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TOP 4-2-705A017







14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADDRESS(If different from Controlling Office) IS. SECURITY CLASS. (of this report)



Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract eitered in Block 20, if different from Report)


19.. KEY WORDS (Continu, on reverse side If necessary and identify by block number)
Ammunition Components Projectile
Artillery Propellant
Ballistics Recoilless Rifle
Cartridge Case Vulnerability
Ignition System (Ammunition)
120, ABSTRACT ('Ceatlue am reverse aeb 9 nescesmsy amIidentify by block number)
Provides procedures for evaluating metal, consumable, and combustible
cartridge cases. Identifies supporting tests, facilities, and equipment
required. Subtests include weapon and ammunition preparation, initial in-
spection, ammunition characteristics, safety evaluation, environmental tests,
and residue assessment. Also describes techniques used to determine ignition

. probability and vulnerability to fragments of consumable and combustible

cartridge cases.



*Test Operations Procedure 4-2-705 21 October 1980
AD No. A091673


*Paragraph 1. SCOPE. ......................................... 1

3. PREPARATIONS FOR TESTS. ....................... 4
3.1 Initial Inspection. ........................... 4
3.2 Ammunition Preparation. ....................... 4
3.3 Weapon Preparation. .. ......................... 4
4. TEST CONTROLS .................................. 4
5. PERFORMANCE TESTS .............................. 5
5.1 Rough-Handling Tests............................
5.2 Twelve-Meter and Simulated Parachute Drop
Tests. ........................................
5.3 Bullet Pull Force .............................. 5
5.4 Case Strength Test..............................
5.5 Safety Evaluation .............................. 6
5.6 Propellant Checkout, Assessed Service
Charge .. ....................................... 6

58 Vibration Tests (Sequential) .................. 10

59 Storage and Operation, Hot/Dry ................ 10
5.0Storage and Operation, Severe Cold. .......... 10
5.2Humidity. ...................................... 11
5.13 Salt Spray.....................................11
5.14 Fungus Resistance. ............................ 12
5.15 Residue ........................................ 13
5.16 Ignition Probability .......................... 14
5.17 Vulnerability to Fragments .................... 16
APPENDIX A. BACKGROUND. ................................... A-i
B. REFERENCES .. ................................. B-1

1. SCOPE. This TOP describes the procedures for evaluating cartridge

cases - metal, consumable, and combustible - to assure conformance with
Required Operational Capabilities (ROCs), Development Plans (DPs), or
other guidance documents. Subtests to satisfy the requirements can be
selected from those listed in Paragraph 5.

*This TOP supersedes TOP-IMTP 4-2-704, 24 November 1965 and TOP/MTP 4-2-705,

. 10 August 1966.

Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

TOP 4-2-705 21 October 1980


2.1 Facilities.


Firing range Selected to suit test requirements

and to provide adequate protection
for personnel and equipment. Firing
points must be sufficiently protected
and remotely located to safely con-
tain a premature ammunition deton-
ation or a catastrophic weapon failure.

Temperature chamber Capable of maintaining temperatures

ranging from +63'C to -51%C and
humidities from 5% to 95%.

Laboratory vibration exciter As described in TOP 1-1-050.1/

Drop-test facility As described in TOP 4-2-601.2/

Package test facility As described in TOP 4-2-602 3/ (Ap-

pendix D).

Non-destructive test facility As described in TOP 3-2-807. 4/

Laboratory chemical facility To perform explosive filler exudation

analysis as required.

Mechanical vibration exciter Simulates truck bed and constantly

displaces with a circular motion.

2.2 Instrumentation. Instrumentation for measuring pressure and ve-

locity throughout the tests is covered in TOP 3-2-810 -/ and TOP 4-2-
805, Yi respectively. The photographic instrumentation available for
recording the separation of parts (e.g., case mounting or locking rings)
at the weapon muzzle, breech flareback, smoke, and residue are described
in MTP 4-2-816. Z/


Crusher gages +3% of reading**

Pressure transducers ±2% of reading**

*Values may be assumed to represent ±2 standard deviations; thus the stated

tolerances should not be exceeded in more than 1 measurement out of 20.
**Overall precision and accuracy of current measurement systems are es-
timates which may be revised when an on-going study is completed.

