Asian Cathay Finance and Leasing Corporation vs. Gravador

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G.R. No. 186550. July 5, 2010.


FEDERICO L. DUMIGPI, respondents.

Loans; Interests; Interest rates, whenever unconscionable, may be

equitably reduced or even invalidated.—It is true that parties to a loan
agreement have a wide latitude to stipulate on any interest rate in view of
Central Bank Circular No. 905, series of 1982, which suspended the Usury
Law ceiling on interest rate effective January 1, 1983. However, interest
rates, whenever unconscionable, may be equitably reduced or even
invalidated. In several cases, this Court had declared as null and void
stipulations on interest and charges that were found excessive, iniquitous
and unconscionable. Records show that the amount of loan obtained by
respondents on October 22, 1999 was P800,000.00. Respondents paid the
installment for November 1999, but failed to pay the subsequent ones. On
February 1, 2000, ACFLC demanded payment of P1,871,480.00. In a span
of three months, respondents’ obligation ballooned by more than
P1,000,000.00. ACFLC failed to show any computation on how much
interest was imposed and on the penalties charged. Thus, we fully agree
with the CA that the amount claimed by ACFLC is unconscionable.
Same; Same; Usury Law; Stipulations authorizing the imposition of
iniquitous or unconscionable interest are contrary to morals, if not against
the law; The nullity of the stipulation on the usurious interest does not,
however, affect the lender’s right to recover the principal of the loan, nor
would it affect the terms of the real estate mortgage.—Stipulations
authorizing the imposition of iniquitous or unconscionable interest are
contrary to morals, if not against the law. Under Article 1409 of the Civil
Code, these contracts are inexistent and void from the beginning. They
cannot be ratified nor the right to set up their illegality as a defense be
waived. The nullity of the stipulation on the usurious interest does not,
however, affect the lender’s right to recover the principal of the loan. Nor
would it affect





Asian Cathay Finance and Leasing Corporation vs. Gravador

the terms of the real estate mortgage. The right to foreclose the mortgage
remains with the creditors, and said right can be exercised upon the failure
of the debtors to pay the debt due. The debt due is to be considered without
the stipulation of the excessive interest. A legal interest of 12% per annum
will be added in place of the excessive interest formerly imposed. The
nullification by the CA of the interest rate and the penalty charge and the
consequent imposition of an interest rate of 12% and penalty charge of 1%
per month cannot, therefore, be considered a reversible error.
Same; Foreclosure of Mortgage; Redemption; Waiver; For a waiver to
be valid and effective, it must, in the first place, be couched in clear and
unequivocal terms which will leave no doubt as to the intention of a party to
give up a right or benefit which legally pertains to him.—ACFLC next
faults the CA for invalidating paragraph 14 of the real estate mortgage
which provides for the waiver of the mortgagor’s right of redemption. It
argues that the right of redemption is a privilege; hence, respondents are at
liberty to waive their right of redemption, as they did in this case. Settled is
the rule that for a waiver to be valid and effective, it must, in the first place,
be couched in clear and unequivocal terms which will leave no doubt as to
the intention of a party to give up a right or benefit which legally pertains to
him. Additionally, the intention to waive a right or an advantage must be
shown clearly and convincingly. Unfortunately, ACFLC failed to convince
us that respondents waived their right of redemption voluntarily.
Same; Same; Same; When the redemptioner chooses to exercise his
right of redemption, it is the policy of the law to aid rather than to defeat his
right.—In fine, when the redemptioner chooses to exercise his right of
redemption, it is the policy of the law to aid rather than to defeat his right.
Thus, we affirm the CA in nullifying the waiver of the right of redemption
provided in the real estate mortgage.

PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and resolution of

the Court of Appeals.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Yolando F. Lim for petitioner.


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Asian Cathay Finance and Leasing Corporation vs. Gravador

