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Further analysis led to renovation decision

Depressurised Towing Tank -

bigger, better, quicker
Towards the end of this year, MARIN’s Usually fully laden, supertankers were forced to
cross South Africa on their routes from the
newly rebuilt and modernised Depres- Middle East to Europe and America. Propeller
loading also significantly increased to achieve
surised Towing Tank (DTT) will be relatively high speeds and the trend of increasing
ship size, the need for speed and more reliable
back in service. Henk Valkhof and propellers found its way back to the research labo-
ratories. Larger ship models were needed to ensure
Tom van Terwisga outline the last a high level of accuracy and reliability in powering
and cavitation predictions.
steps in a comprehensive series of
And increased propeller loading means the need
improvements which have been to study cavitation phenomena was increasingly
important. Particularly, very full block ships often
underway. suffer from flow separation problems. Flow
separation and the related poor propeller inflow
Cross section DTT with new carriage. characteristics often lead to cavitation (erosion)

he Depressurised Towing Tank and vibration hindrance. Hence, to study the
was built in 1972 at a time cavitation and related phenomena on a model
when demand for huge VLCCs scale, an accurate simulation of the wake and
was increasing rapidly reflecting propeller-hull interaction is essential. To achieve
the closure of the Suez these targets, the Depressurised Towing Tank -
Canal. 240 metres long, 18m breadth and 8m deep - was
constructed. To properly model cavitation pheno-
mena, it had the unique capability to scale the air
pressure as well.

Outstanding tool for cavitation observations

During its 25 year-plus operation, the facility has
proven to be an outstanding tool for cavitation
observations, cavitation inception measurements,
propeller induced hull-pressure fluctuations and
noise measurements. Other experiments became
possible as well, such as cavitation observations of
the bow when sailing at a drift angle, cavitation
observations of hull appendages and investiga-

DTT under construction.

tions of ventilation and/or cavitation when sai- · Adapting the facility to meet new market deve-
ling at very light ballast draught, accounting for lopments, such as higher ship speeds and the abi-
possible interference effects. Apart from these lity to model true operational conditions, such as
cavitation tests, the more ‘normal’ resistance and met for example during manoeuvring.
propulsion tests could be carried out in the facili-
ty, however only under depressurised conditions A number of significant improvements are being
given the influence on the wave generation indu- implemented:
ced by the cylindrical tubes of the carriage when · A direct driven towing carriage, capable of
atmospheric. Since the first opening of the basin, speeds up to 8 m/s (formerly 4 m/s), making
many types of ships, such as navy vessels, contai- the DTT suitable for modern high speed ships
ner vessels, ferries, cruise liners, and full block · An open frame carriage, leading to a minimum
ships have been tested. aerodynamic interference with the ship model,
enabling atmospheric resistance and propulsion
Renovation tests
After a thorough analysis of MARIN’s experien- · Improved access to the carriage, including a visi-
ce in operating the original DTT and several dis- tors platform for tests under atmospheric condi-
cussions on expected future trends, it was decided tions
to renovate the facility. There are two principle · Improved quality and flexibility of cavitation
incentives for the renovation: visualisation
· Improved operational performance of the facili- · Allowance for all types of powering tests. Time
ty with greater flexibility, leading to reduced to depressurise the basin is reduced from approx.
operating costs, improved quality of cavitation 8 hours to approx. 4 hours.
observations and broader application for the · Complete test set-up preparation and check-up,
laboratory. prior to transferring the model to the depressu-
rised basin
· Increased data transfer rate through optical fibres
and minimal electromagnetic interference on Cavitation observations in DTT.

data acquisition.

At present, the basin is under construction and

full completion is scheduled for shortly thereafter.
Readers seeking even more DTT information
should run the CD-ROM accompanying this
issue of MARIN Report.

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