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Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci.

30(1): 65 - 70 (2007) ISSN: 1511-3701

© Universiti Putra Malaysia Press

Flexural Properties of Laminated Veneer Lumber

Manufactured from Oil Palm Veneers

Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

Keywords: Laminated veneer lumber, flexural properties, veneer lay-up pattern, glue-spread rate

The uniform properties and higher strength of laminated veneer lumber (LVL) makes it a superior structural material than
other solid timber or glue-laminated timber. It requires round logs to process into veneer and laminated parallel to each other
to form LVL. However, due to shortage of quality timber (round log), efforts have been made to use alternative materials such
as oil palm trunk to produce LVL. This study was undertaken to determine the flexural properties of oil palm LVL of different
veneer lay-up patterns and glue-spread rates. In this study, nine types of LVL were produced using three different veneer lay-
up patterns and three glue spread rates i.e., 250, 300 and 350 g m2 for double glueline. The results revealed that LVL with
optimum flexural properties (bending properties and shear, strength) was produced using outer-layer veneers bonded by phenol
formaldehyde at a glue spread rate of 350 g m2. Higher glue spread rate and veneers of the outer-layer of oil palm trunk can
produce LVL of better flexural properties.

INTRODUCTION logs based on the 100,000 hectares of replanting

Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) is a structural reach year (Paridah et al, 2007).
composite lumber which is produced by many However, oil palm which is a
companies around the world. The production monocotyledonous species does not posses any
technology of LVL has been widely established. vascular cambium, so it does not increase in
The uniform properties and higher strength diameter with age. All procambial cells in
of LVL makes it a superior structural material monocotyledons typically differentiate into
than other solid timber or glue-laminated timber. primary xylem or phloem, leaving no vascular
It requires round logs to process into veneer and cambium. These plants, therefore, do not produce
laminate parallel to each other to form LVL. secondary xylem and phloem that serves to
However, due to shortage of timber (round log), increase stem diameter throughout the life of the
good quality and larger timber is difficult to find tree. The typical feature is the distinct occurrence
in natural forests of Malaysia. Therefore, efforts of the primary vascular bundles that are randomly
have been made to use another alternative embedded in parenchyma ground tissues
material to produce LVL. Many researchers had (Tomlinson, 1961). These vascular bundles are
found that the oil palm trunk can be converted concentrated at the outer portion and reducing
into veneers for producing plywood and towards the inner portion of the trunk. This
converted into sawn timber, particle and fiber uneven distribution of vascular bundles along the
for particleboard and medium density fiberboard, radial direction of trunk corresponds to a great
respectively (Khozirah et al, 1991; Paridah and variation of density values at different parts of the
Zaidon, 2000). Thus, this provides a potential oil palm trunk. The veneer ribbon density
alternative veneer material for LVL to supplement distribution along the trunk was found to decrease
from outer layers towards inner layers and from
the depleting supply of timber.
bottom part towards the top part of the oil palm
There are extensive oil palm plantations in
trunk. The density values of the oil palm trunk
Malaysia covering a total of 4.2 millions hectares
ranged from 200 to 600 kg m'8 with an average of
(Bakar et al, 2007). The annual availability of oil
370 kg m3 (Lim and Khoo, 1986).
palm trunk is estimated to be around 13.6 million

