Confined Masonry Network

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Tenth U.S.

National Conference on Earthquake Engineering

Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering
July 21-25, 2014
10NCEE Anchorage, Alaska


T. M. Hart1 and S. Brzev2


This paper presents an overview of confined masonry design and construction, featuring the
design and construction guidelines for confined masonry buildings developed by the Confined
Masonry Network under the auspices of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, the
International Association for Earthquake Engineering, and other organizations. International
expert committees were formed in 2008 to develop guidelines for design and construction. As
the initial step, the committees performed a review and comparison of relevant international
codes, standards, and guidelines for confined masonry construction from Latin America, Asia,
and Europe. Next, the group developed a design guideline with prescriptive design provisions for
low-rise confined masonry buildings up to two stories high. Published in August 2011, the
guideline includes recommendations for the layout, wall density, and size of confined masonry

Currently in production are two additional confined masonry guidelines, a design guideline for
engineered buildings and a construction guideline. The scope of the engineered guideline
includes recommendations for the design of masonry walls, concrete elements, and foundations,
with particular emphasis on modeling approaches and computer-based numerical analysis
methods. The construction guideline includes recommendations for site selection, foundation
placement, masonry construction, concrete placement, floor and roof construction, and quality

Civil/Structural Engineer, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA 94720
Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5G

Hart TM, Brzev S. The Confined Masonry Network’s Design and Construction Guidelines. Proceedings of the 10th
National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Anchorage, AK, 2014.
The Confined Masonry Network’s Design and Construction Guidelines

T. M. Hart1 and S. Brzev2


This paper presents an overview of confined masonry design and construction, featuring the
design and construction guidelines for confined masonry buildings developed by the Confined
Masonry Network under the auspices of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, the
International Association for Earthquake Engineering, and other organizations. International
expert committees were formed in 2008 to develop guidelines for design and construction. As the
initial step, the committees performed a review and comparison of relevant international codes,
standards, and guidelines for confined masonry construction from Latin America, Asia, and
Europe. Next, the group developed a design guideline with prescriptive design provisions for low-
rise confined masonry buildings up to two stories high. Published in August 2011, the guideline
includes recommendations for the layout, wall density, and size of confined masonry components.

Currently in production are two additional confined masonry guidelines, a design guideline for
engineered buildings and a construction guideline. The scope of the engineered guideline includes
recommendations for the design of masonry walls, concrete elements, and foundations, with
particular emphasis on analysis methods including modeling approaches and computer-based
numerical analysis methods. The construction guideline includes recommendations for site
selection, foundation placement, masonry construction, concrete placement, floor and roof
construction, and quality assurance.

Introduction to Confined Masonry

What is Confined Masonry?

Several past earthquakes have revealed the intrinsic poor performance of unreinforced masonry
buildings as well as non-ductile reinforced concrete (RC) frame construction, particularly in
developing countries where such construction is common. This has resulted in high human and
economic losses and prompted a need for alternative building technologies with improved
seismic performance. One such technology is confined masonry, which consists of masonry
walls confined by horizontal and vertical RC tie-columns and tie-beams that enclose the masonry
wall panels on all sides. Application of confined masonry does not require advanced construction
skills and so it can be used as an alternative to both unreinforced masonry and RC frame

Civil/Structural Engineer, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA 94720
Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5G

Hart TM, Brzev S. The Confined Masonry Network’s Design and Construction Guidelines. Proceedings of the 10th
National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Anchorage, AK, 2014.
Confined masonry construction has evolved through an informal process based on its
satisfactory performance in past earthquakes. The first reported use of confined masonry
construction was in the reconstruction of buildings destroyed by the 1908 Messina, Italy
earthquake (M 7.2), which killed over 70,000 people. Confined masonry construction has been
practiced in Mediterranean Europe (Italy, Slovenia, and Serbia), Latin America (Mexico, Chile,
Peru, Argentina, and other countries), the Middle East (Iran), south Asia (Indonesia), and the Far
East (China). It is important to note that confined masonry construction practice exists in
countries and regions of extremely high seismic risk. Several examples of confined masonry
construction around the world, from Argentina, Chile, Iran, Peru, Serbia, and Slovenia, are
featured in the World Housing Encyclopedia [1]

