Economic Processing of High Silica Bauxites - Exis
Economic Processing of High Silica Bauxites - Exis
Economic Processing of High Silica Bauxites - Exis
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1 author:
Peter Smith
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
All content following this page was uploaded by Peter Smith on 13 November 2016.
Peter Smith
Parker Centre, CSIRO Light Metals Flagship
December 2008
Table of Contents
1. Introduction................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Scope ............................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Bauxite types.................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Current world bauxite reserves ...................................................................... 4
1.4 The Bayer process ......................................................................................... 6
1.5 Structure of DSP ............................................................................................ 7
1.6 Strategies for caustic loss minimisation.......................................................... 9
6. Acknowledgements ................................................................................................. 34
Economic Processing of High Silica Bauxites – Existing and Potential Processes
Peter Smith (Parker CRC, CSIRO Light Metals Flagship)
1. Introduction
1.1 Scope
This document will critically review existing and potential processes for the economic
processing of high silica bauxites. High silica bauxites are usually considered to be
those with reactive silica contents 1 in excess of ~8% by weight of the bauxite.
“Economic processing” is meant to imply production of alumina at a cost comparable to
that from low silica bauxite by a conventional Bayer process.
This review is limited to bauxites as feedstocks for the processes. Bauxites are those
ores in which the valuable (extractable) aluminium is in the form of hydroxides or oxy-
hydroxides of aluminium (i.e. gibbsite, boehmite and diaspore). In addition the review
will be restricted to alkali leaching of bauxites – which includes all forms of Bayer
process variations. The review will not address alumina production from non-bauxitic
materials such as clays, shales, nephelines or fly ash. It will also not consider alumina
production using non-alkaline processes such as those using mineral acids, reduction,
or bacterial processes. These have been adequately reviewed (until the mid 1980’s) by
O’Connor (O'Connor 1988).
There is an assumption that the reader is familiar with the basics of the Bayer process,
and North American liquor terminology. In brief, the Free Caustic content of a liquor is
defined as g/L of sodium hydroxide, Caustic (or Total Caustic) is defined as Free Caustic
plus sodium aluminate, and Soda is defined as Caustic plus sodium carbonate - all
expressed as g/L of equivalent sodium carbonate. Aluminium in solution is expressed
as g/L Al2O3.
Bauxites are usually considered to be of two major types; (1) “lateritic” (sometimes
called equatorial) and (2) “karst” bauxites. Both are weathered products from underlying
parent rock; lateritic bauxites derive from primary aluminosilicate rocks whereas karst
bauxites from interbedded carbonate and aluminosilicate rocks.
Reactive silica is defined later in this document.
The different mineral composition of these two main bauxite types has influenced the
way they are processed. In general lateritic bauxites are easier to digest than karst
bauxites and are treated by Bayer process variations using less severe conditions of
caustic concentration, temperature and/or holding times. The difference in the
“processibility” of these two bauxite types will also influence the strategies for developing
viable processes for treating high silica versions of these ores.
A classification of bauxites, particularly from the point of view of Bayer processing has
been given by Hill and Robson (Hill and Robson 1981).
According to the USGS report (Bray 2008) the “Reserve Base” is the part of the
resource that meets minimum physical and chemical criteria related to grade, quality
thickness and depth, and includes those resources that are currently economic,
marginally economic and some that are current sub-economic. By contrast the
“Reserve” is a sub-class of this definition, restricted to the part that is economically
recoverable with current technologies.
Alternative figures from the most recent Roskill report (Roskill 2008) are slightly different,
but cannot be reproduced due to copyright issues. In particular they indicate lower
Chinese and higher Guinea production for 2007, with a world total production for 2007 of
~209 MT. Gu (Gu 2008) puts the Chinese reserve at 540 MT and the Chinese bauxite
production at ~40 MT for 2007. Vietnam is not listed by the Bray report, probably
because the deposits there are only now being evaluated, but this will undoubtedly be a
significant source of bauxite in the future.
The Bray report estimates world bauxite resources totalling 55–75 billion tons.
Resource is defined as the concentration of bauxite such that economic extraction is
potentially feasible. Resources presumably include non-identified reserves, as well as
holdings that are considered non-economic with present technology. The report gives
the breakdown of world reserves by region and these are reproduced in Table 3.
