Three Year Degree Course

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(General Course)
Gauhati University

1st Year
Semster Paper Marks Class Credit per week
1st 101 (Theory) 75 6 6
2nd 201 (Theory) 75 6 6
2nd year
Semester Paper Marks Class Credit per week
3rd 301 (Theory) 50 4 4
302 (Practical) 50 4 4
4th 401 (Theory) 50 4 4
402 (Practical) 50 4 4
3rd year
Semester Paper Marks Class Credit per week
5th 501 (Theory) 100 8 8
502 (Practical) 100 8 8
6th 601 (Theory) 100 8 8
602 (Practical) 100 8 8
750 60 60

Total marks : 750 (Theory marks : 450 & Practical marks: 300)
Paper Paper Marks
101 Physical Geography I 75
201 Physical Geography II 75
301 Human Geography 50
302 Practical on Physical Geography 50
401 Cartographic and Quantitative Techniques in Geography 50
402 Practical on Human Geography 50
501 Regional Geography 100
502 Cartographic and Quantitative Techniques (Practical) 100
601 Economic, Political and Environmental Geography 100
602 Map Work and Interpretation (Practical) 100


Total Marks: 75
(Including 10 marks for internal assessment)
Total Credit: 6 (Total number of classes: 60)
Time : 3 hours

(5 questions carrying 13 marks each taking one from Unit 1, three from Unit 2 and one from Unit 3)
Unit 1 : The Field of Physical Geography (12 classes) 13
(1 question carrying 13 marks)
· Nature and scope of Physical Geography, Branches of Physical Geography and their
Unit 2 : Geomorphology (36 classes) 39
(3 questions carrying 13 marks each)
· Types of landform – First order, second order and third order
· Forces for landform development - endogenetic and exogenetic
· Landform development processes-weathering, erosion, transportation and deposition
· Landform development under different conditions – fluvial, arid and glacial
· Cycle concept in geomorphology
Unit 3 : Oceanography (12 classes) 13
(1 question carrying 13 marks)
· Relief features of the ocean bottom
· Marine resources and their economic importance
· Major ocean currents and their impact on climate and economy

Books Suggested :
1. Borkotoky, T.N. and Saikia, R.: Prakritik Bhugol, Vol. I, G.U.
2. Monkhouse, F.J.: Principles of Physical Geography, Hodder and Staighton
3. Singh, Savindra: Physical Geography, Prayag Pustakalaya
4. Thornburry, W.D.: Principles of Geomorphology, John Wiley
5. Strahler, A.N.: Physical Geography, John Willey
6. Dayal, P.: A Textbook of Geomorphology, Shukla Book Depot


Total Marks – 75
(Including 10 marks for internal assessment)
Total Credit: 6 (Total number of classes:60)
Time : 3 hours
(5 questions carrying 13 marks each taking two from Unit 1, two from Unit 2 and one from Unit 3)
Unit 1 : Climatology (24 classes) 26
(2 questions carrying 13 marks each)
· Atmosphere – Composition and vertical structure
· Elements of weather – Temperature, pressure, wind, humidity and precipitation

· Heat zones and global wind system
· Factors of weather and climate
· Mechanism of monsoon with reference to Indian monsoon and its characteristics
Unit 2 : Biogeography (24 classes) 26
(2 questions carrying 13 marks each)
· Meaning and scope of biogeography
· Ecosystem : Components and functioning
· Factors influencing plant growth
· Distribution of plants and animals in different ecosystems
· Major Biomes of the world
Unit 3 : Soil Geography (12 classes) 13
(one question of 13 marks)
· Nature and scope of soil geography
· Soil profiles and their significance
· Process of soil formation and soil types

Books Suggested :
1. Borthakur, M.: Prakritik Bhugol, Vol. II, G.U.
2. Bhattacharyya, N.N.: Prakritik Bhugol, Vol. IV, G.U.
3. Singh, Savindra: Physical Geography, Prayag Pustakalaya
4. Trewartha, G.T.: An Introduction to Weather and Climate
5. Strahler, A.N.: Physical Geography, John Willey
6. Robinson, H.: Biogeography, McDonald and Evans.
7. Lal, D.S.: Climatology, Chanakya Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad.


Total Marks: 50
(Including 5 marks for internal assessment)
Total Credit: 4
(Total number of classes: 40)
Time : 2 hours

(4 questions taking one from Unit 1 carrying 10 marks, one from Unit 2 carrying 10 marks, one from Unit
3 carrying 15 marks and one from Unit 4 carrying 10 marks)
Unit 1: Field of Human Geography
(one question of 10 marks) (10 classes) 10
· Meaning and scope; approaches in human geography with special reference to determinism and
Unit 2: Man-environment relationship
(one question of 10 marks) (10 classes) 10
· Human adjustment in mountain, plain and hot desert environment
· Recent changes in man-environment relationship
· Impact of man on environment-environmental degradation

Unit 3 : Population
(one question of 15 marks) (10 classes) 15
· Growth, distribution and density of population in the global context and factors associated with
· Concept of over population, under population and optimum population
· Migration : Causes and consequences
Unit 4 : Settlement
(one question of 10 marks) (10 classes) 10
· Origin and growth of rural and urban settlements
· Types and pattern of rural settlement
· Urban settlement : morphology and functional classification

