1.6. Vector Fields (Continued) 1.6.2. The Divergence of A Vector Field

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Vector Fields (continued)

1.6.2. The divergence of a vector field.

∂A1 ∂A2 ∂A3
div A = + + = ( new notation )∇ · A.
∂x1 ∂x1 ∂x3
Recall Gauss’ Theorem:
div A dV = A · n dS.
V ∂V

Dividing the equation by the volume V and taking the limit V → 0 so that V shrinks
to a point x, we find
∇ · A(x) = lim n · A dS.
V →0 V ∂V

So we have found a coordinate-independent representation of the divergence. Using

the definition of flux, we see that the integral over ∂V is the total flux through the
surface ∂V . This total flux over volume V is the flux per unit volume. In the limit
V → 0, the limiting value measures the flux production per unit volume at the point
x. This is the real meaning of the divergence. If it is positive, then it is called a
source. If it is negative, then it is called a sink. If it is zero in a domain, then there
is no source or sink, and it is called divergence free.
Example 1.6.2a. Let
A(r) = q
where r denotes the norm of r. It is an exercise that

div A = 0 (r 6= 0)

at every point except r = 0. We are interested to find the flux through a sphere S
centered at the origin. We know that the unit exterior normal to a sphere is given by
n= .
So we have RR RR r r
A · n dS = q · r dS
S r3
=q S r2
dS (1)
= 4πq.
If q > 0, it is a source (fountain). If q < 0, it is a sink. By Gauss’ Theorem, we can
see that the flux through any surface is 4πq if the surface encloses the origin. The flux
is zero if the surface does not enclose the origin. We also see that the flux is the same
no matter how small the surface is as long as it contains the origin. This vector field
is smooth every where away from the origin, and the origin is a point source/sink.
See Figure 1.6.2.

Source Sink

Figure 1.6.2. Flux and source/sink.

1.6.3. The curl of a vector field.

Recall we have introduced the curl of a vector in association with Stokes’ Theo-
∂x2 −
curl A = ( ∂A − −
∂A2 ∂A1 ∂A3 ∂A2 ∂A1
∂x3 , ∂x3 ∂x1 , ∂x1 ∂x2 )

i1 i2 i3

= ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3 .

A1 A2 A3
We state without proof that the curl has a coordinate-independent representation:
curl A = lim n × A dS (= ∇ × A).
V →0 V ∂V

“You can see a lot by looking – Jogi Berra”. Can you see a common theme in
the three formulas for ∇φ, ∇ · A, ∇ × A? Once you treat ∇ = (∂x1 , ∂x2 , ∂x3 ) as a
vector, many formulas involving first derivatives are a lot easier to memorize. For
example, once you know the determinant formula for A × B, you can replace A by
∇ to find ∇ × B.

We see the real meaning of the curl in the next example.
Example 1.6.3a. Consider a rigid body rotating about a fixed point O with
angular velocity w. See Figure 1.6.3. The velocity of a point with position vector r
is given by
v = w × r.


Figure 1.6.3. Curl is twice angular velocity.

Let us calculate the curl of v.

curl1 v = ∂x2 v3 − ∂x3 v2

= ∂x2 (w1 x2 − w2 x1 ) − ∂x3 (w3 x1 − w1 x3 ) (2)
= 2w1

(w is independent of r), and similarly (homework)

curl2 v = 2w2
curl3 v = 2w3 .

It follows that
curl v = 2w.

That is, the curl of the velocity field of a rotating body equals twice the angular
velocity of the body.

1.7. Coordinate transformations.

We deal with coordinate transformations between rectangular coordinate sys-
tems, which play an important role in the definition of tensors.
Preliminary remark on tensors. Tensors are physical quantities that exist in-
dependent of coordinate systems. Scalar quantities are called zeroth-order tensors
(e.g., temperature); vectors are called first-order tensors (e.g., velocity); second-
order tensors can all be represented by 3 × 3 matrices (e.g., the stress tensor), but

not all 3×3 matrices are tensors. True telephone numbers versus a string of 11 digits
1(812)855-8724 provides a metaphor. (That is, not every such a string of digits is
a telephone number.) Tensors of orders greater than 2 cannot be represented by
3 × 3 matrices. An n-th-order tensor requires 3n real numbers and is invariant under
change of coordinate systems. The requirement of the invariance is natural since
physical observables are invariant under change of coordinate systems.
Suppose we have two orthonormal bases:

i1 , i2 , i3 , and i01 , i02 , i03 ,

and two origin O and O0 to form two rectangular coordinate systems K and K 0 . Let
a point M in space have the representation

r = x1 i1 + x2 i2 + x3 i3
r0 = x01 i01 + x02 i02 + x03 i03 .

Note the equations:

r = r0 + r00 , r00 = OO
~ 0
r0 = r + r0 , r0 = O~0 O,
where the vector r00 is a vector from O to O0 and r0 = −r00 . See Figure 1.7.1.
(Figure 1.7.1.)


x3 x3

r’ K’ x 2
r i’3

i3 r ’ O’
K i’1
O x2

x 1’

Figure 1.7.1. Coordinate transformation.

Now we use the summation convention: a repeated index in a product is auto-

matically summed:
x k ik = x k ik .

Thus, the equations in (5) can be written

xk ik = x0k i0k + x00k ik

x0k i0k = xk ik + x0k i0k

where x00k are the coordinates of r00 with respect to the old system K, etc. Take
inner product with il or i0l in equations (6) and note the Kronecker delta function

 0, k 6= l,
ik · il = δkl = (7)
 1, k = l.

We find
xl = x0k (i0k · il ) + x00l
x0l = xk (ik · i0l ) + x0l .

We introduce new notations

i0k · il = 1 · 1 · cos(i0k , il ) = αk0 l . (9)

ik · i0l = i0l · ik = αl0 k . (10)

xl = αk0 l x0k + x00l
x0l = αl0 k xk + x0l .
The first equation of (11) is the transformation from K 0 to K, while the second
equation of (11) is the inverse transformation from K 0 to K. Note the index summed
in the second equation is the second index of α, while the index summed in the first
equation of (11) is the first index.
If you want to know the parallel notation in matrix form, then the equation
x0l = αl0 k xk + x0l can be written as

x0 = (αl0 k ) x + x0

where all x0 , x, x0 are written in column vector form, and (αl0 k ) is written in matrix
——-End of Lecture 6—–

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