Table 3 World bauxite resources by region (total world estimate 55-75 billion tons).
Resources that are currently not part of the demonstrated reserves or reserve bases are
almost certainly dominated by bauxites that contain high levels of reactive silica. The
55–66% of world resources that are not currently described as being within the
The Bayer process is the principal method for production of alumina from bauxite
worldwide. The modern version of the process (developed in the 1880’s) still maintains
the key steps of dissolution of alumina-rich minerals into hot caustic solution, separation
of the insoluble phases, followed by gibbsite precipitation and calcination of the gibbsite
to alumina (Al2O3). A good summary of the process and some variants is given by Misra
(Misra 1986). A schematic is shown in Figure 1. Operations with a red background
represent those involving either the bauxite or mud, and thus represent the so-called
“red-side” of the Bayer process. Operations with a white background relate to processes
in the absence of these solid materials, and represent the so-called white-side
operations (eg precipitation, evaporation).
Seed Residue
Gibbsite Product
Figure 1 Schematic of the basic Bayer process (Calcination of gibbsite to alumina not shown).
Bauxite is first reduced through crushing and grinding (usually in a portion of “spent”
liquor) at ~60oC. Silicate minerals, principally kaolinite, start to dissolve in the spent
The above equation represents the formation of Bayer sodalite (in which X represents a
variety of inorganic anions, most commonly sulphate, carbonate, chloride, aluminate and
Slurry storage usually transforms ~80–90% of the reactive silica into DSP, with the
remainder being converted in digestion. Digestion conditions are tailored to the
aluminous phase distribution of the bauxite, such that if gibbsite is the only source of
recoverable alumina, the digestion is performed at temperatures 140–155oC. Digestion
times are often determined, not by the kinetics of gibbsite dissolution, but by the kinetics
of residual DSP formation, and more importantly, the reduction of the soluble silica in
solution. Bauxites containing non-trivial boehmite concentrations are mostly digested at
temperatures 220–270oC. Again, time in digestion is often not dictated by alumina
dissolution kinetics, but kept to a minimum to avoid excessive dissolution of quartz which
provides additional reactive silica.
Since DSP is usually discarded with the red mud residue, the two equations above
demonstrate the loss of sodium hydroxide from the liquor (at least 1 mole NaOH per
mole of reactive silica) 1 . This loss of soda from the liquor is the source of the economic
penalty and is linear with the reactive silica content of the bauxite. Bauxites with
reactive silica contents greater than ~8% by weight (A/S=6.25) are usually considered to
be uneconomic.
After clarification the liquor is sent to precipitation (gibbsite crystallisation) and the
insoluble components (usually referred to as red mud) are sent to a counter-current
washing system. The counter-current washing system returns liquor to the circuit but
does not provide conditions suitable to recover the so-called “fixed soda” from the DSP.
It is worth noting here that refineries which currently process bauxites with relatively high
levels of reactive silica also carry the legacy of high fixed soda in their residue areas.
This may have residue disposal and/or environmental consequences.
The Bayer sodalite described in the previous section is only one of several mineral
phases that precipitate silica from solution and can therefore be termed “desilication
products” 2 . The others that can form include cancrinite (formed at digestion
temperatures of ~220oC and above) and also silica substituted tri-calcium aluminates
(hydrogarnets) which are the consequence of the dissolution of lime compounds, either
from the bauxite itself or from lime added to control liquor impurities (e.g. phosphate).
In addition, if quartz supplies part of the reactive silica, then alumina is also lost from the liquor.
There are many other forms of “desilication product” that occur during pyrometallurgical processing of bauxite or
residue. These are discussed in the relevant potential processes.
Figure 2 Bayer sodalite schematic showing cubic structure. Full occupancy is achieved with a monovalent
ion in each cage, or a divalent ion in every other cage.
The aluminosilicate cage structure has a net three negative charge which is balanced by
three sodium ions. At full occupancy Bayer sodalite has a monovalent anion (and
associated sodium) in each cage, or a divalent anion in every other cage (see
stoichiometry in equation 2). Soda can be recovered from this structure only if the
sodalite cage structure is broken down, or if the included ions can be removed through
the openings of the sodalite cage structure (Smith, Wingate et al. 2008).
