Handbook SRCplus PDF
Handbook SRCplus PDF
Handbook SRCplus PDF
ISBN: 978-3-936338-36-2
Translations: The original language of the handbook is English. This handbook is also
available in the following languages: Croatian, Czech, French, German,
Greek, Latvian, and Macedonian
Website: www.srcplus.eu
Copyright: All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
or by any means, in order to be used for commercial purposes, without
permission in writing from the publisher. The authors do not guarantee
the correctness and/or the completeness of the information and the data
included or described in this handbook.
Disclaimer: The sole responsibility for the content of this handbook lies with the
authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European
Union. Neither the EASME nor the European Commission are
responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained
in the handbook.
This handbook was elaborated in the framework of the SRCplus project (IEE/13/574),
supported by the European Commission through the Intelligent Energy for Europe (IEE)
programme operated by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
(EASME). The authors would like to thank the European Commission for the support of the
SRCplus project as well as the reviewers and SRCplus partners for their contribution to the
handbook. We thank the Anderson Group (Biobaler) and Wald21, as well as our colleagues
from WIP and SLU for the permission to use their pictures.
SRCplus Project Consortium
Ekodoma, Latvia
Ilze Dzene [ilze@ekodoma.lv ]
Linda Drukmane [linda.drukmane@ekodoma.lv]
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................. 2
SRCplus Project Consortium ............................................................................................. 3
Preface ................................................................................................................................. 6
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 7
2 Site selection ................................................................................................................ 8
2.1 Site requirements .................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Climate ...................................................................................................................14
2.3 Plantation layout .....................................................................................................14
2.4 Legislation ..............................................................................................................17
2.5 Sustainability aspects for site selection ..................................................................17
3 Tree species and clones .............................................................................................21
3.1 Willow.....................................................................................................................21
3.2 Poplar.....................................................................................................................24
3.3 Black locust ............................................................................................................25
3.4 Eucalyptus .............................................................................................................27
3.5 Alder ......................................................................................................................28
3.6 Other species .........................................................................................................28
4 Cultivation of SRC .......................................................................................................29
4.1 Site preparation ......................................................................................................29
4.2 Planting material ....................................................................................................32
4.3 Planting ..................................................................................................................34
4.4 Management of the plantation ................................................................................38
5 Harvesting of SRC .......................................................................................................42
5.1 Yields .....................................................................................................................42
5.2 Cutting cycles .........................................................................................................44
5.3 Properties of harvested material .............................................................................45
5.4 Harvesting methods ...............................................................................................46
5.5 Drying and storing of woodchips.............................................................................51
6 Logistics and transport...............................................................................................56
7 Removal of SRC ..........................................................................................................57
8 Use of SRC products...................................................................................................58
8.1 Quality of woodchips ..............................................................................................58
8.2 Options for the use of woodchips ...........................................................................62
8.3 Combustion of woodchips and pellets ....................................................................64
9 SRC and its environmental impacts...........................................................................69
9.1 Phytodiversity .........................................................................................................69
9.2 Zoodiversity ............................................................................................................72
9.3 Soil .........................................................................................................................77
9.4 Water .....................................................................................................................79
9.5 Use of ash and sewage sludge as fertilizer ............................................................80
9.6 Agroforestry systems..............................................................................................81
10 Economy of SRC .........................................................................................................82
10.1 Example 1: Willow SRC in Grästorp, Sweden ........................................................83
10.2 Example 2: Willow SRC at SIA ECOMARK, Latvia .................................................85
10.3 Example 3: Poplar SRC in Göttingen, Germany .....................................................85
10.4 Example 4: Willow SRC in Brittany, France ............................................................87
10.5 Example 5: Willow SRC in Enköping, Sweden .......................................................90
Glossary and Abbreviations ..............................................................................................93
Latin and common plant names ........................................................................................96
General conversion units ..................................................................................................98
References ........................................................................................................................102
Biomass plays a key role among renewable energy sources (RES), accounting for almost
70% of European renewables, and showing steady growth. In the future demand for wood as
fuel for heating, power and as construction material or for biomaterials is expected to
increase rapidly. This will be mainly driven by market forces and supported by the targets of
the national and European energy policy. Solid biomass from Short Rotation Woody Crops
(SRC) can contribute significantly to reaching Europe’s 2020 targets.
The countries in Europe that have currently the largest areas of SRC for energy are Sweden,
UK and Poland. In other European countries the production of SRCs is limited and takes
place at very small scale, but there are plans and the political will to increase SRC in the
near future. Therefore, there is a need to implement actions triggering and accompanying the
implementation of local supply chains of SRC in other European countries. This is the aim of
the SRCplus project (Short Rotation Woody Crops Plantations for Local Supply Chains and
Heat Use.
The project SRCplus promotes the sustainable production of SRC in seven different target
countries in Europe. The target regions of the SRCplus project are:
Achental region (Germany)
Eastern Croatia region (Croatia)
Vidzeme region (Latvia)
Rhone-Alps region (France)
Zlin region (Czech Republic)
Kentriki Makedonia region (Greece)
Prespa region (Macedonia)
The overall goal of the SRCplus project is to support and speed-up the development of local
supply chains of SRC by implementing various capacity building measures and regional
mobilization actions for the key actors in local supply chains.
SRCplus has started in March 2014 and lasts for 3 years. The project is supported by the
Intelligent Energy for Europe Program of the European Union (Contract No IEE/13/574). The
SRCplus consortium includes 10 partners. The action is coordinated by WIP Renewable
Energies, Germany.
The present publication “Sustainable Short Rotation Coppice – A Handbook” provides
information on SRC for the target groups of the project: farmers, public land owners, small
utilities of heat and CHP, woodchip traders, and any interested persons. The handbook
presents the different agricultural practices in Europe, whereas the different framework
conditions, such as climate, are considered. The added value of the handbook is the focus
on sustainable supply chains and SRC benefits that are often not known to the key actors.
The handbook was written in English and is translated into the national languages of the
target countries.
1 Introduction
Short rotation woody crops (SRC or SRWC) are woody fast-growing tree species that are
cultivated with the aim to produce high biomass yields in a short period that can be used for
energy purposes. Similar terms can be found in the literature such as short rotation
plantations (SRP), short rotation forestry (SRF), or short rotation coppice (SRC). These terms
are sometimes used synonymously, but their definitions are slightly different.
SRWC that are harvested after a short period have to be either re-planted after harvest
(sometimes practiconed for e.g. eucalyptus or robinia) or grown as coppice (usually
practicionned for e.g. poplar and willow).
“Coppice” (Figure 1) is characterised by the ability of the selected tree species to re-grow
with new sprouts after the plant is cut down. This handbook mainly focuses on the
cultivation of trees in coppice cultivation. However, reference is also made to those species
that have to be re-planted after harvest. Therefore, the abbreviation SRC is used
throughout the handbook for both, short rotation woody crops and short rotation coppice.
Figure 1: „Traditional coppice“ as it was a frequent management practice in the past for e.g. willows (in
the front) and „modern coppice“ of a short rotation poplar plantation (in the background of the
image). (Source: Rutz D.)
Perennial SRCs are woody species such as alder, ash, southern beech, birch, eucalyptus,
poplar, willow, paulownia, paper mulberry, robinia, Australian blackwood, sycamore, and
others. In Europe, the main species used are poplar and willow. Thus, this handbook mainly
focuses on these species.
SRC is an excellent alternative to annual energy crops and can be complementary to the
existing agricultural system. In general, SRC cultivation is by definition a low-input
agricultural practice that generally implies low GHG emissions due to limited applications of
chemicals, but also because the crops are cultivated for a number of years which leads to
limited management inputs. The use of pesticides is negligible and in most cases non-
existent. This is not due to the absence of diseases or insects, but mostly because of the
relative low economic value compared to conventional agricultural crops since the produced
biomass is used for energy. The need for fertilizers is small compared to conventional
agricultural crops: fertilization of trees is not common practice, and the crops are perennial
and grown for several years before harvest, using the nutrients recycled in the soil-plant
system from descent leaves and root die-off. Even in the cases when N fertilization is
recommended, as for willow SRC, the amounts recommended are significantly lower in
comparison to other common agricultural crops.
Besides being harvested for energy production, the cultivation of SRCs has many benefits
compared to annual crops. They help to improve water quality, enhance biodiversity, provide
ecosystem services (hunting, beekeeping, water supply, fire protection), mitigate animal
diseases between farms, prevent erosion, reduce artificial input materials (fertilizers,
pesticides) and mitigate climate change due to carbon storage. These advantages have to
be promoted to produce sustainable woodchips from SRC, enhancing the positive impacts of
SRC to the environment. Thereby, sustainability aspects must be considered: SRC has most
positive impacts on marginal soils and especially as structural elements in the landscape,
bordering for instance fields, roads, and power lines. The sustainability of the supply chains
is specifically addressed in the SRCplus project (Dimitriou et al. 2014a, Dimitriou & Rutz
2014, Dimitriou & Fistrek 2014).
2 Site selection
The selection of a site for the establishment of SRC is a very important step for successful
implementation. This chapter is divided in different factors-to-consider for appropriate site
selection, i.e. factors related to site requirements, climate, plantation layout and other
aspects for sustainable site selection.
to be considered that initial weed control is important, which may be difficult on certain soils,
such as organic or peat soils. Medium to heavy clay loams with good aeration and moisture
retention are ideal for SRC cultivation, especially if they allow a minimum cultivation depth of
200-250 mm to enable mechanical planting. The cultivation on flood lands or sensitive
wetland areas (Figure 2, Figure 3) needs to be carefully assessed since the cultivation
(planting and harvesting) with heavy machinery can be challenging. A negative impact on
wet soils may be soil compaction. On this land, the application of heavy machinery should be
either made in very dry periods or when the soil is frozen.
Figure 2: Willow SRC planted on a peat extraction Figure 3: A willow SRC plantation grown on a field
field in Belarus. Despite it is not with high groundwater level in Sweden.
recommended to plant SRC in high Despite the high water level, which
organic soils due to lower biomass should be avoided, willow SRC can still
production, willow SRC can be grown in grow satisfactory since it tolerates
such soils satisfactory and can also be anoxic conditions. (Source: Dimitriou I.)
used for soil restoration. (Source:
Dimitriou I.)
Water availability: SRC’s water demand is usually higher than that for other conventional
agricultural crops cultivated in the same area. Therefore, areas with higher rainfall or areas
with access to groundwater or other water availability (e.g. water bodies, wastewater) (Figure
4) should be preferred, if possible. Some SRC species such as willow are well-known to
tolerate anoxic conditions due to water-in-excess, but the implied difficulties for harvest need
to be taken into consideration when choosing a site.
The water demand of SRC varies depending on the species used. Moreover, great variations
in terms of different water use efficiencies between different cultivars/varieties/clones of the
same species have been reported. Therefore, nurseries or plant material traders should
advise the farmer about the suitability of the plant material under the specific site conditions.
Especially during the initial planting of the cuttings, when the roots are not yet developed,
enough soil moisture is crucial to ensure the success of the plantation. So, the timing of initial
planting must be well-planned, as serious losses occurred in plantations that were planted
during very dry periods.
Increased impact on groundwater has been expressed when SRC is planted in dry areas.
Especially in countries where water availability is limited and where species are used that are
adapted to warmer climates, such as eucalyptus, the impact on groundwater has to be
considered. Such concerns should be given high priority, especially if a substantial percent of
a catchment area is to be given to SRC production. However, such serious impacts have not
yet been proved in Europe, as so far only smaller parts of catchment areas have been
cultivated with SRC (Dimitriou et al., 2012a). With the wide range of differing land uses,
which are common in European agriculture, the water impact of SRC has been projected to
be small. On the other hand, SRC provides benefits when used as buffer zones, when
planted in areas of high-input agriculture. There, SRCs are an effective mechanism for
excessive nutrient retention. Decreased nutrient losses and increased evapotranspiration
reduce the leakage of hazardous amounts of nutrients in adjacent water bodies or
SRC roots can grow deeper than annual crops in order to ensure access to available water.
Deeper rooting of SRC has caused concerns about potential damage on drainage pipes. In
fields where drainage is established, deep rooting is not expected as enough water is
available near the surface. Here, roots usually remain in the upper 40-50 cm of the soil. If the
existing drainage system is new, the grower may choose a different location for SRC to
minimise potential risks. The age of the drainage system should be taken into consideration,
especially in comparison to the expected lifespan of the SRC plantation. Fields with an
already damaged or old drainage system can be considered for SRC cultivation, as the
drainage would not have to be replaced.
Figure 4: Poplar SRC which is fertirrigated with Figure 5: A willow SRC field planted parallel to a
municipal wastewater in south Spain. rural road with easy access for
Despite the dry conditions, SRC can machines and with broad edges that
grow satisfactory even without irrigation, allow easier management. (e.g.
but will achieve better growth when harvesting) (Source: Nordh N-E.)
irrigated with wastewater. (Source:
Dimitriou I.)
Access: SRC plantations should have good access to agricultural/rural roads (Figure 5) for
the equipment required for SRC management. In general, areas with slopes steeper than
10% are not suitable for larger plantations with automised planting and harvesting practices,
especially if wet conditions occur. For smaller plantations, where motor-manual planting and
harvesting practices are implemented, the plantation can be established on steeper slopes.
Excessive vehicle access to SRC sites will occur in winter when the crop is harvested. Due
to the heavy loads of the harvested wood, sites should be as close as possible to paved
roads (or alternatively with relatively easy access to hard roads).
Size: The size of the plantation has a considerable impact on the management of the
plantation as well as on logistics and its related costs. Depending on the country and the
purpose of the plantation, in order to be econiomicaly viable, plantation sizes should be
minimum 2 to 5 ha. However, SRC plantations can be grown also on smaller areas (Figure
6), if there are e.g. several other plantations in the vicinity which allow using synergies (e.g.
coordinated harvest at the same time to reduce related costs). Smaller plantations are also
suitable if the farmer wants to have the plantation just for meeting the own energy needs and
if he does most of the work manually.
Figure 6: A small-sized willow SRC field placed in the middle of an agricultural landscape; despite not
being very big (about 2 hectares), the plantation is situated close to other SRC fields and
therefore management with other SRCs is combined. (Source: Nordh N-E.)
The choice of the shape of the SRC fields can play an important role on the easiness and the
time needed for the management of an SRC site, and will consequently have an impact on
the economy of the plantation. Longer and rectangular fields are easier to manage when
planting and harvesting (especially when direct chipping is applied), but also when fencing
against mammals (e.g. rabbits, roe deer etc) is required. However, in practice, annual crops
are often planted on these well-shaped fields. Therefore, smaller and irregular shaped fields
are frequently selected for SRC, as its input and maintainance are much lower than for the
cultivation of annual crops (JTI, 2014).
Location in the landscape: The management of SRC has more similarities with the
cultivation of annual crops than with forestry. However, several visual features of SRC, such
as the height of the trees (e.g. up to 8 m tall after three-four years, depending on the tree
species selected and framework conditions), as well as being a row crop, add new
characteristics in an agricultural landscape. SRC creates a three-dimensional new and
visible feature in the landscape, in contrast to annual crops which keep landscapes generally
rather open. Therefore, SRC can have a negative impact on the open landscape, but if well-
designed could bring important landscape improvements.
Independent of the legislative framework conditions, which may require asking the owners of
the neigbouring land for permission to grow SRC, it should be good practice to always get in
dialogue with neighbours in order to avoid conflicts and to raise awareness and interest.
Furthermore, it must be considered that SRC should not be planted on or close to sites of
historical importance, in case that the height of the plants would have negative impacts.
Moreover, special caution needs to be paid on nature and landscape conservation and
protection areas. The site-specific legislation on these areas must be respected. SRC fields
underneath power lines should involve the utility managing the power line. Even the lowest
SRC plantations (e.g. coppice) can reach up to 8 m before harvest and should not touch
power lines.
If SRC is grown to provide biomass for a large-scale power station (Figure 9) and therefore
concentrated in a small-radius area around the power station, the change in character of the
landscape could be considerable if many plantations are needed. Here, the species and the
density of planting have also an impact on the landscape picture.
However, in case of smaller-scale production, such effects are not expected. This can be
assessed by a small calculation: if for instance 2 MW continuous power generation should be
achieved, approximately 15-20 thousand tonnes dry wood biomass will be needed. This can
come from 1,500-2,000 ha of SRC (if the biomass is 10 t DM/ha/yr). This amount of land
corresponds to about 1.5% of the total surface of an area with the radius of 20 km (which is
the economically justified radius from a hypothetical end-user of SRC biomass). Therefore,
the expected impact on landscape in such a case cannot be considered substantial.
SRC can be smoothly integrated into existing landscapes with minimal disturbance if
hedgerows and forest areas already exist, since in those cases sight lines are short. If sight
lines are long or if SRC is established in a flat topography, potential plantations should
provide interlocking blocks with organic rather than geometric shapes in order to better
harmonise with the existing landscape. In these landscapes, SRC plantations should be
rather large and link up with existing woodland (Figure 7) to give visual, but also
environmental benefits. However, the deciduous nature of the crop diversity, which is created
due to the varietal mixtures (e.g. with different clones providing different shapes and colours)
and harvesting patterns, gives a dynamic feature in the agricultural landscape (JTI 2014).
Figure 7: A rectangular and rather small-sized willow SRC field established in an agricultural area, but
close to the existing forest allowing a smooth change of the landscape. (Source: Nordh N-E.)
The following list shows a number of factors that an SRC project developer needs to
consider, in order to avoid disturbances in the landscape due to SRC planting, but also
taking into consideration potential environmental impacts. Thereby, it has to be considered
that these are very general statements and that the site-specific situation always needs to be
addressed in detail (Dimitriou et al, 2014a).
Planting SRC in agricultural fields close to forest stands gives a feeling of a natural
continuation in the landscape and should be preferred. However, planting in only
forest areas should be avoided since the landscape would become very forest-
Harvesting different parts of the plantation after different growth cycles creates a
more diverse landscape, which gives also a dynamic character to the landscape.
Planting of SRC near important cultural sites may have negative visual impacts.
Planting different clones with different habitus (vigorousness, leaf size and shape,
colours) increases the visual diversity. Broad openings between fields provide
opportunities for the recreation in the area (e.g. walking).
SRC is very suitable to be grown alongside roads with heavy traffic, as this land is
often not used. However, it must be considered, that, depending on the given road,
safety is not reduced. In order to allow drivers to have a good view e.g. at bends and
crossings, SRC fields edges in these cases need to be broader (Figure 8, Figure 10,
Figure 11).