.1/, 2/, 3/, 4/, 5/, 6/, 7/ Footnote numbers match reference numbers in
Appendix B.
. 21 October 1980 TOP 4-2-705

Doppler Velocimeters +0.15%

a. Modified HAWK CW

b. Muzzle-velocity radar +0.25% or 0.5 m/s (whichever is


Velocity coils with sloping

adapter and chronographs

Sky screens and chronographs +0.1%

Lumiline screens and chrono-


Photographic equipment

a. High-speed cameras

b. Smear cameras

Flash radiography (Para- ±0.3%

graph 3.3.8)

Calibrated, steel, measuring Distance to within +3 mm (0.01 ft)


Meteorological equipment

Thermograph Temperature to +0.4°C

Aygrothermograph Relative humidity to +1%

Barograph Pressure to +0.3 mbar

Anemograph Wind speed to ±1.5 knots

Vane Wind direction to +3'

Survey equipment including

telescopes and clinometers

Fixed-focal-length lenses as

Light filter as required

TOP 4-2-705 21 October 1980

Supplementary lighting (flash

lamps, etc.) as required.

Timing equipment as speci-

fied by Inter-range Instru-
mentation Group


3.1 Initial Inspection. All cases are visually inspected internally

and externally for dents, deep scratches, deformed rims, and other de-
fects that might later be attributed to firing. Random samples of
the test cases are examined for conformity to applicable drawings and
specifications. Any defects or discrepancies found are recorded.

3.2 Preparation of Ammunition. For test purposes, the cartridge cases

are assembled into complete rounds in the same manner as required for
service firing. Applicable drawings and specifications for the complete
rounds are observed when assembling related components to the cartridge
case. When internal pressure gages (TOP 3-2-810) are used with fixed
or semifixed rounds, the gages are placed in the cartridge cases before

3.3 Preparation of Weapon. The weapon must be of the model which will
use the cartridge case during service, or as stated in the requirements
document. Stargage, borescope, and magnetic-particle inspections are
performed in accordance with TOP 3-2-800. 8

4. TEST CONTROLS. All hazardous test operations must be covered by a

standing operating procedure (SOP) that provides compulsory safety meas-
ures to be followed. Safety measures for routine operations are pre-
scribed in AM~CR 385-100. .2 The safety statement furnished by the develop-
er is reviewed for any unusual requirements. The test plan must specify
any special safety precautions and provide guidance for the writing of
an SOP if no suitable SOP is available.

a. Inspect the weapon throughout testing in accordance with the

schedules of TOP 3-2-800, or more frequently when there are unexpected
occurrences such as projectile breakup, cartridge-case rupture, or
chamber pressures 10% in excess of weapon permissible individual maximum
pressure (PIMP) during a firing program.

b. If required, record surface and aloft meteorological data

befoe, drin,/and after each series of firing trials as prescribed in
MTP 3-1-003. 10

c. Conduct all tests with the test items uniformly conditioned to

the appropriate temperatures. Maintain temperatures to within +1.4'C
(±2.5'F). Allow sufficient temperature-conditioning time to assure com-
plete temperature stabilization. Use thermocoupled, dummy rounds or
charges to monitor temperature conditioning when appropriate.

8/, 9/, 10/ Footnote numbers match numbers in Appendix B.

. 21 October 1980 TOP 4-2-705

d. Review radiographs and inspection results for each cartridge,

prior to firing, for abnormalities which would affect performance. Some
of the vibration and rough-handling tests may damage the test munitions.
These items will be fired if it is judged by the tester that troops in
the field would have overlooked or considered the damage negligible and
fired the items; otherwise, they are disposed of without firing.

e. Continuously monitor round-by-round data to insure that critical

parameters are within specified limits.

f. Conduct the 1.5-meter (5-foot), 2.1-meter (7-foot), 3-meter

(10-foot - when required), and 12-meter (40-foot) drop tests prior to
any other tests, if possible.

g. Conduct propellant-checkout and strength-of-design tests prior

to any other firing tests.


5.1 Rough-Handling Tests.

5.1.1 Drop Tests of 1.5 Meters (5 Feet), 2.1 Meters (7 Feet), and 3
Meters (10 Feet), and Loose Cargo Test. Follow instructions in TOP

5.2 Twelve-Meter (40-Foot) and Simulated Parachute Drop Tests. Follow

instructions in TOP 4-2-601.