Figure 3 Structure of cancrinite (hexagonal). Cancrinite has two possible sites for included ions, either in
cages which are smaller than those in sodalite, or in channels which are wider than the sodalite cage
Cancrinite has two possible locations for included ions, either in the cage structures
(which are smaller than those in sodalite) or the larger linear channels that form part of
the hexagonal structure. The size and location of the channels mean that the preferred
inclusion for cancrinite is calcium carbonate (Na6[AlSiO4]6.2CaCO3). Thus cancrinite
has 25% less sodium than sodalite and the added bonus of favouring a non-useful
Other compounds that can be considered desilication products (which are particularly
relevant to options for processing high silica bauxites) are the hydrogarnet series of
minerals. These are silica substituted grossulars of the general formula
In a Bayer type process, reactive silica will dissolve in the caustic aluminate solution and
re-precipitate as a variety of (mostly) sodium aluminium silicates which are then
discarded as part of the red mud residue. The opportunities to reduce the soda lost to
the system therefore fall into three broad strategies:
1. Reduce the input of reactive silica to the process. This could take the form of
beneficiation which may be preceded by a pre-treatment to allow separation of
silica from the bauxite, or some other form of pre-treatment that effectively
renders the silica unreactive during the subsequent Bayer digestion.
2. Modify the process to produce a lower soda residue. This could be by reducing
the fraction of reactive silica transforming to DSP, or by the formation of
alternative DSPs with lower soda content.
3. Recover soda from DSP. This would constitute a process developed to return to
the Bayer liquor stream valuable caustic derived from the re-processing of either
residue or a concentrate high in DSP produced from the residue.
Screening and washing is effective in reducing silica in the bauxite feed material if the
silica is preferentially concentrated in the smaller particles size fractions or fines.
Bauxite is “wet screened” on inclined or vibrating screens. The wet screening rejects
pisolites lower than a certain size, and, at the same time, washes the fine material
(adhering to the larger pisolites) which is also high in silica concentration.
Weipa bauxite mined by Rio Tinto in Queensland Australia is pisolitic, with the silica
level (both kaolinitic and quartz) decreasing with increasing pisolite size. The
beneficiation plant operated by Rio Tinto “wet” screens at a specific pisolite size and the
undersize (tailings) are rejected. A schematic of the operations is given in Figure 4
(Roberts and Dunne 1980). Although the schematic is dated the essentials are thought
to be unchanged. In particular it shows a cut-off size of ~1.7 mm (Weipa ore) and
~0.4 mm (Andoom).
Figure 4 Schematic of Weipa and Andoom beneficiation operations at Weipa (From Roberts and Dunne, 1980)
Hurdles to implementation:
The application of this technology will depend heavily on the micro-mineralogy of the
bauxite. In the case of the pisolitic bauxite, kaolinitic silica is sometimes more prevalent
in the outer layers of the pisolite, and thus the silica concentration increases with
increasing surface area and thus decreasing size. Owada (Owada, Okajima et al. 2005)
examined the possibility of “surface grinding” to remove a kaolin rich outer layer in Gove
pisolitic bauxite. When quartz is the target, then the effectiveness of beneficiation
depends on the size distribution of that mineral and also its liberation – i.e. the degree to
which the quartz can be separated from the valuable aluminous minerals.
At Weipa, the rejection of the undersize pisolites results in the return of this material to
the minesite, essentially unchanged. If pre-processing is needed to liberate the target
minerals (i.e. grinding before screening), then this is likely to be done as a slurry, and
the rejected material might constitute a tailings disposal issue. In all cases, it is
assumed that water is available to aid the screening process. Dry screening may be
used in arid mining areas, but will be less effective than wet screening.
Gravity separation of phases in bauxite relies on the density between the valuable
alumina minerals (e.g. gibbsite) and the silicate minerals (e.g. kaolinite). It is rarely used
because this difference is small. If this technology has been considered, then the effects
of density differences have often been magnified by the use of hydrocyclones. A recent
paper by Gao (Gao, Li et al. 2008) describes conditions of the operation of the cyclone
equipment to optimise alumina recovery and silica content (A/S ratio).
100 8
80 6
Recovery (%)
40 2
20 0
5 7 9 11 13
Apex diameter (mm)
Figure 5 Effect of hydrocyclone geometry on grade and recovery of bauxite (re-drawn from (Gao, Li et al.
None of the authors whose work is summarised above have indicated any commercial
use of this technology.
