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Principles of Eddy Current Testing

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Inspection Technologies Eddy Current

Principles of Eddy Current Testing

History Principles Applications Advantages
As the coil is placed near to a conductive test piece the
With the rapid expansion of modern industries such as When an alternating current is passed through a coil a magnetic field causes Eddy Currents to flow (shown in The technology offers important advantages for the • High sensitivity to microscopic flaws
aerospace and nuclear power generation in the last 50 changing magnetic field is generated (shown in red). blue). detection of flaws in metals and has a very broad range • Gives good discrimination
years, Eddy Current has evolved as a mainstream of applications. It is truly non-destructive, reliably • High inspection speeds
technology only relatively recently. The flow of Eddy Currents depends on the physical and detecting flaws invisible to the unaided eye. It can • Easy to automate
electrical characteristics of the test piece; Eddy Currents penetrate layers of sound material to discover hidden • Easy to learn
The basis for Eddy Current technology has been avoid cracks, preferring higher conductivity regions. As damage which would threaten the serviceability of the • Quick to use
understood for much longer, starting with the advances in the Eddy Currents flow in the test piece they generate material or structure. • No contact or couplant required
electricity made by Hans Oersted and Michael Faraday in Faraday subsequently showed that a changing their own magnetic field (shown in green). This interacts • No material consumed
the early 19th Century. magnetic field, coupling through a soft iron ring, with the magnetic field generated by the coil and Applications include: • Economical
generates a current in another coil wound on the ring. changes its impedance. Instruments measure and • Surface and near-surface flaw detection • Environmentally friendly
Oersted, noticing that a compass needle was affected Later, Maxwell expressed this in his equations for the display these changes in impedance to allow an operator • Inspection of multi-layer structures
when current flowed though a nearby wire, proposed that behaviour of the electromagnetic field, which forms the to infer important information about the properties and • Metal and coating thickness measurement
electric current flowing through a conductor generates a foundation for Eddy Current technology today. condition of the test piece. • Metal sorting by grade, heat treatment and hardness
magnetic field around the conductor

Basic Principles
Amplitude Working Probe in air
Frequency XL Titanium

Changes |Z| Point D

Generator Current =I D
(Frequency = f) Lift-off
Scan A Probe on aluminium
Probe Coil Direction Effective Resistance R C
(Inductance = L)
Increasing conductivity B
of test sample
Phase Changes Copper A
0.5mm 1mm Lift-off

An absolute, shielded, high-frequency probe being An alternating current passes through the winding of The wave form of the current in the probe changes as it The changes in impedance of the coil in different The impedance plane diagram shows what happens as Impedance plane analysis and display of the results of
scanned across a calibration block. the probe. scans across the slots of different depths. situations can be shown on a phasor diagram. the probe scans across the calibration block and lifts off scanning block.
the surface.

From From Sensing Frequency

frequency frequency coil generator
Bridge generator generator arrangement (FG)
amplifier Bridge Display
Coil To phase
(probe) amplifier
Volt sensitive To phase
Volt meter detection Amplifier Phase
Coil1 meter Coil 2 sensitive Phase Amplifiers
detection sensitive rotation
Sensing Sensing
detector (PSD)
coil 2 coil 1

The simplest way of measuring the changing impedance A differential bridge connection allows a vector Bridge arranged differential coils for connection to an Reflection coil arrangement (also called Driver/Pick-up or A typical arrangement of an impedance plane display instrument
of a coil is to connect a vector voltmeter across it voltmeter to measure changes or compare differences impedance plane display instrument. If only one coil is Transmit/Receive). Here the driver coil is connected
(absolute measurement). between samples (differential measurement). used for inspection and the other an inactive load, then it directly to the frequency generator and the pick-up coils
becomes an absolute bridge connected arrangement. wired in anti-phase to the amplifier. This arrangement

Differential Probes Shielded Probes Windings Standard Probes Encircling Coils ID Probes

Probes Two or more balanced coils are generally positioned

close together on the area being inspected, so that they
In order to restrict the spread of the field from a sensor
coil a magnetic shield is placed around it so that the field Winding
only respond to sharp changes such as cracks. This is narrowly focused at the sensor tip. The resulting
arrangement is insensitive to gradual changes such as shielded probe will be sensitive to small cracks and
metallurgy variations, geometry and slowly increasing unaffected by edges, geometry changes and adjacent
cracks, as well as dramatically reducing the lift-off ferrous material.
signal. For sorting or comparison, two separated Test
encircling coils may be used, one containing a known Absolute Absolute Unshielded Probe Absolute Shielded Probe Piece Absolute
part and the other an unknown part. (side spread EC-field) (narrow beam EC-field)
Reflection Probes Scan
On this type of probe a driver coil is used to induce eddy Direction
currents to flow in the part being inspected and a
separate sense coil arrangement (or pick-up) to detect
Pair of N S Magnetic
eddy current field changes as the part is scanned. Rotating probe with WheelScan probe
Windings Saturation
These probes can be differential or absolute, in the case motor drive Differential Differential Probe Differential Probe Differential
of the absolute probe only one of the two sensing coils
(bridge connected) (directional) (top view)
is allowed to scan the part. Reflection probes provide a
far greater frequency range than that of the commonly Driver Cross-axis
used bridge connected coil arrangement. Windings

