Analysis and Design of Water Tank

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The document discusses the analysis and design of water tanks and provides an overview of the chapters which discuss topics like methodology, results and discussion, and conclusion. It also mentions computer programs developed to analyze and design circular and rectangular tanks.

The document mentions that joints in liquid retaining structures include construction joints and expansion joints. Construction joints are used to divide the structure into convenient construction units. Expansion joints are used to allow for volume changes in the structure and are placed based on structural needs.

The document states that IS codes provide design requirements for concrete in liquid retaining structures. It mentions the general design requirements specified in IS codes including minimum thickness of walls and floors, reinforcement details, construction joints etc.

Analysis and Design of water tank

Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 .............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................................................. 5
CHAPTER 2 .............................................................................................................................................. 7
LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................................................ 14
METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................ 14
3.1 DESIGN REQUIREMENT OF CONCRETE (I. S. I) ............................................................ 14
3.2 JOINTS IN LIQUID RETAINING STRUCTURES .............................................................. 15
3.3 GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (I.S.I) .................................................................... 21
CHAPTER 4 ..................................................................................................................................... 34
RESULT AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................................................... 34
4.1 Design of Circular Tank with Flexible and Rigid Base .......................................................... 34
CHAPTER 5 ......................................................................................................................................... 38
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................. 54

Storage reservoirs and overhead tank are used to store water, liquid petroleum, petroleum
products and similar liquids. The force analysis of the reservoirs or tanks is about the same
irrespective of the chemicalnature of the product. All tanks are designed as crack free
structures to eliminate any leakage.
This project gives in brief, the theory behind the design of liquidretaining structure (circular
water tank with flexible and rigid base and rectangular underground water tank) using
working stress method. This report also includes computer subroutines to analyse and design
circular water tank with flexible and rigid base and rectangular undergroundwater tank. The
program has been written as Macros in Microsoft Excel using Visual Basic programming
language. In the end, the programs are validated with the results of manual calculation given
in “Concrete Structure” book.



1.1 General

Storage reservoirs and overhead tank are used to store water, liquid petroleum, petroleum
products and similar liquids. The force analysis of the reservoirs or tanks is about the same
irrespective of the chemical nature of the product. All tanks are designed as crack free
structures to eliminate any leakage. Water or raw petroleum retaining slab and walls can be of
reinforced concrete with adequate cover to the reinforcement.

Water and petroleum and react with concrete and, therefore, no special treatment to the
surface is required. Industrial wastes can also be collected and processed in concrete tanks
with few exceptions. The petroleum product such as petrol, diesel oil, etc. are likely to leak
through the concrete walls, therefore such tanks need special membranes to prevent leakage.
Reservoir is a common term applied to liquid storage structure and it can be below or above
the ground level. Reservoirs below the ground level are normally built to store large
quantities of water whereas those of overhead type are built for direct distribution by gravity
flow and are usually of smaller capacity.
A water tank is a container for storing liquid. Theneed for a water tank is as old as
civilization, to providestorage of water for use in many applications, drinking water,
irrigation, agriculture, fire suppression, agricultural farming, both for plants and livestock,
chemical manufacturing, food preparation as well as many other uses. Water tank parameters
include the general design of the tank, and choice of construction materials, linings.
Reinforced Concrete Water tank design is based on IS 3370: 2009 (Parts I – IV). The design
depends on the location of tanks, i.e. overhead, on ground or underground water tanks. The
tanks can be made of RCC or even ofsteel. The overhead tanks are usually elevated from the
ground level using number of columns and beams. In the other hand the underground tanks
rest below the ground level.

1.2 Types of Water Tanks

In this section, the types of water tanks are discussed in detail. There are different type of
water tank depending upon the shape, position with respect to ground level etc. From the
position point of view, water tanks are classified into three categories. Those are,

a) Underground tanks

b) Tanks resting on ground

c) Overhead water tanks

In most cases the underground and on ground tank are circular or rectangular in shape but the
shape of the overhead tanks are influenced by the aesthetical view of the surroundings and as
well as the design.

1.2.1 Underground water tank

An Underground storage tank (UST) is a storage tank that is placed below the ground level.
Underground storage tanks fall into three different types:

1. Steel/aluminium tank, made by manufacturers in most states and conforming to standards

set by the Steel Tank Institute.

2. Composite overwrapped a metal tank (aluminium/steel) with filament windings like glass
fiber/aramid or carbon fiber or a plastic compound around the metalcylinder for corrosion
protection and to form an interstitial space.
3. Tanks made from composite material, fiberglass/aramid or carbon fiber with a metal liner
(aluminium or steel). Underground water storage tanks are used for underground storage of
potable drinking water, wastewater & rainwater collection. So whether you call it a water
tank or watercistern, as long as you are storing water underground theseare the storage tanks
for you. Plastic underground water tanks (cistern) are a great alternative to concrete cisterns.

1.2.2 Tanks resting on ground

In this section, we are studying only the tanks resting on ground like clear water reservoirs,
settling tanks, aeration tanks etc. are supported on ground directly. The wall of these tanks is
subjected to pressure and the base is subjected to weight of water. These tanks are rectangular
or circular in their shape.

1.2.3 Overhead water tanks

Overhead water tanks of various shapes can be used as service reservoirs, as a balancing tank
in water supply schemes and for replenishing the tanks for various purposes. Reinforced
concrete water towers have distinct advantages as they are not affected by climatic changes,
are leak proof, provide greater rigidity and are adoptable for all shapes.

From the shape point of view, water tanks may be of several types. These are,

a) Circular tanks

b) Conical or funnel shaped tanks

c) Rectangular tanks Circular tanks

Circular tanks are usually good for very larger storage capacities the side walls are designed
for circumferential hoop tension and bending moment, since the walls are fixed to the floor
slab at the junction. The coefficient recommended in IS 3370 part 4 is used todetermine the
design forces. The bottom slab is usually flat because it’s quite economical. Conical or funnel shaped tanks

This tank is best in architectural feature and aesthetic this tank has another important
advantage that it’ssuitable for high staging the tank’s hollow shaft can be easily built. It can
be economical and rapidly constructed using slip from processing of casting. They can also
be built using pre-cast concrete elements. Rectangular tanks

The walls of Rectangular tank are subjected to bending moments both in horizontal as well as
in vertical direction. The analysis of moment in the wall is difficult since water pressure
results in a triangular load on them. The magnitude of the moment will depend upon the
several factors such as length, breadth and height of tank, and conditions of the support of the
wall at the top andbottom edge. If the length of the wall is more incompression to its height
the moment will be mainly in vertical direction i.e. the panel will bend as a cantilever. If,
however, height is larger in comparison to length, the moments will be in horizontal
direction, and the panel will bend as a thin slab supported on the edges. The wall of the tank
will thus be subjected to both bending moment as well as direct tension.

1. To make a study about the analysis and design of water tanks.

2. To make a study about the guidelines for the design of liquid retainingstructure according
to IS Code.

3. To know about the design philosophy for the safe and economical design of water tank.

4. To develop programs for the design of water tank of flexible base and rigid base and the
underground tank to avoid the tedious calculations.

5. In the end, the programs are validated with the results of manual calculation given in
“Concrete Structure” book.

4. Sources of Water Supply

The various sources of water can be classified into two categories:

Surface sources such as

1. Ponds and lakes

2. Streams and rivers

3. Storage reservoirs and

4. Oceans, generally not used for water supplies, at present.

Sub-surface sources or underground sources, such as

1. Springs

2. Infiltration wells and

3. Wells and Tube-wells.

5. Water Quantity Estimation

The quantity of water required for municipal uses for which the water supply scheme has to
be designed requires following data:

Water consumption rate (Per Capita Demand in litres per day per head)

Population to be served

Quantity = per capita demand × Population

Factors affecting per capita demand

• Size of the city: Per capita demand for big cities is generally large as compared to that for
smaller towns as big cities have sewered houses.

• Presence of industries

• Climatic conditions

• Habits of economic status

• Quality of water

• Pressure in the distribution system

• Efficiency of water works administration: Leaks in water mains and services; and
unauthorized use of water can be kept to a minimum by surveys.

• Cost of water

• Policy of metering and charging method: Water tax is charged in two different ways: on the
basis of meter reading and on the basis of certain fixed monthly rate
Much of a literature has presented in the form of technical papers till date on thedynamic
analysis of Elevated Water Tanks. Different issues and the points are covered in thatanalysis
i.e. dynamic response to ground motion, sloshing effect on tank, dynamic responseof framed
staging etc. Some of those are analyzed below.

George W. Housner [1963]

The basic plot behind this paper was the Chilean Earthquake, took place in 1960. In

this earthquake most of the elevated water tanks are totally collapse or badly distorted. This

paper was clearly speaks about the relation between the motion of water in the tank with

respect to tank and motion of whole structure with respect to ground. He has considered three

basic conditions for this analysis. He said that if water tank is fully filled i.e. without free

board then the sloshing effect of water is neglected, if the tank is empty then no sloshing as

water is absent. In above two cases water tower will behave as one-mass structure. But in

third case i.e. water tank is partially filled, the effect of sloshing must be considered. In that

case the water tower will behave as two-mass structure. Finally he concluded that the tank

fully filled is compared with the partially filled tank then it is seen that the maximum force to

which the half-full tank is subjected may be significantly less than half the force to which the

full tank is subjected. The actual forces may be as little as 1/3 of the forces anticipated on the

basic of a completely full tank.

