Allweiler Screw Pumps AEB GB

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Operating and Maintenance Instructions VM No.: 732.

0002 GB
with Dismounting and Edition: 12.03
Mounting Instructions Ident No.: 174 700

Eccentric Screw Pumps

Series AEB1L, AEB.E, AEB.N,
for future
Design IE, ZE use!
Order No.: Ident No. of Pump:

Machine No.: Pump Type:

Operating data, dimensions and other additional information can be found in the order-specific part of the documentation.

These Operating and Maintenance In-
structions contain information from the 1. General
pump manufacturer. They may need to
be supplemented by instructions of the 2. Safety
operator company for its personnel.
These instructions do not take account 3. Transport and Intermediate
of specific information relating to opera- Storage
tion and maintenance of the process
plant into which the pump is integrated. 4. Description
Such information can only be given by
the persons responsible for construction 5. Installation/Mounting
and planning of the plant (plant manu-
facturer). 6. Start-up/Shutdown
Such specific instructions relating to
7. Maintenance/Repair
operation and maintenance of the
process plant into which the pump is 8. Operating Faults, Causes
integrated have priority over the in-
structions of the pump manufacturer.
and Remedial Action
The plant manufacturer must on princi-
ple observe the limits of use! Important note:
This operating manual is to be supplemented
Refer to the operating instructions of the by the order-related information.
plant manufacturer!

Design IE, ZE

Table of Contents 6.1.2 Turning on the additional facilities for shaft seals (if
1. General 6.1.3 Quality and properties of the flushing/sealing and
quenching liquids
1.1 Application and range of utilization
6.1.4 Activating the additional facility for heating or cooling
1.2 Performance data the stuffing box casing and/or the suction casing
1.3 Abbreviation (double-jacket casing)
1.4 Warranty 6.1.5 Breaking away of the pump
1.5 Testing 6.1.6 Control of the sense of rotation
6.2 Start-up
2. Safety 6.2.1 Start-up
2.1 Marking of hints in the operating instructions 6.2.2 Drive
2.2 Personnel qualification and personnel training 6.2.3 Checking the delivery values
2.3 Dangers in case of non-compliance with the safety hints 6.2.4 Protection against running dry
2.4 Responsible working 6.3 Shutdown
2.5 Safety hints for the user/operator 6.3.1 Shutoff
2.6 Safety hints for maintenance, inspection and mounting 6.3.2 Measures in case of longer periods of standstill
2.7 Independent reconstruction and spare parts production 7. Maintenance/Repair
2.8 Inadmissible modes of operation 7.1 Maintenance
2.9 Operation in potentially explosive environments 7.1.1 General monitoring
7.1.2 Maintenance of components
3. Transport and intermediate storage Joints of the joint shaft
3.1 Packing Shaft sealing
3.2 Transportation Drive engines and (variable speed gear) drive
3.3 Preservation and storage of eccentric screw pumps Packing ring dimensions (for Chapter, lubri-
cant quantities for joints (for Chapter and
flushing liquid flows (for Chapter 6.1.2)
4. Description
7.2 Repair (mounting and dismounting instructions)
4.1 Structural design 7.2.1 Dismounting of the eccentric screw pump
4.1.1 Bearing and lubrication Dismounting the stator
4.1.2 Shaft seal Dismounting the rotor and rotor-side joint
4.1.3 Dimensions/branch position/flanges Dismounting the joint shaft and the drive-side joint
4.2 Sound pressure level Dismounting the shaft seal and plug-in shaft
4.3 Mode of operation 7.2.2 Assembly of the eccentric screw pump
4.4 Aggregate construction Mounting the shaft seal and plug-in shaft
4.4.1 Drive Mounting the rotor and joints
4.4.2 Base plate Mounting the stator
7.3 Replacement parts/Spare parts
5. Installation/Mounting 7.4 Sectional drawings with spare parts list and recommended
5.1 Installation replacement parts/spare parts for series AEB1L, AEB.E,
5.2 Foundation AEB.N, AEB.H, , AEDB1E, AEDB2N; Design IE, ZE
5.2.1 Arrangement of a steel foundation plate
5.2.2 Arrangement of concrete foundations 8. Operating faults, causes and remedial action
5.2.3 Fastening of the pump aggregate on the concrete
5.2.4 Arrangement of concrete foundations for poured
base plates
5.2.5 Alignment of the pump aggregate
5.2.6 Pouring of base plate
5.3 Base plate
5.4 Space requirements for maintenance and servicing
5.5 Mounting the pipelines
5.5.1 Nominal widths
5.5.2 Supports and flange connections
5.5.3 Cleaning the pipelines prior to attachment
5.6 Mounting of auxiliary pipelines for additional facilities
5.7 Safety and control devices
5.7.1 Manometer and vacuometer
5.7.2 Safety devices in the discharge pipeline
5.8 Electrical connections

6. Start-up/Shutdown
6.1 Preparations for start-up
6.1.1 Filling the pump with liquid

Design IE, ZE

1. General cial safety hints such as for private use added to the
other main items.
1.1 Application and range of utilization
The eccentric screw pumps are self-priming, rotary 2.1 Marking of hints in the operating instructions
positive-displacement pumps for handling and dosing The safety hints contained in these operating instruc-
low to high-viscosity, neutral or aggressive, pure or tions which, in case of non-compliance, may cause
abrasive, gaseous liquids or liquids which tend to danger to personnel, are particularly marked with the
froth, even with fibre and solids contents. general danger symbol
The range of utilization is to be
taken from the order data sheet.

1.2 Performance data

The exact performance data applying to the pump
are to be taken from the order data sheet and are
engraved on the name plate.

1.3 Abbreviation
The abbreviation of the eccentric screw pumps is set in case of warning against electric voltage with
up according to the following scheme:


For safety hints, non-compliance with which may

cause dangers to the machine and its functions, the

This abbreviation is embossed on the type plate.

is inserted.
1.4 Warranty
Our liability for shortcomings in the supply is laid down Hints directly attached to the machine such as
in our delivery conditions. No liability will be under- ! directional marker
taken for any damages caused by non-compliance ! signs for fluid connections
with the operating instructions and service conditions.
must by all means be observed and maintained in
If at any later date the operating conditions happen to
completely legible condition.
change (e.g. different liquid pumped, speed, viscosity,
temperature or pressure conditions), it must be 2.2 Personnel qualification and personnel training
checked by us from case to case and confirmed, if
necessary, whether the pump is suited for these pur- The personnel for operation, maintenance, inspection
poses. In case no special agreements were made, and mounting must have the corresponding qualifica-
pumps supplied by us may, during the warranty pe- tion for these operations. Range of liability, compe-
riod, be opened or varied only by us or our authorized tence and the supervision of the personnel must be
contractual service stations; otherwise, our liability for exactly controlled by the customer. If the personnel do
any defects will cease. not have the required knowledge, same must be
trained and instructed. If required, this may be ef-
1.5 Testing fected by the manufacturer/ supplier on behalf of the
machine customer. In addition, it must be ensured by
Prior to leaving our factory, all pumps are subjected to
the customer that the contents of the operating in-
a leakage and performance test. Only properly
structions are fully understood by the personnel.
operating pumps leave the factory achieving the
performances assured by us. Thus, compliance with 2.3 Dangers in case of non-compliance with the
the following operating instructions ensures proper safety hints
Non-compliance with the safety hints may result in
2. Safety danger not only to persons, but also to environment
and machine. Non-compliance with the safety hints
These operating instructions contain basic hints to be
may lead to the loss of any claims for damages. In
observed in case of installation, operation and main-
detail, non-compliance may, for example, entail the
tenance. Therefore, prior to mounting and commis-
following dangers:
sioning, these operating instructions must by all
means be read by the fitter as well as the pertinent
expert personnel/customer and must always be avail-
able at the place of installation of the machine/ plant.
Not only are the general safety hints listed under this
main item „Safety“ to be observed, but also the spe-
Design IE, ZE