On roads were traffic is not heavy, e.g. in rural areas, the impact of SRC plantations
on driving is rather small, however, a field edge is still needed to allow easier
management (e.g. turning of the harvesting machines).
Large power plants that use SRCs are often in very industrial landscapes where the
SRC establishment could be a measure to improve the general greenness of such an
In open landscapes and areas where annual agricultural crops are grown, SRC can
offer a variation in the landscape.
SRC should be in general planted in areas with the less perceived landscape impact
(e.g. close to forest, in hilly areas, away from culturally important sites) and in a way
that will fit to the surroundings (e.g. smaller patches in forest areas, bigger fields in
open agricultural areas, adjusted to the hill variation in hilly areas).
Table 1: Overview of factors determining the site selection for SRC plantations for energy
Figure 8: SRC fields close to a bigger road. Wider Figure 9: Harvest of a large willow SRC located
edges should allow drivers with open close to a combined heat and power
views. (Source: Nordh N-E.) station (chimney in the upper left of the
picture) that receive willow chips. The
transportation costs are reduced when
biomass for energy is produced close to
the end user. (Source: Dimitriou I.)
Figure 10: SRC poplar plantation besides a road in Figure 11: SRC willow plantation besides a road in
Germany: the road visibility is not Sweden: the road visibility is not
negatively affected. (Source: Rutz D.) negatively affected. (Source: Rutz D.)
2.2 Climate
Since there is a number of different species that can be used as SRC for biomass
production, a vast range of climatic conditions can be appropriate for the establishment of
SRC in Europe.
The most frequently species currently used in Europe, willow and poplar, originate from the
northern temperate zone. They can tolerate a range of climatic conditions and are cold-
tolerant. Grown on areas with low soil moisture would probably result in non-satisfactory
yields and species or clones/cultivars with high water use efficiency should be preferred.
In southern Europe, plants that are sensitive to low temperatures can be used, but often the
drought tolerance is an important characteristic for the selection of species and varieties.
Special attention must be paid especially to the water availability during the year of
plantation, as cuttings do not have yet established roots.
Moreover, the plant material that will be used in a SRC plantation should have been tested
under the local conditions and empirically introduced with success in the market. There have
been a number of examples with clones/varieties as a result of breeding programmes that
have been proved very suitable in certain latitudes, but not in others while implemented in
different latitudes, causing low yields or plantation losses. Therefore, it is advisable to use
plant material that is provided by local nurseries and that has been tested locally in practice.
Several issues must be considered for the layout of SRC plantations in a certain location,
besides maximising the yield. They are related to the practical issues of managing a
plantation, but also to increase positive impacts of SRC to the environment.
Flat fields or fields with a slope of no more than 10% are ideal from the operation point of
view. However, SRC plantations are often established on steeper slopes as they can reduce
soil erosion. The SRC plantations need to be designed in such a way that will allow
appropriate access of all machinery involved in establishing and harvesting.
It is important to plan headers that are large enough to allow turning of machinery during
harvest (harvester and/or accompanying tractors for chip collection if applicable). Such
headers, which belong to the plantation, but which are not planted with SRC, allow
increasing the biodiversity on the edges of the plantation: they can be cultivated with
indigenous herbaceous plants. If specially designed automatic harvesting equipment for
willow or poplar coppice is used, headers should be at least 6-7 m long. This area should be
also large enough for transferring and storing the harvested chips (Figure 12) or wood logs
for longer periods.
Figure 12: An SRC harvester using the braod edges of the field to temprorarily store the harvested chips.
The humidity of the chips will be decreased before transported to the end user. (Source:
Dimitriou I.)
The field layout should maximise row lengths in order to minimise the number of necessary
turns of the machinery. Ideally, row lengths would allow filling of one or two trailers with
woodchips before the harvester needs to turn (JTI 2014).
The establishment of new SRC plantations should not avoid or block existing public access.
This is especially valid for areas with high recreational activities, e.g. in areas close to cities.
Planning the public access carefully and consulting with relevant groups and stakeholders
can avoid conflicts. Wide corridors between different blocks of SRC plantations will increase
the public access and recreation value of the SRC plantations. Such corridors and wide
edges, as well as long rows, also offer increased advantages with regard to phytodiversity
and zoodiversity.
The plantation design should fit into the surrounding landscape as much as possible (as
indicated above), and therefore it would be ideal if SRC is planted adjacent or close to e.g.
existing forest stands (e.g. hedgerows and/or small woodlands). The edges are important as
landscape features. The SRC edges should look as natural as possible, graded and varied in
scale with the landscape, and hedges could be planted and managed annually. As an
alternative for the edges, annual crops could be planted.
For the core part of the SRC plantation, different plantation layouts can be chosen depending
on the used species and on the harvesting cycle (Table 2, Figure 13). Typical coppice
plantations with willow and poplar use very high densities, where 5,000 to 20,000 cuttings
per hectare are planted. In such plantations, and in order to allow easier operations by
mechanical management for planting, fertilization and harvesting, planting in single or double
rows is recommended.
Table 2: Plantation design for willow and poplar in Germany (According to Wald 21)
• 2,500-3,333 cuttings /
• 8,300-11,000 cuttings / ha • 5,000 cuttings / ha
• Single-row: 2 m • Single row: 2 m
Poplar • Single row: 2m
• Density: ~ 45-60 cm in the • Density: ~ 1m in the
• Density: ~ 1.5 – 2 in the
row row
For poplar plantations often single rows are planted. The distance between the rows should
be 2 m and the distance of the cuttings in the rows should be 0.45 m to 2 m, depending on
the rotation cycle. Double-row systems have been implemented also with poplar.
The use of double rows may enable faster and therefore cheaper management, especially
for willow plantations with many thin shoots and very short rotation cycles. A typical design of
these double rows is 1.50 between and 0.75 m within the double rows, and a distance of the
cuttings in the rows of 0.5 m to 0.8 m (depending on the location, the clones or species
used). Changing the spacing can affect the harvested end product, especially the longitude
and diameter of the stems. Early consultation with the potential end users during the
planning stage is necessary to fulfil their needs when harvesting.
Figure 13: Examples of simplified plantation layouts with single- and double rows (not true to scale) (a =
space of the header (8 m); b = space of the boarder to the edge of the field (2 m); c = space
between the cuttings in the row (0.45-2 m); d = space between the rows (2 m); e = space within
the double rows (0.75 m) (Source: Rutz D.)
Figure 14: Willow SRC fields of different ages and planted with different clones diversifies the landscape.
Also different heights and colours contribute to the diversification; neighbours have easy
access between the fields with the wide edges. (Source: Nordh N-E.)
2.4 Legislation
An important aspect for site selection is associated to legal aspects. Thereby, often
legislation at different levels, such as national, regional and local levels applies. Usually a
new SRC plantation replaces former land use which may be crop land, grassland, forest,
abandoned land, etc.
In many countries it is not recommended and the legislation forbids installing new SRC
plantations on forest land. Only in few countries SRC is classified as forest land. In some
countries or regions, such as in Bavaria (Germany), establishing SRCs on grassland is
forbidden. SRC is considered equal as annual crops on cropland if it is harvested within a
certain time period (e.g. 20 years in Germany).
Besides such general rules for the establishment of SRCs, which differ in European
countries, the protection status of the land has to be also considered. Thereby, SRC is not
always immediately forbidden if any protectional status applies. It depends on the type of
protection: it may be a difference if a landscape protection site, nature conservation site, or
Natura 2000 site. Also legal issues to water management have to be taken into account:
water catchment area, flood-prone areas of rivers or ground water sensitive areas.
Legislation may also have an impact on the selection of approved varieties and clones as
sometimes this is prescribed. For the design of the plantation, the distance to neighbours is
sometimes regulated and requests e.g. a 2 m empty space to the neighbouring land.
With increasing demand on biomass for energy and for biobased materials, sustainability
aspects are becoming more important in the discussion about bioenergy. The establishment
and use of SRC can be a measure to increase the overall sustainability, but only if several
aspects are considered. A detailed description on these aspects is available in the SRCplus
report on “Sustainability criteria and recommendations for short rotation woody crops”
(Dimitriou & Rutz 2014). The following description only provides an overview on the content
of that report.
In general, SRC cultivation is by definition a low-input agricultural practice that implies low
GHG emissions due to limited applications of chemicals, but also because the crops are
cultivated for a number of years which leads to limited management inputs. The use of
pesticides is negligible and in most cases non-existent. This is not due to the absence of
diseases or insects, but mostly because of the relative low economic value compared to
conventional agricultural crops since the produced biomass is used for energy. The use of
fertilizers is limited compared to conventional agricultural crops: fertilization of trees is not
common practice, and the crops are perennial and grown for several years before harvest,
using the nutrients recycled in the soil-plant system from descent leaves and root die-off.
Even in the cases when N fertilization is considered, as for willow SRC, the amounts
recommended (about 80 kg N per hectare and year) are significantly lower in comparison to
other common agricultural crops.
Moreover, due to technical constraints and physiological reasons (e.g. the height of the
trees), fertilization equipment does not allow for fertilization each year, when the density of
the plantations is high, as in the case of willow and poplar SRC. Tillage is also carried out
once in the establishment period, and no other soil management occurs until the termination
of the plantations, which is usually several decades.
If managed in a sustainable way, SRC can generate significant synergies with other
agricultural practices, with ecosystem services and nature conservation measures. SRC
usually helps to improve water quality, enhances biodiversity, provides ecosystem services
(hunting, beekeeping, water supply, fire protection), mitigates animal diseases between
farms, prevents erosion, reduces artificial input materials (fertilizers, pesticides) and mitigates
climate change due to carbon storage. These advantages have to be promoted to produce
sustainable woodchips from SRC, enhancing the positive impacts of SRC to the
environment. Thereby, sustainability aspects must be considered: SRC has most positive
impacts on marginal soils and especially as structural elements in the landscape, bordering
for instance fields, roads, and electricity lines.
Due to its importance on the impact of SRC on the environment, the following description
highlights the impacts of land use changes. They are classified into direct (dLUC) and
indirect (iLUC). They are among the most critical impacts in any crop-based bioenergy value
chain, as in the future land use competition becomes an increasing limitation for any
In order to develop recommendations on sustainable SRC cultivation, the former land use
has a crucial role on the positive or negative impacts. A distinction is made whether the
future SRC is planned to be grown on:
current agricultural land: different types of agricultural land (ploughed land),
depending on the soil quality and water availability
current grassland: a distinction between intensively and extensively managed
grassland needs to be done
current forest: in many countries SRC should not be grown on land that is classified
as forests (both from the legal viewpoint, but also due to environmental issues).
marginal land: Different definitions of “marginal land” are available. Some land that is
economically classified as “marginal” has high ecological values. SRC may be well
suited on steep slopes (to prevent erosion), on flood-prone areas, under power lines,
protected land: the cultivation of SRC on protected land depends on the protection
status and goals.
To achieve a resource effective biomass production with SRC, the high fertility agricultural
land is most appropriate, since it produces in such areas the highest biomass yields per unit
area (and profit for the farmer) with proper management. As mentioned above, and further
analyzed below, an introduction of SRC in such areas seems to offer positive impacts in
terms of water and soil quality, and biodiversity, compared to conventional agricultural crops
that are usually cultivated in fertile soils.
However, with the current wood and energy prices, SRC is less competitive in many regions
compared to cropping systems on arable land, and thus farmers are often interested to
establish SRC mainly on abandoned agricultural land or grassland. A change of land use
from grass to SRC can be discussed controversially because of the efforts in European
agriculture to preserve and avoid reductions of carbon-sequestering ecosystems or
ecosystems with high biodiversity value such as grassland. Being a perennial crop with
minimal pesticide inputs, SRC is more akin to grassland than to other arable crops in terms
of management, and the consequent impacts on soil and water quality are not expected to
differ much. Relevant comparisons need to be analyzed, since land use transformation must
be performed in a careful way to ensure compliance with the environment protection.
In general, the impacts of SRC cultivated on forest land are rather negative. Thus, many
countries have elaborated legislations that prevent the cultivation of SRC on forest land.
All three land-use types (agricultural land, grassland, forests) can be managed in different
ways. Depending on these management practices, as well as on soil and climatic condition,
“marginal land” can be applied to all three land use types. Thereby, different definitions of
marginal land exist, depending on the focus of economic issues, fertility, risks, etc.
Marginal land could be e.g. moderate or highly contaminated soils, flood-prone areas, land
under power lines, parallel to rail trails, and land on landslip prone areas. These land types
create opportunities; mostly because SRC can tolerate and grow satisfactory under
unfavourable conditions (e.g. heavy metal contaminated soils, anaerobic conditions, less
fertile sites, flooded areas). On these areas often not many other crops than SRC can be
grown and offer an income. Although the expected biomass production and therefore the
land-use efficiency will be rather low, there can be sites of interest to grow SRC since
competition to other crops is avoided and several environmental advantages are offered, if
SRC management is optimized. However, for certain areas, e.g. high biodiversity marginal
land, there is an environmental risk to generate negative impacts through SRC cultivation.
Finally, all three land-use types (agricultural land, grassland, forests) can also have a
protection status, according to different local, national and EU protection classification. In
case that this status is related to certain ecosystems, habitats and protected species, the
cultivation of SRC is rather negative. For protection areas that are related to landscape
protection, the cultivation of SRC may have positive or negative impacts. In general, the site-
specific protection goals have to be identified and the impact of SRC cultivation on the
fulfilment of these goals assessed.
An overview on the different impacts of SRC implementation on the three land-use types is
presented in Table 3.
Table 3: Impacts of SRC implementation on agricultural land, grassland and forests (Adapted from
BUND 2010; Dimitriou & Rutz 2014)
Higher evaporation,
higher interception, higher Higher evaporation,
Climate and wind protection and higher wind protection
Rather negative impacts
water temperature balancing, and temperature
reduction of dust and balancing
An important factor that influences the sustainability of the used land is the energetic output
of SRC per ha in comparison to other crops, and thus, the potential to contribute to mitigate
climate change. Although very site-specific, average figures are presented in Table 4.
Furthermore, figures on the energy balance are shown in Table 5.
Table 4: Annual energetic output of SRC, energy crops and forest in kWh/ha
Table 5: Energy balance as input/output ratio of selected crops ()
As described earlier, the land use change is only one aspect which has to be considered for
the evaluation of sustainability. Impacts on phytodiversity, zoodiversity, soil, water and
landscape change are described in more detail in the report “Sustainability criteria and
recommendations for short rotation woody crops” (Dimitriou & Rutz 2014).
3.1 Willow
Willows, sallows, and osiers form the genus Salix (Figure 15, Figure 16). This genus includes
around 400 species of deciduous trees and shrubs and is found naturally primarily on moist
soils in cold and temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Willow is the species most
commonly used in SRC plantations for energy in Europe. Willow species have been widely
used in SRC plantations due to a range of suitable characteristics such as fast growth and
high yields, ability to grow well under a variety of soils (e.g. ideally for pH 5-7.5, but also
outside this range) and environments (from heavy clays to lighter soils), good ability to
coppice (thus without needing replanting after harvest), roots that can stand highly anoxic
conditions (thus can be planted in waterlogged conditions), ability to tolerate elevated
nutrient and heavy metal concentrations (thus can be planted in harsh environments e.g. for
phytoremediation). Willows have also another advantage that made them the most common
species in SRC plantations for energy: their wide genetic variation with many different
species offer different physiological characteristics that can be used in the field. Furthermore,
willow is a species which can be easily bred. Thus, several crossings of different willow
clones can be produced, which provide improved plant material with combinations of the
different clones crossed.
Figure 15: Leaves of willow (Salix vimininalis) Figure 16: Willow flower in early spring (Source:
which is commonly used for SRC in Rutz D.)
nothern parts of Europe (Source:
Aronsson P.)
Willow genetic improvement programmes in Sweden and the UK have made significant
progress in breeding willow for short rotation coppice used for bioenergy. To expand
production, cultivars suited to a wider range of European environments and future climates
are needed and have been developed during the last years. The primary aims of the above-
mentioned breeding programmes were to produce high yielding disease and pest-resistant
varieties with a growth habit that facilitates mechanical harvesting. The majority of the cross
breeds made by the Swedish breeding programme at Svalöf-Weibull AB (SW) have involved
S. viminalis, S. dasyclados and S. schwerinii. The original parental material was based on
Swedish and central European collections, later supplemented by collecting expeditions to
central Russia and Siberia. The UK breeding programme based at IACR-Long Ashton
(funded by the European Willow Breeding Partnership - EWBP) utilised over twenty different
species held at the UK National Willows Collection. These included exotic equivalents of S.
viminalis and S. caprea such as S. rehderiana, S. udensis, S. schwerinii, S. discolor and S.
As a result of this work, all new willow SRC plantations now involve newly bred
varieties/clones, which are more productive and have greater resistance against pests and
diseases, which provides more stable yield levels. The choice of varieties/clones depends on
the specific need of the grower and the climatic conditions of the site. It also depends on the
availability of cuttings from the producers. Cutting producers need at least one year in order
to be able to provide sufficient cuttings of each variety. Once they know which
varieties/clones are required they can cut back their plantations to produce one-year old
shoots for cutting production the following winter. There are presently about 25 certified EU
varieties available, of which about ten are in mainstream commercial use today.
Approximately one or two new varieties are developed annually. A list of commonly used
clones, produced within the two above-mentioned breeding programmes, is given below in
Table 6. For more information about special characteristics and suitability of willow clones,
willow cutting providers should be contacted.
Table 6: A list of commonly used willow clones produced by the European Willow Breeding
Partnership (EWBP) in UK and by the Swedish breeding programme at Svalöf-Weibull AB (SW)
(modified from Caslin et al., 2012)
Clone Species Sex Special characteristic
S. schwerinii x
Endeavour Female Not tolerant to saline conditions EWBP
S. viminalis
S. viminalis x
Susceptible to rust, higher water
Olof (S. viminalis x Male SW
content in chips
S. schwerinii)
(S. viminalis x
(S. viminalis x High yields in first rotation, good
Resolution S. schwerinii)) x Female growth in dry areas, chips with low EWBP
(S. viminalis x bulk density and calorific value
S. schwerinii))
(S. schwerinii x
Torhild S. viminalis) x Female Relative low yields, low dry matter SW
S. viminalis
3.2 Poplar
Poplar (Figure 17, Figure 18) belongs to the genus Populus of the Salicaceae family, and it
is, together with willow, the most common species in SRC plantations for bioenergy in
Europe. The natural distribution of poplar extends from the tropics to the latitudinal and
altitudinal limits of tree growth in the Northern hemisphere. Species of the genus Populus are
deciduous or (rarely) semi-evergreen and divided into six sections: Abaso (Mexican poplar),
Aigeiros (Cottonwoods and black poplar), Leucoides (swamp poplars), Populus (white
poplars and aspens), Tacamahaca (balsam poplars), and Turanga (arid and tropical
Figure 17: A poplar SRC plantation grown in an Figure 18: Poplar (Max 3 clone) leafs in spring in
agricultural landscape (Source: Nordh Germany (Source: Rutz D.)
