Analytics in Pharma

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Analytics in Pharma and Life Sciences

Overcoming Challenges in Data Integration, Stakeholder Abhishek Menon, Practice Director
Anupam Jain, Practice Director
Collaboration, and Talent/Technology Investment to
Copyright © 2014, Everest Global, Inc. All rights reserved.
Operationalize Analytics in Pharma and Life Sciences

This report has been licensed for exclusive use and distribution by Genpact


Executive Summary

The pharma and life sciences industry is faced with increasing regulatory
 Improvement in regulatory
oversight, decreasing Research & Development (R&D) productivity, challenges
compliance / internal to growth and profitability, and the impact of digitization in the value chain. The
reporting regulatory changes led by the far-reaching Patient Protection and Affordable
– Increased timeliness and Care Act (PPACA) in the United States are forcing the pharma and life sciences
accuracy of PV regulatory industry to change its status quo. Besides the increasing cost of regulatory
reporting to over 90%
 Better marketing/sales support
compliance, the industry is facing rising R&D costs, even though the health
– 300% increase in cross- / outcomes are deteriorating. Led by the regulatory changes, the customer
up-sell opportunity and demographics are also changing. The growth is being driven by emerging
also increased customer geographies of Asia Pacific (APAC) and Latin America (LATAM). As a result, the
conversion rates pharma and life sciences industry is compelled to focus on these relatively
 Product/service enhancement
nascent and evolving markets. Concepts of cloud, mobility, and social media
– Drop in readmission rates,
especially for critical are enabling organizations to rationalize internal costs, facilitate integration of
ailments information and processes across departments, and focus on better profiling
and targeting of clients and medical practitioners.

The industry is viewing the increased regulatory supervision as a burden.

Keys to operationalize customer However, the regulatory requirements are putting in place a foundation for data
analytics requirements that can be used to drive pharma and life sciences analytics.
 Embrace analytics-driven
Organizations can extract additional value in a challenging market, and create
decision making
 Standardization and
competitive differentiation by utilizing this opportunity.
digitization of data
 Leverage third-party Application of pharma and life sciences analytics ranges from basic reporting
providers and internal dashboard creation to high-end predictive and prescriptive
 Increasing Intra-group
analytics. The key applications of analytics in pharma and life sciences include
regulatory compliance reporting, marketing/sales support, and product/service
enablement. The third-party analytics services market for healthcare is expected
to increase by over five times its current size by 2020.
Fast reference
Today, however, the market is still in a fairly nascent stage and there are
Executive summary..................2 significant challenges, such as poor data integration, lack of investment in
Key drivers.............................3
talent and technology, and limited stakeholder alignment, impacting this
industry. However, the best practices are emerging to help overcome these
Impact of analytics.................6 challenges and push pharma and life sciences analytics further on the path of
rapid growth.
Operationalizing analytics......9

Conclusion...........................12 This paper describes the “art of the possible” in analytics, specifically within the
context of how it adds value to the pharma and life sciences industry. The paper
focuses on:
 Pharma and life sciences industry challenges and opportunities, where
analytics plays a role
 Range of analytics leveraged in pharma and life sciences industry and
examples of how it creates value for the business
 Critical challenges and the emerging best practices in operationalizing
analytics in the pharma and life sciences industry 2


Drivers of Analytics in Pharma and Life Sciences

The pharma and life sciences industry is undergoing tectonic shifts. Introduction
of the far-reaching PPACA in the United States and other similar regulations
across the globe are not only changing the regulatory framework, but are also
impacting the cost and revenue potential of the healthcare payers, providers,
and pharmaceutical firms, specifically around R&D productivity and the ability to
drive growth and profitability. Additionally, the impact of digitization on the value
chain is adding an additional twist to an already complex and tough industry
(see Exhibit 1).

EXHIBIT 1 Compliance R&D productivity

 Evolving stringent  Rising R&D expenditures
regulatory environment  Falling FDA approvals
Drivers of analytics in pharma  Rising cost of compliance  Static/deteriorating health

and life sciences  Significant risk of non- outcomes


Drivers of
analytics in pharma
and life sciences

Value chain digitization Profitable growth

 Increasing cloud-based  Loss of patent exclusivity
services and mobility  Need for globalization
solutions  New customer demographics
 Proliferation of social media
 Rising competition / industry
 Innovative and customized

