Static Shoulder Exercises: Oxford University Hospitals

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Oxford University Hospitals

NHS Trust

Physiotherapy Department

Static shoulder
Information for patients
These exercises are designed to encourage muscle activity in your
shoulder without actually moving your shoulder, and whilst keeping it
in a neutral position.
The starting position is the same for all of the following exercises. Your
elbow should be bent to 90 degrees and kept close to your side. Your
hand should be held out in front of you. Do not allow your affected
arm to move.
Hold each muscle contraction for a count of ten. Gradually build up
the number of repetitions.


1. Shoulder 2. Shoulder 3. Shoulder

Flexors Extensors Abductors
Stand facing a Stand with your Stand with the
wall. Try to push back to a wall. outside of your
your fist forwards Try to push your forearm against
into the wall. elbow backwards a wall. Try to
into the wall. push your elbow
against the wall.
4. Shoulder 5. Shoulder 6. Shoulder
Abductors External Internal
Bring your elbow Rotators Rotators
to 90 degrees. Stand with the Stand with the
Stand with a small outside of your inside of your
rolled up towel forearm against a forearm against
under your armpit. wall. Try to push a wall in a door
Try to squeeze the your forearm frame or against
towel into your outwards into the a jammed open
side. wall. door. Try to push
your forearm
inwards into the
Lying on your back
7. Shoulder External Rotators
Grasp the wrist of your affected arm, with
your unaffected hand on the outside of
your wrist. Attempt to pull your affected
arm outwards whilst stopping it with your
good arm.

8. Shoulder Internal Rotators

Grasp the wrist of your affected arm, with
your unaffected hand on the inside of your
wrist. Attempt to push your affected arm
inwards whilst stopping it with your good

How to contact us
Telephone: 01865 221 540
(Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 5.00pm. Fridays, 8.30am to 4.00pm,
with an answerphone for after hours.)

If you have a specific requirement, need an interpreter,

a document in Easy Read, another language, large print,
Braille or audio version, please call 01865 221 473
or email
Physiotherapy Department
February 2015
Review: February 2018
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust
Oxford OX3 9DU

OMI 5314P

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