1. The document lists high alert medications and look alike sound alike (LASA) medications that have similar names, packaging, or appearances which could lead to medication errors. It categorizes LASA medications as high alert to minimize errors by labeling them as such.
2. Storage procedures for medications are outlined, including storing high alert medications separately on special shelves clearly labeled and far from LASA drugs. Temperature controls during storage are also specified.
3. LASA medications are categorized as high alert because they have similar appearances, spellings or pronunciations which could lead to mistakes in dispensing or administering the wrong drug to patients if not properly distinguished. Labeling them helps reduce such errors.
1. The document lists high alert medications and look alike sound alike (LASA) medications that have similar names, packaging, or appearances which could lead to medication errors. It categorizes LASA medications as high alert to minimize errors by labeling them as such.
2. Storage procedures for medications are outlined, including storing high alert medications separately on special shelves clearly labeled and far from LASA drugs. Temperature controls during storage are also specified.
3. LASA medications are categorized as high alert because they have similar appearances, spellings or pronunciations which could lead to mistakes in dispensing or administering the wrong drug to patients if not properly distinguished. Labeling them helps reduce such errors.
1. The document lists high alert medications and look alike sound alike (LASA) medications that have similar names, packaging, or appearances which could lead to medication errors. It categorizes LASA medications as high alert to minimize errors by labeling them as such.
2. Storage procedures for medications are outlined, including storing high alert medications separately on special shelves clearly labeled and far from LASA drugs. Temperature controls during storage are also specified.
3. LASA medications are categorized as high alert because they have similar appearances, spellings or pronunciations which could lead to mistakes in dispensing or administering the wrong drug to patients if not properly distinguished. Labeling them helps reduce such errors.
1. The document lists high alert medications and look alike sound alike (LASA) medications that have similar names, packaging, or appearances which could lead to medication errors. It categorizes LASA medications as high alert to minimize errors by labeling them as such.
2. Storage procedures for medications are outlined, including storing high alert medications separately on special shelves clearly labeled and far from LASA drugs. Temperature controls during storage are also specified.
3. LASA medications are categorized as high alert because they have similar appearances, spellings or pronunciations which could lead to mistakes in dispensing or administering the wrong drug to patients if not properly distinguished. Labeling them helps reduce such errors.
Heparin Bevasizumab Warparin Denozumab Obat Sitostatika Nimotuzumab Asparaginase Rituksimab Bleomisin Hcl Setuksimab Dakarbazin Transtuzumab Daunorubisin DEKSTROSA HIPERTONIK (≥20%) Doksorubisin Glukosa 40% Epirubisin Hcl INSULIN ( SC dan IV) Etoposid Human Insulin Insilin Short Acting Fludarabin Fosfat Human Insulin Intermadiate Acting 5-Fluorourasil Insulin Soluble + NHP Gemsitabin Hcl Insulin Aspart Ifosfamid Insulin Aspart + Protamin Insulin Karboplatin Aspart Karbitaksel Insulin Determir Leukorin Ca Insulin Glargin Melfalan+talidomid+bortezomib Insulin Glulisine Metotreksat KCl INJEKSI Mitomisin-C Kalium Klorida 7,46% Oksaliplatin INJEKSI MAGNESIUM SULFAT (Mgso4) Paklitaksel Magnesium Sulfat 20% Dan 40% Pemetreksed KALSIUM INTRAVENA Siklofosfamid Kalsium Glukonat Vinblastin Kalsium Klorida ELEKTROLITE PEKAT Nacl Injeksi, Hipertonis Dengan Konsentrasi >0,9 % Natrium Klorida 3% (Nacl 3%) 2. Ketentuan Penyimpan Metode penyimpanan dilakukan berdasarkan bentuk sediaan dan alfabetis, dengan menerapkan prinsip First In First Out (FIFO) dan First Experied First Out (FEFO) disertai sistem informasi (komputerisasi dan kartu stok). Penyimpanan obat yang high alert diletakan pada rak khusus dan ditempel stiker high alert hingga ke kemasan terkecil, obat-obat LASA ditulis menggunakan huruf Tall Man dan disimpan pada jarak berjauhan. Penyimpanan Bahan Beracun dan Berbahaya (B3) dilakukan dalam ruangan terpisah. Obat-obat golongan Narkotika dan Psikotropika yang disimpan dalam lemari besi dan menggunakan sistem double lock dan double check. Temperatur ruangan <250C, lemari pendingin 2- 8 0C, menggunakan kertas pengatur suhu dengan grafik yang tidak melebihi warna hitam. Suhu dicek pada pagi dan sore hari. Posisi rak: jarak dari dinding ±15 cm, obat tidak boleh bersentuhan langsung dengan lantai yaitu menggunkan pallete.
3. Mengapa obat LASA dikategorikan High Alert?
Obat LASA (Look alike sound alike) adalah obat yang nampak mirip dalam hal bentuk, tulisan, warna dan pengucapan. Untuk meminimalkan atau meniadakan kesalahan pengambilan dan pemberian obat kepada pasien sehingga diberikan stiker LASA.