5.3 Bullet Pull Force. The force required to remove a projectile of a

fixed round from its cartridge case affects the interior ballistics of
a weapon. The crimping of the case to the projectile should be consistent
to assure a uniform bullet pull force which is necessary for maintaining
a uniform velocity from round to round. This becomes increasingly im-
portant as weapon-tube wear increases. Acceptance specifications for
complete rounds require that the bullet pull force be verified as falling
within specified limits.

5.3.1 Method. Insert assembled round in mechanical testing machine

so that clamps grip the cartridge case while the projectile is held
firmly in the crosshead, usually between the bourrelet and rotating
band. Crosshead motion at specified strain rates produces hydraulic
pressure in the loading cylinder of the machine. The load indication
on the testing machine dial is a function of the hydraulic pressure.

5.3.2 Data Required. Peak pull force for each round.

5.4 Case Strength Test. This test is for consumable and combustible
cartridge cases only and is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of
the bond between case body and base.

TOP 4-2-705 21 October 1980

5.4.1 Method. Clamp the projectile body in a suitable test fixture,

and a prescribed longitudinal tensile load is distributed around the lip
of the cartridge case base. Observe the ability of the case to withstand
the load without base separation.

5.4.2 Data Required.

a. Record the longitudinal, tensile load for each round.

b. Observe results of the test.

5.5 Safety Evaluation. Safety evaluation tests are conducted to enable

the test agency to recommend that a safety release for user testing be
issued by TECOM (TECOM Suppl 1 to AMCR 385-12 ii/). These tests provide
assurance that a round containing the cartridge case under study is safe
for handling by personnel. The basic guide for tests in support of a
safety release for artillery and other large-caliber ammunition is TOP
4-2-504 12/ which includes subtests in Paragraphs 5.6 through 5.9 below.
A test of a cartridge case in most instances requires that the case be
assembled to all the components necessary to make a complete cartridge,
but the projectile and fuze should be inert.

5.6 Propellant Checkout, Assessed Service Charge. This test is con-

ducted to confirm that the service charge in a specific cartridge case
will meet the weapon and/or projectile-fuze velocity and chamber-pressure

5.6.1 Method.

a. Using the assessed service charge and a "new" tube, fire a

ten-round group at each propellant-conditioning temperature of +21*C,
+63*C and -51*C.

b. If practical, use the type of projectile that produces the

highest chamber pressure in the weapon system.

c. Make chamber-pressure versus time measurements at a minimum of

two locations in the chamber, and determine the pressure differential as
described in TOP 3-2-810. If differential pressure exceeds the levels
described in Apprendix D of TOP 4-2-504, stop the test, and consult'an
interior ballistic expert.

d. The average, peak, chamber pressure at +63*C (indicated by

the tourmaline gage that reads the highest) must be below the permissible
individual maximum pressure (PIMP) of the weapon (or projectile) by at
least three standard deviations (See Appendix C of TOP 4-2-504.). If
the charge does not meet this requirement, stop testing or consider
specifying a lower restrictive temperature limit for the charge.

11/, 12/ Footnote numbers match reference numbers in Appendix B.

21 October 1980 TOP 4-2-705

e. The velocity at +210 C must meet system velocity requirements,

and the time/pressures records at all temperatures must be examined for

5.6.2 Data Required.

a. Date and time of firing.

b. Temperature of ammunition.

c. Muzzle velocity.

d. Weapon chamber pressure (including pressure-time and

differential-pressure histories).

e. Meteorological data as required.

f. Propelling charge weight.

g. As fired projectile weight.

h. Weapon identification.

i. Elevation.

j. Observations for residue in accordance with Paragraph 5.14.

NOTE: When testing recoilless-weapon cartridge cases, an evalu-

ation of the propellant-and-case combination to produce
the proper recoilless action may be required. For this
evaluation the proof test procedure of TOP 3-2-066, 13/
which uses a ballistic pendulum, can be used to measure the
effectiveness of recoilless action as function of recoil

5.7 Cook-off. The tendency of propelling charges to cook-off in a given

cartridge case should be examined.

