CIVA is NDT simulation software that can model ultrasonic inspections without physical samples or equipment. It was used by NASA to model phased array ultrasonic testing of welds on a rocket simulator. CIVA allows defining part and material properties, inspection parameters, and flaw locations to simulate inspections and optimize techniques. It was helpful for NASA to evaluate using phased array UT instead of conventional UT for weld inspections.
CIVA is NDT simulation software that can model ultrasonic inspections without physical samples or equipment. It was used by NASA to model phased array ultrasonic testing of welds on a rocket simulator. CIVA allows defining part and material properties, inspection parameters, and flaw locations to simulate inspections and optimize techniques. It was helpful for NASA to evaluate using phased array UT instead of conventional UT for weld inspections.
CIVA is NDT simulation software that can model ultrasonic inspections without physical samples or equipment. It was used by NASA to model phased array ultrasonic testing of welds on a rocket simulator. CIVA allows defining part and material properties, inspection parameters, and flaw locations to simulate inspections and optimize techniques. It was helpful for NASA to evaluate using phased array UT instead of conventional UT for weld inspections.
CIVA is NDT simulation software that can model ultrasonic inspections without physical samples or equipment. It was used by NASA to model phased array ultrasonic testing of welds on a rocket simulator. CIVA allows defining part and material properties, inspection parameters, and flaw locations to simulate inspections and optimize techniques. It was helpful for NASA to evaluate using phased array UT instead of conventional UT for weld inspections.
CIVA: Simulation Software for NDT focusing at multiple points on a line, and focusing at
multiple depths. These scan options provide greater
Applications flexibility to accurately inspect complex shapes and areas with physical restrictions (such as weld reinforcement) By Erica Schumacher-Senior Applications Engineer at while being provided with a two-dimensional image of Magsoft Corporation & Don Roth- NDE Team Lead at results. While the capabilities of PAUT are much greater NASA Glenn Research Center than those of a single element transducer A-scan, the complexities of PAUT are also much greater. To improve understanding of the inspection process physics, including optimization of the inspection parameters, simulation and Abstract modeling are playing an ever increasing role. Simulation software such as CIVA can help to prove or disprove the In today’s environment of shrinking resources, and feasibility for an inspection method or inspection scenario, consistent need for accurate inspections, simulation help optimize inspections, and assist in approximating the software is an effective cost cutting tool. CIVA is an limits of detectability all in significantly less time than advanced NDT simulation software dedicated to modeling could be accomplished through experimental trial and error ultrasonic (UT), radiographic (RT) and eddy current (ET) only. inspections without the need for physical test sample or inspection equipment. Each inspection module is Body comprised of simulation, imaging and analysis tools. These tools assist the user in virtually conceiving or optimizing inspection techniques and predicting their performances in Software Overview realistic NDT configurations. CIVA is based on semi-analytical calculations in a user While the software contains three independent modules friendly graphical user interface. For complex shapes, the (UT, RT, ET), this paper focuses on the UT module, which user can either import a drawing such as .DXF file, or draw has the ability to model complex phased array UT the shape using the basic computer aided design (CAD) inspections for a variety of probe styles, then automatically tools built into CIVA. With CIVA is it is possible to calculate the delay laws in an exportable format. This simulate the part under inspection, view the simulated paper will highlight the capabilities of CIVA NDT inspection results and perform additional signal processing simulation software to accurately model weld inspections on the results such as applying filters. Because it is based using phased array ultrasound. on semi-analytical calculations, computation time in CIVA is significantly quicker than with finite element analysis (FEA) modeling tools.