For the plantation of SRC, usually poplar clones are used. Crossbreeds are usually made
between Populus trichocarpa, Populus maximowiczii, Populus deltoides, Populus tremula,
Populus nigra, Populus koreana, and Populus tremuloides.
The main clones that have been used in the past for SRC include the clones 'Max 1', 'Max 3',
'Max 4', 'Hybride 275', 'Muhle Larsen' and 'Androscoggin', as shown in Table 7. Further
clones that were used for SRC include ‘Rochester’, ‘Weser 6’, ‘Beaupré’, ‘Münden’,
‘Monviso’, ‘Pegaso’, and ‘AF2’.
Populus species are dioecious (i.e. individual trees are either male or female), and can be
regenerated by coppicing and from cuttings. Various species of the genus have been widely
planted around the globe, both within and outside its natural distribution. In Europe, larger
trees from mature poplar stands are commercially used as saw timber, veneer and
reconstituted wood products, but also for pulp. During the last years, the interest in
establishing poplars in SRC systems to be harvested and used for bioenergy and fuelwood
has increased, and several countries in northern Europe (e.g. Sweden), central Europe (e.g.
Germany, France, Belgium, and others), and southern Europe (e.g. Italy and others) have
developed plant material suitable for SRC. Several varieties/clones have been available in
the market, and the grower needs to consult the nurseries and the variety/clone producers
for further information that would enable an appropriate choice of plant material based on the
site-specific characteristics.
In comparison to willow, poplars grown for bioenergy in Europe are commonly considered to
grow mostly in areas with: i) milder climates than for willow, thus central and south Europe
are the areas that the interest for poplar is higher, although there are poplar plantations that
produce satisfactory yields in northern Europe as well; ii) in sandier and drier soils than
willow, which is probably related to lower water needs of poplar than willow, although poplars
can grow and produce high yields even in clay soils; iii) less dense plantations as for the
willow SRC systems (e.g. distances of 2-3 meters between the trees and harvest in longer
rotations > 10-15 years), although there are poplars planted in coppice systems having the
same densities and in general management as for willow SRC (extensive examples on such
issues are desrcribed in the following chapters); iv) smaller surface of stands since poplar
SRC can perform very well in plantation schemes that are not as intensive as willow SRC
and do not need special equipment for e.g. planting and harvest if longer rotation periods are
chosen (in such cases forest equipment or manual work will be needed for planting and
Despite these potential differences between the two dominant SRC species in Europe, there
have been examples where willow and poplar can grow equally well in the same areas. This
is due to the very wide selection of plant material available for these species (different clones
and varieties available, suitable for different countries/climatic conditions), and the different
management strategies selected by farmers (shorter versus longer rotations, intensive
versus less intensive management etc). Such issues are dealt with in other parts of this
Table 7: A list of commonly used poplar clones for SRC (adapted from Sailer Baumschulen GmbH)
P. nigra x
Max 1 Female
P. maximowiczii
P. nigra x
Max 3 Female High biomass production
P. maximowiczii
P. nigra x
Max 4 Female
P. maximowiczii
P. maximowiczii x
P. trichocarpa
Medium biomass production
at all soils; Hybrid and Matrix
P. maximowiczii x
Androscoggin Male with high growth rates,
P. trichocarpa
especially at cooler and more
humid locations
P. maximowiczii x
Hybrid 275
P. trichocarpa
Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) (Figure 19) is a foreign tree species for Europe,
originating from eastern United States. It was introduced to Europe during the 17th century.
Since then, a rapid spreading occurred in Europe, first as ornamental tree, and later by
extensive plantations for timber production and by natural propagation. Nowadays, large
areas covered with black locust can be found in central and in southeastern parts of Europe.
The species is comparatively drought-resistant, and is nitrogen fixing. For these reasons,
black locust has been proved to be a suitable tree species for soil regeneration and
reclaiming former mining sites. Robinia is charaterised by its ability to grow on bare soils
under extreme conditions, the fact that it is fast-growing with good coppice ability after
harvest, and its high wood density. Hence, it proved to be very useful as SRC for bioenergy
production. Large areas of forest stands were established with black locust in central Europe
(mainly Hungary but also in other countries such as in Italy and Poland), but the interest in
growing Robinia for SRC on agricultural land is lately also increasing, especially in areas
where land reclamation is aimed. It has to be mentioned, however, that black locust is
considered in some cases as invasive species and needs to be controlled with care.
When referring to the production on agricultural soils, black locust grows on a broad range of
soils in comparison to other SRC species, but not on very dry or heavy soils. It prefers sites
with loose structural soils, especially silty and sandy loams and is resistant to environmental
stresses such as drought, high and low temperatures, and air pollutants. For good black
locust growth, soil aeration and water regime are the most important soil characteristics.
Propagation of the plant is possible through root cuttings, greenwood cutting, seedlings or
micropropagation. Propagation using root cuttings and greenwood cuttings provides a
guaranteed quality, but is more expensive than seed propagation. As for harvesting, black
locust has thorns, in contrast to other fast growing trees such as willow and poplar, which
makes it difficult to handle manually, and it is thus preferable to chip it in the field. Black
locust can sprout from the roots, so after the third or fourth harvest regrowth will also occur
between the rows, which make efforts with the specially designed harvesters for willow SRC
very difficult. In addition, black locust has harder wood than other fast growing trees, and the
harvesters must be more durable and powerful than that used normally.
Although black locust offers advantages as nitrogen-fixing species and has a better wood
quality with higher density and a higher calorific value compared to poplar and willow, the
management of the plantation in SRC is more problematic. 1-year old seedlings are used in
dense (about 10,000 seedlings) black locust SRC plantations (compared to the cheaper
cuttings of willows or poplar), harvest can be problematic as descrived above, and yields can
be as high as for willow or poplar, but this depends very much on the management and
location of the plantation. Frost and breaking of shoot and branches from winds can threaten
black locust yields, especially in the early stages of the plantations.
Figure 19: Robinia grown for energy in Hungary (Source: Simon L.)
3.4 Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus (Figure 20, Figure 21) is a genus of fast-growing tree species originated from
Australia that have been used for many years in southern Europe for pulp and paper
production. During the last years, the use of wood biomass from eucalyptus for energy is
gaining interest not only in southern Europe, but also in higher latitudes (e.g. in the UK and
Ireland). The genus Eucalyptus contains more than 700 species. The most common species
used in large plantations for biomass production in southern Europe are E. globulus and E.
camaldulensis, and in northern Europe E. gunnii and E. nitens which are more tolerant to
colder climates.
Eucalyptus SRC plantations are traditionally planted in single-stem plantations in 3 x 3 m
distances (or similar) and harvested after 7-12 years for pulp production. However,
depending on the market situation, the wood has in some case been used in the energy
market as well. Recently, interest in coppice plantations with eucalyptus for bioenergy has
increased, testing and introducing more intensive production systems. Such systems
resemble the willow coppice system with very short rotations of 2-4 years, and management
that is closer to agriculture than forestry, producing wood for energy use.
In Europe most of such agricultural SRC systems are currently in the testing phase, in
contrast to other parts of the world (e.g. Brazil, Australia) where SRC with eucalyptus have
been implemented in a larger scale. Planting usually occurs with rooted seedlings, which are
usually a result of hybridization of species that are considered suitable for the climates where
they are introduced. Fertilization, especially with nitrogen, is a pre-requisite to achieve high
yields, but despite the high yields that can be achieved in a range of climatic conditions in
Europe, Eucalyptus is a controversial genus from an environmental point of view. Serious
concerns are usually expressed on its negative impact on a series of aspects, such as soil
quality, groundwater tables, biodiversity and forest fires. Such concerns from local
stakeholders should be taken into account when planning to establsih SRC with eucalyptus.
In most cases research results have shown that most of the perceptions towards eucalyptus
are exagerated and that effects on the environment are similar to any intensive production
system in agriculture.
Figure 20: A eucalyptus SRC plantation for Figure 21: Eucalyptus plantation with longer
biomass for energy after 6 years growth rotation cycle in Argentina (Source: Rutz
in New Zealand (Source: Dimitriou I.) D.)
3.5 Alder
Alder is the common name of a genus (Alnus) of flowering trees belonging to the family
Betulaceae. The genus comprises about 30 species of monoecious trees and shrubs. They
are distributed throughout the northern temperate zone with a few species extending into
Central America and the northern Andes.
In general, the experience with alder for the SRC cultivation is still small. Some trials and
plantations were just established. Alder has high light, nutrient and water demand, but can
tolarate temporary innodation. The grey alder (Alnus incana) grows up to altitudes of 1,500 m
and prefers limy soils and temperate cold climate. The black alder (Alnus glutinosa) prefers
humid locations with high water availability and temparate climate.
Figure 18 Alder plantation in Germany with a protection fence against game (left) and alder leaves (right)
(Source: Rutz D.)
There are a large number of other species that have been candidates for SRC for biomass
production for energy in Europe, such as Acacia saligna, Ulmus sp, Platanus sp., Acer sp.,
Corylus avellana, Paulownia sp., and others. Their introduction has been with lower success
than the previous-mentioned species. Some are exotic and/or invasive species and have not
been thoroughly tested and environmental concerns over potential invasiveness have been
raised, while others seem to be adapted better in certain climates.
In general, it is not very difficult and risky for farmers to make own trials and to collect
experiences also with other species than only poplar and willow. So, it is recommended to
grow a small part of the SRC plantation with these other species. This increases the
diversity of the plantation and also the acceptance in the public. The biomass can be
harvested at the same time and usually with the same equipment which is used for the
main plantation. However, it is most likely that for the area where you plant the other
species yields are lower than for the main plantation.
4 Cultivation of SRC
In this chapter information is provided about different management steps for the cultivation of
SRC related to the establishment phase (site prepearation, planting) and to management
issues while the SRC is growing. Thereby, the main focus is on willow and poplar.
SCR grown on agricultural land requires very good initial preparation of the soil, exactly as
for other conventional agricultural crops. Succesful weeding has been proved as one of the
most important factors for success in terms of SRC yields throughout the life-span of the
plantation, and therefore several management steps aiming at avoiding weeds (Figure 22) in
the establishment are practiced.
Figure 22 Willow plants in an SRC field (red circle) surrounded by weeds in a field where weeding failed.
Despite that the willow plants will outcompete the weeds during next years, production will be
lower than the expected. Therefore, the recommended weeding steps are of high importance
and should be followed. (Source: Dimitriou I.)
The pressure from weeds depends on the former land use and the seeds in the soil.
Especially land that was set-aside for a long period, the risk that many weeds would
germinate is rather high, as weeds have distributed their seeds (Gustafsson et al., 2007).
Land preparation in the year before planting is very important in order to eradicate perennial
In general the easiest way of weed control is the use of herbicides, but also mecanical
control is possible, although it can be quite risky and demanding. Weed control is usually
only necessary in the first year of plantation establishment. Considering the duration of the
SRC cultivation of more than 20 years, the initial impact of using herbicide in the first year is
rather small.
Box 3: Minimizing the use of chemicals is an important factor to increase positive public perception
The need for applying chemicals (herbizides, pesticides) depends on various factors. The
main factors are the size of the plantation as manual weeding of large plantations is very
challenging, as well as the profit expectations.
However, the application of chemicals should be either avoided or minimised wherever
The field could be set-aside for one year, during which perennial weeds are controlled with a
glyphosate preparation in summer. If the area is covered by an arable crop the year before
planting, the weed can be controlled after harvesting using the same glyphosate preparation
and suitable ground cultivation. In the case of excessive weed growth, cutting and removal of
the vegetation should be considered to allow for effective weed control. In this case,
sufficient time should be given to allow regrowth and active herbicide uptake. If there are
problems with insects, application of organophosphate pesticides may be used in this pre-
ploughing stage. If there are any perennial weeds remaining in late spring, an additional
spraying with glyphosate may be undertaken, as late as possible before planting. The
perennial weeds must have about 3-4 leaves to achieve an effective spraying. For this late
spraying, it is important that the ground is not worked before spraying (Gustafsson et al.,
In case of organic agriculture the application of herbicide is not tolerated. Then mechanical
control, either manually or with light machinery is usually necessary. Thereby, the size of the
plantation plays an important role as mechanical weed control for large plots may be difficult.
There have been also trials with black foils (mulching foils) that cover the soil in order to
prevent the germination of weeds.
The field must be ploughed during autumn in case that hard winters or soil compaction is
expected. In case that soil compaction is not an issue, ploughing can be done before planting
in early spring. Thereby, approximately ten days should be waited before the site can be
ploughed after herbicide application. If the soil is heavy clay, shallow ploughing is
recommended, and the depth reached after harrowing must be 6-10 cm. For other soils, a
minimum plough depth of 20-25 cm will be required to allow better planting, especially if the
planting material will be cuttings. Large stones should be lifted and removed from the field,
as these can damage mechanical planters and harvesting machines.
Figure 23: A newly planted willow SRC field cleaned from weeds that existed before site preparation
(Source: Aronsson P.)
Extensive damage (Figure 25) due to rabbits, hares, roe deer, mouse (depending on the
country), has been reported in newly established SRC plantations. However, fencing is
usually not recommended due to the high costs. Fencing must be only considered in areas of
high risk for such damage, and if subsidies exist that will cover a part of the costs. The
fencing should be temporary only during the first years, as established SRC is less
susceptible. For sites with reported danger from damage from animals, e.g. big mammals
such as roe deer, or moles, that can cause serious damage in many parts of Europe,
repellents have been developed in order to keep these away by odour from the SRC plants
(Figure 24). This increases the site preparation costs and may be practiced only when singe-
stem SRC plantations are designed in areas of high risk for such attacks (Caslin et al., 2012).
Figure 24: Installation of a repellent to disperse Figure 25: Damage of a poplar stem from a roe deer
roe deer in Germany (Source: Rutz D.) in Germany: damages occur often at the
border of a plantation (Source: Rutz D.)
The used planting material is determined by the decision on the plant species and planting
scheme. Several factors influence the decision about which species should be used. They
are related to the site-specific conditions and suitability of the species, but also to the
availability, accessability, and guaranteed good quality of the plant material, especially when
large amounts of plant material are needed. For SRC planted to produce biomass for energy,
the most prevailing way of planting is in dense plantations that will coppice (grow after
harvest without replanting), and therefore planting with cuttings (Figure 26, Figure 27) is most
common since the costs are substantially reduced compared to planting with seedlings. Less
often, SRC for energy are designed as singe-stem plantations with much lower density. In
such cases seedlings are often used.
Figure 26: Cuttings of about 25 Figure 27: 20 cm willow cuttings used for planting of willow SRC
cm length are plantations (size comparison with a common pen)
frequently used. Here: (Source: Aronsson P.)
cuttings of poplar
Max3 clones (Source:
Rutz D.)
In the case of willow and poplar SRC, the planting material consists of one-year-old SRC
rods that are cut in about 25 cm long cuttings. Cutting material is generally harvested in
winter when the buds are fully dormant. They are stored until planting at -4°C, before being
delivered a few days before planting in boxes to the fields. Once delivered, it is important that
the boxes are kept in shaded and cool conditions before planting (Gustafsson et al., 2007).
As previously mentioned, commercially available plant material consists of improved
clones/varieties. Many of these improved commercial varieties/clones are protected by
European plant breeders’ rights. This means that it is usually illegal to produce propagation
material for sale without permission. Therefore, cuttings are produced by specialist growers
in nurseries, contracted and licensed by mother companies, which supply plant material as
one-year-old rods or cuttings for mechanical planting. This applies for both, willow and poplar
planting material. SRC farmers or project developers should contact the licensed companies
producing and delivering the plant material (Figure 28) well in advance before planting to
secure that the appropriate material for their sites are ordered. In most cases the companies
issue guarantees for minimum establishment success.
A successful establishment depends on good cutting quality. Therefore, the cuttings should
be prepared from one-year-old shoots which had the unripened wood at the tip of the
harvested rod removed. The cuttings, when planted, should have a minimum length of 15 cm
and a minimum diameter of 0.8 cm to ensure an adequate carbohydrate reserve sustaining
the cutting before establishment. Other quality charactersitics that willow or poplar cuttings
should have to allow successful planting include sufficient lignification, in order to prevent
deformation while cuttings are inserted into the prepared ground, and no discoloration or
wrinkling of the surface that indicates dehydration and therefore bad storing conditions. This
would increase chances of establishment failures.
Figure 28: One year old rods that will be used as cuttings for willow SRC planting. The rods are delivered
by a private cutting producer company in Sweden. The cutting material quality is important for
the development of the SRC plantation and therefore should be provided and guaranteed by
an authorised company. (Source: Dimitriou I.)
4.3 Planting
Different strategies and operations exist for planting. They can be adapted depending on the
species chosen, the available planting equipment, the labour costs, the planning for harvest
etc. All these factors will be analysed in the coming part of this chapter. It has to be noticed
that in this chapter mainly SRC planting with cuttings and managed as coppice is considered,
since this practice is mainly used for SRC. Practices are quite similar to the widely used
forest practices if SRC is planted with seedlings. Therefore, they are mentioned here, but not
analysed in detail.
It is important to plan the process of planting carefully so that management and harvesting
can be performed rationally, and to achieve the most efficient space use in the field. Since
planting in rows is the most appropriate method of SRC planting, the rows should be laid out
so that they are as long as possible. Ideally, the end of the row should be an access road. At
the end of the row there must be a turning area of 8-10 m, also called header, as the
harvesting machines need space to be able to turn. If facing deep ditches, the turning area
should be 10 m, otherwise 8 m is sufficient. A boundary zone of around 2-3 m should be left
on the other boarders of the SRC plantation.
Planting is usually done in spring, in April-May in northern Europe and earlier in southern
Europe, when weather conditions allow soil preparation. Planting with cuttings is also
possible in later periods (May or June) since the material used is stored at low temperatures.
Early planting offers advantages as the growing season is longer. However, the cuttings start
to produce roots only if there is enough water available and if the soil is warm enough. The
key factor for the success is the water availability, as too long dry periods avoid root
development so that the cuttings dry out. In summary, the water availability is a more
important factor than the early or late timing during spring. Past and actual weather
conditions, as well as the weather forecast, are important to determine the right planting time.