Cost of regulatory compliance 1. Compliance

The Center for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS) The regulatory framework of the pharma and life sciences industry is undergoing
estimates that the cost of significant changes. The introduction of the PPACA and other similar regulations
compliance for the Sunshine Act across the globe are leading to increased scrutiny of the industry.
(introduced under the aegis of
PPACA) would be US$269 Besides the obvious cost of compliance to regulations and the penalties for non-
million, with subsequent years compliance, the regulatory requirements are bringing about far reaching
costing US$180 million to the changes in the industry. For example, the PPACA is forcing the industry to
broader pharma and life become outcome-based rather than input-oriented. PPACA is, over time, moving
sciences industry the industry to a model of reimbursement, based on health outcomes. Drug
effectiveness (performance in uncontrolled everyday practice) is becoming more
Cost of non-compliance important than drug efficacy (measured in a trial environment).
Timely and accurate reporting is
critical for the Sunshine Act, as The regulatory regime also differs significantly across geographies, forcing global
non-compliance penalties range companies to adhere to multiple regulatory regimes. For example, the Physician
from US$10,000 for each Payments Sunshine Act (PPSA) makes it mandatory for drug companies to report
payment not reported (subject to all transfers of value to medical practitioners. It has equivalent and more
a maximum of US$150,000) to
stringent provisions in European countries. Pharmacovigilance (PV)1 reporting is
US$100,000 for knowingly
governed by global, regional, and country-specific regulations that must be
withholding information (capped
adhered to, in order to operate across the world.
at US$1 million)

1 PV is the science of collection, detection, assessment, monitoring, and prevention of adverse effects with pharmaceutical products 3


2. R&D productivity

Worsening health outcomes in The increased regulatory oversight is leading to a rise in the cost of R&D for
spite of increasing healthcare drug development. The increasingly stringent U.S. Food and Drug
costs Administration (FDA) guidelines are also leading to a lower rate of approval for
 Adverse event reports to the new drugs. In spite of this increased supervision, health outcomes are at best
FDA increased at 4% CAGR
static or deteriorating, forcing healthcare payers to move towards an outcome-
oriented reimbursement regime. Affordable Care Organizations (ACO) created
from 2003 to 2011, while
under the aegis of PPACA have started to focus more on health outcomes and
serious/death outcomes
will, in fact, be reimbursed based on the outcomes and feedback from patients.
increased at 16% CAGR in
Over time, all healthcare providers and pharmaceutical firms are expected to
the same time frame gradually move towards an outcome-oriented regime. Healthcare providers
 The cost of drug development and pharmaceutical firms are also, then, forced to identify cost optimization
has skyrocketed by more than measures to reduce costs while delivering better health outcomes.
400% in less than 20 years
3. Profitable growth

New customer demographic The patent protection on many of the blockbuster drugs introduced over
There are an estimated 30 previous years has expired, leading to increased competition from generics.
million Americans without health
insurance, who need to get The new healthcare reform is creating a large opportunity by opening up the
enrolled by March 2014 to avoid market to a new demographic of customers that has traditionally been
a penalty in their 2014 tax return underserved by the pharma and life sciences industry. The traditional and
mature markets of North America and Europe are getting saturated, and the
new growth is being driven by emerging geographies in APAC and LATAM. The
industry needs to globalize in order to fulfill this new demand and meet its
growth objectives.

Pharmaceutical firms are increasingly looking to acquisitions to manage the

increased competition, enter new markets, and combat the threat from
generics. This is leading to a wave of consolidation in the pharmaceutical

4. Value chain digitization

The advent of cloud-based services and mobility solutions offer pharmaceutical

firms the ability to rationalize internal costs, increase agility in responding to
client needs, and facilitate an integration of information and processes across
R&D, regulatory compliance, marketing/sales, and customer service.

The proliferation of media in general, and social media in particular, is

increasing the public scrutiny on the industry. Drug recalls / adverse reactions
are receiving significant attention. The pharmaceutical-medical practitioner
relationship is under extreme public scrutiny due to the information being in the
public domain as mandated by PPSA. Customers are also leveraging the digital
media to take healthcare-related decisions. As a result, it has become
imperative for the industry to have a well-thought out digital media strategy
(see Exhibit 2). 4



Drug discovery/ Clinical and Manufacturing Supply chain &
Marketing and sales
Need for digitization across the research pre-clinical trials operations distribution

pharma and life sciences value Cloud-based simulation

Electronic data-capture
Synchronizing ERP and
information systems
Social-media presence
and engagement
RFID solutions

