Risk Assessment of Petroleum Pipelines Using A Com-Bined Analytical Hierarchy Process - Fault Tree Analysis (AHP-FTA)

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Van Gelder, Proske & Vrijling: Proceedings of the 7th International Probabilistic Workshop, Delft 2009

Risk Assessment of Petroleum Pipelines using a com-

bined Analytical Hierarchy Process - Fault Tree Analysis

Alex. W. Dawotola, P.H.A.J.M van Gelder, J.K Vrijling

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology,
Stevinweg 1, 2628CN Delft, the Netherlands

Abstract: This paper proposes a combined Analytic Hierarchy process (AHP)

and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) to support the design, construction, inspection
and maintenance policy of oil and gas pipelines by proposing an optimal selec-
tion strategy based on the probability of failure and consequences of failure. To
quantitatively analyze the probability of a safety hazard obtained from AHP, a
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is proposed. With the AHP-FTA, the most crucial
failure mode of the pipeline is estimated by AHP and further analyzed by FTA.
The methodology is an improvement in the existing qualitative risk assessment
of oil pipelines. Furthermore, with enhanced accuracy in risk assessment, con-
siderable cost savings in the design, construction, inspection and maintenance
planning of the pipeline may be achieved.

1 Introduction

1.1 Pipeline Risk Assessment

Pipelines carry products that are very vital to the sustenance of national economies and
remain a reliable means of transporting water, oil and gas in the world. Like any other en-
gineering facility, petroleum pipelines are subject to different degrees of failure and degra-
dation. Pipeline failures are often fatal and very disastrous. It is therefore important that
they are effectively monitored for optimal operation, while reducing failures to acceptable
safety limit. There has been an increased awareness on risk assessment of transportation
pipelines both in the industry and academia, Allouche and Bowman (2006) due to the con-
tinuous need for cost minimization and safety maximization.

Dawotola, van Gelder, Vrijling: Risk assessment of petroleum pipelines

Risk assessment of petroleum pipelines entails the study of failures and consequences of
pipelines in terms of possible damage to property, human hazards, and the environment.
Ideally, most pipeline operators ensure that during the design stage, safety provisions are
created to provide a theoretical minimum failure rate for the life of the pipeline. There are
approaches such as corrosion control and routine based maintenance to ensure reliability of
pipelines during service.

Transmission pipelines are complex in nature, and their risk analysis could be simplified
by using a hierarchical approach, Huipeng Li (2007). However, little has been achieved on
hierarchical risk analysis of petroleum pipelines, as an aid to decision analysis, which is
required in making inspection and maintenance decisions. AHP is a promising method for
this application. AHP, developed by Saaty fundamentally works by using opinions of ex-
perts in developing priorities for alternatives and the criteria used to judge the alternatives
in a system, Saaty (1999). The outcome is a relative scale which gives managers a rational
basis for decision making. It has found applications in diverse industries, such as agricul-
ture, Quresh and Harrison (2003), oil and gas, Dey et al (2004), Al-Khalill (2005), Nonis et
al (2007), Brito and Almeida (2009), and the public sector, Dey (2002). Majority of AHP
applications in pipelines sector, Dey et al (2004), Al-Khalill (2005), Brito et al (2009) have
concentrated mainly on qualitative risk analysis and there has not been adequate applica-
tion of AHP in achieving quantitative risk assessment.

The focus of this paper is the introduction of a framework that implements combined ana-
lytic hierarchy process and fault tree analysis for quantitative risk assessment of petroleum
pipelines. The combined AHP-FTA is particularly suitable where sufficient data is lacking
to carry out a full scale Fault Tree Analysis. The case study of cross-country oil and gas
pipelines is used to illustrate the proposed methodology.

1.2 What is risk?

Quantitatively, risk is a function of an event, its probability and associated consequences.

Kaplan and Garrick (1981) discussed a risk triplet and argued that risk analysis consists of
an answer to the three questions:

(i) What can go wrong?