A practice that is sometimes promoted is the “cutback” of the new rods during the first year.
Cutback of one-year old shoots (especially of willow) has been practiced in order to promote
more rigorous growth with more shoots and better root establishment during the second
year. Although this goal is achieved with cutback after the first year after planting, higher
biomass production during the plantation lifespan has not been proved, and therefore cannot
be recommended as a compulsory operation procedure. If decided, cutback can be
performed using a mower, mowing blade or some form of scythe mower. The added value of
cutback after the first year of establishment is still discussed controversially.
There has been substantial research on the density and the design of the SRC plantations.
This decision is related to the the species chosen and the existing machinery available for
harvesting. If harvest occurs with specially designed machines for SRC, the double row
system is preferred (see chapter 2.3). It has to enable the machines entering the SRC field
without damaging the plants after 3-4 years of growth. This design implies distances of 1.50
between and 0.75 m within the double rows, and a distance of the cuttings in the rows
between 0.5 m and 0.8 m (depending on the location, the clones or species used). This
would require 5,000-20,000 cuttings per hectare, depending on the species. Generally
willows are planted denser in comparison to poplar.
The planting can be done by different methods. One option is to use specially designed
mechanical planting machines using 1-year old long rods as planting material (Figure 29).
They can plant 2 or 3 double rows at the same time. These machines automatically make the
cuttings from rods and plant the double rows in one step. The capacity of such machines is
approximately 1 hour per hectare. Other machines are only able to plant pre-cutted plantings
(Figure 30).
Figure 29: A willow SRC planting machine. The machine plants three double rows and needs in four
persons to operate and the driver. (Source: Nordh N-E.)
Figure 30: Planting machine for automatic planting of poplar SRC cuttings (Source: Wald 21)
Figure 31: Manually-planted poplar plantation in single rows with 50 cm cuttings (Source: Dimitriou I.)
Manual planting can be preferred in case that mechanical planting equipment is not
available or too far away to bring it cost-efficiently to the plantation (Figure 31, Figure 32,
Figure 33). Also if labour costs are lower than for hiring the equipment or if the plots are very
small (usually below 1 ha), manual planting is an option. In that case, it is important to keep
the rows parallel to each other and to keep the distances between the plants within the rows
equal to each other in order to avoid intercompetition. The use of lines may be a helpful
practice to ensure this.
Figure 32: Pushing cuttings by hand into the soil: Figure 33: Pushing cuttings by foot into the soil if
the bud must show always upwards! the soil is too compact (Source: Rutz D.)
(Source: Rutz D.)
For willow and poplar several planting systems were tested to replace the dominant double-
row system in order to achieve higher production. One such system is the horizontal
planting method (Figure 34) of willow billets with a layflat planter. Instead of planting cuttings
vertically into the soil, whole roots or cuttings are planted horizontally into the soil. This has
been widely used in slope stabilization and site restoration of river banks projects, and has
been also tested for SRC production. Results show that biomass production with horizontal
planting can be equally high as for the double-row system, but consequent management
(harvesting) can be challenging. Moreover, in cases where royalties need to be payed as a
result of breeding rights, horizontal planting can become more expensive for the famer since
more plant material is needed than in the double row system with cuttings.
Figure 34: Horizontally laid willow rod: the rod still needs to be covered with soil (Source: Rutz D.)
After planting, the site may be rolled to consolidate the surface and to provide the best
possible conditions for the application of residual herbicides. However, the need for that
depends on the soil properties and weed pressure. If planting machinery is used, often the
machine rolls the soil in parallel to the planting step.
There are different management steps after planting to maintain the SRC plantation. These
will be described in detail in this part of the Handbook in a “chronological” order. Emphasis is
put on the widely used species of willow and poplar grown as coppice on agricultural soils,
and not on single-stem plantations, since these are managed similar to forestry operations.
Weed control after planting: As previopusly mentioned, weed control during the
establishment phase of SRC is extremely important. This includes weed control measures
before planting, but also during the first phase of growth in the first year of establishment.
Weed control is important since plants compete for light, water and nutrients. In a plantation
with a lot of weeds the SRC plants will be weaker and will grow slower. A frequently applied
method to contol this is to apply a suitable soil herbicide to prevent weeds germinating,
directly after planting and before the cuttings have started to produce shoots (Gustafsson et
al., 2007). As explained in chapter 4.1, one may consider controlling weeds only
mechanically, especially for smaller plots.
Later in the season, once the effect of the herbicide has expired, the plantation must be
regularly observed in order to decide if further weed control is needed. Mechanical measures
may be required (Figure 35) to keep the weeds under control during that period. If weed
control is performed with a cultivator it is recommended to perform three operations during
the season. However, if a weed harrow is used, more operations may be required (e.g 6-8
depending on the location). The method or equipment used is of minor importance, but it is
very crucial that weed control is performed, if weeds occur. The timing for weeding after
planting of SRC is of utmost importance for a potential success of a plantation. As a rule of
thumb for willow cultivation, mechanical weed control should be made if there are 2-3 weed
species higher than about 8 cm. If weed control is done according to the recommendations
then no other weed control will be needed during the consecutive years, since the SRC
plants will outshadow the weeds after the second year of growth.
Figure 35: A one year old willow SRC plantation dominated by weeds. The field could only be treated with
mechanical weeding, since willow leaves have started to emerge (not visible in the picture).
(Source: Dimitriou I.)
Insect control: In case of problems with insects in a specific site, an insecticide may be
applied with this herbicide application since the insects will be in the larvae phase and
therefore easier to face. High volume applications (instead of concentrated, low-volume
applications) are recommended to give good surface coverage of the herbicide and adequate
penetration of the insecticide. However, the need of chemicals should be carefully assessed
and avoided where possible. Usually, the application of insecticides is not necessary.
Cutback after first year: As previously mentioned, harvest of the plants after the first year of
growth during winter (after leaf fall) may be practiced to obtain more rigorous growth with
more shoots and better root establishment during the second year. During the first growing
season, the inserted cuttings will produce 1-3 shoots depending on the clone with a
maximum height of 2-3 m. The cutback should occur as close as possible to ground level
using a reciprocating type mower, which should produce a clean cut. Other types of swathers
can cause excessive damage.
Despite cutback was an established practice when SRC systems have started to develop in
the beginning of the 1990’s, the issue of cutback after the first year of establishment is still
controversial. Although more shoots are achieved and roots are bettere established when
cutback, higher biomass production during the plantation lifespan, when compared to SRC
stands without cutback, has not been proved. Therefore, it cannot be recommended as a
compulsory operation procedure. However, if a post-planting herbicide is needed, i.e. in
climates or sites where rigorous weed growth is expected, cutback gives a necessary second
opportunity for herbicide application.
Some practicioners recommend in poplar plantations to cut back all shots except the largest
one (Figure 36). This should support the development and growth of the single-stem.
However, experiences have shown that the effort to do so is too high and the benefits
Figure 36: One-year old poplar shoot in Germany where the secondary shoot was cut to improve the
growth of the primary shoot (Source: Rutz D.)
Fertilization: As for any crop grown on agricultural soil aiming at high production, SRC
needs nutrient inputs that are taken out with harvest. In the case of SRC, and since it is a
perennial crop, the internal nutrient inputs occurring from the leaf litter but also from root and
fine root dying off must be considered, together with the nutrient status in soil of the site
which should be analysed before the plantation is established. There has been extensive
research conducted concerning the amount and the frequency of fertilization for the main
SRC species (willow and poplar) in several countries, but it seems that it is not possible to
propose concrete recommendations since in most cases fertilization needs are site-specific.
Fertilization during the first year of establishment is not recommended, to avoid the
promotion of weed growth, since the roots of SRC plants are not fully established and
effective uptake cannot be ensured. Once the SRC plantation is established, fertilization may
be considered. Several experiments showed that on moderate to fertile soils, particularly in
the early rotations, there is usually no positive response to fertilizer application. Sites with
naturally poorer nutrient conditions may need these early applications to maintain
productivity. It is usually nitrogen that may need to be added in SRC plantations at the initial
rotations, since soils are often well-supplied with phosphate and potassium, especially in the
earlier rotations. Therefore, inorganic nitrogen fertilisers may be used (Aronsson et al.,
Sludge from local wastewater treatment plants can be also used (this is reported later in this
Handbook), but it should be supplemented with extra nitrogen. The need for nitrogen varies,
depending on the age of the SRC plantation and the development of the shoots. In older
plantations nitrogen will be released from the layer of fallen leaves that is formed, which
means that the need for fertilisation is reduced. In principle, it is the amount of nitrogen
contained in the shoots that is removed during harvesting, that must be replaced by
Nutrient offtake figures for harvested willow SRC vary, but are in the range of 150 – 400 kg
N, 180 – 250 kg K, and 24 – 40 kg P per hectare for a 3-year rotation based on about 8 t
DM/ha/yr biomass production in Sweden. For comparison, intensively managed grass would
require about 900 kg N/ha over 3 years, which shows the low N requirements of SRC
compared to other crops. To calculate the amounts of N that might be needed for SRC
fertilisation, the efficiency of nitrogen use should be taken into account, since a significant
proportion of nutrients will be used by soil microflora, lost to the atmosphere, or bound up in
the SRC plant roots and leaves, although these latter will be recycled in the leaf litter and fine
root turnover.
Phosphorus and potassium additions to SRC are usually not necessary. Increasing
phsopshorus amounts in the soil requires many years of consecutive applications and the
low requirements of SRC do not justify such applications. Potassium can be relatively stable
in soils and therefore unavailable for easy plant uptake. Returning the wood-ash to the site
(more details on such practices are given later in this Handbook) can balance most of the
potassium exported from the site during harvest.
As a very rough fertilisation recommendation for willow SRC, that has taken into account all
the above things-to-consider and potential soil analysis and expected yields, nutrient
application in SRC should not exceed the equivalent of 120-150kg N, 15–40 kg P and 40 kg
K per hectare per year (and probably staying closer to the lower values indicated)
(Gustafsson et al., 2007). The same calculation principles should be used for the other
species that are used for SRC. A potential SRC grower should take into account that
technically fertilisation applications in SRC plantations can be possible during the first and
possibly the second year of growth, but not in the third or fourth year due to the plant height
that does not allow the machines to enter the plantation without high risk for damage.
Recent research with fertilisation of SRC plantations, grown with newly bred clones, have
indicated that fertilisation response of such material is more evident than when older clone
material is fertilised (Aronsson et al., 2014). This probably provides an answer to the
question if a farmer should fertilise or not. Plantations with new breeding material will
probably imply that fertilisation must occur even with larger amounts of nitrogen than
suggested before (if of course nitrogen leaching does not occur, which also does not seem to
be the case). However, the answer to the question if a farmer needs to fertilise or not
depends on the current price of the fertiliser (or of 1 kg/N) and the expected yield increase.
5 Harvesting of SRC
Harvesting is a very important topic in the SRC life cycle as it involves 50-80% of the overall
production costs (Liebhard 2007). Therefore, it considerably influences the economy of a
SRC project.
Harvesting should be carried out in winter after leaf fall, before bud burst and ideally when
the soil is frozen. Depending on the purpose of the final product, harvesting of SRC is done
in 2 to 20 years intervals. Various practices, techniques and equipment are available to
harvest SRC. They depend on the following factors:
Crop species and variety: number and diameter of stems
Desired end product: woodchips, pellets, logwood
Quality of the end product: shape of the woodchips, moisture content
Availability of machines: own machines or cooperation with a contractor
Cultivation shape: single- or double row, distance between rows
Size and shape of the field: large or small fields, slopes
Amount of the harvested wood: logistics requirements, interval of harvesting
Soil moisture: drivability with machinery
In general, the stems should be cut during the first harvest close to the soil and in
subsequent harvests about 1-2 cm higher per harvest. The cut should be sharp, without
fringes and horizontal so that the size of the cut is minimised.
5.1 Yields
Yields of SRC depend very much on the location of the site which is mainly characterised by
climate (temperature and water availability) and soil type. Species, varieties and clones have
to be carefully selected for each location in order to maximise yields. In northern Europe, a
main criterion for the selection may be cold (frost) tolerance, whereas in southern Europe it
may be drought tolerance. Considering the large differences within Europe, Table 8 shows
some key characteristics and yields for willow, poplar and black locust.
Besides the abiotic factors, also human factors influence yields considerably: management
practices, general husbandry, selection of SRC species and variety, pest and weed control,
and nutrient management.
The harvest cycle/interval depends on the overall purpose of the SRC plantation. It is
typically between 1 and 7 years, but may also be extended to 20 years. Usually after 20-30
years the cultivation is either replanted or replaced by other crops.
Feasible annual yields in Europe are in the range between 5 and 18 t/ha of dry woodchips
(DM; 0% moisture). The total amount of biomass for one harvest is calculated by the annual
yield, the years of cultivation and the water content, which is typically about 55% for fresh
harvested wood. For instance, if the annual yield is 10 t/ha of dry woodchip, if the harvesting
cycle is 4 years and if the water content is 50%, the total amount of harvested wet biomass is
about 80 t/ha, the amount of dry woodchips is 40 t/ha.
Usually, yields of the first harvest are lower than the yields for the second and third harvests.
After that, depending on the framework conditions, yields may be stable for the next yields
and then decrease, once the plantation is getting older. General recommendations on how to
maximise yields are given in Box 4.
Table 8: Overview of the main characteristics of Short Rotation Coppice (SRC)
(Source: modified after Dallemand et al. 2007)
Crop density
12,500 – 15,000 8,000 - 12,000 8,000 - 12,000
Harvesting cycle
1-4 1-6 2-4
Growing stock at
30 - 60 20 - 45 15 - 40
harvest (fresh t/ha)
Moisture content of
45 - 62 50 - 55 40 - 45
the wood (% weight)
Box 4: How can SRC yields be maximised? (modified after Lindegaard 2013)
Plan early: You really need to start thinking about planting your SRC plantation in advance
of planting, preferably one year in advance. This will give you the necessary time to make
your application for incentives and prepare your land according to best practices. In late
summer / early autumn you can get started by removing weeds and ploughing your land.
Know your land: Like all crops SRC will do best on the most suitable land. Therefore, you
must know the key parameters of your land: soil properties and water availability. If you
plant a crop on your worst land then you will almost certainly get disappointing yields. E.g.
willow SRC does best on fertile arable fields with a pH range of 5.5-8.0. They do well on
heavy brown earth soils with high clay content whilst silty and light sandy soils should be
avoided. SRC willow needs an annual rainfall of between 600-100 mm. Field drains will be
affected - so plant at least 30 metres from important drains. As with all crops, cost
effectiveness is achieved from large, regular fields. Smaller, odd shaped fields will increase
down time and increase the cost of planting and harvesting.
Weed control: SRCs are very fast growing, but should have minimal competition from
weeds in the establishment. Weed control starts with the preparation of the land in autumn
and continues during the first year of the plantation. Whenever possible, techniques
without chemical input should be used to control the weeds, but this depends on the size of
the plot, weed species, SRC species, etc.
Use the best varieties: SRCs should be thoroughly tested and approved before they are
used. They are much higher yielding than non-improved varieties. If possible, varieties that
are locally bred are preferable. You need a mixture of varieties that provide high yields and
a wide genetic background to guard against disease and pest outbreaks. Making the
correct variety choice is essential for success and a measure to avoid or reduce pests and
Liaise with your planting contractor: In many cases, you will not plant the SRC fields
yourself, but ask a contractor for this service. Contact your contractor early in advance and
ask for references. Ask other farmers about their experiences with the contractor. Gaps in
the plantation where cuttings do not sprout are often related to mistakes during planting. If
the planting takes longer, but a better success rate is achieved and the amount of gapping
up is reduced, then it will be worth it. Remember: quality of planting is more important than
an ultra-low price.
Gap up: However rigorous you and your planting contractors are, there will always be
gaps where a cutting was missed or failed to establish. When you cut back, you will have
loads of material available to gap up. After the first harvest, you can push 1 metre rods into
the gaps, or plant cuttings. This depends on the used crop variety.
Reduce damage caused by game animals: Game animals, such as rabbits, hares and
deer can cause serious damage to new plantations, especially in small plots and when
there is a high game density. Cooperate with the local hunters and support them to erect
raised hides to control and scare game. The use of flavour may also help to scare game
away. Another measure is to erect rabbit/deer fencing. This is very expensive, but it may
be worth it in the long run. High yields over a 20 year period will depend on those critical
first few months of establishment. You should shop around to get the best deal from a local
Fertilise with organic waste: SRCs thrive on nutrition. You should be able to apply
organic fertilizers such as slurry, digested sewage sludge, manure or digestate from biogas
plants. It is best to apply fertilizers to established plantations after harvesting. Usually,
fertilizing is more needed the “older” the plantation gets. Remember to adhere to
regulations, legislation and conditions for incentives that may be relevant for fertilizing your
specific plot.
Maximise your harvest yields: When you come to harvest your crop you want to make
sure that all the SRC in your field ends up being harvested. In many cases, you will ask a
harvesting contractor to do the service. Using an experienced harvesting contractor is
essential to minimise machine operator error and spillages from overfilled trailers. Also, it is
important that the harvester blades are set correctly to make sure that the crop is cut low
down – this is where the stems are thickest and have the greatest mass. Furthermore, the
regrowth is better if the cuts are very sharp and not unravelled. Furthermore, the woodchip
quality is better if blades are very sharp.
Minimise storage losses: Try to minimise storage losses after harvest. Storage and after-
treatment (drying) of the woodchips/routs depends on the harvesting method, time when
the woodchips are needed and needed quality of the woodchips. Find out your best
method to reduce storage losses at minimal costs.
Typical harvesting intervals are between 1 and 7 years, but may also be extended to 20
years. Usually after 20-30 years the cultivation is either replanted or replaced by other crops.
There are no strict rules for cutting cycle length, as decisions should be made on a site-by
site basis considering different framework conditions (Tubby & Armstrong 2002), Thus, the
time of harvest is decided by the operator of the SRC plantation. He defines the harvesting
timing according to the following factors:
SRC species: best regrowth timing, maximisation of yields of the specific crop
Site capture: a closed leaf canopy catches most sunlight and is thus at its peak of
productivity; the timing for this depends on the species that influences the ideal
harvesting time.
Desired end-product: woodchips, logwood; quality of the material
Availability of harvesting machinery: at peak harvesting time, contractors may be
fully booked; early planning is necessary.
Condition of the soil: preferred harvesting on dry and/or frozen soils; in some years
and regions, it is better to postpone harvesting as soil conditions are not good enough
and harvesting would damage the soil and the plants.