Electronic product code

chain Model-outcomes testing Pharmacovigilance- Facilitate regulatory Patient and physician
Remote product
driven process compliance outreach
monitoring monitoring
Social collaboration with Usage-based Mobile apps
stakeholders Mobile clinical-trial information management Mobile anti-counterfeit
management solutions Information drugs identification
Mobility-driven real-time dissemination
Digitization of value chain electronic research data Unified planning, setup, Centralized batch Real-time tracking of
exchange & execution of clinical monitoring Behavioral marketing logistics and
trials transportation
Context-based services
Cloud-based portals for assembly/testing remotely- Predictive modeling to
collected research and trial data Mobility initiatives and optimize order fulfillment
promotional campaigns

Tracking sales activity


Social media integration

Bundled PaaS solutions

Cloud-driven collaboration tools to engage stakeholders

Enterprise mobility

Information backup and recovery

The increased use of technology and the requirement to gather data as

mandated by regulations, such as the PPSA, provide pharmaceutical firms the
ability to better profile and segment medical practitioners, allowing for a more
targeted sales approach. Sales representatives can be enabled with specific
promotional material and approaches, based on the practitioner profile.
Similarly, on the customer side, a larger volume of data is available through
digital media. This allows for more targeted marketing efforts based on
customer segmentation and profiling. 5


The Role and Impact of Analytics in Pharma and Life


“ Using analytics can reduce U.S.

healthcare expenditure by
US$200 billion.
Analytics is playing a key role in helping the pharma and life sciences industry
manage the rapidly changing environment and better manage the challenges.
While adoption of analytics is still at a fairly nascent stage, third-party analytics
business services is growing rapidly and is expected to increase by over five
– The big data revolution in
healthcare: Accelerating value
times its current size by 2020 (see Exhibit 3).
and innovation. McKinsey &
Company. January 2013

Analytics BPS1 adoption by industry Analytics BPS1 industry size and growth
EXHIBIT 3 2013; Revenue in US$ billion in healthcare, pharma, and life sciences
Annual revenue in US$ million
Size and growth of analytics BPS 100% = 2.0-2.5
CPG & retail
in healthcare, pharma, and life

CA 7%

Others2 6% 8% pharma, and
Source: Everest Group life sciences
Media &
entertainment 10%
Professional 6% Banking 160-200
services 6% 10%
Manufacturing Insurance 2013 2020E
Hi-tech &
1 Analytics Business Process Services (BPS) represents third-party services of the analytics industry and does not
include size of internal analytics initiatives and/or revenue of analytics products from companies such as SAS,
Oracle, SAP, and Microsoft
2 Include public sector, travel & logistics, and energy & utilities

Analytical solutions have grown tremendously over the last decade, specifically,
in terms of their sophistication and the resulting business impact they create.
There is a wide range of analytics solutions being deployed in the pharma and
life sciences industry (see Exhibit 4). While basic reporting continues to be a
must-have, advanced predictive and prescriptive analytics are now starting to
generate powerful insights.
Relative maturity of analytics solutions
EXHIBIT 4 Percentage of third-party offshore analytics FTEs

Range of analytics leveraged in

pharma and life sciences
areas of 4. Prescriptive
interest analytics
Business impact

Source: Everest Group 24%

3. Predictive

41% 2. Descriptive
24% analytics
Most prevalent
1. Reporting

Sophistication of solution 6


1. Reporting. The most basic version of analytics solution that focuses on

building data repositories and reporting the current situation using simple
and uni- or bi-variate data. Typical examples in pharma and life sciences
include adverse event reporting and PPSA-based reporting
2. Descriptive analytics. Generating actionable insights on the current situation
using complex and multi-variate data. Typical examples in pharma and life
sciences include marketing, Return on Investment (RoI) measurement,
customer journey analysis, and customer satisfaction analysis
3. Predictive analytics. Predicting the likely future outcome of events often
leveraging structured and unstructured data from a variety of sources.
Typical examples in pharma and life sciences include customer lifetime value
analysis, revenue forecasting based on health outcomes, and prediction of
adverse event occurrence
4. Prescriptive analytics. Prescribing action items required to deal with
predicted future events using data from a variety of sources. Often
associated with simulations in various business scenarios. Typical examples
in pharma and life sciences include Electronic Health Records (EHR) analysis
for insights into early-stage drug development, marketing strategy planning,
and guidance to medical practitioners on the best medical

The application of pharma and life sciences analytics falls into three key areas:
1. Regulatory compliance / internal reporting
2. Marketing/sales support
3. Product/service enhancement

Typical analytics in each of these areas is summarized in Exhibit 5.

