Automizing The Design of Francis Turbine Spiral Case

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International Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering.

ISSN 2250-3234 Volume 4, Number 5 (2014), pp. 463-472

© Research India Publications

Automizing the Design of Francis Turbine Spiral Case

Ganesh Chembedu1, Alleiah Sunkara2 and Mayank Srivastava3

Mechanical Department, Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida, India.
Turbines & Compressors, BHEL Hyderabad, India.
Mechanical Department, Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida, India.


Currently the engineering design cycle time for the entire Francis
turbine (H=169m, P=55.8 MW, Q=46.82 m3/sec and N=300 r.p.m)
design is around 3000 hrs. This includes the time taken for the
development of assembly, outline and manufacturing drawings for all
the components. Out of this, approximately 365 hours is spent on the
design of Spiral Case assembly. Once the design cycle starts, the
design engineers are working at 120% load to complete the design on
time. As specific standard is not being followed properly, different
designers design differently. Also the design and drawing creation are
done simultaneously which is resulting in more design cycle time. The
aim of this work is to design and develop an automated application
using Unigraphics NX 3.0 and Knowledge Fusion, which will assist
the users in creating new designs of Spiral Case as per the specification
with help of user friendly interface. Thus automating the generation of
design parameters, 3-D geometry and 2-D drawings of Spiral Case
Assembly and its sub Assemblies as per the standards. This results in
an overall reduction in the design cycle time for Francis Turbine Spiral

Keywords: Assembly, Automation, Design, Knowledge Fusion, Spiral

Case, Turbine.

1. Introduction
The major components of Francis turbine are
1.Spiral Case 2.Guide mechanism 3.Runner 4.Draft tube.
464 Ganesh Chembedu et al

The way in which water is fed to the Reaction turbine blades is ingenious. Turbine
efficiency is greatly increased if the entering water has a strong rotational motion or
whirl. To provide such whirl, the water enters a tapered spiral chamber known as a
scroll case or Spiral case, which curves right around the whole unit. Thus several
studies have been conducted for improvement of this component design and reduction
in design cycle time. Presently the Design Engineers at Hydro Turbine group manually
design and validate the Spiral Case Design for correct design requirements. To achieve
this goal with a lesser effort and a lower lead time Spiral Case Design Automation is
developed. This application gathers necessary information from the user and
interactively helps the user to generate the Spiral Case Design by taking care of all the
Design Standards and Best Practices. The Spiral Case Design Automation is built on
Unigraphics/Knowledge Fusion (UG/KF) environment that supports multi-standard
compliance, automate the process of generating 3D models, manufacturing drawings
from the 3D models.

2. Spiral Case Design Methodology

To determine the geometry design parameters needed for generation of spiral case
concerns with below standard formulae.These formula has been automated for the
generation of design parameters report.

2.1 Inputs to the Spiral Case

Rc=Centroidal Radius of the Shell from the Spiral Case
Rs=Radius of the Shell
Rst / Rh=Radius up to the end of transient piece from the Spiral Case
Hst=Height of the Stay Ring
N=Number of casing sections
Type of Material considered with Factor of Safety.
CT=Corrosion tolerance
P =Design pressure

Fig. 1: Spiral Case Shell Section.

Automizing the Design of Francis Turbine Spiral Case 465

2.2 Area Calculation for Section 1

rc(1) =Rc
R (cs-st) (1) =Rc(1)–Rst
R s=Ds/2
Rt (1) =Rc-√(Rs2–H2st)
R(st-T) (1)=Rst–Rt (1)
Theta θ(1)=2tan –1(√ (Rs2-R2(cs-st))/ R(cs-st) )
Area(1)=(1/2)*(2*Π- θ)* Rs2 +(½) *Rs2 *Sin (θ).

2.3 Area calculation for Section 2 to Section N

Angle between consecutive sections is given by   360/N
For the first section, angle from the center line of Spiral Case (1)  0
For the ith Section angle from center line of Spiral Case (i)= + ( i-1)
Area of ith Section
Area(i) =A(1)-[A(1) *(i) /(2*)]; where i=2 to N;
For ‘i’ from 2 to N
RS(i)=RS(i-1)* √(Area(i)/Area(i-1))
=[RS (i-1) + HSt]/2 (If RS (i) < HSt)… ….. (1)
∆ RS=abs [RS (i-1)-RS (i)] (2)
RC (i)=Rt +√( RS2(i)- HSt2) … .(3)
R (CS-St) (i)=RC (i)–RSt \ ... … (4)
Theta θ (i)=2tan –1(√ [(RS (i)2 )]-[R (cs-st)(i) 2])/ R(cs-st) )) ….(5)
Area (z)=(Π*[ RS(i)]2-((1/2) [ RS(i)]2 [θ (i)-Sin θ (i)])) …..(6)
If Area (z) is not equal to Area (i) within the tolerance of 0.00001 then recalculate
RS(i)as follows
New RS(i)=Current RS(i)+(0.5*∆ RS) .(If Area (i)> Area (z))
=Current RS(i)-(0.5*∆ RS) .(If Area (i)< Area (z))
New ∆ R=│Current RS(i)- New RS(i)│
Repeat steps from (3) above with New RS(i) else Repeat steps from (1) above for
next ‘i ’