! failure of important functions of the machine/plant 2.8 Inadmissible modes of operation

! failure of specified methods for maintenance and The operating safety of the machine supplied is only
servicing ensured with due application according to Chapter 1
! danger to persons by electrical, mechanical and “General” of the operating instructions. The limit val-
chemical influences ues given in the data sheet must by no means be ex-
! danger to the environment by leakage of danger-
ous substances 2.9 Operation in potentially explosive environments
2.4 Responsible working Observe the instructions of the ATEX additional oper-
ating manual when operating the pump respectively
The safety hints mentioned in these operating instruc- aggregate in potentially explosive environments.
tions, the current national rules for the prevention of
accidents as well as any internal working, operating
and safety regulations of the owner must be ob- 3. Transport and intermediate storage
3.1 Packing
2.5 Safety hints for the user/operator
The symbols applied to the packing must be ob-
! If hot or cold machine parts lead to dangers, these served.
parts must be protected against accidental contact During transportation and storage, suction and outlet
at the site. side and auxiliary connections of the pump must be
! Protection against accidental contact for moving closed with plugs. During installation of the pump ag-
parts must not be removed when the machine is gregate, the plugs must be removed.
in operation.
! When operating pump aggregates in a dust-laden 3.2 Transportation
environment (e.g. milling, chipboard manufacture, The pump or pump aggregate is to be safely trans-
bakeries), the surface of the pumps and motors ported to the place of installation, if required by
must be cleaned at regular intervals, depending means of lifting gear.
on local conditions, in order to maintain the cool- Observe the general regulations on the lifting of
ing effect and eliminate the possibility of sponta- loads. Cranes and stopper ropes may not be at-
neous combustion. Please also see explosion pro- tached to the suspension brackets of motors.
tection regulations (BGR 104) When transporting the pump by crane, place the
! Leakages (e.g. of the shaft seal) of dangerous stopper ropes safely around the suction casing. With
materials to be handled (e.g. explosive, toxic, hot) complete pump aggregates, an additional rope must
must be discharged so as not to result in danger be slung around the drive engine.
to persons and the environment. Legal stipula- The stopper ropes have to be slung around the pump
tions are to be observed. respectively pump aggregate so that these are ex-
! Dangers by electrical energy are to be excluded actly balanced when lifted.
(for details with regard hereto, please refer e.g. to During transportation toppling of the
the regulations of the VDE and the local energy aggregate due to nose-heaviness
supply associations). has to be ruled out.

2.6 Safety hints for maintenance, inspection and Transport damages

mounting operations Check the pump for damage on
The customer shall see to it that all maintenance, in- receipt. Any damage detected must
spection and mounting operations are performed by be notified immediately.
authorized and qualified expert personnel who have
3.3 Preservation and storage of eccentric screw
sufficiently informed themselves by thoroughly study-
ing the operating instructions.
Basically, operations at the machine must be per- See our document VM 2102/ …
formed during standstill only. The mode of operation
for stopping the machine described in the operating 4. Description
instructions must by all means be observed.
Pumps or aggregates handling noxious liquids must 4.1 Structural design
be decontaminated. Self-priming, one or two-stage eccentric screw pump.
Immediately upon completion of the operations, all The conveyor elements are rotor and stator. The input
safety and protective devices must be mounted and torque is transmitted via the drive shaft and the joint
made operational again. shaft to the rotor.
Prior to restarting, the items listed in Chapter “Prepa- Pressure casing, stator and suction casing are held
ration for start-up” are to be observed. together by external casing connection screws (clamp
2.7 Independent reconstruction and spare parts pro- The stuffing box or mechanical seal housing is lo-
duction cated between the suction casing and the bearing
Reconstruction of or changes to the machine are only bracket.
admissible after consultation with the manufacturer. 4.1.1 Bearing and lubrication
Original spare parts and accessories authorized by
Joint shaft with liquid-proof clad bolt joints. Greasing
the manufacturer serve safety purposes. The use of
with joint oil.
other parts may cancel the liability for the conse-
Bearing of the drive shaft/plug-in shaft in the rein-
quences resulting therefrom.
forced bearings of the drive.

Design IE, ZE

4.1.2 Shaft seal in the center or the pump aggregate can be twisted.
Through uncooled or cooled stuffing box or cooled or This influences the alignment of the pump aggregate
uncooled, maintenance-free, non-released, singular can cause high noise emission and damage.
or double-action mechanical seal.
5.2.2 Arrangement of concrete foundations
4.1.3 Dimensions/branch position/flanges Concrete foundations must be horizontal, straight and
The dimensions of the pump respectively the pump clean and must fully absorb the load exerted on the
aggregate, the branch position and flange dimensions foundations. Concrete foundations must be designed
are to be taken from the tables of dimensions. in such a way that the base plate makes full contact
and can be secured with suitable bolts (see our ag-
4.2 Sound pressure level gregate drawing).
The sound pressure level of the pump is below 70 dB If only some of the areas of the base
(A). plate are supported, the plate sags
in the center or the pump aggregate can be twisted.
4.3 Mode of operation This influences the alignment of the pump aggregate
and can cause high noise emission and damage.
Self-priming, rotating positive-displacement pump.
Conveyor elements are the rotating helical rotor and 5.2.3 Fastening of the pump aggregate on the concrete
the static stator. Both touch in transection with series foundations
AEB.E, AEB.N, AEB.H in two points each and with After aligning the pump aggregate on the concrete
series AEB1L, AEDB.E, AEDB.N in three points each, foundations the securing bolts are diagonally and
which form two sealing lines seen across the length of evenly tightened.
the conveyor elements with series AEB.E, AEB.N,
AEB.H and three sealing lines with series AEB1L, 5.2.4 Arrangement of concrete foundations for poured
AEDB.E, AEDB.N. The content of the sealed cham- base plates
bers that form with the rotation of the rotor is shifted When shuttering the concrete foundations it must be
axially and totally continuously from the suction to the observed that a gap for aligning the pump aggregate
outlet side of the pump. No turbulence occurs despite and applying the mortar compound remains between
the rotation of the rotor. The unvarying chamber vol- the top of the finished foundation block and the bot-
ume rules out crushing forces and thus guarantees tom of the base plate.
very gentle, low-pulsation conveyance. The set concrete foundations must be straight, even
and clean. Any traces of oil must be removed from
4.4 Aggregate construction the foundations. The recessed anchor holes for the
4.4.1 Drive foundation bolts must be cleaned and removed and
cleaned out with air. Prior to the installation of the
By means of non-explosion-protected or explosion-
pump aggregate the surface of the concrete founda-
protected electric motors, geared motors or variable
tions must be roughened and cleaned to ensure a
speed gear motors.
good bonding between the foundation block and the
mortar compound.
4.4.2 Base plate
Horizontal pumps are generally mounted on a joint 5.2.5 Alignment of the pump aggregate
base plate with the drive. The base plates are made
of steel. The pump aggregate must be aligned to the defined
height and system dimensions. This is done by
5. Installation/Mounting means of suitable steel inlays that are placed directly
next to each fixing screw. The total height of the steel
5.1 Installation inlays is defined by the fixed system dimensions of
The pumps can be installed horizontally or vertically the plant. The steel inlays and the base plate must lie
with bearing upwards. flush.