The veneers peeled from oil palm trunk can The assembled veneers were then cold
be segregated into four density groups i.e., high pressed for 5 minutes and hot pressed at 130°C
density (600 kg m 3 ), medium density (400-600 for 15 minutes. The LVLs were conditioned in a
kg m 3 ), low-medium density (<400 - 550 kg nr3) conditioning room maintained at a relative
and low density (< 400 kg m 3 ) based on the humidity of 65 ± 5% and 20 ± 20C for 7 to 10
section of the oil palm trunk (Lim and Khoo, days prior to evaluating the properties.
1986). The high density gradients which exist A total of 180 bending and gluebond shear
along the radial, as well as, the longitudinal samples were cut from the LVL boards with 10
directions of the trunk indica te that the oil replicates for each type of LVL. The bending
palm trunk is unable to produce consistent properties of the LVL specimens were tested
quality veneer like other forest timber. Therefore, according to BS/EN 310: 1993 (BSI, 1993a).
products from oil palm veneers may lack quality The glue bond shear test was determined
in terms of the flexural strength which is according to BS/EN 314-1: 1993 (BSI, 1993b).
important for structural application. In addition, dimensional stability tests were also
The objective of this study was to determine carried out by soaking the test samples in cold
the flexural properties i.e., bending properties water for 24 hours.
and gluebond shear strength of LVL produced All the flexural data collected were analysed
from oil palm veneer by using different veneer using analysis of co-variance (ANOCOV) to
lay-up patterns and glue-spread rates. determine the interaction between the variables
and effect of the variables used in this study on
METHODOLOGY the bending properties and gluebond shear
The veneers used in the production process strength of oil palm LVL at 12% moisture
were rotary peeled from oil palm trunk in a content. The means of the bending strength,
commercial plywood factory. There were two stiffness and gluebond shear strength were
peeling stages. The first peeling stage peeled to further analysed by the Least Square Means
about 25 cm (10 in) in diameter after debarking. method to determine the oil palm LVL with
Veneer peeled from the first peeling stage was optimum bending and gluebond shear
identified as outer-layer veneers having an performances.
average thickness of 3.5 mm. For the second
peeling stage, the billet was transferred onto a RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
small lathe machine where the trunks were Density of Oil Palm Veneers
peeled until a final diameter of 12 cm was The total length of the veneer ribbon that can
achieved. These veneers were about 4.1 mm be peeled from the oil palm trunk was about 15
thick and were identified as inner-layer veneers. meter. The length of veneer ribbon which can
Each veneer density was determined and differentiate the outer- and inner-layer is
recorded. All the veneers were dried to 7% approximately 4 meter. The density of the outer-
moisture content. layer veneers ranged from 358 to 442 kg nv3
The glue used to laminate the veneer was whereas density of inner-layer veneers ranged
phenol-formaldehyde adhesive, which gives a from 272-446 kg m 3 .
bond of exterior grade. The LVL was
manufactured with dimensions of 45 mm x 45 Physical Properties
mm and a final thickness of 12 mm using 5 plies The average moisture content of the veneers
of veneer at the Faculty of Forestry, Universiti and densities of the LVL boards are shown in
Putra Malaysia. Table 1. LVL produced using homogenous outer
Nine types of LVL with five replicates each veneers had the highest density whereas boards
were produced for this study using three different produced using inner veneers had the lowest
veneer lay-up patterns; a) homogenous pattern density.
of outer-layer veneers, b) homogenous of inner- As shown in Table 1, the average thickness
layer veneers and c) mixture of outer-layer and swelling of the oil palm trunk ranged from 23.4
inner-layer veneers (surfaces using outer-layer to 30.1% while the water absorption ranged
and core using inner-layer veneers). Three glue from 49.7 to 62.5%. The highest thickness
spread rates, 250, 300 and 350 g m 2 were used swelling and water absorption percentage was
in the manufacture of the LVL. found in LVL manufactured from inner layer



Moisture content and density of oil palm LVL

Gluespread Layup Moisture Board Thickness Water

rate Pattern content Density swelling Absorption
g n>2 % kg m4 % %

250 Outer 11.16 529 24.4 54.3

250 Inner 10.84 520 28.5 62.5
250 Mix 10.86 528 27.1 58.9
300 Outer 11.41 555 23.4 53.1
300 Inner 11.17 505 30.1 57.0
300 Mix 11.16 539 27.3 56.5
350 Outer 10.13 573 28.3 49.7
350 Inner 11.45 511 30.1 54.6
350 Mix 11.75 549 30.0 53.7

