Orcon Steel Catalogue

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Chemical composition test

Chemical composition specification

❙ Anecdotal evidence suggests that low quality All of the tests give a good indication of the quality
fenders are more likely to be prone to faster of rubber used for fender production. These
environmental degradation and struggle to meet parameters can be determined by using analytical
performance requirements. techniques (FTIR/TGA) described on page 72. The
specification for the above indicators is given in the
❙ These rubber fenders in general utilize lower cost table above.
rubber compounds reclaimed or recycled rubber
that has low polymer (rubber) percentage and high
non black reinforcing filler percentage in the Test Standard Specification*
formulation. Density ISO 2781 Max 1.20 g/cc
❙ These fender compounds show high specific gravity Polymer % ASTM D6370 Min 45%
(>1.2) indicating high usage of non-reinforcing filler Carbon Black % ASTM D6370 Min 20%
such as CaCO3 in the formulation. Ash analysis is a
good indicator to find the quantity of non Ash % ASTM D297 Max 5%
reinforcing fillers in rubber formulation. Rubber to filler ratio – > 1.2
* Does not apply to Trelleborg Marine Systems’ standard cylindrical
❙ Historical testing requirements centered around and extruded fenders; however, can be supplied upon special
physical properties, which are seen in most request.
specifications are not enough to reflect the use of
non-reinforcing fillers or recycled rubber.
Test available for customers
❙ Chemical composition testing is useful to ❙ A lack of understanding about rubber compound
determine the composition of rubber in fenders composition not only has material impact on the
utilizes a couple of key indicators to determine the quality and performance of fenders, but also a
quality of rubber used in the fender. downstream affect and further implications for
These include: the design of other wharf infrastructure. Perhaps
due to this lack of understanding, specifying and
% Polymer: To determine general level of monitoring rubber compound composition are not
polymer present. currently practiced in the industry.

% Carbon Black: To determine amount of ❙ Until recently, buyers of rubber fenders did not
reinforcing filler. have any method to identify rubber compound
composition and substantiate supplier
Specific gravity: To indicate high levels of documentation and reported performance
recycled rubber/ non characteristics.
reinforcing filler:

% Ash & CaCO3: To determine level of non –

reinforcing filler used.

Rubber to filler ratio: Amount of rubber compared

to amount of filler


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