On appeal is the June 10, 2008 Decision1 of the Court of Appeals
(CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 83197, setting aside the April 5, 2004
decision2 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 9, Bulacan, as
well as its subsequent Resolution3 dated February 11, 2009, denying
petitioner’s motion for reconsideration.
On October 22, 1999, petitioner Asian Cathay Finance and
Leasing Corporation (ACFLC) extended a loan of Eight Hundred
Thousand Pesos (P800,000.00)4 to respondent Cesario Gravador,
with respondents Norma de Vera and Emma Concepcion Dumigpi as
co-makers. The loan was payable in sixty (60) monthly installments
of P24,400.00 each. To secure the loan, respondent Cesario executed
a real estate mortgage5 over his property in Sta. Maria, Bulacan,
covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-29234.6
Respondents paid the initial installment due in November 1999.
However, they were unable to pay the subsequent ones.
Consequently, on February 1, 2000, respondents received a letter
demanding payment of P1,871,480.00 within five (5) days from
receipt thereof. Respondents requested for an additional period to
settle their account, but ACFLC denied the request. Petitioner filed a
petition for extrajudicial foreclosure of mortgage with the Office of
the Deputy Sheriff of Malolos, Bulacan.
On April 7, 2000, respondents filed a suit for annulment of real
estate mortgage and promissory note with damages and


1 Penned by Associate Justice Portia Aliño-Hormachuelos, with Associate Justices

Rosemari D. Carandang and Estela M. Perlas-Bernabe, concurring; Rollo, pp. 72-88.
2 Records, pp. 207-215.
3 Rollo, pp. 90-92.
4 Exhibit “C”, records, p. 16.
5 Exhibit “B”, id., at pp. 14-15.
6 Exhibit “A”, id., at p. 12.



Asian Cathay Finance and Leasing Corporation vs. Gravador

prayer for issuance of a temporary restraining order (TRO) and

writ of preliminary injunction. Respondents claimed that the real
estate mortgage is null and void. They pointed out that the mortgage
does not make reference to the promissory note dated October 22,
1999. The promissory note does not specify the maturity date of the
loan, the interest rate, and the mode of payment; and it illegally
imposed liquidated damages. The real estate mortgage, on the other
hand, contains a provision on the waiver of the mortgagor’s right of
redemption, a provision that is contrary to law and public policy.
Respondents added that ACFLC violated Republic Act No. 3765, or
the Truth in Lending Act, in the disclosure statement that should be
issued to the borrower. Respondents, thus, claimed that ACFLC’s
petition for foreclosure lacked factual and legal basis, and prayed
that the promissory note, real estate mortgage, and any certificate of
sale that might be issued in connection with ACFLC’s petition for
extrajudicial foreclosure be declared null and void. In the
alternative, respondents prayed that the court fix their obligation at
P800,000.00 if the mortgage could not be annulled, and declare as
null and void the provisions on the waiver of mortgagor’s right of
redemption and imposition of the liquidated damages. Respondents
further prayed for moral and exemplary damages, as well as
attorney’s fees, and for the issuance of a TRO to enjoin ACFLC
from foreclosing their property.
On April 12, 2000, the RTC issued an Order,7 denying
respondents’ application for TRO, as the acts sought to be enjoined
were already fait accompli.
On May 12, 2000, ACFLC filed its Answer, denying the material
allegations in the complaint and averring failure to state a cause of
action and lack of cause of action, as defenses. ACFLC claimed that
it was merely exercising its right as mortgagor; hence, it prayed for
the dismissal of the complaint.


7 Id., at p. 40.


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Asian Cathay Finance and Leasing Corporation vs. Gravador

After trial, the RTC rendered a decision, dismissing the

complaint for lack of cause of action. Sustaining the validity of the
promissory note and the real estate mortgage, the RTC held that
respondents are well-educated individuals who could not feign
naiveté in the execution of the loan documents. It, therefore, rejected
respondents’ claim that ACFLC deceived them into signing the
promissory note, disclosure statement, and deed of real estate
mortgage. The RTC further held that the alleged defects in the
promissory note and in the deed of real estate mortgage are too
insubstantial to warrant the nullification of the mortgage. It added
that a promissory note is not one of the essential elements of a
mortgage; thus, reference to a promissory note is neither
indispensable nor imperative for the validity of the mortgage. The
RTC also upheld the interest rate and the penalty charge imposed by
ACFLC, and the waiver of respondents’ right of redemption
provided in the deed of real estate mortgage.
The RTC disposed thus:

“WHEREFORE, on the basis of the evidence on record and the

laws/jurisprudence applicable thereto, judgment is hereby rendered
DISMISSING the complaint in the above-entitled case for want of cause of
action as well as the counterclaim of [petitioner] Asian Cathay Finance &
Leasing Corporation for moral and exemplary damages and attorney’s fees
for abject lack of proof to justify the same.

