Patricia Bou - Analyzing Digital Discourse PDF
Patricia Bou - Analyzing Digital Discourse PDF
Patricia Bou - Analyzing Digital Discourse PDF
“Analyzing Digital Discourse includes an exciting range of studies that are at the
cutting edge of the field. Going beyond the foci of many earlier studies, this col-
lection interrogates examples of digital discourse that range from parody Amazon
reviews, profiles on LinkedIn to multi-semiotic data such as sexting messages,
memes and emoji. Each of these studies is interesting in their own right and
together demonstrates the importance of analysing online interactions both at
the micro and macro level.”
—Ruth Page, Senior Lecturer, University Birmingham
“This book brings together original research in the field of digital discourse anal-
ysis, offering new critical insights and exciting avenues for research. While
engaging with widely debated issues such as face and identity online, the volume
also rewards the reader with a range of well-informed and nuanced approaches
to the study of multimodality, as well as language and media ideologies—highly
recommended to anyone who wants to understand and analyse digital discourse
in a networked world.”
—Tereza Spilioti, Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University
“Taking a critical and situated perspective on social media platforms and com-
munities ranging from Amazon reviewers to Greek Twitter and British sexters,
this cutting-edge volume lays down exciting new paths for future research which
embrace three important aspects of contemporary digital communication: its
multimodal nature; the mediated co-construction of identity and sociability; and
the discursive (re)construction of ideologies online. An absolute must-read for
anyone interested in the development of the field of digital discourse studies.”
—Dr Caroline Tagg, Lecturer in Applied Linguistics, Open University, UK
Patricia Bou-Franch
Pilar Garcés-Conejos Blitvich
Analyzing Digital
New Insights and Future Directions
Patricia Bou-Franch Pilar Garcés-Conejos Blitvich
IULMA - Department of English and Department of English
German Philology University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Universitat de València Charlotte, NC, USA
Valencia, Spain
This Palgrave Macmillan imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
vi Contents
Notes on Contributors
Assisted Language Learning (2017), the Journal of Politeness Research (2015), the
Journal of Pragmatics (2012 and 2013) or Discourse Studies (2013). She also acts
as a reviewer for different journals such as the Journal of Pragmatics, GIST, Sage
Open or Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje.
Elizabeth Miller is Associate Professor in the Department of English at the
University of North Carolina at Charlotte (USA). Her research has explored the
role of identity, ideology, agency and power relations in the learning of English
among adult immigrants to the US. Her most recent work examines the inter-
relationship of agency and emotion in language teacher practice. Along with
numerous journal articles and chapters in edited volumes, she has published The
Language of Adult Immigrants: Agency in the Making (2014) and the co-edited
volume Theorizing and Analyzing Agency in Second Language Learning:
Interdisciplinary Approaches (2015), both by Multilingual Matters.
Carmen Pérez-Sabater, Ph.D., is Associate Professor at the Universitat
Politècnica de València (Spain), Department of Applied Linguistics. She is inter-
ested in the analysis of computer-mediated communication through a sociolin-
guistic perspective as well as in the study of language learning through technology
in English for Specific Purposes. Her research has been published in prestigious
journals such as Ibérica, Journal of Pragmatics, Linguistik Online, RESLA, Revista
Signos, and Written Communication. She has also been actively involved in dif-
ferent government-funded research projects. From 2014 to 2017, she led the
UPV team of the European project CoMoViWo (Communication in Mobile
and Virtual Work).
Sandra Petroni is Associate Professor at the Department of Humanities of the
University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Italy), where she teaches English Language
and Linguistics. Her research fields are multimodality, critical discourse analysis,
and specialized discourse—in particular information and communication tech-
nology (ICT) discourse. She is the author of several research articles, chapters
and two books, Self-Study. La multimedialità e l’apprendimento della lingua ing-
lese nel nuovo sistema universitario italiano (2004) and Language in the Multimodal
Web Domain (2011).
Rebecca Roeder is Associate Professor in the English Department at the
University of North Carolina at Charlotte (USA), where she teaches applied
linguistics. She holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Michigan State University.
Her area of research interest is sociophonetics, with a specific focus on systemic
vowel change over apparent time in dialects of North American English.
xii Notes on Contributors
List of Tables
xviii List of Tables
The aim of this book is to offer new insights and set future directions for
the analysis of digital discourse. The analysis of digital discourse lies at the
intersection of (non)language resources, society, and technology.
Therefore, digital researchers can draw on a range of diverse socially ori-
ented language disciplines, whose methods and research tools may be of
use in carrying out empirical research. However, some of these methods
and tools may need to be critically assessed and reflectively adapted, and
perhaps also expanded and even combined with others to suitably account
for the communicative practices that occur in the digital world and their
embeddedness within the social world at large. Discourse, in our view, is
P. Garcés-Conejos Blitvich (*)
Department of English, University of North Carolina at Charlotte,
Charlotte, NC, USA
P. Bou-Franch
Department of English and German Philology, Universitat de València,
Valencia, Spain
concerned with “social practice” (Fairclough, 1992, p. 28) rather than
language in use, as it was originally—and more narrowly—conceived in
1980s–1990s. Therefore, we view discourse analysis as the study of “the
ways people build and manage their social world using various semiotic
systems” (Jones, Chik, & Hafner, 2015, p. 3). Put differently, in our view,
digital discourse analysis is concerned with how multimodal, multisemi-
otic resources are employed to enact identities, activities, and ideologies
in the digital world, as part of a larger social world (Gee, 2005).
The field of digital discourse analysis, variously called computer-mediated
discourse, new media sociolinguistics, or language and digital communica-
tion, has been discussed in terms of three waves, since Androutsopoulos
(2006), inspired by Herring’s (1996) foundational work, called for “a shift
of focus from medium-related to user-related patterns of language use”
(p. 421). While studies within the first wave contained mainly descriptive
linguistic approaches and were carried out in the 1990s, the 2000s saw the
consolidation of a second wave of computer-mediated discourse studies
which brought into the picture socially oriented language researchers con-
cerned with linguistic variability, social diversity, issues of identity, and
community formation and maintenance: in sum, a collection of studies
more specifically concerned with the study of digital social practices
(Georgakopoulou, 2006; Herring & Androutsopoulos, 2015). Recent
research claims that a third wave should further take into consideration
issues of “translocality”, the complex ways in which diverse local practices
come together in global spaces (Tagg & Seargeant, 2014), “transmediality”,
or how users transcend different media and should move toward incorpo-
rating multimodal analyses of the sociocultural practices of computer-
mediated communication (CMC) (Androutsopoulos, 2015; Herring, this
volume). Further, Georgakopoulou and Spiliotti (2016) recently called for
research to develop critical and ethical agendas, thus placing the focus on
ideologies about the media and as enacted, challenged, and negotiated in
the digital world (Thurlow, 2017a; Thurlow & Mroczek, 2011).
Thus, the present volume is concerned with current debates on digital
practices. More specifically, these include adapting current paradigms in
view of past, present, and future research (Part II), looking at how users
employ the wealth of multimodal resources provided by digital technolo-
gies (Part III) to get things done and be certain kinds of people (Part IV)
Introduction to Analyzing Digital Discourse: New Insights… 5
men, revealing men’s confusion about sexual agency and choice as a result
of young women’s sexually active agency and disinhibition. Sexting
emerges not only as a popular digital practice, but also as an influential
mechanism for claiming and gaining social recognition and value that
allows young people to inhabit a “legitimate” subject position. These
views as especially interesting as they stand in sharp contrast with adult
ideologies about the digital practices of the youth, which have been dis-
cussed in terms of moral panics caused by the perception that such prac-
tices may impact and alter the existing social order and which are viewed
as ways of disciplining the youth and sexuality (Thurlow, 2006, 2014,
Politeness is an essential component of social meaning and has been
widely researched within pragmatics, sociolinguistics, anthropological
linguistics, and other related fields. How to define politeness is still sub-
ject to debate among politeness scholars. There is agreement, however,
that politeness can be defined from a second-order, analyst-based, per-
spective or from a first-order, lay participant’s, perspective (Watts, 2003).
When taking the latter, politeness emerges as discursively constructed,
subject to discursive struggle, and profoundly ideological (Eelen, 2001;
Mills, 2003). In their chapter, Sifianou and Bella resort to twitter to look
into “common sense” ideologies of Greek politeness (Eelen, 1999).
Searching for instances of the keyword ευγένεια (“politeness” in Greek)
within text messages or twitter tags (hashtags #), they compiled the
Twitter Corpus of Greek Politeness (TC-GP) consisting of 345,000
words and 19,550 tweets released by Greek tweeters from February 2009
to February 2015. The results of their analysis show politeness being con-
ceptualized as both verbal and nonverbal and in broadly different terms,
which is proof of the discursive struggle to which such notions are sub-
jected. The authors related their findings to orientation to networked
audiences and the necessary brevity of the messages. Furthermore, they
saw the quoting of sources as an attempt to construct a knowledgeable
identity by imparting a sophisticated, witty view possibly aiming at a
positive self-presentation. Sifianou and Bella argue that this representa-
tion is tied to powerful ideologies associated with the positive view of
cultured individuals in the Greek culture. Twitter, in the authors’ view,
emerges as a new source of naturally occurring data which can provide
Introduction to Analyzing Digital Discourse: New Insights… 17
insights into the perceptions of various groups of people who may not be
accessed in other ways and into how broad social discourses are con-
structed at the microlevel.
The last chapter in the book tackles young people’s language ideologies
regarding standardization and texting (see also Thurlow, 2006, 2014;
Thurlow & Bell, 2009). In it, Roeder, Miller, and Garcés-Conejos Blitvich
report on a study on undergraduate students’ audience awareness and
attitudes about appropriate use of language and particular language forms
in text messages. This work was patterned after survey studies that have
found that students’ attitudes toward nonstandard language varieties,
such as African-American Vernacular English, can change after taking a
single linguistics class. The data for the study were collected by means of
a survey that was administered to students in three undergraduate lin-
guistics classes at a large urban research university in the South East of the
USA and were subjected to both quantitative and qualitative analyses.
Results indicated that students have significant pragmatic awareness
regarding recipiency coming into the classes and that explicit instruction
can lead to increased awareness of pragmatic norms and positively affect
language ideologies, albeit in an abstract way. While students’ voluntary
comments indicated a persistent perception that prescriptive norms of
language should generally be adhered to, students in the target class dem-
onstrated that these powerful norms can be rethought and challenged
when exposed to studies and class discussions that treat these practices as
appropriate depending on one’s communicative purpose and audience.
Moving forward, language and digital communication scholars may
want to look at what has been called “multimodal critical discourse stud-
ies” (Machin, 2013) or “critical multimodal analysis of digital discourse”
(Moschini, 2014). This line of enquiry is especially interesting as it brings
critical studies and multimodality together and responds to van Leeuwen’s
(2013) claim to the effect that, with few exceptions, there has been little
critical work done on the way that discourses are “communicated, natu-
ralized, and legitimized beyond the linguistic level” (Machin, 2013,
p. 347) and aims to investigate the ways critical discourse studies can help
in understanding meaning making in multimodal communication. The
key question is how scholars should approach the way that discourse
and ideologies are disseminated concurrently across different kinds of
18 P. Garcés-Conejos Blitvich and P. Bou-Franch
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Part II
Past, Present and Future
The Coevolution of Computer-Mediated
Communication and Computer-Mediated
Discourse Analysis
Susan C. Herring
2.1 Introduction
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) was originally produced
and read as typed text and accessed through stand-alone clients.
Increasingly, however, textual CMC has been supplemented by graphical,
audio, and/or video channels of communication, and multiple modes1 of
CMC are available on Web 2.0 platforms and smartphones. As the tech-
nological affordances of CMC systems have evolved over time, so too
have the efforts of scholars to analyze the discourse produced using those
systems. One approach is computer-mediated discourse analysis
(CMDA), a specialization within the broader interdisciplinary study of
CMC distinguished by its focus on language and language use and by its
use of methods of discourse analysis to address that focus (Herring,
2004a). However, CMDA was developed for the analysis of textual CMC;
it has had little to say regarding, for example, the visual aspects of online
S. C. Herring (*)
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA
The remainder of this chapter is divided into two broad parts. In the
first part, I conduct a retrospective review of three broad stages of tech-
nological evolution that have shaped CMC from 1985 to the present:
pre-Web, Web 1.0, and Web 2.0. For each phase, I identify what new
CMC modes were available at the time, what (new) aspects of CMD
researchers focused on most, and the status of CMDA as a methodologi-
cal paradigm. The second part of the chapter is forward looking. In order
to address the increasing multimodality and convergence of CMC, I
propose a reconceptualization of CMC itself as fundamentally multi-
modal. From this vantage point, I argue that CMDA remains relevant,
not just because textual CMC continues to be important, but because
the principles at the core of the paradigm apply equally to interaction in
nontextual modes.
2.3 A
Historical Retrospective
2.3.1 Some Preliminary Remarks
I begin my history around 1983, when the internet per se emerged from
its precursor, the Arpanet, which had been created in the late 1960s by
the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
(Hafner & Lyon, 1996). By 1983, the term ‘computer-mediated
communication’ had been in use for several years (e.g., Arnold, 1978),
and a number of modes of CMC were already in existence—email, group
The Coevolution of Computer-Mediated Communication… 31
The World Wide Web was proposed by British physicist Tim Berners-Lee
in 1989 and first implemented publicly in 1991; at that time, it was
accessible only through a line-by-line browser. It quickly attracted general
The Coevolution of Computer-Mediated Communication… 33
notice, however, after a browser that integrated text and graphics, Mosaic,
was introduced in 1993 (Wikipedia, 2016). By 1994, the Web was being
hailed as a dramatic advancement in internet technology, both for its
graphical capabilities and for its ability to link documents in different
formats through ‘hyperlinks’ (Mitra, 1999).
Initially, Web content was not considered to be CMC by most CMC
researchers, in that it tended to be static. Moreover, the Web was used
more as a display (or advertising) medium than as a platform for recipro-
cally interactive communication. But gradually that changed, as previ-
ously stand-alone CMC modes such as chat and discussion forums were
integrated into Web platforms, and new modes of CMC emerged that
were native to the Web, such as wikis and weblogs. A second develop-
ment followed an increase in the bandwidth, or throughput capacity of
the internet in the mid-1990s. Nontextual modes of CMC were intro-
duced that did not reside on the Web, but rather on the internet itself;
these included 2D and 3D graphical virtual worlds, audio chat (Voice
over Internet Protocol (VoIP)), and video chat. Phase II also saw the rise
and fall of the chat client ICQ and the popularization of instant messag-
ing (IM) and SMS, or text messaging on mobile phones, which can be
considered a mode of CMC due to its similarities with IM. With the
exception of virtual worlds and audio chat and video chat, these new
modes remained predominantly textual.
During this period, the demographics of internet users diversified as a
result of wider access, and the number of female users increased, reaching
parity with—and even slightly surpassing—the number of male users in
2000, according to self-reported Web use (Pastore, 2000). In this same
period, starting in the mid-1990s, the internet—and with it, CMC—
began spreading rapidly from the USA and the UK to other countries in
the world. These demographic developments had implications for dis-
course and language use that were taken up in Phase II CMC research.
Notably, many researchers focused on identity issues relating to race,
gender, age, and/or sexuality (e.g., Greenfield & Subrahmanyam, 2003;
Herring & Martinson, 2004; Nakamura, 1995; Shaw, 1997; Tynes,
Reynolds, & Greenfield, 2004). With regard to gender, postmodern-influ-
enced analyses were proposed (e.g., Bucholtz, 1996; Danet, 1998; Rodino,
1997) to address phenomena such as gender switching and identity play,
34 S. C. Herring
the discourse of the new nontextual modes (graphical virtual worlds and
audio chat and video chat) would also await a later period.
The CMDA paradigm was actively under development in Phase II. I
organized a panel at the 1996 International Pragmatics Association confer-
ence on ‘Computer-Mediated Conversation’, guest edited a special issue of
the Electronic Journal of Communication on ‘Computer-Mediated
Discourse Analysis’ in 1997, and together with Tom Erickson of IBM
Research co-organized the ‘Persistent Conversation’ minitrack at the
Hawai’i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) in 1999,
which would run for 11 years. But while I had been using some form of
CMDA in my own research since the early 1990s and teaching it to stu-
dents since 1998, there was no published guide for others outside my
immediate sphere on how to do CMDA. Phase II saw the publication of
two chapters intended to address that gap: ‘Computer-Mediated Discourse’
in the Handbook of Discourse Analysis (2001) described a range of discourse
phenomena and what was known about them from existing research
through approximately 1999, and I laid out the CMDA approach system-
atically, including the methodological toolkit, in a chapter for a collection
on Designing for Virtual Communities in the Service of Learning (2004a).
One of my goals in constructing the toolkit was to provide an overview of
discourse phenomena that might be studied using CMDA, in the hopes of
inspiring research on thus-far-neglected phenomena. In that sense, the
2004 chapter set a broad agenda for CMD research going forward.
No sooner was the paradigm formally articulated, however, when it
faced a challenge. By the end of Phase II the Web had become increasingly
multimodal, and I began thinking about how to extend CMDA to analyze
interactive multimodal online discourse (e.g., Herring, 2004b, p. 73), espe-
cially still and moving images, since speech presents no problems for lin-
guistic approaches, in principle. Initially, I thought of extracting parameters
of graphical communication that would be analogous to principles of
grammar in verbal language, but I abandoned that idea when it led to con-
ceptualizations that were overly abstract. Instead, I turned to developing a
set of methods for analyzing Web content, including graphical elements,
based on content analysis (Herring, 2010). However, I would return to the
CMDA challenge several years later, taking a different approach.
36 S. C. Herring
In 2004, Web entrepreneur Tim O’Reilly used the term ‘Web 2.0’ as the
name of a conference for “leaders of the internet Economy [to] gather to
debate and determine business strategy” (O’Reilly, 2005). The term has
come to refer, on the one hand, to changing trends in, and new uses of,
Web technology and Web design, such as participatory information shar-
ing, user-generated content, an ethic of collaboration, and use of the Web
as a social platform and, on the other hand, to the kinds of websites
where such activity takes place: blogs, microblogs, wikis, social network
sites, media-sharing sites, and so forth.
Two other important characteristics of the Web during this phase are
greatly increased bandwidth, which increases transmission speed and
supports video, audio, and graphics to a much greater extent than in
Phase II, and a tendency for different modes of CMC—including textual
modes—to converge on a single platform. As part of this trend, most
previously stand-alone CMC applications—email, chat, and forums, as
well as the various Web 2.0 platforms—became accessible through a stan-
dard Web browser.
Web communication now being pervasive and fully interactive, there
is no longer any question as to whether or not it qualifies as CMD.
Language-focused CMD research in Phase III has become more popular,7
and it has diversified into new areas. Some are natural areas for inclusion
in CMDA that for whatever reason were late to be taken up, such as prag-
matics (e.g., Atifi, Mandelcwaijg, & Marcoccia, 2011; Dresner & Herring,
2010; Herring, Stein, & Virtanen, 2013; Nastri, Peña, & Hancock,
2006; Yus, 2010) and variationist sociolinguistics (e.g., Bamman,
Eisenstein, & Schnoebelen, 2014; Hinrichs & White-Sustaíta, 2011;
McDonald, 2007; van Compernolle, 2008). Convergent media CMC—
CMC in which text co-occurs with other channels of communication on
the same platform—has been studied (e.g., Jucker, 2010; Zelenkauskaite
& Herring, 2008). Related to multimodality, researchers are also starting
to address the methodologically challenging topic of online and offline
communication, including how CMC is integrated with offline activities
(e.g., Aarsand, 2008; Danby, Butler, & Emmison, 2013; Harris, Danby,
Butler, & Emmison, 2012; Jones, 2011; Leppännen, Pitkänen-Huhta,
The Coevolution of Computer-Mediated Communication… 37
2005; Pihlaja, 2011; Morand & Ocker, 2003; Rice & Love, 1987), and
recent concerns about worsening incivility on the internet in the era of
trolling, political polarization, and ‘fake news’ have led to a further uptick
in research on this topic (e.g., Hardaker, 2010; Lange, 2007; Phillips,
2015; Phillips & Milner, 2017; Rowe, 2015; Santana, 2014).
With the exception of the above-mentioned themes, which are not
associated predominantly with a single phase, Table 2.2 summarizes the
CMC technology, the CMD research, and developments in the CMDA
paradigm that were new in each of the three phases surveyed in this and
the previous two sections.
Phase III has seen increasing recognition for, and use of, the CMDA
paradigm (e.g., Androutsopoulos & Beißwenger, 2008; Darics, 2010;
Koteyko, Jaspal, & Nerlich, 2013; Kushin & Kitchener, 2009). For my
part, I followed my programmatic 2004 chapter (Herring, 2004a) with a
2007 article laying out a classification scheme for CMD according to two
dimensions, or sets of facets: medium and situation variables. However,
CMD has evolved in the era of Web 2.0; it now features previously unat-
tested phenomena such as ‘likes’ and graphical ‘reactions’ on social net-
work sites, dynamically collaborative-authored content on wikis, and
asynchronous conversational exchanges via videos and images. The
CMDA paradigm is confronted not only with the challenge of develop-
ing methods to analyze these new ‘medium’ phenomena, but also with
accounting for them within its overall conceptual framework. I made
another attempt to integrate methods and issues for multimodal analysis
into CMDA in Herring (2013a), which involved proposing the addition
of a fifth, multimodal, level to the CMDA toolkit. However, ‘multimo-
dality’ is not analogous to ‘structure’, ‘meaning’, and so on, in that it
refers to the channel of communication rather than a linguistic level of
analysis, so the proposal was conceptually problematic. In fact, all the
other levels in the toolkit can be studied for (fit within) multimodal
CMD. It also lumps all multimodal CMD into a single category, without
differentiating among audio, video, graphics, and so forth, and thus is
descriptively inadequate. An alternative, and I believe more satisfactory,
solution to the problem of multimodality and CMDA is laid out in the
remainder of this chapter.
Table 2.2 Three phases in the coevolution of CMC and CMDA
Phase CMC characteristics CMD research themes CMDA paradigm
I: Pre-Web • Email, mailing lists, Usenet • Typography and • Pre-CMDA: 1993 IPrA
(1983–1993) newsgroups, IRC; AOL chat, orthography (‘oral’ panel w/Brenda Danet,
MUDs/MOOs, etc. features) which led to published
• Stand-alone clients, not • Message exchange/ volume (Herring, 1996c)
interoperable turn-taking • Name first used in 1994
• Text only (+ emoticons) • Gender styles and gender Call for Abstracts for a
• Users mostly white males in and power dynamics 1995 GURT workshop
the USA and UK • Word frequency/registers
• (Morpho)syntax
• Message/sequence structure
II: Web 1.0 • Web chat, Web forums, • Interaction management • First CMDA collection:
(1994–2003) blogs, wikis, graphical virtual • Online community Herring (1997)
worlds, IM, ICQ, SMS, • Identity • CMD and CMDA approach
graphical worlds, VoIP, video • Language choice/ formally laid out (Herring,
chat, etc. code-switching 2001, 2004a) as a broad
• Convergence of CMC modes • Internet multilingualism agenda for CMD research
on the Web • Intertextuality • Contents of static websites
• Spread of internet to other • Postmodern-influenced not considered CMD
countries gender research
• Increase in female users
The Coevolution of Computer-Mediated Communication…
Table 2.2 (continued)
2.4 R
econceptualizing CMC
The current conceptualization of CMC, which has not been updated sub-
stantially since the term first started appearing in print nearly 40 years
ago,8 retains connotations of textual, one-mode-at-a-time transmission.
Thus, as a first step, I propose reconceptualizing CMC as fundamentally
multimodal. Indeed, if the proverbial Martian scholars were to come to the
Earth and encounter CMC for the first time in 2018, they would undoubt-
edly perceive its transmission via multiple semiotic modes to be inherent
in its nature—as, I assume, do young people who have never known a
world in which CMC involved only textual exchanges. A consequence of
conceptualizing CMC as multimodal is that non-multimodal CMC ceases
to exist, except historically. This reconceptualization does not exclude text-
only CMC; rather, text is one of a number of possible modes of transmis-
sion that also include voice, audio, video, and—I suggest—graphics and
certain kinds of robotic devices, as represented schematically in Fig. 2.1.9
Text, audio, and video CMC have been around for decades and have
been addressed often in the literatures on CMC and human-computer
Computer-Mediated Communication
Dynamic Static
email chat etc. Internet Skype
telephony Navigable Not Drawing Photograph
Video navigable
conferencing Offline Online emoji
GIFs Modified Unmodified
image profile
Avatar-mediated memes pics
multimodal Robot-mediated
platforms communication
interaction (see, for example, Jenks & Firth, 2013 and Jepson, 2005 for
voice chat; O’Connail, Whittaker, & Wilbur, 1993 for video conferenc-
ing). Therefore, in the following subsections, I focus on three newer phe-
nomena from Fig. 2.1: communication on interactive multimodal
platforms (IMPs); graphical communication, including avatar-mediated
communication (AMC); and robot-mediated communication (RMC).
Like other CMC modes, these emergent phenomena involve verbal lan-
guage (as well as other semiotic systems); mediate human-to-human
communication; and support social interaction, and thus the discourse
that is produced through them constitutes CMD. I then consider the
ramifications of these phenomena—and the multimodal model of CMC
more generally—for CMDA.
ent semiotic modes on the same platform (e.g., Herring, Kutz, Paolillo,
& Zelenkauskaite, 2009). Especially when synchronous communica-
tion is involved, media coactivity raises issues such as competition for
users’ attention and the effects of such competition on message pro-
duction and discourse processing. Moreover, both IMPs and conver-
gent media CMC call for theories and methods of analysis that can
address the interplay between text and other modes of mediated com-
munication. IMPs differ, though, in that they provide contexts that
allow for direct comparison of communication styles and strategies
across different modes on the same platform. Studies that have focused
on IMP discourse to date include Newon (2011, World of Warcraft),
Sindoni (2014, videoconferencing), and Herring and Demarest (2017,
Internet users have been chatting online via graphical avatars in virtual
worlds since the mid-1990s, when 2D and 3D virtual worlds such as the
Palace and AlphaWorlds were introduced. Second Life popularized this
type of CMC in the mid-2000s, and it remains a common feature of
virtual game worlds such as World of Warcraft. While AMC usually
involves verbal communication via text and/or voice chat, some studies
have analyzed avatar movement, gaze direction, and other semiotic sig-
nals as part of the avatars’ communicative repertoire, including how their
physical behaviors interact with other modes such as text and speech
(e.g., Garau, Slater, Bee, & Sasse, 2001; Newon, 2011; Yee, Bailenson,
Urbanek, Chang, & Merget, 2007).
More recently, graphics on social media sites have evolved from cute or
funny images or videos that people share for their entertainment value to
semiotic devices that are used to convey propositional content, in lieu of,
or in conjunction with, text. As such, they can function as propositions
within messages or as stand-alone turns in conversational exchanges.
These devices include emoticons, emoji, stickers, GIFs, and text-in-image
memes; video clips may also serve similar functions. Herring and Dainas
(2017) refer to these devices as graphicons.
44 S. C. Herring
2.6 B
roader Implications and Conclusions
Over the course of its 25-year history, CMDA has faced a number of chal-
lenges from technological advances in CMC, including increased band-
width, increasing multimodality, and media convergence. In order to
address these challenges, I have suggested here that it is necessary to recon-
ceptualize CMC itself. I have proposed a unified view of multimodal CMC
that includes graphics and robotic devices as mediating channels, along
with text, audio, and video. This reconceptualization is a first, theoretical
step toward equipping CMDA and CMD researchers with the tools they
need to analyze multimodal, convergent CMC. The advantages of this view
include that it enables emergent CMC modes to be understood, in part, in
48 S. C. Herring
terms of familiar modes. It also highlights where new methods are needed
for analyzing multimodal CMD, be it in individual modes, co-occurring
modes (IMPs), or interaction among/across modes. An important next step
will be to develop specific sets of methods appropriate for analyzing each
nontextual mode, especially for less traditional phenomena.