5.2 Foundation If the attachment holes are more than 750 mm apart,
we recommend additional steel inlays at a distance of
The foundation design depends on the size of the
pump and/or the pump aggregate and the local instal- 750 mm each.
lation conditions.
For exact data on the pump and aggregate dimen-
sions, please refer to our tables of dimensions.
The foundation may be designed as concrete founda-
tion or load-carrying foundation frame, for example of
the steel type.
All foundation designs are subject to the following:
The foundation must be designed so that it can take
the weight of the pump aggregate on the entire sur-
face. Alignment with steel shims
5.2.1 Arrangement of a steel foundation plate 5.2.6 Pouring of base plate
A steel foundation plate must be designed in such a After alignment on the concrete foundations , a low–
way that the base plate makes full contact and can be shrinkage mortar compound must be poured over the
secured with bolts or by welding. entire length of the base plate, covering also the an-
If only some of the areas of the base chor holes with the connected foundation bolts.
plate are supported, the plate sags

Design IE, ZE

Once the mortar compound has set on the base plate The flow direction of the flushing, sealing and quench-
and in the anchor holes, the foundation bolts must be ing liquid is indicated with arrows in the section draw-
diagonally and evenly tightened. ings.
Note: When pouring or adding the mortar compound In order to ensure self-deairing, the pipes must be in-
it must be observed that the base plate makes full stalled continuously rising, short and favorable for the
contact. Tap the plate to ensure that no cavities have flow.
formed underneath. The formation of air pockets and gas bubbles has to
be prevented, install deairing connections if required.
5.3 Base plate The heating/cooling liquid discharge must be con-
The base-plate has to be attached tension-free to the nected to the highest connection of the possible dou-
base. ble-jacket casing.

5.4 Space requirements for maintenance and servic- 5.7 Safety and control devices
5.7.1 Manometer and vacuometer
The pump must be accessible from
A manometer and vacuometer have to be connected
all sides in order to be able to per-
to the pressure and suction pipe.
form the required sight inspections.
There must be enough room for maintenance and 5.7.2 Safety devices in the discharge pipeline
service work, especially for the exchange of the con-
If there is a shut-off device in the pressure pipe or if
veyor elements. The stator and rotor dismounting di-
there is the possibility that the pressure pipe may be-
mensions are listed in the pump respectively pump
come clogged, a safety device must be provided, e.g.
aggregate dimension sheet. Also make sure that all
a bypass with integrated pressure relief valve, space
pipelines can be attached/detached without obsta-
membrane, motor protection switch, etc.
Eccentric screw pumps are positive-
displacement pumps and can theoretically gen-
5.5 Mounting the pipelines
erate an infinitely high pressure.
5.5.1 Nominal widths In case of a closed pressure pipe, e.g. because of
The nominal widths of the suction and pressure pipes clogging or accidental closing of the valve, the
should be designed according to the nominal widths pressure generated by the pump may reach a
of the pipe connections. Gross deviations, especially multiple of the admissible plant pressure. This
on the suction side, require consultation with the fac- may cause pipes to burst, which must be espe-
tory. cially prevented when handling dangerous con-
veyor substances. Therefore, the corresponding
5.5.2 Supports and flange connections safety equipment (e.g. pressure switches) also
The pipelines must be connected tension-free to the has be installed in the plant.
pump via the flange connectors. They have to be
supported near the pipe and should be easy to screw 5.8 Electrical connections
on in order to avoid strains. After loosening the Only an expert may attach the power cables of the
screws, the flanges may neither be slanted nor coupled drive engine in accordance with the circuit
springy and also not rest on each other under pres- diagram of the engine manufacturer. The valid guide-
sure. Possible thermal stress on the pipelines has to lines of the Electrician's Association and the public
be kept away from the pump by means of suitable power companies have to be observed.
measures, e.g. the installation of compensators. Danger through electric energy must be ruled out.

5.5.3 Cleaning the pipelines prior to attachment 6. Start-up/Shutdown

The pipelines, sliders and valves on the suction side
must be rinsed respectively cleaned under all circum- 6.1 Preparations for start-up
stances before mounting the pump.
6.1.1 Filling the pump with liquid
Leftover assembly parts like screws, nuts, welding
beads, pieces of steel, etc. destroy the inside parts of The pump may not run dry! For
the pump. Any warranty claim is void when damages initial start-up and after longer peri-
are caused by such leftover materials. Flange seals ods of standstill, the pump must be
may not protrude to the inside. Blind flanges, stoppers filled with liquid.
protective foils and/or lacquers on flanges and sealing Even a few rotations without liquid may damage the
strips have to be completely removed. stator. For that reason, the suction casing must be
filled with water or conveyor liquid prior to start-up for
5.6 Mounting of auxiliary pipelines for additional lubricating the stator and rotor. After long periods of
facilities standstill, meaning when it must be assumed that the
All auxiliary pipelines for supplying the shaft seal and residual liquid in the pump has evaporated or after re-
the possible double-jacket casing for heating and pairs, you have to repeat the filling process.
cooling the pump have to be connected tension-free After filling, the pump works in self-priming mode.
and sealing. Deairing is not necessary, as the pump can convey a
The pipes for the quenching liquid with single-acting liquid-gas mixture.
mechanical seals with quench (design: G0Q) and the 6.1.2 Turning on the additional facilities for shaft seals
sealing liquid with double-action mechanical seal (de- (if provided)
sign: G0D) should be installed with a large flowtrough
If the pumps are charged with a flushing/sealing or
profile. The quenching respectively sealing liquid dis-
quenching liquid, the available shut-off slides must be
charge takes place at the highest connection of the
opened before putting the pump into operation for the
mechanical seal housing.
first time and set to the following pressure values:
Design IE, ZE

! Supply of the stuffing box with flushing or 6.1.4 Activating the additional facility for heating or
sealing liquid (Design P02, P03, and P04). cooling the stuffing box casing and/or the suction
Note: Stuffing box with flushing or sealing cham- casing (double-jacket casing)
ber ring require a flushing respectively sealing liq- If the pumps are equipped with these additional fea-
uid for maintaining the function. tures, all shut-off devices for heating or cooling sys-
The required flushing respectively sealing liquid tems must be opened. The following pressure and
pressure for pumps with stuffing box is temperature limits must be observed.
P02 = 0.1 to 0.5 bar ! Supply of the cooled or heated stuffing box
(above inner pressure of the suction casing) and/or suction casing (double-jacket casing)
P03 = 0.5 bar with suitable liquid media
(above inner pressure of the suction casing) Only liquid media may be used as heating or
P04 = 0 to 0.5 bar cooling liquid under consideration of the corrosion
(Flushing and sealing liquid see Chapter 6.1.3.). resistance of all touching parts.
The maximum heating or cooling liquid pressure
! Supply of single-acting, non-relieving me- is 6 bar. The maximum heating temperature may
chanical seal with choke ring (Design G0S and not exceed 150°C and the cooling temperature
G0T) may not be below -40°C.
Note: These mechanical seals require a flushing Note: The design temperature is listed in the or-
liquid in order to maintain their function, which car- der data sheet.
ries off the emerging friction heat and limits the
penetration of the conveyor liquid into the sealing 6.1.5 Breaking away of the pump
chamber. When initially starting the pump or after longer periods
The required flushing liquid pressure is 0.1 to 0.5 of standstill, you have to make sure that the drive en-
bar above the inner pressure of the suction cas- gine turns the pump effortlessly. Should this not be
ing. The required flushing liquid flow for carrying easily possible due to the high adhesion between the
off the dissipation of the mechanical seal is listed rotor and the stator in new state, use suitable tools on
in the table in Chapter (flushing liquid see the feather key section of the drive shaft to free the
Chapter 6.1.3). pump.
! Supply of double-action, non-relieving me- The drive shaft may not be damaged here!
chanical seal (Design G0D)
6.1.6 Control of the sense of rotation
Note: These mechanical seals require a sealing
The normal rotation direction of the
liquid in order to maintain their function, which car-
pump seen from the drive against
ries off the emerging friction heat and limits the
the drive shaft is to the left. Here the suction connec-
penetration of the conveyor liquid into the sealing
tion is located on the side of the shaft seal so that the
shaft seal is relieved. In special cases, e.g. when
The circulation of the sealing
sucking from a vacuum or conveying media that do
liquid must be secured prior to
not tolerate gas cavities, the pump rotates to the right.
each start-up.
This switches the suction and the outlet side around.
The sealing liquid pressure must be approx. 1.5 to
The rotation direction of the pump
2 bar above the pressure on the inside of the suc-
must correspond to the rotation
tion casing. The flowthrough quantity must be
direction arrow "n" on the pump's type plate. A wrong
regulated in such a way that the exit temperature
rotation direction may cause damages to the pump. In
does not exceed approx. 60°C and is at least 30 K
order to control the rotation direction, briefly press the
below the boiling temperature at operating pres-
on/off switch of the engine.
sure. The temperature difference between input
and output may amount to at most 15 K. (Sealing
6.2 Start-up
liquid see Chapter 6.1.3).
! Supply of the single-acting mechanical seal 6.2.1 Start-up
with quench (Design G0Q) Prior to starting the pump, all shut-off devices on the
The space between the mechanical seal counter- suction and outlet side have to be opened.
ring and the shaft seal ring must be charged with 6.2.2 Drive
quenching liquid. The max. admissible pressure
Turn the motor on.
difference between the quenching liquid pressure
Observe the product-specific
and the pressure in the suction casing is p = 0,5
peculiarities of the drive. See
bar. The max. quenching liquid pressure is 3 bar.
operating instructions by the drive manufacturer.
(Quenching liquid see Chapter 6.1.3).
6.1.3 Quality and property of flushing/sealing and
quenching liquid
Any liquid may be used as
sealing/flushing or quenching liquid
under consideration of the corrosion resistance of all
touching parts and the compatibility with the medium
to be sealed. The liquid must be free from solid sub-
stances, may not be prone to deposits, should have a
high boiling point as well as a good heat conductivity
and low viscosity. Clean and soft water fulfils these
requirements to a high degree.