Sudhir Jain K. & U. S. Sameer [1991]

IS code provision for seismic design of elevated water tanks have been revised. It is

seen that, due to absence of a suitable value of performance factor for tanks, the code

provision for rather low seismic design force for these structure. Simple expressions are
derived, which allow calculations of staging stiffness, and hence the time period, while

incorporating beam flexibility. The code must include an appropriate value of

performancefactor, say 3.0 for calculation of seismic design force for water tanks. An
earthquake design

criteria is incomplete, unless clear specifications are include on how to calculate the time

period. A method for calculating the staging stiffness including beam flexibility and without

having to resort to finite element type analysis has been presented. This method is based on

well-known portal method which has been suitably developed to incorporate the beam

flexibility and the three dimensional behavior of the staging.

Sudhir Jain K. & M. S. Medhekar [1993]

The basic plot behind this paper is to modify & suggestion in IS: 1893-1984. The major

revisions suggested are

1. No provision for ground supported tanks with rigid & flexible walls in above IS code.

This provision must be included in the seismic analysis.

2. The single degree of freedom idealization of tank is to be replaced by two or three

degree of freedom idealization.

3. A performance factor (K) of 3.0 is suggested for all types of tank.

4. The bracing beam flexibility is to be included in the calculation of lateral stiffness of

supporting system of tank.

5. In the seismic analysis, the effect of Convective hydrodynamic pressure is to be


6. A simplified hydrodynamic pressure distribution is suggested for stress analysis of

tank wall.
Sudhir K. Jain &Sajjad Sameer U [1993]

The basic plot behind this paper is to modify and suggestions in IS: 1893-1984 &

suggestion given by Sudhir K Jain &M.S.Medhekar. Above author considered all the

suggestion given by Sudhir Jain &Medhekar and added some extra suggestion –

1. In the seismic analysis, the effect of accidental torsion must be included.

2. An expression for calculating sloshing height of water may be introduced in the code.

3. The effect of hydrodynamic pressure for tanks with rigid wall and the tanks with

flexible wall should be considered separately, as force in the tanks with flexible wall

is higher than those tanks with rigid wall.

4. The stresses due to hydrodynamic pressure in the tank wall and base should be given

in the form of table.

M. K. Shrimali& R. S. Jangid [2003]

Earthquake response of elevated liquid storage steel tanks isolated by the linear

elastomeric bearings is investigated under real earthquake ground motion. Two types of

isolated tank models are considered in which the bearings are placed at the base and top of

the steel tower structure. The continuous liquid mass of the tank is modeled as lumped mass

known as sloshing mass, impulsive mass and rigid mass. The corresponding stiffness constant

associated with these lumped masses have been worked out depending upon the properties of

the tank wall and liquid mass.

The mass of steel tower structure is lumped equally at top and bottom. Since the

damping matrix of the isolated tank system is non-classical in nature, the seismic response is

obtained by the Newmark’s step-by step method. The response of two types of tanks, namely

slender and broad tanks, is obtained and a parametric study is carried out to study the effects
of important system parameters on the effectiveness of seismic isolation. The
variousimportant parameters considered are the tank aspect ratio, the time period of tower

damping and time period of isolation system. It has been shown that the earthquake response

of the isolated tank is significantly reduced. Further, it is also observed that the isolation is

more effective for the tank with a stiff tower structure in comparison to flexible towers. In

addition, a simplified analysis is also presented to evaluate the response of the elevated steel

tanks using two degree of freedom model and two single degree of freedom models. It is

observed that the proposed analysis predicts the seismic response of elevated steel tanks

accurately with significantly less computational efforts.

O. R. Jaiswal & S. K. Jain [2005]

Recognizing the limitations and shot comings in the provision of IS:1893-1984, Jain

andMedhekar, Jain and Sameer a set of provisions on aseismic design of liquid storage tanks,

the author has given some recommendations –

1. Design horizontal seismic coefficient given in revised IS: 1893(Part-1)-2002 is used

and values of response reduction factor for different types of tanks are proposed.

2. Different spring-mass model for tanks with rigid & flexible wall are done away with;

instead, a single spring-mass model for both types of tank is proposed.

3. Expressions for convective hydrodynamic pressure are corrected.

4. Simple expression for sloshing wave height is used.

5. New provisions are included to consider the effect of vertical excitation and to

describe critical direction of earthquake loading for elevated water tanks with frame

type staging.
R. Livaoglu& A. Dogangun

This paper is specifically speaks about the response of supporting staging system of

water towers. Author had considered frame supporting as well as cylindrical shell supporting

system. The research shows that fluid-structure interaction can play an important role on

seismicbehavior of elevated water tanks. By considering both types of supporting system and

seismic analysis was performed considering fluid-structure interaction. Conclusions from the

analysis results showed that supporting system may considerably change the seismic behavior

of the elevated water tanks.

Displacement based Lagrangian approach is selected to model the fluid-elevated tank

interaction in this study. The fluid elements are defined by eight nodes with three
translational degree of freedom at each node. It should be noted that, because of lack of a

capability in the Lagrangian FEM with brick shaped elements considered here.

From the analysis carried out, author calculated the peak responses and corresponding

time period where the maximum roof displacement, sloshing displacement, base shear force

& base moment are obtained. From the result, he found that the maximum responses are

obtained between 9 and 10 seconds for frame support & 5 and 10 seconds for cylindrical

shaft supports. Also he found that the roof displacement response for frame support is higher

than the cylindrical support. Change in displacement response values are considerably effect

the system seismic behavior. The sloshing responses are also affected by selected support

system and hence the effect on sloshing displacement cannot be neglected in the evaluation of

the seismic behavior of the tanks. For the resign having seismic risk, the cylindrical shaft

support system may be used because of having important advantages than the common used
frame type system.

Gareane A. I. Algreane, S. A. Osman & O. A. Karim [2008]

This paper is related with the soil & water behavior of elevated concrete water tank

under seismic load. An artificial seismic excitation has been generated according to Gasparini

andVanmarcke approach, at the bedrock, and then consideration of the seismic excitation

based on one dimension nonlinear local site has been carried out. Author has chosen seven

cases to make comparisons with direct nonlinear dynamic analysis, mechanical models with

and without soil structure interaction (SSI) for single degree of freedom (SDOF), two degree

of freedom (2DOF), and finite element method (FEM) models. The analysis is based on

superposition model dynamic analysis. Soil structure interaction (SSI) and fluid structure

interaction (FSI) have been accounted using direct approach and added mass approach

respectively. The result shows that a significant effect obtained in shear force, overturning

moment and axial force at the base of elevated tank.

LyesKhezzar, AbdennourSeibi&AfshinGoharzadeh

This paper presents the steps involved in a test rig to study water sloshing

phenomenon in a 560160185 mm PVC rectangular container subjected to sudden

(impulsive) impact. The design encompasses the construction of the testing facility and the

development of a proper data acquisition system capable of capturing the behavior of preand

post-impact water motion inside the tank. Fluid motion was recorded a video camera for

flow visualization purpose. Two water levels of 50 and 75% full as well as two driving

weights of 2.5 and 4.5 Kg were used. The experimental study was supplemented by a

computational fluid dynamics study to mimic the fluid motion inside the tank.

The water sloshing phenomenon in a rectangular tank under sudden impact was
investigated experimentally & numerically. Design of the testing rig and selection of proper

sensors as well as data acquisition system was performed. Flow visualization of simulation

and experimental results showed a good agreement. The water level for both simulation and

experimental results compared well during motion and showed a minor discrepancy after

impact which may be due to tank bouncing. Contrary to previous studies, both experimental

and numerical results indicated the presence of a single traveling wave before the impact.
Future study related to pressure measurements at the tank wall will be conducted for
structural analysis purposes.

W. H. Boyce

The response of a simple steel water tank has been measured during earthquakes and
vibration tests. Calculations of the period of vibration of the tank have been made taking
ground yielding and water sloshing into account. Excellent agreement has been obtained
between measured and calculated results. The response of the tower during the earthquake
motion has been calculated from ground accelerogram and the agreement between measured
and calculated response was found to be reasonable.

From his experimental study he conclude that – (1) water sloshing must be considered when
calculating the period of vibration of water towers. The use of total water mass in 2- DOF
simplification is not valid. (2) The simplification to 2-DOF system where ground yielding
effects are accounted for equivalent spring stiffness of the tower is adequate and produces the
results agreeing well with experimental values. (3) The analytical producers used to calculate
the response of structure from ground accelerograms provide a responsible prediction of
structure response.

Dr.SuchitaHirde&Dr. Manoj Hedaoo [2011]

This paper presents the study of seismic performance of the elevated water tank forvarious
seismic zones of India for various heights and capacity of elevated water tanks for different
soil conditions. The effect of height of water tank, earthquake zones and soil conditions on
earthquake forces have been presented in this paper with the help of analysis of 240 models
of various parameters.
In this paper, the study is carried out on RCC circular elevated water tank with M-20 grade
of concrete and Fe-415 grade of steel & SMRF are considered for analysis. Elevated water
tank having 50,000 liters and 100,000 liters capacity with staging height 12 m. 16 m, 20 m,
24 m, 28 m considering 4 m height of each panels are considered for the study.

Author has given following conclusions from his analysis – (1) Seismic forces are directly
proportional to the Seismic Zones. (2) Seismic forces are inversely proportional to the height
of supporting system. (3) Seismic forces are directly proportional to the capacity of water
tank. (4) Seismic forces are higher in soft soil than medium soil, higher in medium soil than
hard soil. Earthquake forces for soft soil is about 40-41% greater than that of hard soil for all
earthquake zones and tank full and tank empty condition.




In water retaining structure a dense impermeable concrete is required therefore, proportion of
fine and course aggregates to cement should be such as to give high quality concrete.
Concrete mix weaker than M20 is not used. The minimum quantity of cement in the concrete
mix shall be not less than 30 kN/m3.

