Vertebrae Retina Modeling
Vertebrae Retina Modeling
Vertebrae Retina Modeling
Fig. 1. The first (A) and second (B and C) order kernels for the neuron chain formed by the horizontal cell, bipolar cell, and gang-
lion cell in the catfish retina. The first order kernel hi(T) is plotted as a function of time T, and it is the impulse response of the linear
part of the transfer function of the chain. The second order kernel h2(Ti, T2), which describes the nonlinear behavior of the system, is
represented by a-three-dimensional solid made of the amplitude of the kernel plotted against Tr and T2. As seen from the display, the
second order kernel is symmetric about the diagonal line rl = T2. For a clear view of the kernel h2, the amplitude axis is reversed in
polarity in (C). View B shows the peaks well while view C permits a good view of the valleys (appearing as peaks) in h2(Ti, r2).
A peak represents a nonlinear interaction that enhances the response (facilitation), while a valley is an inhibitory nonlinear con-
tribution to the response. The grid lines are spaced 8 msec apart. The maximum of h2 is 53.0 and the minimum is -18.0 (spike/
sec)/(na sec)2.
grams in time to produce a poststimu- response of the model system shows a of predicting, with reasonable accuracy,
lus histogram of the ganglion discharge marked improvement with the addition the response of the system to any input.
in response to the white-noise input as of the nonlinear kernel (about 60 per- Some of the characteristics of the neu-
a function of time. The latter is a cent reduction of the mean square er- ron chain that are revealed by the
continuous function, and thus the dif- ror) and that the nonlinear model close- derived model are (i) it has a latency
ficulty of dealing with the discrete spike ly approximates the system response. of about 10 msec; (ii) it is under-
events is avoided. This indicates that nonlinearity is a damped; (iii) it has a cutoff frequency
Kernel h1 (Fig. IA) is the best linear very important factor in this neuron of about 11 hz and a high-frequency
approximation (in the sense of mean chain. attenuation of 12 db per octave; and
square error) to the transfer function of The set of kernels {hl, h2} defines, in (iv) it is strongly nonlinear, acting as
the system, while the set {h1, h2} (Fig. effect, the nonlinear, dynamic transfer a low-pass differentiator followed by a
1, B and C) is the best second order function of the neuron chain. This is half-wave rectifier. Finally, (v) it is
nonlinear approximation. The kernel a global model derived by testing the suggested that the bipolar cell processes
h1(T) is the impulse response of the system equally and uniformly over the the signal linearly while the nonlineari-
linear model of the neuron chain, and entire input-function space as a con- ties occur at the ganglion stage (9).
h2 (T1, T2) indicates the nonlinear inter- sequence of using white noise as input In conclusion, this powerful and gen-
action between two portions of the in- (in contrast to using the specialized eral method (Wiener theory) should
put signal, T1 and T2 seconds in the functions, sines, and pulses of linear find wide use in the study of the cen-
past, in affecting the response of the theory). As such, this model is capable tral nervous system whenever the
system at the present. For example,
h2(TIL, TO) shows that stimulus pulses
close together (about 10 msec) would Fig. 2. (Trace A) -
+20 na