Design IE, ZE

6.2.3 Checking the delivery values Other lubricants were not tested by
Once the drive has reached its operating speed, us and can therefore not be recom-
check the intake pressure and the pump end pres- mended!
sure via the vacuometer and the manometer. The joints are lubricated for life. We do however rec-
The motor may not be overloaded. The power intake ommend checking the joint sleeve for tightness when
can be monitored with an ammeter. Check the tem- opening the pump for other reasons and exchanging
perature and the viscosity of the conveyor liquid in the joint oil after 8,000 operating hours. The table in
this context. The resulting values must be compared Chapter shows the allocation of the pump size
with the order data sheet respectively acceptance to the oil quantity in cubic centimeters. For changing
protocol. the joint oil, refer to the disassembly and assembly in-
6.2.4 Protection against running dry
When no more conveyor media is sucked in by the Shaft sealing
pump, the thermal energy emerging in the conveyor Shaft sealing either takes place via a stuffing box or a
elements of the eccentric screw pump through dry mechanical seal.
friction and milling work is no longer carried off in a • Stuffing box
sufficient quantity, which thermally destroys the stator
elastomer after a short time already. There are differ- Possibly increased leaks on the stuffing box during
ent protectors against running dry for protecting the the first operating hours normally decrease on their
conveyor elements that are adapted to the respective own during the warm-up time.
operating conditions (consultation with the factory). If necessary, slightly tighten the hexagon nuts (202)
on the gland (203).
6.3 Shutdown Please observe that there has to be a slight leak on
the stuffing box. This dissipates the friction heat that
6.3.1 Shutoff forms on the sealing surface.
Turn the motor off. If the leaking losses increase disproportionately and if
this cannot be reduced by slightly tightening the
6.3.2 Measures in case of longer periods of standstill hexagon nuts (202) several times, the packing rings
If longer operational breaks are intended and if there have lost their shape elasticity and must be replaced.
is danger of frost, the pump must be emptied. To do ! Dismounting the old packing rings and clean-
so, unscrew the screw plug (502) from the suction ing the stuffing box casing
casing (505) and afterwards conserve the pump (see
Chapter 3.3). After relieving the pump from pressure and re-
moving the stuffing box casing, you can take out
7. Maintenance/Repair the old packing rings. Use a packing puller with
elastic shaft. Afterwards, carefully clean the stuff-
7.1 Maintenance ing box space and the drive shaft in the area of
the packing rings. Used-up drive shafts respec-
! For service and maintenance work, observe the
tively shaft protection casings must be renewed
details in Chapter 2 “Safety”.
(see disassembly and assembly instructions).
! Regular monitoring and maintenance work on the
pump and the drive extends the service life. ! Mounting the packing rings
As a rule, you may only install
7.1.1 General monitoring packing rings that correspond to
1. The pump may not run dry. the required operating conditions of the pump.
2. The drive engine may not be overloaded. The dimensions and required number of pre-
3. Check the suction and pressure pipes for tight- pressed packing rings and ring cuts respectively
ness. cut lengths are listed in the table in Chapter
4. An installed stuffing box must drip slightly during
operation. An installed mechanical seal may not
have any strong leaks. With cuts we recommend the straight vertical cut
5. Observe pressure and temperature monitoring to the shaft. In order to achieve a gap-free, paral-
devices and compare them with the order data lel position of the cutting ends when closing the
sheet respectively acceptance protocol. packing ring, the cutting angle should be approx.
6. Additional installations like flushing, sealing and 20° to both cut ends (see figure 1).
quenching of the shaft seal must be monitored if
7. Additional equipment for heating or cooling the
stuffing box casing and/or suction casing must be
monitored, if provided.
7.1.2 Maintenance of components Joints of the joint shaft
The joints of the joint shaft are lubricated with ALL-
WEILER special joint oil type B or oil ET1510 ISO 460
by Tribol Lubricants GmbH, Mönchengladbach, if the
pumps are deployed in the food industry, with ALL-
WEILER special joint oil type BL or oil 1810/460 by
Tribol Lubricants GmbH, Mönchengladbach. Figure 1: Cutting packing rings

Design IE, ZE

Pre-pressed packing rings or ring cuts have to be

carefully turned open axial and radial so that they can
just about be slid across the shaft. Bending the rings
may lead to damages.
When mounting in the packing space, carefully re-
bend the packing rings to ring shape. The cutting
joints have to be shifted by 90° here. Each ring has to
be slid into the stuffing box space individually with the
cutting ends facing forward by means of the gland.
The sealing chamber ring or flushing ring have to be
installed sequentially.
You may never use pointed objects
for this work. Danger of damaging
the shaft and deforming the packing material!
! Start-up the stuffing box after re-packaging
The stuffing box may only be tightened slightly
prior to start-up. When starting the pump, 50 to
200 drops per minute are an admissible leakage
During the warm-up process of approx. 30 min-
utes, adjust a minimum leakage of 2 to 20 drops
per minute by evenly tightening the gland (203)
step by step via the hexagon nuts (202).
The stuffing box temperature
may not rise abnormally during
this process. Approx. 20° to 60°C above the con-
veyor liquid temperature are admissible. In case
of a rapid rise in temperature, the gland must be
loosened immediately and the warm-up process
repeated. The leakage can be carried off via the
threaded boring located in the strip tank in the
bearing socket.
Rule out damages to persons and the environ-
ment through leakage of dangerous substances!
• Mechanical seal
Non-relieved mechanical seals in all material pairings
and designs are applied. The mechanical seal is
In case of heavy leaks due to wear and tear, you
have to exchange the mechanical seal (see disas-
sembly and assembly instructions).
As the running dry of the mecha-
nical seals must be avoided, the
pump may only be operated in filled state and, if pro-
vided, with activated additional installations (see
Chapter 6.1.2). Drive engines and (variable speed gear) drive
See the operating and maintenance instructions by
the manufacturers.