Books Suggested :
1. Bhuyan, M.C.: Manab Bhugol, G.U.
2. Hussain, M.: Human Geography, Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
3. Memona, C.B. and Singh, P.: Principles of Human Geography, Kitab Mahal
4. Freeman, J.: Human Geography; Landscape of Human Activities, Brown and Benchman
5. Debliz, H.J.: Human Geography: Culture, Society and Space, John Willey
6. Carr, M.: New Patterns, Processes and Change in Human Geography, Thomas Nelson and Sons
7. Chandna, R.C.: Geography of Population, Kalyani Publishers
8. Clarke, J.I.: Population Geography, Pergamon Press
9. Singh, R.Y.: Geography of Settlements, Rawat Publications
10. Ghosh, B.N.: Fundamentals of Population Geography, Sterling Publishers


Total Marks: 50
(Including 5 marks for internal assessment)
Total Credit: 4
(Total number of classes :40)
Time : 3 hours

(4 questions carrying 10 marks each taking two from Unit 1, one from Unit 2 and one from Unit 3)

Unit 1: Relief and Topography

(2 questions of 10 marks each) (20 classes) 20
· Relief representation techniques: Hachuring, shading, contour and profile drawing of different
physical features and their interpretation
· Drawing of conventional symbols used in topographic maps
· Identification and interpretation of physical and cultural features from topographical maps;
interpretation of relationship of physical and cultural features

Unit 2: Weather data interpretation and instrument handling
(one question of 10 marks) (10 classes) 10
· Drawing and interpretation of weather chart with special reference to monsoon and winter
· Drawing and interpretation of rainfall- temperature- humidity graphs
· Handling and use of weather instruments: Maximum and minimum thermometer, hygrometer,
barometer, rain gauge and anemometer
Unit 3: Biogeography
(one question of 10 marks) (10 classes) 10
· Drawing and interpretation of distributional maps: Natural vegetation, national parks and
sanctuaries, soil types and forest cover of Assam
Unit 4: Practical Note Book and Viva-voce
Unit 5 : Practical Note-Book & Viva-voce (3 + 2 marks)

Books Suggested
1. Deka, P. and Bhattacharya, N.N.: Byavaharik Bhugol Bijnan, G.U.
2. Monkhouse, F.J. and Wilkinson, H.R.: Maps and Diagrams, B.I. Publications, New Delhi
3. Singh, R.L. and Singh, Rana, P.B.: Elements of Practical Geography, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana
and New Delhi


Total Marks: 50
(Including 5 marks for internal assessment)
Total Credit: 6
(Total number of classes: 40)
Time : 2 hours

(3 questions carrying 15 marks each taking two from Unit 1 and one from Unit 2)
Unit 1: Cartographic Techniques
(2 questions of 15 marks each) (25 classes) 30
· Importance of cartography in geographical studies
· Map as a tool in geographical studies; types and characteristics of maps; scale factor in mapping;
map projection
· Thematic mapping : Types and characteristics of thematic map, concept of isopleth and
· Spatial data : nature, types and sources
· Surveying : Geodetic surveying and plane surveying; Principles of plane surveying using
prismatic compass
· Remote sensing, Global Positioning System and GIS and their importance in Geographical
Unit 2: Quantitative Techniques
(1 question of 15 marks) (15 classes) 15
· Need of quantification in geography
· Geographic attributes and their level of measurement

· Measures of central tendency (Mean, Median and Mode) and Dispersion (Range, Mean
Deviation and Standard Deviation) and their usefulness in geographical studies.
· Correlation co-efficient and its usefulness in geographical studies.

Books Suggested :
1. Das, M.M. and Sarma, M. C.: Ganit Bhugol, G.U.
2. Deka, P. and Bhattacharya, N. N.: Byavaharik Bhugol Bijnan, G.U.
3. Singh, R.L. and Singh, Rana, P.B.: Elements of Practical
Geography, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana and New Delhi
4. Misra, R.P. and Ramesh, A.: Fundamentals of Cartography, Concept Publishing Co., New Delhi
5. Mahmood, A.: Statistical Methods in Geographical Studies, Rajesh Publications, New Delhi
7. Deka, P.: Sankhyik Bhugol, University Publication
Department, Gauhati University


Total Marks: 50
(Including 5 marks for internal assessment)
Total Credit: 6
Total number of classes: 40)
Time : 3 hours

(4 questions carrying 10 marks each taking two from Unit 1 and two from Unit 2)
Unit 1: Population data representation and interpretation 20
(2 questions of 10 marks each) (20 classes)
· Trend of population growth in Assam/NE India/India by line graph
· Choropleth mapping of decennial growth of population in Assam/N.E. India
· Population distribution map using simple and multiple dots
· Choropleth mapping of population density in Assam/N.E. India/India
· Territorial distribution of tribal communities in Assam/N.E. India
· Composition of population/work-force in Assam/N.E. India (Pie-graph)
Unit 2: Settlement data representation and interpretation 20
(Two questions of 10 marks each) (20 classes)
· Drawing of different types and patterns of settlements (compact and dispersed; rectangular,
linear, star like and circular)
· Major house types of India/N.E. India in different physical and cultural contexts
· Distribution of urban centers in Assam/N.E. India/India by spheres
· Morphological drawing of rural and urban settlements
Unit 3: Practical Note-Book and Viva-voce 5
· Practical note book evaluation & Viva-voce (3+2=5)

Books Suggested :
1. Deka, P. and Bhattacharya, N.N.: Byavaharik Bhugol Bijnan, G.U.
2. Monkhouse, F.J. and Wilkinson, H.R.: Maps and Diagrams, B.I. Publications, New Delhi
3. Singh, R.L. and Singh, Rana, P.B.: Elements of Practical Geography, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana
and New Delhi


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