Each module of the software is designed to let the user
Introduction simulate an inspection without the use of physical test samples or inspection equipment. For each of the three The National Aeronautics and Space Administration modules, UT, ET and RT, the user defines the shape, size (NASA) Glenn Research Center participated in the and material of the part to be inspected as well as the construction of the upper stage simulator (USS) for the parameters of the inspection equipment such as ultrasonic Ares 1-X test rocket scheduled to launch later this year. transducer size and frequency, eddy current probe size and The USS is comprised of hollow cylindrical sections that frequency, and radiographic source size and energy level. will be stacked and attached to each other. The USS For each of these modules the user defines the position of contains critical welds that attach pieces to each other the inspection equipment in relation to part. A variety of including a skin-to- flange weld. different types of flaws can be placed in the simulated part, then the inspect results calculated and displayed. The NASA utilized CIVA NDT simulation software to help defect response obtained from the inspection results is plan alternate inspections that if needed, could supplement displayed in a similar manner to what would be seen the techniques that were specified and required for weld experimentally. For UT, this means that an A-scan, B-scan certification for the skin-to-flange weld. In the future, it is or C-scan can be displayed. For ET, C-scans are displayed hoped that these modeling methods will be used to help and for RT, radiographic images are displayed. qualify use of phased array ultrasonic test (PAUT) in place of a hand-held ultrasonic A-scan inspection while still meeting certification requirements. The UT module is the oldest and most advanced of the Phased array inspection is quickly gaining acceptance in three modules. With this module the user can either choose the NDT community and has many advantages over from 7 pre-existing specimen shapes or create their own conventional A-scan inspections. These advantages cylindrical or planar extrusion of a CAD created profile as include being able to complete a variety of scans with only shown in Figure 1. The specimen material can be chosen one transducer and without any mechanical movement. from a large variety of isotropic materials, anisotropic Scan options include the ability to perform single point materials and composites. Materials not in the database can focusing, beam steering, direction and depth focusing, be easily added by defining the velocity and density of the
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material. Additionally, a large variety of transducers sided inspection of the weld. A combination of a manual shapes, sizes and types can be modeled including single hand scan and an electronic sectorial scan from 40o to 75o element, dual element or phased array probes (linear, was performed along the exterior surface of the skin to matrix and flexible arrays). Both single element and determine the detectability of the SDH in weld interior. phased array probes (Fig. 2) can be modeled in either contact or immersion conditions. These probes can either Using the 5MHz transducer, ultrasonic velocity and be flat or focused. While water and oil are the two attenuation coefficient measurements were performed on couplant choices already in the software, it is easy to add the test sample base material and also on a flat area of the additional materials such as glycerin based gels. When a weld. The shear wave velocity values for the base steel and transducer is mounted on a wedge, the user defines the weld steel were measured to be 0.325 cm/μsec and 0.328 wedge dimensions, angle and wedge material. Several cm/μsec, respectively, the difference of which is close to types of flaws are already defined in CIVA, where all the the measurement uncertainty for the velocity measurement user needs to do is specify the dimensions and location. method. The velocity value for the base steel was used as a For more complex flaw modeling, it is also possible to setup parameter in the GE Phasor. create multifaceted and CAD contoured planar flaws. Examples of each of these flaw types can be seen in Figure For the inspection of the SDH, the transducer was 3. positioned perpendicular to the axis of the flaw. Figure 6 shows the experimental sector scan results obtained at the Once the inspection parameters are defined, the user can probe position shown in Figure 5. The large amplitude calculate the defect response, or if they prefer, first model indication shown in Figure 6 at the lower right portion of the beam profile to verify that the beam is angled and the sector image is from the direct path reflection off the focused in the part as expected. SDH. The maximum amplitude for this indication occurs at the 66o angle. When the probe is moved laterally away NASA PAUT Experimental Results i from the SDH (which is 40 mm long and extends about 2/5ths of the way across the weld) the indication from the The USS of the ARES 1-X (Fig. 4) contains several critical SDH eventually disappears from sight. The Phasor display welds including the skin-to- flange weld. To improve their indicates that the SDH is located about 4 mm in front of the inspection planning, and hopefully qualify use of PAUT in wedge and about 12.67 mm down from the surface that the place of conventional UT for inspection of the skin to probe is on. These results agreed well with actual location flange weld, NASA is using a combination of experimental of the SDH in the part. The maximum amplitude from and simulation results. these experimental results was obtained at an angle of 66 o.
NASA Validation of CIVA for PAUTii