5.7.1 Method.

a. Insert thermocouples to measure the temperature of the breech.

b. Place an electric heating element down the barrel into the

breech of the weapon, or modify the weapon so that it can be heated from
the outside with an electric coil.

c. Heat the breech until a temperature is reached that is expected

to be the minimum cook-off temperature.

d. Place a projectile in the breech, close the breech, and measure

the time to cook-off.

13/ Footnote numbers match reference numbers in Appendix B.

TOP 4-2-705 21 October 1980



-760 28

-750 2280--------------------------


H -730 0

2160 - ;--- -

710 .


3100 450 -- --

- 3000 4

o -2800 o 410 -- ,
m -2700.
s 390

n 370
m 2500

-2400 P
350 --- --

2200 330
-50 -30 -10 0 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150
Temperature, F
II I I i Ii i I I .
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Temperature OC

Figure 1. Velocity and pressure versus temperature.

21 October 1980 TOP 4-2-705

0 0 D

Ln. tC' .
fn ci
Al c

*0 0 C:)

o . =. - -

V (Velocity)
U (Projectile Travel)

(Jd LU
d ,-:
Do (fl C) an
(n5ý u M
C3 .

fL0. U- . ..

CL >

o 3 U
c(Projectil P
o 0.

C, C3 C)

ci i C: . 0 .O0B PC(hme
_____.__ O Pressure)
0 0

PS (ProjectileI
Base Pressure)

9i.oo 2.00. C.00 6,00 0.00 10.00

Figure 2. Pressure, Velocity, Travel versus Time.

TOP 4-2-705 21 October 1980

e. Depending upon the results, make a second, and if necessary,

a third attempt at cook-off by adjusting the temperature up or down.
(Each time a failure to cook-off occurs, fire the projectile.)

5.7.2 Data Required.

a. Amount of time to cook-off.

b. Temperature of breech when projectile was inserted.

c. Air temperature.

5.8 Vibration Tests (Sequential). A portion of the assembled rounds to

be fired are vibrated in shipping containers under conditions which simu-
late the transportation of the ammunition as secured cargo. For ammu-
nition that will be carried in the ready racks of tracked vehicles, a
follow-up vibration test is conducted to simulate this condition.

5.8.1 Method. Conduct tests in accordance with TOP 4-2-504.

5.8.2 Data Required.

a. Vibration schedule used.

b. Duration of vibration.

c. Test temperature.

d. Visual and x-ray observation of damage.

5.9 Storage and Operation, Hot/Dry. This test simulates storage and
weapon firing in desert areas, in accordance with temperatures in
AR 70-38. 14/ Conduct test in accordance with TOP 4-2-504.

5.10 Storage and Operation, Severe Cold. This test simulates sub-Arctic
storage and weapon firing in accordance with temperatures in AR 70-38.
Conduct test in accordance with TOP 4-2-504.

5.11 Rain.

5.11.1 Method.

a. Expose cartridge cases, assembled as complete rounds, to rain

as described in TOP 2-2-815. 15/

b. Following exposure, visually examine cartridge cases.

c. Fire from the appropriate weapon, and measure muzzle velocity

and chamber pressure.
14/, 15/ Footnote numbers match reference numbers in Appendix B.
21 October 1980 TOP 4-2-705

d. For consumable and combustible cartridge cases, observe for

residue per Paragraph 5.14.

5.11.2 Data Required.

a. Rain test employed.

* b. Visual observations of leaking or wetting.

c. Nuzzle velocity and chamber pressure (as compared with unex-

posed ammunition).

d. Observations on residue, if any, for consumable and combusti-

ble rounds.

5.12 Humidity.

5.12.1 Method.

a. Expose cartridge cases, assemblqd as complete rounds, to hu-

midity test as described in TOP 4-2-820. 16,

b. Following exposure, visually examine cases for moisture


0locity C. Fire from the appropriate weapon, and measure muzzle ye-
and chamber pressure.

d. For comsumable and combustible cartridge cases, observe for

residue per Paragraph-5.14.

5.12.2 Data Required.

a. Humidity test employed.

b. Visual observations for moisture damage.

c. Muzzle velocity and chamber pressure (as compared with un-

exposed ammunition).

d. For consumable and combustible cartridge cases, observe for

residue per Paragraph 5.14.