Desired cash-flow timing: this depends on the overall management objectives of the
Prices for woodchips: operators may ‘wait’ for high prices for wood to get more
revenues; however prices are not predictable and depend on speculations.
Own demand for heating: if woodchips are used for own heating, they should be
available every year.
Other benefits: timing to increase biodiversity, to protect game.
The harvesting cycle has large impacts on the harvesting logistics. The longer the interval
between two harvests, the higher is the amount of biomass per harvest, which is the
multiplication of one year’s growth with the number of years. Some operators may not have
the logistics’ capacity (storage facilities, trucks, workforce) to deal with the large amounts of
biomass of harvests after long intervals. In order to spread the workload and the risks, it may
be also considered to rotate harvesting of different SRC plots so that every year there is one
harvest, instead of having harvests of all plots at the same time.
Furthermore, also the needed harvesting technology is determined by the harvesting cycle.
The older the plants are, the thicker are the stems and the heavier must be the machinery. In
general, diameters of the stems of the boundaries of a plot are larger, as trees receive more
light and water, than the plants within a plot.
Usually, the final product of SRC is woodchips, which are mainly used for combustion
processes. They may be also used for the pulp and paper industry or for other bio-products.
For instance it was foreseen to produce large amounts of woodchips from SRC for the
production of BtL (Biomass-to-liquids) biofuels in Germany (Rutz et al. 2008).
Depending on the harvesting method, different intermediate products are produced that
influence the properties of the woodchips, mainly the size and shape, as well as the moisture
content. Intermediate products can be classified into the following categories (DEFRA 2014):
Rods: harvested stems up to 8 m in length
Bundles: bounded rods in bundles
Billets: cut material of 5 – 15 cm longitude
Chips: cut material of up to 5 x 5 x 5 cm in size
The harvesting methods for these intermediate products are named as “whole rod or shoot
harvesting”, “chip harvesting” or “cut-and-chip method”, and “billet harvesting” or “cut-and-
billet method” (Kofman 2012).
Freshly harvested wood generally has a moisture content of 40 – 60%. Many consumers of
woodchips, especially those of small-scale boilers require moisture contents below 30%. The
lower the moisture content the higher is the quality of the woodchips and also the higher is
the storability.
Loose rods (Figure 45) and bundles can be stored on the headers or on the farm and dry
down to approximately 30% water content in 4-6 months. The intermediate between rods and
chips are billets, which can be stored in piles. Due to the spaces between the billets, natural
ventilation occurs in the storage piles which facilitates drying and which prevents the
difficulties associated with chip storage (chapter 5.5).
Although the production of rods, bundles and billets have the advantage that drying is
relatively easy, chipping of the dried material has usually negative impacts on the quality of
the woodchips. This is due to the fact that cuts of fresh material are sharper than cuts of dry
biomass. Furthermore, more particles are formed if dry wood is chipped instead of fresh
wood and the size of the chips is less homogeneous.
There are different harvesting methods available. SRC crops can be cut and chipped in one
harvesting operation. Alternatively, SRC crops can be cut first and left (as rods/stems or
pre-chipped to billets) in the field in order to air-dry, whereas the chipping is carried out as a
separate operation at a later stage.
There are different technologies available for the harvesting of woodchips which can be
combined with each other. They can be classified according to the automation level and the
type of machinery, as presented in Table 9.
The machinery for harvesting SRC is under continuous development. The following
machinery can be used for mechanised harvesting:
Wood harvester: harvesters from forestry management are readily available. They cut
trees with stems of larger diameters. As the stems of SRC usually do not get very
thick, smaller and lighter harvesters can be used. Harvesters usually do not include
equipment for chipping, so that additional machinery is needed. Sometimes gripper-
heads are mounted on an excavator (Figure 40).
Tractor mounted equipment: Tractor mounted equipment is available in several
variations. It can be mounted on existing tractors of the SRC operator and can
include tools for combined cutting and chipping, only cutting the trees, or only
chipping. If combined, the equipment may fell down the rods and then chip it by
feeding them horizontally to the chipper or they may cut it and directly chip it in an
upright position as proposed by Ehlert et al. (2013).
Self-propelled machines: self-propelled machines are dedicated harvesters (Figure
38, Figure 39) or modified forage harvesters (Figure 37) that cut and chip the crops
simultaneously, similar to e.g. a combine which harvests whole corn plants for
ensiling. Several manufacturers are offering these machines already. In case that
they do not produce woodchips, but billets, they are also called billet harvesters.
Self-propelled machines and tractor mounted equipment that cut and chip in one operation
are developed from forage or sugarcane harvesters. Harvesters of several manufacturers,
such as Claas (Jaguar) (Figure 37), Austoft (7700), and New Holland (Figure 38, Figure 39)
can be equipped with special headers for SRC harvesting. Further improvements and
developments can be expected in the coming years, if more SRC are cultivated.
Figure 37: Claas self-propelled SRC harvester „Jaguar“ (Source: Dimitriou I.)
Figure 38: New Holland self-propelled harvester Figure 39: Header of the New Holland self-propelled
and woodchip trailer (Source: Rutz D.) harvester (Source: Rutz D.)
Figure 40: Gripper-head mounted on an excavator for harvesting poplar in Austria (Source: Mergner R.)
For very thin rods such as for willows, bale presses exist that produce round bales similar to
stray or hay bales. Such technology is offered e.g. as “Biobaler” (Figure 41) from Andersons
Canada (Caslin et al. 2010).
Technologies for separate chipping (Figure 43) are readily available, for instance from Jenz,
Komptech, Husman, Jensen, Pezzolato, Spapperi, Heizomat, Vogt, etc. They can be mobile
or stationary, mounted on trailers, or directly on the tractor, or self-propelled. Often, they
have a crane which is used to feed the system. If they do not have an own crane, a
dedicated crane may be used. Regarding the chipping process, there are three different
types of technologies available:
Drum chipper: drum chippers have a rotating large steel drum with up to 20 knives
mounted on it. The drum spins towards the output chute and also serves as the feed
mechanism, drawing the material through as it chips it. Chippers of this type are very
loud and need special safety measures, as it can lead to injury or death if an operator
becomes snagged on material being fed into the machine. The chips produced may
be very large and if very thin material is inserted, it may be cut into slivers rather than
chips. Modern drum-style chippers usually have a material capacity of 15–50 cm.
Disc chipper: The disc chipper has a steel disk with 2-4 knives mounted upon it as the
chipping mechanism. In this design, usually reversible hydraulically powered wheels
draw the material from the hopper towards the disk, which is mounted perpendicularly
to the incoming material. As the disk spins, the knives cut the material into chips.
These are thrown out the chute by flanges on the drum. This design is not as energy-
efficient as the drum-style design, but produces chips of more uniform shape and
size. Consumer-grade disk-style chippers usually have a material diameter capacity
of 15 to 46 cm. Industrial-grade chippers are available with discs as large as 4.1 m in
Screw chipper: The interior of a screw chipper consists of a stretching, conical and
screw-shaped blade. This spiral shaped long blade has its edges sharpened for wood
chopping. The blade rotation of the chipper is set to parallel direction to the openings
of the wood refuse, as the wood is being pulled in by blade’s spiral motion.
Dedicated wood harvesters from forestry are heavy forestry vehicles employed in cut-to-
length logging operations for felling, delimbing and bucking trees. A forest harvester is
typically employed together with a forwarder that hauls the logs to a roadside landing.
Harvesters are readily available from many manufacturers such as John Deere, Caterpillar,
Hyundai, Valmet, Rottne, Dorfmeister, etc.
A new concept was developd by the company Anderson: A so-called biobaler (Figure 41)
converts woody biomass from 2.5 inches diameter into a 120 cm netted and compacted
round bale ready for industrial usage.
Table 9: Harvesting methods, their description and characteristics (with input from LWF 2011, Kofman
Description Characteristics
Manual and motor-manual harvesting using a bill hook, chainsaw, brush cutter or similar
- Cutting and felling the rods with a bill hook - Personal contribution possible
chainsaw, brush cutter or similar implement
- Demanding and dangerous work
- Manual collecting of the rods or with a tractor
- Low productivity
- Either storing of the rods for drying or direct
- Reduced costs, as existing equipment can be
easily used
- Manual or crane feeding of the rods to a small
- Suitable for small plots of less than 5 ha and for
own or communal woodchip burners
- Work should be done by minimum 2 workers
that rotate their activities.
Figure 42: Forwarder that collects the stems from Figure 43: Woodchipsper mounted on a traktor in
the field in Austria (Source: Mergner R.) Austria (Source: Rutz D.)
Figure 44: Harvested willow SRC in winter in Figure 45: Stored willow harvest at the border of a
Sweden: The double-rows are visible SRC plantation in Sweden (Source: Rutz
(Source: Rutz D.) D.)
After SRC biomass is harvested, it usually needs to be stored before it is either used for self-
consumption or sold. Woodchips, whole rods, stems and billets can be stored on the headers
of the plantations or brought to the place where it will be later used.
A very important quality attribute is the water content (Table 10) or moisture content (for the
definitions, see Box 5) of the wood. Air-drying can reduce the moisture content from 50-55%
down to about 30% within few months.
Table 10: Water content of wood classified in four categories
Storing freshly chipped wood for a longer time is very difficult as it is associated to the
following risks (LWF 2012):
Loss of biomass: 2-4% biomass losses per month due to on-going biological
processes and decomposition.
Health risk: production of fungi spores that have negative health impacts.
Quality: increase of the water content in unprotected piles due to precipitation and re-
accumulation of condense water at the top of the pile.
Technical risk: freezing woodchips form clumps which are difficult to handle, stones
may cause damages of equipment.
Spontaneous combustion: microbial activity increase temperatures in the pile which
can lead to self-ignition.
Environmental impacts: odours may harass neighbours and leachate may pollute
water bodies.
However, woodchips from air-dried wood with water content of about 30% can be relatively
easily and safely stored on open piles. Covering the piles or storing them under roofs
prevents to increase the water content after precipitation. Also fresh woodchips can be
stored under roofs and further dried down to 30% water content, but good ventilation and
eventually mixing with a wheel loader is important in order to avoid self-ignition.
The water content of woodchips should be reduced ideally to levels below 20%. European
standards classify woodchips into 5 water content (moisture content on wet basis) categories
(M20, M30, M40, M55, M65) (Rutz et al. 2012). Due to the small particle size, woodchips are
sensitive to microorganisms if the water content is too high. Increased microorganism
activities lead to increased temperatures of the material which has even caused self-ignition
in woodchip storage facilities.
The higher the water content (see Box 5), the less energy efficient is the combustion (see
chapter 8.3), since part of the energy is “lost” for vaporization. The lower heating value for
wood is much higher if wood is dried (4.3 kWh/g), than for fresh or wet wood (1.5 kWh/g)
(Liebhard 2007). The relation of the heating value of wood relative to the water content is
shown in Figure 46. The higher the water content, the lower is the heating value.
Figure 46: Heating value of wood relative to the water content (Source: FNR 2012)
Box 5: What is the difference between the moisture and the water content?
Important information on the fuel quality is the water content in the fuel. In order to be able
to calculate and compare the water content, the two physical measuring parameters,
water content (w) (also called “moisture on wet basis”) and fuel moisture (u) (also called
“moisture on dry basis”), are used.
The water content (w) refers to the water mass mW bound in the fresh biomass (md + mW),
whereas the fuel moisture refers to the water mass mW in the dry biomass (md).
w = mW / (md + mW)
u = mW / md
Values for the moisture can be converted into values for the water content. For instance,
the water content of 50 % corresponds to the moisture of 100 %. Values for moisture can
increase above 100 %. ‘Moisture’ is a term that is commonly used in forestry and timber
industries. In the energy sector, often the ‘water content’ or ‘moisture content on wet
basis’ is used.
Various simple to sophisticated technologies for drying exist (Table 11). Woodchips are often
dried in charge driers that can be containers trailers or storage facilities through which the
hot air is blown (Figure 47 to Figure 52).
Containers or trailers usually have a double bottom with a grate floor or grate pipe through
which the hot air is blown. Often, agricultural trailers are self-adapted, which is a
considerable cheap solution. Woodchips are usually not moved or mixed in these containers
or trailers which results in an inhomogeneous and uncontrolled drying.
More sophisticated are feed-and-turn driers. Hot air is blown through a double grid bottom
and a mobile paddle mechanism mixes and conveys the woodchips during the whole drying
time. A carriage moves the paddle wheel across the dryer for several times during the whole
drying process. The direction is changed by final switches and the respective automatic
control system. Feed-and-turn driers can be operated in batch or continuous mode.
In a belt dryer woodchips are continuously and evenly applied through an infeed chamber
onto a perforated belt. The belt, predominantly in horizontal position, carries the product
through the drying area which can be divided into several cells. In these cells drying gas
flows through or over the wet product and dries it. Each cell can be equipped with a
ventilating fan and a heat exchanger and thus adapted to different required conditions.
An ideal and cheap heat source for drying is the waste heat, e.g. of industrial processes or of
biogas plants (Rutz et al. 2012).
Table 11: Drying technologies and their main characteristics (Source: Rutz et al. 2012)
Hot air is passing the material in horizontal or vertical bunkers, either in fixed silos,
Charge drier lorries or containers. It is one of the simplest driers as the material is not actively
moved. It is also very cheap and suitable for small capacities.
Feed-and-turn Hot air is blown through a double bottom (grid bottom) through the product.
drier Turning devices such as paddles mix and convey the product.
Hot air dries the material that is slowly forwarded on a belt. The investment costs
Belt drier
are relatively high.
Figure 47: Container and air heating pipes for Figure 48: Container for woodchips drying in
woodchips drying at a biogas plant in Munich, Germany (Source: Rutz D.).
Munich, Germany (Source: Rutz D.).
Figure 49: Charge dryer on a trailer using the waste Figure 50: Feed-and-turn drier for woodchips
heat of a biogas plant in Germany installed at a biogas plant in Germany
(Source: Rutz D.). (Source: Rutz D.).
Figure 51: Floor-integrated ventilation slot in the Figure 52: Ideal woodchip storage facility at the
floor of the storage facility of the Biomass Trade Centre Achental,
Biomass Trade Centre Achental, Germany (Source: Rutz D.).
Germany (see Figure 52) (Source: Rutz
Finally, a dedicated method for drying woodchips from SRC was developed) and patented
(PCT/EP2005/009241) by the Technical University of Dresden (Germany). The system is
based on the principle that the fresh and humid woodchips heat-up themselves if stored in a
pile. Perforated pipes facilitate air to enter the pile and an outlet pipe acts as a chimney and
releases the warm air that was heated by the woodchips. This air ventilation process is an
effective method for drying the wood without external energy input. With this method, it is
possible to reduce the water content to 30% within three months (Grosse et al. 2008). The
pile can be established directly at the header of a plantation or at the place of woodchip
Figure 53: Scheme of an air-ventilated woodchip pile for drying (Source: Rutz D.)
6 Logistics and transport
Transport costs and distances to potential customers should be carefully considered before a
SRC project is started. Transport of woodchips should be minimised as much as possible,
since too long transport has negative impacts on GHG balances and economies of the value
chain. The maximum recommended distances and the suitable type of transport for
woodchips depends on the local circumstances, but can be summarised as listed below:
0-40 km: own tractors
30-90 km: heavy duty trucks with capacities of 70-95 m²
>70 km: trains
It is furthermore important to consider the access of the plantations to roads already in the
planning phase, as heavy machinery and heavy loads are used. Maximum allowed weights
for roads and especially for bridges need to be respected.
The weight of woodchips per volume depends on the water content, species, size and shape
of the woodchips as well as on the bark/wood ratio. One ton of absolute dry woodchips has
the volume of about 6.5 to 7 cubic metre woodchips. Table 12 shows the weight of several
SRC species and other species per cubic metre woodchips and in relation to the water
Table 12: Weight of woodchips per bulk m³ woodchips of SRC species and other species
(average/typical values; real values depend on several factors!)
Mass [kg]
Poplar (SRC)
(density 353 kg dry 164 145-174*** 181** 284**
matter/solid m³)
Willow (SRC)
(density 420 kg dry 168* 181-217*** 181** 208-250*** n.a.
matter/solid m³)
Alder (SRC)
(density 530 kg dry n.a. 177-212*** n.a. 204-245*** n.a.
matter/solid m³)
Robinia (SRC)
(density 750 kg dry n.a. 264-317*** n.a. 304-365*** n.a.
matter/solid m³)
(Source: CARMEN 2014, * SLL n.d., ** Biomasseverband OÖ n.d., *** ETA Heiztechnik GmbH n.d. (first value for
G50, second value for G30), other sources)
The plantations should have areas at the beginning and at the end of each plantation which
is not cultivated by SRC, but e.g. by nice flowering herbaceous plants which increase the
environmental value. These areas are also called headers of the plantation. They serve as
space to maneuver the harvesting and maintenance machinery. Harvested material can be
stored on these headers of the plantations. However, the harvested material is sometimes
also directly brought to the place where it will be later used.
7 Removal of SRC
Various reasons can be behind the decision to terminate and remove an SRC plantation after
several years of growing. A farmer may decide to convert the land back to grassland or
arable land, or to replant SRC whereas he replaces the old SRC plantation with newer
varieties. The termination of an SRC plantation is considered by many farmers that have not
grown SRC before, as a major obstacle to cultivate SRC. The opportunity to get the land fast
back to the original status should remain open. There has been some reservation from
potential SRC farmers towards this issue, but awareness raising and knowledge transfer
helps to overcome this challenge. Removing a SRC plantation is technically not complicated,
as the roots in a plantation are relatively shallow despite being established for many years.
There are several methods and steps that should be taken into account for removing and
terminating an SRC plantation. The method has to be chosen according to the desired use of
the land after removing the SRC. For the conversion to grassland simple moulding and
adjacent seeding the grass may be sufficient. In some cases, this may be also sufficient for
the recultivation into ploughed land. The capacity of the moulder machinery (cultivator)
(Figure 54, Figure 55) to cut the wood into small pieces influences the decision if further
treatment is necessary.
A more rigourous method is the combination of mechanical and chemical applications. When
the last harvest is made, the stools should remain at place and form new shoots during the
spring. When shoots grow up to 30-40 cm long, an application of an herbicide may be
conducted to the entire plantation. Due to the susceptability of willows or poplars to
herbicides, the active growin parts will die. The crop should be left for at least two weeks
after spraying to allow full absorption and translocation of the herbicide. When the shoots
have died back, the stools themselves can be mulched by using a heavy-duty cultivator into
the top 5-10 cm of soil. After the stumps have been completely killed, the soil may be
prepared with a heavy large diameter disc along the rows which cuts up the stools and
residual roots without raking them up to the ground surface.