One implication of this reconceptualization is that CMDA as a para-
digm remains relevant. Regardless of the technology that mediates it,
CMD can be analyzed in terms of its structure, its pragmatic meanings,
its interactional properties, and the kinds of social behavior it supports.
This is as true for RMC and communication via emoji as it is for tradi-
tional email and chat.
Another implication is that linguistic methods alone are insufficient to
address the range of phenomena that are currently attested in CMD (see
Gee, 2014). This leads to a broader question. As CMC continues to evolve,
linguists who study CMD have a choice: Do they remain within the
borders of known linguistics methods and approaches, including tradi-
tional CMDA? Or do we (for I am included in this category) follow the
technology where it leads, including beyond linguistics, to study CMD in
all its forms? This is a question that we all must ask and answer for ourselves
as CMC technologies become ever more rich, complex, and multimodal.
1. A ‘mode’ is a specific communication type within a medium such as the
computer (Murray, 1988, p. 353). ‘CMC modes’ in this chapter are
sociotechnical constructs that combine online messaging protocols with
the social and cultural practices that have evolved around, or are emer-
gent through, their use; examples include email, instant messaging, and
virtual worlds (cf. Herring, 2002). I use the term ‘semiotic mode’, follow-
ing Kress and van Leeuwen (2001), for the ‘modes’ implicit in the term
‘multimodal’, for example, text, audio, video, graphics, and music. When
my focus is on the pathway or mediating technology that transmits mul-
timodal communication, the term ‘channel’ may also be used. Thus, for
example, instant messaging (CMC mode) is textual (semiotic mode),
transmitted via typed text on a keyboard or mobile device (channel).
The Coevolution of Computer-Mediated Communication… 49
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gence. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 32(1), 84–95. https://doi.
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The Coevolution of Computer-Mediated Communication… 65
3.1 Introduction
In the last twenty-five years, technological advances have made the
unprecedented development of video-mediated communication (VMC)
possible. More recently, VMC has expanded thanks to the advent of inex-
pensive, flat-rate internet and phone plans, increased bandwidth, wide
availability of low-priced devices, such as tablets and smartphones, and
apps for video communication, such as Skype, MSN, Facetime, WhatsApp
and Google Hangouts.
The somewhat unjustified claim that anything on the internet is “new”
does not account for the actual epistemological and socio-semiotic differ-
ences in web-based texts. The distinction between native and non-native
digital genres has been, for example, recognized by the tripartition devised
by Gardner and Alsop (2016), who categorize (1) texts that are born digital
M. G. Sindoni (*)
Department Civiltà Antiche e Moderne, University of Messina, Messina, Italy
(e.g. fandom blogs; see Sindoni, 2016), (2) texts that achieve digitality
(e.g. recontextualized professional genres, such as online medical texts;
see Bloor, 2016; or online university lectures, see Karagevreki, 2016) and
(3) texts that have digitality thrust upon them (e.g. verbal art; see Miller,
2016). The much-heralded claim of the newness of computer-mediated
communication, especially within the domain of the so-called Web 2.0
digital genres, was likewise challenged by Herring at GURT 2011 (see
Herring, 2013) by pointing out the epistemological and heuristic differ-
ences between what she defined as “new”, “emergent” and “reconfigured”
digital texts and genres. Computer-mediated communication scholars
have thus cautioned against simplistic labelling and the automatic identi-
fication of anything digital with something straightforwardly “new”.
However, the use of adjectives such as “unprecedented” and “unparal-
leled” mentioned above is appropriate in the context of VMC. A wide
range of research areas have dealt with developing very delicate systems
for the description, classification and analysis of VMC, but it is true that
face-to-face interactions—happening in real time but with participants
in different places—are a novelty in human communication. Sharing the
same context (see Halliday, 1978; Malinowski, 1923) used to be the pre-
condition of non-mediated face-to-face interaction, but today VMC has
opened up the way to new and unpredictable patterns of communication
that cannot be merely explained in terms of medium affordances.
Questions such as the use of speech, writing and static and moving images
during a communicative event still need to be charted. Furthermore, the
co-deployment of different semiotic resources, their amount and prefer-
ential use, or questions such as embodiment/disembodiment and play-
fulness/performance, to name but a few, are continuously evolving in
such environments, calling for a profound rethinking of traditional cat-
egories for the study of spontaneous interaction.
Synchronous VMC is widespread: from mundane talk between friends
and partners to teleconference corporate business meetings. Academic
environments are no exception. Within them, video interactions can
occur in university/college staff meetings or learning/teaching contexts,
where web-based exchanges are institutionalized sites of learning.
Research into personal interactions can likewise have a variety of applica-
tions, for example, in the context of (extended) families keeping in touch
“Of course I’m married!” Communicative Strategies… 73
3.2 R
eview of Research Literature
and Research Questions
The study of online social interactions has been mainly grounded on (1)
language-based methodologies and (2) social-ethno-anthropological
The former include linguistics (Crystal, 2006; Georgakopoulou, 2011;
Zappavigna, 2012), sociolinguistics (Androutsopoulos, 2006; Thurlow
& Mroczek, 2011), pragmatics (Herring, Stein, & Virtanen, 2013; Yus,
2011), discourse analysis (Herring, 2004a, b; Myers, 2010), conversation
analysis (Sindoni, 2014a, 2013) and discourse analysis applied to social
74 M. G. Sindoni
3.3 M
ethod and Video Data
The data sets discussed in this chapter have been extracted from a research
project, “MoM. Multimodality on the Move”, carried out at the Italian
national level, with the Universities of Messina (Foreign Languages and
Literatures, second-level degree course), Chieti-Pescara (Foreign Languages
and Literatures, second-level degree course), Rome Tor Vergata (Languages
in the Information Society, first-level degree course) and Florence (Public
and Political Communication Strategies, second-level degree course), in
the 2014–2015 academic year, followed by a pilot project carried out at the
University of Messina in the 2009–2010 academic year (Sindoni, 2014b).
The students, attending one of the universities’ curricular programmes,
were grouped into four cohorts. Students participated in the project by
attending a joint curricular programme in their universities. Students in
the four different universities attended the same classes as the researchers
repeated the same lectures in the four universities: hence, they had the
same classes in their home universities, while the researchers moved to
the four different universities to give the same classes/workshops to dif-
ferent students. The programme included core readings on multimodal
theories and secondary readings on different digital texts. It also included
both regular lectures and workshop sessions with tutorials and practical
learning on how to design a digital text, such as a blog or a website, or
with multimodal training, such as with classes and tutorials on how to
carry out transcription and annotation of video data.
78 M. G. Sindoni
to writing and vice versa; see Sindoni, 2013), use of gaze, kinesic action
(i.e. movements) and staged proxemics (i.e. how posture and proximity
to the webcam creates a sense of virtual social distance in interaction).
This chapter will thus consider the materials that were produced during
this project, with the caveat that they are only to some extent spontaneous,
as in the interactions students were partially aware of the research agenda,
that is, they were working as “student collaborators” (SCs henceforth), as
discussed elsewhere (Sindoni, 2012b). However, as will be shown, one
interlocutor per interaction was unaware of the research questions investi-
gated during live video conversations by SCs, thus partly preserving the
spontaneity of conversational exchanges. Furthermore, as will be discussed
in Sects. 3.4 and 3.5, some interactional patterns are very difficult to self-
monitor; hence, SCs provided data as well, for example, in terms of kinesics
and gaze. However, when it comes to other patterns, such as mode-switch-
ing, SCs were not only aware of how it works, but also very likely to initiate
it, in order to have the chance to describe it in their analyses.
The complete data in this study comprises twenty-four different video-
based interactions via Skype, involving forty-eight primary participants
(age range 20–55). Secondary participants are those who joined the con-
versation going on between two primary participants, that is, SC plus
one partner selected beforehand. Secondary participants were mostly
casual appearances onscreen, but contributed to enrich the picture in
terms of overall involvement.
MoM participants signed a consent form, thus allowing a full and fine-
grained study of all moves, turns and interactional patterns. The differ-
ences in these data sets confirm the idea that no single unique interpretative
heuristics can be used when it comes to video-based spontaneous
3.4 E
xamples and Discussion of Verbal Data
This section focuses on a case study of one single two-party video interac-
tion, transcribed by SC John and then by the author of this chapter. The
two-party interaction involves SC John, an American student of Italian
ancestry in Pescara, and Nobita, John’s Japanese friend.1 The two tran-
80 M. G. Sindoni
Example 1
3. John: [yeah..] very nice place ((smiles)) .. aand and I though I’m goin’..
aah to .. this place
“Of course I’m married!” Communicative Strategies… 81
Example 2
1. John: so what about your family / are you – mmm are you married?
Do you have a ..
2. Nobita: oh yeah of course I’m married! ((smiles)) *
and the project’s goals. However, these conventions have been here
applied to show more details about the conversation between John and
Nobita, and the occasional participation—in Example 2—of a former
unratified and secondary participant, that is Shizuka, Nobita’s wife.
Even though SC John did not follow transcription conventions, that
were not part of his assignment, he had been instructed to faithfully tran-
scribe all turns and moves of the video conversation, without omission or
editing. However, John repeatedly decided to edit the conversation, both
to summarize and correct it. For example, fillers, false starts, repetitions
and disfluencies are systematically omitted in John’s transcription. John is
normalizing his transcription, as the following excerpt from Example 1,
turn 9, shows:
My transcription
9. John: it’s a college – university / and they they got a good Italian pro-
gram – Master’s / and hopefully I’ll be teaching Italian very soon//
SC transcription
SC transcription:
22. Nobita: [so we] y’know I had ah a lot of .. busy days – these days and
ah I uhm / yeah I have many things to do … so / for example
tomor[row and] the day after tomorrow
23. John: [a-ha]
24. Nobita: I’ve to go work
SC transcription
John again omits all disfluencies and fillers, but this time he also adds
connectives (“so”) and consistently uses punctuation to impose order
upon spoken turns. He also avoids contracting the auxiliary verb “have”
and omits the transcription of his own turn (line 23 in my transcription)
that overlaps with Nobita’s turn.
In Example 2, John likewise adopts similar strategies, for example,
reducing the number of turns, as the complex and overlapping greetings
exchanged with Nobita’s wife are summarized by attributing a single
greeting to each participant: Nobita suggesting “ciao” as the Italian greet-
ing to his wife Shizuka, John saying “watashi wa John des” (i.e. “My
name is John” in Japanese, with “des” instead of “desu”) and Shizuka first
“Of course I’m married!” Communicative Strategies… 87
repeating “ciao” after her husband’s prompt and later “hello”. However,
as can be gathered from lines 8–15, eight turns are reduced to six turns,
and no mention of the relevant linguistic phenomenon of code-switching
is made (Heller, 1988), when in fact four code-switches occur, involving
Italian (John is of Italian origin), Japanese and English. In the video-
recording, furthermore, all names are beeped to protect the participant’s
identities, whereas in both transcription and analysis, all real names are
used, including Nobita’s baby daughter, whose name is also present in all
screenshots in John’s transcription.
My transcription
SC transcription
88 M. G. Sindoni
does not understand what he is supposed to do. John explains in the fol-
lowing terms this state of affairs:
John realizes that Nobita was using his smartphone and knowing that the
Skype mobile app does not feature any typing indicator, he correctly
understands that Nobita has not read the text message. In fact, Nobita
looks perplexed and even asks “What is that?”, confirming the meaning
of his silence. Interestingly, John argues, “Had I been in an in persona
[sic] conversation with my interlocutor, I doubt I would have given him
this website address”, showing that he is perfectly able to interpret that
the technical possibility of using writing in a video conversation does not
necessarily equate with the semiotic choice of doing so. In the next section,
some further comments on other semiotic resources will be provided.
3.5 E
xamples and Discussion of Non-verbal
Data (Kinesics, Gaze and Proxemics)
This section discusses the use of semiotic resources other than language to
show the student’s understanding of the specific contribution of each
resource to overall meaning-making in conversation. In particular, com-
ments on kinesics and gaze (i.e. use of bodily and eye movements in
online conversations), and proxemics (i.e. use of web-mediated social dis-
tance), will be analysed with a view to understanding how SC John makes
sense of his video data.
Kinesics includes movements that range from fully intentional, such as
deictic gestures, for example, pointing, to unintentional, such as habitual
posture of participants (Norris, 2004). Explorations are usually focused
on head and hand movements, but also on the meaning-making of ges-
tures to control the “behaviour of others, to manipulate the persons in
the environment” (Halliday, 1973, p. 31). The default configuration has
90 M. G. Sindoni
Fig. 3.1 Nobita is waving his hands (intentional movement). Nobita is the shown,
and John is the showing
“Of course I’m married!” Communicative Strategies… 91
3.6 C
oncluding Remarks
This chapter has discussed video and written data sets that were produced
during a project that involved students in recording video-mediated con-
versations. In particular I singled out one interaction that has been com-
mented on from three different standpoints: (1) direct observation of
video data that have been analysed by applying previous models of analy-
sis (Sindoni, 2013, 2014a) and transcription of spoken turns plus repro-
duction of visuals; (2) symptomatic comparisons between SC’s and my
transcriptions; (3) analysis of the comments on the interaction as emerg-
ing from a short academic paper that was part of SCs’ assignment.
The main goal of my approach is to broaden our understanding of how
VMC is actually used and perceived by both unaware users (in this case,
project participants who were not students) and students in a multimodal
VMC studies programme (primary participants) who are interested in
developing multiliteracy skills. Even though novice learners may be aware
of some of the main theories, transcription methods and research agendas
in VMC, for example in terms of the semiotic resources that they need to
pay attention to, their views on VMC are illuminating from many differ-
ent standpoints. For example, concerns about the correct use of “stan-
dard” variants in language are still powerful (overall, all SCs tended to
standardize their transcriptions).
Furthermore, it could be argued that cultural stigmatizations that still
pervade lay evaluations about the idiosyncrasies and apparent unruliness
of spoken discourse have generally led SCs into normalizing spoken turns
to make it easier to harness data and, in general, make them more accept-
able. Apparently, using written norms to describe spoken language is
much more reassuring, and this comes as no surprise. The power of logo-
centric traditions is still alive, at least in the more formal and institutional
96 M. G. Sindoni
Symbol Meaning
.. Pause of less than ½ second
? Uncertainty (rising tone)
! Surprised intonation (rising-falling tone 5 in Halliday’s
1994 system)
WORDS IN CAPITAL Emphasis, stress, increased volume
(…) Inaudible/untranscribable utterance
(words within transcriber’s guess
- False start/restart
(()) Analyst’s description
[] Overlapped turn
* Visual/multimodal insert
Adapted from Eggins & Slade, 1997 and Tannen, 1989
Uhm Doubt
Ah Staller
Mmm Agreement
Eh Query
Oh Reaction
Ooh Surprise
Adapted from Eggins & Slade, 1997
1. The integral recording of this interaction is to date available at https://
2. However, recent video-teleconferencing research has shown an eye-gaze
scheme correction with stereovision through the application of matching
techniques (Yang & Zhang, 2001) and a 3D teleconferencing system
which allows to transfer the face of a remote participant to an audience
gathered around a 3D screen, to permit gaze reciprocation and realization
of gaze cues akin to what happens in in praesentia communicative events
(Jones et al., 2009).
3. A parallax is the effect whereby the position or direction of an object
appears different if viewed from different positions (see Vertegaal & Ding,
“Of course I’m married!” Communicative Strategies… 99
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Multimodality in Memes:
A Cyberpragmatic Approach
Francisco Yus
F. Yus (*)
Department of English Studies, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain
4.2 M
Although studies on multimodality have been published for more than
30 years, multimodality is becoming increasingly important nowadays
due to the pervasiveness of discourses on the internet that combine dif-
ferent modes of communication (text, picture, audio, video, etc.). A basic
definition of multimodality is suggested by Stöckl (2004, p. 9), for whom
“multimodal refers to communicative artefacts and processes which com-
bine various sign systems (modes) and whose production and reception
calls upon the communicators to semantically and formally interrelate all
sign repertoires present”. For van Leeuwen (2015, p. 447), the term
“indicates that different semiotic modes (for instance, language and pic-
ture) are combined and integrated in a given instance of discourse or kind
Multimodality in Memes: A Cyberpragmatic Approach 107
4.3 T
ext-Picture Combinations and Relevance
In Yus (2016), some space is devoted to the pragmatic implications, in
terms of relevance, of processing combinations of text and picture such as
the ones found in the memes under analysis in this chapter. Yus (2016)
argued that, in the same way as we have explicit interpretations (explica-
tures) and implicit or implicated interpretations (implicatures) of verbal
utterances, visual content also leads to visual explicatures and visual impli-
catures (see Forceville, 2014; Forceville & Clark, 2014; Wharton, 2009
for discussion). That is, when faced with a picture in a meme, the user also
has to make inferential hypotheses concerning the role that it plays in the
overall comprehension of the meme. For instance, the user needs to infer
whether the picture has a purely denotative quality (the user is simply
expected to identify the referent of the picture without any further impli-
cations), in which case its interpretation would be a visual explicature, or
whether it has a wholly inferential connotative quality that can only be
obtained from the combination of the picture and contextual information
(as happens with implicated meanings from utterances). In this case, we
108 F. Yus
in the meme will lead the user to focus his/her attention there before other
parts of the meme are processed. This may have implications for how the
eventual relevance is assessed; for instance, for how the intended implica-
tions from text-picture combinations are derived. In theory, the reading
path for the meme should start at the top (text processing), continue with
the picture in the middle (visual processing), and then finish at the bot-
tom of the meme (text processing). However, the picture may draw the
user’s attention before the lines of text are interpreted for relevance and
this salience will lead to an alteration of the eventual cognitive effects if
the order of processing does not match the initially intended one.
In this sense, van Leeuwen (2015, p. 457) reminds us that texts are not
really linear in their processing. As has been suggested, a top-bottom linear
reading of the meme is expected on many occasions. But reading paths are
mainly created by differences in salience and depend on the textual or visual
element that attracts the reader’s or viewer’s attention over and above other
elements (Kress & van Leeuwen, 2006, p. 218). Differences in salience can
be realized by foregrounding or by differences in size, boldness, tonal con-
trast, or color. In this way, visual compositions can set up particular hierar-
chies between the elements to attract the attention and guide the movement
of the hypothetical internet user’s eyes within and across the different dis-
cursive elements of the meme. Such reading path will begin with the most
salient element, from there it will move on to the next most salient ele-
ment, and so on, in a trajectory that need not be similar to the top-down
order of multimodal discourses such as memes. Besides, salience may vary
enormously from meme to meme even if the memes neatly belong to the
same family. And finally, the actual salience of elements in the meme will
vary for different users; different areas of the meme will draw the attention
of a variety of users in different directions, so there is no guarantee that the
same reading paths will be followed across users.
4.4 Methodology
In this chapter, an analysis is carried out of a corpus of 100 memes ran-
domly selected from a Google search with the text query “image macro
meme”. The main purpose is to determine what category of text-picture
Multimodality in Memes: A Cyberpragmatic Approach 111
meme, that is, cases where the picture add little or no meaning to the
meme; (c) in which cases text and picture combine to generate implicated
meanings that may only be obtained from the combination of the infor-
mation from both modes; and (d) whether there is some specificity to
memes that does not neatly correspond to any of the categories suggested
by McCloud (1994) for comics.
(5) Top text: Maggie Smith battled cancer while filming the last
Harry Potter movie.
Picture: Photograph of Maggie Smith.
Bottom text: She carried on, not wanting to disappoint the fans.
114 F. Yus
The picture in the meme may also play a part in the eventual success of
an incongruity-resolution pattern (see Yus, 1997, 2016, 2017) in the text
of the meme. Incongruity-resolution is one of the most typical joke struc-
tures, in which the addressees of the joke face an incongruity due to the
manipulation of their inferential strategies, and they have to find a reso-
lution that reconciles the incongruous parts of the joke.
However, in this meme pattern the picture is not essential for the
text to be perceived as humorous (i.e. the text itself follows the
incongruity-resolution pattern without needing the picture for the
derivation of humorous effects). Sometimes, the role that the picture
plays is simply that of an illustration, and therefore it suits this first
category. Take, for instance, the meme in (6). It may well be told or
read without an accompanying picture. But in the meme the picture
helps in associating black with back race, as if a racist (white) joker was
telling the joke, and enhances the subsequent incongruity provided by
the bottom text of the meme.
In (7), the meme plays with the initial accessibility to the name of the
famous TV series, but the word Bang acquires a different meaning after
reading the bottom text, which becomes incongruous regarding the ini-
Multimodality in Memes: A Cyberpragmatic Approach 115
tial interpretation. This is a joke pattern that could well be told orally
without needing an accompanying picture. Something similar occurs
with (8), in which the picture of a dinosaur has no connection whatso-
ever with the text of the meme.
4.5.2 P
icture Specific: Where the Picture Dominates
and Words Do Not Add Significantly
to the Meaning of the Picture
This is similar to the previous category (word specific and pictures illus-
trating), but in the one here under scrutiny it is the picture that is central
to the meme: the words are supplementary and play an exemplification
role. That is, the words exemplify situations in which the gestures pro-
vided by the picture might be produced (Wu, 2014, p. 1417). Only 7
instances of the corpus of 100 memes fit into this category. This indi-
cates that pictures generally play either the role of exemplifying, empha-
sizing or amplifying the meaning of the text, or are combined with the
text in order to generate interpretations which can only be obtained
from this combination. However, instances in which the picture is the
main source of information (and eventual relevance) in the meme are far
less frequent.
One of the cases in which the picture does dominate occurs when the
meme shows a person who is famous for saying something. The picture
itself is worth the user’s attention and the text merely emphasizes the
attributes of the person depicted in the picture. In this case, the user is
expected to be able to retrieve from background knowledge the specific
information which justifies the appearance of the famous person in the
meme (e.g. what he/she typically said or did that leads to the creation of
the meme). An example is (9):
4.5.3 D
uo Specific: Where Words and Pictures Send
Essentially the Same Message
4.5.4 A
dditive: Where Words Amplify or Elaborate
on a Picture or Vice Versa
In (11), the user’s background knowledge of Brando and of his role in The
Godfather makes it easier to adjust the concept encoded by the word fix (see
Sect. 4.6 for a description of concept adjustment under relevance theory).
Besides, the user is guided by the picture when trying to narrow and con-
note the meaning of the phrase the old-fashioned way, initially broad and
little specific. In (12), the picture of a famous actor playing a dumb char-
acter enhances the absurd idea that he came up with as described in the text
of the meme. Finally, in (13) the picture of a woman in tears helps enhance
the user’s inference of the woman’s urge to go to this restaurant and in
obtaining a more vivid picture of her addiction to fast food. In all of these
memes, the eventual relevance is optimized because the picture is useful in
obtaining a more accurate interpretation of the accompanying text.
A frequent type of meme which may also be ascribed to this category is
the abundant series of memes which share the same picture but contain
different texts (this text-picture configuration is also compatible with the
meme-specific inferential strategy of ad hoc visual referent adjustment; see
Sect. 4.6). In this case, the main interest lies in a specific kind of gesture
that users find funny (often a gesture made by an actor/actress and repro-
duced as a film frame). The different versions of text are descriptions of
situations in which this gesture might be produced. However, this also
involves some kind of amplification or elaboration of the interpretation of
the picture via adjustment (see Sect. 4.6). An example is provided in (14):
118 F. Yus
(14) Top text: When somebody adds another plate to the sink
Picture: Famous actor with a hateful look on his face.
Bottom text: while I’m washing the dishes.
4.5.5 P
arallel: Where Words and Picture Follow
Different Courses Without Intersecting
4.5.6 M
ontage: Where Words Are Treated as Integral
Parts of the Picture
from the available information through interfaces. The fact that interpre-
tations from memes in this category cannot be obtained from the partial
meanings of text or picture taken separately makes the meme utterly con-
text dependent and very significant for the kind of analysis proposed in
this chapter.
This category also suits Barthes’ (1977) term relay, according to which
“text and picture do not ‘say the same thing’ but convey different, com-
plementary content” (van Leeuwen, 2011, p. 657). To some extent, this
category exhibits the qualities of the social semiotics term distribution
(juxtaposed pictures and text jointly constructing information) and diver-
gence (the meanings of text and picture contradict each other and convey
new information out of this contradiction). Besides, the category is
related to what Jewitt (2016) calls multimodal ensemble, where all the
modes combine to convey a message’s meaning. The information is dis-
tributed across modes, and “any one mode in that ensemble is carrying
part of the message only: each mode is therefore partial in relation to the
whole of the meaning” (p. 73).
The most frequent text-picture interaction in this category of memes is
that in which the information from the picture invalidates, to a greater or
lesser extent, the information provided by the text. In (17), for example,
access to the intended ironical-critical remark is facilitated by the picture
of Keanu Reeves with a lunatic look on his face:
(17) Top text: What if Obama needs all of our personal information
Picture: Lunatic-looking picture of actor Keanu Reeves.
Bottom text: because he’s setting up a matchmaking service and
wants us all to find love?
(19) Top text: Wants a girl who sees him for his personality
Picture: Face of a very ugly man.
Bottom text: if she’s hot.
(20) Top text: Ok class, you have exactly 50 minutes to complete
this exam
Picture: Picture of a beautiful young female teacher in front
of blackboard and with a wide smile on her face.
Bottom text: but before you begin, let’s all take five minutes to cor-
rect the mistakes I made while writing the test.
Finally, some pictures also trigger incongruity when the user reads the
text of the meme. The role of the picture is essential here in provoking the
entertainment of two competing interpretations of some ambiguous part
of the text, thus fitting into the category of text-picture combination (the
eventual parallel entertainment of two interpretations is not possible
from text only, but the information from the picture is also required for
this to happen). In relevance-theoretic terms, this simultaneity of inter-
pretations goes against the usual processing strategy, which would nor-
mally be directed at the most accessible—relevant—interpretation of that
bit of text while dismissing, often in an unconscious way, other alterna-
tive interpretations. In fact, when we engage in an inferential choice of an
interpretation, we are generally not aware of other less accessible interpre-
tations once the relevant one has been selected.
By contrast, in some of the memes fitting into this category, the reader
is forced to entertain both senses of some portion of text simultaneously.
The additional mental effort involved in this dual processing has to be
compensated for by extra (or different) cognitive effects: an offset of
humorous effects, or amusement at acknowledging the cunning play
with words, for instance. Meme (23) plays with two simultaneous senses
of credit:
(23) Top text: Gets one of only 12 perfect scores in the world on
Picture: Picture of a swot- or nerd-looking student.
Bottom text: Goes to Harvard and gets no credit.
124 F. Yus
In other memes from this series, the picture is the same but the extent of
the pain suffered by the woman has to be adjusted depending on the
accompanying text. In (28), the user can indeed imagine a situation in
which the woman is on the verge of a breakdown due to her being forced
to eat at those locations. However, there is a limit to adjustment by
resemblance between the default visual referent of the coded nonverbal
action and the ad hoc visual referent, beyond which, what the user ends
128 F. Yus
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Multimodality in Memes: A Cyberpragmatic Approach 131
5.1 Introduction
In the recent past, there have been major transformations in news produc-
tion due mostly to digital culture. Since news has gone online, the bound-
aries between broadcast media and printed press have become more and
more blurred, and, today, hybridity is considered one of the central ele-
ments of contemporary media systems (Chadwick, 2013). These changes
affect journalism in many ways, including the manner in which newswrit-
ing takes place (Deuze, 2017). At the same time, social media has become
an important news source and participatory space for journalists (Broersma
& Graham, 2013; Hermida, 2013). This interconnectedness between news
media and social media is reflected in news texts themselves as well as in
how they are composed. The nature of news texts has also changed due to
the characteristics of online texts, whose hypertextuality and multimodality
M. Johansson (*)
Department of French Studies, School of Languages and Translation Studies,
University of Turku, Turku, Finland
public sphere, even though they do not express their own views (Erbe,
2007, p. 79; Johansson, 2013, p. 99). Press reviews are based on quota-
tions from other newspapers and media, thus linking different public
arenas in the mediated public sphere (Erbe, 2007, p. 79). They are meta-
discourse on current topics in society, forming intertextual and interdis-
cursive links between news stories and other discourses to which they
refer (Claquin, 1993; Erbe, 2007; Johansson, 2013, p. 100). In printed
newspapers, press reviews have traditionally relied on textual quotations,
but on online news sites, the video press review is a new version of the
traditional press review (Johansson, 2013). Both kinds of press review are
based on the journalistic work of selection and interpretation, but the
video press review mixes video clips into a storyline, producing a hybrid
media genre, as it shows the opinions of the quoted persons as a struggle
in the public arena (Johansson, 2013, p. 112).
