RF Port Class

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class RfPort

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This MO represents a port on an RU/RRU of various types depending on the rfPortId of the
Port MO.
Represents an antenna feeder port on the RU/RRU if it has an rfPortId like A, B, C, etc.
Represents a cross connection port on the RU/RRU if it has any of the rfPortIds RXA_IO or
Represents a RET port on the RRU if it has the rfPortId R.
References from:
AntennaNearUnit; RfBranch;
References to:


administrativeState = LOCKED
AdmState The administrative state.
If set to SHUTTINGDOWN, the state will
immediately be brought to LOCKED.

Specification: ITU-T Rec. X.731

AvailStatus[0..] availabilityStatus
readOnly The availability status.
It contains details about operationalState.

Specification: ITU-T Rec. X.731

string[0..1] dlFrequencyRanges [ 0..256 ]
readOnly Multiple downlink frequency ranges that RfPort
supports, displayed as string.

See CPI for more information.

NOTE: For RfPort with no valid downlink

frequency range, the string shows "Not
string[0..1] nodeUniqueRfPortId
readOnly Internal identifier for the RfPort to ease error
OperState operationalState
readOnly The operational state.

Specification: ITU-T Rec. X.731

ManagedObject[0..] reservedBy
noNotification Contains a list of MO instances that reserve
readOnly this MO instance.
string rfPortId
key The value component of the RDN.
string[0..1] ulFrequencyRanges [ 0..256 ]
readOnly Multiple uplink frequency ranges that RfPort
supports, displayed as string.

See CPI for more information.

NOTE: For RfPort with no valid uplink

frequency range, the string shows "Not
string[0..1] userLabel [ 1..128 ]
Label for free use.
boolean vswrSupervisionActive =
VSWR supervision status.
Indicates if supervision of Voltage Standing
Wave Ratio (VSWR) is enabled for the branch
of this port on the Radio Unit.
VSWR supervision is possible on a TX branch
int32[0..1] vswrSupervisionSensitivity
= 1 { 1..100 }
The sensitivity of Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
(VSWR) supervision.
A high value enables detection of a low
reflected power (high return loss). A low value
requires a high reflected power (low return
loss) to cause an alarm.

VSWR = (1+10^(-RL/20))/(1-10^(-RL/20))

Where RL is Return Loss

The relation between the sensitivity and return

loss on the RU is defined as:
RL = 6 + vswrSupervisionSensitivity [%]*0.08

This gives VSWR=1.5 for 100% sensitivity and

VSWR=3 for 1% sensitivity.

Unit: 1 %
VswrInfo[0..1] vswrValue
noNotification VSWR value and related information from
readOnly radios.

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