Shelf Management

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Smart shelf-management system for retail


Besides from traditional ways like analyzing buying history, customer

feedback and customer loyalty card data, retailers today have a whole
spectrum of ways to observe customer behavior and make
appropriate changes to increase sales and customer satisfaction.
One of the innovative technologies like the smart shelf-management
system provides retailers with new revolutionary tools for observing
customer behavior. It utilizes technologies like RFID, IoT and a variety
of sensors to gather item-level visibility for almost any merchandise.
Visibility is the key foundation to optimize overall performance and
enhance the shopper experience in retail.

Observing customer behavior in retails

Copyright © 2018 WiiHey Technology. All Rights Reserved.

Smart shelf-management system

Smart shelves are wireless inventory control system that has been
typically fitted with weight sensors and RFID tags:

• The weight sensors can be built-in the shelf itself or be installed

under normal shelves. These weight sensors consistently notify
the back-end system about the existing quantity of items on the
shelves. Usually small-sized goods or soft flexible goods like
clothes can be measured by weight sensors.
• The RFID tags and RFID reader (antenna) can be built-in the
shelf itself or be installed behind/under/above normal shelves.
By continuously scanning the RFID tagged items on the shelf, A smart shelf with various sensors and RFID tags
the RFID reader consistently notifies the back-end system
about the existing items and their movements. Usually relatively By tracking merchandise items, their movements and whereabouts,
big-sized goods like shoes can be measured by RFID method. the system directly tells retailers with information that can be analyzed
• Other sensors like optical sensor and switch sensor can also be and translated into customer preferences like marketing trends and
applied to monitor merchandise item position and automate hot spots, which is much more understanable than traditional camera-
intelligence into on-the-shelf inventory levels. based video analysis. Thereby smart shelves provide retailers with
simple ways of improving their customer service and increasing sales.

Copyright © 2018 WiiHey Technology. All Rights Reserved.

Key features

• Equipped with dozens of sensors and RFID that detect the

merchandise item movement; Architecture
• Wireless data transmission via IoT network, easy to install and
free maintenance; The smart shelf supports narrow band (NB) IoT communications
• Prevent Out-Of-Stock situations by alerting when stock level technology and WiiHey's private wireless protocol as well, with which
gets low or critical; the system achieves well signal coverage in indoor environments.
• Smart friendly clould based program that provides both real Data are transmitted to cloud datacenter across the IoT network for
time status information; processing and fusion. Eventually, shop operators could view
• Analyze data that has been collected from the shelves and merchandise status and statistical analysis from a cloud-based
produces business insights; dashboard.

• Gain valuable insights of customer behavior and customer
• Automatic replenishment alert notification for Out-Of-Stock
• Foundation of advanced inventory management like misplaced
item alert, expired date alert;
• Foundation of location-based services like added product
information and promotion;
• Optimize overall store performance and enhance the shopper
experience; Smart shelf-management system architecture

Copyright © 2018 WiiHey Technology. All Rights Reserved.


Many stores are beginning to understand the advantages that the

smart shelf-management system offers for not only managing
purchasing histories but also measuring marketing trends and
customer preferences, including how often and long products are
picked up by customers.
In view of the system’s tremendous capacity to monitor and manage
thousands of items in real time, WiiHey will continue to develop the
system in combination with people tracking & counting solution with
the aim of creating a differentiated shopping experience and boosting
sales and customer engagement for retailers.

Smart shelf-management system for illustration

Copyright © 2018 WiiHey Technology. All Rights Reserved.

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