The design of the concrete mix shall be such that the resultant concrete is sufficiently
impervious. Efficient compaction preferably by vibration is essential. The permeability of the
thoroughly compacted concrete is dependent on water cement ratio. Increase in water cement
ratio increases permeability, while concrete with low water cement ratio is difficult to
compact. Other causes of leakage in concrete are defects such as segregation and honey
combing. All joints should be made water-tight as these are potential sources of leakage.
Design of liquid retaining structure is different from ordinary R.C.C, structures as it requires
that concrete should not crack and hence tensile stresses in concrete should be within
permissible limits.

A reinforced concrete member of liquid retaining structure is designed on the usual principles
ignoring tensile resistance of concrete in bending. Additionally it should be ensured that
tensile stress on the liquid retaining face of the equivalent concrete section does not exceed
the permissible tensile strength of concrete as given in table 1. For calculation purposes the
cover is also taken into concrete area.

Cracking may be caused due to restraint to shrinkage, expansion andcontraction of concrete

due to temperature or shrinkage and swelling dueto moisture effects. Such restraint may be
caused by –

(i) The interaction between reinforcement and concrete during shrinkage due to drying.

(ii) The boundary conditions.

(iii) The differential conditions prevailing through the large thickness of massive concrete.

Use of small size bars placed properly, leads to closer cracks but of smaller width. The risk of
cracking due to temperature and shrinkage effects may be minimized by limiting the changes
in moisture content and temperature to which the structure as a whole is subjected. The risk
of cracking can also be minimized by reducing the restraint on the free expansion of the
structure with long walls or slab founded at or below ground level, restraint can be minimized
by the provision of a sliding layer. This can be provided by founding the structure on a flat
layer of concrete with interposition of some material to break the bond and facilitate

In case length of structure is large it should be subdivided into suitable lengths separated by
movement joints, especially where sections are changed the movement joints should be
provided. Where structures have to store hot liquids, stresses caused by difference in
temperature between inside and outside of the reservoir should be taken into account. The
coefficient of expansion due to temperature change is taken as 11 x 10-6 /° C and coefficient
of shrinkage may be taken as 450 x 10-6 for initial shrinkage and 200 x 10-6 for drying


3.2.1 MOVEMENT JOINTS. There are three types of movement joints.

(i)Contraction Joint. It is a movement joint with deliberate discontinuity without initial gap
between the concrete on either side of the joint. The purpose of this joint is to accommodate
contraction of the concrete.The joint is shown in Fig.2.1 (a).
Figure 2.1(a)

A contraction joint may be either complete contraction joint or partial contraction joint. A
complete contraction joint is one in which both steel and concrete are interrupted and a partial
contraction joint is one in which only the concrete is interrupted, the reinforcing steel running
through as shown in Fig.2.1(b).

Figure 2.1(b)

(ii)Expansion Joint. It is a joint with complete discontinuity in both reinforcing steel and
concrete and it is to accommodate either expansion or contraction of the structure. A typical
expansion joint is shown in Fig.2.2
Figure 2.2

This type of joint requires the provision of an initial gap between the adjoining parts of a
structure which by closing or opening accommodates the expansion or contraction of the

(iii) Sliding Joint. It is a joint with complete discontinuity in both reinforcement and
concrete and with special provision to facilitate movement in plane of the joint. A typical
joint is shown in Fig. 2.3

Figure 3.3
This type of joint is provided between wall and floor in some cylindrical tank designs.


This type of joint is provided for convenience in construction. Arrangement is made to

achieve subsequent continuity without relativemovement. One application of these joints is
between successive lifts in a reservoir wall. A typical joint is shown in Fig.3.4.

Figure 3.4

The number of joints should be as small as possible and these joints should be kept from
possibility of percolation of water.


A gap is sometimes left temporarily between the concrete of adjoining parts of a structure
which after a suitable interval and before the structure is put to use, is filled with mortar or
concrete completely as in Fig.3.5(a) or as shown in Fig.3.5 (b) and (c) with suitable jointing
materials. In the first case width of the gap should be sufficient to allow the sides to be
prepared before filling.
Figure 3.5(a)

Figure 3.5 (b)

Figure 3.5(c)


Unless alternative effective means are taken to avoid cracks by allowing for the additional
stresses that may be induced by temperature or shrinkage changes or by unequal settlement,
movement joints should be provided at the following spacing:-

(a) In reinforced concrete floors, movement joints should be spaced at not more than 7.5m
apart in two directions at right angles. The wall and floor joints should be in line except
where sliding joints occur at the base of the wall in which correspondence is not so important.

(b)For floors with only nominal percentage of reinforcement (smaller than the minimum
specified) the concrete floor should be cast in panels with sides not more than 4.5m.

(c) In concrete walls, the movement joints should normally be placed at a maximum spacing
of 7.5m. in reinforced walls and 6m in unreinforced walls. The maximum length desirable
between vertical movement joints will depend upon the tensile strength of the walls, and may
be increased by suitable reinforcement. When a sliding layer is placed at the foundation of a
wall, the length of the wall that can be kept free of cracks depends on the capacity of wall
section to resist the friction induced at the plane of sliding. Approximately the wall has to
stand the effect of aforce at the place of sliding equal to weight of half the length of
wallmultiplied by the co-efficient of friction.

(d)Amongst the movement joints in floors and walls as mentioned above expansion joints
should normally be provided at a spacing of not more than 30m between successive
expansion joints or between the end of the structure and the next expansion joint; all other
joints being of the construction type.

(e)When, however, the temperature changes to be accommodated are abnormal or occur more
frequently than usual as in the case of storage of warm liquids or in uninsulated roof slabs, a
smaller spacing than 30m should be adopted that is greater proportion of movement joints
should be of the expansion type). When the range of temperature is small, for example, in
certain covered structures, or where restraint is small, for example, in certain elevated
structures none of the movement joints provided in small structures up to 45mlength need be
of the expansion type. Where sliding joints are provided between the walls and either the
floor or roof, the provision of movement joints in each element can be considered


3.3.1 Plain Concrete Structures.

Plain concrete member of reinforced concrete liquid retaining structure may be designed
against structural failure by allowing tension in plain concrete as per the permissible limits
for tension in bending. This will automatically take care of failure due to cracking. However,
nominal reinforcement shall be provided, for plain concrete structural members.

3.3.2. Permissible Stresses in Concrete.

(a) For resistance to cracking. For calculations relating to the resistance of members to
cracking, the permissible stresses in tension (direct and due to bending) and shear shall
confirm to the values specified in Table 1.

The permissible tensile stresses due to bending apply to the face of the member in contact
with the liquid. In members less than 225mm. thick and in contact with liquid on one side
these permissible stresses in bending apply also to the face remote from the liquid.

(b) For strength calculations. In strength calculations the permissibleconcrete stresses shall be
in accordance with Table 1. Where the calculated shear stress in concrete alone exceeds the
permissible value, reinforcement acting in conjunction with diagonal compression in the
concrete shall be provided to take the whole of the shear.

Table 1.Permissible concrete stresses in calculations relating to resistance to cracking

Grade ofconcrete Permissible stress in KN/m^2 tension shear

Direct Bending
M15 1.1 1.5 1.5
M20 1.2 1.7 1.7
M25 1.3 1.8 1.9
M30 1.5 2.0 2.2
M35 1.6 2.2 2.5
M40 1.7 2.4 2.7

3.3.3 Permissible Stresses in Steel

(a) For resistance to cracking.

When steel and concrete are assumed to act together for checking the tensile stress in
concrete for avoidance of crack, the tensile stress in steel will be limited by the requirement
that the permissible tensile stress in the concrete is not exceeded so the tensile stress in steel
shall be equal to the product of modular ratio of steel and concrete, and the corresponding
allowable tensile stress in concrete.

(b) For strength calculations.

In strength calculations the permissible stress shall be as follows:

(i) Tensile stress in member in direct tension 1000 kg/cm2

(ii) Tensile stress in member in bending on liquid retaining face of members or face away
from liquid for members less than 225mm thick 1000 kg/cm2

(iii)On face away from liquid for members 225mm or more in thickness 1250 kg/cm2

(iv)Tensile stress in shear reinforcement,For members less than 225mm thickness 1000

For members 225mm or more in thickness 1250 kg/cm2

(v)Compressive stress in columns subjected to direct load 1250 kg/cm2

3.3.4. Stresses due to drying Shrinkage or Temperature Change.

(i)Stresses due to drying shrinkage or temperature change may be ignored provided that –

(a) The permissible stresses specified above in (ii) and (iii) are not otherwise exceeded.

(b) Adequate precautions are taken to avoid cracking of concrete during the construction
period and until the reservoir is put into use.

(c) Recommendation regarding joints given in article 8.3 and for suitable sliding layer
beneath the reservoir are complied with, or the reservoir is to be used only for the storage of
water or aqueous liquids at or near ambient temperature and the circumstances are such that
the concrete will never dry out.

(ii)Shrinkage stresses may however be required to be calculated in special cases, when a

shrinkage co-efficient of 300 x 10-6may be assumed.

(iii) When the shrinkage stresses are allowed, the permissible stresses, tensile stresses to
concrete (direct and bending) as given in Table 1 may be increased by 33.33 per cent.

3.3.5. Floors

(i)Provision of movement joints. Movement joints should be provided as discussed in article


(ii) Floors of tanks resting on ground. If the tank is resting directly over ground, floor may be
constructed of concrete with nominal percentage of reinforcement provided that it is certain
that the ground will carry the load without appreciable subsidence in any part and that the
concrete floor is cast in panels with sides not more than 4.5m. With contraction or expansion
joints between. In such cases a screed or concrete layer less than 75mm thick shall first be
placedon the ground and covered with a sliding layer of bitumen paper or other suitable
material to destroy the bond between the screed and floorconcrete.

In normal circumstances the screed layer shall be of grade not weaker than M 10,where
injurious soils or aggressive water are expected, the screed layer shall be of grade not weaker
than M 15 and if necessary a sulphate resisting or other special cement should be used.

