The Life Cycle of Ergot: CRX) 1Jp6
The Life Cycle of Ergot: CRX) 1Jp6
The Life Cycle of Ergot: CRX) 1Jp6
But let us examine one stage at a time. We left our sclerotium on the cold
wintry ground to complete its resting stage. We said it slowly absorbed
moisture so that it could germinate in late spring. This is disputed. That is,
the absorption of moisture. If only the moisture were necessary then why
could not the sclerotia germinate after a heavy rain instead of waiting until
spring? No answer. We simply do not know. All we do know is that a dor-
mant period must occur before germination. And that one or more cold
periods must chill the sclerotia. Many have studied this problem and each
investigator has come up with a different answer. Some say that a period of
actual frost must take place before germination. Some that germination is
helped by previous freezing but is not absolutely necessary. Others dispute
these findings. Some investigators claim that actual frost is unnecessary but
that cold temperatures are. Heinrich Kirchhoff of Germany in 1929 claimed
that a temperature of 2° to 3°C for three to six weeks followed by one to
two months at about 15°C is the most favorable. Others claim that less than
a month is needed for germination if the sclerotia are subjected to cold for
two months previously. W. E. Brentzel of Fargo, North Dakota in 1927
froze sclerotia in a refrigerator for 24 hours every two weeks before germi-
nation was allowed to take place. About all investigators of this phase do
agree upon is that cold of some sort and length is required.
Then again some investigators claim that the sclerotia should be kept
covered with damp earth. Some say dry earth or sand. Still others advocate
alternate wetting and drying of the sclerotia. Some say sclerotia one year
old do not germinate. Others say they do. Claims. Counterclaims. It could
be pointed out here that ergot grows in the Canadian prairies, in Finland
and in Russia as well as in Spain, Portugal and Algeria. Extremes of weather.
And in Switzerland too-just to mention one in-between place. Adding
Argentina, Australia and Bengal puts ergot on each continent. The whole
question is now academic since controlled artificial infestation of rye can be
carried out at will. So we probably shall never know the reason why sclerotia
falling to the ground in autumn must wait until late spring to germinate.
The sclerotium is still on the ground. We shall assume that all factors nec-
essary for germination have come into play and germination is taking place.
The first thing to be seen is that the little sclerotium has some bumps on it-
generally 6 to 15 but it may have up to 50 or 60 (fig. 2a). These project up
like drum sticks and are called stromata (figs. 2b and 2c).
These stromata are from 15 to 30 mm long with a rounded head at the
free end. The stalk or stipe is usually dark purple while the head, capitulum
or spheridium is pinkish. But both may run the gamut from yellow to red
to purple (fig. 2d). Inside the head are embedded numerous pear shaped
cavities called perithecia (fig. 2e). When the head is mature each perithecium
can be located by the papillae surrounding each ostiole-a sort of wart
covering the entrance to the pearish cavity (fig. 2f). As further development
takes place, from the base or floor of each hollow perithecia arise numerous
asci or sporangia (fig. 2g). These asci are interspersed with slender hair-like
paraphyses (fig. 2h). The asci look like and are long tubes containing thread-
like ascospores (fig. 2i). The filamentous ascopores are up to 2,um in diam-
eter and about 60 to 70 ,urn long. As they emerge from the ascus-each of
which holds eight and only eight- the ascospores are then dependent upon
the wind or splashing rain drops or insects to be dispersed to the growing
rye. Some investigators claim that the ascospores are expelled slowly and
stick to the sticky substance at the ostioles. Others that they are shot out
through the ostioles to distances of up to 8 cm. We do not know. Be that as
it may nature has provided that infestation take place because it takes about
a week for secondary infection to begin after primary infection with the
ascospores. Thus the rye does not need to be in flower when the ascospores
are released. Further each stroma twists and bends with the light intensity
and therefore neatly points the perithecia in all directions for better disper-
sion. The direction is always upwards according to the report in 1911 of
H. H. Whetzel and Donald Reddick of Cornell University. That is why the
twisting and bending of the stromata. Whetzel and Reddick reported that
S. J. Rostowzew of Russia noted the same thing in 1902. Each sclerotium
produces up to one million ascospores capable of germination. However
with new methods of artificial field infestation now developed we are no
longer dependent upon the whims of nature to disperse ascospores. But we
still need the rye.