5.13 Salt Spray.

5.13.1 Method.

a. Expose cartridge cases, assembled as complete rounds, to
salt-fog test as described in MIL-STD-810C. 21'/

16/, 17/ Footnote numbers match reference numbers in Appendix B.

TOP 4-2-705 21 October 1980

b. Following exposure, visually examine cases for salt-fog damage.

c. Fire from the appropriate weapon, and measure muzzle velocity

and chamber pressure.

d. For consumable and combustible cartridge cases, observe for

residue per Paragraph 5.14.

5.13.2 Data Required.

a. Salt and spray test employed.

b. Visual observations for corrosion.

c. Muzzle velocity and chamber pressure (as compared with un-

exposed ammunition).

d. For consumable and combustible cartridge cases, observe for

residue per Paragraph 5.14.

5.14 Fungus Resistance. The fungus resistance of consumable or com-

bustible cartridge-case material.8/ is evaluated in accordance with MIL-
STD-810C. A soil burial test may also be conducted, where, in addition
to fungi, the specimens are exposed to other organisms present in soil,
such as bacteria and actinomycetes.

5.14.1 Method.

a. Expose consumable or combustible cartridge cases in accord-

ance with MIL-STD-810C.

b. Following exposure, visually examine the cases and fire from

the appropriate weapon.

-- and if required --

c. Conduct soil burial test by first cutting from cartridge

cases a group of identical samples 1 by 6 inches in length.

d. Break several unexposed samples in tensile machine.

e. Bury others vertically in soil beds composed of equal parts

of humus, topsoil, and sand.

f. Maintain beds in a tropical chamber at 95% humidity and

+29%C for 20 hours per day followed by 4 hours per day at 100% relative
humidity and +26°C. Incubate for 6 weeks.

18/ Footnote numbers match reference numbers in Appendix B.

21 October 1980 TOP 4-2--705

5.14.2 Data Required.

a. For MIL-STD-810C record the following:

(1) Observe susceptibility to fungus attack.

(2) Muzzle velocity and chamber pressure (as compared with

unexposed ammunition).

(3) Observe for residue per Paragraph 5.14.

b. For soil burial test record the following:

(1) Observe susceptibility to fungus attack.

(2) Change in breaking strength.

5.15 Residue. In testing consumable or combustible cartridge cases,

observations are continually made during test firings to determine the
extent and characteristics of residue left in the chamber of the weapon.

5.15.1 Method.

a. Set up motion picture camera for coverage of the breech

opening to supplement visual observation of residue after firing of car-
* tridge cases.

,b. Set up real-time IR scanning camera (Methodology Investiga-

tion -1-9) behind the breech of the weapon and focused so that, when the
breech opens after firing, the whole inner tube of the weapon can be ex-

c. Fire rounds under the designated climatic conditions.

NOTE: With the use of a portable IR reference source, it is

p~ossible to calibrate the IR scanning camera to determine
the temperature of the smoldering-residue particles.

5.15.2 Data Required.

a. Fire from the appropriate weapon, and measure muzzle ve-

locity and chamber pressure.

b. Type of instrumentation.

c. Location and size of residue particles by visual observation

of the weapon.

d. Extent of residue in the weapon chamber by motion picture

19/ Footnote numbers match reference numbers in Appendix B.

TOP 4-2-705 21 October 1980

e. Incidents of smoldering residue.

f. Temperature of smoldering-residue particles by calibration

of the IR scanning camera.

g. Photographs of collected, remaining residue, if possible..

h. Data for all extreme climatic conditions (i.e., extreme

temperatures (Paragraphs 5.9 and 5.10, rain (5.11), humidity, (5.12),
salt spray (5.13), and fungus (5.14), as well as a sample of firings
under normal conditions.

NOTE: Firings that produce smoldering residue in a hazardous

location (i.e., breech chamber or forcing cone of the gun
tube) are counted as contributing to the total-system
probability (Pt) discussed in Paragraph 5.16 below.

5.16 Ignition Probability. Consumable and combustible cartridge cases

are evaluated for the probability of being ignited from smoldering residue
prior to breech closing. It should be noted that this evaluation covers
only one aspect of the hazard situation described by the following

P rxP

Pt = Total probability that a cartridge case will be ignited by

smoldering residue.

Pr= Probability that smoldering residue is left in a hazardous

location when ammunition is fired.

