Chapter 1 2 and 3 Edited
Chapter 1 2 and 3 Edited
Chapter 1 2 and 3 Edited
Policies and procedures are said to be vital and integral mechanisms in any
help the decision-makers identify the key programs and strategy on handling
issues and concerns as they arise. In school setting, policies and procedures
outline the educational and operational structure of the institution that are
essential to the over-all welfare of the learners against all form of harm. To
schools who strive to take the children’s well-being as its bosom philosophy, it’s
the state to defend the right of children to assistance, including proper care and
nutrition, and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty,
Department Order No. 40 s. 2012 also known as DEPED Child Protection Policy
(CPP) was provided to ensure that all educational endeavors of any institution
shall be paramount to the best interest of the children. However, these policies
and procedures are sometimes rendered useless if the school neglect to adhere to
Unit I in the division of Surigao del Sur are having hard time in the
safe, enticing and conducive learning environment that transcend differences and
individual upbringing. Setting to specific, there are schools who have not yet
fall short as mere compliance while other institutions adapt policy of other school
study will reveal the impact on the children’s education to schools of those
institutions that have successfully implemented the policy and those who were
Theoretical Framework
that has the effect of actually causing or placing the latter in reasonable fear of
anchoring on the Department Order No. 40 s. 2012 also known as DepEd Child
members of Child Protection Committee are giving all means to the success of the
Jans (2004) supported this claim in his theory that children are viewed as
Convention on the Rights of the Child (1990) believes in the same way taking
their aim that children should at all times be protected from all forms of physical
This study considers also several theories such as Complexity Theory and
Theory and Practices of Child Protection and Child Welfare. Complexity Theory
pointed out that the protection of children, whether living at home or in residential
care, is a core endeavor of residential and field social work with children (Oxford
University, 2007).
Child Protection and Child Welfare Theory and practices however viewed
child abuse, child protection and child welfare issues in families remained to be
one of the society's most challenging and complex issues. The theory exemplifies
that understanding child abuse, child protection and child welfare and being able
practitioner concerns. As such, this child protection and child welfare can be
issues in a social and political context and highlights the impact of class, gender,
and race to the process of the policy development and implementation (University
children occurs and that the need for Child Protection Policy in schools is a
from time to time the schools policy to measure its responsiveness to fostering
‘governance’ (Hill and Hupe,2002, p1). Despite support from politicians, policy
makers and the majority of the public for this work, child protection practice and
Education. Considering there are gaps and shortfalls observed in some schools as
in the place and plight where the problem aroused. Apparently, this endeavor
would delve deeper on the different aspects of the implementations of why other
schools succeed and others were not. As such, this would eventually cite practices
will display an ideal setting of school where employing the child protection policy
is achieved.
Conceptual Framework
School Size
-Small School Extent of Child
-Medium School Protection Policy -Information
-Large School Implementation dissemination
in the school - behavioral &
School Faculty & -Pre- academic related
Staff Profiles implementation/orientat changes
-Age ion stage -Compliance to
-Sex -Adoption/ standard
-Educational implementation
Attainment -Sustainability/
-Trainings attended Assessment of
its important variables. As to the variables that affect the extent of CPP
implementation, the researcher included the school size in which small schools
while ranging from 51 and above is considered a mega school. The Institute for
Local Self-Reliance (ILSR, John Bailey 2012) pointed out that that big schools is
usually preferred during implementation of policy to see its success right away
since they are exposed to a broader array of information. The researcher also
considered the profile of the faculty and staff concerning their age, sex,
work experience. Fewer studies have been performed on age diversity in relation
to the workplace, but recently age diversity has been shown to have a positive
effect on team performance in situations where the task is complex (Wegge, Roth,
Kanfer, Neubach and Schmidt, 2008). In a certain study of the role of sex in
achieving goals, it shows that women are shown to have positive effects that
O’Brennan, & Gulemetova (2011) argue in their study of bullying incidence that
some school policy implementation fails because many staff have not received
training or only half have received training related to the policy. With regards to
attainments are associated with positive career outcomes and job mobility
(Cappelli, 2000; Howard, 1986; Lazear, 1981; Ng, Eby, Sorensen, & Feldman,
2005). Van Vugt (2006) considered also the importance of work experience in the
the possession of unique and specialized knowledge, for example, where to find a
waterhole that has not yet dried up. Knowledge about where to go would have
and so with its sustainability measures through local monitoring and evaluation.
The result of getting the level of implementation will be a source of feedback unto
1.1 Size;
2. What is the profile of the faculty and staff respondents in terms of:
2.1 Age
2.2 Sex
3.3 Sustainability
4. Is there a significant difference between the faculty and staff
terms of:
HO1: There is no significant relationship between faculty and staff profiles and the
HO2: There is no significant difference among the types of schools based on its
School Administrators. The findings of this study would help the school
that level of implementation. This will serve also as starting point to guide other
administrators about the feedback that transpired in the study about various
implementation processes.
Teachers. the result of this study would also help teachers in implementing
Students. Student will be greatly benefited considering that they are the center of
the policy which aims at protecting them from all harm. As such, this study will
guarantee a school that welfare and development of the children is at its peak
Parents. This will give parents ease and assurance that the school where their
child attends gives assurance on defending their child in all forms of abuse,
Community. The study will give ideas to the community about protective factors
that the school is exercising as a help in building the children’s health and well-
being and this will eventually be practiced by the empowered community through
Future Researchers. Findings on this study will guide future research endeavors
year 2018-2019. The aspects looked into the profiles of faculty and staff of the
school including the size of their school as to how these facets affect pre-
researcher will dig on extracting the relations of the profiles, both the respondents
and school type on the institution with successful practices in the course of whole
implementatioj processes.