And now we can go on to the next stage. The conidial stage. Also known
as the sphacelia stage. Or honeydew stage. We left our ascospores at the
opening of the ascus waiting to be expelled and carried away by air currents
or insects. By no matter what the means we now find that one of the asco-
Fig. 3. From ascospores-or conidia-to sclerotia.
spores has landed on a spike of rye such as seen in figure 3a with sclerotia
developing. Within 24 hours the ascospore starts to infest the pistil of
the flowering rye and the next or conidial stage commences. Damp weather
or morning dew causes moisture to accumulate at the base-or ovary-of
the pistil and it is there that the ascospore begins to germinate. It produces
long filamentous hyphae which enter the ovary. But instead of proceeding
the usual normal way of travelling through the stigma and down through the
style the hyphae enter the ovary directly from the exterior. They can do this
by secreting enzymes which digest the exterior tissues of the pistil.
In figures 3c and 3e-which are cross sections of figures 3b and 3d re-
spectively-we see how the ovarian cavity becomes obliterated. Meanwhile
the filamentous hyphae get longer and more numerous and by this time are
called mycelia and have completely enveloped the pistil except at the stig-
ma-as in figures 3f and its cross section figure 3g. All this takes from six
to eight days. The digested exterior tissues of the pistil-especially the
ovary-now have formed a whitish, canal-filled, caseated mass known as
the sphacelia. Naturally the ovary has kept on growing during this past week
and a sclerotium already has started formation at its lower end. Its upper
end now looks more like a sponge because of the twisted strands of hyphae
which give rise by abstriction-chocking off-to the oval asexual spores we
call conidia. Besides forming the palisades-like conidiophores the hyphae
excrete a sweet, yellowish mucilaginous substance-called honeydew-which
envelopes the numerous spores or conidia as they are abstricted. Being sweet
the honeydew exudate attracts flies, weevils, ants and other insects. Being
heavy the honeydew drops fall onto the spikelets of grain below them. Or
they may be spread by contact onto adjacent spikes. This of course brings
the conidia into contact with other pistils and their ovaries and so spreads
the growth of ergot. And brings us into the next and last stage. The asci-
gerous stage.
We have said that the upper end of the ovary looks rather like a sponge
with the lower end already showing a sclerotium forming as shown in fig-
ures 3f to 3i. This is due to the more numerous hyphae at the base-from
where they started to extend in the first place. As the production of conidia
in the upper segments of the ovary tapers off the hyphae filaments at the
lower end are still eating through and digesting away the ovarian walls. The
mass of hyphae or mycelia becomes even more interwoven as the threads
penetrate ever more deeply and ever more upwards and their branches inter-
sperse themselves among the original filaments. At the same time the hyphae
increase in thickness and are divided by transverse walls. By now the hyphae
have consumed the whole ovary and penetrated its interior so that there is
nothing but hyphae and more hyphae. Mutual pressure of the ever-growing
and ever-penetrating threads finally causes a dense mass of compact tissue
called the pseudoparenchyma. Meanwhile conidia have ceased to be pro-
duced. Honeydew is no longer exudated. And a true cortex is formed on the
developing sclerotia. The cortex consists merely of the blackish hyphae on
the exterior surface placing themselves parallel to one another. The color is
due to deposited pigment. As the sclerotium develops upwardly it eventually
replaces the whole grain of rye-as seen in figure 3f. When it does it is full
grown. Deep purplish brown. Blackish. Hard. Conspicuous among the
glumes. Fully grown ergot. A true sclerotium. A sclerotium ready to fall to
the ground unless otherwise utilized for making medicines. Its life cycle is
now complete. The wheel has come full turn. Thanks to Louis Tulasne of
Paris who discovered the whole process in 1853.