EXHIBIT 5 Key application of

analytics pharma and life
Types of analytics in pharma
and life sciences Regulatory compliance / Product/service
Marketing/sales support
internal reporting enhancement

 Adverse event reporting  Marketing spend tracking  Drug effectiveness

descriptive analytics

 PV master data  Marketing RoI reporting

Reporting and

management measurement  Patient health outcomes

 Regulatory reporting  Customer account activity tracking
based on Sunshine Act tracking  Rating of providers based
requirements  First Call Resolution (FCR) on health outcomes
analytics  Reimbursement
 Customer journey analysis calculations based on
 Brand reputation analysis health outcomes

 Forecasting PV  Forecasting sales based  Signal analysis to predict

prescriptive analytics

workload based on past on past marketing RoI data potential occurrence of

Predictive and

data  Marketing budget serious adverse events

estimation for new drugs  EHR and health outcome
 Revenue forecasting based analysis to develop
on health outcomes for insights in the early stages
providers of drug development
 Revenue forecasting for  Guidance to medical
pharmaceutical firms practitioners on the best
based on drug medical
effectiveness procedure/approach
 Customer lifetime value
analysis/customer retention
 Customer segmentation
 Up- / cross-sell opportunity
analysis 7


Examples of regulatory 1. Regulatory compliance / internal reporting. The use of analytics helps
compliance / internal reporting organizations ensure regulatory compliance, while minimizing the cost of
impact ensuring compliance and mitigating the risk of non-compliance. The people,
 Increased timeliness and process, and technology being put in place to manage regulatory reporting
accuracy of PV regulatory
requirements is also helping organizations do better internal reporting and
tracking, as well as use this foundation for complex, high-impact analytics. As
reporting to over 90%
a result, the burden of regulatory compliance can be converted into an
 Replacement of multitude of
opportunity for high value-adding analytics impacting the marketing/sales
reports with a few more
and product/service delivery. For example, the reporting requirements under
insightful dashboards PPSA have created an opportunity to better track and predict marketing RoI,
which was hitherto a fuzzy and relatively difficult metric to measure

Examples of marketing/sales 2. Marketing/sales support. The vast amount of data collected and classified as
support analytics impact part of regulatory requirements has created opportunities for enhancing the
 300% increase in cross- / up- sales and marketing functions. For example, the marketing expense data
collected, as required under the PPSA, is helping pharmaceutical firms
sell opportunity and also
measure the RoI from marketing initiatives across channels, products, and
increased customer
locations. Also, learning from the reported information of competitors can
conversion rates
help refine and optimize the marketing strategy based on the medical
 80% reduction in customer
practitioners being targeted.
 Increase customer satisfaction The vast amount of information available from medical claims, health
scores by 25 to 30% assessments, health screenings, wellness activities, pharmacy claims, and
general customer information from online/social media sources, can be
brought together to generate significant insights into customers, and hence,
aid the sales process. Up- / cross-sell, customer lifetime value, and customer
retention metrics can be enhanced with the aid of pharma and life sciences
analytics on customer data

3. Product/service enhancement. Adverse event reporting requirement, as part

Examples of product/service
of PV, and the mandate to drive health outcomes is leading to the integration
enhancement analytics impact
of clinical trial data, hospital records, physician notes, research papers, and
Drop in readmission rates
patient demographic and characteristics data (including digital/social media
especially for critical ailments
information). This rich source of data can be used to create insights to aid
the early stages of drug development and testing for potential adverse events.
Also, the health outcome analytics can help guide medical practitioners on
the best medical process/approach based on analyzing the past data, giving
practical insights relevant to patient demographic, location, etc., to drive the
best outcomes 8


Operationalizing Analytics in Pharma and Life Sciences –

Challenges and the Emerging Best Practices

Analytics in pharma and life sciences promises significant value creation

potential, if it is operationalized keeping the following three success factors in
1. Business insights are created using data
2. Insights are used to take decisive action
3. Results from business decisions are fed back to improve data and analytics

This “data-to-insight-to-action” loop is summarized in Exhibit 6 below.