Once the stools have been broken down, the land can either be replanted with new SRC
willow or converted back to produce other agricultural crops, without having to remove the
stools which do not affect the next crops.
Figure 54: Cultivator for moulding the remaining Figure 55: Recultivated soil in Austria (Source:
SRC stumps in Austria (Source: Mergner Mergner R.)
Different applications for the use of woodchips require different qualities of the woodchips
(Figure 56, Figure 57). The key quality parameters for specifying woodchips are:
Moisture/water content: the lower the water content, the higher is the heating value.
Homogeneity and size of the woodchips: The dimensions should be suitable for the
appliance and its fuel handling system.
Content of fine particles: fine particles (dust) are a health risk.
Shape of the woodchips: the cuts of the woodchips should be sharp and fringing
minimised in order to increase bulk density and ensure smooth feeding of the system.
Origin: sustainability of the cultivation and management system; the closer the origin of
the woodchip to the end user, the lower are the transport distances and the lower is
the CO2 emissions for transport.
Ash content: the lower the ash content, the higher is the energy output and the lower
is the ash quantity which has to be discharged.
Contaminants: woodchips should contain no impurities (soil, stones).
Composition: the higher the wood content and the lower the bark, leaves and small
branches content, the higher is the fuel quality.
A main criterion for the quality of woodchips is the water content which was described
already in chapters 5.3. and 5.5. For SRC woodchips, the water content is mainly influenced
by the harvesting practices, logistics, and drying procedures.
The homogeneity and size of the woodchips, the content of fine particles, and the shape of
the woodchips is mainly determined by the harvesting equipment and technologies. Also the
occurrence of contaminants is influenced by the harvesting technologies, but in addition by
the type of storage. If woodchips are stored on the field the risk of increased fractions of
contaminants is higher. The composition and the ash content is mainly determined by the
cultivation style and plant species. In general, woodchips from SRC have higher ash
contents, as the share of bark and little branches in relation to heart wood is much higher,
since the stems or routes have relatively small diameters.
Figure 56: High quality (left) and low quality (middle, right) (non-SRC) woodchips in Germany (Source:
Rutz D.)
In order to determine the quality of woodchips standards are used. The European Committee
for Standardisation (CEN) developed such standards for the properties of woodchips,
briquettes, firewood, and pellets, but also for test methods, conversion rules and quality
assurance. These standards were amended in 2014 and developed further as international
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) standards. The following standards
apply to woody biofuels:
ISO 17225-1:2014-09 (former EN 14961-1:2010) Fuel specifications and classes – Part
1: General requirements
ISO 17225-2:2014-09 (former EN 14961-2:2011) Fuel specifications and classes – Part
2: Graded wood pellets
ISO 17225-3:2014-09 (former EN 14961-3:2011) Fuel specifications and classes – Part
3: Graded wood briquettes
ISO 17225-4:2014-09 (former EN 14961-4:2011) Fuel specifications and classes – Part
4: Graded woodchips
ISO 17225-5:2014-09 (former EN 14961-5:2011) Fuel specifications and classes – Part
5: Graded firewood
Figure 57: Fresh woodchips from willow SRC in Sweden (Source: Rutz D.)
The objective of the ISO 17225 series is to provide unambiguous and clear classification
principles for solid biofuels; to serve as a tool to enable efficient trading of biofuels; to enable
good understanding between seller and buyer as well as a tool for communication with
equipment manufacturers. It also facilitates authority permission procedures and reporting
(ISO 2014).
An example for a woodchip declaration is given by Alakangas (2009) in Table 13, specifying,
according to EN 14961-1, the normative parameters dimensions (P), moisture on wet basis
(M), and ash (A), as well as the informative parameters bulk density (BD), calorific value (Q),
sulphur (S), nitrogen (N), and chlorine (Cl).
Table 13: Example of product declaration for woodchips (Source: Alakangas 2009, modified)
EN 14961-1
Dimensions P45A
As mentioned, the ISO standard is needed if woodchips are traded in order to inform the
purchaser about the quality issues. This influences the price of the charge.
However, the details of this standard may be also interesting for the plantation owner who
directly consumes the woodchips himself, as it gives indications on how to improve the
quality of the woodchips.
8.2 Options for the use of woodchips
Figure 58: Second generation ethanol plant of ABENGOA in Spain (Source: Rutz D.)
Figure 59: Small-scale gasifyers in a container (left) and during manufacturing (right) of the company
„SpannerRE²“ (Source: Rutz D.)
Figure 60: Pellet press (left) and high-quality pellets (right) (Source: Rutz D.)
The main application of woodchips and pellets their combustion for heat generation as
sustainable energy practice (see Box 6). Therefore, the following descriptions provide basic
information on the combustion process. More detailed information is available e.g. from Hiegl
et al. (2011) or Rutz et al. (2006).
Plant based biomass is essentially composed of carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O).
The proportion of carbon determines the energy released during combustion (oxidation). Also
the hydrogen contained in solid biomass delivers energy when combusted. Together with the
carbon it determines the heating value of the dry fuel. The oxygen only supports the
combustion process, but has no influence on the energetic content of the fuel.
Wood fuels have a high carbon content of 47 to 50%. The oxygen content of wood fuels lies
between 40 and 45% and the hydrogen content between 5 and 7%. Alongside these three
elements, they consist of other elements as well. These can, despite their small proportions,
have strong effects on the exhaust emissions. Sulphur, chlorine, and nitrogen are among the
elements that have the greatest effect on the polluting exhaust emissions. Fuels can, in part,
be differentiated depending on the considerable emission-relevant components.
The energy content per mass is expressed in the lower and higher heating values (see Box
7) as it is shown in Table 14. For woodchips, often the energy content per volume – per cubic
metre - is used. An example therefore is shown in Table 15. Depending on the type of wood,
size of the woodchips, and moisture, a cubic metre of woodchips is about 200 – 300 kg.
Typically, woodchip boilers (Figure 61, Figure 62) are used for heating systems starting from
about 20 kW, whereas pellet boilers are also used for smaller heating systems. Heating with
woodchips is usually only economical for larger households, farms, or several households, or
even smaller villages. Pellet heating is usually only done at single or multiple household
The technology for woodchip and pellet heating is mature and provided by many
manufacturers. It consists of a storage bunker, feeding system, biomass boiler, exhaust
system, and a heat distribution system (often including a buffer tank).
The investment for a woodchip or pellet boiler is often higher than for a fossil fuel boiler, but,
usually the fuel costs are much cheaper, so that in the long-term woodchip or pellet boilers
are more economical than fossil fuel boilers.
Box 6: Why is biomass renewable?
The main greenhouse gas of the combustion processes is carbon dioxide (CO2), which is
mainly responsible for the increase in global temperature. Carbon dioxide is emitted
during combustion of fossil fuels (e.g. lignite, hard coal, oil, natural gas), but also of
biomass. The difference, however, is that biomass extracts CO2 from the atmosphere
during its growth (photosynthesis). Also for short rotation plantation, the trees remove CO 2
from the atmosphere for a period of e.g. 4-6 years of growth, after they are e.g.
combusted in a woodchip boiler. Due to this short and closed cycle, biomass from SRC is
renewable and helps to protect our climate.
Yet, biomass energy sources are not entirely ‘CO2-neutral’, as fossil energy sources are
still used for the preparation and utilisation of biomass (e.g. for harvest and transport).
Furthermore, for new SRC plantations, the impact of the land use change has to be
considered, which may have positive or negative effects on the release or accumulation of
carbon in the soil. In comparison to annual crops, the accumulation of soil carbon in SRC
plantations is usually higher and thus, has an additional positive effect on climate change
Box 7: What is the difference between the lower and the higher heating value?
Table 14: Combustion characteristics of solid fuels (Hiegl et al. 2011) (average/typical values; real
values depend on several factors!)
Ash softening
Fuel type LHV [MJ/kg] HHV [MJ/kg] Ash content [%]
point [°C]
19.2 20.4 3.8 1,440
Figure 61: Small woodchip heating system (24-50 kW heat capacity) with the boiler (left), the feeding
system (middle) and the woodchip storage (right) of Fröling (Source: Rutz D.)
Table 15: Overview on the energy content of SRC and other woodchips in relation to the water content
(average/typical values; real values depend on several factors!)
Poplar Solid
1765 1723 1705 1662 1525
(density 353 kg dry m³
matter/solid m³)
706 689 681 666 610
Willow Solid
n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
(density 420 kg dry m³
matter/solid m³)
n.a. 680-810** n.a. 620-740** n.a.
Alder Solid
n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
(density 530 kg dry m³
matter/solid m³)
n.a. 720-860** n.a. 660-790** n.a.
Robinia Solid
n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
(density 750 kg dry m³
matter/solid m³)
Bulk 1,090- 990-
n.a. n.a. n.a.
m³ 1,300** 1,190**
Spruce Solid
1970 1930 1900 1860 1710
(density 379 kg dry m³
matter/solid m³)
788 770 762 745 685
Beech Solid
2790 2720 2700 2630 2410
(density 558 kg dry m³
matter/solid m³)
1116 1090 1077 1052 964
Source: CARMEN 2014, *Verscheure 1998, ** ETA Heiztechnik GmbH n.d. (first value of bulk m³ is related to
G50, second to G30, other sources)
Figure 62: Medium sized woodchip heating system (3,000 kW heat capacity) with the boiler (right) and the
buffer tank (left) of the Biomassehof Achental in Germany (Source: Rutz D.)
For larger combustion facilities, the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) can be used for electricity
generation. ORC is a thermodynamic process which powers a generator for electricity
generation. In comparison to other CHP systems, such as gasification (Figure 63), the ORC
process is usually applied at much larger scale.
At even larger scale, woodchips or industrial pellets are also co-fired in large, often coal- or
lignite-fired, power plants. They usually generate electricity through a steam turbine. Ideally,
these power plants also use the heat to supply a district heating network. Co-firing of
woodchips is predominantly done in Europe in The Netherlands, Great Britain, or Belgium.
Figure 63: ORC system (1,520 kWel) of the Grünfuttertrocknungsgenossenschaft Kirchdorf a.H. eG in
Germany (Source: Rutz D.)
9.1 Phytodiversity
Phytodiversity is the diversity and multitude of plants and its plant communities. For
phytodiversity, a series of experiments were conducted in SRC fields mostly in Sweden and
Germany, but also in other countries, identifying, quantifying and evaluating the differences
between SRC and alternative land uses such as cereal and grass production in agricultural
land, but also differences between SRC and forest (Dimitriou et al., 2012a). An overview of
the findings is presented below:
SRC plantations can increase phytodiversity of agricultural landscapes: as an
additional structural landscape element.
SRCs provides habitats for species compositions different from those of the
surrounding land uses and can thus increase plant species diversity, especially in
areas dominated by arable lands and coniferous forests.
The species composition of the SRCs is a mixture of species from grassland, ruderal
(species first to colonize disturbed sites) vegetation and species from woodland,
whereas arable lands contain predominantly ruderal and arable field species.
SRCs have been quantified to be up to three-times richer in plant species than arable
lands, and in some cases have been proved to be richer than coniferous forests and
Figure 64: Vegetation in a 3 years old poplar Figure 65: Vegetation and foliage in a poplar SRC
plantation in spring in Germany (Source: in autum in Germany (Source: Rutz D.)
Rutz D.)
Figure 66: Vegetation in a Figure 67: A willow field planted with two different clones might cause
willow SRC increased number of other plant species in the plantation
plantation in spring (Source: Weih M.)
in Sweden (Source:
Rutz D.)
Willow plantations are more suitable for supporting forest species than poplar
plantations due to higher irradiance and irradiance variation in poplar SRC.
The impact of a new SRC plantation depends always on various factors and need to be
considered by the plantation owner. Simple and cost efficient measures to increase
phytodiversity can be easily implemented. They can include the plantation of different clones
and species within the plantation, seeding of flowering plants on the headers of the
plantation, planting indigenous shrubs on the boarders and between the plantation, leaving
some open gaps in the plantation where spontaneous plants can germinate, etc.
The following recommendations can be given in order to prevent negative impacts and to
increase positive impacts on phytodiversity (Dimitriou et al., 2012a).:
The establishment of SRCs in areas with high ecological status should be avoided
(e.g. areas with protection status for nature conservation, areas with rare species,
wetlands, peat bogs, swamps).
High structural heterogeneity provides habitats for different plant requirements and
thus increases diversity. High structural diversity at one SRC location can be
achieved by (1) planting different tree species and clones and by (2) harvesting the
plantation at different times so that the trees have different rotation ages within one
Edges of SRCs have great species diversity, and planting several smaller plantations
instead of one big SRC is advised as smaller plantations have longer edges for their
size than larger ones. If that is not possible, planting long rectangular plantations can
provide more benefits considering increased phytodiversity.
An increase in forest ground species can be achieved by reducing the irradiance
reaching the ground vegetation. This can be done by long rotation periods, high plant
densities and planting willow instead of poplar. Another possibility is aligning planting
rows in the east-west direction to reduce radiation reaching ground vegetation by
shading the planted crop.
The plantations edges needed to enable easier harvesting should be as wide as
possible to allow e.g. indigenous flowering plants that attract insects. The mowing
cycle of the headers should be adjusted in order to maximize environmental benefits.
Species composition in SRCs is influenced by irradiance (see above) and soil
properties. High humus quality and plant nutrient availability supports nitrogen
indicator species. Increasing soil acidity benefits indicator species for acidic soil
The species coverage proportions in SRCs are more heterogeneous and higher than
in arable lands.
The more diverse the surrounding, the lower is the species proportion of the SRC
plantations on species number in the landscape (gamma-diversity, e.g. the total
species diversity in a landscape).
The higher the number of habitat types the higher the gamma-diversity and the lower
the species proportion of SRC plantations on gamma-diversity.
Species composition of the soil seed bank had low influence on the actual SRC
vegetation and this influence decreased with increasing useful life as SRC
Figure 68: The edge of a willow SRC field neighboring a winter wheat field; increased phytodiversity is
evident (Source: Nordh N-E.)
9.2 Zoodiversity
Zoodiversity is the diversity or multitute of animals and its animal communities. For
zoodiversity, similar information as the phytodiversity has been collected and analyzed.
SRC with willow in Sweden is a well-known means to attract game such as raw deer and
plenty of plantations in Sweden have been established for hunting. Moreover, wild pigs have
been reported to find habitat in agriculture landscapes, which is indicative of increases of
mammals. Deer, hare and rabbit can cause problems to SRC plantations, and sometimes the
increase of their numbers can be negative and can cause the loss of the plantation.
However, hare numbers could decline further if planting of SRC were to become widespread,
since this species favours mixed farmland and is unlikely to thrive in densely planted coppice
Deer, hare and rabbit can cause problems to SRC plantations, and sometimes the increase
of their numbers can be negative and can cause the loss of the plantation. However, hare
numbers could decline further if planting of SRC were to become widespread, since this
species favours mixed farmland and is unlikely to thrive in densely planted coppice stands.
Figure 69: A rabbit in a willow SRC plantation. In some areas, different mammals can cause extensive
damage to SRC, buit fencing is not required since it adds high costs to the management
operations. (Source: Dimitriou I.)
Figure 70: Roe-deer entering a willow SRC plantation. SRC plantations are well-known for attracting
mammals present in the area, since they offer refuge and food. (Source: Nordh N-E.)
There have been several discussions on the increase of birds into landscapes introduced
with SRC plantations. A detailed list of the most important findings for related research is
listed below (Dimitriou et al., 2012a).
SRCs are in general richer in avian species diversity and abundance compared to
other arable land but contain hardly any specialized breeding bird species.
Regularly breeding birds on SRCs are mainly common and hence not endangered.
Endangered breeding bird species occur on a small scale and they are predominantly
limited to young SRCs or to the margins of SRC plantations.
The habitat suitability of SRCs for breeding birds is in general strongly dependent on
the age and structure of the planted willows/poplars, and different bird species are
associated with different age classes of SRC.
As the plantation ages and growth height increases, the breeding bird composition
shifts from open land species to shrub-nesting birds and then to species originally
inhabiting forest habitats.
The highest species richness and abundance was found in 2-5 year old coppice
The avian diversity and abundance is also linked with planting density of coppice
stems and with increased number of weeds.
The different numbers of breeding bird species are due to many further factors, such
as variety of areal sizes, intensities of management, landscape context and regional
species pool. The landscape context is also crucial for the impact of SRCs on the
breeding bird diversity of agricultural areas.
The overall effect on the zoodiversity will depend to a large extent on which land the
SRCs are replacing and how the surrounding landscape is.
If a substantial amount of a homogenous and intensively managed landscape (e.g. 20%) will
be introduced with SRC, then there would be more (Dimitriou et al., 2012a):
breeding bird species, because the SRCs provide new habitat structures.
breeding bird species associated with forests, if some areas of SRCs would grow into
the tree-like-stadium (height of poplars/willows > about. 8 m ).
scrub breeding bird species, if some SRC areas are in a shrub-like stadium with large
increase in vegetation height and density (height of poplars/willows > about. 1 m).
no qualitative difference to cropland for birds requiring open-field habitats for nesting
and foraging.
breeding bird species which need ecotones and benefit from edge effects (trees or
shrubs to open land), increasing with small and oblong SRCs.
more breeding bird species which profit from small areas of unmanaged grassland,
not mowed areas with high grasses and herbs at the border of a SRC.
slightly more endangered species, because of some SRC-associated structures (e. g.
tall herb vegetation, ecotones) or rather a higher amount of structural richness.
Another positive impact of SRC is the diversity of invertebrates, such as earthworms, web-
spinning spiders, beetles and butterflies that have been found in SRCs, both in the above-
ground biomass and in the soil. An increase of earthworms in established SRC plantations
for a number of years is recorded (compared to arable fields). However, despite the
increased number of individuals in SRCs, intensively managed SRC are unlikely to provide
botanically rich sites and consequently are unlikely to be of great value as habitats for
endangered ground dwelling invertebrates. The occurance of invertebrates is supported by
the general low-input (pesticides) of SRC cultivation practices.
Figure 71: An observation tower placed at the edge and an opening of a willow field for birds but also for
game. Severel bird species are attracted mostly by the edges of an SRC plantation. (Source:
Dimitriou I.)
Figure 72: Pollination is an important ecosystem service provided by willow flowers. (Source: Nordh N-
E., (left) Rutz D. (right))
As s special ecosystem service, honey bee keeping should be mentioned, as SRC provides
the following benefits for honey bees as well as for wild bees (solitary and communal bees):
As a low-input crop in comparison to annual crops, bees, which are sensitive to
agrochemicals, benefit from less pesticide inputs.