(ii) How can it happen?

(iii) What are the consequences?

And the set, R of the above three questions can be mathematically represented as:

R = {si , pi , xi } , i = 1, 2,...N (1)

Where si is an event or an occurrence.

pi is the probability of si and xi is the consequence of si

Van Gelder, Proske & Vrijling: Proceedings of the 7th International Probabilistic Workshop, Delft 2009

2 AHP-FTA Methodology for Risk Assessment

The combined AHP-FTA model methodology comprise of implementation of Analytic
hierarchy process followed by a Fault Tree analysis. AHP is used in the decision making to
estimate the likelihood of an event, by establishing relative importance of each contribut-
ing factors, while Fault Tree Analysis is directed at the important failure criteria identified
by AHP.

The analytical hierarchy process consists of the following basic steps:

• Problem formulation – the ultimate goal of the AHP is defined. In this paper, it is the
determination of risk due to oil spillage from petroleum pipeline. After the goal defini-
tion, contributing factors to the failure are then identified. If applicable, these factors
are further divided into 1 or 2 sub factors. The major factors and sub factors responsi-
ble for product loss from a pipeline are presented in Fig. 1.

• Facility segmentation – The pipeline is divided into different sections based on their
peculiar similarities. The different sections are the alternatives of the decision making

• Collection of pipeline information - Required features for the pipelines is divided into
physical data, construction data, operational data, inspection data and Failure history.
This information is documented for the hierarchical analysis.

• The next step is the development of a hierarchy structure, which consists of the goal of
the risk assessment, the failure factors and subfactors, if applicable and the pipeline

• In the last step of the analytical hierarchy process, data of the pipelines are made avail-
able to a number of experts who the carry out a pairwise comparison of the pipeline
segments with respect to each risk factor (failure criteria). The outcome of the compari-
son is a matrix that ranks the pipeline stretches in order of the likelihood of failure.

• Consistency check: AHP provides the possibility of checking the logical consistency
of the pairwise matrix by calculating the consistency ratio (CR). AHP judgement is ac-
ceptable if CR is less than 0.1

⎡w ⎤ ⎡ a11 a12 a1n ⎤

JG ⎢ 1 ⎥
Given a weight vector, w = ⎢ w2 ⎥ obtained from a decision matrix, A = ⎢⎢ a21 a22 a2 n ⎥⎥ ,
⎢⎣ wn ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ a31 a32 a3n ⎥⎦
the consistency of the decision matrix is calculated as follows:
Multiply matrix A by the weight vector w to give vector, B

Dawotola, van Gelder, Vrijling: Risk assessment of petroleum pipelines

⎡b ⎤ b1 = a11w1 + a12 w2 + a1n wn

JG JG JG ⎢ 1 ⎥
B = A.w = ⎢b2 ⎥ Where, b2 = a21w1 + a22 w2 + a 2 n wn (2)
⎢⎣bn ⎥⎦ bn = a31w1 + a32 w2 + a3n wn
Divide each element of vector, B with the corresponding element in the weight vector
⎡b1 / w1 ⎤ ⎡ c1 ⎤
w to give a new vector c : = ⎢⎢b2 / w2 ⎥⎥ = ⎢⎢ c2 ⎥⎥ (3)
⎢⎣bn / wn ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ cn ⎥⎦

G 1 n
λmax is the average of the elements of vector c : λmax = ∑ ci
n i =1

λmax − n
Consistency Index is then calculated using, CI = (5)
n −1

Where n is order of the decision matrix and λmax is obtained from equation (4) above.

Using equation (4), Consistency Ratio is calculated as, CR = (6)

Where RI is the random index, and its value is obtained from table 1 below.

Tab 1: Random index table

n 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >9
RI 0.58 0.9 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45 1.49

Other measures of consistency have been defined. For example, J. Mustajoki and
R.P.Hämäläinen (2000) give a Consistency Measure (CM) of between 0 to 1 using the
Multi Attribute Value Theory inherent in their Web-HIPRE software. A CM of 0.2 is con-
sidered acceptable.