Pb= Probability that a cartridge case, placed against smoldering

residue will ignite before the block is locked (ignition

The term Pt is the total-system hazard specified by the requirements

document. In determining P't, Pb tests are emphasized based on the as-
sumption that if Pb is small, the Pt requirement may be met even though
Pr is equal to 1.

5.16.1 Fizz-Burning Test. The first task in determining Pb is to demon-

strate that single-layer case burn-through will not occur before breech

a. Method.

.21 October 1980 TOP 4-2-705

(1) In a laboratory, condition test pieces of cartridge

cases 2.5 by 5 cm for a specified moisture content (e.g., 1.5% by weight)
by drying at +52'C for 24 hours at a controlled, relative humidity.

(2) To achieve fizz ignition, ignite a separate piece of

case material (approximately 1 cm square) with a soldering iron and place
on the test piece.

b. Data Required. Record time from ignition of the top surface

of the test piece until burn-through. The number of trials to determine
minimum burn-through is decided after initial testing.

5.16.2 IR Camera Test. Another technique for determining cartridge case

burn-through time is the IR scanning camera.

a. Method.

(1) Cut sample cartridge case specimens 2.5 cm square and

mount each vertically with the inside face of the case sample in view of
the IR camera.

. (2) Ignite the case sample on the side opposite the camera
(outside) with a soldering iron preset to a temperature of approximately
+454*C, or other temperature as specified.

b, Data Required. Measure the time from ignition (smoking)

until the other side of the specimen reaches a preset black-body reference
temperature. The time of burn-through is defined as the time from ig-
nition (burning) on the outside surface until black charring is observed
on the inner surface.

5.16.3 Complete-Round Test. For this test use pieces of cartridge case
material" (approximately 2.5 cm by 0,6 cm by 0.3 cm thick) to simulate
residue in the breech chamber.

a. Method.

(1) Place residue piece in the breech chamber at the 6

o'clock position one-third, one-half or two-thirds of the way forward
from the breech face.

(2) Ignite with a controlled-heat source such as a soldering


(3) After the flame subsides, the cartridge case, loaded

with 0.225 kg of black powder and attached to a projectile, is loaded
into the breech and breech closure is initiated.

* 15
TOP 4-2-705 21 October 1980

(4)Observe ignition and breech closure with two 24-frame-

per-second motion picture cameras.

(5) Make 100 attempts.

b. Data Required.

(1) Non-ignition of the cartridge case before breech closure

is a satisfactory result.

(2) Monitor and record the breech-motor current with a time-

based strip chart to determine the start and finish of breech closure.

(3) Record the functioning of the 0.225-kg, black-powder

charge used to propel the projectile at minimum velocity from the tube
with a pressure transducer. The pressure is recorded on the same strip
chart as the breech-motor current.

(4) Drill two 0.3-cm holes through the face of the chamber,
one for transducer to record pressure, and one for a motion picture
camera to observe ignition.

(5) Place a clock, accurate to ±0.05 second, in the field of

view of the camera observing the functioning of the charge. Place a
small box with red and green lights in view of this camera to measure
breech-closing time. When breech closing starts, the red light goes on,
and when closed, the red light goes off, and the green light goes on.

(6) Using the Pb test results, divide the number of unsatis-

factory attempts by the number of attempts to obtain a point estimate
Of b Calculate the upper 95% confidence limit. It is assumed that the
point estimate Of Pb is a binomially distributed random variable.

5.17 Vulnerability to Fragments. This test is conducted to evaluate

cartridge cases with their protective media (ballistic bag, container,
etc.) for resistance to ignition due to fragment impacts. The basis of
evaluation is comparing the 50-percent-probability ignition point of the
test case to other cases tested under the same conditons. Z.Pi

5.17.1 Method.

a. Place test case with propellant and proof slug, but without
a primer, in a plane a realistic distance behind and parallel to a plate
of armor whose type, obliquity, and thickness is representative of the
vehicle in which the ammunition will be carried (Figure 3).

b. Attack with either API or AP projectiles that can defeat

the armor.
20/ Footnote numbers match reference numbers in Appendix B.