The objective of this chapter is to examine the opinion review genre
through a case study of a digital news text that combines a written story-
line with quoted material from other media, including social media,
when commenting on a sociopolitical event. I will pay special attention
to how tweets and a video are used as digital quotations and how the
journalist integrates them within the news story. My theoretical approach
is based on digital discourse analysis, which includes an interdisciplinary
view on media studies in the digital context. This will allow an examina-
tion of how discursive and social processes take place in digital media
(Couldry, 2012, p. 8). In addition, I will rely on sociopragmatics in the
analysis of quotations.
This chapter is structured as follows. In Sect. 5.2, I will discuss the
news genres in digital culture. Then, in Sect. 5.3, I will turn the discus-
sion toward digital news texts and quotations. In Sect. 5.4, I will present
the data and methods. I will then analyze one news text in Sects. 5.5 and
5.6. The chapter ends with a few concluding remarks, in Sect. 5.7.
(Bell, 1991; van Dijk, 1988). News interviews and political interviews
have been studied in sociopragmatics and conversation analysis (Blum-
Kulka, 1983; Clayman, 1992), while the complexity and hybridity of
written or spoken media texts have been widely acknowledged in critical
discourse analysis very early on (Fairclough, 1992, 1995).
Newspapers have now been online for some time. For their part, social
media, such as Facebook and Twitter, have become important news spaces
as well. Social media platforms such as these are changing how news is
published, especially in cases of rapidly unfolding events (Hermida,
2013). Journalists have embraced social media in different ways, fre-
quently incorporating social media as a news source. Journalists may have
active Twitter accounts on which they publish news stories and partici-
pate in discussions, thus creating a hybrid space for public communica-
tion between professionals and individuals from the private sphere
(Giaxoglou, 2017; Hermida, 2013, p. 304). In addition, online newspa-
pers contain multimodal news texts as well as sections devoted to videos.
More recently, news texts and the processes of news production, especially
newswriting, have become the focus of linguistic scrutiny (e.g., Bednarek
& Caple, 2012; Perrin, 2013). In addition, the changing nature of news
texts that combine different types of material within genres has been the
object of study in various domains (Chadwick, 2013; Johansson, 2012,
2013; Mast, Coesemans, & Temmerman, 2016). As my objective is to
study how quotations are used in a specific news genre, I will first discuss
some relevant notions related to digital genres and texts.
Here, the notion of communicative genre—or the parallel notion of
communicative activity type—is considered an organized form in which
participants communicate about social life (Bergmann & Luckmann,
1995; Levinson, 1992; Linell, 1998; Luckmann, 1989, p. 162). A com-
municative genre includes participants and their objectives related to
their social and discursive roles in situated actions and activities; impor-
tantly, it constrains the way interaction and discourse take place (Levinson,
1992; Linell, 1998, p. 240). Digital genres are communicative genres that
are based on mediated interaction and discourse among participants in
digital contexts. They are realized in digital texts that have a sequential
discursive organization, multisemiotic characteristics, and technological
affordances, such as hypertextuality and algorithm-based activities that
Digital and Written Quotations in a News Text: The Hybrid… 137
enhance user experience. I use the term genre here for brevity, while I use
text to designate how genres are instantiated via different semiotic modes.
Genres can be studied on different levels—macro, meso, and micro.
When genres are considered as multilayered phenomena, research focuses
on different practices and contexts (Fairclough, 1995; Fetzer, 2004).
These distinctions allow analysts to focus on certain processes at a given
time. From the macro-level perspective, news genres are interlinked with
various communicative genres in other areas of social life. For example,
Gruber (2013) analyzed complex genre systems between Austrian parlia-
mentary genres and their coverage by media genres. He showed how par-
liamentary talk was taken up in a series of interconnected political and
media genres (Gruber, 2013). At the meso level, a genre is examined in
its situational context. It can be approached from the perspective of par-
ticipation as well as from how social actors position themselves in situa-
tions through the negotiation of meaning. At the micro level, genres are
analyzed from the perspective of their linguistic context. This study tack-
les the two latter, meso and micro, levels. There, sequential actions and
types of textuality can be studied. In addition, social actors’ stances can
be examined via the ways in which they evaluate objects in the world.
News stories are stories, according to the terminology used in the news-
rooms (van Leeuwen, 2008, p. 349). From a linguistic perspective, a nar-
rative is a textual sequence that is organized chronologically into different
phases. As discourse, a story usually refers to past events and constructs
how these events unfolded (see, for example, Adam, 1992; van Leeuwen,
2008, p. 349). Some news texts, especially news reporting on accidents
and breaking news, may follow a narrative organization. However, not all
news genres are organized as narratives. Instead, news genres are of
numerous types. First, they vary from traditional printed press genres,
such as news reports and editorials, to novel forms of digital news genres,
several of which have been adopted from social media, such as blogs and
discussion forums. Video is a semiotic mode, but video content can be
organized into different genres. News videos may represent traditional
TV news genres, such as reports, announcements, and interviews
(Johansson, 2012, pp. 52–53).
When news genres are examined from the perspective of the type of
journalistic communicative activity on which they are based, they also
138 M. Johansson
5.3 Q
5.3.1 Quotation as a Pragmatic and Discursive Object
Table 5.1 Quotation as a dialogic object (modified from Johansson, 2002, p. 256)
Quotation is a form of recontextualization in which a social actor constructs
The fact that quotations are an integral part of news texts has been well
documented in past research. In informative news texts, quotations are
constructed from a variety of sources, such as interviews, documents, and
so on, where they carry out the function of truthfulness, reliability, and
media interest (Waugh, 1995). According to Charaudeau (1997,
pp. 184–185), quotations are used to introduce basic facts, eyewitness
evidence, expert knowledge or decisions, and opinions into news dis-
course. Quoting is a basic journalistic practice that involves recontextual-
ization. There can be several different sources from which a journalist
decontextualizes a quotation. In an interview situation, a journalist
extracts quotations from interviewees and then inserts them into a writ-
ten article, steering the storyline of the news (Haapanen, 2016). By means
of quoting, a journalist maintains distance from people and the opinions
they convey in news texts, thus respecting the principle of neutrality (see
Haapanen, 2016). However, quoting is different in digital texts, as copy-
pasting makes it easy. In addition, the mere posting of a link can be one
kind of quote that leads to new content (Haapanen & Perrin, 2017).
Recently, Landert (2015) analyzed speech representation in online
news, while quotations have also been studied in other digital genres,
especially in retweeting (Puschmann, 2015) and discussion forums
(Arendholz, 2015). Johansson (2012, 2014b) identified two different
functions for the videos used in online written news texts; these may
function as parallel news stories or as quotations. This latter is the case
with sound bites, announcements, and interview extracts (Johansson,
142 M. Johansson
In the next section, I will present the online news text selected for the
analysis, its background, and my analytical approach.
text selected for this analysis is called “Les réactions à la réforme des
retraites ne sont pas fait attendre” (“The reactions to retirement reform
did not take long to appear”). It was published by the French Huffington
Post (; 27.8.2013) at a time when reforms
of retirement plans were being discussed in France. Because the article
was not attributed to a specific journalist, it will be referred to as HP in
this chapter. The article length is 621 words and its translation is pro-
vided in the Appendix.
This article comments on a typical situation in French politics: a gov-
ernmental decision and its public reaction. This time the decision was the
very controversial retirement reform being introduced by the socialist
government in the summer of 2013. The decision was opposed by other
political parties as well as by trade unions. One main argument in the
debate was how much workers should pay for their social security with
respect to their retirement. The analysis focuses on how the news text
quotes these reactions.
The analysis was conducted on two levels: micro and meso (see Sect.
5.2). First, the linguistic analysis examined the types of quotations (Sect.
5.5.1). The analysis considered all the quotations found in the news text
in regard to their media source and voices, that is, quoted persons and
their political or institutional background. This was followed by a multi-
modal analysis: that is, how the text’s textual, visual, and linguistic mate-
rial was sequentially organized and how the quotations were integrated
into it (Sect. 5.5.2). The second research question was answered by an
assessment of quotations and their discursive meaning based on what
type of communicative function they carried out through stances and
positioning in quotations and in the news story (Davies & Harré, 1990;
DuBois, 2007; Weizman, 2008; White, 2012). Stance refers to utterance-
level expressions of evaluation, while positioning is determined by the
communicative act the social actors express through their evaluations,
which shows alignment or disalignment with the governmental decision
(Sect. 5.6.1). Lastly, the digital news text was discussed as a news genre in
the media context in order to answer the third research question. Here,
especially, the question of what kind of effect a quotation has on the news
genre was examined (Sect. 5.6.2). The parts of the news text will be
referred to as title, lead, text body (Chovanec, 2014, p. 205). Further, the
text body will be considered as divided into different topical sections.
144 M. Johansson
Table 5.2 Basic information concerning the quotations in the Huffington Post article
Q Source of Political party or institution
number Voice quotation Sociopolitical functions
1 Matignon [Prime Matignon Government
Minister’s office]
2 Majority [a Not mentioned Not mentioned
collective voice]
3 Spokesperson Not mentioned Socialist Party
Topical section 1: Reactions from the Socialist and Green parties
4 David Assouline Twitter Socialist Party
Member of the Senate
5 Frédérique Twitter Socialist Party
Espagnac Member of the Senate
6 Harlem Désir Not mentioned Socialist Party
Member of the European
7 Marie-Noëlle Not mentioned Socialist Party
Lienemann Member of the Senate
8 Ecologist group, Press release Green Party
Topical section 2: Reactions from the right-wing and center parties
9 UMP (collective News article Union for Popular Movement
voice) (hyperlink)
10 Sébastien Huyghe Twitter Union for Popular Movement
(right, center)
Member of Parliament
11 Gérald Darmanin Twitter Union for Popular Movement
Member of Parliament
Digital and Written Quotations in a News Text: The Hybrid… 145
Table 5.2 (continued)
Q Source of Political party or institution
number Voice quotation Sociopolitical functions
12 Valérie Debord Twitter Union for Popular Movement
Member of Parliament
13 UMP (collective News article Union for Popular Movement
voice) (hyperlink)
14 Yves Jégo Twitter Radical Party (center, liberal)
Member of Parliament
15 Jean-François Copé TV news (TF1) Union for Popular Movement
Member of Parliament
Topical section 3: Reactions from other institutions and from one
left-wing politician
16 Anonymous Not mentioned CFDT—French Democratic
Confederation of Labor
17 Pierre Gattaz Not mentioned Medef—Movement of
Enterprises in France
employer’s organization
18 Eric Aubin Not mentioned CGT—General Confederation
of Labor
19 Jean-Luc Mélechon TV evening news Left Party
(France 2) video Member of the European
Table 5.2 reveals that the journalist relies on media sources: Twitter,
the evening TV news, a press release, a news article, and a government
announcement for 12 quotations; while in the other 7 quotations, the
source was not revealed. As regards digital and written quotations, ten of
the quotations were written by the journalist in the text, while there were
seven digital quotations: six tweets and one video. Out of these, two are
written by the journalist containing a hyperlink to another page. In sum,
the quotations link the several media instances that have published com-
ments about the governmental decision.
The quoted voices were those of politicians or other public actors from
different political backgrounds. The first set of quotations (Q1–3) report
about the government’s decision. The next set of quotations (Q4–8) belong
to left-wing and Green Party politicians in favor of retirement reform. The
third set of quotations (Q9–15) represent right-wing or center politicians
who oppose the reform. The last set of quotations (Q16–19) are from
146 M. Johansson
Example 1
Une voix discordante toutefois s’ext exprimée dans la soirée : celle de Marie-
Noëlle Lieneman, animatrice de l’aile gauche du parte: “nous ne pouvons
accepter 43 ans de cotisations”, déclare la sénatrice de Paris.
During the evening, however, one opposing voice was heard: that of Marie-
Noëlle Lienemann, who works for the left wing of the party: “We cannot
accept that we have to pay for 43 years,” declares this senator from Paris (Q7)
In this example, the quoted person and her political role are explained
in the quotative clause by a double identification: a left-wing politician
and a senator. The quoted content reveals that, unexpectedly, she opposes
the government’s decision and is thus in opposition with her own party.
Also, there are mixed cases such as in the following example:
Example 2
Et la critique de la «lâcheté » socialiste (Q13)
And the critique of the socialist party’s “cowardice” (Q13)
Example 3 [tweet]
David Assouline
Digital and Written Quotations in a News Text: The Hybrid… 147
This example consists of a tweet, that is, a digital quotation that was
copy-pasted from a social media source into the HP article. The tweet
text template functions as a quotative or reporting frame. It contains a
double identification of the user—the head picture and the Twitter
account name3—as well the means to respond to him @dassouline. The
temporal stamp follows the user’s words; the tweet also displays further
information like the number of times it has been retweeted or favorited.
When the quotation was a tweet, the journalist relied on Twitter’s own
identification affordances, previously selected by the user. The journalist
did not explain who these politicians were but left it up to the readers to
do so. In sum, this digital quotation was a literal and first-person quota-
tion that was not modified by the journalist.
The third type of quotation in the HP article was a video quotation: an
extract from a TV news interview in standard spoken French. This digital
quotation was presented by a quotative:
Example 4
Le Front de gauche viendra également grossir les rangs des cortèges. Jean-
Luc Mélechon a confirmé sur France 2 que son mouvement appelait à
manifester (Q19)
The Left Front is going to come to the protest. Jean-Luc Mélechon con-
firmed on France 2 [television channel] that his movement has asked [peo-
ple to come to] protest.
Here, the journalist included the name of the politician, a speech verb,
and the place where the interview took place—a TV studio. The quoted
content expresses the negative stance toward the reform. In the next sec-
tion, I will study how quotations are integrated in the news texts.
148 M. Johansson
In this section, the sequential organization and how digital quotations are
integrated in news text is described. The main textual components of a
basic news story consist of the headline, the lead, and the main text body
(Chovanec, 2014, p. 205). After the headline, the HP news article is
organized into the lead, while the main news text contains three different
topical sections.
In the lead, the story opens with a picture of crowds in the street pro-
testing the French government’s decision. The picture shows the reaction
of people to the proposed governmental plan: they are on the streets pro-
testing. It is not only visual but it also contains written/printed text.
Several banners indicating the names of the trade organizations partici-
pating in the demonstration or expressing their opposition can be seen.
After the picture, the lead describes the public reactions to the govern-
ment’s announcement.
The different parts of this news text are organized as indicated in
Table 5.3. I use letters (a, b, c, etc.) to point out different parts of the texts
(see Appendix, the news text).
As described in the Table 5.3, the tweets are inserted within the first
and second topical sections (b, e, f ) and they are framed by text para-
graphs. The tweets are presented as screen captures. They contain both
written material and the pictures of their writers. The third and last topi-
cal section of the article contains a text paragraph and a video at the end
of the article. It is a still image from TV news (h), which is a video in
which an interviewer and a left-wing politician, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, are
engaged in dialogue. In sum, the news text contains a written news story,
a photo, tweets, and a video. The news article ends with a video that con-
tains both visual and spoken modes.
This section, Sect. 5.5, examined how the digital quotations were
embedded in the multimodal new texts. The next section, Sect. 5.6, will
focus on the functions of quotations and how they affect the news genre.
5.6 N
ews Genre of Opinion Review
5.6.1 Quotations and Their Discursive Meaning
The object of the stances in all of the quotations was the retirement
reform, which each of the quoted individuals/institutions evaluated dif-
ferently. The quotations contain positive, negative, or mixed evaluations.
Table 5.4 categorizes the type of quotation: digital or those written or
entextualized by the journalist. Table 5.4 also summarizes the types of
stances and positionings of the quotations.
Table 5.4 explains what the object of evaluation is in each quotation;
that is, what part of the reform is being evaluated and whether the quoted
person favors or opposes it.
In the following text, I will concentrate on tweets and the video. The
tweet that was already quoted above, in Example 1, will be examined
again, but from another angle:
Example 5
David Assouline
La Gauche démontre qu’une réforme peut être juste, équilibrée et permettre
encore des progrès, pour la droite réforme=matraquage et régression
The Left shows that a reform can be fair, balanced and can allow us to make
progress, for the Right, reform=hitting and regression (Q4)
150 M. Johansson
Table 5.4 (continued)
number Digital quotation Quotation written by the journalist
18 • Complaint: our proposals were
not heard
19 • Complaint: the previous
reform of the right was
• Complaint: salaries will be
• Demand: we cannot accept
it, we want to raise salaries
• Complaint: of the type of
• Invitation: to participate in
the planned protest
Example 6
Frédérique Espagnac
:#retraites JM Ayrault propose une réforme structurelle, juste et équilibrée,
permettant de financer durablement la retraite par répartition (Q5)
152 M. Johansson
Example 7
Sébastien Huyghe
#retraites nouvelles hausse d’impôts et renchérissement coût du travail
conséquences = hausse du chômage et inefficacité sur financement (Q9)
#retirement new tax increases and rise of cost of work consequences =
unemployment increases and inefficient financing (Q9)
In Example 7, the tweet does not contain a verb; instead, the author’s
stance is expressed by pointing out the outcomes of the political decision.
In the previous examples, Examples 5 and 6, the consequences of the
reform were implicitly conveyed; in this example, however, they were
spelled out through the use of the noun consequence. The negative stance
is conveyed through the use of nouns referring to economic and labor
affairs (tax increases, cost of work). The consequence is seen as a worsening
of the economic situation (unemployment, financing). This politician does
not align with the reform and expresses his critical positioning, which is
that of complaint, as with several other quotations in the article. The
same positioning is expressed in the tweets in Q11–13.
In the last digital quotation (Q19), which is a five-minute clip extracted
from a TV interview, the politician explains his view in a more elaborate
manner. He conveys the same positioning as the others. In addition, he
announces a demonstration that his party is going to organize.
Digital and Written Quotations in a News Text: The Hybrid… 153
In this section, I will examine news texts as a genre and the role of the
journalist in it. In the lead, the journalist introduces the news topic:
Example 8
Politique. Très attendue, la réforme des retraites n’a donc pas manqué de
faire réagir. Aussitôt les annonces faites à Matignon, chacun y est allé de
son commentaire. Mais si le timing des décisions a pu surprendre quelques
minutes seulement après la fin des consultations avec les partenaires
sociaux, les réactions étaient convenues.
Politics. As expected, the retirement reform did not take long to gather
comments. As soon as the announcement was made in Matignon [the
Prime Minister’s office] everybody gave their commentaries. But if the tim-
ing of the decision was surprising, that is, only a few minutes after the
consultation of the social partners, the reactions were usual.
Basically, the lead introduced the topic of the news article and the
public reactions to the decision concerning the retirement plan. In the
other sections of the text, the journalist’s role was to present only the
quotations, that is, she or he introduced them through quotative clauses,
tweet templates, or a still image from the TV news. In addition, the jour-
nalist gave short evaluations or summaries of the opinions expressed. The
following extract is from the third topical section of the text, in which the
views of the political right and center were grouped:
Example 9
La droite est pour sa part beaucoup plus critique. Ses responsables ont
repris le refrain entamé après l’intervention du Premier ministre dimance
soir sur France 2. Deux angles d’attaque sont choisis […]
As for the right, it is much more critical. Its responsible persons started to
repeat the refrain after the announcement of the Prime Minister on
Sunday night on France 2 [television channel]. Two perspectives have
been chosen […]
154 M. Johansson
In the third topical section of the news article, the journalist summa-
rizes the comments. As has been shown through this analysis, this news
text is a multimodal compilation or a mix of quotations that are inte-
grated within a news story in a way that ties the quotations together. The
news text unfolds based on how the quoted persons comment on a given
news event.
How can this news genre of opinion review be classified further? First,
it is a remix of opinions, which is similar to the video press review
(Johansson, 2013) even though it differs as all the sources of quotations
are not mentioned in the news text as they were in the video press review.
Second, the construction of meaning is done through the journalist’s
selections of quotations. Despite the fact that the journalist’s positioning
has remained unmarked or seemingly objective, the quotations were
organized in a certain order in the text: first, those in favor of the reform,
followed by those who opposed it. In this task, the journalist emerged as
a mediator on the one hand and as a gatekeeper on the other. In the pro-
cess of recontextualization, the journalist thus became a mediator between
social media and readers. Digital quotations establish relations with other
media sites and social media, adding to media circularity and the reme-
diation of material (Bolter & Grusin, 1999; Chadwick, 2013). Quotations
in the printed press may do the same, but they do not allow the reader
instant access to original sources in the way that tweets and videos do.
Finally, the news text constructs an imaginary dialogue, as the quoted
politicians do not necessarily speak to each other as they would do during
a conversation. This genre could be called a political opinion review. This
dialogue takes place at a certain time across media; here, the comments
are shown together. Based on the communicative activity of c ommenting,
this news genre creates, as in the case of the video press review, opinions
not as being shared but as polarized sites of struggle.
5.7 Conclusion
A digital quotation is a tweet, video, or other digital element that is
recontextualized from a digital context by being copy-pasted into digital
news texts. Digital quotations are literal quotations, and they disseminate
Digital and Written Quotations in a News Text: The Hybrid… 155
Translation of article:
Reactions to the retirement reform did not take long
(a) Politics. As expected, the retirement reform did not take long to gather
comments. As soon as the announcement was made in Matignon [the
Prime Minister’s office] everybody gave their commentaries. But if the
timing of the decision was surprising, that is, only a few minutes after
the consultation of the social partners, the reactions were usual.
156 M. Johansson
Frédérique Espagnac
:#Retirement JMAyrault [Prime Minister] proposes a structural, just
and fair reform, allowing the finance of pensions in a sustainable
and distributed way
(c) This has what it takes: “The distribution [of costs] will save the system”,
congratulates the First Secretary [of the Socialist Party] Harlem Désir.
During the evening, one opposing voice was heard: that of Marie-
Noëlle Lienemann, who works for the left wing of the party: “We
cannot accept that we have to pay for 43 years,” declares this senator
from Paris.
As regards the ecological allies, they are very restrained. In a press
release, the Ecologist Group in the Parliament “regrets” the absence
of a global reform. But the ecological representatives are also pleased
that “two red lines were not crossed”, notably relying on CSG [social
charges (deductible from income tax)].
(d) Opposition exposes pressure on taxes
As for the right, it is much more critical. Its responsible persons started
to repeat the refrain after the announcement of the Prime Minister on
Sunday night on France 2. Two perspectives have been chosen…
(e) Sébastien Huyghe
#retirement new tax increases and rise of cost of work consequences=
unemployment increases and inefficient financing
Digital and Written Quotations in a News Text: The Hybrid… 157
Gérard Darmanin
Inequality between different #retirement systems public/private and
financing by +taxes. Still +taxes #PS
And the critique of the socialist party’s “cowardice”.
(f ) Valérie Debord
#Retirement the only solution of the government is to add to pres-
sure on taxes through cowardice and popularity seeking
Yves Jégo
New costs for firms. No convergence between public/private.
Decrease in pensions in the future. #Reform without courage
Resumed by Jean-François Copé interviewed on TF1 [television
channel]: “The Prime Minister threw a masque and showed clearly
that this was unfortunately not a reform of retirement, but simply
a rise in taxes, a rise in social security charges that will take place
instead of retirement reform”.
1. Moirand (2007, p. 12) defines news genres as “objectivisés” and
“subjectivisés”—“objectifying and subjectifying” news genres. That is, she
considers this a dynamic feature of news genres.
2. The quotative clause is underlined, and the quoted content is in quotation
3. Not shown here for copyright reasons.
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160 M. Johansson
In 2015, Oxford Dictionaries chose face with tears of joy as its Word
of the Year.
C. Pérez-Sabater (*)
Department of Applied Linguistics, Universitat Politècnica de València,
Valencia, Spain
6.1 Introduction
Whereas early computer-mediated communication (henceforth, CMC)
studies sought to find universal norms, today’s CMC research looks at
community-level, specific practice, as McKeown and Zhang (2015) posit.
The study presented in this chapter investigates several online communi-
ties as entities of interest in their own right.
In the past, many online communities were formed because participants
required the affordances the medium offered: anonymity and invisibility.
Anonymity allows participants to feel less vulnerable and to open up more
easily because what they say in the forum stays in the forum; it cannot be
linked to the rest of their lives. Meanwhile, invisibility further disinhibits
participant behavior since posters do not have to worry about how they
look or sound, especially in online support groups that address physical or
speech problems, as Barak, Boniel-Nissim, and Suler (2008) indicate.
However, although online communities which favor anonymity still exist,
today the internet is seen as a tool for self-promotion. This more recent
phenomenon was observed by Jones and Hafner (2012), who also note
that people now gather on social networking sites which encourage partici-
pants to reveal their “true” identities. Among these popular social network-
ing services and instant messaging (henceforth, IM) applications, online
communities interacting via WhatsApp1 are particularly “real” because a
user must provide their mobile phone number to be able to interact with
others. Users must share this very private contact information with other
participants in their WhatsApp chats; therefore, community participants
frequently tend to be connected by strong ties. As Ling (2005) demon-
strates, the circle of people with whom we are in regular contact by phone,
by means of either calls or texts, is quite small. Other online communities
on social networking platforms are generally larger. For example, Facebook
users tend to have many “friends” because it is easy to find them by typing
their names on the search window. However, as WhatsApp users share
their private telephone numbers with each other, they are often linked by
close social relationships and a shared relational purpose: to maintain those
friendships. Other WhatsApp communities are formed by colleagues and
members of clubs and political parties, among many others.
Emoticons in Relational Writing Practices on WhatsApp: Some… 165
In the case of Spanish, although extensive research has been done into
chat interactions (e.g. Sanmartín, 2007), little work on written interac-
tions via mobile phones is available, despite recent interest in this CMC
mode. An exception is the ethnographic study conducted by Sabaté i
Dalmau (2014) concerning transnational SMS practices among migrant
people. Her study challenges the assumption that a certain level of com-
petence is needed for successful communication in an information and
communication technology (ICT) multilingual environment as texters in
her sample are able to communicate effectively by creating their own
intergroup lingua franca. Another interesting recent study is that by
Vázquez-Cano, Mengual-Andrés, and Roig-Vila (2015) into the linguistic
characteristics of teenagers’ messages. The research concluded that the
corpus presents orthotypographic and audiovisual characteristics condi-
tioned by the size of device display, hours of conversation, and the rela-
tionship between speakers.
Notwithstanding these studies, Thurlow and Poff (2013) argue that a
great deal of research in this area is still needed, especially into the inter-
actions between adult texters.
The methodology for the study follows that suggested by Orgad (2006)
and Spilioti (2011) for the analysis of online data on breast cancer com-
munities and SMS interactions, respectively. Basically, these studies
involved the use of online and offline data. In the present analysis, three
types of texts were taken into consideration: an online questionnaire
about emoticons on WhatsApp, case studies of online texts, and face-to-
face interviews with a selection of the participants in the study. The dis-
course analysis of online interactions was contextualized by the offline
data taken from the interviews, while the questionnaire worked as an
anonymous source of information and an initial point of departure.
Different sources were used to collect and generate good-quality data to
answer the research questions. In the methodology employed by Orgad,
no hierarchy was imposed on the different texts; consequently, online and
offline data were treated as interwoven rather than separate entities.
However, in this study, the questionnaire was used to delimit the scope of
the study since, as will be described below, the unexpected questionnaire
results were decisive in reorienting the research.
Orgad (2006) suggests that researchers must ask themselves questions
concerning the adequacy and usefulness of these combined methods. In
other words, academics should ask themselves whether obtaining offline data
could reveal important information about the context under study, which
would otherwise be impossible to obtain through other means. In this case,
the results obtained offline were used to triangulate those obtained online
and vice versa. Interviews with participants were very revealing and useful in
helping contextualize their text messages, while the study of text messages
was decisive in gaining a fuller understanding of what participants said in
their interviews and in the questionnaire, as discussed in the results section.