Aggrieved, respondents appealed to the CA. On June 10, 2008,

the CA rendered the assailed Decision, reversing the RTC. It held
that the amount of P1,871,480.00 demanded by ACFLC from
respondents is unconscionable and excessive. Thus, it declared
respondents’ principal loan to be P800,000.00, and fixed the interest
rate at 12% per annum and reduced the penalty charge to 1% per
month. It explained


8 Id., at p. 215.

Asian Cathay Finance and Leasing Corporation vs. Gravador

that ACFLC could not insist on the interest rate provided on the
note because it failed to provide respondents with the disclosure
statement prior to the consummation of the loan transaction. Finally,
the CA invalidated the waiver of respondents’ right of redemption
for reasons of public policy. Thus, the CA ordered:

“WHEREFORE, premises considered, the appealed decision is REVERSED

AND SET ASIDE. Judgment is hereby rendered as follows:
1) Affirming the amount of the principal loan under the REM and Disclosure
Statement both dated October 22, 1999 to be P800,000.00, subject to:
a. 1% interest per month (12% per annum) on the principal from
November 23, 1999 until the date of the foreclosure sale, less P24,000.00
paid by [respondents] as first month amortization[;]
b. 1% penalty charge per month on the principal from December 23,
1999 until the date of the foreclosure sale.
2) Declaring par. 14 of the REM as null and void by reason of public policy, and
granting mortgagors a period of one year from the finality of this Decision
within which to redeem the subject property by paying the redemption price as
computed under paragraph 1 hereof, plus one percent (1%) interest thereon from
the time of foreclosure up to the time of the actual redemption pursuant to
Section 28, Rule 39 of the 1997 Rules on Civil Procedure.
The claim of the [respondents] for moral and exemplary damages and attorney’s
fees is dismissed for lack of merit.

ACFLC filed a motion for reconsideration, but the CA denied it

on February 11, 2009.


9 Rollo, pp. 86-87.

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Asian Cathay Finance and Leasing Corporation vs. Gravador

ACFLC is now before us, faulting the CA for reversing the

dismissal of respondents’ complaint. It points out that respondents
are well-educated persons who are familiar with the execution of
loan documents. Thus, they cannot be deceived into signing a
document containing provisions that they are not amenable to.
ACFLC ascribes error on the part of the CA for invalidating the
interest rates imposed on respondents’ loan, and the waiver of the
right of redemption.
The appeal lacks merit.
It is true that parties to a loan agreement have a wide latitude to
stipulate on any interest rate in view of Central Bank Circular No.
905, series of 1982, which suspended the Usury Law ceiling on
interest rate effective January 1, 1983. However, interest rates,
whenever unconscionable, may be equitably reduced or even
invalidated. In several cases,10 this Court had declared as null and
void stipulations on interest and charges that were found excessive,
iniquitous and unconscionable.
Records show that the amount of loan obtained by respondents
on October 22, 1999 was P800,000.00. Respondents paid the
installment for November 1999, but failed to pay the subsequent
ones. On February 1, 2000, ACFLC demanded payment of
P1,871,480.00. In a span of three months, respondents’ obligation
ballooned by more than P1,000,000.00. ACFLC failed to show any
computation on how much interest was imposed and on the penalties
charged. Thus, we fully agree with the CA that the amount claimed
by ACFLC is unconscionable.
In Spouses Isagani and Diosdada Castro v. Angelina de Leon
Tan, Sps. Concepcion T. Clemente and Alexander C. Clemente, Sps.
Elizabeth T. Carpio and Alvin Carpio, Sps.

10 Heirs of Zoilo Espiritu v. Landrito, G.R. No. 169617, April 3, 2007, 520 SCRA
383, 393; Ruiz v. Court of Appeals, 449 Phil. 419, 433-435; 401 SCRA 410, 421
(2003); Spouses Solangon v. Salazar, 412 Phil. 816, 822-823; 360 SCRA 379, 384



Asian Cathay Finance and Leasing Corporation vs. Gravador

Marie Rose T. Soliman and Arvin Soliman and Julius Amiel Tan,11
this Court held:

“The imposition of an unconscionable rate of interest on a money debt,

even if knowingly and voluntarily assumed, is immoral and unjust. It is
tantamount to a repugnant spoliation and an iniquitous deprivation of
property, repulsive to the common sense of man. It has no support in law, in
principles of justice, or in the human conscience nor is there any reason
whatsoever which may justify such imposition as righteous and as one that
may be sustained within the sphere of public or private morals.”