TOP 4-2-705 21 October 1980

c. For heavy armor also use statically detonated HEAT projectiles.

d. Vary the position of the test case from the line of fire (d,
Figure 3) along the parallel plane.

e. Move the next case away from the line of fire by a distance
equal to the diameter of the case, each time cartridge case ignition

f. Move the case toward the line of fire by a distance equal to

the diameter of the case, each time there is no ignition.

in TOP
g../This up-and-down method is similar to that described
2-2-71. 21/

5.17.2 Data Required.

a. Estimate the off-line distances (d) at which 0- and 100-percent

probabilities of ignition occur.

b. Obtain the off-line distance at which the 50-percent proba-

bility of ignition occurs by the method of maximum likelihood for which
a computer program 2/exists at Aberdeen Proving Ground.

c. An alternate method is to average the distances of the three

closest cases resulting in non-ignition and the three farthest cases re-
sulting in ignition.

d. Record events behind the armor plate with high-speed camera


21/, 22/ Footnote numbers match reference numbers in Appendix B.

* 17
21 October 1980 TOP 4-2-705



A - Test case position for gun-fired projectile attack

B - Test case position for detonated projectile attack
d - Distance varied to determine 50% point

Figure 3. Fragmentation Attack Configuration.


a. Reduce and summarize data from performance tests in accordance

with the TOP appropriate to the class of item under test.

b. Describe inspection results for conformity to applicable draw-

ings and specifications.

c. Assemble and tabulate all results and safety information genera-

ted during the preliminary safety tests, including any hazards that could
occur or increase as a result of storage.

d. Combine propellant checkout data and other data generated at

different temperatures to produce a pressure-temperature relationship,
plotted on a curve.

e. Evaluation of pressure-time and differential-pressure records

will be analyzed in accordance with Figure 2, to determine propelling
charge safety.

f. Time-based strip chart records pressure after functioning of

0.225-kg, black-powder charge used to propel projectile at minimum

g. As required, provide still photographs of significant results

of fragment impacts and record behind-the-plate functioning with a
high-speed camera (black and white) and a normal-speed camera (color).

.TOP 4-2-705 21 October 1980

h. After firing a round, observe for residue and record type,

location, approximate size, and if smoldering. Recycle breech and
scavenge residue, if any, from gun.

i. The following are required for residue in the chamber:

(1) Record breech motor current with a time-based strip chart,

and photograph the time from initiation of breech closing to breech
locking for the duration of the tests.

(2) Record time from initiation of breech closing to case

ignition with a motion picture camera for the duration of the tests.

(3) Determine the number of ignitions prior to block closing

with a motion picture camera, and make a statistical analysis.

j. For consumable and combustible cartridge cases, provide photo-

graphs of typical residue comparisons.

. Recommended changes to this publication should be forwarded to

Commander, US Army Test and Evaluation Command, ATTN: DRSTE-AD-M,
Aberdeen Proving Ground, 10 21005. Technical information may be
obtained from the preparing activity: Commander, US Army Aberdeen
Proving Ground, ATTN: STEAP-MT-M, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
21005. Additional copies are available from the Defense Technical
Information Center, Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA 22314. This
document is identified by the accession number (AD No.) printed on
the first page.

21 October 1980 TOP 4-2-705


A cartridge case is the part of a round of ammunition that contains

the propelling charge and its associated ignition system. Its profile
and size conform to the chamber of the weapon in which the round is
fired. Metal cartridge cases, when inserted in the chamber of an ar-
tillery weapon other than a recoilless rifle, also act as obturators for
the propelling charge by preventing the rearward passage of propellant
gases into the threads and other parts of the breech mechanism.

Three types of rounds require cartridge cases: fixed rounds,

semifixed rounds, and separated rounds.

a. In fixed rounds, the cases are assembled with the primer and
propelling charge. The projectile is seated in the mouth of the case
and crimped so that a uniform force is required to separate the pro-
jectile from the case. The type of crimp and the bullet pull required
are shown in the complete-round drawing. Recoilless rifle ammunition
is also included in the fixed-round category of ammunition.

b. Cartridge cases for semifixed rounds are assembled in the same

manner as the fixed rounds, except that the propelling charge is divided
into separate sections (assembled in bags) and in the projectile is
fitted into the mouth of the case, but is not crimped. This propelling
charge may be adjusted as desired by removing the necessary number of
propellant increments.