(iii) Floor of tanks resting on supports

(a) If the tank is supported on walls or other similar supports the floor slab shall be designed
as floor in buildings for bending moments due to water load and self-weight.

(b)When the floor is rigidly connected to the walls (as is generally the case) the bending
moments at the junction between the walls and floors shall be taken into account in the design
of floor together with any direct forces transferred to the floor from the walls or from the
floor to the wall due to suspension of the floor from the wall. If the walls are non-monolithic
with the floor slab, such as in cases, where movement joints have been provided between the
floor slabs and walls, the floor shall be designed only for the vertical loads on the floor.

(c) In continuous T-beams and L-beams with ribs on the side remote from the liquid, the
tension in concrete on the liquid side at the face of the supports shall not exceed the
permissible stresses for controlling cracks in concrete. The width of the slab shall be
determined in usual manner for calculation of the resistance to cracking of T-beam, L-beam
sections at supports.

(d)The floor slab may be suitably tied to the walls by rods properly embedded in both the slab
and the walls. In such cases no separate beam (curved or straight) is necessary under the wall,
provided the wall of the tank itself is designed to act as a beam over the supports under it.

(e)Sometimes it may be economical to provide the floors of circular tanks, in the shape of
dome. In such cases the dome shall be designed for thevertical loads of the liquid over it and
the ratio of its rise to its diameter shall be so adjusted that the stresses in the dome are, as far
as possible, wholly compressive. The dome shall be supported at its bottom on the ring beam
which shall be designed for resultant circumferential tension in addition to vertical loads.

3.3.6. Walls

(i)Provision of joints

(a)Where it is desired to allow the walls to expand or contract separately from the floor, or to
prevent moments at the base of the wall owing tofixity to the floor, sliding joints may be

(b)The spacing of vertical movement joints should be as discussed in article 3.3 while the
majority of these joints may be of the partial or complete contraction type, sufficient joints of
the expansion type should be provided to satisfy the requirements given in article
(ii)Pressure on Walls.

(a) In liquid retaining structures with fixed or floating covers the gas pressure developed
above liquid surface shall be added to the liquid pressure.

(b)When the wall of liquid retaining structure is built in ground, or has earth embanked
against it, the effect of earth pressure shall be taken into account.

(iii) Walls or Tanks Rectangular or Polygonal in Plan.

While designing the walls of rectangular or polygonal concrete tanks, the following points
should be borne in mind.

(a) In plane walls, the liquid pressure is resisted by both vertical and horizontal bending
moments. An estimate should be made of the proportion of the pressure resisted by bending
moments in the vertical and horizontal planes. The direct horizontal tension caused by the
direct pull due to water pressure on the end walls, should be added to that resulting from
horizontal bending moments. On liquid retaining faces, the tensilestresses due to the
combination of direct horizontal tension and bending action shall satisfy the following

t’ = calculated direct tensile stress in concrete

t = permissible direct tensile stress in concrete (Table 1)

(d)At the vertical edges where the walls of a reservoir are rigidly joined,horizontal
reinforcement and haunch bars should be provided to resist the horizontal bending moments
even if the walls are designed to withstand the whole load as vertical beams or cantilever
without lateral supports.

(c) In the case of rectangular or polygonal tanks, the side walls act as twoway slabs, whereby
the wall is continued or restrained in the horizontal direction, fixed or hinged at the bottom
and hinged or free at the top. The walls thus act as thin plate’s subjected triangular loading
and with boundary conditions varying between full restraint and free edge. The analysis of
moment and forces may be made on the basis of any recognized method.

(iv)Walls of Cylindrical Tanks.

While designing walls of cylindrical tanks the following points should be borne in mind:

(a)Walls of cylindrical tanks are either cast monolithically with the base or are set in grooves
and key ways (movement joints). In either case deformation of wall under influence of liquid
pressure is restricted at and above the base. Consequently, only part of the triangular
hydrostatic load will be carried by ring tension and part of the load at bottom will be
supported by cantilever action.

(b)It is difficult to restrict rotation or settlement of the base slab and it is advisable to provide
vertical reinforcement as if the walls were fully fixed at the base, in addition to the
reinforcement required to resist horizontalring tension for hinged at base, conditions of walls,
unless the appropriate amount of fixity at the base is established by analysis with due
consideration to the dimensions of the base slab the type of joint between the wall and slab,
and , where applicable, the type of soil supporting the base slab.

3.3.7. Roofs

(i) Provision of Movement joints.

To avoid the possibility of sympathetic cracking it is important to ensure that movement

joints in the roof correspond with those in the walls, if roof and walls are monolithic. It,
however, provision is made by means of a sliding joint for movement between the roof and
the wall correspondence of joints is not so important.


Field covers of liquid retaining structures should be designed for gravity loads, such as the
weight of roof slab, earth cover if any, live loads and mechanical equipment. They should
also be designed for upward load if the liquid retaining structure is subjected to internal gas
pressure. A superficial load sufficient to ensure safety with the unequal intensity of loading
which occurs during the placing of the earth cover should be allowed for in designing roofs.
The engineer should specify a loading under these temporary conditions which should not be
exceeded. In designing the roof, allowance should be made for the temporary condition of
some spans loaded and other spans unloaded, even though in the final state the load may be
small and evenly distributed.

(iii)Water tightness. In case of tanks intended for the storage of water for domestic purpose,
the roof must be made water-tight. This may be achieved by limiting the stresses as for the
rest of the tank, or by the use of the covering of the waterproof membrane or by providing
slopes to ensure adequate drainage.

(iv) Protection against corrosion. Protection measure shall be provided to the underside of
the roof to prevent it from corrosion due to condensation.

3.3.8. Minimum Reinforcement

(a)The minimum reinforcement in walls, floors and roofs in each of two directions at right
angles shall have an area of 0.3 per cent of the concrete section in that direction for sections
up to 100mm, thickness. For sections of thickness greater than 100mm, and less than 450mm
the minimum reinforcement in each of the two directions shall be linearly reduced from 0.3
percent for 100mm thick section to 0.2 percent for 450mm, thick sections. For sections of
thickness greater than 450mm, minimum reinforcement in each of the two directions shall be
kept at 0.2 per cent. In concrete sections of thickness 225mm or greater, two layers of
reinforcement steel shall be placed one near each face of the section to make up the minimum

(b)In special circumstances floor slabs may be constructed with percentage of reinforcement
less than specified above. In no case the percentage of reinforcement in any member be less
than 0°15% of gross sectional area of the member.

3.3.9. Minimum Cover to Reinforcement.

(a)For liquid faces of parts of members either in contact with the liquid(such as inner faces or
roof slab) the minimum cover to all reinforcement should be 25mm or the diameter of the
main bar whichever is greater. In the presence of the sea water and soils and water of
corrosive characters the cover should be increased by 12mm but this additional cover shall
not be taken into account for design calculations.

(b)For faces away from liquid and for parts of the structure neither in contact with the liquid
on any face, nor enclosing the space above the liquid, the cover shall be as for ordinary
concrete member.

For smaller capacities rectangular tanks are used and for bigger capacities circular tanks are
used .In circular tanks with flexible joint at the base tanks walls are subjected to hydrostatic
pressure .so the tank walls are designed as thin cylinder. As the hoop tension gradually
reduces to zero at top, the reinforcement is gradually reduced to minimum reinforcement at
top. The main reinforcement consists of circular hoops. Vertical reinforcement equal to 0.3%
of concrete are is provided and hoop reinforcement is tied to this reinforcement.



Diameter=D=√(Q * 0.004) / ((H - Fb) * 3.14)

Where Q=capacity of the water tank

H=height of the water tank

Fb=free board of the water tank



Thickness of dome = t=100mm

Live load = 1.5KN/m2

Self-weight of dome = (t / 1000) * unit weight of concrete

Finishes load= 0.1KN/m2

Total load = live load + self-weight + finishes load

Central rise= r =1m

Radius of dome = R= ((0.5 * D) ^ 2 + r ^ 2) / (2 * r)

CosA = ((R - r) /R)

Meridional thrust = (total load * R) / (1 + cosA)

Circumferential thrust = total load * R * (cosA - 1 / (1 + cosA))

Meridional stress = meridional thrust / t

Hoop stress = circumferential thrust / t

Reinforcement in both direction = 0.3 * t* 10

Hoop tension = meridional thrust * cosA * D * 0.5

Reinforcement in top ring beam =As_topring beam hoop tension / Ts Cross section area of
top ring beam

= (hoop tension / PST direct) - (m - 1) * As_topringbeam



HTi = 0.5 * (w * (H - i) * D)

Asi = HTi / Ts

Where, HTi=hoop tension at a depth of i from the top

Asi=hoop reinforcement at a depth of i from the top



HT = 0.5 * (w * H * D)

t = 0.001 * (HT1 / PSTdirect - (m - 1) * As)

Where, t=thickness of the wall

HT=hoop tension at the base of tank

PSTdirect=permissible stress due to direct tension

As=hoop reinforcement at base



Asv = (0.3 - 0.1 * (t - 100) / 350) * t * 10

Where, Asv= vertical reinforcement of the wall

t=thickness of the wall



Thickness of base =150mm

Minimum reinforcement required=(0.3/100)*150*1000mm2


The design of rigid base circular tank can be done by the approximate method. In this method
it is assumed that some portion of the tank at base acts as cantilever and thus some load at
bottom are taken by the cantilever effect. Load in the top portion is taken by the hoop tension.
The cantilever effect will depend on the dimension of the tank and the thickness of the wall.
For H2 /Dt between 6 to 12, the cantilever portion may be assumed at H/3 or 1m from base
whichever is more. For H2 /Dtbetween 6 to 12, the cantilever portion may be assumed at H/4
or 1m from base whichever is more.