Design IE, ZE Packing ring dimensions (for Chapter, lubricant quantities for joints (for Chapter and flushing liquid
flows (for Chapter 6.1.2)

Pump size

380 750
AEB1E 50 100 200 1450 2700
550 1000

AEDB1E 75 150 300 560 1200 2300 4250

AEB2E 50 100 200 380 750 1450 2700

AEB1N 25 50 100 200 380 750 1450

Pump series

AEB2N 25 50 100 200 380 750 1450

AEDB2N 38 75 150 300 560 1200 2300

51 551 1001
AEB1L 201 381 2701 5001
101 751 1451

AEB.H 12 25 50 - - - -

Number of packing rings for

6 6 6 6 6 6 6
design P01①

Dimensions of packing rings for Ø 37 / Ø 42 / Ø 51 / Ø 59 / Ø 73 / Ø 80 / Ø 99 /

cut rings 25 x 6 30 x 6 35 x 8 43 x 8 53 x 10 60 x 10 75 x 12

Dimensions of packing rings for 104,2 121 144,5 171,4 211,8 235,3 292,5
cut rings LM x S x6 x6 x8 x8 x 10 x 10 x 12

Oil quantity in cm3

10 18 37 52 87 169 290
per joint

Flushing liquid flow

0,05 0,07 0,09 0,11 0,11 0,15 0,21
water l/min

! With shaft seal designs P02, P03 and P04, the quantity reduces by 1.

Design IE, ZE

7.2 Repair (dismounting and mounting instructions) Dismounting the stator
General ! Remove the hexagon nuts (609) and washers
Qualified customer service fitters are available for as- (610) from the clamp bolts (611).
sembly and repair work upon request. ! Pull off the pressure casing (504).
Prior to repairs performed by your own personnel or ! Remove the clamp bolts (611) and supports
our expert fitters, make sure that the pump is com- (612), if provided.
pletely empty and clean. ! Pull the stator (402) off the rotor (401).
This especially applies to pumps, which are sent to Note: In case of difficulties with dismounting, turn
our factory or one of our authorized repair shops for the stator (402) with pliers at the same time. To do
repair. so, arrest the plug-in shaft (125).
We will not accept repair orders for pumps filled with
conveyor media for reasons of protecting our employ- ! In case of stators made of plastic or metal, take off
ees and the environment. Otherwise we will charge the stator seals (403) and (404).
the customer/operator the costs for environmentally- Dismounting the rotor and rotor-side joint
conform disposal.
Dismounting the rotor and the rotor-side joint takes
In case of pumps operated with dangerous sub-
place after dismounting the stator (402). See Chapter
stances ① and/or conveyor media that are dangerous
to the environment, the customer/operator has to in- ! Remove the hexagon nuts (607) and serrated
form his own respectively our fitters on-site in case of lock washers (608) as well as the hexagon screws
repairs or our factory respectively authorized work- (606).
shop in case of returning the pump about this circum- ! Pull the suction casing (505) across the rotor
stance. In these cases, you need to submit a con- (401). Make sure that the finely crafted rotor is not
veyor media certificate, e.g. in the shape of a DIN damaged.
safety data sheet together with your request for a fit-
ter. ! Take off the gasket for suction casing (501).
! Saw open the lock on the joint clamp (306) with a
metal saw and press it out on both sides with a
① Dangerous substances are:
! toxic substances ! Take the joint clamp (306) off the joint sleeve
! substances detrimental to health (308) (see figure 2).
! caustic substances
! irritating substances
! explosive materials
! fire-promoting, highly, easily and normally in-
flamable materials
! carcinogenic substances
! embryo-damaging substances
! substances that damage the genetic material
! substances which are dangerous for human be- Figure 2: Removing the joint clamp
ings in any other way
! Lift the joint sleeve (308) with a screwdriver and
With all work on-site, the owner's own respectively our pull it off axially towards the joint shaft (307).
fitters have to be informed about dangers that may ! Catch the oil filling in a container.
arise in connection with repairs. ! Drive the joint sleeve (304) across the collar of the
These instructions contain the most important disas- joint shaft (307). Do not deflect the joint shaft
sembly and assembly work. The assembly steps de- (307) (see figure 3).
scribed in the individual chapters have to be observed
under all circumstances.
7.2.1 Dismounting of the eccentric screw pump
The following work steps have to be performed prior
to disassembly:
! Detach the power supply cables to the motor. It
must not be possible to turn the motor on.
! All shut-off devices in the feed and pressure pipes
have to be closed.
! Drain the conveyor liquid from the suction casing.
Unscrew the screw plug for that purpose (502).
Note: Use a receiver.
! Deinstall all feed and pressure pipes as well as all Figure 3: Dismounting the joint sleeve
auxiliary pipelines.
! Loosen the screws on the pump feet and take ! Push out the joint bolt (301).
them off. ! With a brass driver, drive out the two sleeves for
the joint bolts halfway (303). Slant the joint shaft
(307) for that purpose (see figure 4).

Design IE, ZE

! Pull the plug-in shaft (125) with all parts of the

shaft seal and the clamp set (123) out of the lan-
tern socket.
! Pull the clamp set (123) off the plug-in shaft (125).
• Dismounting the stuffing box
! Remove the self-locking hexagon nut (202) and
take off the gland halves (203).
! Pull the stuffing box casing (204) off the drive
shaft (118).
! Take off the stuffing box packing (207) with design
P02 including the flushing ring (208) and with de-
signs P03 and P04 including the sealing chamber
ring (209) from the stuffing box casing (204).
! For the design with shaft protection sleeve, pull off
Figure 4: Dismounting the sleeves for joint bolts the shaft protection sleeve (206) and the O seal-
ing ring (115) from the drive shaft (118).
! Pull the rotor (401) off the joint shaft (307).
• Dismounting the single-acting mechanical
! Press out the joint bush (302) from the joint shaft seal
(307) (n/a with AEB1L 51, AEB1L 101, AEB1E
50, AEB2E 50, AEB1N 25, AEB2N 25, AEDB1E ! Pull off the mechanical seal housing (214) with the
75, AEDB 2N 38, AEB4H 12). counter-ring of the mechanical seal (219) (atmos-
phere side) off the plug-in shaft (125).
! Drive out the sleeve for the joint bolt (303) all the
way out of the rotor (401) with the brass spike. Note: Make sure that you pull off the casing with
the mechanical seal counter-ring concentric and Dismounting the joint shaft and drive side joint that it doesn't get jammed in order to prevent da-
Disassembly of the joint shaft and the joint of the drive mage to the counter-ring.
side takes place after dismounting the stator (402) ! Press the mechanical seal counter-ring and the
and the rotor (401). See Chapter and O-ring out of the mechanical seal housing (214).
! Dismount the joint on the drive side as described Exert pressure evenly.
in Chapter ! Drive out the retaining pin (220).
! Pull the joint shaft (307) off the plug-in shaft (125). ! Loosen the grub screws in the rotating part of the
! Press the joint bush (302) out of the joint shaft mechanical seal if provided (219) and pull the me-
(307). chanical seal off the drive shaft (118).
! Completely drive the sleeve for the joint bolt (303) Prior to loosening the grub
out of the plug-in shaft (125) with the brass spike. screws, mark respectively
measure the position of the mechanical seal on Dismounting the shaft seal and plug-in shaft the shaft protection sleeve or the drive shaft. Do
Note: In case of pumps with shaft sealing by means not slide the O-ring across the pressure spot of
of stuffing box, you can change the packing rings as the screw!
described in Chapter without dismounting the
• Dismounting the mechanical seal, single-
plug-in shaft. Dismounting the plug-in shaft is required
acting with throttle ring
when the pump is equipped with a mechanical seal.
In case of damages to the plug-in shaft in the area of ! Remove the hexagon screws (245).
the shaft seal, the pump must also be dismounted as ! Pull the mechanical seal housing (214) with the
described in the following. counter-ring of the mechanical seal (atmosphere
! Dismount the stator (402) (see Chapter side) (219) off the plug-in shaft (125).
! Remove the hexagon nuts (607) and serrated Note: Make sure that you pull off the casing with
lock washers (608) as well as the hexagon screws the mechanical seal counter-ring concentric and
(606). that it doesn't get jammed in order to prevent
damage to the counter-ring.
! Pull the suction casing (505) across the rotor
(401). Make sure that the finely crafted rotor is not ! Pull off the O-ring (218).
damaged. ! Press the mechanical seal counter-ring and the
! Take off the gasket for suction casing (501). O-ring out of the mechanical seal housing (214).
Exert pressure evenly.
! Pull the thrower (123) off the clamp set (123).
! Drive out the retaining pin (220).
! Loosen the clamp bolts of the clamp set (123)
evenly and in sequence. ! Loosen the grub screws in the rotating part of the
mechanical seal (219) and pull the mechanical
! To do so, turn the plug-in shaft (125), if required.
seal off the plug-in shaft (125).
Should the outer ring of the clamp set not come
off the inner ring on its own, you can unscrew
some of the clamp bolts and screw them into the
neighboring removing thread. Then untightening
is effortless.
Never pull out the clamp bolts all the way (danger
of accidents).