Hurdles to implementation:
It is unlikely that gravity separation (or hydrocyclones) could ever be used economically
to reduce silica in lateritic bauxites. For these bauxites the alumina and silica minerals
are intimately mixed so that adequate liberation is not possible. Sometimes in non-
lateritic bauxites (like the diasporic bauxites found in China) the silicate minerals are less
intimately mixed. This may explain why Gao has had some success with hydrocyclones.
2.3 Flotation
Bauxite can be floated in a suitable medium (usually near neutral aqueous solutions)
using proprietary chemicals to absorb on the target minerals to either activate them
towards collection/attachment by bubbles or to depress them. In the first variation,
valuable minerals preferentially report to the froth phase and are thus separated from
silicate minerals which become part of the gangue. In the alternative strategy, the
valuable alumina minerals are depressed and therefore report to the tailings (reverse
After the initial work by the Russians (Andrew, Anishchenko et al. 1973), (Ishchenko,
Korus et al. 1974) it has been the Chinese researchers who have developed this area,
from the initial work of Li (Li and Chen 1979) to a great body of work in the years 2000
onwards by authors such as Hu (Hu, Ouyang et al. 2008) and Wang (Wang, Hu et al.
2004). A good review is given by Xu (Xu, Plitt et al. 2004) which covers the literature in
reverse flotation of diasporic bauxites up until 2004, and more recently Zhong (Zhong,
Liu et al. 2008). The western literature perhaps does not reflect the depth of this work.
For example it is suspected that a great deal of work has been done by both Chalco and
BGRIMM which is less publicised in English and therefore less well known to western
researchers. It is also possible that more of their work appears in the patent literature
e.g. (Chen and Li 2006).
Hurdles to implementation:
This technology is already being used commercially, and its use is expected to increase
for those bauxites which are applicable (mainly diasporic bauxites). A hurdle is
expected to be problems with the organic input associated with flotation chemicals
especially their effect on downstream processes e.g. digestion (Loginova, Koryukov et
al. 1979).
As mentioned before, this technology is not expected to be useful for lateritic bauxites
where the silicate and alumina minerals cannot be sufficiently liberated to achieve good
upgrading and recoveries. A good explanation of liberation with respect to beneficiation
options is given by Solymar (Solymar, Madai et al. 2005).
2.4 Bio-leaching
Bacterial strains are mixed with bauxite and a growth medium (usually a glucose or
related carbon source) from which certain elements of the minerals are extracted into
solution. A key mechanistic question for all mineral bio-beneficiation is whether the
solubilisation of elements from minerals involves a form of direct attachment of the
bacteria onto the mineral surface, or by the simple chemical action of bacterial
metabolites (usually organic acids) on the minerals (Ehrlich 1992).
Anand (Anand, Modak et al. 1996) examined the leaching of calcium and iron from
bauxites, i.e. phases most likely to be solubilised by the action of organic acids.
Comparison of the action of the bacteria strain to the leaching produced by the
metabolites only (i.e. no bacteria) indicated that the solubilisation was due to both
metabolite and direct attachment action. These results were later confirmed by Vasan
(Vasan, Modak et al. 2001).
Groudeva and Groudev (Groudeva and Groudev 1983) examined the specific use of
“silicate” bacteria to remove silicates from bauxite. The origin of the bacteria was not
clear, in that they were said to have been isolated from “soil and rock samples”, but the
most successful strain was one related to Bacillus circulans. A common problem
encountered when trying to “solubilise” silica is the co-leaching of alumina (either from
kaolin or from gibbsite) which will suppress the silica solubility in the medium. Bacillus
circulans is known to produce “mucilaginous capsules” which evidently can concentrate
the alumina and silica dissolved by the bacterial action. Best results were obtained with
growing organisms with a glucose food source and fresh medium (i.e. not containing
spent nutrient components which can inhibit bacterial action). A continuous flow-through
system was tested in which 55% of silica could be removed from the bauxite at
~100 g/L over a period of 5 days.
Hurdles to implementation:
The hurdles to implementation are, most obviously, the time required for pre-treatment.
Other considerations are the non specific nature of the dissolution (both aluminium and
silicon are dissolved), the requirements for a growth medium, and the separation of the
Magnetic separation (either wet or dry) is used to produce two product streams, one
magnetic (or weakly magnetic) and one non-magnetic. Magnetic separation may or may
not be preceded by a pre-treatment designed to enhance the magnetic susceptibility of
some minerals (e.g. a reducing roast to encourage the reduction of iron minerals to
produce magnetic phases).