Diameter=D=√ (Q * 0.004) / ((H - Fb) * 3.14)

Where Q=capacity of the water tank

H=height of the water tank

Fb=free board of the water tank



Thickness of dome = t=100mm

Live load = 1.5KN/m2

Self-weight of dome = (t / 1000) * unit weight of concrete

Finishes load= 0.1KN/m2

Total load = live load + self-weight + finishes load

Central rise= r =1m

Radius of dome = R= ((0.5 * D) ^ 2 + r ^ 2) / (2 * r)

cosA = ((R - r) /R)

Meridional thrust = (total load * R) / (1 + cosA)

Circumferential thrust = total load * R * (cosA - 1 / (1 + cosA))

Meridional stress = meridional thrust / t

Hoop stress = circumferential thrust / t

Reinforcement in both direction = 0.3 * t* 10

Hoop tension = meridional thrust * cosA * D * 0.5

Reinforcement in top ring beam =As_topringbeam hoop tension / Ts

Cross section area of top ring beam

= (hoop tension / PST direct) - (m - 1) * As_topringbeam


Assume the thickness of the wall=t = 0.15m

Find the value of H ^ 2 / (D * t)

(i) 6 < H ^ 2 / (D * t) < 12

Cantilever height=H/3 or 1m (whichever is more)

(ii) 12 < H ^ 2 / (D * t) < 30

Cantilever height=H/4 or 1m (whichever is more)



Maximum hoop tension=pD/2

Where, p=w*(H-cantilever height)

w=unit weight of water

Area of steel required=maximum hoop tension/ós t



Maximum bending moment = 0.5 * (w * H) * (cantileverht ^ 2) / 3

Effective depth=t-40mm

Area of steel required=maximum bending moment/(j*effective depth* ós t )



Distribution steel provided = (0.3 - 0.1 * (t - 100) / 350) * t * 10



Thickness of base =150mm

Minimum reinforcement required=(0.3/100)*150*1000mm2

Reinforcement in top ring beam =As_topringbeam hoop tension / Ts


The tanks like purification tanks, Imhoff tanks, septic tanks, and gas holders are built
underground. The design principle of underground tank is same as for tanks are subjected to
internal water pressure and outside earth pressure. The base is subjected to weight of water
and soil pressure. These tanks may be covered at the top. Whenever there is a possibility of
water table to rise, soil becomes saturated and earth pressure exerted by saturated soil should
be taken into consideration.

As the ratio of the length of tank to its breadth is greater than 2, the long walls will be
designed as cantilevers and the top portion of the short walls will be designed as slab
supported by long walls. Bottom one meter of the short walls will be designed as cantilever



Assuming length is equal to the three times of breadth.

Area of the tank = Q / H

B =√ (area of tank / 3)




1.first considering that pressure of saturated soil acting from outside and no water pressure
from inside, calculate the depth and over all depth of the walls.

2. Calculate the maximum bending moment at base of long wall.

3. Calculate the area of steel and provide it on the outer face of the walls.

4. Now considering water pressure acting from inside and no earthpressure acting from
outside, calculate the maximum water pressure at base.

5. Calculate the maximum bending moment due to water pressure at base.

6. Calculate the area of steel and provide it on the inner face of the walls.

7. Distribution steel provided = (0.3 - 0.1 * (t - 100) / 350) * t * 10



1. Bottom 1m acts as cantilever and remaining 3m acts as slab supported on long walls.
Calculate the water pressure at a depth of (H-1) m from top.

2. Calculate the maximum bending moment at support and centre.

3. Calculate the corresponding area of steel required and provide on the outer face of short
wall respectively.

4. Then the short walls are designed for condition pressure of saturated soil acting from
outside and no earth pressure from inside.


Base slab is check against uplift.


Design of base is done.


4.1 Design of Circular Tank with Flexible and Rigid Base

Capacity= 500000Litres.

Depth of the tank = 4m

Compressive strength of concrete= M20

Free board= 0.2m

Diameter of bars used= 16mm

Table 2

Diameter in m 13
Thickness of walls in mm 260
Thickness of roof in mm 100
Central rise of roof in m 1

Reinforcement in dome in mm^ 2 300

Cross section area of top ring beam

Reinforcement in ring beam

Depth of base slab in mm 150

Reinforcement in base slab 450

Spacing of hoop reinforcement per 1m at
depth m from top in mm
4 140
3 200
2 300

Spacing of vertical reinforcement per 220

1m in both faces in mm


Thickness inmm 150

Reinforcement in cantilever portion 1284

Hoop reinforcement spacing on each 130
face inmm
Spacing of distribution steel on both 429
face in mm

Flexible base circular tank


Rigid base circular tank


4.2 Design of Underground Tank

Capacity= 192m3

Depth of the tank = 4m

Compressive strength of concrete= M20

Free board= 0.2m

Diameter of bars used= 16mm

Angle of repose of soil= 30 degree

Unit weight of soil= 16KN/mm3

Unit weight of water= 10KN/ mm3


Length (m) 12
Breadth (m) 4
Thickness of wall (mm) 650
Long Steel along inner side(mm 2 ) 1390.52
wall Steel along outer side(mm2 ) 1777.7
Distribution steel(mm2 ) 867.34
Short Steel along inner side at 1145.45
wall support(mm2 )
steel along inner side at 995.453
center(mm2 )
Steel along outer side at 1367 .325
support(mm2 )
Steel along outer side at 1050 .478
center(mm )
distribution steel(mm2 ) 967.45
Base thickness(mm) 400
Reinforcement in base (mm2 ) 3547.56
Distribution steel in base (mm2 ) 834. 59
Projection in both side of wall(m) 0.3
Roof thickness (mm) 100
Reinforcement in roof (mm2 ) 433
Distribution steel in roof(mm2 ) 150

Stadd pro Report :








1 5 0 0; 2 4.69846 0 -1.7101; 3 3.83022 0 -3.21394; 4 2.5 0 -4.33013;

5 0.868241 0 -4.92404; 6 -0.868241 0 -4.92404; 7 -2.5 0 -4.33013;

8 -3.83022 0 -3.21394; 9 -4.69846 0 -1.7101; 10 -5 0 -6.12303e-016;

11 -4.69846 0 1.7101; 12 -3.83022 0 3.21394; 13 -2.5 0 4.33013;

14 -0.868241 0 4.92404; 15 0.868241 0 4.92404; 16 2.5 0 4.33013;

17 3.83022 0 3.21394; 18 4.69846 0 1.7101; 19 5 3 0; 20 4.69846 3 -1.7101;

21 3.83022 3 -3.21394; 22 2.5 3 -4.33013; 23 0.868241 3 -4.92404;

24 -0.868241 3 -4.92404; 25 -2.5 3 -4.33013; 26 -3.83022 3 -3.21394;

27 -4.69846 3 -1.7101; 28 -5 3 -6.12303e-016; 29 -4.69846 3 1.7101;

30 -3.83022 3 3.21394; 31 -2.5 3 4.33013; 32 -0.868241 3 4.92404;

33 0.868241 3 4.92404; 34 2.5 3 4.33013; 35 3.83022 3 3.21394;

36 4.69846 3 1.7101; 37 5 6 0; 38 4.69846 6 -1.7101; 39 3.83022 6 -3.21394;

40 2.5 6 -4.33013; 41 0.868241 6 -4.92404; 42 -0.868241 6 -4.92404;

43 -2.5 6 -4.33013; 44 -3.83022 6 -3.21394; 45 -4.69846 6 -1.7101;

46 -5 6 -6.12303e-016; 47 -4.69846 6 1.7101; 48 -3.83022 6 3.21394;

49 -2.5 6 4.33013; 50 -0.868241 6 4.92404; 51 0.868241 6 4.92404;

52 2.5 6 4.33013; 53 3.83022 6 3.21394; 54 4.69846 6 1.7101; 55 5 9 0;

56 4.69846 9 -1.7101; 57 3.83022 9 -3.21394; 58 2.5 9 -4.33013;

59 0.868241 9 -4.92404; 60 -0.868241 9 -4.92404; 61 -2.5 9 -4.33013;

62 -3.83022 9 -3.21394; 63 -4.69846 9 -1.7101; 64 -5 9 -6.12303e-016;

65 -4.69846 9 1.7101; 66 -3.83022 9 3.21394; 67 -2.5 9 4.33013;

68 -0.868241 9 4.92404; 69 0.868241 9 4.92404; 70 2.5 9 4.33013;

71 3.83022 9 3.21394; 72 4.69846 9 1.7101; 73 5 12 0; 74 4.69846 12 -1.7101;

75 3.83022 12 -3.21394; 76 2.5 12 -4.33013; 77 0.868241 12 -4.92404;

78 -0.868241 12 -4.92404; 79 -2.5 12 -4.33013; 80 -3.83022 12 -3.21394;

81 -4.69846 12 -1.7101; 82 -5 12 -6.12303e-016; 83 -4.69846 12 1.7101;

84 -3.83022 12 3.21394; 85 -2.5 12 4.33013; 86 -0.868241 12 4.92404;

87 0.868241 12 4.92404; 88 2.5 12 4.33013; 89 3.83022 12 3.21394;

90 4.69846 12 1.7101; 91 5 15 0; 92 4.69846 15 -1.7101; 93 3.83022 15 -3.21394;

94 2.5 15 -4.33013; 95 0.868241 15 -4.92404; 96 -0.868241 15 -4.92404;

97 -2.5 15 -4.33013; 98 -3.83022 15 -3.21394; 99 -4.69846 15 -1.7101;

100 -5 15 -6.12303e-016; 101 -4.69846 15 1.7101; 102 -3.83022 15 3.21394;

103 -2.5 15 4.33013; 104 -0.868241 15 4.92404; 105 0.868241 15 4.92404;

106 2.5 15 4.33013; 107 3.83022 15 3.21394; 108 4.69846 15 1.7101;

