Management of High Spinal Anesthesia
Management of High Spinal Anesthesia
Management of High Spinal Anesthesia
Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, University of Cape Town
b Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, University of KwaZulu-Natal S2 The page number in the footer is not for bibliographic referencing
The management of high spinal anaesthesia in obstetrics: suggested clinical guideline in the South African context 3
A weak cough, or early signs of dyspnoea • RR ≥ 12–15 per minute Hypotension and no High spinal anaesthesia is
• SpO2 ≥ 95% bradycardia* unlikely
• Function is at
• preoperative status
Progressive dyspnoea • RR: 12-15 per minute Hypotension, and no Early signs of high spinal
Weak hand grip strength (C8/T1) • SpO2 ≤ 95% bradycardia* anaesthesia
Can’t touch nose (C5/C6) • Function diminished
Ineffective cough S3 The page number in the footer is not for bibliographic referencing
4 Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia 2016; 22(1)(Supplement 1):S1-S5
Identification of high spinal anaesthesia • Ongoing vigilance: Ongoing vigilance is necessary with respect
to deteriorating haemodynamic status and the resolution
A tiered approach to the identification of high spinal anaesthesia
of respiratory failure. Typically, the respiratory status rapidly
is described in Table 1.
recovers so that the patient can usually be extubated at the
The following points are to be borne in mind. It should be end of the Caesarean section.
recognised that hypoventilation, defined by a significantly • Advice: Advice should be sought on ongoing care as soon as
decreased respiratory rate and tidal volume, may be precipitous. possible.
Should the clinical conditions deteriorate quickly, the clinician
Key principles
need not wait for apnoea or bradycardia to develop to regard
the situation as established high spinal anaesthesia. 1. Though rare in obstetrics, the clinician should always be
prepared for high spinal anaesthesia.
Management of high spinal anaesthesia
• This includes ensuring that certain equipment is
A tiered response (Table 2) is envisaged, as this often allows immediately at hand, and certain further equipment is
inexperienced clinicians to confirm their diagnosis and readily available.
immediately provide support as necessary, rather than await • This also includes drawing up certain drugs and having
cardiorespiratory collapse and only then initiate cardiopulmonary others readily available.
resuscitation. 2. Early recognition of high spinal anaesthesia is crucial.
In the event of likely high spinal anaesthesia, where both 3. Respiratory support should be initiated immediately after
systems are simultaneously and rapidly deteriorating, intubation prompt administration of ephedrine.
and ventilation should be undertaken immediately after the 4. After tracheal intubation, run adrenaline by infusion if cardiac
prompt administration of ephedrine. Ephedrine is favoured over output is not immediately restored.
phenylephrine in this situation because cardiac deafferentation 5. Avoid propofol and thiopentone for tracheal intubation in
is more likely in the situation of high spinal anaesthesia than in this situation.
simple spinal hypotension. 6. Do not place the patient in the anti -Trendelenburg position.
7. Continue to monitor for haemodynamic instability and
Management after tracheal intubation is as follows:
respiratory recovery.
• Ventilation: Administer tidal volumes at 7 ml/kg ideal body
8. Call for help and advice. Either a trained nurse or another
weight. Keep the peak airway pressure ≤ 30 cmH2O, and titrate
doctor should be in theatre at all times.
the fraction of inspired oxygen to maintain oxygen saturation
≥ 95%. References
• Haemodynamic support: Ephedrine boluses should be 1. Langesæter E, Dyer RA. Maternal haemodynamic changes during spinal
5-10 mg, and phenylephrine boluses 50-100 ug as required. anaesthesia for caesarean section. Curr Opin Anesthesiol. 2011;24(3):242–248.
2. Cook T, Counsell D, Wildsmith J. Major complications of central neuraxial block:
• Hypnosis: Provide hypnosis by means of volatile agents as report on the Third National Audit Project of the Royal College of Anaesthetists.
usual for Caesarean section under general anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth. 2009;102(2):179–190.
High spinal anaesthesia is Reassure the patient and monitor the patient for signs of deterioration
Early signs of high spinal Provide face mask oxygen at 100% Feel the patient’s pulse, and monitor heart rate and
anaesthesia blood pressure
High spinal anaesthesia is Provide gentle positive pressure ventilation with a • Bradycardia: Ephedrine 10 mg intravenously, and run
likely tight-fitting face mask (100% O2), including cricoid colloid freely
pressure (if this does not impair ventilation). Reassure • No bradycardia: Fluid only
the patient • Monitor the patient closely for deterioration, and
titrate vasopressor and fluid
High spinal anaesthesia is Provide rapid sequence tracheal intubation and • Ephedrine 10–20 mg intravenously
established ventilation after the administration of a small dose of • In the absence of the immediate return of an
etomidate or isoflurane if face mask oxygen is being adequate cardiac output, run 500 ml hydroxyethyl
provided, and suxamethonium 1 mg/kg. starch freely, containing 1 mg adrenaline
Do not not use propofol or thiopentone in this situation S4 The page number in the footer is not for bibliographic referencing
The management of high spinal anaesthesia in obstetrics: suggested clinical guideline in the South African context 5
3. Moen V, Dahlgren N, Irestedt L. Severe neurological complications after central 7. Kinsella S. A prospective audit of regional anaesthesia failure in 5080 Caesarean
neuraxial blockades in Sweden 1990-1999. Anesthesiology. 2004;101(4):950–959.
sections. Anaesthesia. 2008;63(8):822–832.
4. Auroy Y, Benhamou D, Bargues L, et al. Major complications of regional
anesthesia in France. Anesthesiology. 2002;97(5):1274–1280. 8. National Committee for Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths. Saving
5. Shibli K, Russell I. A survey of anaesthetic techniques used for caesarean section mothers 2011-2013: Sixth report on confidential enquiries into maternal deaths
in the UK in 1997. Int J Obstet Anesth. 2000;9(3):160–167.
in South Africa. Department of Health: Province of KwaZuluNatal [homepage on
6. Visser WA, Dijkstra A, Albayrak M, et al. Spinal anesthesia for intrapartum
the Internet]. 2014. c2016. Available from:
Cesarean delivery following epidural labor analgesia: a retrospective cohort
study. Can J Anesth. 2009;56(8):577–583. Maternal/Saving-Mothers-2011-2013-short-report.pdf
This printed copy of the SASA Guidelines is funded by an educational grant from
Adcock Ingram Critical Care. The content of this guideline is the result of the independent
input of the SASA Working Group and was in no way influenced by the grant provider
or any other company. S5 The page number in the footer is not for bibliographic referencing
6 Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia 2016; 22(1)(Supplement 1):S1-S5
Notes S6 The page number in the footer is not for bibliographic referencing
The management of high spinal anaesthesia in obstetrics: suggested clinical guideline in the South African context 7
Notes S7 The page number in the footer is not for bibliographic referencing