The questionnaire was subjected to statistical analysis. A mean com-
parison using ANOVA was undertaken. The variability of emoticon use
according to gender and age was studied for the ANOVA study.
Emoticons in Relational Writing Practices on WhatsApp: Some… 171
6.3.2 Participants
6.4 R
esults and Their Interpretation
The questionnaire asking whether respondents include emoticons in
messages (1 for never, 2 for seldom, 3 for sometimes, 4 for very often, and
5 for always) revealed that, although no great differences exist in the rou-
tines of teenagers and adults when participating in their online commu-
nities, there is indeed a clear dissimilarity in the way men and women
interact in these environments. This is represented in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1 clearly demonstrates that the difference in the use of emoti-
cons by subjects’ gender is statistically significant. Thus, as mentioned
above, the study was subsequently reoriented to a discourse analysis of
parts of these chats to examine gender differences in as much detail as
possible, focusing specifically on threads that deal with coordination
activities in men-only and women-only groups of adult users aged 35–49.
Generally, the discourse analysis of these excerpts from WhatsApp chat
threads dedicated to coordination tasks corroborates the statements of
questionnaire participants and shows the following: women include
emoticons profusely in their messages, while men make sparse use of the
wide gallery provided by the messaging company.4
174 C. Pérez-Sabater
0.001, which indicates that there is significant difference between the results.
This attests the validity of the analysis carried out
Table 6.2 Example 1. A group of close male friends organizing a meal out, with
English translationa
Utterance Day Time Message Translation
1 Sun 18:19 Julio: Siete y algo vamos Julio: we’ll go there
pallaaaaa around seven
2 Sun 18:50 Hugo: Oki Hugo: okay
3 Sun 19:31 Julio: Hoy pizaaas Julio: pizzas today
4 Sun 19:31 Julio: Vesubio y napolitana? Julio: Vesuvius and
5 Sun 19:32 Lino: Si, se lo has dicho a Lino: Yes, did you tell
Manolo? Manolo?
6 Sun 19:59 Manolín: Voy Manolín: I’m coming,
7 Sun 19:59 Manolín: Y quesos Manolín: and cheese
8 Sun 20:03 Julio: A menos cuarto aqui Julio: be here at quarter
9 Sun 20:03 Julio: Y me llevas Julio: and give me a lift
10 Sun 20:05 Manolín: Manolín: okay emoticon
11 Sun 21:17 Julio: Ya estamoooos Julio: we are all blotto
12 Sun 21:17 Hugo: Voy cagando leches Hugo: I’ll peddle to the
13 Sun 21:17 Hugo: Que los nanos me Hugo: the kids have
tienen machacao knackered me out
These excerpts have been chosen because they are clear representative
examples of the corpus gathered
Table 6.3 Example 2. Part one of an exchange among women organizing a meal
out with the English translation on the right
Utterance Day Time Message Translation
1 Tue 18:54 Rochi: Hola, propngo Rochi: Hello, I suggest
grupos para la comida y groups for lunch and
q cada una elija, vale? each of us can choose,
Somos 11 adultos ok? We are 11 adults
G1: vasos, platos, G1: glasses, plates, cutlery,
cubiertos, aperitivos starters
G2: bebidas G2: drinks
G3: postre G3: desert
G4, 5 y 6, comida, jeje G4, 5, and 6 food (pasta
(ensaladas de pasta, salads, Spanish omelets,
tortilla patata, pies … whatever you
empanadas … lo q se os come up with)
ocurra) Start choosing
Empieza la eleccion! Kisses (diminutive)
2 Tue 19:14 Blanca: Si queréis yo m Blanca: If you want, I’ll go
pongo en el 3 y seguro q into group 3 and I’m sure
alguien se alegra, jeje someone will be happy,
Table 6.4 Example 3. Part two of an exchange among women organizing a meal
out with the English translation on the right
Utterance Day Time Message Translation
1 Tue 23:13 Xtina: Bueno xicas, os Xtina: Right girls, I’m off to
dejo me voy a la bed, we’ll continue with
camita, mañana the menu stuff
seguimos con el tema tomorrow!!! I’m still not
menu!!! Sigo con sure about all the
dudas!!!! Bona nit details!!!! Goodnight
This is also in line with Jones and Hafner’s (2012) claim that users of
mobile communication, especially young people, do not use the technol-
ogy to exchange information but to exchange friendship. Similarly, in
their study of texting between teenagers, Berg, Taylor, and Harper (2005)
compare text messages to the practice of gift giving.
In this relational function of the technology, academic studies have
highlighted that women often employ mediated communication for rela-
tionship maintenance (Colley, Todd, White, & Turner-Moore, 2010).
Women use texting for social purposes, while men’s texting is more
instrumental; in other words, women see the smartphone as a social
channel, whereas men view it as a mere tool (Ling et al., 2014). However,
this does not appear to be the case for the messages studied in this chapter
since male-only communities also use their mobile phones for relation-
ship maintenance, although these relationships are maintained differently
and their exchanges are stylistically different from those of the female-
only communities. Building on Stark and Crawford (2015), it can be
affirmed that emoji and emoticons have become decisive elements in the
affective mix of relationship maintenance, sustenance, and continuation,
especially in women’s chats.
Finally, although the affordances of mobile technologies can enhance
the use of stylistic elements such as emoticons, a simplistic deterministic
approach should be avoided. In spite of the immense gallery of graphic
elements available, men include them infrequently in their chats, while
women, in contrast, make abundant use of them. One plausible reason
for this imbalance is that women tend to use standard language more
often than their male counterparts, along the lines argued by Squires
(2012) regarding IM and gender variation. Therefore, bearing Squires’s
(2012) ideas in mind, it could be claimed that the use of standard lan-
guage on WhatsApp involves the usage of all the affordances provided by
this application, namely a large, continuously updated gallery of emoti-
cons, emoji, and stickers. Indeed, in the eight cases examined, women
appear to be adopting standard language practices that require an abun-
dant use of emoticons. It seems that “there is something feminine about
conforming to standard written expectations in this medium, and/or
something masculine about not conforming” (Squires, 2012, p. 312).
182 C. Pérez-Sabater
6.5 Conclusions
The findings show that gender-based differences persist in communica-
tions via internet-based IM applications, specifically WhatsApp. The
study reveals that stereotypes regarding gendered emotional expression
are also present in exchanges taking place via online messaging applica-
tions. On the other hand, within the debate of the sensitiveness of CMC
to technological and social constraints (Lorenzo-Dus & Bou-Franch,
2013), the examples provided demonstrate that the affordances of
WhatsApp do not determine the actions of users: we have seen that
women employ galleries of emoticons profusely to maintain their already
close friendships, whereas men do not; men maintain their relationships
by omitting what they consider to be superfluous elements.
With regard to emoticon interpretation, it must be noted that there is
no difficulty in interpreting the emoticons in these threads, as may be the
case in other studies, since graphic representations in this corpus are mainly
kisses, winks, and flowers. Here, unlike in other studies on social network-
ing and IM (e.g. Maíz Arévalo, 2014), the participants form a homoge-
neous audience who share the same degree of (in)formality and consider
the use of emoticons in their community appropriate. The study of other
communities may yield results that could reveal problems associated with
emoticon contextualization and interpretation of their function.
The study is, of course, limited. A large multinational comparative
project such as the one currently underway in Switzerland (www.what- would be required to provide results with a wider
scope, which could account for the greater variability between texters and
the messages they send.
How men and women interact in men-only and women-only groups has
been analyzed in this chapter. Future studies could analyze how participants
in mixed groups accommodate their writing practices to those of the other
gender. Research into online accommodation has indicated that a common
feature of online groups, which is similar to face-to-face interaction, is that
online members accommodate to each other (Pérez-Sabater, 2017).
However, despite its limitations, this study has provided a first glimpse
into some communities that use the WhatsApp messaging application and
can be seeing as a starting point for further investigations in this promising
Emoticons in Relational Writing Practices on WhatsApp: Some… 183
Acknowledgments Thanks to the editors, Patricia and Pilar, and the anony-
mous reviewers for their valuable suggestions that have greatly improved the
original manuscript. Special gratitude to my colleague and friend Begoña
Montero-Fleta for her help in processing the questionnaire and the corpus.
1. According to the United Nations, mobile broadband is the most dynamic
market segment; globally, mobile broadband penetration reached 47% of
the world population in 2015 (
Pages/facts/default.aspx accessed 12 September 2015). In September
2015, Jan Koum, the founder of WhatsApp, announced on Facebook
that it had 900 million monthly active users.
2. In Spain, conventional face-to-face greetings and farewells among friends
involve kissing the person you are meeting twice, once on each cheek.
3. All examples reproduced in this article are from the corpus gathered.
Participants’ telephone numbers have been removed to protect their
4. Men include an emoticon in 17% of their utterances, while women
include them in 82%. However, since only the parts of this corpus devoted
Emoticons in Relational Writing Practices on WhatsApp: Some… 185
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Part IV
Face and Identity
From “My Manly Husband…” to
“… Sitting Down to Take a Pee”:
The Construction and Deconstruction
of Gender in Amazon Reviews
Camilla Vásquez and Addie Sayers China
7.1 Introduction
Over the past decade, online reviews have emerged as a popular form of
vernacular literacy. Research has demonstrated that online reviews fea-
tured on websites such as Amazon have an impact on consumer decision-
making and consumer spending (e.g., Chevalier & Mayzlin, 2006; Ghose
& Ipeirotis, 2011). As prospective consumers read these reviews, they pay
attention not only to the product information that is presented therein,
but they are also sensitive and responsive to implicit cues as well as to the
more explicitly communicated information about the social identities of
the authors who have created online reviews (e.g., Sen & Lerman, 2007;
Vermeulen & Seegers, 2009). Gender and family roles and relationships
have been identified as among the most common demographic categories
that authors of online reviewers inscribe into their review texts (Vásquez,
2014). Because discourse is one of the primary means through which
identity work is accomplished (Benwell & Stokoe, 2006; Bucholtz &
Hall, 2005; Gee, 2011; Page, 2012), this chapter focuses on how Amazon
review writers use discourse to construct and orient to gendered identities,
as well as on how they invoke gender in specific product descriptions.
The analysis in this chapter draws on two datasets of Amazon reviews:
100 bona fide or “legitimate” reviews1 and 100 parody reviews (Ray,
2016; Skalicky & Crossley, 2015). Our analytic focus on references to
relational identities and explicitly marked gender roles in legitimate
reviews written about two different categories of products (i.e., high-
speed blenders and diaper bags) reveals the constitutive role of discourse
in the gendering of certain product features and highlights the ways in
which reviewers reproduce normative gender stereotypes in these texts.
We then contrast these bona fide product reviews with a corpus of 100
Amazon parody reviews written about two popularly parodied products.
We illustrate how these parody reviews critique different realizations of
hegemonic discourses. In one case, authors of parody reviews challenge
the corporate gendering and gendered marketing of a product (Bic for
Her Pen); in the second case, authors interject site-external political dis-
courses into discussions of a semiotically more “neutral” product (Avery
Durable View Binder). By contrasting these two different text types (i.e.,
legitimate reviews and parodies of reviews), it becomes apparent that
the commercial online review space can also serve as a site for contesta-
tion and resistance of gender stereotypes, particularly when viewed as
post-structuralist instances of deconstructive language play (Gannon &
Davies, 2012). We propose, therefore, a plurality of gender construc-
tions in Amazon review discourse. That is, some product reviewers
reproduce and reify essentialist gender binaries, whereas authors of par-
ody reviews posted on the same site use discourse to destabilize, denatu-
ralize, and deconstruct gender ideologies. As a result, the Amazon review
space simultaneously affords both modernist and postmodernist con-
ceptualizations of gender identities. We further argue that the review
space on Amazon can thus be considered a virtual agora, a site where
commercial activities and discourses coexist alongside political and
moral discourses.
From “My Manly Husband…” to “… Sitting Down to Take a Pee”… 195
7.2 G
ender Identities in Online Contexts
Multiple, and even contradictory, conceptualizations of gender identities
can be found in research on gender and digital discourse practices. From
the early, foundational explorations of Usenet discussion boards and
email listservs (Balka, 1993; Herring, 1993) to more recent studies of
social media platforms such as Tumblr (Kanai, 2015) and Pinterest
(Ottoni et al., 2013), researchers have observed that both the larger social
context and the technological affordances associated with specific plat-
forms impact gender performances and constructions online.
Early computer-mediated communication (CMC) research empha-
sized the democratizing potential of the internet, highlighting the pri-
macy of words, rather than bodies, in text-based communication (Graddol
& Swann, 1989; Turkle, 1995). Researchers such as Danet (1998), for
instance, argued that the anonymity afforded by Internet Relay Chats
(IRC) allowed for “carnivalesque” language play and experimentation
with gender identities. Similarly, Rodino’s (1997) IRC participants broke
out of traditional gender roles despite the presence of a binary gender
system operating in the larger IRC environment.
More recently, however, researchers of digital communication have
challenged the notion that anonymity or pseudonymity can erase or miti-
gate gender asymmetries (Herring & Stoerger, 2013), contending both
that language constrains social practice online (Wynn & Katz, 1997) and
that gender is intrinsic to language (Herring, 2004). Herring and Stoerger
(2013) found a correlation of gender with interaction style—for exam-
ple, in the use of emoticons, gendered lexical choices, and intensifiers—
across several text-based digital domains. Similar findings regarding
gender and style have also been found in studies of communication on
social networking sites (SNS) Twitter (Kivran-Swaine, Brody, & Naaman,
2013) and MySpace (Fullwood, Morris, & Evans, 2011). In one study,
women and men were found to use different rhetorical strategies on
Twitter, with women using more personal involvement strategies and
men more directly persuasive approaches (Cunha, Magno, Almeida,
Gonçalves, & Genevuto, 2012). Similarly, women and men were found
to differ in their interaction type on the image-based SNS Pinterest:
women participated in more “lightweight” interactions and made more
196 C. Vásquez and A. Sayers China
7.3 O
nline Consumer Reviews and Their
As an exemplar of participatory culture (Jenkins, 2006), the user-
generated online consumer review has evolved over the last decade, into
a global, widespread genre of digital communication. Research interest in
the topic of online consumer reviews has been growing as well, with an
increasing number of publications found across a wide variety of disci-
plines, including marketing, economics, computer science—and, more
recently, discourse studies. As discourse analytic research about online
review language has shown, this digital genre is a distinctive one, owing
to the ways in which authors of online reviews claim particular identities
(Mackiewicz, 2010a, 2010b) in the typical forms of evaluation they use
(Skalicky, 2013; Taboada, 2011; Tian, 2013), in how they create and
represent audience involvement (Vásquez, 2012, 2015), as well as in their
intertextual and narrative practices (Jurafsky, Chahuneau, Routledge, &
Smith, 2014; Vásquez, 2014).
In earlier work (Vásquez, 2014), we identified several features shared
by 1000 online reviews sampled from various websites, including
Amazon. Among these features were the discursive constructions of
specific, context-relevant reviewer identities. Research on reviews has
shown that many review writers claim situationally relevant identities
in order to establish their credibility, and to provide review readers
with additional context for interpreting the evaluative claims made
within a review. Both gender and family roles and relationships have
been identified as some of the most common demographic or mem-
bership categories that authors of online reviewers inscribe into their
review texts.
198 C. Vásquez and A. Sayers China
7.4 M
Our approach to the study of social identities in general—and gender
identities more specifically—is informed by scholars who view discourse as
the primary means through which identity work is accomplished (Benwell
& Stokoe, 2006; Bucholtz & Hall, 2005; Gee, 2011). In particular, Judith
Butler’s (1990, 2004) insights about the culturally constructed and perfor-
mative nature of gender identities are especially relevant to our discussion.
To this end, we will consider how gender is constructed and performed,
both to engender reviewers and the products and practices of their reviews
and to challenge and destabilize essentialized engenderment.
In order to consider what kinds of gender cues are both given and “given
off” (Goffman, 1959) by authors of Amazon reviews, our analysis is divided
into two parts. In the first, we focus on a set of legitimate reviews and con-
sider what that those cues tell us about normative gender ideologies. In
other words, we focus attention on the kinds of gender ideologies that are
being circulated in this genre of online discourse. In the second half of our
analysis, we shift our attention to how issues of gender are addressed in
parodies of review also found on Amazon. In particular, we consider the
potential of such parodies to resist normative gender ideologies—as well as
their potential to produce counter-hegemonic discourses.
200 C. Vásquez and A. Sayers China
Both the legitimate and the parody Amazon review datasets examined
here were collected as part of other, larger projects. The legitimate reviews
analyzed here consist of a subcorpus of 100 reviews in total: 50 reviews of
diaper bags of various brands and 50 reviews of high-speed blenders of
various brands. (See Vásquez, 2014, for more information about the semi-
random data sampling procedures followed.) Gender was not a central
focus of the original study for which these data were collected. However,
questions about gender emerged from the initial analysis when it was
found that gender and/or relational identities were commonly made
explicit in several review texts. The second dataset, of parody reviews, was
created for a different project. This dataset also consists of 100 reviews in
total: 50 reviews of Bic for Her Pen and 50 reviews of Avery Durable View
Binder. In contrast to the legitimate review data, these products were pur-
posefully selected because the parody reviews for both products do focus
specifically on gender issues. We sorted by “Top” reviews for each of these
products and saved the first 50 that appeared. “Top” reviews on Amazon
are determined via an algorithm that weights various factors, including
the number of a review’s “helpful” votes as well as its recency.
In the analysis below, we consider both the distribution of gender cues
and references, as well as their functions, in order to learn how gender is
constructed in these texts, as well as what purposes it serves in both sets
of texts.
7.5 Findings
7.5.1 B
ona Fide Reviews: Diaper Bags
and High-Speed Blenders
As far as the overall distribution of gender cues in the bona fide review
dataset is concerned, 20% of the texts include one or more instances of
these types of cues (i.e., 19 out of a total of 100 reviews), as can be seen
in Table 7.1. In other words, one in every five reviews contains some ref-
erence (whether direct or indirect) to a reviewer’s gender, or to the gender
of their partner. Most of these references are communicated in relational
terms (my wife/my husband or I am a mother). More specifically, female
From “My Manly Husband…” to “… Sitting Down to Take a Pee”… 201
Table 7.1 In-text references to bona fide review authors’ gender and/or rela-
tional identities
Product type Male Female Total
Diaper bags 0 13 13
e.g., my husband
I am a mother
Blender 1 5 6
e.g., my wife e.g., my husband
Total 1 18 19
Example 1
My manly husband doesn’t think twice about carrying this bag. It’s com-
fortable for both of us to wear. [Diaper Bag, 41]
The word comfortable here likely refers not so much to physical comfort
as it does to the reviewer’s husband’s social comfort with a normatively
feminine practice traditionally associated with mothering, not fathering.
The use of the idiom doesn’t think twice juxtaposes the manly husband
with the bag; the pragmatic presupposition is that diaper bags are inher-
ently feminine in their default and unmarked forms, and unless marked
202 C. Vásquez and A. Sayers China
Example 2
I got this diaper bag mainly for my husband so he wouldn’t feel silly carry-
ing around a diaper bag, but of course I am the one using it everyday!
[DiaperBag, 44]
The reviewer in the third example also includes reference to her hus-
band. And just as in Example 2, this reviewer indicates that she specifi-
cally had her husband’s needs in mind (I opted for the chocolate brown for
my husband’s sake) in the product selection process. This time, the prod-
uct feature of color choice is associated with masculinity. Presumably,
brown is understood as a more normatively masculine color than the
light or pastel-colored options that diaper bags often come in.
From “My Manly Husband…” to “… Sitting Down to Take a Pee”… 203
Example 3
Since I was taught to be positive I’ll start with two things I love … the
many color choices are fabulous—I opted for the chocolate brown for my
husband’s sake. [DiaperBag, 3]
Example 4
It’s not overly feminine so my hubby can carry it around as well.
[DiaperBag, 21]
Example 5
When I first bought this my husband said, ‘oh no … another diaper bag’
but after this trip he said ‘that was a really good buy; it worked out great for
our trip’… [DiaperBag, 2]
The final example includes another instance of a diaper bag being pur-
chased for a husband. In this instance, the product’s name even specifies
204 C. Vásquez and A. Sayers China
Example 6
I’ll use this bag for quick trips around town but for day trips, forget about
it. We will use the DaddyGear backpack I got for my husband—roomier,
more convenient with an outside wipe dispenser, and still stylish.
[DiaperBag, 4]
These excerpts from Amazon reviews of diaper bags illustrate the con-
struction, reproduction, and circulation of a number of normative gen-
der ideologies. The first of these is that diaper bags are a woman’s domain,
and that when men carry a diaper bag, that action represents a deviation
from the normal state of affairs. Second, some products in this category
are now being made specifically for a man to use. These include diaper
bags made in dark or subdued, neutral colors (e.g., the chocolate brown
ones), or the ones explicitly made for and marketed to fathers, such as the
DaddyGear, for example.2 However, even when this type of product is
manufactured with male consumers in mind, the excerpts above suggest
that women are the ones who are doing most of the consumer decision-
making about what kind of diaper bag to purchase. Furthermore, the
excerpts indicate that even when a woman does end up purchasing a
specific type of product that has been designed for a man, she may end
up being the one using that product.
References to gender or relational identities in reviews of high-speed
blenders (arguably a more “gender-neutral” product type than a diaper
bag) offer a useful point of comparison. As indicated above in Table 7.1,
while there were far fewer of these references in blender reviews, some
From “My Manly Husband…” to “… Sitting Down to Take a Pee”… 205
Example 7
I am a vegan who tends to eat mostly raw blended meals, as do my son and
husband. [Blender, 16]
Example 8
My husband scoffed at the idea of adding spinach or lettuce to smoothies,
until he tried one from the Vitamix. [Blender, 44]
Example 9
My husband will not TOUCH anything dark green. As a result of this and
just as importantly is his serious illness from a DIET SODA HABIT (five
to six cans per day) I had to figure out a way to sneak spinach into his ice
cream smoothies. [Blender, 34]
Example 10
My wife and I are both 47 years old and have owned our fair share of
blenders. After the motor died on our Oster last year, we splurged for
Christmas…. [Blender, 21]
206 C. Vásquez and A. Sayers China
7.5.2 P
arody Reviews: Pastel Pens and Durable
Over the last ten years, parody reviews for a specific set of products have
appeared on Amazon and have also been circulated via other forms of
digital media—online newspaper articles, blogs, on Facebook, and so on.
These parodies of reviews combine humor and critique to mock a given
product, for various reasons. We focus here on parody reviews of two
products that center exclusively on themes of gender: one product that
was gendered in its corporate marketing within Amazon and elsewhere
(Bic for Her Pen) and one that was gendered as a result of site-external
political discourse (Avery Durable View Binder). As Table 7.2 illustrates,
references to review authors’ gender and/or relational identities are far
more frequent in parody reviews than in the legitimate reviews
One of the best-known popularly parodied products is the Bic Crystal
Pen for Her. While this product is no longer available for purchase on
Amazon, at the time we collected our data, there were over 2000 reviews
posted for this product, the majority of which were parodies. Ray (2016),
who manually screened a set of 700 reviews of this product, found that
only 12 of them were not parodies. As evidence of the popularity of paro-
dies of this product, the highest-ranked “review” for it (which is a parody)
has nearly 40,000 helpfulness votes on Amazon.
Parodies of this product most typically mock marketer’s attempts to
“gender” a gender-neutral product: in this case, a pen. The following
excerpts from some of these parodies illustrate that in some cases counter-
Table 7.2 In-text references to parody review authors’ gender and/or relational
Product type Male Female Total
Bic for Her Pen 11 29 40
e.g., as a man e.g., us ladies
my wife my lady parts
Avery Binder 6 16 22
e.g., as a man e.g., As a single mother
I … with a male As a businesswoman
Total 17 45 62
From “My Manly Husband…” to “… Sitting Down to Take a Pee”… 207
Example 11
I have never been so happy to have a Lady’s pen in my life. My husband
brought them home for me. They are perfect for writing down recipes
while I cook, clean and take care of our seven children. My favorite aspect
is that I don’t have to push so hard on them, considering my frail, weak
lady-like hands…. [Pen, 50]
Example 12
Sadly, my tiny womanly hands were unable to open the package. Thanks a
lot Bic. (I’m hoping one of my 257 cats will chew open the package for me.)
[Pen, 18]
Example 13
First of all I’m a male. I picked a pink one up by mistake to write a quick
note… Next thing I know I’m sitting down to take a pee. Be careful.
[Pen, 12]
Instead of writing from a female perspective, this author adopts the per-
sona of a man who accidentally uses this pink “feminine” product and,
consequently, engages in a behavior normally associated with women
(i.e., sitting down to take a pee). This alternative perspective makes use of
the semantic role typically associated with masculinity—that of a male
agent (I picked […] one up). This author follows his concise narrative
with a warning to others. The humor here—and in other parodies simi-
lar to this one—is based on comically implying a causal relationship:
using a “for her” product resulting in noticeable changes in one’s behav-
ior and/or biology. As can be seen in Table 7.2, 80% (i.e., 40/50) of Bic
for Her Pen parody reviews include some mention of the authors’ gender
identity. This contrasts with legitimate reviews, where such references
are less frequent.
In addition to some of the more implicit critiques of the product
(where the humorous dimension of parody may be more salient than its
critical dimension), some authors of parodies engage with gender politics
more explicitly, as we see in the next two examples, where the authors
From “My Manly Husband…” to “… Sitting Down to Take a Pee”… 209
Example 14
I gave these to all of the men in my office and they all received pay cuts a
few weeks later! Thanks Bic for helping me to bridge the pay gap—at least,
in my office. [Pen, 22]
Example 15
These are so great. Not only can I write recipes and outfit ideas with abso-
lute ease, they even let me know when I’m getting too ambitious. […]
Thanks bic, no other pen could silence my silly opinions the way yours
does. Not to mention, gender inequality stings so much less in pastel pink.
[Pen, 33]
Appearing in the review space alongside these parodies are also review
texts like the next two examples, which are not parodies. However,
because they do not necessarily report on a direct experience with the
product, they cannot be considered legitimate reviews either. Instead,
they are simply much more direct critiques of the product. For instance,
in Example 16, the author alerts consumers to the fact that these pens
cost twice as much as their gender-neutral counterparts and encourages
other consumers not to support the gender inequality being perpetuated
by this company.
Example 16
A ten-pack of the same pen that’s not marketed ‘for her’ is about half the
Stop buying this kind of crap!
The author of Example 17 addresses the company directly and takes them
to task for making and marketing this type of product in the first place.
210 C. Vásquez and A. Sayers China
Example 17
Really Bic? You actually manufacture this pen? You want to insult every woman
on the planet? Well, you did it. I would never buy one of these pens no matter
how good it is. But as long as you pull this kind of b.s. on your customers, you
won’t get another dime from me on ANY of your pens.
Another product that became the target of parody reviews, which also
highlight gender politics, is the Avery Durable View Binder. Unlike the Bic
for Her Pen parodies, in this case, it was not the product itself that stimu-
lated these kinds of parodic discourses, but rather it was a “site-external”
political event. While there is nothing inherently problematic from a gen-
der perspective about this product, it became the object of many parody
reviews for political reasons. In mid-October of 2012, during a political
debate, US presidential candidate, Republican Mitt Romney, made a
comment about “binders full of women” in response to a question about
inequalities in the workplace during the time that he served as governor
of the state of Massachusetts. Romney’s gaffe went viral across various
forms of social media at the time, and—perhaps unpredictably—one of
the sites where his comment received further attention was in the review
space for Avery Durable View Binder on Amazon.
In Example 18, the author creates a fictional persona of a helpless
female incapable of making decisions, and does so within a negative
semantic frame (I’m not adept at making decisions). This author makes an
indirect reference to Romney, which links his comment to this type of
product through a random association, while simultaneously performa-
tively underscoring Romney’s male agency and contrasting it with the
lack of her own: the presidential candidate that KNOWS.
Example 18
As a woman, I’m not adept at making decisions that concern me. So when
I need the right choice, I turn to the presidential candidate that KNOWS….
