Cave of Whispers
Cave of Whispers
Cave of Whispers
represented as seeds on the lotus pedals of the spinal chakras. The word
CAVE OF WHISPERS chakra means spinning wheel of sound or center of tone. The following
diagram shows the bija sounds written on the lotus pedals of the chakras
“Bija Mantras For Healing and Well Being”
and the relationship between each chakra and element.
Although the bija sounds were
written in Sanskrit letters, they
do not belong to any language and
cannot be understood in the context
of normal communication. Bija
—Swami Rama sounds are similar to the sounds made
by musical instruments. Imagine the
Bija mantras are spoken, sung, whispered, and inwardly contemplated chakras as a keyboard and the bija
sounds used to balance life energy and increase consciousness. Bija is a sounds as notes. When we are “in tune”
Sanskrit word meaning seed or seed of sound. Bija mantras were discovered the bijas sound in harmony to create
thousands of years ago by recluses sitting in deep meditation in the moun- the music of life. When the bija sounds
tain caves and rain forests of the Far East. Meditating in the solitude of are correctly combined as bija mantras
nature, they perceived and listened to “thoughts” of sounds arising from they activate different qualities of
profound inner silence. They called these thought sounds bijas because, elemental energies. When these ener-
in their experience, they were fundamental to all life. gies are correctly balanced with our
needs they flow through us to create
The nature recluses associated the bija sounds with the five transcendental an inner environment of optimal health
elements – Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. The bijas are traditionally and well-being.
The principle of how a bija mantra is pronounced is easy to understand. WATER(6) ba - bha - ma - ya - ra - la
We use sounds like aha, ummm, mmmmmmmmmm, aaah, and ssh to com- Qualities: flow, creativity, bonding / relationship,
municate everyday inner experiences. Aha, which is a combination of the sensuality / touch, feelings, attachment, sexuality,
sounds “a” and “ha”, is always pronounced differently because it expresses rhythmic flowing voice
a unique inner experience. In a similar way bija mantras have a pronuncia-
tion; however, the pronunciation will always change in resonance with
FIRE(10) da - dah - na - ta - tha - da (day) - dha (dhay) -
the consciousness of the person sounding it. Imagine every time the expres-
na (nay) - pa - pha
sion “aha” is pronounced, it is exactly the same. The pronunciation may be
correct; however, its connection with experience is absent. The following Qualities: action, motivation, enthusiasm, vision, ideas,
chart of bija sounds gives an “idea” of bija pronunciations used in Cave Of appetite, digestion, metabolism, sharp clear staccato voice
Whispers. It is useful as long as one remembers that the actual pronuncia-
tions will change based on the flow of elemental energy. AIR (12) gam - kham - gham - nam - cam - cham - jam -
jham - nam (am) - tam - tham – kam
Qualities: quick thinking, multitasking, problem solving,
The bija sounds desire, nervous system, light-fast voice
EARTH(4) va - sah (sah) - sa (say) - sa (shaw) ETHER (16) m (om) - o - r (rattle) - u (you) - e - c (ch) - a -
Qualities: organization, structure, patience, safety, security, i - j (jar) - ai - s (ss) - u (uh) - a (ah) - s (sh) - h (house) - au
personal boundaries, skeletal system, lower back specific, Qualities: space, expression, openness, spirituality, silence,
colon, slow movement pattern letting go, joint mobility, open resonate voice
A bija mantra is created by combining two or more bija sounds. Each bija heart, nerve, and immune cells released as a gas. The American team of
sound activates a specific element quality. For example, the bija “va” scientists who discovered the effects of NO release on cardiovascular tissue
resonates with the Earth chakra and the bija “e” resonates with the Ether won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1998. Nitric oxide research on medita-
chakra. When combined, they create the bija mantra “e va” which resonates tion demonstrates that meditating with a bija mantra, as instructed in this
Ether and Earth. To better understand how a bija mantra works, imagine CD, will both promote and enhance the rhythmic release of NO. Some of
the effects different environments have on our minds and bodies. For the benefits of NO release include:
example, when people are suffering from allergies and asthma, they often
times leave their cold damp environment (Earth and Water) and travel to Enhanced cell vitality /anti-aging
Arizona where the climate is dry and hot (Fire and Air). The same principal Stabilized body metabolism /weight control
holds true for bija mantras. When a bija mantra is in resonance with the Enhanced vascular flow / reduction of free radicals
elements you need, it creates a field of vibration that has the potential to Increased ability to fight infections / anti bacterial
change mental, emotional, and physical patterns. Increased ability to fight viruses / anti-viral
Increased levels of energy and stamina / stress reduction
Increased cerebral blood flow / enhanced memory
Bija Mantra Healing Research Detoxification of digestive track / enhanced digestion
Early research, beginning in the 1970’s, focused on the effects of bija Greater sense of well-being / anti-depressant
mantras used during transcendental meditation. These studies demonstrated
that bija mantras can effect positive changes in blood pressure, blood For more information on nitric oxide and sound healing, I recommend
oxygen levels, and immune response, while also slowing down the heart reading our research paper: Sound Therapy Induced Relaxation: Down
rate. In general, the daily practice of meditating with bija mantras Regulating Stress Processes and Pathologies and/or read my e-booklet,
promoted a greater ability to adapt to stress through increased relaxation. The Rhythm of Nitric Oxide How A Tiny Little Molecule Determines Your
Researchers began looking at the ability of bija mantra meditation to stimu- Overall Health at
late nitric oxide in the year 2000. Nitric oxide (NO) is created within
How to Use Your Bija Mantra CD where wise beings sound bija gateways, called brain stars, into higher
For Healing and Well-being states of consciousness in order to understand the sonic nature of the
In this section, the bija mantras are composed into creative healing chants
Track 5: Third Incantation:
which the listener can enjoy as a musical journey.