Unshielded Probes
Pick-up Pancake
Absolute Probes This type of probe is lower in cost to produce and has a
These probes normally consist of a single coil (or wider eddy current field than an equivalent shielded
Differential Reflection Probe Reflection Probe Driver/Pick-up
winding) that can respond to all changes in the area probe. The wider scan width means less passes are
(driver/Pick-up) (absolute) (differential) (differential)
being inspected. They can be used to detect gradual required to scan a given area. These probes are more
changes such as metallurgy variations, heat treatment tolerant of lift-off and probe angle, but are affected by
and shape, as well as sudden changes such as cracks. edges, fasteners and other nearby discontinuities. Shielded probe inspecting engine blade fir tree root

Depth of Penetration Note: Conductivity values shown are approximate and depend on material
Conductivities condition, hardness, heat treatment, temperature and other factors.
100 4 Metal Type %IACS MSm-1 Metal Type %IACS MSm-1
Aluminium Alloy, 1100 57-62 33-36 Cupro Nickel 90/10 11.9 6.9 Quantity Symbol Unit Sign

Al Alloy, 2014-T3 & -T4 32-35 18.5-23.2 Gold 73.4 42.6 Length Meter m
Standard Depth of Penetration (inches)
Standard Depth of Penetration (mm)

Graphite (pyrolitic) 0.43 0.25 Frequency f Hertz Hz

Al Alloy, 2014-T6 38-40 22-23.2
Eddy Current Strength Electric current I Ampere A
10 0.4 Al Alloy 2024-T3 28-37 16.2-21.5 Hastelloy 1.3-1.5 0.75-0.87
0 37% 100% Inconel 600 1.7 0.99 Current density J Am-2
Al Alloy 2024-T4 28-31 16.2-18
Lead 8 4.6 Electric potential U Volt V
Al Alloy, 7075-T6 32 18.5
Resistance R Ohm W
Aluminium (pure) 61 35.4 Lithium 18.5-20.3 10.7-11.8
d Conductance G Siemens S
1 0.04 Beryllium 34-43 19.7-24.9 Magnesium 37 21.5
Conductivity s Sm-1
Beryllium Copper 17-21 9.9-12 Magnesium (Cast Alloys) 9 5.2
Electric charge Q Coulomb C

Brass, 61Cu 37Zn 2Pb 26 15.1 Molybdenum 33 19.1

1 Capacitance C Farad F
Brass, 61Cu 38Zn 1Sn 26 15.1 Nickel 25 14.5
2.5 Electric flux density D Cm-2
5 Phosphor Bronze 11 6.4
0.1 0.004 Brass, 70Cu 29Zn 1Sn 25 14.5 Magnetic flux f Weber Wb
Brass, 70Cu 30Zn 28 16.2 Silver (pure) 105-117 60.9-67.9
40 Magnetic flux density B Tesla T
The standard depth of Brass, 76Cu 23 2AI 23 13.3 Silver (Tin Solder) 16.6 9.6
100 Inductance L Henry H
penetration is defined as Silver, 18% Nickel Alloy A 6 3.5
f % IACS Bronze 40Cu 23 2Sn 44 25.5 Impedance Z Ohm W
2 that depth at which the
s = Conductivity [%IACS]
( 50) eddy current strength has 0.01 0.0004 Bronze 92Cu 8AI 13 7.5 Steel, Stainless (300 series) 2.3-2.5 1.3-1.5 Permeability µ µo·µr
dropped to 37% of that at Cadmium 15 14.5 Tin 15 8.7
µr = Relative Permeability the surface.
Chromium 13.5 7.8 Titanium 1-4.1 0.6-2.4 To Convert Multiply By
f = Frequency [Hz] 100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz 10 MHz
Copper (pure) 100 58 Titanium 6914v 1 0.6 inches to mm 25.4
= Standard Depth of Penetration (mm) Frequency (Hz)
Cupro Nickel 70/30 5 2.9 Zinc 26.5-32 15.4-18.6 mm to inches 0.03937
%IACS = Conductivity percentage of electrolytic copper (58 . 106 Sm-1) Zirconium 4.2 2.4 %IACS to MSm-1 0.58
MSm-1 to %IACS 1.724

Surface Cracks Fastener Inspection Weld Inspection Corrosion

C Mixed Signal D
2kHz 1kHz 100kHz 1kHz

Liftoff A B
F Liftoff Liftoff
Lift-off F1=1kHz
F2=6kHz A A

Standard sliding probe Dual frequency FastScan probe showing depth Locator being used to check for corrosion in an aircraft

0.5mm 1.0mm 2.0mm


Test block with plastic shims to represent paint Test block with different thicknesses


Multi-layer test bock with grooves at different depths Test block with different cracks in the area of the fasteners


Painted test piece with weld & defect in heat affected zone Test piece with corrosion WheelScan - Automatic Wheel Inspection Rig


©2005 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

GEIT-10001US (3/05)

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