veneers using glue spread rate of 350 and 200 g LVL to be used in structural applications is 10392
m 2 respectively. The low density of the inner N mm2.
layer veneers may be attributed to the poor Assessment of the failure pattern of the
performance of the dimensional stability. Vick static bending specimens revealed that almost
(1999) stated that high density timbers normally 80% of the samples failed the compression area
had thicker cell wall and smaller lumen which as shown in Fig. 1. Curry and Fewell (1977)
associate with smaller v o l u m e for water stated that material which failed at the
absorption compared to lighter density timbers. compression area during static bending always
associates with lower MOR and MOE because
Bending Properties compression failure is an early failure that is
Bending stiffness of the LVL produced from oil found in the bending test before the material
palm was lower than for LVLs produced from can sustain the maximum breaking force.
tropical hardwood species as reported by H'ng et Analysis of co-variance (ANOCOV) revealed
al (2002). He reported that LVL produced from highly significant interactions of glue spread
hedondong, bintangor and white meranti'respectively
rate and lay-up pattern on the MOR and MOE
had Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) values ranging of oil palm LVL as shown in Table 2.
from 12,000 to 18,000 N mm 2 and Modulus of As shown in Table 2, the highest MOR and
Rupture (MOR) values ranging from 34 to 40 N MOE were achieved for the LVL produced using
mm2. The maximum MOE values found in oil outer-layer veneers with glue spread rate of 350
palm LVL manufactured from outer veneer layer g/m 2 . This may be due to the higher density of
with a glue spread rate of 350 g mm2 is far below LVL produced from the outer-layer. Density is
the minimum requirement for that used in an indicator and predictor for bending strength,
structural applications. According the PRL 501: stiffness, and various mechanical properties
Performance standard for laminated veneer (Panshin and de Zeeuw, 1980). As the board's
lumber (APA, 2000), the minimum MOE for density increased, the strength properties of the

Loading direction


Fig. 1: Compression failure of the oil palm LVL



Influence of Glue spread rate and lay-up pattern on MOR and MOE

Glue spread rate Lay-up pattern MOR MOE

N mm-2 N mm-2

250 Outer 30.96* 3972C

(7.7) (1028)
250 Inner 25.00de 2758d
(2.4) (214)
250 Mix 30.39c -3762<
(3.4) (688)
300 Outer 34.0P 5012ab
(3.3) (277)
300 Inner 18.60* 1907*
(2.5) (256)
300 Mix 25.96d 3723cd
(2.2) (484)
350 Outer 39.85* 5399a
(5.2) (881)
350 Inner 21.89* 2469d
(2.9) (405)
350 Mix 30.64* 4815b
(3.7) (479)
Note: Means with the same letter in the same column are not significantly different. (P< 0.05)
The values in brackets are standard deviations

board also increased (Bodig and Jayne, 1982). with the findings for the bending properties. By
All the LVL manufactured with glue spread rate improving the density of the oil palm's LVL
of 350 g m 2 was higher in MOR and MOE than using outer-layer veneer and higher glue spread,
the LVL using the glue spread rate of 250 g/nr 2 the glue bond shear strength will increased.
and 250g/m 2 . Youngquist (1999) stated that
adhesive played an important role on the CONCLUSION
bending strength of LVL. By having an optimum LVL with optimum flexural properties (bending
adhesive on laminating the veneers, maximum properties and shear strength) can be produced
strength can be obtained from the LVL. using outer-layer veneers which were obtained
by peeling the trunk to about 25 cm (10 in) in
Gluebond Shear Strength diameter and bonded by using phenol
ANOCOV results revealed that the effect of glue formaldehyde at glue spread rate of 350 g m2.
spread rate and lay-up pattern on the glue bond
shear strength was highly significant. Interaction REFERENCES
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Influence of the glue spread rate and lay-up pattern on glue bond strength and wood failure

Glue spread rate Lay-up pattern Glue bond strength Wood Failure
N mm 2 %

250 Outer 2.05b 80

250 Inner 1.64* 100
250 Mix 1.54C 100
300 Outer 2.19 s 90
300 Inner 1.41C 80
300 Mix 1.61* 80
350 Outer 2.56a 90
350 Inner 1.68* 80
350 Mix 1.83bc 80

Note: Means with the same letter in the same column are not significantly different at (P< 0.05)
The values in brackets are standard deviations

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