[Binder, 1]
her husband. She also uses similar discursive strategies in which she rep-
resents herself as a semantic patient, being acted upon (it keeps me in my
place and allows me to get my dinner ready on time) alongside lexical choices
that underscore the agency of her husband (head of household and owner
of the binder).
Example 19
As a wife and mother, I LOVE this binder. It keeps me in my place, allows me
to get dinner ready on time. Some people might think it’s sexist, but sheesh,
I’m not binding my feet, just my brain. Extra bonus, if you sit on it just right,
it can act as an effective method of birth control! Full disclosure: I submitted
this under my husband’s account, with his full permission. He is the head of
our household, and the owner of the binder. [Binder, 5]
1. Throughout this chapter we contrast parody reviews with what we refer to
variously as “bona fide” or “legitimate” reviews. This is our way of distin-
guishing between parodic and nonparodic reviews. There are, of course,
other issues related to “real” versus “fake” reviews, especially given mass
media exposés of fraudulent reviews. Both parody reviews and fraudulent
reviews may be considered “fake” reviews; however, Hutcheon (2000)
provides the following useful distinction between the two: the former is
“to imitate with critical irony,” whereas the latter is “to imitate with intent
to deceive” (2000, p. 40).
2. Our internet research about “masculine” diaper bags turned up a number
of blog posts, which provided insights into the cultural constructions of
gender in product design. Some blog posts entitled “Diaper Bags My
Husband Would Carry” (or some variation thereof ) feature predomi-
nantly over-the-shoulder messenger-style bags or backpacks, mostly in a
restricted range of colors: black, gray, or brown. “Masculine” diaper bags
often look as though they have been designed for some other, work-
related, purpose, such as carrying a laptop: one model even looked like a
toolbox. In the rare instances that “masculine” diaper bags featured prints
or graphic elements, these included camouflage patterns, Star Wars images,
and a scull-and-crossbones motif—images which index a number of non-
infant domains of experience. These designs contrast sharply with the
two-strap, large purse or tote-style diaper bags produced in light, pastel
colors or cheerful prints that are associated with traditionally “feminine”
diaper bags.
“Diaper Bags My Husband Would Carry.”
3. Incidentally, our perusal of reviews of the “Daddy Gear” or the “Diaper
Dude” diaper bags did not turn up any outraged reviewer comments, paro-
dies, or counterdiscourses. This supports our observation that most consum-
ers unquestioningly accept that diaper bags are a woman’s domain unless
such products are explicitly marked (and marketed) as being masculine.
From “My Manly Husband…” to “… Sitting Down to Take a Pee”… 215
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Linguistic Expert Creation in Online
Health Practices
Marie-Thérèse Rudolf von Rohr, Franziska Thurnherr,
and Miriam A. Locher
8.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we focus on the linguistic creation of expert identities in
online health practices. Previous research by, for example, Armstrong,
Koteyko, and Powell (2011), Kouper (2010), Gross (2015), Harrison
and Barlow (2009), Locher (2006), Rudolf von Rohr (2015), Sillence
(2010), Thurnherr, Rudolf von Rohr, and Locher (2016), and Veen, te
Molder, Gremmen, and van Woerkum (2010) identified a range of dis-
course strategies that seem to be commonly used to establish expertise in
online health practices, such as referring to other informational sources,
referring to one’s professional status, listing numerical facts, displaying
empathy, using humor, and mobilizing personal narratives. The four data
sets examined in the present chapter are an online advice column of an
American higher educational institution, email counseling exchanges
from a British university, peer forums to quit smoking, and professional
websites for smoking cessation in the UK. In order for their users to take
up information or advice, accept support, or remain on site, participants
need to position themselves as trustworthy and credible experts in profes-
sional as well as peer-to-peer interaction (Harvey & Koteyko, 2013;
Locher, 2013; Richardson, 2003; Sillence & Briggs, 2015). In the case of
the advice column, the advice-giver is a fictional persona named Lucy.
The team behind the advisor persona has to use language in such a way
that the advice will be taken seriously and will ideally be followed.
Regarding email counseling, the trustworthiness of the service is a require-
ment for clients. Further, expertise continues to be negotiated in interac-
tion, as counselors want clients to engage with the support provided. In
the case of peer forums to quit smoking, contributors also face several
‘rhetorical challenges’ that are connected to issues of trust (Harvey &
Koteyko, 2013, p. 165). In the role of help-givers, contributors have to
establish their expertise and credibility to position themselves as trust-
worthy advice-givers (Eichhorn, 2008; Harvey & Koteyko, 2013;
Richardson, 2003; Rudolf von Rohr, 2015; Thurnherr et al., 2016, etc.).
Additionally, clients of email counseling and help-seekers on forums can
also position themselves as experts in interaction. Professional websites
communicating on smoking cessation face the challenge of being per-
ceived as a trustworthy source, giving expert advice. In other words,
studying how expert identities are created in our different e-health con-
texts is of interest for this chapter. Expertise is especially relevant since it
facilitates important activities such as advising and informing in online
health practices. We approach expertise from a constructionist point of
view. Thus, we see expertise as being multifaceted and discursively con-
structed. Further, we argue that expertise does not only consist of scien-
tific or experiential knowledge.1 Similarly, specific roles in interaction do
not necessarily equal access or rights to only one type of expertise (such
as laypersons having access to only experiential knowledge). Rather,
expertise can refer to scientific, experiential, or personal knowledge, or
knowledge of how to interact with a participant to help them manage
their health. Moreover, in peer settings, interactants can even validate the
knowledge of the entire community when they praise previous help
received on the forums and recommend further interaction. Thereby,
they simultaneously position the entire group as having expertise and
Linguistic Expert Creation in Online Health Practices 221
8.2 T
heoretical Background to the Study
of Expertise and Identity Construction
in Health, Online Contexts
Expertise in medical contexts has been researched in previous studies and
yielded interesting results with regard to a wide range of aspects such as
power asymmetry, identity construction, and other contextual factors.
Health practitioners need to project the identity of credible experts if they
want patients to align with the advice and information provided (see
Segal, 2005, who argues that expertise equals ethos in health contexts).
Being perceived as a credible expert is connected to establishing trust.
Sillence, Briggs, Harris, and Fishwick (2006, p. 697) have even suggested
that ‘trust is key’ in online health advice (see also Sillence & Briggs, 2015).
In face-to-face doctor-patient interaction, the power asymmetry between
patients and medical experts used to be clearly established due to the
institutional nature of the interaction (Bigi, 2011). The internet has con-
tributed to a change in the positions available to patients in medical con-
sultations. It has been argued that the information provided on the
internet facilitates more symmetrical decision-making between health-
care providers and patients/clients. In this context, the role of accessibility
to information has been emphasized as it empowers patients to make
responsible health decisions (Heaton, 2011). Lay consumers surfing the
Web can potentially access the same scientific knowledge and informa-
tion as experts on the internet (Sarangi & Clarke, 2002). Ziebland and
Wyke (2012) even argue that ‘[o]nline resources are now established as a
222 M.-T. Rudolf von Rohr et al.
primary route to health information and support’ (p. 220). Thus, lay
consumers can independently become more knowledgeable without the
guidance of health professionals. Moreover, lay consumers can produce
health information themselves (Seale, 2003). In fact, lay expertise in the
form of personal experience has gained in authority over the last decade
and can be mobilized to counter evidence-based information. Experiential
advice and lay expertise seem to be highly valued by consumers surfing
the Web (Furedi, 2008; Seale, 2002; Sillence, 2010). If the expertise of
health practitioners is potentially in contest with lay sources online, this
raises the question of how practitioners construct their expert identities in
order to be perceived as trustworthy advice-givers. Moreover, the ques-
tion of how lay expertise is constructed online also arises; especially con-
sidering that laypeople usually cannot rely on institutional backing. If
laypeople want to be taken seriously as trustworthy advisors, they need to
establish expertise. All of the authors mentioned point toward a vital need
to understand how expertise is constructed in an online health context, in
which the participants’ main goal is to improve someone’s well-being.
Three studies are singled out in this review as they are instrumental in
illustrating the theoretical background on health communication for the
present chapter (Locher, 2006; Richardson, 2003; Sillence & Briggs,
2015). Sillence and Briggs (2015) explored how people evaluate the
trustworthiness of e-health sites from a psychological perspective. They
list four factors that shape how internet users develop trust, suggesting
these factors be seen as stages of how trust evolves: (1) visual appeal, (2)
branding of the site, (3) evaluation of site content, and (4) ‘the impor-
tance of personalization’ and ‘relationship management’ (Sillence &
Briggs, 2015, p. 472). The first factor refers to the initial decision of
whether internet users interact with websites at all, whereas the second is
concerned with whether there are trust markers, such as the logos on, or
branding of, the site, with which internet users are familiar. These first
two factors do not lend themselves for linguistic analysis in the strict
sense. Nevertheless, they are essential if we want to consider a holistic
picture of how expertise is built up. Also, taking these two factors into
account allows us to address the influence of medium and social factors
on the practices (Herring, 2007) in our analyses. In a third stage, internet
users assess whether they find the information provided to be of good
Linguistic Expert Creation in Online Health Practices 223
quality, believable, and altruistic. Finally, internet users are more likely to
develop ‘longer-term trust’ if they engage in continued interaction where
they can self-disclose or if content is personalized, for instance, through
‘patient-authored material’ (Sillence & Briggs, 2015, p. 481).
Several studies on written online health discourse have analyzed war-
ranting strategies, that is, discourse strategies used to create expertise and
to display credibility2 (Richardson, 2003), in order to generate trustwor-
thiness in different practices (e.g. Eichhorn, 2008, on an eating disorder
forum; Morrow, 2006, on a forum dealing with depression; and Kouper,
2010, on a LiveJournal community blog about motherhood). Richardson’s
study of an online newsgroup discussing the risk of cell phones has set the
ground for several later studies on the discursive negotiation of expertise
and credibility, including ours. In her study of discussions about the
health risks of mobile phones in internet newsgroups, she found that par-
ticipants positioned themselves as credible expert contributors by (1)
referring to other sources, (2) referring to their own experience, (3) refer-
ring to the expertise of friends, (4) self-categorizing as experts, or (5) using
a technical register. Further studies corroborated the strategies Richardson
found to enhance credibility and trustworthiness in online health support
groups dealing with a range of conditions but also added different ones.
For example, presenting key health statistics (a case of using technical
register) or requesting further information (a new strategy), not unlike in
traditional medical discourse, have been reported in Fage-Butler and
Jensen (2013) on informational and relational aspects in a thyroid forum,
or in Sillence (2010) on advice in a prostate cancer forum. In particular,
the role of how participants share their own experience to position them-
selves as authoritative sources while simultaneously showing empathy
when giving advice has been found an important characteristic of peer-to-
peer online health groups (e.g. Fage-Butler & Jensen, 2013; Kouper,
2010; Sillence & Briggs, 2015; Wright, 2015; Veen et al., 2010, etc.).
Locher’s (2006) work on an online advice column discussed how the
expert identity of the advisor Lucy emerged in the online practice in
question. In this professional-lay context, Locher (2006) found that
seven factors contributed to making up the expert persona Lucy. First,
the advisor was mostly referred to by her first name, which boosted her
identity as expert but also reminded readers of her fictionality. Second,
224 M.-T. Rudolf von Rohr et al.
Lucy directed readers to other sources, invoked her expert status as health
educator, and appeared to ‘quote facts in numbers and percentages’
(Locher, 2013, p. 348). She expanded on the original question of the
advice-seeker and gave ‘detailed background information’ (ibid.). Further,
Locher (2006, pp. 193–194) suggests that Lucy ‘makes readers think and
gives options’, pointing to the preference for non-directiveness typical in
counseling contexts. These strategies can be straightforwardly linked to
boosting Lucy’s expert status. Moreover, Lucy’s response letters were
characterized by a register which avoided medical jargon in order to cater
to the target audience consisting of students. Further, the advisor Lucy
clearly marked her stance on the questioner’s actions, which helped her to
sanction behavior and attitudes in line with good health information.
Additionally, Lucy engaged in relational work, such as the display of
empathy as well as bonding and hedging through humor. Thereby, she
emerged as caring advice-giver who was ‘clever and witty’ (Locher, 2006,
p. 201). Finally, Locher (2013) also points to the importance of the over-
all visual design, explaining that it clearly marks the advice column as an
expert professional source.
These and other studies have informed our theoretical background
with regards to the creation of expertise in health discourses. Further,
discursive identity construction lends itself especially well to studying
how expertise is negotiated in discourse. Thereby, we adopt a construc-
tionist approach to identity and follow Bucholtz and Hall (2005), who
argue that identity should be seen as a social, discursive, emergent, and
relational phenomenon. In other words, it cannot be captured simply by
taking account of variables such as age, gender, education, and so on. We
make use of the concept of positioning as developed in discursive psy-
chology (Bucholtz & Hall, 2005; Davies & Harré, 1990; Hall &
Bucholtz, 2013). This means that we are interested in how interactants
position themselves vis-à-vis each other and how they take each other’s
face concerns into account during interaction.
Our brief review of the previous literature has, on the one hand, high-
lighted that there is already an extensive body of research on the discursive
creation of expertise and credibility and its link to trust in online health
discourse. On the other hand, it also positioned our study within a con-
structivist approach to the creation of expertise and identity. In view of
Linguistic Expert Creation in Online Health Practices 225
the above finding that the creation of expertise is key in e-health contexts,
this chapter will try to answer the following research questions for our
specific corpus: (1) How do writers create expert identities in health con-
texts where credibility is important? (2) To what extent does the computer-
mediated context shape/facilitate/empower the practices observed?
8.3 M
ethodology and Data
Our study aims to add to existing research on expertise by adopting a
comprehensive and holistic understanding of its creation and potential
resulting trustworthiness from a discourse-analytic perspective. We do so
by combining an analysis of the warranting strategies that are used to cre-
ate expertise, as reported by Richardson (2003) and Locher (2006), with
Sillence and Briggs’ (2015) model of how trust is established. The exten-
sion of Locher’s (2006) initial work on an online advice column allows us
to reveal not only the types of discursive strategies used to construct
expertise, but also how these strategies interact with each other and how
certain characteristics of practices, such as interactivity, can influence the
use and interplay of strategies. To answer our first research question of
how expert identities are created, we thus focus on what kind of, and
how, discourse strategies are used to display and negotiate expertise and
trustworthiness. In a qualitative process, we identify linguistic strategies
by engaging in close readings of the texts. We draw on our prior knowl-
edge of the individual practices (see Locher, 2010; Rudolf von Rohr,
2015, 2017; Thurnherr et al., 2016) to identify particular strategies used
to display expertise, which can then be put into relation with the con-
struction of an expert identity. Moreover, our second research question,
regarding how the computer-mediated communication (CMC) context
shapes the practices observed, leads us to touch upon the influence of the
differing social and medium factors (Herring, 2007) of the practices
examined. Throughout, we highlight how Sillence and Briggs’ model
(2015) is reflected in the participants’ discursive work.
This chapter belongs to a project entitled ‘Language and Health
Online’, which is both a continuation and an expansion of Locher’s
(2006) study of the advice health column ‘Lucy Answers’. We work with
226 M.-T. Rudolf von Rohr et al.
Table 8.1 Overview of our four data sets, ordered according to decreasing pres-
ence of health professionals and increasing level of interactivity
Data source Location/sites Interactants Source size
Anti-smoking UK nonprofit and Professionals, 7 websites
websites commercial charities, broad analyzed
websites audience (corresponds to
23% of larger
Online advice American Uni, Health team ‘Lucy’ 280 texts
column health program Anonymous analyzed
questioners (corresponds to
10% of larger
Email British Uni, 1 counselor (BACP 5 threads (this
counseling counseling accredited, trained corresponds to
exchanges service in online the entire
counseling), 5 counseling
clients (students of corpus)
British university) 10–12 emails per
Online forums UK non-commerc. Peers, that is, 27 threads
providing peer peer support smoking quitters analyzed
support for groups: Between 3 and 14 (corresponds to
smoking (a) interactants per 34% of larger
quitters Smokingisbad; thread corpus)
(b) Between 11 and
Nosmokingday. 19 posts
Linguistic Expert Creation in Online Health Practices 227
access to their exchanges only after the counseling was concluded. Finally,
the counselor anonymized the exchanges to protect the clients’ identity.
The fourth set consists of data from two forums that are open access,
noncommercial independent, or charity peer support groups on the
topic of smoking cessation, in which participants provide each other
with support, advice, and information: (a) SmokingisBad and (b) The threads from the corpus were posted between
March and April 2012 in subforums where participants who had just
started a fresh attempt at quitting smoking mainly initiate the interac-
tion.5 For this study, we compiled a subcorpus of 27 threads, dealing
either with explicit requests for help, support, or advice by initiating
participants (15 threads) or with relapse/starting over announcements
by initiating participants (12 threads). In requests for help threads, the
advice-giving frame, including the asymmetry in knowledge, is brought
about by initiators themselves. In contrast, in relapse threads initiating
posters are experienced in quitting and often in being a community
member and are primarily looking for support. Both contexts raise inter-
esting questions regarding the interpersonal or interactional purpose for
which expertise and credibility need to be discursively constructed. In
terms of ethics, we did not ask for informed consent, basing our decision
on the heuristic principles outlined by the Association of Internet
Researchers (Ess & the AoIR Ethics Working Committee, 2002;
Markham, Buchanan, & the AoIR Ethics Working Committee, 2012).
This is because, with respect to the public-private continuum, we observe
that interactants place group interaction in the public sphere since they
refer to the private messaging function if they want to continue talking
about more delicate issues.
In Table 8.2, we compare the individual data sets with respect to three
important medium and social factors: interactivity, the number of parties
involved, and whether the main participants were health professionals, lay-
people, or both. Our notion of interactivity is closely linked to turn-taking,
designating the fact that users can interact with each other (see Warnick,
2007, for a discussion of different understandings of interactivity). Data
sets were comparable due to their similarity regarding online health con-
cerns and a focus on problem-solving, advising, and information-giving.
Linguistic Expert Creation in Online Health Practices 229
Table 8.2 Three important medium and situational factors of the data sample
Type of
Data source Interactivity interactivity Participants
Anti-smoking websites Not interactive No turn-taking Professional
Online advice column Limited Problem letter— Professional—
interactivity Response letter lay
Email counseling Very Two-party Professional—
exchanges interactive interaction lay
Several turns
Online forums providing Highly Multiparty Lay interaction
peer support for interactive interaction
smoking quitters Several turns
The first three dimensions are intertwined. This demonstrates how strate-
gies for creating expertise are embedded, act together, and are shaped by
the interactivity afforded by the medium. The fourth dimension high-
lights that it is not just the health professionals who engage in acts of
constructing expertise but also laypeople. In what follows, we discuss
each of these four dimensions in turn. Due to space constraints, we can-
not present examples and detailed analysis for all four data sets in each
section. Instead, we will choose one practice per dimension to illustrate
our insights and will then summarize how this dimension panned out in
the other practices. The sequence of discussion will vary, depending on
which practice was chosen for illustration.
230 M.-T. Rudolf von Rohr et al.
(1) ucy assumes that this is what you mean by contamination. (LA,
(2) Lucy noticed that you signed your letter ‘argh’ and wondered about
that. (LA, sexuality)
Linguistic Expert Creation in Online Health Practices 233
Table 8.3 (continued)
(3) anic attacks are periods of heightened anxiety often coupled with an
extreme fear of being in crowded or closed places. At first, these
attacks are sudden and unexpected, but, if they continue, are often
triggered by environment, like going through tunnels, traveling
across bridges, or being in crowded elevators. Accompanying symp-
toms include [etc.] (LA, emotional health)
Linguistic Expert Creation in Online Health Practices 235
(4) W
ith counseling for yourself as well, you may be better able to help
your partner. If you are at AEI, call Counseling and Psychological
Services (CPS) at <phone number>. (LA, emotional health)
As mentioned in our data description (Sect. 8.3), all four practices differ
according to their interactivity. Forums and email counseling are highly
interactive and threads extend over several exchanges. Lucy Answers is spe-
cifically designed to contain one problem letter and an advisory response,
Linguistic Expert Creation in Online Health Practices 237
hence is limited to two turns. Finally, the websites are not interactive in the
sense that visitors cannot contribute content. Due to these different degrees
of interactivity, we can also witness various ways of constructing expert
identities in the four practices. On the one hand, there are strategies that
are more prone to occur in interactive practices (e.g., ‘requesting informa-
tion that only the advice-seeker has access to’, ‘agreement’, ‘evaluation of a
suggested coping strategy’, and ‘recommend continued interaction’). On
the other, the continuous interactivity allows for the combination of strate-
gies to change over time in a practice. In other words, while some strategies
are favored at the beginning of the interaction, others might be more suit-
able to create expert identities toward the end of the interaction. In what
follows, we will show examples from the email counseling corpus to illus-
trate interactivity in more detail, before looking into how interactivity
influences the construction of expertise in the other three data sets. We will
use the concept of (self and other) positioning, derived from discursive
psychology (Davies & Harré, 1990), to point out the stances that interac-
tants take up toward each other.
As a highly interactive medium, email allows client and counselor to
exchange multiple messages. The ‘interactive’ strategies mentioned above
are closely connected to the interactivity the medium affords participants.
All four practices show use of these strategies, but highly interactive ones
utilize them particularly often and with the possibility of further interac-
tion taking place. While the counselor makes use of all four ‘interactive’
strategies, we will illustrate two with Example (5): ‘request information
that only the client has access to’ and ‘agreement’. The client has intro-
duced anxiety as a problematic topic in the first email by stating that she
feels anxious and suffers from panic attacks. The counselor confirms that
what the client describes are in fact panic attacks and therefore takes up
the issue of anxiety:
(5) Th
at certainly sounds like panic attacks Anna, and I’m aware of how
frightening they can be, especially when you are away from home and
comfort and support of your family, boyfriend, and friends. Help me
to understand whet [sic] you have done in these situations to help get
through the panic? 6 Maybe there are some things you have done in the
past to cope with anxiety (…). (Counselor: email 2)
238 M.-T. Rudolf von Rohr et al.
(6) I t sounds like you are making positive progress, and challenging your
anxiety, even though it’s really tough. (Counselor: email 8)
Linguistic Expert Creation in Online Health Practices 239
The counselor does not need to highlight her own status as a profes-
sional counselor anymore, but rather highlights the client’s progress. As
progress demonstrates the successful work the counselor and client have
carried out, the counselor’s praise can also be seen as a positive assessment
of the suggested coping mechanisms. Recognizing progress and praising
become essential tasks of the expert to help clients find and continue to
use coping techniques. The client reinforces the counselor’s accurate
interpretation of her progress by responding You’re right, I am making
progress in email 9. This development finally leads the counselor to fur-
ther praise Anna and to encourage her to continue on the same track:
(7) Th
is is great progress Anna, and I can hear how you have found the
courage to challenge your anxiety, and this has clearly been part of
what has helped you move forward. (…) Keep on doing what you
doing, and you will continue to progress :-) (Counselor: email 12)
8.4.4 C
lients/Laypeople and Professionals Equally
Engage in the Construction of Expertise
Not only professionals but also clients in counseling and lay interactants
in forums construct themselves as experts and authorities both when ask-
ing for and when giving advice. We will illustrate this by drawing on the
forum data. In the absence of institutional backing, advice-givers (respon-
dents) index their individual expertise with the 15 strategies mentioned
in Table 8.3, column 6. They thus write their expertise into being with
the aim that advice-seekers consider them trustworthy and comply with
their recommendations. Respondents also signal their expertise as com-
munity members when they reply to newbies. Moreover, the interactive
nature of forum interactions allows clients and initial posters to gradually
build up expertise. Hereafter, we use excerpts from a sample thread from
the requesting help corpus to illuminate how lay participants interac-
tively construct their own and each other’s identities as experts, which is
common in the entire forum corpus.
In the sample thread, an initiator asks whether her experience of quit-
ting is normal (Example 8):
(9) Respondent 1:
I’m also on day three [name].
Yes it does seem slow but try to busy yourself and dont [sic] get bored
whatever you do.
You will have lots of support on here if you can log on regularly but
stay strong and positive!
You can do this! (Requesting help, t20, post 2)
(10) Respondent 2:
Well done on 3 days and a huge welcome to the forum. As others
have said its perfectly normal to feel like times crawling. I noticed it
quite a lot when I first quit and found it dificult [sic] but stick with
it and occupy yourself and you’ll soon feel like times flying by nicely.
There’s loads of info on the forum to help with your quit and post
often and let us know how you’re doing. We’re all here doing the
same thing and support you. (Requesting help, t20, post 6)
8.5 C
In this chapter, we explored four different online health practices and
asked the following two research questions:
1. In contrast to Prior (2003), which focuses on doctor-patient interaction
and stresses on professional expertise, we want to highlight that expertise
is a multifaceted concept.
2. It is worthwhile to point out that the notions of expertise and credibility
can sometimes become muddled. We follow Sillence (2010), who argues
that showing expertise is one way of establishing credibility and trust.
3. We work with a bigger corpus of 30 sources in the larger project.
4. To safeguard the confidentiality of participants, we refer to the first online
support group using a pseudonym, SmokingisBad. For copyright reasons,
we refer to the second group’s original address. However, names and loca-
tion markers have been changed for both groups. In the meantime, both
groups have ceased to exist in the form studied.
5. Nonetheless, more experienced quitters also post in subforums dealing
with the early stages of quitting.
6. Italics in the original: the counselor mentions in the introductory state-
ment in her first response to the client that any text passages that she
writes in italics should be understood as questions that she would like the
client to answer. To stay as true to the data as possible, we have decided to
keep the italics in the examples presented in this chapter.
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How Social Media Shape Identities
and Discourses in Professional Digital
Settings: Self-Communication
or Self-Branding?
Sandra Petroni
9.1 Introduction
The ubiquitous nature of Web 2.0, its collaborative and participatory
culture (Jenkins, 2006), and the pursuit of shareability have led users to
remediate1 their processes of meaning-making as well as their methods of
self-presentation (Goffman, 1959), whether they refer to personal or to
corporate profiles (Chouliaraki & Morsing, 2009).
Social networking practices which give rise to new models of identity
construction are so deeply embedded in our daily routines that we are no
longer able to separate our Self performed in a private or in a public
semiosphere, whether our Self is offline or ‘always on’, as Naomi Baron
claimed in 2008. Over the last decade, digital spaces are the arenas where
traditional and new social practices have been reshaped.
S. Petroni (*)
School of Humanities, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy
[…] the process whereby social domains and institutions, whose concern is
not producing commodities in the narrower economic sense of goods for
sale, come nevertheless to be organized and conceptualized in terms of
commodity production, distribution and consumption. […] In terms of
orders of discourse, we can conceive of commodification as the coloniza-
tion of institutional orders of discourse, and more broadly of the societal
order of discourse, by discourse types associated with commodity produc-
tion. (1992, p. 207)
(the fact that they are linked in describes users as being integrated into
the platform). Therefore, LinkedIn functions as a front-stage environ-
ment (using Goffman’s metaphor) where the members’ professional iden-
tity is performed.
It was launched in 2003, and today, with over 400 million members
worldwide, precisely located in 200 countries, and with a rate of 2 new
profiles per second (Nishar, 2014; Sordello, 2014). More than 80% of its
users are aged between 36 and 45 years, although the average is decreas-
ing over time (Archambault & Grudin, 2012) while the recruiting prac-
tices employing LinkedIn have been increased constantly.2 In fact, the
traditional recruiting process based on the classic recruitment agencies
has changed significantly over the last few years. Traditionally, companies
provided their potential applicants with a position description via recruit-
ers (Joos, 2008; Lee, 2005). In turn, applicants had to respond with an
extremely careful edited resume, adapt it to that precise position, and
include only relevant information. Candidate’s identity and credibility
could hence be built only within the boundaries established by the orga-
nization/recruiter through the position description. There was only a pri-
vate company-to-applicant communication and vice versa, and for this
reason the resume could be changed or refined according to the diverse
position applications.