Design IE, ZE

Prior to loosening the grub and the mechanical seal cover (215). Exert pres-
screws, mark respectively sure evenly.
measure the position of the mechanical seal on ! Remove the retaining pins (220) and (236).
the shaft protection sleeve or the drive shaft. Do
not slide the O-ring across the pressure spot of 7.2.2 Assembly of the eccentric screw pump
the screw!
! Pull the mechanical seal cover (215) with the Assembly of the individual pump components after
throttle ring (234) off the plug-in shaft (125). careful cleaning takes place in reverse direction.
! Open the throttle ring (234) and remove it with the
O-ring (235). Mounting the shaft seal and plug-in shaft
! Pull the retaining pins (236) out of the mechanical • Mounting the stuffing box
seal cover (215). ! Slide the stuffing box casing (204) onto the plug-in
• Dismounting the mechanical seal, single- shaft (125).
acting with quench ! Install the stuffing box (207) with design P02 in-
! Pull the mechanical seal housing (214) with the cluding flushing ring (208) and with designs P03
counter-ring of the mechanical seal (atmosphere and P04 including sealing chamber ring (209) into
side) (219) off the plug-in shaft (125). the stuffing box casing (204). Also see Chapter
Note: Make sure that you pull off the casing with “Mounting new packing rings”.
the mechanical seal counter-ring concentric and • Installation of the mechanical seal, general
that it doesn't get jammed in order to prevent Mechanical seals are high-quality precision parts. The
damage to the counter-ring. assembly instructions of the mechanical seal manu-
! Press the mechanical seal counter-ring and the facturers must be observed. During installation, gentle
O-ring out of the mechanical seal housing (214). treatment and utmost cleanliness are prerequisites for
Exert pressure evenly. trouble-free functioning. To ease assembly, you may
! Drive out the retaining pin (220). lubricate the surfaces across which the O-rings glide
! Loosen the grub screws in the rotating part of the with lubricants like for example silicon oil, polydiol or
mechanical seal if provided (219) and pull the me- soft soap.
chanical seal off the plug-in shaft (125). Do not use any normal oil.
Prior to loosening the grub
screws, mark respectively Note: Make sure that parts that glide on top of each
measure the position of the mechanical seal on other are always exchanged in pairs. When using
the shaft protection sleeve or the drive shaft. Do double PTFE-coated O-rings, make sure that the
not slide the O-ring across the pressure spot of seam of the outer coating points away from the as-
the screw! sembly direction. Otherwise the coating may open re-
spectively strip off (see figure 5).
! Press the shaft seal ring (232) out.
• Dismounting the mechanical seal, double-
! Remove the hexagon screws (245).
! Pull the mechanical seal housing (214) with the
counter-ring of the mechanical seal (atmosphere
side) (219) off the plug-in shaft (125).
Note: Make sure that you pull off the casing with
the mechanical seal counter-ring concentric and
that it doesn't get jammed in order to prevent
damage to the counter-ring. Figure 5: Seam of the outer coating points away from
! Pull off the O-ring (218). the assembly direction
! Loosen the grub screws in the rotating part of the • Mounting the single-acting mechanical seal
mechanical seal (219) and pull the mechanical ! Drive the retaining pin (220) into the mechanical
seal off the plug-in shaft (125). seal housing (214).
Prior to loosening the grub ! Press the mechanical seal counter-ring (219) with
screws, mark respectively the O-ring into the cleaned mechanical seal hous-
measure the position of the mechanical seal on ing (214) concentrically.
the shaft protection sleeve or the drive shaft. Do
Note: Ensure even distribution of pressure and
not slide the O-ring across the pressure spot of
observe the retaining pin. The retaining pin (220)
the screw!
may not protrude on the inside.
! Pull the mechanical seal cover (215) with the
! Slide the rotating part of the mechanical seal
counter-ring of the mechanical seal (product side)
(219) onto the plug-in shaft (125).
(219) from the drive shaft (118).
Note: Observe the fitting dimension respectively
Note: Make sure that you pull off the casing with
position of the mechanical seal exactly as marked
the mechanical seal counter-ring concentric and
during disassembly.
that it doesn't get jammed in order to prevent
damage to the counter-ring. ! Insert grub screws, if provided, into the rotating
part of the mechanical seal (219) with the screw
! Press the mechanical seal counter-rings and O-
fitting agent Loctite No. 241 or similar and tighten.
rings out of the mechanical seal housing (214)

Design IE, ZE

! Slide the mechanical seal housing (214) with the ! The subsequent installation of the mechanical
mechanical seal counter-ring (219) across the seal takes place as described in the Chapter “In-
plug-in shaft (125). stallation of the single-acting mechanical seal”.
Note: When sliding the mechanical seal housing ! Pull the O-ring (218) onto the mechanical seal
onto the drive shaft, make sure that the mechani- housing (214).
cal seal housing is not jammed in order to avoid ! Slide the mechanical seal housing (214) with the
damage to the mechanical seal counter-ring. mechanical seal counter-ring (219) across the
plug-in shaft (125) and attach with the hexagon
• Installation of the mechanical seal, single-
screws (245) on the mechanical seal cover (215).
acting with throttle ring
! Press the throttle ring (234) with the O-ring (235) • Mounting the plug-in shaft
concentrically into the mechanical seal cover ! The clamp sets (123) are delivered ready for in-
(215). stallation. Therefore, they should not be dis-
Note: Observe even pressure distribution. mounted prior to initial tensioning.
! Drive in the retaining pin (236) with a spike into ! Deinstalled clamp sets (123) do not need to be
the mechanical seal cover (215). The retaining pin taken apart and relubricated prior to renewed ten-
may not protrude on the inside. sioning.
! Slide the mechanical seal cover (215) across the ! Only clean and relubricate the clamp set (123)
plug-in shaft (125). when it is dirty.
! The subsequent installation of the mechanical ! Use a solid-substance lubricant with a friction
seal takes place as described in Chapter “Installa- value of µ = 0.04.
tion of the single-acting mechanical seal”.
! Pull the O-ring (218) onto the mechanical seal
Lubricant Retail form/
housing (214). manufacturer
Slide the mechanical seal housing (214) with the
mechanical seal counter-ring (219) across the Molykote 321 R Spray/
drive shaft (118) and attach with the hexagon (sliding lacquer) Dow Corning
screws (245) on the mechanical seal cover (215). Molykote Spray Spray/
(powder spray) Dow Corning
• Installation of the mechanical seal, single- Molykote G Rapid Spray or paste/ Dow
acting with quench Corning
! Installation of the mechanical seal takes place as
Aemasol MO 19 R Spray or paste/ A.C.
described in the Chapter “Mounting the single-
acting mechanical seal”.
Molykombin UMFT 1 Spray/
! Drive in the retaining pin (220) with sealing agent
Klüber Lubric.
(251) Loctite No. 640 or similar.
! Press the shaft seal ring (232) into the cleaned Unimoly P 5 Powder/
mechanical seal housing (214). Do not grease the Klüber Lubric.
sealing lip.
Note: The sealing lip of the shaft seal must al- ! In case of damaged cone surfaces, the clamp set
ways point towards the side to be sealed (in- must be replaced.
wards). ! Grease the clamp bolt threads and head support
Press the ring in with a suitable pressing stamp. with Molykote and screw in the clamp bolts
Make sure that the pressure force is exerted as manually until the heads of the clamp bolts come
close as possible on the outer diameter of the to rest at the inner ring of the clamp set.
shaft seal ring. Do not tighten the clamp bolts
In order to widen the sealing lip before sliding the plug-in shaft
of the shaft seal ring, the (125) onto the drive shaft.
mechanical seal housing (214) with the integrated Clean and degrease the shaft of
shaft seal ring (232) must initially be slid onto the the drive and the boring of the
plug-in shaft (125) in reverse direction with the plug-in shaft (125).
shaft seal ring forward. ! Slide the thrower (123) onto the plug-in shaft
After widening, pull off the mechanical seal hous- (125).
ing (214) off the plug-in shaft (125) and reinsert it
quickly with the flange side pointing forward onto ! Slightly grease the seat of the clamp set (123) on
the plug-in shaft in the correct position. the plug-in shaft (125) and slide the clamp set
(123) all the way onto the plug-in shaft (125).
• Mounting the double-action mechanical seal ! Slide the plug-in shaft (125) all the way onto the
! Drive the retaining pin (236) into the mechanical drive shaft.
seal cover (215). ! Tighten the clamp bolts of the clamp set (123) in
! Press the mechanical seal counter-ring (219) with sequence. To do so, turn the plug-in shaft if nec-
the O-ring concentrically into the mechanical seal essary.
cover (215).
Note: Observe even pressure distribution and the
retaining pin. The retaining pin may not protrude
on the inside.
! Slide the mechanical seal cover (215) across the
plug-in shaft (125).
Design IE, ZE