The Confined Masonry Network

In January 2008, an International Strategy Workshop on the Promotion of Confined Masonry

was organized at Kanpur, India, by the National Information Centre of Earthquake Engineering,
India; the World Housing Encyclopedia project of EERI and IAEE; and sponsored by the World
Seismic Safety Initiative and Risk Management Solutions Inc. A group of international experts
from India, the USA, Switzerland, Peru, Mexico, China, Indonesia, and Canada created a
Confined Masonry Network with two major objectives: to improve confined masonry design and
construction practices where it is currently in use, and to introduce it in areas where it can reduce
seismic risk. A web site [2] was created to provide a growing repository of resources related to
confined masonry construction, including training materials, guidelines, and research papers.
Besides compiling the existing resources on confined masonry, the group committed to
developing global guides for design and construction of confined masonry buildings and a state-
of-the-art report on research needs. The network provides a platform for discussion on issues
related to confined masonry design and construction in seismic areas.

At this stage, the design guide for low-rise confined masonry buildings has been
completed, while the construction guide and the guide for design of engineered buildings are
currently being developed. This paper presents an overview of the guides and their key features.

Design Guidelines for Non-Engineered Confined Masonry Buildings

The first guideline published by the Confined Masonry Network in August 2011 was the Seismic
Design Guide for Low-Rise Confined Masonry Buildings (referred hereon as the Guide) [3]. The
Guide was developed by thirteen international experts in earthquake engineering and confined
masonry structures. The recommendations in the Guide are based on design codes and research
studies from countries and regions where confined masonry construction is well established,
including Mexico, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Iran, Indonesia, China, Algeria, and Slovenia.

The Guide contains prescriptive design recommendations for one- and two-story
buildings that are constructed without technical input of qualified technicians. Since the Guide is
intended to be used by non-engineers, engineering calculations are not required for its
application. Differences in seismic hazard level, construction materials and practices such as
different floor/roof systems (light wooden roof versus reinforced concrete slabs) have been
addressed by the Guide.
The Guide is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 provides an overview of confined
masonry construction and its components, and includes a discussion on the mechanisms of
seismic response for confined masonry buildings. Chapter 2 presents general requirements
related to confined masonry construction, including architectural planning considerations and
materials. The heart of the document is Chapter 3, which outlines prescriptive design
recommendations for low-rise confined masonry buildings, including recommendations for wall
layout and density, minimum size requirements for structural components, and reinforcement
size and detailing. The Guide also summarizes seismic design provisions for confined masonry
buildings from relevant international codes.

Recommendation Highlights

The recommendations can be grouped into three general areas: material types and mechanical
properties, wall design recommendations, and details related to confining RC elements (tie-
beams and tie-columns).

Material Types and Mechanical Properties

Most types of standard masonry units can be used for confined masonry construction. Research
and post-earthquake observations indicate that confined masonry walls built with solid units (e.g.
clay bricks) perform better than walls with multi-perforated units (e.g. clay tiles) or hollow
concrete blocks. Thus the Guide includes recommendations related to the amount of perforations
or holes within masonry units, expressed as a fraction of the unit’s gross cross-sectional area.

Minimum recommended compressive strengths for various masonry units and mortar
types are included in the Guide, as are minimum compressive strengths for concrete and masonry
units and minimum yield strengths for reinforcing steel in RC confining elements. These
strengths are based on a survey of minimum material strengths specified in building codes and
technical guidelines from several countries. When technical information on locally available
units is available, the Guide recommends that this data be used by qualified technicians to adjust
the specifications accordingly.

Wall Design Recommendations

Wall density is a key indicator of seismic safety for low-rise confined masonry buildings, as
confirmed by a study following the 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake [4]. The wall density index is
a ratio of the total wall area in each orthogonal direction to the building plan area. The required
wall density index for a particular building is determined from the Simplified Method based on
the Mexican building code [5]. It depends on the seismic hazard, soil type, number of stories,
masonry shear strength, building weight, and gravity load-bearing capacity. The following
alternative approaches are available for checking whether the wall density index for a building is
within the recommended limits: 1) the value should be compared to the maximum value
recommended in the Guide, or 2) the required wall density index can be calculated from design
equations. This method can be used in lieu of a detailed analysis for regular buildings (without
significant torsional effects), and when shear failure mechanism is predominant for confined
masonry walls. Thus walls with large openings or with height/length ratios of 1.5 or higher are
not counted as confined masonry walls.

The presence of openings of significant size can have a negative influence upon seismic
resistance of confined masonry walls, according to research evidence and reports from past
earthquakes. The effect of openings on seismic performance of confined masonry structures
depends on their size and location. Ideally, confining elements (RC tie-columns) should be
provided on the sides of the openings, but that is not always feasible. The Guide includes
recommendations for how to account for unconfined wall openings in the wall density analysis.