C. In the separated round the complete round is divided into two

units: (1) the propelling charge, which is contained in the cartridge
case together with the ignition system and the closing plug, and (2)
the projectile.

Metal cartridge cases are fabricated from either brass or steel,

though there have been experimental ones made from aluminum. Steel
cases are classified by method of manufacture; i.e., drawn-steel cases
for use in high-pressure weapons and under high temperatures, spiral-
wrapped cases, and the multipiece cases for use in recoilless rifles.

Consumable and combustible cases, as their names imply, are designed

to be expended during the propelling charge combustion process. Con-
suimable cases are fabricated of organic materials of high enough poros-
ity to permit flame penetration. In the process of burning, this case
material contributes nothing to the energy of the propellant system.
Combustible cases contain varying amounts of a low explosive such as
nitrocellulose and thus contribute a small amount of energy to the sys-
tem. Combustible cases are usually restricted to use in low-pressure
systems in which it might be difficult to achieve complete burning of
a consumable case.

A 1l
TOP 4-2-705 21 October 1980

Consumable and combustible cartridge cases are not necessarily

completely consumable or combustible. If the weapon for which the case
has been designed does not have a self-obturating breech mechanism, the
case must be designed to facilitate obturation. This entails a metal
base for the case which must be ejected or extracted after firing.
These cases are designed as partially consumable or partially combustible
cartridge cases and are usually designed as an interim solution for
firing in existing weapons. It is anticipated that most future weapons
will be designed to provide self-obturation and thus permit the use of
completely consumable or combustible cases.

Some experimental cases have been made of plastic and a combination

of plastic and metal.

O 21 October 1980 TOP 4-2-705


1. TOP 1-1-050, "Vibration Testing," 4 March 1974.

2. TOP 4-2-601, "Drop Tower Tests for Munitions," 1 April 1979.

3. TOP 4-2-602, "Rough Handling Tests," 1 April 1979.

4. TOP 3-2-807, "Nondestructive Testing of Materials," 11 September 1972.

5. TOP 3-2-810, "Weapon Pressure Measurements," 5 October 1979.

6. TOP 4-2-805, "Projectile Velocity Measurements," 23 April 1979.

7. MTP 4-2-816, "Photographic Instrumentation for Trajectory Data,"

28 December 1966.

8. TOP 3-2-800, "Schedules for Inspections and Measurements of Cannon,"

6 January 1976.

9. AMCR 385-100, "Safety Manual," 21 April 1970.

O 10. MTP 3-1-003, "Meteorological Data," 30 April 1969.

11. TECOM Supplement 1 to AMCR 385-12, "Life Cycle Verification of

Materiel Safety," 27 March 1975.

12. TOP 4-2-504, "Safety Testing of Artillery, Mortar, and Recoilless

Rifle Ammunition," 1 April 1979.

13. TOP 3-2-066, "Recoilless Weapons," 16 February 1973.

14. AR 70-38, "Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation of Materiel

for Extreme Climatic Conditions," 1 August 1979.

15. TOP 2-2-815, "Rain and Freezing Rain," 19 June 1975.

16. TOP 4-2-820, "Humidity Tests," 1 April 1979.

17. MIL-STD-810C, "Environmental Test Methods," 10 March 1975.

18. Daugherty, Francis J., Jr., and Ross, Sidney H., "Fungus Resistance
of Consumable and Combustible Cartridge Cases," Frankford Arsenal
Report M65-11-1, March 1965.

19. Lehman, William J., Jr., "Methodology Investigation, Solution of Spe-

cial Problems Using Infrared Techniques," Aberdeen Proving Ground,
Md., Report APG-MT-4543, TECOM Project No. 9-CO-001-000-116, Novem-
ber 1974.
TOP 4-2-705 21 October 1980

20. Drabo, M. J., "Proposed Ballistic Materials for Ammunition Rack

Hardening Test, Sheridan M551 Vehicle (U)," Aberdeen Proving
Ground, Md., Report DPS 2969 (Confidential), December 1968.

21. TOP 2-2-710, Ballistic Tests of Armor Materials," 6 April 1977.

22. Hagan, J., "Computer Program for Analysis of Sensitivity Data

Following a Normal Distribution," Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.,
Analytical Laboratory Report 62-AL-154, 24 August 1962.


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