All clamp bolts have to be tight- ! Slide the joint clamps (306), the joint collar (308)
ened until the front surfaces of and the joint sleeve (304) onto the shaft of the
the outer and inner ring are plane and the screw joint shaft (307).
pick-up increases strongly (see function state in ! Slide the joint shaft (307) into the head of the rotor
figure 6). The admissible screw pick-ups [Nm] are (401) respectively the plug-in shaft (125).
engraved in the clamp set (123).
! Slide the joint bolt (301) into the joint bush (302)
and completely drive in the sleeves for the joint
bolts (303).
! Emerize the joint sleeve (304) until smooth at the
outer diameter if required and pull onto the head
of the rotor (401) respectively the plug-in shaft.
! After pulling on the joint sleeve (304), secure this
against axial shifting on the head of the rotor (401)
respectively the plug-in shaft (125).
To do so, drive the end of the
joint sleeve (304) with a puncher
blow into the grove at the head of the rotor (401)
respectively the plug-in shaft (125) (see figure 8).

Figure 6: Clamp sets in the inner collar

! Check the right position of the clamp set (123) on

the plug-in shaft (125) in accordance with figure 6,
detail X.
! Pull the thrower (123) onto the clamp set (123).
Figure 8: Securing the joint sleeve Mounting the rotor and joints
! Drive the sleeve for the joint bolt (303) halfway ! Pull on the joint collar (308) with a screwdriver, lift
into the rotor (401) and the plug-in shaft with the on top with a screwdriver, guide the spray pipe of
brass spike. the oil bottle underneath the collar and fill the joint
! Press the joint bush (302) into the joint shaft (307) cavity with ALLWEILER special joint oil type B or
in such a way that the longitudinal axis of the oval oil ET 1510 ISO 460 by Tribol Lubricants GmbH,
boring (marked by 2 notches) aligns with the Mönchengladbach. For application in the food in-
longitudinal axis of the joint shaft and that the joint dustry with ALLWEILER special joint oil type BL or
sleeve protrudes evenly on both sides of the joint oil 1810/460 by Tribol Lubricants GmbH,
shaft. Not available with AEB1L 51, AEB1L 101, Mönchengladbach. For the filling quantity, see the
AEB1E 50, AEB2E 50, AEB1N 25, AEB2N 25, table in Chapter
AEDB1E 75, AEDB 2N 38, AEB4H 12) (see figure ! Check, whether the bent loop of the joint clamp
7). (306) is attached to the joint clamp lock. If not,
press down with a common pair of flat-nosed pli-
ers (see figure 9).

Figure 9: Press down joint clamp loop onto joint clamp


Figure 7: Pressing in the joint sleeve ! Insert the joint clamps (306) into the circumferen-
tial grooves of the joint collar (308) and tighten.

Design IE, ZE

Note: Use the following clamping tools for this ! Check that the joint clamp (306) is positioned in
purpose: the joint collar (308) across the entire circumfer-
ence in the collar groove.
For pump sizes smaller/equal
AEB1N 200, AEB2N 200, AEDB2N 300 ! Slowly turn the clamping tool by approx. 60° up-
AEB1E 380, AEB2E 380, AEDB1E 560 wards until the shear hook reaches behind the
AEB1L 751, AEB.H 100 joint clamp lock (see figure 12).
AE.H 100 the clamping tool with the name PoK-It ! Tighten the pressure screws by hand until the joint
II. clamp has a tight fit.

For pump sizes larger/equal

AEB1N 380, AEB2N 380, AEDB2N 560
AEB1E 750, AEB2E 750, AEDB1E 1200
AEB1L 1001, AEB.H 200 the clamping tool with
the name Band-It together with the adapter J050.

You can purchase the above named tools from

When clamping the joint clamps, proceed as fol-
• Clamping with clamping tool Band-It and
adapter J050.
! Insert the band end of the joint clamp (306) into
the clamping tool with adapter up to the joint
clamp lock.
! Hold down the clamp end with the eccentric lever
of the clamping tool and tighten the joint clamp
(306) by turning the crank (figure 12).
Figure 12: Shearing the joint clamp

! Turn the pressure screw with a spanner or ratchet

clockwise until the joint clamp is sheared off.
If the joint clamp is lifted up
slightly on the sheared off side,
adjust this by careful realignment. Do not hammer
or hit on the joint clamp lock, otherwise you may
damage the collar.
Note: Joint clamps made of hastelloy cannot be
sheared off with the clamping tool. After canting at
the joint clamp lock, shear off the joint clamp with
a pair of metal shears and deburr the cutting
edges (see figure 16).
• Clamping with the clamping tool PoK-It II
Figure 12: Tighten the joint clamp with the clamping
tool Band-It and adapter J050 ! When using the clamping tool PoK-It II, cant the
joint clamp (306) after tightening on the joint
Note: The right tightening of the joint clamps (306) is clamp lock by swiveling the clamping tool in such
portrayed in figure 14. a way that the clamp cannot slide back through
the lock. After canting at the joint clamp lock,
shear off the joint clamp with a pair of metal
Right Wrong Wrong shears and deburr the cutting edges (see figure

Joint clamp Joint clamp Joint clamp

(306) has (306) is too (306) too tight.
slightly drawn in loose and may Collar is dam-
the outer collar slide off. aged (stripped
form and has a off). Figure 13: Canting and shearing the joint clamp
tight fit.
Check whether the joint clamp is bent
Figure 11: Tightening the joint clamps in such a way that it cannot slide
back through the joint clamp lock (see figure 16). If
this is not the case, remove the joint clamp and re-
place it with a new one.

Design IE, ZE Mounting the stator Part no. Denomination Pcs.