The Guide also includes recommendations for wall thickness, height, height/thickness
ratio, and spacing. It also provides recommendations for parapets and gable walls.

Confining Reinforced Concrete Beams and Columns

Reinforced concrete tie-columns and tie-beams are effective in improving stability and integrity
of masonry walls for in-plane and out-of-plane earthquake effects. These elements prevent brittle
seismic response of masonry walls and protect them from complete disintegration even in major
earthquakes. Confining elements, particularly tie-columns, contribute to the overall building
stability for gravity loads. In order to ensure proper confinement the tie-columns and tie-beams
must be carefully detailed and constructed. To assist in this, the Guide includes several
recommendations for tie-columns and tie-beams, including sizes, locations, spacing,
reinforcement details, and concrete placement.

Adequate bond between a masonry wall and the adjacent tie-columns is important for
satisfactory earthquake performance and for delaying undesirable cracking and separation at the
wall-to-tie-column interface. Bonding can be achieved by either toothing at the wall-to-tie-
column interface or with reinforcing dowels. Toothing is the most common approach. The Guide
includes recommended details for toothing construction.

Design Guidelines for Engineered Confined Masonry Buildings

A number of countries have building codes that include provisions for confined masonry,
including Mexico, Peru, Chile, and the European Union among others. There are other countries,
for example Haiti and Indonesia, where confined masonry is a common method of construction
but the building codes do not include provisions for it. Because of differences in construction
practices, seismic hazards, and other factors, it can be a significant challenge to adopt the
building code provisions from one country for use in another country where such provisions do
not exist.

During the development of the guidelines for seismic design of non-engineered confined
masonry buildings, the development team determined that there should be a separate guideline
document for the engineered design of confined masonry buildings. A new team of international
experts was assembled in 2013 and is currently developing this document. The intent of these
guidelines is to provide recommendations for the design of confined masonry buildings three
stories and taller, as well as irregular buildings with configurations that require a detailed
engineered design instead of a prescriptive approach.
Key Topics and Challenges

The topics proposed for the engineering guidelines include ductility, analysis methodology, and
design for in-plane and out-of-plane seismic effects.


A confined masonry wall consists of an unreinforced masonry wall surrounded by reinforced

concrete confining elements that resemble a RC concrete frame but are designed and detailed to
achieve pin connections as opposed to rigid connections characteristic of RC frames. Riahi,
Elwood, and Alcocer [6] developed a backbone curve for confined masonry walls using the
results from 102 monotonic and reversed-cyclic tests collected from several countries and found
that the tests demonstrated significant ductility of confined masonry walls in the post-cracking
stage. Numerous research studies, including shaking table testing of building models, have been
performed in Mexico [7], Peru [8], and Slovenia [9], to evaluate seismic performance of
confined masonry structures.

A response reduction factor, R, is used in building codes to quantify the ability of a

structural component to dissipate earthquake energy and perform in a ductile manner. Structures
made of brittle materials, such as unreinforced masonry buildings, are characterized by a low
response reduction factor. Likewise, structures made of ductile materials, such as steel frames,
have relatively high R-factors. Building codes in countries where confined masonry has been
practiced, such as Mexico [5], specify R-factors for confined masonry buildings. However, there
are many building codes that do not include an R-factor specifically for confined masonry walls,
in some cases because confined masonry construction is not a common practice. In the absence
of code guidance, engineers in some countries use conservative R-factor values for confined
masonry, e.g. the same value as for unreinforced masonry. However, because confined masonry
walls have proven to be much more ductile than unreinforced masonry, using its R-value would
be highly conservative. The authors of the guide are working on determining an appropriate R-
factor for confined masonry buildings based on the provisions of several building codes and the
methodology proposed in FEMA P695 [10], as discussed by Goddell and Laberenne [11].

Analysis Methods & Modeling

For buildings without structural irregularities the linear static analysis methods specified in most
building codes can be successfully used for confined masonry buildings. Irregular confined
masonry structures that require a dynamic and/or a non-linear analysis, however, present a
significant challenge because of the difficulties in creating analysis models that accurately reflect
the behavior of confined masonry walls. Much of this difficulty comes from the fact that
confined masonry walls are not homogeneous, but rather consist of several different discrete
elements including bricks, mortar, concrete, and reinforcing steel. A successful model would
need to be able to tie all of these elements together so that the wall behaves as one element. It
would also need to account for the limitations of individual materials and the behavioral
characteristics of the connections, in particular the masonry to concrete connections and the tie-
beam to tie-column connections. In addition, a successful model would also need to accurately
tie in the floor and foundation elements to the wall elements.