Before Tulasne all was guess work. Some of the various types of ergot scle-
rotia were known. Some of the plants they grew on were known. But how
and why were not. Louis Tulasne showed almost all of the features of how
an ergot sclerotia grows. But not all. He did not possess the sophisticated
techniques of today. Thus only in 1944 could Arthur Stoll and Artur Brack
of Basel report something new. These Swiss research men showed that the
ovary of rye per se is not necessary for the development of a sclerotium.
That sclerotia on rye can develop at the nodes of rye plants and therefore are
not localized to the ovary. Stoll and Brack pointed out that much more was
involved than mere relocation of sclerotia. By inoculating the nodes only
rarely does a sclerotium develop. But by bending back the ear of rye by
snapping or crushing the stalk below it-and in this way throttling the food
supply to it-honeydew soon forms and a sclerotium is produced. This
brings up the question of whether or not host tissue is involved in the for-
mation of sclerotia.
Egil Ramstad and Gunnar Gjerstad of the United States in 1955 went
even further in questioning the concepts of Louis Rene Tulasne. They
pointed out that in the developing sclerotium the ovary is found as a de-
formed process at the top of the sclerotium because after infection it be-
comes detached from the receptacle. Ramstad and Gjerstad claim that
there is no intimate anatomical connection between the fungus and the rye.
That the Claviceps purpurea merely growS" directly on the sap from the rye
plant which bleeds into the boat-like hollow formed by the paleae of rye
flowers. That this plant sap serves as nutrient for the fungus throughout its
period of development and that the plant sap exudes into the hollow be-
cause the wound after detachment of the ovary fails to heal. Thus honeydew
is merely sap of rye and not the ovary transformed into a secretion due to the
action of the fungus Claviceps purpurea.
J. Kybal of the Research Institute for Drugs from Natural Sources in
Prague in 1964 also reported new observations on the formation of ergot
sclerotia. Whereas most investigators studying sclerotial formation employ
fixed and stained preparations Kybal made vital preparations by careful
dissection and teasing of growing sclerotia. In this manner he could show
that germination of the conidia in the honeydew gives rise to sclerotia. And
that germination of ergot conidia-under the very same conditions-gives
rise to either sphacelial or sclerotial hyphae. But whether this is due to the
physiological state of the conidia or to predetermined genetic factors must
be investigated. At any rate some germinating conidia form long thin typical
sphacelial hyphae but the majority do not. They form thick, two or more
celled fibers instead, whose isodiametric cells form typical sclerotial hyphae.
In the later stages the long thin sphacelial hyphae regularly intersperse the
thicker and longer hyphae growing densely next to and even through each
other to form the compact sclerotium. These new investigations by Stoll and
Brack, by Ramstad and Gjerstad and by Kybal demonstrate that after almost
a dozen decades contributions to the life cycle of ergot can still be made.
Brentzel, W.E.: Studies on ergot of grains and grasses. N.D. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 348
Kybal, J.: Neue Beobachtungen fiber die Bildung der Sklerotien von Claviceps purpurea
(Fr.) Tul. Planta Med. 12: 166-168 (1964).
Ramstad, E. and Gjerstad, G.: The parasitic growth of Claviceps purpurea (Fries) Tulasne
on rye and its relation to alkaloid formation. J. amer. pharm. Ass. 44: 741-743 (1955).
Stoll, A. und Brack, A.: Uber die Entstehung von Sklerotien des Mutterkornpilzes (Clavi-
ceps purpurea) an den obersten Halmknoten des Roggens. Ber. schweiz. Bot. Ges.
54: 252-254 (1944).
Tulasne, L.R.: Note sur l'ergot du seigle, Sclerotium clavus DC. C.R. Acad. Sci. 33:
645-647 (1851). - Memoire sur l'ergot des glumacees. Ann. sci. nat. 20: 5-56 (1853).
Whetzel, H. H. and Reddick, D.: A method of developing Claviceps. Phytopathology
1: 50--52 (1911).