularly on early
6 leveraging global experience and knowledge installations
Build knowledge and awareness of gas engine Damage to gas engine technology reputation, particularly
7 technology in Algeria on early installations
300MW flare gas potential, opportunity to develop flare gas Inability to establish reference plant, or poor performance
8 reference plant of early flare gas reference plant
Development of local service team with local partner Reputation damage in the event of poor service support
9 and response times from France / Tunisian operations.
Keep low-key presence, exploring market & building Competitor with strong existing presence
10 awareness, then build strong local team when time is right
Development of parts inventory in Algeria Competition with more ready access to spare parts &
11 related availability benefits.
Increase government awareness of the benefits of Gas engine technology sidelined for other forms of
renewable power using biologically derived gas in renewable power.
12 engines
Algeria reached the “oil peak” during the past decade and is starting to face the end of easy
hydrocarbons, while the growing demand is kept underpriced. In order to secure economical
sustainability and in absence of strong localized manufacturing industries, Algeria – whose economy
entirely relies on oil and gas export revenues – thus needs to preserve its resources by adopting
more efficient ways of using its gas reserves.
For remote and small size power plants (< 25 MW), gas engines showed to have the potential of
meeting this requirement. By being more adapted to high temperature conditions and more flexible,
this scalable solution can produce the same power output with a better efficiency and a lower cost.
The potential for this market segment represents 300 MW by 2017, but will face important entry
barriers as Sonelgaz’ bureaucracy and reluctance to technological change have first to be overcome.
Within the industry, CHP plants ranging from 1 MW to 4 MW also represent great potential for gas
engine development, in a shorter term. Lack of knowledge of the product, inexisting and/or
unapplied legislative framework coupled with subsidized energy prices partly explain why the market
hasn’t taken off yet. But in the ceramic industry where the kWh produced by gas engines is around
35% cheaper than the average cost of the electricity taken from the grid and the ROI is around 3.5
years, the gas engine market will be leveraged by the worsening grid instability and the proactive
door to door strategy lead by Clarke Energy. This market segment represents up to 450 MW by 2017
and shall fully take off once adequate feed-in tariffs are applied.
Finally, the O&G sector also showed great potential for gas engine development in a country where
9% of associated petroleum gas is still being flared. For this market segment the potential would be
at least 300 MW of efficient power generation preserving natural gas resources and reducing
Algerian CO₂ emissions by 1.43x10⁶ tons. For this market to become an opportunity for gas engines
development, huge efforts will be needed to raise institutions’ awareness and overcome Sonatrach
slow decision making process.
As a conclusion, Algerian potential towards gas engine development is one of the highest among
developing countries and certainly the most unexplored yet. Clarke Energy’s decision to invest and
investigate the country’s potential is justified by the 1000 MW+ this study identified. Being a
precursor in the region, Clarke Energy will have to overcome many barriers before the gas engine
market could expand in Algeria. But its focus on a single product and its worldwide experience in
developing and delivering turnkey projects across new territories will be key factor to success. Clarke
Energy’s ability to deliver best in-class service, coupled with the in-country historical presence of GE
and the capacity of its Jenbacher division to remain world leader gas engine manufacturer will
together form the three pillars of a successful trio that is used to team up for growth.