A significant portion of the guideline will be devoted to the recommendations for

modeling confined masonry structures at different complexity levels, ranging from the Wide
Column model used for analysis of confined masonry buildings in countries like Mexico [12] to
micro- and meso-models which have been recently developed and validated with results from
experimental studies [13].

Design of Confined Masonry Wall Panels for In-Plane Seismic Effects

Appendix C of the Seismic Design Guide for Low-Rise Confined Masonry Buildings [3] includes
a comparison of some of the confined masonry provisions specified in various municipal and
national building codes. This comparison includes the provisions for determining the in-plane
shear capacity of confined masonry walls. There are some similarities between the different
provisions. For example, most codes factor in a percentage of the axial compression stress on the
wall into the shear capacity. The factors range between 0.12 and 0.33 times the axial stress.
There are also some significant differences in these provisions. For example, there are codes that
account for the shear capacity of the tie-columns in the wall shear capacity equation, whereas
other codes specifically exclude it. Some provisions are specific to individual codes. For
example, the Peruvian code [14] specifies different shear capacities for different masonry unit
types and includes an in-plane slenderness reduction factor. The Algerian code [15] specifically
requires a strut-and-tie design. The authors of the guide will conduct a comparison of different
provisions for shear capacity to develop a recommended generic in-plane shear capacity equation
for use in countries where the building codes do not contain such provisions.

In-plane overturning of confined masonry walls is typically addressed by either limiting

the wall aspect ratio or by assuming that the overturning forces are resisted entirely by a force
couple in the tie-columns. These simplified methods are usually sufficient for most cases,
especially since typical confined masonry construction uses heavy concrete floor slabs that
restrict the development of uplift in the walls.

Design of Confined Masonry Wall Panels for Out-of-Plane Seismic Effects

Most building codes address out-of-plane wall stability considerations by restricting its
height/thickness ratio. However, the performance of slender confined masonry walls in the recent
earthquakes in Indonesia [16, 17] suggests that even walls with height/thickness ratios as high as
30 were able to resist out-of-plane seismic effects without collapse. Findings of an experimental
study involving full-scale shaking table testing of a typical Indonesian confined masonry
building [18] pointed to similar conclusions. The factors that determine the out-of-plane
performance of confined masonry walls in general and the walls in Indonesia in particular are not
fully understood due to limited research evidence. Some of the factors that could play a role
include arching action, the length-to-thickness ratio as well as the height-to-thickness ratio, and
the stiffness of the tie-columns and tie-beams. Research studies on out-of-plane behavior of
confined masonry wall panels from Mexico [19] and India [20] may lead to the development of
rational design criteria for confined masonry walls subjected to out-of-plane seismic effects that
could be used in countries such as Indonesia where wall height/thickness restrictions are not

Construction Guidelines for Confined Masonry Buildings

Concurrent to the development of design guidelines for confined masonry, another group of
international experts has been working on companion construction guidelines. These guidelines
are being written primarily for builders of confined masonry buildings and the focus is on the
practical aspects of confined masonry. The recommendations have been drawn from guidelines
developed in several countries, including Pakistan [21], Peru [22], and Indonesia [23, 24], as
well as reconstruction experience from the 2010 Haiti earthquake [25]. The goal of the
construction guidelines is to compile the best practices into one document that can then be
adapted for use in specific countries.

Recommendation Highlights

The recommendations are grouped into four general areas: layout and configuration, materials,
workmanship, and quality control. The following paragraphs will focus on construction practice
aspect of the guide.


Masonry units should have a uniform color and regular form and should not be twisted, bent, or
lumpy. Where possible, the units should be manufactured in a plant rather than at the
construction site due to superior quality control. In some cases, it is possible to assess quality
through simple field tests. For example, bricks can be field tested by a three point load test where
an average person stands on the brick to see if it will break.

Portland cement is usually readily available in countries where confined masonry is

constructed. Hydrated lime has been used in concrete mixes with positive results. River or
crushed quarry sand between 1 and 4 mm particle size is recommended. Beach sand should be
avoided because of its chlorine content. Both the sand and aggregate should be washed and
cleaned of mud, dirt, and debris prior to mixing them with the cement.