Stipulations authorizing the imposition of iniquitous or

unconscionable interest are contrary to morals, if not against the law.
Under Article 1409 of the Civil Code, these contracts are inexistent
and void from the beginning. They cannot be ratified nor the right to
set up their illegality as a defense be waived. The nullity of the
stipulation on the usurious interest does not, however, affect the
lender’s right to recover the principal of the loan. Nor would it affect
the terms of the real estate mortgage. The right to foreclose the
mortgage remains with the creditors, and said right can be exercised
upon the failure of the debtors to pay the debt due. The debt due is to
be considered without the stipulation of the excessive interest. A
legal interest of 12% per annum will be added in place of the
excessive interest formerly imposed.12 The nullification by the CA
of the interest rate and the penalty charge and the consequent
imposition of an interest rate of 12% and penalty charge of 1% per
month cannot, therefore, be considered a reversible error.
ACFLC next faults the CA for invalidating paragraph 14 of the
real estate mortgage which provides for the waiver of the
mortgagor’s right of redemption. It argues that the right of
redemption is a privilege; hence, respondents are at liberty to waive
their right of redemption, as they did in this case.


11 G.R. No. 168940, November 24, 2009, 605 SCRA 231.

12 Heirs of Zoilo Espiritu v. Landrito, supra note 10, at p. 398.


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Asian Cathay Finance and Leasing Corporation vs. Gravador

Settled is the rule that for a waiver to be valid and effective, it

must, in the first place, be couched in clear and unequivocal terms
which will leave no doubt as to the intention of a party to give up a
right or benefit which legally pertains to him. Additionally, the
intention to waive a right or an advantage must be shown clearly and
convincingly.13 Unfortunately, ACFLC failed to convince us that
respondents waived their right of redemption voluntarily.
As the CA had taken pains to demonstrate:

“The supposed waiver by the mortgagors was contained in a statement made

in fine print in the REM. It was made in the form and language prepared by
[petitioner] ACFLC while the [respondents] merely affixed their signatures
or adhesion thereto. It thus partakes of the nature of a contract of adhesion.
It is settled that doubts in the interpretation of stipulations in contracts of
adhesion should be resolved against the party that prepared them. This
principle especially holds true with regard to waivers, which are not
presumed, but which must be clearly and convincingly shown. [Petitioner]
ACFLC presented no evidence hence it failed to show the efficacy of this
Moreover, to say that the mortgagor’s right of redemption may be
waived through a fine print in a mortgage contract is, in the last analysis,
tantamount to placing at the mortgagee’s absolute disposal the property
foreclosed. It would render practically nugatory this right that is provided by
law for the mortgagor for reasons of public policy. A contract of adhesion
may be struck down as void and unenforceable for being subversive to
public policy, when the weaker party is completely deprived of the
opportunity to bargain on equal footing.”14

In fine, when the redemptioner chooses to exercise his right of

redemption, it is the policy of the law to aid rather than to


13 See Thomson v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 116631, October 28, 1998, 358
Phil. 761, 778; 298 SCRA 280, 294 (1998).
14 Rollo, pp. 85-86.



Asian Cathay Finance and Leasing Corporation vs. Gravador

defeat his right.15 Thus, we affirm the CA in nullifying the waiver of

the right of redemption provided in the real estate mortgage.
Finally, ACFLC claims that respondents’ complaint for
annulment of mortgage is a collateral attack on its certificate of title.
The argument is specious.
The instant complaint for annulment of mortgage was filed on
April 7, 2000, long before the consolidation of ACFLC’s title over
the property. In fact, when respondents filed this suit at the first
instance, the title to the property was still in the name of respondent
Cesario. The instant case was pending with the RTC when ACFLC
filed a petition for foreclosure of mortgage and even when a writ of
possession was issued. Clearly, ACFLC’s title is subject to the final
outcome of the present case.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The assailed Decision
and Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 83197
are AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner.

Carpio (Chairperson), Peralta, Abad and Mendoza, JJ., concur.

Petition denied, judgment and resolution affirmed.

Note.—While the Usury Law ceiling on interest rates was lifted

by C.B. Circular No. 905, nothing in said circular grants lenders
carte blanche authority to raise interest rates to levels which will
either enslave their borrowers or lead to a hemorrhaging of their
assets. (Imperial vs. Jaucian, 427 SCRA 517 [2004])


15 Iligan Bay Manufacturing Corporation v. Dy, G.R. Nos. 140836 & 140907,
June 8, 2007, 524 SCRA 55, 70.

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