Definition of Terms
and teachers.
institution should never compromise. Child protection is vital both for children’s
well-being and for the growth and development of societies yet child protection is
amongst the least well-resourced sectors (Emily Delap, 2015). There are books
that we can use as a tool for studying different aspects of child protection and for
studying the present topic which is “The Extent of Child Protection Policy
explain the in-depth background of the study in order for the readers or audience
the framework within which to exercise professional judgment in the area of child
Lang and Hartill (2015) stress the need of child protection policy presently
to land in the area of sports. In their book Safeguarding, child protection and
research communities around the world. Major organizations such as the IOC and
exploitation and abuse, and this concern has led to the emergence of new
initiatives and policies aimed at protecting vulnerable young people and athletes.
Children are the generation that will represent the country’s next
Developing Policy and Practice by Holguin and Fluke (2018), national as well as
deal with the demanding challenges facing the child protective system. It is
therefore important for the national planning of budget to consider programs that
child abuse and neglect each year. Experiencing child abuse and neglect
initiatives, so determining how to protect children and keep them safe may seem
procedures within school settings has been shown to prevent maltreatment within
that child protection is a priority and motivate staff to implement skills learned in
of emphasizing policies and procedures in child abuse training within the school
protection strategy for their school. Moreover, a robust training for school
administrators that can help them assess their current child protection policies,
child protection strategy that aligns with current research and best practice. A
strategy based on research and best practice includes policies and procedures
establishing a staff code of conduct, creating procedures for screening and hiring
the study was the three tired system, which, although, needs to past a long way in
Past , Present , Future pointed out that child abuse prevention efforts have grown
exponentially over the past 30 years. Some of this expansion reflects new public
policies and expanded formal services such as parents’ education classes, support
groups, home visitations programs and safety education for children. Preventing
Child Abuse is not simply matter of parents doing a better job, but rather it is
about creating a context in which “doing better “is easier. It remains important to
remind the public that the child abuse and neglect are serious treats to a child’s
healthy development and overt violence towards children and a persistent lack of
attention to their care and supervision are unacceptable. When the problem is
owned by all individuals and community’s prevention will progress, and fewer
also supported the idea on the effects of having child protection policy being
outcomes for our children and young people and their families (Holzer 2007;
O’Donnell, Scott, & Stanley 2008; Scott 2006; ARACY 2007). In the same way
negatively, Stephen (1996) labelled violence as a potential threat not only to the
health of the students but also to their academic success. Hence, implementation
of violence prevention programs is a must in every school but these programs
d. Male and female parents and teachers are practicing positive discipline
Environment (2009) stressed that there are 3 out of 10 children in Grades 1-3 and
and 7 out of 10 in higher grade levels experienced verbal abuse by their teachers;
36.53 % of children in Grades 4-6 and 42. 88% of high school students
addition, 73.58% of children in Grades 4-6 and 78.36% in high school in urban
areas suffered verbal abuse violence from their peers; 30.17% of children in
Grades 4-6 and 37.57% in high school in rural areas experienced physical abuse
or violence committed by their peers; 26.74% of children in Grades 4-6 and 43.
71% in high school in urban areas experienced verbal sexual abuse committed by
their peers and 9.65% of Grades 4-6 and 17.71% of high school students
The Philippine 1987 Constitution provides that it is the duty of the state to
defend the right of every child to assistance, including proper care and nutrition,
and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, and
Presidential Decree No. 603 also called as The Child and Youth Welfare
Code gave weight on child as one of the most important assets of the nation. It
emphasizes in the act that every effort should be exerted to promote his welfare
and enhance his opportunities for a useful and happy life. Further, the decree
highlighted the biggest roles played by the family in molding the character of the
child which start at the home. In addition, the policy requires other institutions,
like the school, the church, the guild, and the community in general, should assist
the home and the State in the endeavor to prepare the child for the responsibilities
of adulthood.
Likewise, in the school setting, DepEd Order no. 40 s. 2012 also known as
mandate of the constitution which direct all schools to craft responsive Child
Protection Policy. The policy aims to protect the child from all forms of violence
their normal development and over which they have no control, and to assist the
protection which has now become a trend especially among member countries of
framework that enables the passing of child protection laws and policies, both at
the national and local levels. Certain groups of children will require specific
attention, as their exposure to threats and abuses is high either because they grow
up in an unstable environment, with no sufficient protection networks or because
the adults they deal with do not see their best as a top priority.
maltreatment and identify a central body with the legal mandate to implement the
national plan to end violence against children. Madrid added that a central
The review of related literature and studies both foreign and local that is
included in this study will be a help to the researcher in the formulation of the
questions to be researched on. More so, the ideas and concepts as well as the
and analyzing the data to be gathered in this study and most importantly, they will
Research Design
for each respondent will be asked the same questions, which ensures that
Research Locale
school population is evident for students from other schools are also
transferring in the locality. The students enrolled in the schools also have
The subjects of the study are all the schoolteachers under the
Research Instrument
The study began with the review of literature about various aspects
and current state of questions researched in the current study. Before the
respondent school.
the questionnaire to the respondents, the data will then be tabulated and
analyzed through the use of Perason-r Correlation (PPMC). The study will
Moment Correlation.