The use of ribbed reinforcing steel is recommended for longitudinal reinforcement in

concrete tie-columns and tie-beams. Smooth bars can still be used for stirrups. It is important to
protect the steel from weather prior to installation, particularly in moist environments where
unprotected steel can quickly start to rust.

Construction Practice

Confined masonry walls are relatively stiff and solid compared to light frame systems and are
not easily adaptable to changes in building elevation such as sloping sites. Thus it is
recommended that the building site be leveled as much as possible prior to construction.
Confined masonry walls are also vulnerable to cracking due to differential settlement. For that
reason, if the building site consists of expansive soils or uncompacted fill material, either the soil
should be excavated and replaced or a lighter framed system should be considered instead of
confined masonry.

The foundations for confined masonry buildings are usually either cast-in-place concrete
footings or stone footings with a concrete plinth beam on top, directly beneath the masonry.
Concrete spread footings are recommended beneath RC tie-columns in multi-story structures and
single-story buildings with concrete roofs. If the building is one-story and the roof is framed with
light material such as wood, the builder can consider not installing a spread footing and instead
have the columns bearing on the RC plinth beam or continuous concrete strip footing typical for
wall construction.

Once the foundation is placed, the next phase of work is the construction of masonry
walls. It is recommended to place the masonry units one course at a time, using a plumb to
maintain vertical alignment. The walls should be built using a staggered or running bond instead
of a stacked bond due to its superior seismic performance. Clay bricks have a tendency to be dry
so it is recommended that they be soaked in clean water prior to placement, or else they may dry
out the mortar by absorbing the water from it, turning the mortar into a powder.

The reinforcement for the RC tie-beams and tie-columns is placed next. It is critical that
tie-beam-to-tie-column joints remain intact in order to maintain confinement of masonry walls in
post-cracking stage. For that reason the longitudinal reinforcement in both the tie-beams and tie-
columns should be fully developed at the beam to column connections with 90 degree hooks
lapped with the intersecting reinforcing. Similar hooks are also recommended at beam-to-beam
connections. In some countries it is custom to terminate the longitudinal steel with 180 degree
hooks and no laps. This configuration should be avoided.

Transverse reinforcement in the form of ties is required for both the tie-beams and tie-
columns. Since the beam-to-column connections can be subjected to significant shear stresses as
the shear force transfers from the beam to the wall, the tie spacing in both the tie-beams and the
tie-columns should be reduced at these connections. The transverse reinforcement should be
closed ties with 135 degree hooks that are staggered so that they do not all occur at the same
corner of the tie-beam or tie-column.

The tie-beams and tie-columns are formed with formwork (usually wood) prior to the
concrete placement. One common custom is to size the tie-columns to be the same size as the
masonry wall thickness, since this allows the column formwork to be placed directly up against
the masonry.

The concrete can be mixed either with a mixer or by hand. Although concrete mixed with
a mixer generally produces stronger concrete, mixing by hand can produce adequate concrete
provided that quality control procedures are exercised. Concrete placement is usually done by
hand using buckets and wheelbarrows. Consolidation is critical for these members since their
small size makes them susceptible to voids and rock pockets forming. This is a particular
concern for tie-columns with toothing joints where the concrete poured from the top of the wall
has to fill each joint. Thus the use of vibrators or tamping rods is highly recommended.

This paper outlines development and key recommendations of design and construction
guidelines for confined masonry buildings in regions of moderate to high seismic hazard. It is
expected that these guidelines will be used primarily in countries where confined masonry
construction is not addressed by building codes. The guideline for non-engineered confined
masonry buildings recommends prescriptive design provisions for low-rise buildings related to
the wall layout and density, and prescribes minimum size requirements for structural components
of confined masonry buildings, reinforcement size and detailing. The guide also includes a
summary of the seismic design provisions for confined masonry buildings from relevant
international codes.

A guideline for engineered confined masonry buildings is currently in development. This

document will provide guidance on the ductility of confined masonry structures;
recommendations for analysis and modeling methods; and design for in-plane and out-of-plane
seismic effects.

A construction guideline for confined masonry buildings is also currently being developed. This
document will draw from existing construction guidelines to create a more universal guideline
that will include recommendations for wall layout and configuration, materials, workmanship,
and quality control.


The authors wish to acknowledge Dr. Roberto Meli, Tom Schacher, Dr. Marcial Blondet, and Dr.
Francisco Crisafulli, for their leadership and contributions related to the guidelines presented in
this paper. The authors are grateful to the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, particularly
Marjorie Greene, for continuous support and encouragement.


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