110 0.185516 0 2.76091; 116 2.45386 0 2.97137; 117 -1.92734 0 2.96149;

127 -0.370193 0 -3.63164; 128 0.556142 0 -3.27638; 129 -2.85052 0 -2.4419;

133 -3.8701 0 -0.470416; 134 -0.798694 0 -2.69467; 135 -1.70533 0 -2.84781;

137 1.55166 0 -3.27231; 140 -0.41763 0 3.85814; 148 -4 15.1 -5.51073e-016;

149 -3 15.2 -4.89843e-016; 150 -2 15.3 -4.28612e-016;

151 -1 15.4 -3.67382e-016; 152 -3.75877 15.1 1.36808;

153 -2.81908 15.2 1.02606; 154 -1.87939 15.3 0.68404;

155 -0.939693 15.4 0.34202; 156 -3.06418 15.1 2.57115;

157 -2.29813 15.2 1.92836; 158 -1.53209 15.3 1.28558;

159 -0.766044 15.4 0.642788; 160 -2 15.1 3.4641; 161 -1.5 15.2 2.59808;

162 -1 15.3 1.73205; 163 -0.5 15.4 0.866025; 164 -0.694593 15.1 3.93923;

165 -0.520945 15.2 2.95442; 166 -0.347296 15.3 1.96962;

167 -0.173648 15.4 0.984808; 168 0.694593 15.1 3.93923;

169 0.520945 15.2 2.95442; 170 0.347296 15.3 1.96962;

171 0.173648 15.4 0.984808; 172 2 15.1 3.4641; 173 1.5 15.2 2.59808;

174 1 15.3 1.73205; 175 0.5 15.4 0.866025; 176 3.06418 15.1 2.57115;

177 2.29813 15.2 1.92836; 178 1.53209 15.3 1.28558; 179 0.766044 15.4 0.642788;

180 3.75877 15.1 1.36808; 181 2.81908 15.2 1.02606; 182 1.87939 15.3 0.68404;

183 0.939693 15.4 0.34202; 184 4 15.1 4.28612e-016; 185 3 15.2 2.44921e-016;
186 2 15.3 6.12303e-017; 187 1 15.4 -1.22461e-016; 188 3.75877 15.1 -1.36808;

189 2.81908 15.2 -1.02606; 190 1.87939 15.3 -0.68404;

191 0.939693 15.4 -0.34202; 192 3.06418 15.1 -2.57115;

193 2.29813 15.2 -1.92836; 194 1.53209 15.3 -1.28558;

195 0.766044 15.4 -0.642788; 196 2 15.1 -3.4641; 197 1.5 15.2 -2.59808;

198 1 15.3 -1.73205; 199 0.5 15.4 -0.866025; 200 0.694593 15.1 -3.93923;

201 0.520945 15.2 -2.95442; 202 0.347296 15.3 -1.96962;

203 0.173648 15.4 -0.984808; 204 -0.694593 15.1 -3.93923;

205 -0.520945 15.2 -2.95442; 206 -0.347296 15.3 -1.96962;

207 -0.173648 15.4 -0.984808; 208 -2 15.1 -3.4641; 209 -1.5 15.2 -2.59808;

210 -1 15.3 -1.73205; 211 -0.5 15.4 -0.866025; 212 -3.06418 15.1 -2.57115;

213 -2.29813 15.2 -1.92836; 214 -1.53209 15.3 -1.28558;

215 -0.766044 15.4 -0.642788; 216 -3.75877 15.1 -1.36808;

217 -2.81908 15.2 -1.02606; 218 -1.87939 15.3 -0.68404;

219 -0.939693 15.4 -0.34202; 220 -0.523588 15.4 0.508791;

221 -0.627376 15.4 0.217062; 222 -0.473713 15.4 -0.000980378;

223 -0.468784 15.4 0.310155; 224 0.645347 15.4 0.343362;

225 0.49754 15.4 0.480154; 226 0.585373 15.4 0.0067937;

227 0.566814 15.4 -0.248637; 228 0.757947 15.4 -0.139789;

229 0.431164 15.4 -0.429663; 230 0.120733 15.4 0.706247;

231 -0.0392504 15.4 0.54419; 232 0.311747 15.4 0.584355;

233 0.303952 15.4 -0.673263; 234 -0.750646 15.4 0.00764722;

235 -0.624627 15.4 -0.194117; 236 -0.060941 15.4 -0.366305;

237 0.158057 15.4 -0.208275; 238 -0.0290075 15.4 -0.0267631;

239 -0.335994 15.4 0.57345; 240 -0.166651 15.4 0.288671;

241 -0.653407 15.4 -0.425469; 242 0.169011 15.4 -0.520717;

243 -0.413244 15.4 -0.630173; 244 -0.460536 15.4 -0.239352;

245 -0.182948 15.4 0.700808; 246 0.222505 15.4 0.359111;

247 0.0854399 15.4 -0.701515; 248 -0.224408 15.4 -0.738001;

249 0.175888 15.4 0.0849978; 250 0.752251 15.4 0.0227103;

251 -0.251373 15.4 -0.506937; 252 -0.223108 15.4 0.086974;

253 -0.254545 15.4 -0.291609; 254 0.334131 15.4 -0.0773488;

255 0.498785 15.4 0.207924; 256 -0.0863791 15.4 -0.59904;


1 1 2; 2 2 3; 3 3 4; 4 4 5; 5 5 6; 6 6 7; 7 7 8; 8 8 9; 9 9 10; 10 10 11;

11 11 12; 12 12 13; 13 13 14; 14 14 15; 15 15 16; 16 16 17; 17 17 18; 18 18 1;

19 19 20; 20 20 21; 21 21 22; 22 22 23; 23 23 24; 24 24 25; 25 25 26; 26 26 27;

27 27 28; 28 28 29; 29 29 30; 30 30 31; 31 31 32; 32 32 33; 33 33 34; 34 34 35;

35 35 36; 36 36 19; 37 37 38; 38 38 39; 39 39 40; 40 40 41; 41 41 42; 42 42 43;

43 43 44; 44 44 45; 45 45 46; 46 46 47; 47 47 48; 48 48 49; 49 49 50; 50 50 51;

51 51 52; 52 52 53; 53 53 54; 54 54 37; 55 55 56; 56 56 57; 57 57 58; 58 58 59;

59 59 60; 60 60 61; 61 61 62; 62 62 63; 63 63 64; 64 64 65; 65 65 66; 66 66 67;

67 67 68; 68 68 69; 69 69 70; 70 70 71; 71 71 72; 72 72 55; 73 73 74; 74 74 75;

75 75 76; 76 76 77; 77 77 78; 78 78 79; 79 79 80; 80 80 81; 81 81 82; 82 82 83;

83 83 84; 84 84 85; 85 85 86; 86 86 87; 87 87 88; 88 88 89; 89 89 90; 90 90 73;

91 91 92; 92 92 93; 93 93 94; 94 94 95; 95 95 96; 96 96 97; 97 97 98; 98 98 99;

99 99 100; 100 100 101; 101 101 102; 102 102 103; 103 103 104; 104 104 105;

105 105 106; 106 106 107; 107 107 108; 108 108 91; 109 1 19; 110 2 20;

111 3 21; 112 4 22; 113 5 23; 114 6 24; 115 7 25; 116 8 26; 117 9 27;

118 10 28; 119 11 29; 120 12 30; 121 13 31; 122 14 32; 123 15 33; 124 16 34;

125 17 35; 126 18 36; 127 19 37; 128 20 38; 129 21 39; 130 22 40; 131 23 41;

132 24 42; 133 25 43; 134 26 44; 135 27 45; 136 28 46; 137 29 47; 138 30 48;

139 31 49; 140 32 50; 141 33 51; 142 34 52; 143 35 53; 144 36 54; 145 37 55;

146 38 56; 147 39 57; 148 40 58; 149 41 59; 150 42 60; 151 43 61; 152 44 62;

153 45 63; 154 46 64; 155 47 65; 156 48 66; 157 49 67; 158 50 68; 159 51 69;

160 52 70; 161 53 71; 162 54 72; 163 55 73; 164 56 74; 165 57 75; 166 58 76;

167 59 77; 168 60 78; 169 61 79; 170 62 80; 171 63 81; 172 64 82; 173 65 83;

174 66 84; 175 67 85; 176 68 86; 177 69 87; 178 70 88; 179 71 89; 180 72 90;

181 73 91; 182 74 92; 183 75 93; 184 76 94; 185 77 95; 186 78 96; 187 79 97;

188 80 98; 189 81 99; 190 82 100; 191 83 101; 192 84 102; 193 85 103;

194 86 104; 195 87 105; 196 88 106; 197 89 107; 198 90 108; 379 100 148;

380 148 149; 381 149 150; 382 150 151; 387 151 155; 388 101 152; 389 152 153;

390 153 154; 391 154 155; 396 155 159; 397 102 156; 398 156 157; 399 157 158;

400 158 159; 405 159 163; 406 103 160; 407 160 161; 408 161 162; 409 162 163;

414 163 167; 415 104 164; 416 164 165; 417 165 166; 418 166 167; 423 167 171;

424 105 168; 425 168 169; 426 169 170; 427 170 171; 432 171 175; 433 106 172;

434 172 173; 435 173 174; 436 174 175; 441 175 179; 442 107 176; 443 176 177;

444 177 178; 445 178 179; 450 179 183; 451 108 180; 452 180 181; 453 181 182;

454 182 183; 459 183 187; 460 91 184; 461 184 185; 462 185 186; 463 186 187;
468 187 191; 469 92 188; 470 188 189; 471 189 190; 472 190 191; 477 191 195;

478 93 192; 479 192 193; 480 193 194; 481 194 195; 486 195 199; 487 94 196;

