Under Pressure Drum Solo
Under Pressure Drum Solo
Under Pressure Drum Solo
However, the rhythms and phrasing of what’s presented are spot on,
so I feel comfortable that I’ve captured the spirit of his drumming in
this section of the song. Perhaps this notion can be instructive as
well….it is not always necessary to learn things note-for-note.
Sometimes, it is far more productive to learn a piece of music in the
manner that I did here: for one’s specific use.
The Transcription
So here it is. Click on this link to download the PDF: Under Pressure
Drum Solo
I like what Roger did here. He really goes off, and although there are
some chops here–in particular the sixteenth note triplets sound
impressive–the real king of the piece is his phrasing. Like a great jazz
drummer, he leaves space. And there is one phrase that he repeats
frequently that adds a very syncopated feeling to the entire piece. I’m
not going to tell you what that phrase is, but if you study the
transcription, you’ll know…it is definitely a jazzy phrase.
The other interesting thing is that despite the big crashes on the “one”
of almost every single bar, the playing does not sound linear or stiff.
That is one my favorite things about the drumming in this section–
Roger is crashing on the beginning of every bar and it STILL sounds
loose and swinging.
Have at it.