In LinkedIn, candidates have their profile posted and edited within the
boundaries set by the platform, and it is composed of different facets but
only one resembles, in terms of discursive style, the traditional resume,
namely, the summary section. The other components of a traditional CV
such as Education, Experience, Interests, Additional Info, Volunteer
Experiences, Honors and Awards, Publications, Projects and so on are
parts of the profile and have dedicated sections to be completed with con-
cise and brief narratives. On the one hand, a profile is a continuously
updated Web presence (Schawbel, 2013), but on the other is less flexible
to various position descriptions at the same time. Professionals in fact have
to possess a new set of skills in order to recreate and manage their personal
brand in broader boundaries (Labrecque, Markos, & Milne, 2011).
Furthermore, they are required to receive recommendations, to join
groups (related to their professional fields), to follow influencers and to be
updated and informed on top conversations from their connections—
256 S. Petroni
practices that also have their discursive and linguistic dimensions (Ellison,
Heino, & Gibbs, 2006; Ellison, Steinfeld, & Lampe, 2007; Hargittai, 2008;
Herring, 2013; Hoffmann, 2012; Marwick, 2013; Thurlow & Mroczek,
2011). Unfortunately, with the exception of a few studies focused on the
promotional discursive resources (Díez Prados & Cabrejas-Peñuelas, 2015)
employed within this specific ‘virtual marketplace’ (Page, 2012) by the pro-
fessionals and by those who recommend them, there is little evidence of
linguistic analyses aimed at identifying the main promotional language
markers used to write the summary section only.
9.2.2 S
elf-Presentation, Identity Construction
and Reputation Building in Social Media
Social media are a fertile ground for personal and professional identity
construction. The functionality of the Web 2.0 platform, that is, its tech-
nical affordances, is not a matter of a technical updating if compared to
the Web 1.0 system but rather a new way of experiencing this system in
terms of agency. It encourages users to be progressively engaged with
broader and more powerful forms of global communication where iden-
tities need to be renegotiated constantly. As Jenkins states, ‘all human
identities are by definition social identities. Identifying ourselves or oth-
ers is a matter of meaning, and meaning always involves interaction:
agreement and disagreement, convention and innovation, communica-
tion and negotiation’ (2014, p. 18).
Creating profiles and accounts, opening blogs, taking part in social
networks like Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, or sharing media files on
YouTube, Flickr or Instagram means, on the one hand, to post comments,
share photos and connect with friends and professionals; on the other, it
means that these actions definitely recontextualize users’ identities in
these new contexts and users ‘perform’ their identity, in Goffman’s terms.
Goffman’s original framework (1959) is of great utility as an analytical
framework for investigating identity through interaction and self-pre-
sentation in the digital world. By using metaphors taken from drama-
turgy, Goffman theorized a new conceptualization of identity
construction in the study of human interaction. In his influential work,
258 S. Petroni
Needless to say, narcissism is not the sole reason that motivates partici-
pation in these social media sites.
Self-esteem is described as a person’s overall self-evaluation of their
value. Implicit and explicit self-esteem are subtypes of self-esteem.
Implicit self-esteem is an automatic, unconscious self-evaluation; explicit
self-esteem is a more conscious, reflective self-evaluation. According to
Mehdizadeh, ‘[r]egardless of the type of self-esteem, one of the most per-
vasive facts about this construct is that all humans have a vital need to
How Social Media Shape Identities and Discourses… 261
maintain and/or raise it in both online and offline social settings’ (2010,
p. 358). ‘Friending’, ‘liking’, ‘commenting’, ‘connecting’, ‘endorsing’ and
so on are only some of the specific agentive practices carried out on social
networks in this respect.
Narcissism and self-esteem fuel self-promotion and self-branding, and
these have also become normalized and well-accepted phenomena in
ordinary people’s lives (Buffardi & Campbell, 2008). Most online identi-
ties are thus often shaped by exploiting the same strategies as those used
by celebrities (Marwick, 2013; Page, 2012; Rein, Kotler, & Shields,
2006), corporations and professionals (Ward & Yates, 2013) to promote
themselves. In doing so, users hope to gain popularity and hopefully
reach an appropriate level of recognition, reputation and connectedness
(Ward & Yates, 2013; Zappavigna, 2012).
Today, online platforms and their affordances have allowed personal
branding to be transformed into an important marketing task for ordi-
nary users. Potentially, they are able to manage their own brand and they
can even be their own marketers (Peters, 1997). This is at the basis of
personal branding. Furthermore, if individuals do not manage their own
face, that is, the individual’s public self-image, someone else will do it for
them, giving the power to others and ‘chances are that their brand descrip-
tion won’t be what you have in mind’ (Kaputa, 2005, p. 8). Literature has
also discussed the marketization of identity in terms of personal branding
(e.g. Labrecque et al., 2011; Lair, Sullivan, & Cheney, 2005). In the age
of Web 2.0, self-branding strategies imply building reputation, creating
and maintaining social networking profiles but also using search engine
optimization techniques to boost access to one’s information (Labrecque
et al., 2011, p. 39).
Today, social media offer a new ‘protocol’ for social relations which is
inscribed in the technologies and affordances provided by the system.
They allow individuals’ personal connections to become more perma-
nent, presentational, ever broader and, most importantly, public. As
Hearn claims:
262 S. Petroni
[n]ot only can we see the numbers of relationships a person has, but we can
assess their quality and conduct as well; […]. With the emergence of pub-
licly available information about a person’s affective bonds, we get a sense
of their total social impact, an amalgam of their digital activity, which can
then be measured, rationalized, and represented as their ‘digital reputation’.
(2010, p. 429)
algorithms are no longer sets of coded instructions but they are able to
steer user experiences, content and user relations through relational activi-
ties, such as liking, favoriting, recommending, sharing, endorsing and so
on, and these technological mechanisms are not visible. The second part
of the statement, instead, refers to human agency: users have crucial
agency in the process of running and directing programmability thanks
both to their own contributions, when they upload contents, and to the
possibility, when known, to refuse coded instructions or protocols, for
instance by maneuvering the privacy settings button in LinkedIn. Content
is no longer programmed just by a central agency, though this still has
remarkable control, and users can manipulate coded interactions. This
happens, for example, when users heavily retweet posts on Twitter, creat-
ing in this way a ‘trend’ topic, or click on the Like button to establish
affiliation (Zappavigna, 2012), and these actions are unpredictable.
Popularity makes use of the same mechanisms as programmability. It
depends on both algorithmic and socioeconomic components. Each plat-
form has its distinct algorithm for boosting the popularity of people,
things or ideas, which is mostly quantitative rather than qualitative. The
Like button aims to brand a social experience or event but the underlying
technology immediately adds it to an automated ‘like-economy’. The
logic of online popularity resides in links for ‘Most viewed’ profile on
LinkedIn, friend stats on Facebook, or follower counts on Twitter.
‘Platform metrics are increasingly accepted as legitimate standards to
measure and rank people and ideas; these rankings are then amplified
through mass media and in turn reinforced by users through social but-
tons such as following and liking’ (van Dijck & Poell, 2013, p. 7).
Connectivity differs slightly from connectedness since it conflates both
the meaning of participation (connectedness) and the technological
valence. Connectivity, which belongs to the semantic field of ‘hardware’,
implies the socio-technical affordance of networked platforms to connect
content to user activities (agency). Connectivity, on the one hand, allows
users to exert influence over the content uploaded by both creating strate-
gic alliances or communities and shaping target audiences through tactics
of automated group formation or personalized recommendations (e.g.
‘People you may know’ on LinkedIn). On the other, connectivity always
mediates users’ agency and establishes how to construct connections.3
264 S. Petroni
9.3 D
ata and Procedure
For this study, an empirical research has been conducted on a sample of
LinkedIn profiles. More precisely, the sample is composed of 80 profiles,
40 women and 40 men, equally distributed into 4 professional catego-
ries—journalists, photographers, web managers and project managers—
all of them holding a higher education degree. In this phase (RQ1), only
their summary sections have been extracted from their profiles and pro-
cessed using a freeware corpus analysis toolkit for concordancing and text
analysis, Antconc. The procedure adopted follows the corpus linguistic
approach (Biber, 2007; Biber & Conrad, 2009; Sinclair, 1991; Tognini-
Bonelli, 2001) which enables researchers to detect, for example, the per-
centage of word frequency in a corpus of texts. The quantitative analysis
has addressed those markers which can mirror impression management,
traits of narcissism and self-esteem and contribute to the reputation-
building process. These markers have been codified and then divided into
the three grammar classes suitable for marketizing one’s reputation,
namely, nouns, adjectives and verbs, and within each category only the
first top ten occurrences have been taken into consideration.4 Within
these three categories, those items which convey referential and denota-
tive meaning (e.g. project, business and professional) have been consid-
ered nonnarcissistic and markers of implicit self-esteem, while those with
a promotional meaning (e.g. skills, strategic and excellent) have been
considered narcissistic and markers of explicit self-esteem.
The second phase (RQ2) aims at identifying the most relevant interac-
tive affordances embedded in the social network technologies, namely,
programmability, popularity, connectivity and datafication (cf. par. 2.3).
These affordances reside in other sections on the LinkedIn platform and,
in our opinion, the most strategic are: Skills and Recommendations,
Question and Answer, People You May Know and Who’s Viewed Your
Profile. In contrast with the first phase, here the analysis will not be lan-
guage oriented but rather process oriented. Said differently, the focus will
be on the meaning potential of these allegedly technical affordances which
can be envisaged as playing a crucial role in promoting and branding
identities. A more critical approach which takes inspiration from Social
Construction of Technology Theory (Bijker, Hughes, & Pinch, 1987;
266 S. Petroni
Bijker & Law, 1992; Pinch & Bijker, 1997) and Critical Internet Studies
(Beer, 2009; boyd & Crawford, 2012; Mager, 2012; Milioni, 2015; van
Dijck, 2009, 2013) will be adopted to answer the second RQ.
After extracting data from the summary sections of the sample, Antconc
software has processed them, and the first results are displayed in the follow-
ing figures. Figure 9.1 shows the percentage related to the most frequent
nouns utilized in the sample. The first top-ten nouns are project, business,
experience, strategy, skills, communication, product, leadership, success
and solution, all belonging to the business and communication domain.
For its part, Fig. 9.2 shows the percentage of occurrence of the most
frequent verbs, namely, be, have, work, help, write, build, report, plan,
develop and consult. It is important to underline that ‘be’ and ‘have’ have
been evaluated only when used as stative verbs and not as auxiliaries.
resemble formatted CVs containing only the most relevant facts on edu-
cation, current and past positions, as well as former experience’ (ibid.).
Paradoxically, from a linguistic point of view, the platform seems to ‘dis-
suade’ users from inserting valuable forms of self-expression only for
brevity and clarity’s sake.
What are then the resources exploited in order to brand and marketize
professional profiles? In LinkedIn, the interface or rather the narrative6 of
the layout and the connectivity potential are the real resources which
prompt and trigger the slow transformation of LinkedIn profiles into
commodified and branded identities. The analysis, thus, runs the risk of
being incomplete if we do not investigate, at the same time, how this
platform really works, by looking not only at the language used but also
at the allegedly technical resources and affordances (RQ2).
9.4.2 R
Q2 to What Extent Can These Marketized
Self-Profiles Be Constructed Exclusively
Through Verbal Resources, or Instead,
Be Generated by Interactive Affordances
and Functionalities Embedded in Social
Network Technology?
profile. This area shows the ‘state of one’s professional brand’ and
hence users can understand how impressive they are by analyzing the
popularity of their profile. Datafication here is clearly represented and
made visible through profile stats which are aimed at increasing users’
personal scores. Ongoing performances of data keep users’ profiles
always updated demonstrating that they are well connected, sociable
and skilled.
In conclusion, the evidence of self-branding in LinkedIn profiles
mainly emerges not from the information provided in the summary sec-
tion, the unique area where users can describe their life verbally as in a
CV, but from the information users select or add in the other sections
and above all from the application of the four principles. As stated above,
at this level, what provides evidence of the self-branding process is not a
question of quantitative data, for example, the skills selected, the num-
ber of connections for each professional profile, which are, of course,
strategic elements for impression management. The analysis, in fact, is
not data driven but rather process driven. Therefore, what needs to be
highlighted is the presence of these algorithmic principles and how they
process users’ data in order to transform impression management into
self-branding. These principles endorse virtually, though practically,
every strategy of the professional network, including people who are
already members of LinkedIn but also those who can be potentially
recruited for the service.
the one hand, and making use of the interactive affordances embedded in
the platform, on the other, are the resources taken into consideration.
Data collection and analysis draw attention only to the summary section
as it is the part written exclusively by the profile’s owner. Thus, threads,
forums, recommendations, endorsements, Q&A section, trending story-
line and so on, which are narratives composed by the owner together
with other users or directly by the other connected users, have not been
included in the analysis of verbal texts.
The first part of the analysis has investigated how four categories of
professionals, journalists, photographers, Web managers and project
managers, exploit verbal resources to brand themselves. Results have
demonstrated that they do not use those markers that have been consid-
ered as self-branding descriptors which most clearly highlight impression
management, self-esteem and narcissistic traits. In fact, as regards impres-
sion management, findings suggest that ‘identity announcement’ is pro-
cessed softly and does not seem to trigger promoting and branding. As far
as the self-esteem trait is concerned, these profiles move along a contin-
uum between implicit and explicit self-esteem where the implicit seems
to be more relevant than the explicit. This claim is also supported by the
factual top-ten nouns and the agentive value conveyed through the exten-
sive use of the stative verbs ‘be’ and ‘have’.
It is interesting to emphasize that what affects the ‘profile strength’ is
not what the users write but only if this section is actually compiled.
What increases the value of the measurement system is the number of
sections of the platform the professional fills in and the number of con-
nections established, along with the number of recommendations posted
by users’ connections and matched with each single skill.
The answer to the second RQ, in fact, is in the analysis of the digital
technical resources of LinkedIn which are not just simple technical
devices but, rather, they channel meaning potential. The way the plat-
form triggers connecting and networking procedures by pushing users to
establish connections with a wider audience so that their profile strength
grows represents the core of the self-branding process. The descriptors
used for RQ2, programmability, popularity, connectivity and datafica-
tion, show how the platform itself shapes professionals’ profiles.
How Social Media Shape Identities and Discourses… 273
1. Traditionally, remediation (McLuhan, 1964) means a shift from an old
medium, an old technology (e.g. writing), to a newer one (e.g. printing).
Bolter and Grusin (1999) claim that today new visual media carry out
their cultural significance precisely by borrowing from, by paying homage
to, rivaling, and refashioning earlier media: photography remediates
painting, film remediates stage production and photography, and televi-
sion remediates film, vaudeville and radio. A website, a portal or a social
network, thanks to their technological affordances, remediate television,
radio, TV, news, journals, letters (email) and face-to-face conversation
(chat) simultaneously.
274 S. Petroni
3. The human connectedness efficacy of social media recalls early network
sociology. Network sociologists (Rainie & Wellman, 2012) claim that
new media technologies have given rise to ‘networked individualism’ due
to the shift in sociality from massively linked groups to loosely bounded
social networks of relations. From this viewpoint, social networks lead
users to build their own customized social networks and communities.
Consequently, connectivity can be tackled as a breakthrough affordance
for connecting users to content, users to users, platforms to users, users to
advertisers and platforms to platforms algorithmically, and blurs the
boundaries between private and public and between commerce and state.
4. This procedure takes inspiration from diverse studies carried out on CVs,
resumes and motivational letters (Basthomi, 2012; Bhatia, 1993; DeKay,
2006). However, it is important to underline that most literature concern-
ing these topics is mainly based on both a prescriptive approach (Enelow
& Kursmark, 2012; Johnson, 2016) and the Genre Analysis framework
(Bhatia, 1996; Furka, 2008; Swales, 1990).
5. Some gender correlations have been created in order to focus on the use
of these markers from another perspective. The most interesting data to
split into the two binary gender categories are those related to verbs
and adjectives, since men and women tend to use the same nouns to
express their identities and hence the results would resemble those
shown in Fig. 9.1. If we look at the adjective category, women mainly
make use of adjectives such as professional, responsible and effective,
focusing more on reliability rather than on narcissism and explicit self-
esteem, whereas men describe their qualities and/or activities mostly as
strategic, creative and excellent. As for verbs, men tend to use ‘have’
more than ‘be’, whereas women seem to be eager to state their agentive
value. With ‘have’ being a stative verb in these contexts, its meaning
implies possession, and this result combined with the adjectives used
demonstrates that men are more prone to brand themselves through
identity announcement, explicit self-esteem and narcissistic traits than
women. As regards the other verbs, women seem to use more dynamic
verbs than men, and, as said above, these verbs are extremely profession
oriented and objective. Of course, a more detailed gender-related inves-
tigation would need to be contextualized in the wide area of gender
studies in professional settings but this is not the rationale of this
How Social Media Shape Identities and Discourses… 275
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Losing Face on Facebook: Linguistic
Strategies to Repair Face in a Spanish
Common Interest Group
Carmen Maíz-Arévalo
10.1 Introduction
Traditionally, the study of face-repairing strategies or corrective facework
has concentrated on face-to-face interactions in different contexts and
within different disciplines (e.g. social predicaments in Hodgins,
Liebeskind, & Schwartz, 1996). In the last few years, however, the
increasing importance of computer-mediated communication (CMC
henceforth) has switched the focus to this way of interaction
(Androutsopoulos, 2006; Herring, Stein, & Virtanen, 2013; Tannen &
Trester, 2013, among others). More specifically, the main interest now
lies in the ethnography (or netnography) of CMC (Androutsopoulos,
2006; Georgakopoulou, 2006; Kozinets, 2010).
Within the field of CMC, Facebook interaction is one of the areas that
has led to burgeoning research dealing with a myriad of different features
such as self-presentation and identity construction and management
C. Maíz-Arévalo (*)
Department of English Studies: Linguistics and Literature, University
Complutense of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
y si se lo decimos con una cancion de [Cantante] … alla voy yo: “Por
todo el camino de mi facebook a tu facebook, cómo convencerte venía
[and … what about telling her with a song by [Singer]… here I go:
“all the way from my Facebook to your Facebook, I was thinking
about how I could convince you…”]
he puesto “catamos”, cantamos, joperrrrr, cantamos, catar podemos catar
también, pero me refería a cantar, jajajajajajajajaja [I’ve written
“taste”, sing, darnnnnn, sing, taste we can taste too, but I meant to
sing, hahahahahahahaha]
Taking the above into account, the present chapter aims to answer the
following research questions:
10.3 Methodology
This section focuses on the methodology employed in the present paper
by paying attention to the data gathering method, corpus description and
the participants involved. A brief section on the ethics followed closes up
the section.
Losing Face on Facebook: Linguistic Strategies to Repair Face… 289
10.3.2 Participants
At the time of data compilation, the group under study consisted of 2849
members (on April 2018 it already includes 3875). However, most mem-
bers are—like me—merely lurkers with only 117 (4.1%) participating
with comments and posts rather than simply clicking on Like. To calcu-
late this figure, all the participants at the time of the data compilation
were manually listed and only those who had ever posted were considered
while those who only chose to like others’ posts or updates were not con-
sidered (see Sect. 10.3.1). Out of these, 65 are female, 43 are male and
there were 9 participants whose gender could not be identified by their
username, despite Facebook’s policy in this respect.3 The rest of the par-
ticipants simply lurk or click on the ‘like’ button. Following Goffman
(1955), this differentiation has been described as users who are on the
front stage or remain on the backstage (Keehn, 2013). Active members
may, hence, be argued to also have a more active behavior when repairing
self and other’s face-damage while less active members are expected to
ignore face-loss or avoid entering conflict.
290 C. Maíz-Arévalo
10.3.3 Ethics
It has often been pointed out that CMC offers more advantages regard-
ing data gathering than face-to-face interaction since painstaking tran-
scription is not necessary and “interaction results in the immediate
production of a text file” (Mann & Stewart, 2000, p. 22). However,
texts need to be slightly edited to respect the participants’ anonymity.
In this sense, I have followed the guidelines provided by previous
researchers. Therefore, messages posted on the internet are considered
as public acts and, even if researchers must act cautiously, there is no
need to take more than “normal precautions” (Paccagnella (1997),
quoted in Mann & Stewart, 2000, p. 46). In this respect, Kozinets
(2010) argues that “analyzing online community or culture communi-
cations or their archives is not human subjects’ research if the researcher
does not record the identity of the communicators” (emphasis in the origi-
nal) (p. 142). Hence, in order to preserve anonymity and ensure confi-
dentiality, the present study only quotes textual data as examples to
illustrate the aspects under analysis. Thus, all photographs have been
eliminated. As for the participants’ names, they have also been elimi-
nated (see note 2). Whenever there is more than one user, they are
referred to as U1, U2—that is, user 1, user 2, in the order they are
intervening in the exchange. Even the name of the singer has been sub-
stituted by [Singer] whenever it appears. Finally, vulnerability poses no
problems since the study deals with research that “involves no risk [and
Losing Face on Facebook: Linguistic Strategies to Repair Face… 291
focuses on] activities typical of normal daily behavior and where the
research does not involve the collection of identity in association with
response data” (Kozinets, 2010, p. 143).
(Avoidance) what the face loss is about [What's going on now? I don't understand
User employs humor to E.g. Hay que cantar? Jodooo, habrá que ir
haciendo gárgaras!
Face repair strategies
interactively repair the face of the offended participant (U4), showing her
their full support by welcoming her back (U1 and U2), or by compli-
menting her (U3). U4 also responds to their support either by thanking
them or returning the compliment in turns 4 and 54:
294 C. Maíz-Arévalo
1. U1 (m): bienvenida de nuevo
[welcome back]
2. U2 (f ): Me alegro de tenerte de vuelta [U4], y me alegra que hayas
sido tan clara, xq por ese mismo motivo tb se ha ido mas gente
[I’m glad to have you back [U4], and I’m glad that you have been
so clear, because some others also left for the same reasons]
3. U3 (f ): ainsssss…a la mierda!!! [U4] eres un sol enormeeeee…no te
[awwww…. Let’s them go to hell!! You are a huge sunshineeeeeee…
don’t ever go!!!]
4. U4 (f ): Gracias amigos !!!!
[Thanks friends!!!]
5. U4 (f ): [U1] me encanta la canción. Mil besosss. Eres genial.
[U1 I love the song. A thousand kisses. You are great.]
Showing support for a member whose face has been lost or damaged
does not support the initial hypothesis that others would not risk their
own face to help someone else, especially in a group with a low relational
link. By showing support of others’ actions (which have been criticized by
other group members), these users are risking their own face, since they
might be criticized by those members who initially criticized the member
they are now supporting. There are two situations (“The personal offense”
and “The Interview”) where this strategy is most often employed.
Losing Face on Facebook: Linguistic Strategies to Repair Face… 295
Giving an account is the second most frequent strategy (17%), used both
as self- and other-repair strategy. Explaining why face should be restored
acts as a strategy to restore it. As can be seen in extract (4), the user employs
other-repair by excusing or minimizing the importance of the action (“I
can’t see anything wrong”, “I can’t see anything odd or out of place”):
(4) U1 (m): No veo nada malo es una entrevista con preguntas coherentes a
un periodista que ha escrito un libro sobre [Singer] yo y creo la mayoria
de nosotros hemos leido “[Título de libro]” asi que tampoco veo algo raro
o fuera de lugar en las preguntas.
[I can’t see anything wrong it is an interview with coherent ques-
tions to a journalist who’s written a book about [Singer], I think I
myself and most of us have read [Book’s title] so I can’t see anything
odd or out of place in the questions]
296 C. Maíz-Arévalo
me fui porque me sentía en una página que no había libertad para hablar
lo que se quiera sin ofender a alguien. Y para mi la libertad de expresión
es fundamental, siempre desde el respeto.
[I left because I felt I was in a group where there was no freedom
to talk about what you like without offending anybody. And for me
freedom of expression is crucial, always from respect.]
A close inspection of the data reveals that, when some member’s face is
damaged by others, the need to repair becomes more pressing than when it
is self-damaged (e.g. by making a personal blunder), given the speaker’s need
to feel part of the group. In extract (6), the user, who has been criticized for
trying to organize an offline encounter in a friend’s bar, tries to restore his
face by justifying and fully explaining the reason behind his actions:
mi idea al organizar la quedada es que nos pusieramos cara … nos cono-
cieramos … rindieramos homenaje a Cantante … para nada pretendo
lucrarme, hacer negocio … me encantaria que todos los que quisieran y
se atrevieran subieran al escenario a cantar … no pretendo que sea un
concierto de uno o dos grupos … la sala donde se va a hacer es grande, ir
avisando e invitando a vuestros amigos del grupo … gracias
[my idea when I organized the meeting was to get to know one
another, to honor [Singer]… I don’t intend to make any profits at all
or to do any business… I’d love it if everybody who wanted and dared
could come onstage and sing… I don’t intend it to be a one or two-
group concert … the place where it’s taking place is big, tell and
invite your friends in the group … thanks]
As can be observed, the user opts for giving a long account, justify-
ing his proposal as a positive thing for the group and the singer (“my
idea when I organized the meeting was to get to know one another, to
Losing Face on Facebook: Linguistic Strategies to Repair Face… 297
(7) Por que [sic] te vas [Name]? [Why are you leaving, [Name]?]
(8) Yo sí que estoy perdida … no sé qué ha pasado [I’m really lost, I don’t
know what happened]
[Name] ni se te ocurra irte!!!!!! No se [sic] lo que has publicado lo que no
entiendo es que se molesten por una entrevista. [[Name] don’t even
think of leaving!!!!! I don’t know what you have published but I don’t
understand they are upset because of an interview]
Chicos, perdonad, pero a mi no me corresponde aclararlo. Se lo que es
pero si [Name] no quiere … yo la respeto. [Name], si la tienes pomla
[sic]. Es una entrevista exclusiva a [Singer].
[Guys, sorry, it is not me who should clear it up. I know what it
is but if [Name] doesn’t want to, I’ll respect her. [Name], if you have
it, upload it. It is an exclusive interview of Singer]
1. U1 (m): pos claro, catamos tós [sic] [some minutes later, he adds
the following comment]
2. U1 (m): he puesto “catamos”, cantamos, joperrrrr, cantamos, catar
podemos catar también, pero me refería a cantar, jajajajajajajajaja.
1. U2 (f ): Te entendemos igualmente… jjjjjjjjj
[We understand you as well… hahahaha]
2. U1 (m): ok, jajajajajjaajajajaja.
[ok, hahahahahahahaha]
3. U3 (m): Jijiii … cataremos algún cubata mientras cantamos,
[hehehe … we’ll taste some cocktails while singing]
1. U1 (f ): Por que te vas [Name]?
[Why are you leaving, [Name]?]
2. U2 (f ): pero [Name] xq te vas??
[But [Name], why are you leaving??]
3. U3 (m): Pero que dices????
[What are you talking about????]
4. U4 (m): pues adios, a mi me parece que aqui hay mucha gente que
intenta darselas de victima para que le supliquen que no se vaya.
quien no quiera estar, pues ya sabe donde esta la puerta
[well, good-bye then. I think there are many people here who
play the victim to be begged not to go. The one who doesn’t want
to be here also knows where the exit is.]
5. U5 (m): Esto mas que un grupo parece el gobierno
[This looks like the government more than like a group]
6. U6 (m): Esto parece gran hermano Vip, Víctor Sandoval también se
quiere ir. Intentando quitar un poco de hierro al asunto.
[This seems VIP Big Brother, Víctor Sandoval5 also wants to
leave. Trying to play things down].
10.4.5 Aggression
Bien, vamos a ver, y sin que nadie se vaya a ofender, solamente la per-
sona a la que me voy a dirigir, que por supuesto me importa un bledo,
pues nunca he tenido el PLACER de hablar con el. Vamos a ver y aquí
se va a quedar todo, no entraré al trapo digas lo que digas, estas son mis
últimas palabras para ti. El susodicho es : [Name]. TU quien co … eres
tío?? Acaso me conoces de algo?? Una pena que no te vayas tú … de víc-
tima irás tú. Tu que sabes de mi?? Y te voy decir, suplicar no lo han echo,
pero llamadas y de todos contactos, todo lo que te puedas imaginar.Siento
mucho, bueno lo de siento es un decir, pues eso que siento mucho que me
tengas que aguantar otra vez jjjjj. Aunque contigo es la primera vez que
te menciono, ni siquiera sabía que existias, pues hala aquí estoy de
nuevo. Ya lo he dicho, no voy a comentar nada de nada, como si me
llamas lo que quieras. No ofende quien quiere sino quien puede. Y no es
tú caso. Guapo.