Consistency Measure is calculated using,

2 r ( i, j ) − r (i, j )
CM = ∑
n(n − 1) i > j (1 + r (i, j ))(1 + r (i, j ))

Where r ( i, j ) = max a(i, k )a(k , j ) , k ∈ {1,..., n} is the extended bound of the comparison
matrix element a(i, j ) , and r (i, j ) is the inverse of r (i, j ) . CM gives and indication of the
size of the extended region formed by the set of local preferences, when wi ≤ r ( i, j ) w j for
all i, j ∈ {1,..., n}

Van Gelder, Proske & Vrijling: Proceedings of the 7th International Probabilistic Workshop, Delft 2009

• Fault tree analysis of important failure factors: Fault Tree Analysis of the most impor-
tant failure factor is carried out to determine acceptability of risk. Using the FTA and
AHP results, the overall failure probability is then calculated.

Fig. 1: Development of a hierarchy of failure of pipeline

GOAL Pipeline Selection


External Operational Structural

Corrosion Others
Interference Error Defect

Internal Human Construction


Corrosion Error Defect

Mechanical External Equipment Material

Damage Corrosion failure Defect


Fig. 2: Map of Nigeria showing Petroleum Pipeline Network, NEITI (2006)

Dawotola, van Gelder, Vrijling: Risk assessment of petroleum pipelines

3 AHP-FTA Pipeline risk assessment – A case study

3.1 Introduction
Oil and gas pipelines located in 3 different parts of Nigeria: EL Pipeline (Escravos), AB
Pipeline (Warri), and AZ Pipeline (Benin) (Fig. 2) were considered as a case study. A
summary of the characteristics of the pipelines are shown in tab. 2 below. The goal of the
research is to conduct a risk assessment of given pipelines using Analytical Hierarchy
Process (AHP) method. This is achieved by determining the relative contribution of differ-
ent failure factors to the overall pipeline failure. Pipeline failure is defined as loss of struc-
tural integrity of pipeline which may lead to unintended products loss.

Based on literature research conducted, Adebayo and Dada (2008), L.P.E YO-Essien
(2008), NNPC (2008) five factors have been identified as being mostly responsible for
pipeline failures in Nigeria, namely external interference, corrosion, structural defects, op-
erational defects, and other minor failures.

A total of six pipeline experts participated in the expert judgement study on risk assess-
ment of the petroleum pipelines. The affiliations of the experts are in the following organi-
sations: Shell International, Chevron Exploration, BJ Services, Nigeria Petroleum
Development Company (NPDC), Nigeria National Petroleum Company (NNPC), and
SBM Offshore. Attributes of the pipelines and a pipeline historical failure records sheet
containing defining characteristics of the pipelines were made available to the experts with
an AHP questionnaire.

Tab 2: Summary of the attributes of Pipelines


Primary Service Gas Crude Oil Crude Oil

Year of commission 1989 1996 2002

Type of Coating Concrete Weight Polykene Wrap Polykene Wrap

Length 340km 4km 18km

Nominal Diameter 24” 4” 6”

Design Pressure 100bar 207bar 207bar

3.2 Construction of hierarchy

A hierarchy tree of the three pipelines is constructed using the Web-HIPRE software, J.
Mustajoki and R.P.Hämäläinen (2000). The tree (fig. 3) contains information on the goal
(Risk Based Pipeline selection), criteria (failure factors) and sub-criteria (sub division of
failure factors). The decision alternatives are the three pipelines under consideration.

Van Gelder, Proske & Vrijling: Proceedings of the 7th International Probabilistic Workshop, Delft 2009

Fig. 3: Hierarchy tree for the risk assessment of EL Pipeline, AB Pipeline and AZ Pipeline

3.3 Results of Pairwise comparison

Individual expert opinion on the pairwise comparison of factors responsible for pipeline
failures are separately collected and combined group wise using the geometric mean
method, Aczel and Saaty (1983). The overall group weights for the failure factors are
shown below in tab.3.