2.4 Shell Plate Thickness

1. Select material →given σy or σu.
2. Enter Factor of Safety to determine σallowable
σallow=(1/2) σy, (1/3) σy, (0.75) σy Or (1/3) σu., (1/4) σu., (1/5)σu, (0.3) σu.
Thickness of ith Section:
Tiz(i)=(CT+(P* RS(i)*Contact point(i)))/(η* σallow)
If calculation for thickness is considered at the contact point of spiral casing and
transient piece then
Contact point(i)=[RH+ RC(i)]/[2* RH]
If thickness calculation is done at contact point of Spiral casing and Stay ring then
Contact point(i)=[Rt + RC(i)]/[2* Rt]
T(i)=Next integer of Tiz(i)
466 Ganesh Chembedu et al

3. Spiral Case Assembly Design Automation Process

Good user interface design can make a product easy to understand and use which
results in greater user acceptance.UG NX 3.0 User Interface/ Styler is used for
developing the user interface. The application is developed using UG / Knowledge
Fusion or UG / OPEN API.

Fig. 2: UI Main Dialog.

3.1 Main Dialog

It states, once the user chooses to create / edit a design, the system will launch NX with
this dialog up. If in Fig. -UI Main Dialog there are any errors, then Apply and OK
buttons are made hidden. The user interface for all the above automated components
will be as follows:

3.2 Foundation Assembly UI

Fig. 3: Foundation Assembly UI.

Automizing the Design of Francis Turbine Spiral Case 467

3.3 Lifting Lug UI

Fig. 4: Lifting Lug UI for Correct Design.

Fig. 5: Lifting Lug UI showing Design Limits for Error Design.

Fig. 6: Straight Portion UI.

468 Ganesh Chembedu et al

3.4 Straight Portion UI

3.5 Spiral Case UI

Fig. 7: Spiral Case UI.

3.6 Spiral Case Assembly UI

Fig. 8: Spiral Case Assembly UI.

Automizing the Design of Francis Turbine Spiral Case 469

4. Results and Discussions

4.1 Turbine Spiral Case Specifications:
Net head (H)=169 m
Output Power (P)=55.8 M.W
Discharge (Q) =46.82 m3/sec
Speed (N)=300 r.p.m.
Spiral case Centroidal radius (Rc)=3350mm
4.2 Inputs to the Spiral Case Design
Centroidal Radius of the first Shell from the Spiral Case/ Straight pipe connected to
Penstock (Rc) = 3350 mm
Radius of the first Shell/Straight pipe connected to Penstock (Rs) = 1200 mm
Radius up to the end of transient piece from the Spiral Case (Rst / Rh ) = 2385 mm
Height of the Stay Ring (Hst ) =712 mm
Number of shell sections (N) =16
Factor of Safety (F.S)=1.333
Corrosion tolerance (CT)=1.5 mm
Design Pressure (P)=2.4 N/mm2
Welding coefficient (η) = 0.95

4.3 Design Automation Results

4.3.1 Spiral Case Design Parameters Report:

Table 1: Spiral Case Design Parameters.

Shell Section Rc (mm) Rs (mm) RH (mm) T (mm) HT (mm)
1 3350 1200 2385 26 1426
2 3313 1165 2390 25 1421
3 3274 1128 2395 24 1415
4 3235 1090 2402 23 1407
5 3193 1051 2409 22 1399
6 3150 1010 2417 21 1389
7 3104 968 2425 20 1379
8 3057 923 2435 19 1365
9 3006 876 2447 18 1348
10 2952 827 2459 17 1328
11 2893 774 2474 16 1302
12 2829 717 2493 15 1266
13 2758 658 2513 14 1221
14 2758 658 2513 16 1221
15 2758 658 2513 16 1221
16 2758 658 2513 16 1221
470 Ganesh Chembedu et al

4.3.2 3-D geometry of Spiral Case Assembly and Sub Assemblies

Fig. 9: 3-D geometry of Spiral Case Assembly and Sub Assemblies.

4.3.3 2-D drawings of Spiral Case Assembly and Sub Assemblies

Fig. 10: 2-D drawings of Spiral Case Assembly and Sub Assemblies.
Automizing the Design of Francis Turbine Spiral Case 471

5. Conclusion
A Unigraphics based Knowledge Fusion tool automation application for Spiral Case
design is developed to
1. Make use of one standard set of rules for the design
2. Develop User-friendly Interface for providing the inputs and reviewing the
3. Automate the Generation of Spiral Case design parameters Calculation report.
4. Automate the generation of 3-D geometry of Spiral Case Assembly and sub
5. Automate the creation of 2D drawings of Spiral Case Assembly and sub

The above aspects results in an overall reduction in the design cycle time for
Francis Turbines by 65%.Thus the total time to design Spiral Case assembly in the to-
be process can therefore be brought down to an estimated 160 hours in place of the
current 365 hours.

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