Challenge: Lack of Challenge: Lack of Challenge: Lack of Challenge: Lack of
analytics-driven data integration investment in talent stakeholder
culture and technology alignment/collaboration
Typical challenges across the
“data-to-insight-to-action” loop 1. Objective 2. Data 3. Insight 4. Action

in pharma and life sciences  Problem  Extraction  Data  Enable decision

definition/  Collection contextualizing making
hypothesis  Filtering  Predictive and  Embed in business
creation  Categorization prescriptive rules
 Set boundary  Integration modeling  Modify business
conditions  Integrity  Output visualization processes
 Dashboards and
 Custom reporting

5. Feedback

 Learn from actions

 Improve data
collection sources
 Refine/adjust

Challenge: Ongoing
relevance, validity, and

Operationalizing analytics in pharma and life sciences requires significant

investments of time and money across people, process, organization, and
technology. This section summarizes key challenges that healthcare
payer/providers and pharmaceutical firms face across each element of the
“data-to-insight-to-action” loop, as well as identifies some of the emerging best

Phase of “Data-Insight-Action” Critical challenge in operationalizing

Need to look at regulatory loop analytics
requirements as an opportunity Lack of analytics-driven culture
1. Objective

“ Unexpectedly, PPSA has created

an opportunity for competitive
The key enabler for analytics in the pharma and life sciences industry is the
increasing regulatory requirement. The need for regulatory compliance has
“ driven the collation and standardization of data, which can then be used for
–The COO of global
analytics. While the organizations currently consider regulatory requirements as
pharmaceutical major
a necessary evil, they are missing out on the opportunity to derive insightful
analytics basis the foundation provided by these requirements. 9


The emerging best practice: Pharma and life sciences organizations are
beginning to realize the benefits of the stringent regulatory regime. They are
also realizing that the foundation of data, people, and technology created by
the need to meet regulatory requirements is a boon to derive insights through
analytics. Organizations need to overcome the initial skepticism and embrace
the culture of making decisions based on analytics.

Phase of “Data-Insight-Action” Critical challenge in operationalizing

loop analytics
Lack of data integration
The challenge of data sources 2. Data

“ The key is to bring together the

data from many different
sources into one integrated data
The data required to drive pharma and life sciences analytics is distributed
across various sources. Data from clinical trials, hospital records, physician
notes, sales/marketing data, claims, research papers, and patient demographic
and characteristics needs to come together to drive pharma and life sciences
–The CIO of a U.S.-
analytics. The data also ranges in format from structured EHR to voice
headquartered pharmaceutical “ recording by physicians. Even within an organization, the technology systems
firm across functions (clinical data management, PV, CRM, and marketing/sales) are
not integrated.

“ Availability of credible data is

still a major issue. We are still
not sure how clean our internal
Beyond traditional data sources, organizations also need to tap into the vast
reserve of information on digital and social media, which is especially helpful in
building customer demographics, characteristics, and behaviors. This data,
then, needs to be integrated with traditional data sources to drive enhanced
data is, let alone linking it with
external data.
analytics solutions.
–The CIO of a large healthcare
“ The emerging best practices
 Most pharma and life sciences organizations are migrating to digital
records, leading to higher standardization and ease of integration. For
example, healthcare providers are moving to EHR, which has a standard
format. The PPSA regulation allows pharmaceutical firms to analyze
marketing spend and competitor data to derive insights with relative ease,
because the data is being collated in a standard format across
organizations. Advancement in text and voice analytics is helping convert
notes and recordings made by medical practitioners into structured digital
 Organizations have also started integrating data across different technology
systems. For example, pharmaceutical firms have started integrating their
clinical trial data with PV data to drive better analytics
 The need to leverage data from common sources is driving pharma and life
sciences organizations to collaborate and share information to reduce
duplication of effort 10


Phase of “Data-Insight-Action” Critical challenge in operationalizing

Lack of investment in talent and
loop analytics
Lack of investment in talent and
3. Insight technology

“ To do high-end PV analytics you

need to find talent with a unique
mix of medical and statistical
High-end analytics in pharma and life sciences requires people with
medical/science background as well as strong analytical/statistical skills, a fairly
unique requirement that is difficult to find in the talent market. Also, high-end
predictive and prescriptive analytics is relatively new in pharma and life
skills, which is difficult to come
sciences; as a result, there is a limited talent pool available with significant
“ experience in this space, to lead the practice within an organization.
–The PV Lead in a European
pharmaceutical company
Beyond the talent issue, organizations need to invest in data collection, storage