[Well, let’s see, and please nobody get offended, only the person
whom I am addressing, who of course I don’t give a damn about,
because I have never had the PLEASURE to talk to him. This per-
son is: [Name]. Who the f*** are YOU, man? Do you even know
me?? A real pity it is not you who have left … you may play the
victim, not me. What do you know about me?? And I’m telling you,
they haven’t begged me, but calls from all the contacts, everything
you can imagine. I’m very sorry, well, that’s a way of talking, well,
I’m very sorry you have to deal with me again, hahaha. Although it
is the first time I mention you, I didn’t even know you existed, well,
here I am again. I’ve said it before, I’m not responding to anything,
you can call me anything you like. Offence is not caused by those
who want to but by those who can. And you can’t. Handsome.]
where users do not try to avoid another user leaving the group but are
rather pleased she is doing so (cf. also extract U4’s comment in extract 13
It can be argued that in cases like these, users contribute to other mem-
ber’s further face-loss by clearly opposing them. In other words, rather
than showing their support for the offended party, these other users pre-
fer to attack the former.
10.4.6 Remediation
hatemos [sic] todo lo kr este en nuestras manos asi es todo por sentimiento
y por la muxica ke nos dejo [Cantante] [we’ll do our best, that is,
everything for this feeling and the music [Singer] left us]
Finally, the least frequent strategy found in the corpus is appealing to the
group’s common interests (5%). Individual users (whose face might have
been lost) are requested by other members to prioritize the group’s interest
and ignore their individual face-loss. It could be argued, hence, that more
than a face-repair strategy per se, appealing to unity is an attempt to
minimize the importance of individuals (“blurring” their individual face
and face-loss) in favor of communal harmony. A clear case is illustrated
by extract (17), where the user argues that anything “personal” should be
put aside (we should leave aside everything “personal”) and that the
group’s purpose is precisely to be united by a common interest (“Those in
the group are united by a common feeling of admiration and love for
[Singer]”). It is also remarkable how she abandons the singular personal
pronoun (“I don’t get it either, to be honest … but I respect people’s deci-
sions”) to move on to the plural personal person, an inclusive “we” stress-
ing the group’s unity:
Pues yo tampoco me entero, la verdad … pero respetolas decisiones Los
que formamos el grupo estamos unidos por un mismo sentimiento de
admiración y cariño por [Singer] y creo que deberíamos dejar a un lado
todo lo que fuera “personal”. Se trata de disfrutar con la página y con el
grupo … si alguien no está contento, pues es libre de hacer lo que quiera.
El protagonismo siempre debe ser de [CANTANTE].
[Well, I don’t get it either, to be honest … but I respect people’s
decisions. Those in the group are united by a common feeling of
admiration and love for [Singer] and we should leave aside every-
thing “personal”. This is about enjoying the page and the group …
if someone is not happy, they are free to do whatever they want.
The protagonist must always be [Singer]].
It could even be argued that, for most users, individual face (and face-
loss) should be obliterated in favor of the group and, especially, of the
Singer. If there is some face to save, it would be the Singer’s face, who
might get unhappy with these disruptions in the group (even if he passed
away years ago), as stated by the user in extract (18):
304 C. Maíz-Arévalo
Bueno estas cosas …seguro … que nó [sic] … le gustan a [Cantante] …
besos para todos. [Well, I’m sure… [Singer] doesn’t like … these
things… Kisses for everybody.]
With regard to the first question, inspection of the data reveals that
prior taxonomies of face-repairing strategies such as giving an account,
using humor or expressing ignorance (Guerrero, Andersen, & Afifi,
2014) account for most cases of face-repair. However, these strategies
focus on self-repair rather than other-repair. In the corpus under analysis,
it has been observed that other-repair tends to involve expressing support
for the others as well as for their decisions and actions. More specifically,
prior studies (Angouri & Sanderson, 2016; Maíz-Arévalo & Sánchez-
Moya, 2017) have shown that expressing support is a strategy commonly
used as other-repair. Furthermore, the ‘disembodied’ nature of the chan-
nel, where interaction takes place online, may explain why common
strategies in face-to-face exchanges, such as remediation, are hardly used
in this computer-mediated setting. To sum up, the most common strat-
egy employed is expressing support, followed by giving an account,
expressing ignorance of what is going on, using humor (typically
employed as a self-repair strategy), aggression (used either as a self-repair
strategy or not as face-repair but as a direct face-threat toward another
user), remediation and, finally, appealing to the unity of the group. The
latter strategy seems to be employed as an attempt to obliterate individu-
als’ face needs rather than to repair face-loss.
Losing Face on Facebook: Linguistic Strategies to Repair Face… 305
1. I asked for “friendship” to the community and was accepted in less than
ten minutes, which shows that the group is really open and anybody inter-
ested in the singer can join it.
2. In order to fully preserve the users’ anonymity, all the examples analyzed
have the names removed and users are merely referred to as U1, U2,
306 C. Maíz-Arévalo
etc.—i.e. user 1, user 2; in the order in which they appear in the exchange
if more than one intervention is quoted. This is accompanied by their
users’ gender, when identified. When users address other users or the
singer within their post, these names have also been edited and substi-
tuted for [Name]. The translation into English is offered immediately
after each example, also in square brackets. No further edition (e.g. of
mistakes, misspellings, etc.) has been carried out so as to keep the data’s
integrity. Finally, all examples are in italics, since they are written in a dif-
ferent language from that of the paper.
3. As pointed out in their web page, Facebook only allows for real identities
to be used or pseudonyms reproducing the participants’ real-life name.
4. For the sake of clarity, turns in longer examples (consisting of more than
one turn) have been numbered. Likewise, translation has been offered
after each single turn to ease the reading.
5. Víctor Sandoval is popular on Spanish TV for presenting gossip programs
and taking part in reality shows, like VIP Big Brother.
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Losing Face on Facebook: Linguistic Strategies to Repair Face… 309
11.1 Introduction
As Martinez-Prather and Vandiver (2014) point out, digital technologies
mediate most aspects of young people’s social interactions and friend-
ships. Among the different tools available, this “born digital” generation
of youth seems to be certainly captivated and seduced by social network-
ing sites. As a result, researchers from various fields and disciplines, includ-
ing social psychology, critical media studies and sociology, have been
trying to ascertain the types of actions teenagers engage in online (boyd,
2008; Livingstone, Bober, & Helsper, 2005; Ringrose & Eriksson Barajas,
2011; among many others). An increasingly common behaviour that has
been of particular interest to researchers is the electronic swapping of sex-
ually provocative images and/or texts—commonly known as “sexting”
(Eleftheriou-Smith, 2015; Franks, 2015). This current sexual practice is
A. García-Gómez (*)
Departamento de Filología Moderna, University of Alcalá,
Alcalá de Henares, Spain
11.2 T
he Construction of the Self
and Multiple (Masculine) Identities
In order to delve into the role that sexting plays in the construction of
young men’s masculine identities, the present study focuses on the role of
language in the construction of the self (Shotter & Gergen, 1989). By
exploring how gender is reproduced and performed in this type of cur-
rent sexual practice, this study emphasises not only the fact that language
does play a role in the construction of one’s own and others’ identity,1 but
also sheds light on how specific linguistic strategies impact young men’s
constructions of the self.2
Given that identity is constructed and negotiated in communication,
the construction of the self is therefore multi-faceted (Markus & Wurf,
1987); that is to say, both internal states and external circumstances
determine the specific information that becomes operational and domi-
nates a person’s sense of self (i.e. working self-concept) at a particular
point in time (Solomon & Theiss, 2012). In addition, the activation of a
specific set of features correlates with a particular self-attribution3 process
that allows people to “interpret people’s sense of what, who or where they
belong to” (Versluys, 2007, p. 90).
Although there are a number of studies that attempt to define the dif-
ferent forms of self (Markus & Kitayama, 1991), the analysis below of
young men’s self-representation is based on Hecht (1993) and Hecht,
Warren, Jung, and Krieger’s (2005) studies on the construction of self and
identity. The present study is therefore premised on the fact that there are
three facets or layers of the self: the personal layer of the self that is defined
316 A. García-Gómez
11.3.2 T
he Coding Process: Speech Act Variables
11.4.1 G
uided Discussions: Enacting Hegemonic
Table 11.1 The communal layer of the self: enacting hegemonic masculinity
Frequency Ratio
Informative acts
(In-)direct positive self-evaluation of physical characteristics 1487 12%
(In-)direct positive appraisal of own sexual performance 1814 14.7%
Expressions of self-praise 753 6.1%
Exaggerations of male values 326 2.6%
(In-)direct positive appraisal of sexting 845 6.8%
(In-)direct negative/positive appraisal of women’s sexual 748 6%
(In-)direct negative appraisal of adults’ attitude towards sex 311 2.5%
Total 6284
Eliciting acts
Search for agreement by confirming one’s own point of 434 3.5%
Evaluation of speaker’s and/or addressee’s point of view 989 8%
Commitment to a course of action for the speaker’s benefit 245 1.9%
Elicitation to validate one’s own point of view 387 3.1%
Total 2055
Men my age don’t watch porn. I mean I don’t need to masturbate watch-
ing porn. It’s like watching another guy doing what you’d like to do, I
prefer doing my own stuff […] you know I’m always up for an adventure
Sexting and Hegemonic Masculinity: Interrogating Male… 323
((laughing)) and she knows I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer ((laughing))
you know erm I know how to turn a woman wild in bed […]
P4: You know I’m in my room and I start playing with erm you know
and then I text her to see if she’s alone and
P5: Yeah I
324 A. García-Gómez
P4: Then I ask her what she’s wearing and I start saying and start saying
‘I love you’, ‘I’m really lucky to have you’, ‘You make me so happy”
any of this rubbish ((laughing))
P5: Yeah I do that too ((laughing out loud))
P4: Then she melts and erm she can’t say no
P5: They all love that kind of romantic stuff
P4: Then I erm I bombard her with pics of mine and that’s basically it.
P5: Yeah they’re pathetic, aren’t they ((laughing))
P7: When I start dating a girl, I always have to teach how I like things
done […] My girlfriend knows I text her every time I’m horny
P26: Every day every minute ((both laugh))
P7: Every minute ((both laugh))
P26: My girlfriend says she feels embarrassed because she doesn’t like
her body and I always say to her, do not be embarrassed, every-
body has a body and there is no shame in showing it. I like my
body and I know how to have fun with it.
As Excerpts 3 and 4 show, the participants start speaking about their sex
life and what they think about sex and their interlocutors intensify sympa-
thy with them (e.g. “Yeah I do that too”). In doing so, it can be argued that
the construction of their male identity is premised on emphasising group
membership and solidarity. More specifically, they construct their mascu-
line identity in terms of their active sexuality (e.g. “I bombard her with
pics of mine”, “My girlfriend knows I text her every time I’m horny”).
This, in turn, stresses common membership in the group as they define
themselves as “sex addicts” who like their bodies and enjoy their sex life
(e.g. “do not be embarrassed, everybody has a body and there is no shame
in showing it. I like my body and I know how to have fun with it”).
Furthermore, participants 5 and 26 claim common ground with partici-
pants 4 and 7 by indicating they all do the same and share the same opinion
about women (e.g. “They all love that kind of romantic stuff, “Yeah they
are pathetic, aren’t they”). In discussing women this way, the participants
Sexting and Hegemonic Masculinity: Interrogating Male… 325
My girlfriend had never done it before, but there’s always a first time for
everything ((laughing)). She used to say that she didn’t like her body, but
we’re are in a relationship erm I started sending her a picture of my erm
you know and them some more and in the end she also started sending me
some […] She knows I’m erm sexually active and she sometimes complains
because my cock takes forever to come, but I genuinely enjoy myself […]
I’m pretty sure I’m a sex addict. I can have sex 5 or 6 times a day ((laugh-
ing)) but I sometimes cannot see her or we can’t find a place to have sex
and there you go erm I asked her to send me pics and erm you know […]
I know I put pressure on her but she knows I’m a man and I’ve got my
needs. She says I only want her for sex, but she’s wrong. I love her, but
we’re in a relationship so she must be prepared to give me what I want by
taking the title of ‘girlfriend’ […]
326 A. García-Gómez
Excerpt 7 Participants 6 and 22: A 20 year old and a 18 year old young man
P22: How many women have I slept with? Erm I don’t really know. I
started dating girls when I was 12 and I’ll turn 19 next month.
P6: I’ve never questioned my own number of sexual partners either.
We’re young. You met someone you like and there you go ((laugh-
ing)) […] I don’t talk about sex with my parents. I guess they
think I’m still a virgin ((laughing))
P22: Yeah they are old and they can’t understand. Many parents would
die if only they knew their daughters are sleeping around erm too
much, most of them are complete whores
P6: Now girls want to take charge in the bedroom you know and they
want you to get rough in bed. They think they know everything
because they get on their knees easily but then you ask them to
send you a pic and they panic ((laughing))
around erm too much”). This time the fact that they are sexually active
women does not validate their sexy femininity as before, but they are deni-
grated and treated as sluts (e.g. “most of them are complete whores”).
As mentioned above, the predominance of the communal layer of the
self determines the relational layer and encompasses the way(s) they relate
to adults as well. In particular, the participants report that they sext in
order to express themselves sexually and experience the electronic swap-
ping of sexually provocative images and texts as the way young people live
their sex life in full—usually in contrast to adults. Consider the following
Yeah, you know, I guess this is the way we now flirt with girls and do our
things. My parents ((laughing)) don’t have a fucking clue what I’m doing.
They will not understand. They are erm you know, let’s say, conservative,
But things have changed much and now we are not afraid of doing these
things and erm […]
My girlfriend and I erm we send these kinda pictures every now and then.
We are bored at home and erm we we text each other. It’s kinda funny. I
say something dirty and she answers back. She knows I like it and I guess
she likes it too. We are showing our love I guess […] I have never told my
friends but I’m sure they do it. We all do it. We are young at the end of
the day […] parents have no opinion as they know nothing ((laughing))
my mum would have a heart attack if only she knew […]
As can be seen in Excerpts (8) and (9), the analysis of the self-attribution
process shows how these males and their girlfriends seem to have found
in this form of sexual behaviour their own code of communication (e.g.
“we send these kinda pictures every now and then”). Interestingly enough,
the fact of sending these types of pictures seems to define the group under
study as one who show their love by texting sexual images and provocative
messages as a natural part of their relationship (e.g. “We are showing our
love, I guess”); however, these young men do not talk openly about it
328 A. García-Gómez
with either their parents, as they would never understand (e.g. “my mum
would have a heart attack if only she knew”), or with their own friends
(e.g. “I have never told my friends but I’m sure they do it”). In other
words, these young men claim common ground with other male friends
by indicating sexting is a natural/common thing, but, in spite of the
belief that it is common, they keep this practice to themselves.
11.4.2 P
ersonal Interviews: Attempts to Maintain
a Masculine Identity
The discourse analysis of the construction of the personal layer of the self
highlights the fact that young women’s active sexual agency seems to con-
tradict the participants’ traditional gender roles and gendered sexual
scripts. Here I suggest that the notion of sexual agency is gaining a new
dimension for both genders insofar as sexting is not exclusively a particular
sexual practice, but also it reveals that showing an increased sexual agency
becomes a mechanism for gaining recognition and value, and therefore,
inhabit a “legitimate” subject position. Consider the following excerpts
from the data where two men explain how they feel about their sexually
insatiable girlfriends who want them to sext for hours when they are alone
at home:
Yeah I am a man and I have my erm needs […] I’ve been dating about
twenty girls over the last two years or so and I’ve had sex with all them.
Having sex is very important in a relationship, well I make it important,
you know what I mean ((laughing)) […] My girl is really hot, she knows
how to turn you on in a sec, wow, she says and does things that erm well
you know what I mean […] she says things that erm make me think wow
this girl is a filthy bitch ((laughing)) you know it is usually really hard to
text one-handed, you know what I mean ((laughing))
She knows I’m the fucking man. She knows pretty well ((laughing)) I can
have sex 6 times in a row, but she sometimes goes over the top […] She
sometimes hits my phone up because she’s alone at home and she’s erm
you know she wants to play a little, but then there is no stopping, she
wants more and more and four hours later I’m exhausted and she still
wants more and complains and starts saying things about me not being a
real man. I know she’s joking but you know it hurts […] I sometimes
think she’s sick. I know this sounds wrong, but she is not normal. Not a
single girl I know behaves you know like erm she does. My friends say
she’s fucking insane or she’s just a whore.
Sexting and Hegemonic Masculinity: Interrogating Male… 331
makes it possible to argue that this social practice has an impact on the
construction of the participants’ masculinities and sense of value.
Consider the following excerpts:
You know it’s always been me the one telling girls do this or do that, but
Linda you know it’s funny ‘cos she was so naïve and then we started send-
ing pics and hot texts and all hell broke loose and now she wants it all the
time […] I’m at work and I can’t and then she blocks me for a while then
she asks for more. She’s so childish sometimes, but I love her and give her
what she wants […] I guess she forces me to send her pics and stroke my
you know when I’m not in the mood.
I’ve been going out with this girl, and well I knew she’d done most of my
friends and many other boys, but she is really good in bed […] she knows
what to say and how to do things that erm drive a man crazy. We started
texting each other and I was shocked the first time she sent me a hot mes-
sage, I must admit I was erm let’s say afraid she thought my erm you
know was not big enough and or she didn’t like something of me, but I
answered and then we text each other erm night and day […] It is like she
is horny all the time, always asking how hard I am even when I’m at
work. I am kinda stressed sometimes but […] I know she left one of my
friends because he couldn’t give her what she wanted.
11.5 Conclusions
This paper has attempted to contribute to the literature by including the
voice of young men in the study of sexting. Therefore, this study contrib-
utes to the understanding of gendered discourses of youth sexuality by
grounding in the first-hand accounts of how sexting plays a role in the
construction and negotiation of a group of young men’s sexual gendered
masculine identities. In particular, the analysis has given evidence of
competing interwoven narratives that range from hegemonic masculinity
to marginalised and subordinated forms. By exploring these multiple
masculinities, the paper has suggested that male sexters think they are
making their choices about sexual embodiment and attempt to cast this
sexual practice in a positive light. Furthermore, this study adds an impor-
tant dimension to the literature by focusing not only on the view point
of young men, but also on men’s experience as creators of sexts—rather
than solely as recipients.
However, the discursive construction of their masculine identities
reveals not only the benefits, but also the risks of conforming to and
abiding by the norms of these digital current sexual practices of teenagers.
Furthermore, the study of the ways they construct, reproduce and per-
form their multiple masculine identities sheds further light on Hasinoff’s
(2012, 2015) claims about the overly simplistic treatment of this social
phenomenon and contributes to this debate by showing that the notion
of sexual agency is gaining new dimensions for both genders. More spe-
cifically, the enactment of hegemonic masculinity and the strategies the
participants in the study exploit so as to draw on dominant masculinities
334 A. García-Gómez
and validate themselves as men not only reveal men’s confusion about
sexual agency and choice, but also bring forward the effects of young
women’s sexually active agency and disinhibition.
Furthermore, the competing interwoven narratives found in the data
have shown the need to analyse the diverse modes of subjectivity; that is,
to analyse the ways in which young men engage with representational
mechanisms to perform the contradictory relations of gendered identi-
ties. In addition to this, it can be argued that sexting is not only a popular
sexual practice, but also an influential mechanism for claiming and gain-
ing social recognition and value that allows young people to inhabit a
“legitimate” subject position.
Natural directions for future research include a further interrogation of
both young men’s and women’s sexual choices by exploring how they
actually negotiate their sexual gendered identity if both partners are
interviewed together. It would be worth exploring how young men talk
about the consequences of sexting further as this will cast light on how
this social practice among teenagers creates the space for new forms of
knowledge and practice.
1. In accordance with social constructivism, language is here understood as
a discursive action (Harré & Moghaddam, 2003) that is key to under-
standing identity; that is to say, “identity is performatively constituted by
the very ‘expression’ that is said to be its results” (Butler, 1990, pp. 24–25).
2. In the literature it is commonly accepted, on the one hand, that identity
presumes the presence of multiple aspects of the self and, on the other,
that social context plays a key role in triggering different aspects of the self
that are presumed to constitute both our personal and social identity
(Hogg & Vaughan, 2002).
Sexting and Hegemonic Masculinity: Interrogating Male… 335
3. Baron and Byrne (1997, p. 152) defines self-attribution as “one’s self-
identity, a schema consisting of an organised collection of beliefs and feel-
ings about one self.”
4. The law has been unable to draw the line between sexting and child porn
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Twitter, Politeness, Self-Presentation
Maria Sifianou and Spiridoula Bella
12.1 Introduction
Early discursive approaches to politeness research have highlighted, among
other things, the need for a distinction between first order, that is, lay con-
ceptualizations of politeness, and second order, that is, theoretical constru-
als of it (Eelen, 2001; Watts, 2003; Watts, Ide, & Ehlich, 1992). In this
connection, it has been argued that research should focus on first-order
understandings of im/politeness as they emerge in everyday interactions
(e.g., Locher & Watts, 2005; Mills, 2003; Watts, 2003). This emphasis has
been implemented primarily with analyses of the sequential development of
real-life interactions and from assessments made by participants (Ogiermann,
2009). However, this is a rather restricted approach because even though
practices are typically situation-specific, there may be pan-situational values
and assumptions (Spencer-Oatey, 2005) which may be missed.
The main aim of this paper is to try to unravel some such more general
assumptions and practices and thus contribute to a deeper understanding
of how politeness is conceptualized in Greek, drawing evidence from
electronic corpora. The paper begins with a brief overview of relevant
theoretical issues and proceeds with a brief description followed by the
analysis of the data drawn from a corpus consisting of 19,950 brief mes-
sages posted to Twitter. For the purposes of this study 195 instances
which included the keyword phrases “politeness is/is not” were analyzed.
12.3 Twitter
Given the expansion and availability of the internet, microblogging has
become an increasingly popular means of interaction among its users. One
such free microblogging service is Twitter, which offers an easy platform for
registered users to post brief messages (maximum 140 characters, called
Twitter, Politeness, Self-Presentation 345
As is well known, what has been at the heart of Twitter’s uniqueness is the
limit of 140 characters per tweet.9 This undoubtedly demands that post-
ers be restrictive in what and how they express and invites them “to be
creative with their use of the textual space” (Halavais, 2014, p. 31). It
may be this creativity which turned into pleasurable an initially mocked
generic format (Squires, 2015).
Given this character limit, views on what politeness is are brief, such as
“politeness indicates civilization” (74) and “politeness is the organized
indifference” (42). Therefore, one may suggest that what is posted is the
most significant aspect of politeness for the specific user or the one that
comes to his/her mind first. This may be an inadequate explanation
because in some cases, posts may be hurried and embedded in other
ongoing activities, and in others, there may be conscious self-reflection of
what to share (Zappavigna, 2012). Such consciously strategic perfor-
mances, which appear to abound in our data, serve various purposes, and
self-presentation seems to be one of them.
350 M. Sifianou and S. Bella
Despite the character limit and the consequent brevity of the opinions
expressed or possibly because of it, many posters exploit the creative pos-
sibilities of the language. For instance, some posters use devices like met-
aphors such as “politeness is the master key to all doors” (85), and
“politeness is the lubricant of social contact” (61).10 Others use similes
such as “politeness is like a reefer. It should circulate” (127) and “polite-
ness is as rare as the truffle in the mountains” (72). As is well-known, the
function of metaphors is at least twofold (see, e.g., Gibbs, 1994; Kövecses,
2002). They typically enable the understanding of an abstract concept or
a complex issue and they often lead to the creation of vivid images.
Whereas metaphors do not signal their function by any conventional
linguistic means, similes explicitly mark how the audience should inter-
pret a particular expression by the insertion of linguistic material, such as
like and as. Thus, posts containing such devices become more accessible,
memorable, and potentially colorful. These are cases of what Carter
(2004) calls “pattern re-forming” forms, which speakers employ to make
their words acquire “a distinct and discernible impact” and “foreground
the ideas, feelings, attitudes and evaluations which are being expressed”
(Carter, 2004, p. 133).
Similar is the function of humor/joking, which is “a key creative source
for self-display, entertainment and communality” (Carter, 2004, p. 85;
drawing from Norrick, 1993). More specifically, as has been shown time
and again a major social function of humor/joking is the establishment
and/or maintenance of solidarity and in-groupness (see, e.g., Brown &
Levinson, 1987; Zappavigna, 2012). Humor research (see, e.g., Archakis
& Tsakona, 2005; Attardo, 2001) has shown that humor is based on some
kind of incongruity or unexpectedness. For instance, a poster says “polite-
ness is to give your chubby friend a smaller size jacket and tell them, it
would suit you if you lose ten kilos” (16) in a possible attempt at building
rapport or provoking hilarity among the readers, since his/her post contra-
dicts what is expected in the situation described. In addition, humorous
choices have been found to contribute to the construction of aspects of
social identity (see, e.g., Archakis & Tsakona, 2005).
Humor involves varying degrees of complexity and shared knowledge.
One poster crosses linguistic boundaries and uses another language (English
in this case) in his/her post “formal politeness is what a friend of mine says
about orgasm: if you fake it you’ll make it” (161). This is an example of what
Twitter, Politeness, Self-Presentation 351
online” (Marwick & boyd, 2011, p. 140). One of the celebrity practices
discussed by Marwick and boyd (2011; see also Senft, 2012) is the use of
quotes by famous people, a practice which marks shared values but also
evidences knowledgeability, one might add. All this reminds us of
Goffman’s (1959) presentation of self; that is, that people, like perform-
ers, use the available resources to create and sustain a favorable image of
themselves that tends to be idealized in several different ways. “Twitter
affords a platform for condensed yet potentially rich and variably public
or private performances of the self ” (Papacharissi, 2012, p. 1989).
Moreover, posting on an issue like politeness and showing deeper
knowledge on it may itself constitute an act of identity construction pro-
jecting expertise on and concern with a presumably significant yet con-
tested social issue. Citing what great thinkers have said is in a sense an act
of affiliating with them.
In discussing the drawbacks of elicited data for evaluations of polite-
ness, Kádár and Haugh (2013, p. 31) mention the possible influence of
‘social desirability effects’, that is, informants may wish to be seen as
saying the right thing or think of themselves as saying the right thing.
The authors (2013) elaborate on this further stressing that “a concern
with what others think of us” (p. 207) lies at the heart of politeness.
Therefore, the notion of ‘intersubjectivity’ that is, “how we interpret or
understand the perceptions, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, desires of others,
and in some cases reach agreement or a common understanding about
them” (Kádár & Haugh, 2013, p. 207) is considered central in the for-
mulation of such evaluations. In other words, politeness is not located
in the individual, but it is intersubjectively constructed. This may lead
to variability and contestedness or agreement as to what politeness is.
Even though our data is not elicited, it appears that the same principles
hold. By citing views of well-known and highly-esteemed individuals,
posters invest their own views with greater validity and reduce the pos-
sibility of them being challenged and their views contested. Hence, it
appears that posters attempt to achieve a positive self-representation and
simultaneously ensure the ‘common understanding’ discussed above.
Posters may also attempt to present themselves as proficient users of this
novel environment.
Twitter, Politeness, Self-Presentation 355
So “new and evolving social practices” emerge in the social media (Bou-
Franch & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, 2014b, p. 1) and “social identities can
be indexed by styles of discourse” “sometimes self-consciously and strategi-
cally and sometimes as a matter of habit” (Johnstone, 2008, p. 151, 152).