Tab. 3: Pair wise ranking of failure criteria and likelihood of failure of the three pipelines
Factors Likeli- Sub-Factors Likeli- EL Pipeline AB Pipeline AZ Pipeline
hood hood

External 0.607 Sabotage 0.525 0.271 0.179 0.076

Mechanical Damage 0.081 0.051 0.019 0.011

Corrosion 0.214 External Corrosion 0.153 0.093 0.041 0.018

Internal Corrosion 0.061 0.009 0.021 0.031

Structural 0.066 Construction Defect 0.045 0.023 0.014 0.009

Materials Defect 0.021 0.006 0.007 0.008

Operational 0.069 Equipment failure 0.050 0.009 0.018 0.024

Human error 0.019 0.003 0.007 0.009

Others 0.044

Dawotola, van Gelder, Vrijling: Risk assessment of petroleum pipelines

The overall consistency measure (CM) of the group matrix is 0.195 which is considered
consistent with the 0.2 stated by R.P.Hämäläinen (2009).

Fig 4: Relative ranking of factors responsible for Pipeline Failure

Fig 4 shows that the most significant failure criterion for the pipelines is external interfer-
ence followed by corrosion, with relative likelihood of failure of 0.607 and 0.214 respec-

Fig 5: Pairwise comparison of risk levels of EL Pipeline, AB Pipeline and AZ Pipeline

From Fig.5 it can be seen that sabotage remains the most significant failure criterion for the
three pipelines. EL Pipeline is the most vulnerable among the three pipelines. This is ex-
pected considering its proximity to the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria.

Van Gelder, Proske & Vrijling: Proceedings of the 7th International Probabilistic Workshop, Delft 2009

3.4 Fault Tree analysis

The failure probability of petroleum pipeline is modelled as sum of failure probability due
to external interference, corrosion, construction defect, operational errors and other minor

P (Total failure of pipeline) =

P (failure of pipeline due to corrosion) +
P (failure of pipeline due to external interference) +
P (failure of pipeline due to construction defect) +
P (failure of pipeline due to operational error) +
P (failure of pipeline due to other minor failures) (8)

However, based on table 3, once the probability of failure of one of the factors is known,
the total probability, P (Total failure of petroleum pipeline) can be determined.
For example, using
P (failure of pipeline due to corrosion) = 0.214* P (Total failure of pipeline) (9)
P (failure of pipeline due to corrosion) can be determined from parameters in the fault tree
(Fig. 6). The outcome from Fault tree is a quantitative data which would be valuable in-
formation in determining individual or societal risk acceptance, Vrijling et al (2004).

Fig. 6: Fault Tree for corrosion failure of petroleum pipeline.

Probability of Pipeline Failure

External Operational
Construction Corrosion Others
interference Error

External Corrosion Internal Corrosion

Failed cathodic Soil Failure of Protection Corrosive

protection Corrosion coating Failure Medium

Failure of Failure of Interfacial

inhibitor coating debonding

Dawotola, van Gelder, Vrijling: Risk assessment of petroleum pipelines

4 Conclusions
This paper proposes a combined AHP-FTA methodology for risk assessment of cross
country pipelines. We achieve a number of important conclusions.

A ranking methodology has been presented which uses available data and structured judg-
ment to select operating pipeline based on the risk of failure. The results can be further
used to achieve a quantitative risk analysis through the implementation of fault tree analy-
sis. The approach is capable of reducing the rigour of quantitative risk analysis by focusing
on the most important criteria.

The fault tree analysis of AHP Failure criterion would be further investigated in future
works and be compared to available failure data. A major setback of the approach is the
subjective nature of the AHP methodology and a structured expert judgement study will be
investigated in the future.

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