A skin-to-flange test sample was fabricated out of carbon steel. The skin and flange portions were approximately 12 mm and 25 mm thick, respectively. The skin portion was double-beveled at one end, 45o each side, and butt welded to the thicker flange section using the flux core arc welding After obtaining the experimental results with the GE (FCAW) method. Weld filler metal with a similar Phasor, NASA then used CIVA V9.1a simulation software composition to that of the base steel was used. The external to recreate the inspection scenario. A model of the part and weld was machined flush. To simulate lack of fusion, a transducer was created, a 1.61mm x 40 mm SDH was side-drilled hole (SDH) approximately 1.61 mm x 40 mm placed in the part at the same location and orientation as in in length was located at one end of the part. (Fig. 5) the test sample, and a simulated 40o to 75o sectorial scan of the flaw was performed. To improve accuracy of A General Electric (GE) Phasor XS portable ultrasonic flaw simulation results, NASA used the velocity values obtained detector was used for the inspection of the test sample. The experimentally in place of the generic steel velocities in type used by NASA was a 32 crystal-element linear phased CIVA’s material database. From the simulation results array transducer with 5 MHz flat focus and a total aperture NASA was able to determine that the maximum amplitude of 16 mm x 10 mm. The element width was approximately obtained would occur at approximately 60o. By exporting 0.45 mm with a gap between elements of approximately the defect response onto the model of the skin to flange test 0.05 mm. Only 16 pulser-receivers were available in the sample, it is easy to see that the maximum response occurs instrument at one time, limiting the use to only 16 active at the location of the SDH (see Fig 7). The ability to elements out of a total of 32 elements. The use of only half overlay the UT response onto a 3D model of the part is one the total elements resulted in an active aperture area of 8 of the advances of using CIVA. For complex geometry, it mm x 10 mm. The transducer was attached to a Rexolite greatly assists in determining the physical cause of each wedge. The wedge produced an incidence angle of response such as tip diffraction, corner echoes, direct approximately 36o and a subsequent refracted shear wave reflection, etc. angle of approximately 54o in the steel part. Note that since a refracted angle of 54o is beyond the critical angle for Comparison of the simulation results (Fig. 7) to the longitudinal waves in steel, this study is concerned with experimental results (Fig. 6) shows a very good correlation shear wave only. As shown in Fig. 5, whether a single in location and amplitude of response. The one measurable element or phased array transducer is used, this is a single- difference is that the simulation obtained the maximum
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amplitude at approximately 60o, while the maximum drilled hole (SDH) in the part, create a 32 element phased amplitude obtained experimentally occurred at array transducer where only 16 elements are used at a time, approximately 66 o. There are several factors that could place this transducer on the part, and see how the simulated have caused the difference in angles including slight defect response compares to the experimental defect differences between the actual and modeled weld contour, response. After validating the effectiveness of CIVA, flaw size and orientation, transducer setting (it is unknown additional defects and defect angles were analyzed, as were whether the first or last 16 elements were turned off), and changes in the weld contour on detectability of the flaws. probe placement. CIVA allowed the user to determine how these variances in allowable parameters such as weld contour, would affect Comparison of Flaw Configurations the detectability of rejectable defects (in this case lack of fusion). After validating the accuracy of CIVA to detect the SDH in the skin-to-flange weld, the effects of defect shape and orientation were explored. The goal was to better understand how robust the inspection would be in detecting Bio lack of fusion. Since lack of fusion is often planar on one side, additional simulations were performed with planar Ms. Erica Schumacher defects. Senior Applications Engineer Magsoft Corporation Three additional simulation scenarios were created, each 20 Prospect Street, Suite 311 one containing a 1.61 mm x 40 mm planar flaw in the same Ballston Spa, NY 12020 location as the SDH. The flaw was oriented at 0 o, 45 o, and -45 o. The flaw orientations can be seen in Figure 8. As seen in Figure 9, the biggest response is obtained from Ms. Schumacher holds a Bachelor of Science degree in the reflection off the SDH. Somewhat unexpectedly Mechanical Engineering and a Master of Science degree in however, the maximum amplitude for all three planar Industrial Engineering from Rutgers University. Currently defects is the same. The length over which the planar flaw she supports CIVA NDT simulation software, including can be easily detected differs as shown in Figure 9. training of new users. Prior to Magsoft, she was a Senior Because of the difficulty manufacturing a mid-wall planar Quality Assurance Engineer for Bechtel Corporation defect, there are no experimental results to compare to the specializing in NDT (PT, MT, UT, RT) and was qualified simulation results. Most likely, the curvature of the weld as a 250-1500-1 NDT Examiner in these methods. Her has affected the detectability of the planar flaws. NDT expertise includes providing CIVA technical support, teaching NDT to internal and external personnel, and To determine the effects of weld contour on detectability of assisting in the NDT portion of 3rd party vendor audits. She planar flaws the weld contour was changed from concave is a co-recipient of the 2003 Bechtel Plant Machinery, Inc. to flat. The flaw response from the same SDH and planar General Managers Award. flaws was compared and evaluated. As originally expected, the maximum amplitude is obtained from the SDH, the next largest is from the planar defect oriented perpendicular to the ultrasonic beam and the smallest amplitude is from the planar defect oriented parallel to the sound beam. Based on the simulation results, demonstrated in Figure 10, the defect response from the planar flaw oriented parallel to the ultrasonic beam is indistinguishable from background i Roth, D., J.; Tokars, R., P.; Martin, R., E.; Rauser, R., noise, and therefore would go undetected unless additional W.; Aldrin, J., C.; Schumacher, E., J.” Ultrasonic scans are performed. Phased Array Inspection Simulations of Welded To further bound the detectability of lack of fusion, Components at NASA”, Materials Evaluation, vol. 57, additional simulations at the maximum and minimum weld no. 1, pp 60-65 (2009) reinforcement could be performed. The size and location of the defects could also be varied. If the phased array ii Roth, D., J.; Tokars, R., P.; Martin, R., E.; Rauser, R., transducer used was not able to easily detect these flaws, then the properties of other transducers could be modeled W.; Aldrin, J., C.; Schumacher, E., J.” Ultrasonic in an effort to determine the most effect transducer and Phased Array Inspection Simulations of Welded delay laws for this inspection. Components at NASA”, Materials Evaluation, vol. 57, no. 1, pp 60-65 (2009) Conclusion
Using the UT module of CIVA simulation software, NASA
was able to create a virtual part made of steel, place a side