There has been some work on the use of magnetic separation for the reduction of iron
contents in bauxites for the production of refractory bauxites (see e.g. (Bhagat, Banerjee
et al. 2001) (Rao 1996) (Sadler and Venkataraman 1991)), however there does not
appear to be any industrial application of this technology, even in India where the
majority of this work has been done. Bartosik (Bartosik, Strnad et al. 1974) indicates
that magnetic separation has been used (in conjunction with flotation) to remove both
calcite and corundum from bauxite to produce a feed suitable for the Bayer process.
There has been more interest in the use of magnetic separation as part of residue re-
use programs, in order to produce an iron based by-product (e.g. (Mishra, Staley et al.
2002)) but again there is no evidence that this has been implemented commercially.
There does not appear to be any work in the literature specifically detailing the use of
magnetic separation to remove silica from bauxite.
Hurdles to implementation:
There is some possibility that magnetic separation could be useful for silica reduction on
the basis of mineral associations. For instance, if the reactive silica minerals
preferentially reported to the magnetic iron fraction by virtue of their associations then an
upgrading may be possible. Similarly if boehmite could be separated from quartz, then
the possibility may exist of producing a feed lower in reactive silica at higher Bayer
digestion temperatures.
Mechano-chemical treatment (activation) is a form of ultra-fine grinding in which certain
chemical reactions occur that would not in the absence of the grinding. It is thought that
the energy required to initiate these chemical reactions is provided by the collisions of
the grinding media (perhaps in the form of high localised temperatures) which are then
transferred to the reactants.
The application of mechano-chemical treatment to bauxite was first suggested by
Pawlek (Pawlek, Kheiri et al. 1992). They found that ultra-fine ground bauxite promoted
high alumina loadings at low temperatures during subsequent digestion, and that the
A recent paper by Fortin and Forté (Fortin and Forté 2007) re-examines the claims of
McComick but the authors were unable to reproduce TCA formation using ultra-fine
grinding, and thus also did not see any reduction in caustic loss. It is not clear whether
this is due to a difference in the methods or materials, or whether there was a
fundamental problem with either group’s results.
Hurdles to implementation:
The advantage of this technology compared to the “Lime Bayer” technology promoted by
Chinese researchers (q.v.) appears to be the formation of hydrogarnets without side
reactions. As noted in previous sections, hydrogarnets can be an effective, if inefficient
method of reducing caustic losses (typically the molar ratio of Ca:Si in hydrogarnets
produced in the Bayer process is 5:1).
Mechano-chemical treatment appears to convert most, if not all silica into hydrogarnets,
including some or all of the quartz that would otherwise pass through digestion
unreacted. This adds to the inefficiency of the process. These shortfalls combined with
the substantial costs associated with ultra-fine grinding of bauxite suggest that this could
not be an economical way of reducing caustic losses.
When kaolin in bauxite is heated to ~550oC it dehydrates to metakaolinite. Further
heating to 980oC causes a sudden “splitting” of the kaolin into 2 or more products.
Amorphous silica (SiO2) is certainly produced. There is some conjecture about the other
products: a transition alumina (possibly γ-alumina) and/or and alumino-silicate spinel are
produced (Brown, MacKenzie et al. 1985) (Chakraborty and Ghosh 1978) (Santos,
Campos et al. 2005). The uncertainty is exacerbated by the fact that both the spinel
identified 2Al2O3.3SiO2 and γ-alumina have similar structures and therefore X-ray
diffraction patterns.
After the roast, the bauxite is subjected to a weak alkaline leach that dissolves the
amorphous silica (to form a sodium silicate solution). The weakness of the caustic
solution ensures that the alumina from the kaolin, and the alumina from the other
alumina values (which have also been transformed into transition aluminas by the
roasting process) are not dissolved. The “desilicated” bauxite is then fed to a Bayer
process variation capable of digesting the transition aluminas produced.