! Prior to pulling on, grease the stator (402) and ro- 122 Lantern socket 1
123 Clamp set 1
tor (401) with lubricant (silicone oil, polydiol, soft 125 Plug-in shaft R 1
soap or similar).
Do not use any normal oil. 201 T-head bolt 2
202 Self locking nut 2
! With stators made of plastic or metal, insert stator 203 Gland 1
204 Stuffing box casing 1
seals (403) and (404). 207 Stuffing box packing R, r !
Note: With stators made of plastic, the stator seal 208 Flushing ring 1
(403) with the O-ring must always lie on the outlet 209 Sealing ring 1
side. 212 Screw plug 1
! Pull the stator onto the rotor (401). 213 Sealing tape 1
214 Mechanical seal housing 1
Note: In case of difficulty, turn the stator (402) 215 Mechanical seal cover 1
with pliers at the same time. To do so, arrest the 218 O-ring R 1
plug-in shaft (125). 219 Mechanical seal R 1
! Screw the pressure casing (504), support (612), if 220 Retaining pin 1
provided, stator (402) and suction casing (505) 232 Shaft seal ring R 1
234 Throttle ring R 1
together with the clamp bolts (611) and the hexa- 235 O-ring R 1
gon nuts (609). Tighten the hexagon screws 236 Retaining pin R 2
evenly. 245 Hexagon nut 3
251 Sealing material 1
7.3 Replacement parts/spare parts
All stated pumps with the different shaft seal and 301 Joint bolt R, r 2
bearing designs are portrayed in the following sec- 302 Joint sleeve R, r 2 "
303 Sleeve for joint bolt R, r 4
tional drawings with parts list. The replacement
304 Joint collar R, r 2
parts/spare parts are listed in the parts list. 305 Joint oil R, r !
Recommended replacement parts/spare parts: 306 Joint clamp R, r 4
R = large repair set 307 Joint shaft R, r 1
r = small repair set 308 Joint bush R, r 2

For reasons of operational safety, you may only stock 401 Rotor R, r 1
and install original replacement parts supplied by us. 402 Stator R, r 1
In this context, we refer to the statements in Chapter 403 Stator gasket, outlet-side R, r 1
2.7. 404 Stator gasket, suction-side R, r 1

When ordering replacement parts/spare parts, state 501 Gasket for suction casing R, r 1
the following: 502 Screw plug 1
503 Seal ring R 1 #
Machine number 504 Pressure casing 1 #
Abbreviation of the pump 505 Suction casing 1
Part number 506 Suction casing cover 2
Denomination and part quantity 507 Gasket R 2
508 Tap bolt 8
or Ident No. and quantity 509 Nut 8
Note: The machine number and abbreviation of the 512 Reducing flange 1
pump is embossed on the type plate. 513 O-ring R 1
The identity number and quantity are indicated in the 525 Washer 8
enclosed separate replacement parts list. 601 Type plate 1
602 Half-round head grooved pin 4
603 Information plate "Start-up" 1
604 Information plate "Suction" 1
605 Information plate "Pressure" 1
606 Hexagon screw 4
607 Hexagon nut 4
608 Serrated lock washer 4
609 Hexagon nut 4
610 Washer 4
611 Clamp bolt 4
612 Support 1 $
613 Hexagon nut 2 %
Recommended spare parts:
R = large repair set
r = small repair set

! see Chapter

$ 2 pcs. with AEB4H 100-IE, AEB4H 200-IE
# 2 pcs. with connection piece position 2 and 4
% 4 pcs. with AEB4H 100-IE, AEB4H 200-IE
" n/a with AEB1L 51, AEB1L 101, AEB1E 50, AEB2E 50,
AEB1N 25, AEB2N 25, AEDB1E 75, AEDB2N 38, AEB4H 12

Design IE, ZE

7.4 Sectional drawings with spare parts list and recommended replacement parts/spare parts for series AEB1L, AEB.E,

Sectional drawing for series AEB1L, AEB.N, AEDB1E, AEDB2N; Design IE

Stator with even elastomer wall thickness Winding protection on joint shaft

Stator of plastic material Worm on joint shaft

Stator of metal

Design IE, ZE

Sectional drawing for series AEB.H; Design IE

P02 Stuffing box with flushing ring P03 Stuffing box with internal sealing P04 Stuffing box with external sealing
chamber ring chamber ring

G0K and G0N, mechanical seal, single- G0S and G0T, mechanical seal, single- G0Q mechanical seal, single-acting with
acting acting with throttle ring quench

G0D mechanical seal, double-acting

Design IE, ZE

Sectional drawing for series AEB.N; Design ZE

Design IE, ZE

Sectional drawing for series AEB.H; Design ZE

Design IE, ZE

8. Operating faults, causes and remedial action

No. Operating troubles Cause and remedial action

Pump Pump Discharge Pressure Pump Pump Pump Motor Stator Leaking ALLWEILER eccentric screw pumps work disrup-
does does not not height not discharges emits is gets too wears down shaft seal tion-free at all times when they are deployed in
not draw achieved achieved unevenly noises stuck or no warm prematurely accordance with the operating conditions stated in
start longer our order confirmation and when the operating
discharges instructions are observed.
a b c d e f g h i k
High adhesion between the rotor and stator in a
1 ● ● new state after longer periods of standstill. Turn
pump by hand with auxiliary tools.
Check the rotation direction with the arrow on the
2 ● pump. In case of wrong direction, reverse the
polarity on the motor.
3 ● ● ● ● ● Check suction pipe and shaft seal for tightness.
Check suction height – poss. increase suction pipe
4 ● ● ● ● diameter – install larger filters – open suction valve
all the way.
5 ● ● ● Check viscosity of the conveyor media.
Check the rotation speed of the pump – check
6 ● ● ● rotation speed and power consumption of the drive
motor – check voltage and frequency.
7 ● ● Avoid air bubbles in the conveyor medium.
Check pressure height – open slider in the pres-
8 ● ● ● ● ● sure pipe all the way, remove congestion in the
pressure pipe.
Pump runs partially or completely dry.
9 ● ● ● ● ● Check whether there is sufficient conveyor media
on the suction side.
Increase the rotation speed with thin media and
10 ● ●
large suction volume
Reduce rotation speed with viscous media –
11 ● ● ●
danger of cavitation.
Check longitudinal clearance of the joint bolts,
12 ●
poss. joint bush wrongly mounted.
Check for foreign objects in the pump, dismount
13 ● ● ● ● ● pump, remove foreign objects, replace defect
Stator and rotor worn out. Dismount pump, replace
14 ● ● ● ●
defect parts.
Joint parts (f, g) and/or drive shaft resp. shaft
15 ● ● ● ● protector sleeve (b, c) worn out: dismount pump,
replace defect parts.
16 ● ● ● ● Suction pipe partially or completely obstructed.
Check the temperature of the conveyor media –
17 ● ● ● ● ● stator expansion too large – stator stuck on the
rotor – stator poss. burnt or swollen.
Stuffing box: exchange obsolete rings (b,c,k),
18 ● ● ● ● ●
loosen gland (a,h), tighten gland (b,c,k)
Solid substance content and/or graining too large
19 ● ● ● ● – reduce rotation speed: install a sieve with admis-
sible mesh width in front of the pump.
Solid substances sediment when the pump stands
20 ● ● ● ● still and harden. Rinse pump immediately, if nec-
essary dismount and clean.
Medium hardens when undercutting a certain
21 ● ● ● ● ●
temperature limit – heat pump.

Design IE, ZE

Design IE, ZE

Technical alterations reserved.

Business Unit Eccentric Screw Pumps
Postfach 200123 & 46223 Bottrop
Kirchhellener Ring 77-79 & 46244 Bottrop
Tel. +49 (0)2045 966-60
Fax. + 49 (0)2045 966-679
VM 732.0002 GB / 12.03 – Ident-Nr. 174 700

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