488 196 197; 489 197 198; 490 198 199; 495 199 203; 496 95 200; 497 200 201;

498 201 202; 499 202 203; 504 203 207; 505 96 204; 506 204 205; 507 205 206;

508 206 207; 513 207 211; 514 97 208; 515 208 209; 516 209 210; 517 210 211;

522 211 215; 523 98 212; 524 212 213; 525 213 214; 526 214 215; 531 215 219;

532 99 216; 533 216 217; 534 217 218; 535 218 219; 540 219 151;


207 127 5 128; 212 127 134 135; 217 140 14 13; 218 140 110 15; 234 127 135 7;

235 117 13 12; 237 137 128 5; 239 127 6 5; 241 116 17 16; 243 133 10 9;

255 129 8 7; 266 137 5 4; 270 140 15 14; 271 127 7 6; 272 127 128 134;

277 117 140 13; 281 129 7 135; 282 129 9 8; 289 1 2 20 19; 290 2 3 21 20;

291 3 4 22 21; 292 4 5 23 22; 293 5 6 24 23; 294 6 7 25 24; 295 7 8 26 25;

296 8 9 27 26; 297 9 10 28 27; 298 10 11 29 28; 299 11 12 30 29;

300 12 13 31 30; 301 13 14 32 31; 302 14 15 33 32; 303 15 16 34 33;

304 16 17 35 34; 305 17 18 36 35; 306 18 1 19 36; 307 19 20 38 37;

308 20 21 39 38; 309 21 22 40 39; 310 22 23 41 40; 311 23 24 42 41;

312 24 25 43 42; 313 25 26 44 43; 314 26 27 45 44; 315 27 28 46 45;

316 28 29 47 46; 317 29 30 48 47; 318 30 31 49 48; 319 31 32 50 49;

320 32 33 51 50; 321 33 34 52 51; 322 34 35 53 52; 323 35 36 54 53;

324 36 19 37 54; 325 37 38 56 55; 326 38 39 57 56; 327 39 40 58 57;

328 40 41 59 58; 329 41 42 60 59; 330 42 43 61 60; 331 43 44 62 61;

332 44 45 63 62; 333 45 46 64 63; 334 46 47 65 64; 335 47 48 66 65;

336 48 49 67 66; 337 49 50 68 67; 338 50 51 69 68; 339 51 52 70 69;

340 52 53 71 70; 341 53 54 72 71; 342 54 37 55 72; 343 55 56 74 73;

344 56 57 75 74; 345 57 58 76 75; 346 58 59 77 76; 347 59 60 78 77;

348 60 61 79 78; 349 61 62 80 79; 350 62 63 81 80; 351 63 64 82 81;

352 64 65 83 82; 353 65 66 84 83; 354 66 67 85 84; 355 67 68 86 85;

356 68 69 87 86; 357 69 70 88 87; 358 70 71 89 88; 359 71 72 90 89;

360 72 55 73 90; 361 73 74 92 91; 362 74 75 93 92; 363 75 76 94 93;

364 76 77 95 94; 365 77 78 96 95; 366 78 79 97 96; 367 79 80 98 97;

368 80 81 99 98; 369 81 82 100 99; 370 82 83 101 100; 371 83 84 102 101;

372 84 85 103 102; 373 85 86 104 103; 374 86 87 105 104; 375 87 88 106 105;

376 88 89 107 106; 377 89 90 108 107; 378 90 73 91 108; 541 220 155 221;

542 221 222 223; 543 224 179 225; 544 226 227 228; 545 227 229 195;

546 230 231 232; 547 230 232 175; 548 233 195 229; 549 234 219 235;

550 236 237 238; 551 239 240 231; 552 227 191 228; 553 235 219 241;

554 236 242 237; 555 243 241 215; 556 244 241 243; 557 245 163 239;

558 225 232 246; 559 247 203 233; 560 247 248 207; 561 249 240 238;

562 226 228 250; 563 251 244 243; 564 252 222 253; 565 231 240 246;

566 225 175 232; 567 234 221 155; 568 252 253 238; 569 249 246 240;

570 249 238 237; 571 250 187 183; 572 249 254 255; 573 233 199 195;

574 237 242 229; 575 220 239 163; 576 252 240 223; 577 247 242 256;

578 248 243 211; 579 239 223 240; 580 230 167 245; 581 220 223 239;

582 245 167 163; 583 228 191 187; 584 227 195 191; 585 241 219 215;

586 235 241 244; 587 251 243 248; 588 243 215 211; 589 225 179 175;
590 232 231 246; 591 224 183 179; 592 225 246 255; 593 227 254 237;

594 236 256 242; 595 249 255 246; 596 249 237 254; 597 234 235 222;

598 220 159 155; 599 244 253 222; 600 251 253 244; 601 251 256 236;

602 236 238 253; 603 227 237 229; 604 226 255 254; 605 252 223 222;

606 252 238 240; 607 230 171 167; 608 245 239 231; 609 247 256 248;

610 248 211 207; 611 233 203 199; 612 233 229 242; 613 220 221 223;

614 220 163 159; 615 224 255 250; 616 250 228 187; 617 224 250 183;

618 224 225 255; 619 247 233 242; 620 247 207 203; 621 234 151 219;

622 235 244 222; 623 234 155 151; 624 234 222 221; 625 230 245 231;

626 230 175 171; 627 251 236 253; 628 251 248 256; 629 226 254 227;

630 226 250 255; 631 91 92 188 184; 632 92 93 192 188; 633 93 94 196 192;

634 94 95 200 196; 635 95 96 204 200; 636 96 97 208 204; 637 97 98 212 208;

638 98 99 216 212; 639 99 100 148 216; 640 100 101 152 148;

641 101 102 156 152; 642 102 103 160 156; 643 103 104 164 160;

644 104 105 168 164; 645 105 106 172 168; 646 106 107 176 172;

647 107 108 180 176; 648 108 91 184 180; 649 148 149 153 152;

650 149 150 154 153; 651 151 155 101 100; 652 150 154 155 151;

653 154 155 159 158; 654 152 156 157 153; 655 153 157 158 154;

656 158 159 163 162; 657 156 160 161 157; 658 157 161 162 158;

659 162 163 167 166; 660 160 164 165 161; 661 161 165 166 162;

662 166 167 171 170; 663 164 168 169 165; 664 165 169 170 166;

665 170 171 175 174; 666 168 172 173 169; 667 169 173 174 170;

668 174 175 179 178; 669 172 176 177 173; 670 173 177 178 174;
671 178 179 183 182; 672 176 180 181 177; 673 177 181 182 178;

674 182 183 187 186; 675 180 184 185 181; 676 181 185 186 182;

677 183 187 91 108; 678 186 187 191 190; 679 184 188 189 185;

680 185 189 190 186; 681 191 187 91 92; 682 190 191 195 194;

683 188 192 193 189; 684 189 193 194 190; 685 194 195 199 198;

686 192 196 197 193; 687 193 197 198 194; 688 198 199 203 202;

689 196 200 201 197; 690 197 201 202 198; 691 202 203 207 206;

692 200 204 205 201; 693 201 205 206 202; 694 206 207 211 210;

695 204 208 209 205; 696 205 209 210 206; 697 210 211 215 214;

698 208 212 213 209; 699 209 213 214 210; 700 214 215 219 218;

701 212 216 217 213; 702 213 217 218 214; 703 218 219 151 150;

704 216 148 149 217; 705 217 149 150 218;