Especially willows provide the early-spring pollen for bees which is important for the
bees after the winter break of bee activity.
Resins from poplar and alder buds are an important source of propolis. Propolis is a
resinous mixture that honey bees collect from tree buds, sap flows, or other botanical
sources. It is used by the bees as antiseptic material to keep the hygiene in the hive
as well as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in the hive.
Accompanying vegetation on the ground level of the plantations provide important
sources of nectar.
The robinia flowers produce large quantities of nectar, thus providing a valuable
source of feed for bees.
Most SRC plantations require areas (called headers) for the harvest machinery which
are not planted with SRC, but could be planted with indigenous wild flowers that
would provide feed for the bees.
Figure 73: Wide edges between willow SRC fields that enable other plant species to grow, but also
creating a corridor for wild life (Source: Nordh N-E.)
The following recommendations to prevent negative impacts and to increase positive impacts
on zoodiversity can be given when planning the establishment of SRC in a certain area
(Dimitriou et al., 2012a):
Where possible, SRCs should be designed with a large edge to interior ratio
A mix of varieties and clones should be used.
Rotational harvesting in mixed age-class blocks should be preferred.
Large blocks of SRC should be separated, e.g. by rides and hedges.
Where possible, and in case of growing willow, planting of willow hybrids (Salix sp.)
with a range of different flowering times should be preferred.
The use of pesticides should be generally avoided. Biological measures may help to
mitigate the risks of pests.
A percentage of the SRC area should be reserved for small habitats like strips of
grass and stepped wood boundaries.
New SRC plantations should not be established in high wildlife-value habitats like
wetlands, wet meadows, set asides, dry fallows, semi-natural grassland.
9.3 Soil
The positive effects on soil quality, when SRC is cultivated instead of agricultural crops, have
been mentioned as one of the great advantages of SRC when implemented in agricultural
landscapes. A detailed list quantifying the advantages of SRC is presented below, when
looking at cases when SRC plantations have been established for several years in an
agricultural landscape (e.g. over 15 years) (Dimitriou et al., 2012b).
Carbon (C) storage in soil organic matter is higher under SRC than under
conventional agricultural crops such as cereals or intensively managed grassland.
Soil organic matter stability is higher under SRC than under conventional agricultural
crops and supports C sequestration in the soil.
Soil erosion is lower under SRC than under conventional agricultural crops.
Total soil N content is higher and the proportional nitrogen (N) availability for plant
growth is lower caused by an increased C/N ratio of soil organic matter under SRC
than under conventional agricultural crops.
Phosphorus (P) availability to the plants is lower under SRC than under conventional
agricultural crops.
The bulk density is slightly higher under SRC than under conventional agricultural
The soil pH can be slightly lower under SRC than under conventional agricultural
The microbial activity is slightly lower than the new biomass (leaves, roots) is created.
This contributes to the accumulation of organic matter compared to the soil under
conventional agricultural.
Cadmium (Cd) concentrations in the soil under SRC are lower than under
conventional agricultural crops.
Figure 74: Stem of a 3-years old poplar Max3 clone in March in Germany: leaves of the previous season
still cover the soil (Source: Rutz D.)
Additionally, and in general, soil compaction can be lower in SRC than other crops since
harvest occurs much more often in the latter. Furthermore, soil compaction can be avoided if
harvest occurs when soil is frozen in winter, when also the demands for wood for energy are
highest. Also, an increased number of mycorrhiza (usually between the between the fungus
and the plant roots – ectomycorrhiza) under poplar, willow, birch and eucalyptus SRC,
compared to neighbouring arable soils, which is beneficial for nutrient cycling.
Finally, SRCs can be used for phytoremediation of contaminated land. Phytoremediation is
the treatment of contaminated land (e.g. with heavy metals, pesticides, solvents) through the
use of plants without the need to excavate the contaminant material and dispose of it
elsewhere. Especially some willow species have the capacity to absorb heavy metals.
Figure 75: Willow SRC fields (in the background) next to tilled arable fields (photo taken in autumn). The
soils are not disturbed as for other arable crops when SRC is planted, and soil carbon is
higher in SRC than in other conventional agricultural crops. (Source: Nordh N-E.)
The following recommendations can be given when planning and designing an SRC
plantation in order to prevent negative impacts and to increase positive impacts on soil:
SRC could be cultivated in fields with low initial soil organic matter content to increase
this content and with this the fertility and C storage of the soil.
SRC should be cultivated especially in areas with a high risk of erosion (wind or soil),
e.g. with relief, to lower the loss of fertile topsoil and nutrients by water and wind.
Application of municipal residues such as sewage sludge for recycling of nutrients to
SRC can be encouraged, since SRC can contribute to prevent nutrient losses and
can extract heavy metals efficiently.
SRC should be used to remediate soils with increased Cd concentrations caused e.g.
by the long-term use of Cd-containing P-fertilizers or other sources of environmental
SRC fields should be established at the same location for at least three cutting cycles
to achieve soil quality improvements concerning C storage and Cd uptake.
SRC should be harvested in winter in cold-climate countries when soil is frozen to
avoid soil compaction.
9.4 Water
When investigating the impact of SRC on water, research has been focused on quality
issues such as nutrient leaching to groundwater. Thereby, the expected impact is usually
positive. However, also the impact on the water that is percolating to the groundwater, on the
groundwater level itself and on the nearby water bodies has to be considered. Here, the
expected impact is usually negative, especially in areas where water is scarce in summer.
Detailed conclusions from experiments conducted in SRC plantations comparing SRC with
other agricultural uses in terms of water quality and quantity are presented below (Dimitriou
et al. (2012c):
Leaching of NO3-N to the groundwater is substantially lower from SRC than that from
traditional agricultural crops.
Leaching of PO4-P to the groundwater is almost equal or in some cases slightly
higher from SRC than from agricultural crops.
The slightly increased leaching of PO4-P to the groundwater was not correlated to
sewage sludge applications to SRC.
SRC as shelterbelts are shown to reduce diffuse pesticide pollution.
Substantially less groundwater is drained from a willow stand compared to grassland,
but translating this effect on a catchment area with 20% SRC, the negative impact on
the water table is moderate.
Harvesting of a willow SRC stand leads to a higher groundwater recharge in the first
year of regrowth, because less water is lost through transpiration and interception.
The following recommendations when selecting the location and planning the layout of SRC
plantations can be given to prevent negative and to increase positive impacts on water:
SRC could be cultivated in fields located close to N sources (e.g. animal farms, N
vulnerable zones, wastewater treatment plants etc.) to decrease N outflow to
adjacent water bodies.
SRC should be cultivated in areas where low groundwater level is anticipated
(potentially flooded areas and areas near water bodies which can potentially flood).
Application of solid municipal residues such as sewage sludge for recycling of
nutrients does not affect water quality, and should therefore be encouraged.
More frequent harvests lead to a higher average groundwater recharge, and therefore
should be encouraged to ameliorate possible negative impact of groundwater
recharge reductions.
At harvest, shoot parts that contain heavy metals are removed from the system and burned.
Ash from the combustion includes bottom ash with low heavy metal concentrations and fly
ash with high concentrations. Only bottom-ash is applied to the SRC plantation, again. Fly
ashes with the heavy metal concentrations are dumped safely in landfill sites and thus,
removed from the cycle.
The sludge-ash mixtures are applied to SRC during the establishment phase and after every
harvest – in other words, every three to five years – in order to compensate for the removal
of nutrients by harvesting. In practice, the amounts of the mixtures applied are adjusted to
the maximum phosphorus amounts allowed (they are usually restrictive, e.g. for Sweden are
equivalent to about 22 to 35 kg of phosphorus per hectare per year).
Figure 76: Spreading of sewage sludge (here in mixture with wood-ash) is a common practice in Sweden.
(Source: Dimitriou I.)
Cadmium is considered as one of the most hazardous metals for human health. Primarily
willow is able to take up high amounts of cadmium in their shoots. They are harvested every
three to four years and several times due to a life-span of a SRC plantation (Dimitriou and
Aronsson, 2005). When the biomass is burned, cadmium and other heavy metals will remain
in the different ash fractions. This allows separating them from the ash that is used for
fertilisation. As this environmental service is usually not paid, often the whole ash with all its
nutrients is dumped on landfills.
Agroforestry is a land use management system in which trees, in this case SRC species, are
grown around or among crops or pastureland. It combines agricultural and forestry
technologies to create more diverse, productive, profitable, healthy, and sustainable land-use
Opportunities for agroforestry systems with SRC exist especially on very large fields with
high risk of soil erosion. Studies have shown that the SRC plantation has a positive impact
on the microclimate. Even the increased shadow in summer has a positive impact on the
yields of wheat and rapeseed production next to the SRC field (Figure 72).
Furthermore, examples exist in which agroforestry with SRC includes breeding of animals,
such as chicken. Especially in the tropics, agroforestry has been shown to imporve soil
qualities and thus, food and nutrition security for small-scale farmers (Kaufmann et al. n.d.).
Figure 77: Agroforestry system on a 40 ha field in Dornburg, Germany: The poplar SRC bands act as
wind break and influence positively the microclimate on this large field. Formerly, the 40 ha
was just monocultures of annual crops. (Source: Rutz D.)
10 Economy of SRC
Calculations concerning the economy of SRC vary considerably and there have been many
cases where SRC proved to be a good business for the farmer, but also cases where the
economy of SRC has not been proved profitable as pre-calculated. This is due to the fact
that the economy depends on several factors that are site-depended. Such factors concern
both the expenses for SRC management, which can vary from country to country, or
between areas in the same country, or even between farms in the same country (if e.g. there
are already machines or not that can be used for SRC operations), but also the profit since
the prices for selling the wood biomass can vary from place to place, and of course from
country to country.
Especially the selling price of wood depends on the prices of the other energy sources in one
country or area, and can also vary in time, depending on the period of the year. All these
factors makes it difficult and risky to generalise when talking about the economy of SRC.
Therefore, in this part of the Handbook a number of concrete examples with economic details
of SRC practices in several parts of Europe with varying management are provided instead
of general calculations (Dimitriou et al., 2014b). Thereby, comparisons are easier to be made
and real facts can be compared. To enable a more holistic view, background information on
the SRC practices, management, and other related information are given before the general
economic calculations with expenses and profits are listed.
This example presents the cultivation of willow SRC on agricultural land. The woodchips from
willow, but also other wood sources, are used for bioenergy production in a local district
heating plant. At the Puckgården farm (50 ha total size), 21 ha are grown with willow SRC for
biomass production for energy. The rest is grown with oat, wheat, pea and rape seed.
Puckgården is a member of a local willow-farmer association of 12 farmers that grow about.
100 ha of willow. They cooperate in all aspects of willow management: the association orders
harvest from entrepreneurs (who are paid separately by each member based on labor time
costs), and transports and sells the chips to the local district heating plant (DHP). The farmer
is also chipping other biomass feedstock at Puckgården and sells it to the DHP. The DHP
compensates the farmers in €/m3 woodchips, which is advantageous to the farmers since
fuel quality differences are not taken into consideration.
The different willow fields at Puckgården were established in 1991, 1992 and 1993, when the
planting subsidy was 10,000 SEK (about. 1,110 Euros, 1 € = 9 SEK) and was covering all
plantation costs at that time. The farmer has applied about 100 kg N per hectare the second
year each time after harvest. The plantation also receives some wastewater from the local
farms, but the nutrient amounts per hectare are low and it is more used for compensation of
water during summer.
The willows are harvested every 4th year in early spring (March) when frozen conditions in
the soil are still present. The harvest is conducted with a Claas Jaguar direct chipping
machine by a local entrepreneur. The biomass production has varied between 8 and 10.7 t
DM/ha yr. The willow chips are stored in piles for about 1 month aside the fields, before
transported and sold to the local DHP in Grästorp. The DHP has a capacity of 3.5 MW and is
owned 40% by the municipality and 60% by Lantmännen (agricultural cooperative owned by
the great majority of active farmers in Sweden). The DHP provides municipal buildings in the
municipality of Grästorp (population about 5,641) and to private apartments in the area with
heat. During a period of 6 months the DHP’s boiler is run only by willow chips (the rest of the
year with other forest chips), but the chips need to be stored for a period of 1 month at
Puckgården at the sides of the fields to become drier in order to be accepted in the DHP
Below, calculations about production costs and income in €/ha/yr for price levels in 2011, are
presented. Single farm payments are not included. Planting-related expenses (i.e. planting
equipment, cuttings and labour costs) were about. 1,110 €/ha and are included in Table 15.
Planting subsidy was 1,110 €/ha and is also included in Table 15.
Table 16: Production costs, income and profit in €/ha/yr for the willow field at Puckgården.
Costs (€/ha/yr)
Fertilization 38
Supervision/maintenance 22
Harvest 139
Transportation 105
General expenses 55
Interest rate 11
Total 370
Income (€/ha/yr)
Chips 864
Total 864
* Calculations were made using the currency rate 1 € = 9 SEK and for a willow field of 4-years cutting cycle grown
in the 5 cutting cycle
** All costs except land ownership costs are included
*** Costs for administration, telephone and driving are included in the “General expenses”
If the lower production and higher costs, due to the initial cutting cycles, are included, the
calculations for the willow plantation are in Table 16.
Table 17: Calculations for the profit of the willow plantation at Puckgården during the 5 cutting cycle of
4-years, but also when all cutting cycles are taking into account (including the less productive
first cutting cycle).
5 cutting
9.5 91 38.5 494
All cutting
8.8 91 52 50.5 392
* Calculations were made using the currency rate 1 € = 9 SEK and for a willow field of 4-years cutting cycle grown
in the 5 cutting cycle
** All costs except land ownership costs are included
10.2 Example 2: Willow SRC at SIA ECOMARK, Latvia
This example describes woodchip production from willow SRC established on abandoned
land and from other available wood sources in Latvia. The demand for qualitative woodchips
or briquettes and pellets for production of heat and/or electricity, but also wood material for
construction is of increased importance in Latvia. These are the main reasons behind the
start-up of companies growing willow on agricultural soils in Latvia. The main goal of such
companies is to produce renewable resources and sell raw material for heat and electricity
production with fast-growing species grown on abandoned agricultural land and converting
them to productive SRC fields. The Sia Ecomarc company has an agreement with the
Swedish company Salixenergy AB to produce and sell planting material in Latvia from newly
established stands. One year old shoots have been used to produce cuttings as planting
material for newly established plantations. Since 2012, the company has two planting
machines for double row planting to establish new plantations while being more independent
from service providers.
This business has its origin from a small scale willow plantation that was planted for
demonstration and for learning by doing the willow cultivation on agricultural soils. The initial
plantation was planted with the best available willow clones at that time, namely the Swedish
bred clones Tora and Torhild, but also with material from Lithuania and Hungary. The
Hungarian Salix alba clones could survive in Latvian conditions, but their shoots are suffering
from winter frost damage all years since 2008. The initial idea to grow trees as agriculture
crop in the form of coppice for wood energy production comes as inspiration from Sweden.
At these initial times the agriculture land was rather a cheap and economically advantageous
resource (500-700 €/ha). During the last years the land has become more expensive and
currently even the abandoned areas are available for up to 1,000 €. The company also deals
with improvement of land with removing of naturally established deciduous forest mixed
stands that are used for chip production. During the last quarter of 2012 SIA Ecomark started
to produce woodchips.
SIA Ecomarc plans to use an industrial chipper and to produce about 7,000 m3 per month.
The woodchips are produced from different material available in the market: chips from
agricultural and forest residues, sawmills, fuel wood, bushes and small size tees from
abandoned agricultural lands. Customers can also buy chipping services from the company.
The willow plantations established in spring 2012 are going to be harvested in winter 2014-
The related real costs (for 2013) of the different management steps of this case study are
presented below. Note that the company does not yet harvest willow plantations, therefore
there are no data on this management activity.
price for licensed planting material: 0.065 €/cutting or 0.325 €/m (costs per ha equals
to 780-975 €);
soil preparation: 230-360 €/ha (including spraying of chemicals, ploughing, removing
of tree roots and stones, disk or power harrowing before plating);
planting: 215 €/ha;
mechanical weed control (power harrowing of strips between double rows): 55 €/ha
(conducted once);
weed control with herbicides (Stomp CS): 80 €/ha.
The German boiler and heating system manufacturer Viessmann launched a few years ago
their program “Efficiency plus”. Within this program, a main goal is to supply their industrial
buildings with heat produced out of woody biomass and mainly with poplar SRC. The
biomass boiler is fed with woodchips from SRC, which grow on 180 ha agricultural land.
In order to supply the bio-boiler with woodchips, Viesmann established a testing company /
pilot plant to lease or purchase local agricultural land and plant SRC on it. Their own
plantation site of registered origin was harvested 2007 and in May 2008 the feedstock was
used for planting the first 130 hectares of poplar SRC. Moreover, other SRC species like
Paulownia, Igniscum, Salix and others, have been planted on other small areas.
The SRC plantations were harvested in 2009/10 for the first time and the produced
woodchips were used for the heating of the Viessmann factory.
This SRC plantation of the heating engineering company Viessmann is one of the best
practice examples in Germany, because of the following reasons:
From the initial stages of the project, all the following partners have been involved:
nature conservation authority, water management office, local authorites and
municipalities, the agriculture administration, the local Farmer’s Union and the local
Hunting Cooperative.
At the location in Allendorf and the SRC plantation respectively, several research
projects have been conducted, with some still running, like “ELKE”, “ProLoc II” and
“Naturschutzfachliche Anforderungen an KUP”. These ensure the sustainability
aspects involved for SRC in Germany.
The project was attributed several awards, like the German sustainability award (2009,
2011), the Energy Efficiency Award 2010 and the Energy Globe World Award 2012.
The first seedlings were planted 2008, but there are no data available in terms of density
(e.g. seedlings per ha) and amount of seedlings. This is due to the fact, that for each
plantation, a single seedling-plan was developed. Some climatic data about Allendorf are
presented below:
Altitude: 250 – 708 m height above sea level
Soil: Upper bunter sandstone
Mean annual temperature: 6.5 – 8.5 °C
Taking into account the fact that Viessmann produces heating systems, such as wood
boilers, the SRC plantation fits perfectly into the bioenergy chain of Allendorf. Furthermore,
using biomass for SRC in the existing bioenergy chain seems ideal and reduces the pressure
to increase woody biomass out of forests, which are more for recreation and other uses in
the area. However, some new techniques have to be improved, mainly referring to harvesting
and the quality of the woodchips produced.
A calculation was performed based on the harvesting practices occurring in Allendorf. The
results of this calculation are shown in Table 17, together with some assumptions that are
also indicated.
