Intracranial Metallic Foreign Bodies in A Man With A Headache

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Neurology International 2012; volume 4:e18

Intracranial metallic foreign Case Report Correspondence: Tuncay Kaner, Istanbul

bodies in a man with a headache Medeniyet University School of Medicine,
A 22-year old man, who was employed as a Department of Neurosurgery, Istanbul, Turkey.
Zerrin Pelin,1 Tuncay Kaner2 construction worker, presented with a history Tel. +90.532.2627715.
1Erenköy of chronic headaches. He was from a small vil- E-mail:
Psychiatry and Neurology,
Education and Research Hospital, lage in eastern Turkey and he is the third of 8
Key words: brain, foreign body, sewing needle,
Department of Neurology, Istanbul; children. His headaches had begun when he
homicide, headache.
2Istanbul Medeniyet University School was five years old. During his childhood, dif-
of Medicine, Department fuse pain involving posterior aspects of the Conflict of interests: the authors report no poten-
head and periorbital area occurred regularly, tial conflict of interests.
of Neurosurgery, Istanbul, Turkey
especially when he was concentrating on
something in particular. He denied any hospi- Received for publication: 29 July 2012.
talizations during childhood due to his fami- Revision received: 23 August 2012.
ly’s poor socio-economic status. When he was Accepted for publication: 2 October 2012.
Abstract 20 years old, the frequency and intensity of
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
his headaches began to increase. The Attribution NonCommercial 3.0 License (CC BY-
We report the case of a 22-year old man with headache recurred every day and lasted for NC 3.0).
intracranial metallic foreign bodies who pre- more than four hours. During episodes of
sented complaining of a headache. His history headache, the most uncomfortable area was ©Copyright Z. Pelin and T. Kaner, 2012
of headaches had begun when he was five the periorbital areas. Although non-steroidal Licensee PAGEPress, Italy
anti-inflammatory drugs, such as naproxen Neurology International 2012; 4:e18
years old and continued with increasing sever-
ity. Six months before hospital admission, nau- sodium, diclofenac sodium and ibuprofen,
sea and vomiting began to accompany his were given to the patient, they did not supply
headache. Computed tomography scan permanent analgesia. Six months before
revealed that 2 metallic foreign bodies were admission to our clinic, his headache took on between intracranial needles and headaches.
located adjacent to the vertex and another was a pulsating quality accompanied with nausea There are previously reported cases of sewing
next to the ambient cistern. The location and and vomiting. needles and other foreign objects retained in
position of foreign bodies suggested that they On admission, his general physical status was the brain for long periods of time without any
were introduced in infancy through the anteri- found to be normal. He was conscious, alert symptoms. In our case, the intracranial nee-
or fontanelle before its closure in an unsuc- and cooperative. He did not have any physical dles were detected after a long period of time.
cessful homicide attempt. This case is one of signs of injury. The patient had no evidence of During that period, the intensity, duration
the few reported cases combining headache intellectual problems, delayed growth or men- and localization of the headache altered as did
and intracranial foreign bodies and we discuss tal retardation. Neurological examination did the accompanying symptoms. All other report-
not show any abnormalities. ed cases except one describe single intracra-
the relationship between headache and these
Cranial radiography detected what appeared nial metallic objects. The radiological findings
metallic materials.
to be foreign bodies adjacent to the vertex in our patients strongly suggest that three
region (Figure 1). Three dimensional cranial needles had been introduced into the brain.
computed tomography (CT) was performed to A variety of penetrating objects of the skull
further evaluate the presence of the foreign and brain have been reported, including
Introduction objects in the cranium. A CT scan showed 2 blades, nails, pencils, splinters of wood and
metallic foreign bodies adjacent to the vertex wire.4 Intracranial foreign bodies are usually
Intracranial foreign bodies are generally due to and one adjacent to the ambient cistern due to penetrating injuries through the cra-
penetrating injuries through the orbit, ear or (Figures 2 and 3). nial bones, orbits and ear.1-3 Intracranial
cranial bones.1-3 Penetrating trauma second- The patient and his relatives stated that they sewing needles have been previously reported
ary to gunshot wounds are a common cause of did not know how these metallic bodies had in the literature.5-9 It has also been reported
injury. However, penetrating cranio-cerebral been introduced. The positions of the foreign that surgical objects may be left in the brain
injuries due to objects such as needles, iron bodies, however, suggested that they were during surgery.10 The radiological findings in
rods, pieces of wood or nails are rare.4 probably inserted through the anterior our patient demonstrated that intracranial
It is rare to discover a foreign body which has fontanelle when the patient was an infant. foreign bodies resembled sewing needles. The
been inserted through either of the Surgical intervention was considered unnec- locations of these objects suggested that
fontanelles before their closure in an attempt- essary and potentially hazardous to the intracranial needles might have been inserted
ed infanticide.5-7 Such foreign bodies are usu- patient, and the metallic foreign bodies in his through the cranium during infancy before
ally detected accidentally, most often after cranium were accepted as an incidental find- the closure of the fontanelle. The intracranial
minor head injury necessitating plain cranial ing. He was discharged from the hospital with location of the sewing needles are thought to
radiography.6 There are only a few patients in analgesic medications and was informed be the result of an unsuccessful infanticide
the literature who present with headache or about the contraindications for magnetic res- attempt or of an accident during infancy.7,11
seizures who have intracranial foreign bod- onance imaging. Amirjamshidi et al. suggested that this is a
ies. In this case, we report a patient with 3 kind of so called battered child syndrome phe-
intracranial metallic foreign bodies who suf- nomenon which might have been traditional
fered from headaches. and prevalent in some communities.12 This
Discussion kind of accident might also have been due to
another child poking a baby with a couple of
We report a case of a possible association needles, or the child could have done it him-

[Neurology International 2012; 4:e18] [page 85]

Case Report

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[page 86] [Neurology International 2012; 4:e18]

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