This Incantation organizes the seven brain stars of light into a unified
tonal resonance opening the gateway into the Cave of Whispers.
Track 1: First Incantation:
A multiple induction of spoken bija mantras for creating a general
Track 6: Cave of Whispers:
energy balance and opening a gateway into the source of the bija sounds.
The Cave of Whispers takes the listener into the third ventricle of the
brain, called the Cave of Brahma, in which bijas echo and create a subtle
Track 2: Invocation:
heat which causes cerebrospinal fluid to transform into steam. This
Travel through the dreaming self into the realm of a thousand lights
gently opens the mystical passageway at the base of the pineal gland,
using bija mantra chants embedded in music.
allowing consciousness to spiral upwards into the fertile nothingness of
the absolute.
Track 3: Second Incantation:
This incantation stills and balances sphenoid bone movements for entry
into the higher realms of the sound current through the mystic third eye.
Track 26
Large Intestine Balance (u ya sa)
From John Beaulieu Produced and Recorded by John Beaulieu and Peter Wetzler
All Compositions by: John Beaulieu ©2006 ASCAP
h Mastered By: Sound Forms, Kingston, NY
All Arrangements and Vocals by John Beaulieu
Sound Healing Instructional DVDs Arrangement of Invocation by Peter Wetzler
Sacred Sound Toning Pamphlet Editing: Thea Keats Beaulieu
Bija Mantras Voice Energetics Photo of John Beaulieu: ©Georgio Palmisano
Sound Healing With Tuning Forks Five Element Evaluation Cover Art: Dina Peloso
Graphic Design: Oxygen Design, Sherry Williams
PlanetTuners Sound and Consciousness
Calendula “A Suite For Pythagorean Tuning Forks” About The Composer
Spirit Whistles, “A Suite For Overtone Whistles” John Beaulieu, N.D., Ph.D. is a composer, sound healer, licensed
Streetch and Ziedler “Piano Adventures” psychotherapist, and board certified naturopathic doctor. He is the founder
ALL DVDS AND CDS, BIOSONIC ENTERPRISES, STONE RIDGE, NEW YORK, of BioSonic Enterprises, Ltd., a company dedicated to tuning the world.
1998-2008. After completing advanced degrees at Purdue and Indiana University,
where he studied music, psychology and creative arts therapy, he went on
Books to study Eastern and Western natural healing systems. Formerly Supervisor
Human Tuning “Using Tuning Forks To Tune The Human Nervous System”, of Music Therapy at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital and a Professor of
BioSonic Enterprises, High Falls, NY 2009.
Counseling at City University of New York, Dr. Beaulieu currently
Music And Sound In The Healing Arts, Station Hill Press, Barrytown NY 1989. researches the molecular effects of sound and lectures around the
Polarity Therapy Workbook, BioSonic Enterprises, New York, New York, 1995. world on sound and healing.
For more information on bija mantras, upcoming classes, and other One evening the birds did not come. I was very skeptical about Sai Baba
BioSonic products including CDs, books, instructional DVDs, and tuning and the claims that he was an avatar or high spiritual being. I thought to
forks please, visit our web site at: where we have myself, “Sai Baba if you are a avatar as they say, you will come out here right
created a guided meditation, Rainforest Mantras, that takes the listener into now and call the birds.” To my surprise he walked out of the temple at that
an intuitive understanding of the origin of bija mantras, a DVD learning moment, looked around, and moved his right hand in small circles and
course, Bija Mantras Of The Spinal Chakras and Five Element Evaluation, for those whispered mantras. Simultaneously, birds appeared from everywhere and
who what more knowledge about healing with bija mantras. In addition, perched in the palm trees around the temple. They chirped so loud I could
you can download a special e-booklet describing the history, research, not hear the people singing inside the temple.
and effects of Nitric Oxide is offered.
Sai Baba looked me in the eye and made a gesture with his hand telling me
to look up. I was caught between my skeptical mind and the unfolding events
of the moment. I started thinking, “This may be my time to surrender and
Dedication let go.” I closed my eyes, and I tilted my head back against the palm tree.
Exactly at that moment, a bird pooped on my third eye in the middle of my
I dedicate Cave of Whispers to forehead. Sai Baba smiled as the warm bird poop flowed across my forehead.
Sathya Sai Baba. I will never forget his big smile as he turned around and walked into the
temple. My fever went up, and the birds continued to sing. This is the closest
I went to India in 1978 to visit Sathya Sai Baba. While staying at his ashram I have ever been to enlightenment. The memory of bird poop on my third
I came down with a high fever. My only relief was to sit under the palm eye always reminds me to be humble and that “enlightenment” is earned
trees during evening darshan listening to thousands of birds chirping to the through meeting life challenges with humility as part of the process of living.
sound of devotees singing bhajans. My fever went down listening to sacred
sounds and birds chirping.