Mobicone Fox GB PDF
Mobicone Fox GB PDF
Mobicone Fox GB PDF
With its tradition in stationary plant construction, The high-performance and technically advan-
Kleemann GmbH is able to draw on its extensive ced track-mounted cone crusher from the
knowledge of processing raw minerals. This be- MOBICONE series, as well as the track-moun-
comes even more important as the requirements ted impact crusher from the MOBIFOX series,
become even more demanding for the respective are specially designed for such applications.
end product, and the greater the amount to be Kleemann therefore offers a unique combina-
produced. tion of an extensive product range of primary
crushers and secondary crushers, and the
Previously only stationary plants were used design of reliable and high-performance
for complicated processes. But thanks to the interlinked plants.
technical advancements made in machine
technology, it is becoming increasingly possible
to employ mobile technology for stationary
Contents overview
> Page 13 MF 16 S
Feed capacity of 500 t/h, up to seven final pro- Two, three or several plants can be combined for
ducts of which five comply with the strict stan- use in both natural stone quarrying and recycling.
dards for asphalt and concrete products - and all The potential output of such plant combinations
this is possible using a mobile plant? Using the currently ranges from 100 t/h up to 500 t/h, but
plant combination at Kelly’s of Fantane in Ireland, the upper limit has not yet been reached.
Kleemann demonstrated what can be achieved
today using mobile plant.
500 t/h
that up to a few years ago
were only possible using sta-
tionary plants. Examples such
as the plant combination in
use at Kelly‘s of Fantane in
Ireland are leading the way
for the future.
The principle could be described as follows:
Interlinked mobile plants are crushers and
screens that work in conjunction with each 1
other, and are coordinated in terms of perfor-
mance and function.
Quality end products at maximum efficiency
Mobile cone crushers - MOBICONE
The MCO 9 is available with („S“ version) and without a
screen unit and can be used either as a secondary or tertiary
crushing plant. Due to the low total weight, it is possible to
change locations without great difficulty using a flat-bed
The MCO 11 can also be loaded using a wheel loader. The MCO 13 S combines first-class end grain quality with
extremely high performance.
MF 12 S
Similar to all Kleemann plants, which are designed for use in
quarries, the MF 12 S also has a diesel/electric drive concept.
The high degree of efficiency of this concept has the result of
very low fuel consumption. The drive is used solely for produ-
cing electricity, which in turn generates less service costs and
high availability. In addition, the diesel engine has an elaborate
noise-reduced design in order to meet today‘s environment
protection requirements.
Feed size: up to max. 200 mm
Crusher inlet opening: 1220 x 600 mm
Screen size: 2000 x 5000 mm
Feed capacity*: up to 280 t/h
Length: approx. 19300 mm
Width: approx. 3400 mm
Feed height: approx. 3800 mm
Weight: approx. 61000 kg
Feed size: up to max. 220 mm
Crusher inlet opening: 1420 x 600 mm
Screen size: 2000 x 5000 mm
Feed capacity*: up to 300 t/h
Length: approx. 20000 mm
Width: approx. 3400 mm
Feed height: approx. 3600 mm
Weight: approx. 75000 kg
MF 16 S
The MOBIFOX MF 16 S is a unique machine for manufactu- Simple maintenance, convenient access by steps and opera-
ring first-class material – and also huge production. Exactly ting platforms, as well as technical auxiliary attachments, are
as with the smaller plants in the MOBIFOX series, a high level some features of this plant.
of operational safety is the underlying principle here.
Feed size: up to max. 250 mm
Crusher inlet opening: 1620 x 600 mm
Screen size: 2350 x 6000 mm
Feed capacity*: up to 400 t/h
Length: approx. 22300 mm
Width: approx. 4050 mm (without feeding conveyor)
Feed height: approx. 4500 mm
Weight: approx. 120000 kg
In what situations can a mobile plant com- Furthermore, today it is generally possible
bination replace a stationary plant? In what to meet complex requirements using mobile
circumstances is the mobile solution the best plants. Kleemann is a reliable partner when it
alternative? In the following example there is comes to the professional and precise design
a list of reasons why the old stationary plants of an interlinked plant combination. It also
have been replaced with a mobile process. allows us to provide our complete range of
mobile primary and secondary crushers, as
One reason is that in the long run, mobile plant well as screens, from the one source. Together
combinations offer much greater flexibility. with the reliable service offered around the
For example, as an operator of several stone world, which Kleemann guarantees with the
quarries, the customer can use the plants, in Wirtgen Group subsidiaries and retailers, the
changing market situations, at different exca- result is a long-term successful investment.
vation sites. In addition, they can also be used
as individual machines. A further decisive
factor is that mobile plants, in general, require
a lot simpler and shorter licensing procedures.
Brief description Paterson, Scotland
Feed capacity: approx. 220 t/h Mobile cone crusher: MOBICONE MCO 11