Twitter users, whether individuals or collectives, have “aims that are strate-
gic, casual, or a dynamic combination of both” (Puschmann & Burgess,
2014, p. 47). However, as Bucholtz and Hall (2005) contend, even though
“individuals’ sense of self is certainly an important element of identity …
the only way that such self-conceptions enter the social world is via some
form of discourse” (p. 587). In other words, as has been shown time and
again, identity, much like politeness, is not a stable construct produced by
and located in the individual. Rather, it is a relational and socio-cultural
phenomenon that emerges in situated interactions (see, e.g., Archakis &
Tsakona, 2005; Bucholtz & Hall, 2005; Garcés-Conejos Blitvich &
Sifianou, 2017). However, as Twitter fosters asymmetrical connections,
the average Twitter poster does not know who or how many people will
read their tweets. Thus, the audience, actual or imagined, will be diverse
and self-presentation becomes rather demanding.14
not only content-related but also source-related, that is, showing that one
knows what well-known figures have said about the specific topic. In other
words, it appears that the focus is more on recycling and publicizing pre-
sumably established knowledge than on presenting personal understandings
and evaluations of what politeness means to them. This practice is directly
related to self-presentation.
Hirschon (2001) contends that “apparently unrelated phenomena can
be seen to make sense if interpreted in a holistic way within the overall
socio-cultural context”, further adding that linguistic conduct and com-
municative style can be interpreted with reference to key social values
(Hirschon, 2001, p. 17). Koutsantoni (2005) argues that knowledgeabil-
ity is one such value reflected in the Greek educational system which
until recently favored theoretical rather than practical studies. Thus, the
views presented may not only reflect the affordances of the specific
medium but also the facilitation it offers for the distribution of assumed
values in circulation. This facility may have wider repercussions as tweets
are frequently made doubly public by being retweeted or quoted in other
mass media, what Squires (2015, p. 247) calls the ‘appropriative’ use of
Twitter (see also Georgakopoulou, 2013).
One may legitimately question the representativeness of this sample
not only because Twitter users are a subset of the world’s population (e.g.,
Hargittai & Litt, 2011) but also because, in Greece, in particular, the
number of users is still quite limited (Tsaliki, 2010; Zafiropoulos,
Antoniadis, & Vrana, 2014). However, since Twitter users constitute a
highly heterogeneous group, diverse points of view are likely to surface,
some of which may even reflect current conceptualizations, such as the
relatively recent rather negative collocation αστική ευγένεια, ‘urban
politeness’, to refer to insincere formalities characteristic of cities.15 So
this new source of naturally occurring data can provide insights into the
perceptions of various groups of people who may not be accessed in other
ways. Consequently, such data analysis is not offered as a substitute but
as a complement for findings from other sources.
1. See Culpeper (2011, p. 74) for the distinction between the two.
2. For a discussion on the appropriateness of this term among various
others, see Herring et al. (2013).
3. The signature bird logo of the medium supports the idea that tweets are
inconsequential chirpings (Rogers, 2014, p. xii).
4. As Puschmann, Bruns, Mahrt, Weller, and Burgess (2014) note “through
Twitter, researchers gain access to huge volumes of data, a treasure trove of
digital traces, waiting to be mined for precious insights into people’s
behaviours, their moods, their consumption patterns, their language, and
their voting behaviours” (p. 426). Twitter’s data set is to be archived by the
Library of Congress and accessible for research purposes (Rogers, 2014).
5. On ethical considerations on Twitter data, see discussion in Hardaker
and McGlashan (2016) and on ethical issues with social media data, see
Bolander and Locher (2014) and the forthcoming Special Issue of
Applied Linguistics Review.
6. It may be worth mentioning here that scholars, like Thurlow, Lengel,
and Tomic (2004) have criticized what they view as an overemphasis on
disembodiment in computer mediated communication since, as they
argue, all identity is multiple and dynamic given that interlocutors con-
tinually shift identities whether online or offline.
7. Mikros and Perifanos (2013) have compiled the first Greek Twitter
Corpus but it was unavailable to us due to the restrictions of redistribu-
tion imposed by the Twitter terms of use. As this is part of a more
extended project, this time span was chosen because we would like to
explore at a later stage whether the financial crisis has affected conceptu-
alizations of politeness.
8. The numbers in parentheses in this and the following sections refer to
the number of the tweet in the current corpus.
9. This restriction may be overcome by including hyperlinks and other
10. Interestingly, a Google search did not return any results for this specific
utterance but of the alternative “hypocrisy is the lubricant of social con-
tact” which is used as a headline by one blogger and attributed to him/
her in other blogs. However, the assumed relationship between the two
is evident.
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364 M. Sifianou and S. Bella
13.1 Introduction
A pedagogical focus in university linguistics classes on evolving norms
of practice for digitally mediated communication (DMC) is an emer-
gent phenomenon that has thus far received little attention in the
research community. This chapter reports on a pilot study examining
the effect of pedagogy on metalinguistic awareness of emergent norms
of communication in virtual world spaces among undergraduates at a
large state university in the American Southeast using both quantitative
and qualitative analyses. The specific foci of analysis are audience aware-
ness and attitudes about appropriate use of language and particular lan-
guage forms in text messages. The qualitative analysis also revealed
students’ awareness of how particular language forms in DMC affect
their presentation of self. This work is patterned after survey studies that
have found that students’ attitudes toward non-standard language vari-
eties, such as African American Vernacular English, can change after
taking a single linguistics class (e.g., Bowie & Bond, 1994; Bündgens-
Kosten, 2009; Smitherman & Villanueva, 2000). Our findings support
this conclusion, in part, given that the target class (described below) did
appear to lead to students’ increased metapragmatic awareness of audi-
ence and the accompanying need to shift between formal/informal (i.e.,
“textese”) language forms in DMC. We also found that students in the
target class demonstrated greater acceptance for the appropriateness of
informal language forms (i.e., “textese”) in DMC although we also
observed that the classes had little effect on attitudes about prescriptive
norms in general.
Section 13.2 situates the current work in the context of previous
research on pragmatic awareness, language attitudes, and the effectiveness
of pedagogy on student outcomes, and ends by posing the research ques-
tions that guide the analysis. Section 13.3 describes the methodological
approach taken. Sections 13.4, 13.5, and 13.6 present and interpret both
quantitative and qualitative results in the areas of audience awareness
(Sect. 13.4), attitudes to prescriptive norms (Sect. 13.5), and appropri-
ateness of language use in texting (Sect. 13.6). Section 13.7 presents
qualitative findings with respect to students’ awareness of presentation of
self. Finally, Sect. 13.8 provides answers, albeit tentative, to the research
questions and provides suggestions for future research.
13.2 Background
Texting, as a genre of DMC, has received significant attention from a
multiplicity of fields, including computer science (Cook & Stevenson,
2009), education (van Dijk, van Witteloostuijn, Vasić, Avrutin, & Blom,
2016), rhetoric and composition (Aziz, Shamim, Aziz, & Avais, 2013),
psychology (Grace, 2013; Holtgraves & Paul, 2013), and linguistics
(Baron, Squires, Tench, & Thompson, 2005; Crystal, 2008; Hard af
Segerstad, 2005; Spilioti, 2009, 2011, 2014; Thurlow & Brown, 2003).
However, little attention has been given to attitudes related to language
Pedagogy, Audience, and Attitudes: Influencing University… 369
use in texting practices (but see Thurlow, 2006), and even less to how
pedagogical intervention may have an impact on changing those
attitudes. To our knowledge, the only partially related study to the one
we are presenting here is the one by Grace (2013). Grace investigated
factors that might be associated with variations in textism use between
individual phone users and concluded that the Australian students
included in her subject pool were able to discern situations in which
textism use is appropriate and that textisms were avoided in students’
formal writing.
Exploring young adults’ attitudes toward texting practices emerged as
a useful way to tap into their pragmatic competence regarding awareness
of audience and appropriateness and their attitudes toward notions of
correctness. Often, pragmatic choices are made subconsciously and atti-
tudes toward correctness are based on societal notions of prescriptivism
regarding language use. Pragmatic or communicative competence was
initially defined by Hymes (1972) as the ability to communicate in real-
life situations. Thus, utterances should be not only grammatically correct
but also contextually appropriate. For his part, Bachman (1990, p. 90)
understands the notion of pragmatic competence, as “…illocutionary
competence, or the knowledge of the pragmatic conventions for per-
forming acceptable language functions, and sociolinguistic competence,
or knowledge of the sociolinguistic conventions for performing language
functions appropriately in a given context”.
Thus, the notion of appropriateness emerges as key to understanding
pragmatic competence. Although from a pragmatic standpoint there is
no one correct way to use language, speakers usually have clear notions of
what constitutes appropriate use of language in different genre practices.
The reason for this, according to Celce-Murcia and Olshtain (2000,
p. 20), is that
13.3 Method
The data for the present study were collected by means of a survey that
was administered to students in three undergraduate linguistics classes at
the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) during the Spring
2015 and Spring 2016 semesters. The survey was comprised of multiple-
choice questions about audience awareness and judgments of appropriate
language use in text messages, and students were asked to fill out the
survey at both the beginning of the term (pre-test) and the end of the
term (post-test). The two versions of the survey were identical apart from
additional questions that were included at the beginning of the pre-test
survey requesting information on demographic factors (students’ age,
gender, previous linguistics classes), as well as several questions designed
to measure a participant’s general level of social media and texting usage.
Self-reporting as a data elicitation tool has well-known advantages and
disadvantages. The strengths of this method include the ability to effi-
ciently acquire explicit responses to targeted questions. The method is
easily replicable and affords data that can be readily quantified. Although
372 R. Roeder et al.
Both of these classes include discussion of language use in the virtual world.
The control group in our study included students in the following class:
The Ling Intro Survey class was chosen as the control because norms of
language use in digital spaces are not directly addressed as a topic and
most of the study participants from this class reported not having taken
13.4 R
esults and Discussion: Judgments
of Appropriate Language Use
As noted in previous work (e.g., Haas, Takayoshi, Carr, Hudson, &
Pollock, 2011), the affordances of texting—orthography, emoticons and
emojis—uniquely facilitate novel modes of stylistic variation. The sur-
veys in our study included nine questions that elicited students’ percep-
tions of the appropriateness of some of these texting practices as well as
their self-reported usage of specific features of texting practices. A sample
survey question as well as the directions for answering such a question
appear below.
374 R. Roeder et al.
(a) I sometimes text this way, but it’s not correct, even for informal tex-
ting purposes.
(b) I sometimes text this way, and it is appropriate and fine for informal
texting purposes.
(c) I don’t text this way, but it is appropriate and fine for informal texting
(d) I don’t text this way, and it’s inappropriate, even for informal texting
13.5 R
esults and Discussion: Metapragmatic
Awareness and Audience
As illustrated in Table 13.2 above, students in all three classes demonstrated
significant pragmatic awareness of audience with respect to DMC already
at the beginning of each term. However, as is illustrated in Table 13.4
below, they did display greater metapragmatic sensitivity in their DMC
practices in terms of differentiating among audience types by the end of
each term, particularly those students in the target Lang & DMC class.
The following survey question specifically targeted students’ metaprag-
matic awareness about their language usage in DMC in relation to their
intended audience:
(a) my parents
(b) my boss
(c) people older than me whom I don’t know very well
(d) people my own age whom I don’t know very well
(e) my close friends
(f ) my siblings
(g) everyone but a few people whom I know really well
(h) I use proper grammar with everyone I text
Table 13.4 presents the percent change from beginning to end of the
semester in students’ self-reports of “proper grammar” usage, based on their
intended audience. Responses (g) “everyone but a few people whom I know
really well” and (h) “I use proper grammar with everyone I text” are not
included in the calculations displayed in Table 13.4. An increase in percent-
age from the beginning of the term (left side of the arrow) to the end of the
term (right side of the arrow) therefore indicates students’ increased recog-
nition of pragmatic differentiation based on audience (e.g., parents, boss,
stranger, etc.). In other words, if the percentage is higher on the right side
of the arrow, which is true in every cell in Table 13.4, that means that more
respondents chose responses (a) through (f), instead of only (g) or (h), on
the post-test than on the pre-test, thus pointing to their heightened
metapragmatic awareness that they shift styles according to their audience.
The Ling Intro Survey class demonstrates some increased awareness,
especially in 2016 (15.8%). The Multimodality class shows the highest
rate of awareness at the beginning of each term and some change during
the term (23.1% and 11.7% respectively). However, the target class
(Lang & DMC), which focused specifically on DMC practices, demon-
strates the greatest change for both years (26.3% and 37.5%, respec-
tively). Due to the small sample size (N = 108), these numbers must be
taken as preliminary only. For example, the 23.1% change noted in 2015
for the Multimodality class reflects an increase in just 3 of 13 respon-
dents, and Chi square tests indicate that none of the differences listed in
Table 13.5 rise to the level of significance at p < 0.05. Nonetheless, these
findings do suggest that metalinguistic awareness can improve due to
targeted class work, and they warrant further investigation.
Student comments provide further evidence of their metapragmatic
awareness in relation to audience:
Pedagogy, Audience, and Attitudes: Influencing University… 379
• Some of my friends or people I text aren’t text savy, so I’ll adjust how I
type with them. I wouldn’t say “c u tonight” to my dad b/c he might
not understand it. One of my friends would refuse to respond until I
wrote it out correctly.
• If I thought texting in specific ways would be confusing to the reader/
addressee I would adjust. I’d be more likely to use standard grammar.
The findings from our study lend support to research reporting on the
practice of shifting styles when interacting via social media with different
audiences (e.g., Pavalanathan & Eisenstein, 2015). Though we do not
have data related to students’ actual texting practices, it seems that the
students in the target class, who read and discussed multiple studies
focusing on DMC practices, developed greater awareness of how audi-
ence affects their choice of language forms. As such, our study indicates
that explicit attention to the pragmatic functions of language in DMC
can enhance students’ metapragmatic awareness, thus lending support
for the Noticing Hypothesis (Schmidt, 1993).
13.6 R
esults and Discussion: Attitudes
to Prescriptive Norms
Despite the evidence shown in Sect. 13.4 of students’ pragmatic compe-
tence in recognizing the appropriateness of texting features for informal
language use in DMC, along with indications of their developing
metapragmatic awareness in their choices to alter their DMC practices
according to audience (Sect. 13.5), we found that prescriptive expecta-
tions still often governed students’ metalinguistic evaluations of specific
examples, as illustrated in the following comments.
Comments from students about prescriptive expectations:
• I work in the writing center on campus and I have seen people come
in with academic papers filled with text slang, thinking that it’s ok to
use in a formal paper.
• Although texting can help with writing and reading skills, texting can
lead to bad grammar as well. The younger generation that have had
technology like smart phones & autocorrect their entire lives will have
problems when they aren’t able to rely on their technology.
Comments from Lang & DMC students about their changing atti-
tudes toward texting usage:
13.7 R
esults and Discussion: Presentation
of Self
The flip side of audience awareness, and a corollary of judgments of
appropriateness and norm adherence, is presentation of self, that is, desir-
ing to create a positive image of self through humor, through establishing
rapport, sometimes through accommodation to audience, sometimes
through usage of “proper grammar”. Although this topic was not explic-
itly addressed in the multiple-choice section of the survey, the open spaces
for comments provided students with opportunities to provide additional
explanatory information to support their responses, and in doing so, they
revealed their metalinguistic awareness of the potential for stylistic varia-
tion in DMC to serve as a resource for the positive presentation of self.
For example, students demonstrated an awareness that texting features
can be deployed to create a humorous or “cute” (see first comment below)
image of themselves.
Comments from students about humor in texting as presentation of self:
• The only time when I use textisms is when joking with a specific friend.
• I believe my approach is appropriate for me because when I text like
“sup brah” or anything like that it show me I am comfortable with the
• Even though I do not naturally use “lol” or emojis, if the other person
does, I will, just to they do not think I am acting too superior.
13.8 Conclusion
The main goal of our analysis was to respond to the research questions
that guided it:
1. Students’ comments are presented here exactly as they were written in the
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Pedagogy, Audience, and Attitudes: Influencing University… 389
B Computer-mediated discourse
Blogs, 36, 39, 40, 44, 72, 77, 78, (CMD), 4, 5, 26–30, 34–40,
137, 138, 168, 196, 199, 206, 42, 44, 46–48, 49n6, 49n7
214n2, 223, 252, 257, 352, Computer-mediated discourse
355, 358n10 analysis (CMDA),
Bou-Franch, P., 3, 9, 10, 12, 37, 74, 5, 25–48, 49n2
182, 343, 344, 355 Conflict, 27, 288, 289, 297, 300,
boyd, d., 11, 259, 262, 266, 313, 305, 317, 318, 356
345, 346, 351, 354, 355, Connectivity, 86, 262, 263, 265,
359n13 269, 270, 272, 274n3
Bucholtz, M., 10, 11, 33, 194, 199, Content analysis, 28, 34, 35, 318
224, 348, 355, 356 Conversation analysis, 27, 28, 34,
Butler, J., 37, 199, 213, 320, 331, 73, 83, 88, 136
334n1 Corpus linguistics, 27, 265, 343
Counseling, 219, 220, 224, 227,
228, 231, 235–237, 239–241,
C 244, 246
Channel, 25, 36, 38, 45, 47, 48n1, Credibility, 197, 220, 223–226, 228,
94, 147, 153, 157, 181, 183, 242, 245, 246, 247n2, 255,
264, 272, 304, 345 256, 264, 268
Chats, 8, 78, 164, 173, 177–181, Critical discourse analysis, 11, 27, 136
183, 185n5 Crystal, D., 73, 368, 383
Cognitive pragmatics, 8 Cyberpragmatics, 8
Comics, 7, 9, 46, 111, 112, 120,
124, 128
Communities, 4, 8, 11, 14, 15, 27, D
28, 34, 35, 39, 40, 47, 76, Datafication, 262, 264, 265, 269,
164, 165, 169–173, 179, 271, 272
181–183, 196, 220, 223, 228, Davies, B., 141, 143, 194, 213, 224,
236, 241–244, 252, 260, 263, 237, 284, 287, 316
274n3, 284, 289, 290, 305n1, De Fina, A., 10
347, 367 Digitally mediated communication
Computer-mediated communication (DMC), 367, 368, 370–373,
(CMC), 4, 5, 7, 13, 25–48, 72, 377, 378, 380–386
74, 75, 164–168, 172, 177, Discourse analysis, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12,
182, 183, 195, 198, 225, 258, 14, 15, 18, 25, 28, 29, 34, 35,
283, 287–290, 302, 344, 345 37, 46, 47, 73, 74, 135, 170,
modes of, 5, 9, 26, 30–34, 36, 47, 173, 179, 197, 199, 246, 273,
106, 165, 168 317, 320, 328, 330, 344, 370
Harré, R., 141, 143, 224, 237, 316 group, 175, 178, 180, 333
Haugh, M., 342, 343, 348, 354, 370 masculine, 315–317, 320, 323,
Health, 12, 13, 74, 219–246 324, 328–333
Herring, S. C., 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, placement, 259, 270
25–30, 32–40, 42–47, 48n1, professional, 13, 251–273
49n3, 49n4, 49n5, 49n7, relational, 11, 194, 200, 201,
72–74, 167, 168, 195, 222, 204–206, 212
225–227, 243, 253, 257, 259, sexual, 314, 316, 317, 322, 331
283, 344–346, 356, 358n2 social, 11, 12, 15, 193, 198, 199,
Holmes, J., 212, 287, 343 257, 334n2, 350, 355
Human–computer interaction, 7, 28, Ideologies
41, 46 gender, 11, 12, 194, 199, 204,
Human–robot interaction, 7, 46 211–213
Human-to-human communication, language, 15, 17, 40, 385
26, 42 Image
Humor, 37, 109, 114, 118, 119, macro, 8, 105–129 (see also
123, 126, 128, 183, 196, 198, Memes)
206–208, 219, 224, 235, moving, 35, 72, 75, 139
286–287, 298–300, 304, 350, still, 35, 149, 153
351, 356, 383, 384, 386 Impoliteness, see Politeness
Hyperlinks, 33, 34, 144–146, 231, Instant messaging (IM), 28, 33, 39,
358n9 40, 46, 48n1, 164, 166–169,
Hypertexts, 9, 134, 275n6 173, 181, 182
See also Texting
Interactional sociolinguistics,
I 27, 74, 173
Identity Interactivity, 27, 177, 225, 226, 228,
announcement, 259, 268, 270, 229, 236–241, 243–246, 254
272, 274n5 Interface, 15, 31, 111, 121, 253,
construction, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 262, 269
180, 205, 221–225, 232, Internet, 18, 30–34, 36, 38, 39,
235–237, 240, 244, 251, 254, 43, 49n4, 71, 88, 105, 106,
257–262, 273, 283, 315–317, 110, 164, 182, 195, 196,
319–333, 345, 348, 350, 351, 214n2, 221–223, 290, 344,
353, 354, 356 351–353, 356
expert, 12, 13, 219, 221, 225, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), 31, 32,
232–237, 240–242, 245, 246 34, 39, 195
gender, 12, 183, 194–197, 199, See also Chats
201, 204–206, 208, 213, 289, Intertextuality, 34, 39, 284, 348,
316, 322, 333, 334 359n11
Language N
ideologies, 15, 17, 40, 385 Narratives, 6, 18, 109, 137, 140,
non-standard, 17, 368 197, 198, 207, 208, 219, 244,
play, 194, 195, 213, 384 255, 269, 270, 272, 275n6,
standard, 146, 181 320, 328, 331–334
use, 220, 355, 369 Netnography, 283
LinkedIn, 13, 254–257, 259, News, 38, 42, 85, 109, 133–155, 157,
263–265, 268–273 158n1, 262, 273n1, 345, 346
Literacy, 9, 109, 180, 184, 193 Newsgroups, 31, 32, 34, 39,
Locher, M. A., 10, 12, 13, 38, 219, 168, 223
220, 222–225, 227, 234, 341, Newspapers, 134–136, 142, 157,
342, 344, 358n5 183, 199, 206
Logos, 222, 230, 231, 358n3 Norris, S., 5, 7, 73, 76, 89
Lorenzo-Dus, N., 10, 74, 182, 343
M O’Halloran, K., 6, 10
Maíz Arévalo, C., 12, 14, 168, 180, Orthography, 27, 31, 39, 177, 373
182, 291, 294, 304
Marwick, A. E., 11, 196, 257, 261,
345, 346, 354, 355 P
Masculinity, 15, 175, 201, 202, 208, Page, R., 10, 11, 194, 253, 257, 261,
212, 313–334 344–346, 353
hegemonic, 15, 313–334 Papacharissi, Z., 10, 254, 259, 345,
See also Identity, masculine 348, 351, 354
396 Index
Participation, 9, 37, 49n3, 84, 109, Relevance theory, 8, 113, 117, 124
134, 137, 155, 165, 172, 226, Remediation, 9, 154, 273n1, 287,
260, 263, 284, 342, 386 302, 304
Petroni, S., 12, 13, 78, 97, Representation, 15, 16, 45, 73, 76,
252, 253 97, 105, 141, 169, 182, 253,
Politeness, 16, 37, 285, 341–357, 289, 299, 315, 316, 320
358n7, 373 Reputation, 231, 254, 256–262,
Popularity, 157, 206, 261–265, 264, 265, 268, 270, 271
269–272, 314, 332, 344 Review
Positioning, 13, 92, 93, 138, 143, Amazon, 12, 193
149, 151, 152, 154, 224, 237, consumer, 197–199
238, 241, 246, 323 opinion, 9, 133–155
Pragmatic competence, 94, 369, parody, 194, 197–200, 206–213,
380, 382 214n1
Pragmatics, 8, 16, 17, 27, 28, press, 134, 135, 138, 142, 154
36, 40, 48, 73, 94, 96, Robot, 7, 26, 42, 45–46
106, 107, 125, 128, 139–141,
172, 201, 284, 321, 329, 343,
368–370, 377, 378, 380, 382, S
385, 386 Self
Programmability, 262–265, 269, -attribution, 315, 316, 319, 320,
270, 272 322, 327, 329, 331, 335n3
Proxemics, 7, 73, 75–77, 79, 89–95 -branding, 13, 14, 251–273, 353
Punctuation, 86, 88, 177, -expression, 196, 259, 269, 271
374–376, 384 -image, 258, 261, 285, 384
-presentation, 10, 11, 13, 15,
16, 47, 251, 257–261, 264,
Q 266–269, 283, 314, 320,
Quotations, 9, 133–155, 158n2 325, 328, 341–357, 368,
-profiling, 253, 256, 273
R -promotion, 164, 253, 259,
Rapport, 179, 180, 298, 299, 350, 261, 271
383, 384, 386 -repair, 285, 288, 291, 296, 297,
Recontextualization, 9, 134, 299, 300, 304, 305
138, 140, 141, 154, 352, Semiotics, 4, 6, 7, 15, 28, 42, 43, 46,
359n11 72, 73, 75, 77, 78, 89, 91, 92,
94, 95, 97, 109, 111, 116, Spilioti, T., 4–6, 8, 14, 15, 166, 170,
120, 121, 128, 134, 140 171, 178, 368
semiotic modes, 5, 7, 9, 10, 18, Squires, L., 46, 181, 344, 345, 349,
26, 41–43, 46, 47, 48n1, 106, 352, 357
120, 134, 137, 139 Stance, 106, 137, 141, 143, 147,
Sexting, 15, 16, 313–334, 335n4 149–152, 172, 202, 224,
Shareability, 251, 252 237, 243
Sindoni, M. G., 7, 28, 43, 46, Stereotypes, see under Gender
72–74, 77, 79, 88, 90, 92, Stickers, 8, 43, 45, 167, 168, 181
Skype, 7, 42, 71, 73, 76–79,
88, 89 T
Smartphone, 25, 71, 89–93, 165, Tannen, D., 98, 179, 198, 212, 283
166, 169, 181, 375 Textese, 177, 368, 382, 383
SMS, 33, 39, 44, 166, 167, Texting, 17, 165–167, 172, 179,
170, 172 181, 322, 323, 327, 332,
Social distance, 45, 47, 79, 89, 367–386
91, 92 See also Instant messaging (IM)
Social media, 10, 11, 14, 15, 40, Thurlow, C., 4, 5, 11, 14–17,
42, 43, 46, 133–137, 147, 37, 73, 165–167, 177,
154, 167, 173, 195, 210, 179, 180, 257, 314,
251–273, 314, 344, 345, 358n6, 368, 381
352, 355, 358n5, 371, Transcription, 7, 9, 71–97, 290
380, 386 Tsakona, V., 108, 111, 350,
Social networking sites (SNSs), 355, 356
11, 12, 14, 164, 195, 196, Tumblr, 195, 196
284, 313 Turn-taking, 32, 34, 39, 45, 77,
Social practice, 4, 195, 251, 256, 93, 228
331, 332, 334, 355 Twitter, 16, 40, 136, 144, 145, 147,
Social semiotics, 28, 75, 111, 116, 195, 257, 263, 341–357,
120, 121 358n4, 358n5, 358n7,
Sociolinguistics, 4, 10, 16, 27, 29, 359n12, 359n13, 359n14
34, 40, 73–75, 168, 169, 173,
198, 369, 370
Sociopragmatics, 9, 135, 136 V
Solidarity, 180, 285, 324, 348, 350 van Dijk, T., 11, 135, 319, 368
Spelling, 31, 85, 166, 375, 379, 380, van Leeuwen, T., 6, 17, 48n1, 75,
382, 384, 386 106, 110, 111, 120, 121, 137
398 Index
Video, 7–9, 25, 28, 33, 35, 36, Websites, 12, 13, 36, 39, 77, 89,
38–47, 48n1, 50n10, 71–97, 193, 197, 220, 222, 226, 227,
106, 134–139, 141, 142, 145, 230–232, 235, 237, 240, 245,
147–149, 154, 155, 157, 253, 246, 256, 273n1
258, 264, 289, 359n11 WhatsApp, 8, 71, 108, 164–184,
Virtual worlds, 7, 26, 33, 35, 39, 43, 184n1
45, 48n1, 367, 372
W YouTube, 40, 42, 44, 257, 359n11
Web Yus, F., 7–9, 36, 37, 73, 107, 114,
1.0, 5, 26, 29, 32–35, 118, 124, 168, 172, 173,
39, 257 177–180
2.0, 5, 25, 26, 29, 36–38, 49n6,
72, 251, 257, 261
3.0, 49n6 Z
pre-, 5, 26, 29–32, 39 Zappavigna, M., 14, 73, 252, 259,
Webcam, 79, 92, 93 261, 263, 345, 346, 349–352