Table 18: Overview of calculated costs and revenues (in €) of the SRC plantation in Allendorf (Source:
von Harling and Viessmann ; 2009)
100 ha of willow were planted in Brittany, from 2004 to 2007, for local heat production as part
of an “EU Life Environment” research project. The aim of the project was to plant SRC in the
region and demonstrate its utility for wastewater treatment. A special focus was put on the
economic viability of the project’s set up, on finding the best cultural practices for the area
and on the ways to develop the local chain of heat production. Different studies were
conducted in order to set criteria and analyze results to be able to export the concept to other
areas interested. Results in the Wilwater project are presented according to three different
models, according to the main goal of the project:
Objective 1: produce woodchips for heat production
Objective 2: protection of natural environments, irrigation with treated wastewater or
protection of drinking water catchments
Objective 3: sludge spreading from water treatment plants
The Wilwater project was launched to find a multi-criteria approach to SRC, in order to
overcome the economic problems linked to the production of SRC in France. Indeed, SRC
plantations for heat production being on small-scale in the country and political support for
SRC being marginal, it was important to find new ways to introduce SRC. All the actors
involved in the projects also insist that they had more than just economic motivations:
motivations to become more autonomous (by producing their own energy, to make
their sludge spreading systems durable, to create local chains of supply)
motivations to create new regional and local partnerships (capacity building between
motivations in terms of image (communication on innovating activities)
Cooperation partnerships were launched between local municipalities, who run local heat
production units, local municipal wastewater treatment plants, farmers and local energy
companies. Several pilot sites were set up during the project, with specific business
strategies for each of them. Below is the business strategy of one of the sites set up during
the Wilwater project in the village of Pleyber-Christ:
Pleyber-Christ is a village of 2,800 inhabitants. Wastewater is spread on willow SRC (100 m 3
/ha over a 3 year period) that is then used as woodchips for the production of heat for
municipal buildings (150 kW). Annual consumption of energy is estimated at 217 MWh,
equivalent to 110 tons of woodchips at 25% humidity. SRC were planted on public land by an
agricultural business using a STEP machine (cost 2,800 €/ha including preparation of the
land). Sludge spreading is done by village farmers regrouped in a cooperative (CUMA de
Pleyber-Christ) the 1st and 2nd years. The 3rd year the willow is too high for the type of
machine used. Harvesting starts the 3rd year and then every 3 years, it is done by a regional
cooperative machinery service (CUMA Breizh Energie) that invested in a STEMSTER
machine. The cooperative of village farmers is in charge of the transport of the woodchips to
a drying unit, that is run by a cooperative community-oriented enterprise (Société
Cooperative d’Intérêt Collectif) created for that action. The project received subsidies at
different levels (50% for the heat production system for example from the regional level). It is
estimated that the municipality will save 20,000 € per year by replacing fossil energy with
From 1998 to 2001, 13 ha of SRC were planted in Brittany in 10 different zones to test
economic and technical feasibility of SRC plantations.
From 2002 to 2006, 5 ha were planted in a village to test sludge spreading on SRC, linked to
the construction of a heat plant for the village.
The Association d’Initiatives Locales pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (AILE) was a partner
in these projects and launched the Wilwater Project to enable a follow-up of these
A focus on wastewater treatment/spreading was introduced after a change in law: farmers
could no longer spread sludge on their fields (food crops) and had to find other lands.
Municipalities launched partnerships with farmers and local industries to find innovative ways
to overcome this change.
SRC were planted using a specific planter and 4 different varieties of willow, chosen for
productivity aspects and their resistance to rust (Björn, Tora, Torhild and Olof). Plant density
is of 16,000 per hectare. Anti-germination products were applied, as well as biodegradable
plastic coverage. Agricultural machinery was built to be able to do mechanical weeding
between the lines. Specific machinery was also made to be able to spread sludge on 2 and 3
year old willows.
In order to adapt to climatic conditions in Brittany, it was chosen to harvest in two stages:
harvesting and then production of willow chips when the wood is dry and all leaves have
fallen. The STEMSTER harvesting machine, owned by a regional cooperative machinery
service (CUMA Breizh Energie) can harvest up to 250 ha of SRC per winter: it therefore can
cover all plantations in the area.
The use of woodchips made from SRC in a local system of heat production is essential for
the project to reach an economic balance. It seems to be a pre-requisite condition of the
success of this project that the woodchips are used at a very short distance by a local
collective heating system or directly by the farmer for a personal use. Municipalities in
Brittany already had local heat production systems or were in the process of investing in new
installations. SRC plantations were therefore part of a local reflection for the development of
a local bioenergy chain. Examples of local use of woodchips:
local farmer to produce heat for 3 houses
heat production for a village school
heat production for administrative buildings in a village
Below calculations about production costs and income in €/ha/yr for price levels in 2007 are
presented (Table 19 to Table 21).
Costs (€/ha/yr)
Fertilizing 100
Anti-parasite treatment 90
Plantation 1,800
Coppicing 60
Total 2,900
Table 20: Production costs, harvesting €/ha/yr
Table 21: Profit of SRC plantation (plantation and harvesting costs are reduced because not
subcontracted, done by the farmer)
maximized harvest
Profit (€/ha/yr) today
(200 ha)
This project presents a 76 ha willow SRC plantation that is irrigated with wastewater from the
municipal wastewater treatment plant. The biomass is used for energy in the local heat and
power plant.
Nynäs Gård, which is the name of the farm, cooperates with ENA-Energi, which is a
combined heat and power station, and the local municipal wastewater treatment plant. The
willow plantation is irrigated with about 200,000 m3 of water mixture of treated and untreated
wastewater (20,000 m3 of untreated nutrient-rich wastewater). There is a 15-year contract
between the farmer and the wastewater treatment plant that binds the farmers to receive
wastewater in his willow plantation. Moreover, in the agreement it is stated that ENA-Energi
will receive willow chips from Nynäs Gård receiving the market price. The harvest was
arranged in the beginning by Ena Energi, but lately the farmer contracts himself
entrepreneurs in the area.
The 76-ha willow plantation was planted in 1998 and 2000. The area is divided in different
fields, with the bigger one being about 30 ha and other parts being between 6 and 15 ha.
The planting subsidy, that was valid in the planting years, was 5,000 SEK (about 550 Euros)
per hectare and was covering approximately half of the establishment costs. The soil was
treated before planting with glyphosate to treat couch grass, and was ploughed and
harrowed for mechanical weeding before planting. Mechanical weeding was practiced even
the year after planting. The 76-ha surface is planted with a number of different willow clones
in stripes of 15 double-rows (0.75 and 1.25 m within and between the willow rows,
respectively, about 0.5 m distance between the willow plants in a row). The plants are
irrigated with the wastewater during the vegetation period during about 100 days.
The willow plantation is harvested every three years with a specially designed harvester that
produces willow chips. The chips do not have to be stored to reduce water content, but can
be transported directly to the combined heat and power plant that is situated around 2 km
away from the willow plantation. The boiler has a heating capacity of 55 MW and electrical
capacity of 24 MW. Willow chips are used mixed with other wood biomass sources as a fuel
for heat and power production.
Below are presented calculations about production costs and income in €/ha/yr for price
levels in 2011. Single farm payments are not included. Planting-related expenses (i.e.
planting equipment, cuttings and labour costs) were about. 1,222 €/ha and are included in
Table 22. Planting subsidy was 555 €/ha.
Table 22: Production costs, income and profit in €/ha/yr for the willow field at Nynäs Gård
Costs (€/ha/yr)
Supervision/maintenance 22
Harvest 238
Transportation 148
General expenses 55
Interest rate 15
Sum 478
Income (€/ha/yr)
Chips 896
Sum 1115
* Calculations were made using the currency rate 1 € = 9 SEK and for a willow field of 4-years cutting cycle grown
in the 3 cutting cycle
** All costs except land ownership costs are included
*** Costs for administration, telephone and driving are included in the “General expenses”
If the lower production and higher costs, due to the initial cutting cycles, are included, the
calculations for the willow plantation at Nynäs Gård are as in Table 23.
Table 23: Calculations for the profit of the wastewater irrigated willow plantation at Nynäs Gård during
the 3 cutting cycle of 4-years, but also when all cutting cycles are taking into account
(including the less productive first cutting cycle).
3 cutting
9 99.5 53 219 637
All cutting
8.3 99.5 65 227 219 529
* Calculations were made using the currency rate 1 € = 9 SEK and for a willow field of 4-years cutting cycle grown
in the 3 cutting cycle
** All costs except land ownership costs are included
Glossary and Abbreviations
Note: The Glossary and Abbreviations list describes and defines various specific or common
expressions, terms and words, which are used in this handbook. A major aim of this list is to
facilitate translations of the handbook into national languages. Several expressions are
adapted from Wikipedia.
Barrel of oil equivalent (boe): The amount of energy contained in a barrel of crude oil, i.e.
approx. 6.1 GJ, equivalent to 1,700 kWh. A "petroleum barrel" is a liquid measure equal to
42 U.S. gallons (35 Imperial gallons or 159 litters); about 7.2 barrels are equivalent to one
tonne of oil (metric).
Billets: cut SRC rods into 5 – 15 cm longitude (large woodchips)
Bundles: bounded SRC rods in bundles
Capacity: The maximum power that a machine or system can produce or carry safely (the
maximum instantaneous output of a resource under specific conditions). The capacity of
generating equipment is generally expressed in kilowatts or megawatts.
Carbon dioxide: CO2 is a naturally occurring chemical compound composed of two oxygen
atoms covalently bonded to a single carbon atom. It is a gas at standard temperature and
pressure and exists in Earth's atmosphere in this state, as a trace gas at a concentration
of 0.039% by volume.
Chips: cut SRC rods into pieces of 5 x 5 x 5 cm in size (see woodchips)
CHP: Combined heat and power: (Syn. Co-generation): The sequential production of
electricity and useful thermal energy from a common fuel source. Reject heat from
industrial processes can be used to power an electric generator (bottoming cycle).
Conversely, surplus heat from an electric generating plant can be used for industrial
processes, or space and water heating purposes (topping cycle).
CO2: see Carbon dioxide
Co-generation: see combined heat and power generation (CHP)
Condensing boiler: Condensing boilers are water heaters with high efficiencies (typically
greater than 90%) which are achieved by using the waste heat in the flue gases to pre-
heat the cold water entering the boiler. They may be fuelled by gas or oil and are called
condensing boilers because the water vapour produced during combustion is condensed
into water, which leaves the system via a drain.
Coppice: Coppice is the ability of the selected tree species to re-grow with new sprouts after
the plant is cut down.
Cuttings: Cuttings are 25 cm long pieces from one-year-old SRC rods which are used for
DH: District heating
District cooling: District cooling is a system for distributing chilled water or water/ice
mixtures from a centralized location for residential and commercial cooling such as air
District heating: District heating is a system for distributing heat (by hot water or steam)
generated in a centralized location for residential and commercial heating requirements
such as space heating and water heating.
Feedstock: Any input material into a process which is converted to another form or product.
Fossil fuel: Fossil fuels are formed in millions of years by natural processes such as
anaerobic decomposition of dead organisms.
Gamma diversity: The term gamma diversity (γ-diversity) was introduced by R. H. Whittaker
together with the terms alpha diversity (α-diversity) and beta diversity (β-diversity).
Whittaker's idea was that the total species diversity in a landscape (γ) is determined by
two different things, the mean species diversity in sites or habitats at a more local scale
(α) and the differentiation among those habitats (β). According to this reasoning, alpha
diversity and beta diversity constitute independent components of gamma diversity: γ = α
Global warming potential: GWP is a relative measure of how much heat a greenhouse gas
traps in the atmosphere. It compares the amount of heat trapped by a certain mass of the
gas in question to the amount of heat trapped by a similar mass of carbon dioxide. A GWP
is calculated over a specific time interval, commonly 20, 100 or 500 years. GWP is
expressed as a factor of carbon dioxide whose GWP is standardized to 1. For example,
the 20 year GWP of methane is 72, which means that if the same mass of methane and
carbon dioxide were introduced into the atmosphere, that methane will trap 72 times more
heat than the carbon dioxide over the next 20 years.
Greenhouse gas (GHG): Gases that trap the heat of the sun in the Earth's atmosphere,
producing the greenhouse effect. The two major greenhouse gases are water vapour and
carbon dioxide. Other greenhouse gases include methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons,
and nitrous oxide.
GWP: see Global warming potential
Header: Area at the end and the beginning of a plantation thet is used for turning the
machinery, storing the harvest, etc. During the period of no management prctices, the
headers can be planted with annual crops, grass or indigenous flowering plants.
Heat: Heat is energy transferred from one system to another by thermal interaction. In
contrast to work, heat is always accompanied by a transfer of entropy. Heat flow from a
high to a low temperature body occurs spontaneously. This flow of energy can be
harnessed and partially converted into useful work by means of a heat engine. The
second law of thermodynamics prohibits heat flow from a low to a high temperature body,
but with the aid of a heat pump external work can be used to transport energy from low to
the high temperature. In ordinary language, heat has a diversity of meanings, including
temperature. In physics, "heat" is by definition a transfer of energy and is always
associated with a process of some kind. "Heat" is used interchangeably with "heat flow"
and "heat transfer". Heat transfer can occur in a variety of ways: by conduction, radiation,
convection, net mass transfer, friction or viscosity, and by chemical dissipation.
Heating value: the amount of heat released during the combustion of a specified amount of
a fuel (biogas, biomethane).
Installed capacity: The installed capacity is the total electrical or thermal capacity of energy
generation devices.
Invertebrates: animals that neither possess nor develop a vertebral column, derived from
the notochord. This includes all animals apart from the subphylum Vertebrata. Familiar
examples of invertebrates include insects, crabs, lobsters and their kin, snails, clams,
octopuses and their kin, starfish, sea-urchins and their kin, and worms.
Joule (J): Metric unit of energy, equivalent to the work done by a force of one Newton
applied over a distance of one meter. 1 joule (J) = 0.239 calories; 1 calorie (cal) = 4.187 J.
Kilowatt (kW): A measure of electrical power or heat capacity equal to 1,000 watts.
Kilowatt-hour (kWh): The most commonly-used unit of energy. It means one kilowatt of
electricity or heat supplied for one hour.
kWel: electrical power (capacity)
kWh: see Kilowatt-hour
kWth: thermal (heat) capacity
m³: A cubic meter is the volume of 1x1x1 m. One cubic metre is about 1 t of water.
Moisture: Ratio of the mass of water content of a material (biomass) and the mass of the dry
material itself.
Oil equivalent: The tonne of oil equivalent (toe) is a unit of energy: the amount of energy
released by burning one tonne of crude oil, approx. 42 GJ.
ORC: Organic Rankine Cycle
Organic Rankine Cycle: The ORC process is named for its use of an organic, high
molecular mass fluid with a liquid-vapour phase change, or boiling point, occurring at a
lower temperature than the water-steam phase change. The fluid allows Rankine cycle
heat recovery from lower temperature sources such as from biogas plants.
pH: Value that indicates the acidity or alkalinity of solutions (or soil). Soils with a pH less than
7 are acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are basic or alkaline. Pure water has a
pH of 7.
Rods: harvested SRC stems up to 8 m in length
Shoot: In botany, shoots consist of stems including their appendages, the leaves and lateral
buds, flowering stems and flower buds. The new growth from seed germination that grows
upward is a shoot where leaves will develop. In the spring, perennial plant shoots are the
new growth that grows from the ground in herbaceous plants or the new stem or flower
growth that grows on woody plants.
SI: The International System of Units (abbreviated SI from French: Système international
d'unités) is the modern form of the metric system and is generally a system of units of
measurement devised around seven base units and the convenience of the number ten.
SRC: Short rotation coppice, short rotation woody crops
SRF: short rotation forestry
SRP: short rotation plantations
SRWC: Short rotation woody crops
Water content: Ratio of the mass of water content of a material (biomass) and the mass of
the moist material itself.
Watt (W): A standard unit of measure (SI System) for the rate at which energy is consumed
by equipment or the rate at which energy moves from one location to another. It is also
the standard unit of measure for electrical power. The term 'kW' stands for "kilowatt" or
1,000 watts. The term 'MW' stands for "Megawatt" or 1,000,000 watts.
yr: Year
Latin and common plant names
Note: In general, these are species that are used either directly for SRC, used for
crossbreeding of clones, or mentioned to be suitable for SRC. For some species, the
experiences for its suitability for SRC are limited. The common English names are widely
used, but sometimes not precise.
The names of clones are described in chapter 3.
Populus tremula Aspen, Common aspen, Eurasian aspen, European aspen,
Quaking aspen (Not to be confused with Populus tremuloides,
the American aspen, also called trembling aspen and quaking
Populus tremuloides Quaking Aspen, Trembling Aspen (Not to be confused with
Populus tremula, the European aspen, which is also called
quaking aspen)
Populus trichocarpa Western Balsam Poplar, Black Cottonwood
Robinia pseudoaccacia Black locust, Robinia, Acacia
Salix spp. Willow (Most species are known as willow, but some narrow-
leaved shrub species are called osier, and some broader-leaved
species are referred to as sallow)
Salix aegyptiaca Egyptian willow, Musk willow
Salix caprea Goat willow, Pussy willow, Great sallow
Salix dasyclados n.a.
Salix discolor American willow
Salix rehderiana n.a.
Salix schwerinii n.a.
Salix triandra Almond willow, Almond-leaved willow
Salix udensis n.a.
Salix viminalis Common osier
Ulmus spp. Elms
General conversion units
Deco Da 10 Ten
Table 25: Volume terminology of different types of woody biomass in different languages
Language Terminology
Berkubikmetrs Kraujmetrs vai sters
Latvian (cieškubikmetrs)
m³ber m³kr
Macedonian poln kuben metar nasipen kuben metar prostoren kuben meatr
Table 26: Conversion of energy units (kilo joule, kilo calorie, kilo watt hour, ton of coal equivalent, cubic
metre of natural gas, ton of oil equivalent, barrel, British Thermal Unit)
kJ kcal kWh TCE toe barrel
-8 -8 -7
1 kJ 1 0.2388 0.000278 3.4 10 0.000032 2.4 10 1.76·10
-8 -7 -7
1 kcal 4.1868 1 0.001163 14.3 10 0.00013 1 10 7.35·10
1 BTU 1.055
Table 27: Conversion of power units (kilo calories per second, kilowatt, horse power, Pferdestärke =
horse strength)
kcal/s kW hp PS
Table 29: Conversion of pressure units (pascal, bar, technical atmosphere, standard atmosphere, torr,
pound per square inch)
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