(data warehousing/business intelligence tools), and data analytics tools for
There is not a lot of high-end pharma and life sciences analytics.
health outcome analytics
happening due to a lack of data The emerging best practices
and talent.  The requirement for very specialized talent to cater to regulatory regimes,
–Analytics Lead for a healthcare
“ globally, related language dependencies, and the need to maintain 24x7
operations, has led organizations to adopt a global sourcing model with
delivery locations across the world. Multiple locations also help manage the
fluctuating volumes better, by distributing work across delivery centers
 The organizations are employing third-party providers to help expedite the
time-to-market for pharma and life sciences analytics, both from a
technology and analytics services standpoint. There are multiple BPO
service providers and analytics specialists in the market, and their existing
experience can help organizations adopt the best practices already
prevalent in the industry

Phase of “Data-Insight-Action” Critical challenge in operationalizing

Inefficiencies due to functional loop analytics
silos Lack of stakeholder alignment/
4. Action collaboration

“ Our PV function has traditionally

been run independently by the
different BUs/geographies with
In most organizations the analytics function has not been centralized and, as a
result, there are different teams across products and geographies that are
sometimes involved in replicating work that has already been done by another
almost no interface.
group. This also means deriving organization-wide or global trends/insights
–The COO of a large global “
pharmaceutical company
becomes an uphill task. Putting pharma and life sciences analytics into action
requires different Business Units (BUs) to come together. For example, a
pharmaceutical firm’s stakeholders across sales, operations, marketing, and
even R&D need to come together with data and involvement to derive insights
from pharma and life sciences analytics.

There are multiple sets of stakeholders in the pharma and life sciences industry,
which include healthcare payers, providers, pharmaceutical firms, pharmacies,
Health Information Exchanges (HIX), ACOs, research groups, and digital/social
media firms. Currently, there is a reluctance to work across stakeholder groups,
and even within groups, as they perceive each other as competitors

The emerging best practices

 Organizations are trying to create shared services for pharma and life 11


sciences analytics by standardizing their own internal processes and data

capture formats, while allowing for variations to accommodate regional
regulatory requirements
 The intra-group collaboration is on the rise. Large healthcare payers are
creating analytics organizations and providing services to other smaller
payers. The pharmaceutical firms are coming together by sharing data with
each other. The healthcare providers have started aligning towards common
EHR formats and also sharing information among themselves

Phase of “Data-Insight-Action” Critical challenge in operationalizing

loop analytics
Ongoing relevance, validity, and
5. Feedback improvement

Predictive and prescriptive analytics need to be fluid, dynamic, and open to self-
learning and improvement. This is not a onetime exercise and needs ongoing
updates and refinements. A continuous feedback mechanism is required from
frontline systems, which is hard to implement.

Most variables within an analytics model are dynamic and change continuously
over time – customer demographics, medical procedures, and economic and
regulatory environment. The analytical model, however, needs to stay relevant
and stand the test of time. Making sure that the predicted and actual values
stay within a zone of acceptable error is a significant challenge.

The emerging best practices

 Analytical and simulation models need to be designed keeping in mind that
they will be adjusted and refined over time and therefore be self-learning
and flexible solutions. For instance, revenue predictions based on health
outcomes are compared against actual results, and the model is then
tweaked to reduce the prediction error
 Offshore third-party service providers can also be utilized for testing and
ongoing maintenance of models. This enables organizations to keep model
development and validation separate, as well as improve scalability and
speed- to-market


The pharma and life sciences industry is still considering the increased
regulatory oversight as a burden and not realizing the opportunity that it
presents. Organizations need to utilize the additional information made
available as a result of the regulatory requirements and move away from a
siloed approach across functions. They should also utilize the full impact of
cloud, mobility, and social media to embrace analytics-driven decision making
to create differentiation in an extremely competitive, dynamic, and challenging

This study was funded, in part, by support from Genpact. 12


About Everest Group

Everest Group is an advisor to business leaders on next generation global

services with a worldwide reputation for helping Global 1000 firms dramatically
improve their performance by optimizing their back- and middle-office business
services. With a fact-based approach driving outcomes, Everest Group counsels
organizations with complex challenges related to the use and delivery of global
services in their pursuits to balance short-term needs with long-term goals.
Through its practical consulting, original research and industry resource
services, Everest Group helps clients maximize value from delivery strategies,
talent and sourcing models, technologies and management approaches.
Established in 1991, Everest Group serves users of global services, providers of
services, country organizations, and private equity firms, in six continents across
all industry categories. For more information, please visit

For more information about Everest Group, please contact:


For more information about this topic please contact the author(s):

Eric Simonson, Managing Partner

Rajesh Ranjan, Partner

Anupam Jain, Practice Director 13


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