207 212 217 218 234 235 237 239 241 243 255 266 270 TO 272 277 281 282 289 -

290 TO 378 541 TO 705 THICKNESS 0.115



E 2.17185e+007


DENSITY 23.5616

ALPHA 1e-005

DAMP 0.05




1 TO 108 379 TO 382 387 TO 391 396 TO 400 405 TO 409 414 TO 418 423 TO 427 -

432 TO 436 441 TO 445 450 TO 454 459 TO 463 468 TO 472 477 TO 481 -

486 TO 490 495 TO 499 504 TO 508 513 TO 517 522 TO 526 531 TO 535 -

540 PRIS YD 0.33 ZD 0.43

109 TO 198 PRIS YD 0.36 ZD 0.43









290 TRAP JT 19.412 17.7189 17.7189 19.412

291 TRAP JT 17.7189 15.125 15.125 17.7189

292 TRAP JT 15.125 11.9431 11.9431 15.125

293 TRAP JT 11.9431 8.55693 8.55693 11.9431

294 TRAP JT 8.55693 5.375 5.375 8.55693

295 TRAP JT 5.375 2.78107 2.78107 5.375

296 TRAP JT 2.78107 1.088 1.088 2.78107

297 TRAP JT 1.088 0.5 0.5 1.088

298 TRAP JT 0.5 1.088 1.088 0.5

299 TRAP JT 1.088 2.78107 2.78107 1.088

300 TRAP JT 2.78107 5.375 5.375 2.78107

301 TRAP JT 5.375 8.55693 8.55693 5.375

302 TRAP JT 8.55693 11.9431 11.9431 8.55693

303 TRAP JT 11.9431 15.125 15.125 11.9431

304 TRAP JT 15.125 17.7189 17.7189 15.125

305 TRAP JT 17.7189 19.412 19.412 17.7189

306 TRAP JT 19.412 20 20 19.412

307 TRAP JT 20 19.412 19.412 20

308 TRAP JT 19.412 17.7189 17.7189 19.412

309 TRAP JT 17.7189 15.125 15.125 17.7189

310 TRAP JT 15.125 11.9431 11.9431 15.125

311 TRAP JT 11.9431 8.55693 8.55693 11.9431

312 TRAP JT 8.55693 5.375 5.375 8.55693

313 TRAP JT 5.375 2.78107 2.78107 5.375

314 TRAP JT 2.78107 1.088 1.088 2.78107

315 TRAP JT 1.088 0.5 0.5 1.088

316 TRAP JT 0.5 1.088 1.088 0.5

317 TRAP JT 1.088 2.78107 2.78107 1.088

318 TRAP JT 2.78107 5.375 5.375 2.78107

319 TRAP JT 5.375 8.55693 8.55693 5.375

320 TRAP JT 8.55693 11.9431 11.9431 8.55693

321 TRAP JT 11.9431 15.125 15.125 11.9431

322 TRAP JT 15.125 17.7189 17.7189 15.125

323 TRAP JT 17.7189 19.412 19.412 17.7189

324 TRAP JT 19.412 20 20 19.412

325 TRAP JT 20 19.412 19.412 20

326 TRAP JT 19.412 17.7189 17.7189 19.412

327 TRAP JT 17.7189 15.125 15.125 17.7189

328 TRAP JT 15.125 11.9431 11.9431 15.125

329 TRAP JT 11.9431 8.55693 8.55693 11.9431

330 TRAP JT 8.55693 5.375 5.375 8.55693

331 TRAP JT 5.375 2.78107 2.78107 5.375

332 TRAP JT 2.78107 1.088 1.088 2.78107

333 TRAP JT 1.088 0.5 0.5 1.088

334 TRAP JT 0.5 1.088 1.088 0.5

335 TRAP JT 1.088 2.78107 2.78107 1.088

336 TRAP JT 2.78107 5.375 5.375 2.78107

337 TRAP JT 5.375 8.55693 8.55693 5.375

338 TRAP JT 8.55693 11.9431 11.9431 8.55693

339 TRAP JT 11.9431 15.125 15.125 11.9431

340 TRAP JT 15.125 17.7189 17.7189 15.125

341 TRAP JT 17.7189 19.412 19.412 17.7189

342 TRAP JT 19.412 20 20 19.412

343 TRAP JT 20 19.412 19.412 20

344 TRAP JT 19.412 17.7189 17.7189 19.412

345 TRAP JT 17.7189 15.125 15.125 17.7189

346 TRAP JT 15.125 11.9431 11.9431 15.125

347 TRAP JT 11.9431 8.55693 8.55693 11.9431

348 TRAP JT 8.55693 5.375 5.375 8.55693

349 TRAP JT 5.375 2.78107 2.78107 5.375

350 TRAP JT 2.78107 1.088 1.088 2.78107

351 TRAP JT 1.088 0.5 0.5 1.088

352 TRAP JT 0.5 1.088 1.088 0.5

353 TRAP JT 1.088 2.78107 2.78107 1.088

354 TRAP JT 2.78107 5.375 5.375 2.78107

355 TRAP JT 5.375 8.55693 8.55693 5.375

356 TRAP JT 8.55693 11.9431 11.9431 8.55693

357 TRAP JT 11.9431 15.125 15.125 11.9431

358 TRAP JT 15.125 17.7189 17.7189 15.125

359 TRAP JT 17.7189 19.412 19.412 17.7189

360 TRAP JT 19.412 20 20 19.412

361 TRAP JT 20 19.412 19.412 20

362 TRAP JT 19.412 17.7189 17.7189 19.412

363 TRAP JT 17.7189 15.125 15.125 17.7189

364 TRAP JT 15.125 11.9431 11.9431 15.125

365 TRAP JT 11.9431 8.55693 8.55693 11.9431

366 TRAP JT 8.55693 5.375 5.375 8.55693

367 TRAP JT 5.375 2.78107 2.78107 5.375

368 TRAP JT 2.78107 1.088 1.088 2.78107

369 TRAP JT 1.088 0.5 0.5 1.088

370 TRAP JT 0.5 1.088 1.088 0.5

371 TRAP JT 1.088 2.78107 2.78107 1.088

372 TRAP JT 2.78107 5.375 5.375 2.78107

373 TRAP JT 5.375 8.55693 8.55693 5.375

374 TRAP JT 8.55693 11.9431 11.9431 8.55693

375 TRAP JT 11.9431 15.125 15.125 11.9431

376 TRAP JT 15.125 17.7189 17.7189 15.125

377 TRAP JT 17.7189 19.412 19.412 17.7189

378 TRAP JT 19.412 20 20 19.412

289 TRAP JT 20 19.412 19.412 20





ELY 0.75 ALL

ELZ 0.75 ALL

FC 20 MEMB 1 TO 198 379 TO 382 387 TO 391 396 TO 400 405 TO 409 414 TO 418 -

423 TO 427 432 TO 436 441 TO 445 450 TO 454 459 TO 463 468 TO 472 -

477 TO 481 486 TO 490 495 TO 499 504 TO 508 513 TO 517 522 TO 526 -
531 TO 535 540

FYMAIN 415 MEMB 1 TO 198 379 TO 382 387 TO 391 396 TO 400 405 TO 409 -

414 TO 418 423 TO 427 432 TO 436 441 TO 445 450 TO 454 459 TO 463 -

468 TO 472 477 TO 481 486 TO 490 495 TO 499 504 TO 508 513 TO 517 -

522 TO 526 531 TO 535 540






DESIGN BEAM 1 TO 108 379 TO 382 387 TO 391 396 TO 400 405 TO 409 414 TO 418 -

423 TO 427 432 TO 436 441 TO 445 450 TO 454 459 TO 463 468 TO 472 -

477 TO 481 486 TO 490 495 TO 499 504 TO 508 513 TO 517 522 TO 526 -

531 TO 535 540






Storage of water in the form of tanks for drinking and washing purposes, swimming pools for
exercise and enjoyment, and sewage sedimentation tanks are gaining increasing importance
in the present day life. For small capacities we go for rectangular water tanks while for bigger
capacities we provide circular water tanks.

Design of water tank is a very tedious method. Particularly design of underground water tank
involves lots of mathematical formulae and calculation. It is also time consuming. Hence
program gives a solution to the above problems.

There is a little difference between the design values of program to that of manual
calculation. The program gives the least value for the design. Hence designer should not
provide less than the values we get from the program. In case of theoretical calculation
designer initially add some extra values to the obtained values to be in safer side.

Analysis & design of elevated water tanks against earthquake effect is of considerable
importance. These structures must remain functional even after an earthquake. Elevated water
tanks, which typically consist of a large mass supported on the top of a slender staging, are
particularly susceptible to earthquake damage. Thus, analysis & design of such structures
against the earthquake effect is of considerable importance. After details study of all the
papers, following points are to be consider at the time of seismic analysis of elevated water

1. In India, there is only one IS code i.e. IS 1893: 1984, in which provisions for aseismic
design of elevated water tanks are given. IS 1893(Part-1): 2002 is the fifth revision of IS
1893, still it is under revision. So detail criteria for aseismic analysis of elevated water tank
are not mentioned in above IS code. Thus, the recommendations &suggestions given by all
the above author has to be considered at the time of analysis. IITK-GSDMA has given some
guidelines for seismic design of elevated water tank that should consider at the time of

2. Most elevated water tank are never completely filled with water. Hence, a two – mass
idealization of the tank is more appropriate as compared to one-mass idealization.
3. Basically, there are three cases that are generally considered while analyze the elevated
water tank – (1) Empty condition. (2) Partially filled condition. (3) Fully filled condition. For
(1) & (3) case, the tank will behave as a one-mass structure and for (3) case the tank will
behave as a two-mass structure.

4. If we compared the case (1) & (3) with case (2) for maximum earthquake force, the
maximum force to which the partially filled tank is subjected may be less than half the force
to which the fully filled tank is subjected. Actual forces may be as little as 1/3 of the forces
anticipated on the basis of a fully filled tank.

5. During the earthquake, water in the tank get vibrates. Due to this vibration water exerts
impulsive & convective hydrodynamic pressure on the tank wall and the tank base in addition
to the hydrostatic pressure. The effect of impulsive & convective hydrodynamic pressure
should consider in the analysis of tanks. For small capacity tanks, the impulsive pressure is
always greater than the convective pressure, but it is vice-versa for tanks with large capacity.
Magnitudes of both the pressure are different.

6. The effect of water sloshing must be considered in the analysis. Free board to beprovided
in the tank may be based on maximum value of sloshing wave height. If sufficient free board
is not provided, roof structure should be designed to resist the uplift pressure due to sloshing
of water.

7. Earthquake forces increases with increase in Zone factor & decreases with increase in

staging height. Earthquake force are also depends on the soil condition.

 Dayaratnam P. Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures. NewDelhi. Oxford & IBH

 Vazirani & Ratwani. Concrete Structures. New Delhi. KhannaPublishers.1990.
 Sayal & Goel .Reinforced Concrete Structures. New Delhi. S.Chandpublication.2004.
 George W. Housner, 1963 “The Dynamic Behaviour of Water Tank” Bulletin of the
 Seismological Society of America. Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 381-387. February 1963
 Jain Sudhir K., Sameer U.S., 1990, “Seismic Design of Frame Staging For Elevated
 Tank” Ninth Symposium on Earthquake Engineering (9SEE-90), Roorkey, December
14-16, Vol-1.
 Sudhir K. Jain and M. S. Medhekar, October-1993, “Proposed provisions for aseismic
designof liquid storage tanks” Journals of structural engineering Vol.-20, No.-03.
 Sudhir K Jain &Sajjed Sameer U, March-1994,Reprinted from the bridge and
structuralengineer Vol-XXIII No 01.
 Sudhir K. Jain & O. R. Jaiswal, September-2005, Journal of Structural Engineering
Vol-32,No 03
 W.H. Boyce “Vibration Test on Simple Water Tower”
 M.K.Shrimali, R.S.Jangid “Earthquake Response Of Isolated Elevated Liquid Storage
 IITK-GSDMA guidelines for seismic design of liquid storage tanks.
 I.S 1893-2002 criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures.

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