The process appears to have its origins in Eastern Germany (Schoenfelder and
Ginsberg 1960) – which has references to earlier (~1955) East German patents. Some
further development occurred in Czechoslovakia (Klan 1959) where it was apparently
used commercially for a while.
concentrate Leaching Roasted bauxite
Causticisation Calcium silicate
Figure 6 A schematic of the Roast-Leach process (after Rayzman (Rayzman, Pevzner et al. 2003)).
Hurdles to implementation:
Roasting bauxite to ~1000oC is energy intensive and would be difficult to justify
economically. However in theory, the process has the potential to reduce soda losses
significantly. In addition a portion of the alumina once associated with the kaolin is now
potentially available for recovery (boosting the effective “available alumina”). The
savings in soda and extra alumina produced need to cover not only the energy of the
roast, but the re-activation of the sodium silicate solution – and this has caused much of
the problems experienced at VAMI. The silicate solution is limed to produce calcium
silicate (a saleable by-product) but this process is compromised by the leaching of small
quantities of alumina which reduce its efficiency.
In addition the desilicated bauxite contains transition aluminas instead of the original
hydrated (oxy) hydroxides. This necessitates more aggressive Bayer digestion
conditions (temperatures over 260oC and retention times exceeding 30 minutes). The
suitability of the particular bauxite for this process has to be considered carefully, since if
the bauxite contains substantial quartz, the extra DSP formed by additional quartz attack
can reduce or even eliminate the caustic saving advantages sought.
In spite of these hurdles there is potential in this approach, especially if a way can be
found to offset the additional energy costs.
In all of the different variations of the sinter process, the common principle is that the raw
material is heated, together with another chemical (usually an alkali) to induce a solid
state reaction. An alkaline leach is then performed to separate the aluminous material
from the insolubles. Of the sinter process variants, two are within the scope of this study
– the lime sinter process and the lime-soda sinter process.
In the lime sinter process the additive is a calcium salt (usually calcite – CaCO3). The
mixture is heated to above the decomposition temperature of calcite (~825oC) and solid
state reactions occur between the lime and the alumina values (gibbsite and boehmite)
and also with alumino-silicates (kaolinite). This requires temperatures of ~1150oC or
above. The mixture ratios and the sintering conditions are designed to optimise the
production of various calcium (aluminium) silicates, which, after cooling, are amenable to
leaching with an alkaline solution, either caustic, or more commonly sodium carbonate.
Gibbsite is subsequently recovered either by seeding or by carbonation (to regenerate
the sodium carbonate for leaching). The equations below describe the primary reactions
with silica and with alumina, but many more are also possible, leading to a wide range of
products -
In the lime-soda sinter process the bauxite is heated as before with calcite, but also with
a source of soda (usually solid sodium carbonate – soda ash). The relative mixtures of
all three components are designed to promote the reaction of the aluminous material
with soda to produce sodium aluminate and the reaction of lime with silica to form
calcium silicates (Ca:Si 2:1 and 1:1). Soda also reacts with iron minerals to form sodium
ferrites 1 .
Again these reactions are not comprehensive, and are given in oxide form for the sake
of clarity. Both the (dehydrated) sodium aluminate and the sodium ferrite are soluble in
water or weak caustic solution. The sodium ferrite almost immediately reverts to
hematite, producing sodium hydroxide which helps stabilise the sodium aluminate.
The literature on sinter processes is vast. A comprehensive review of many of the
process variants is given by O’Connor, including versions designed to process non-
Sodium may also react with titanium minerals. Also a number of tertiary compounds involving Na2O, CaO, Al2O3 ,
Fe2O3 and TiO2 will form depending on the mixture ratios and the reaction conditions (Eremin 1974).
More recently the efficiency of phase formation (including the avoidance of the
undesirable α-alumina is discussed by Lu and Feng (Lu, Fang et al. 2003) and general
optimisation of the sinter process by Li et al. (Li, Liu et al. 2004).
The commercial operations still using this (and related) technology are those processing
low grade, often diasporic ores in both Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine, Turkey) and
China. Refineries still using the sinter process include Zhongzhou, Nanting and
Shandong in China, Bogoslovsk, Tikhvin and Kammensk in Russia and Dnjepr in the
Hurdles to implementation
The main disadvantage of these processes is energy costs. Whilst typical Bayer
refineries, processing high grade lateritic bauxites can expect to produce alumina at
~11–13 GJ/t Al2O3, the sinter process energy costs are ~38 GJ/t Al2O3 (Arlyuk 1995).
New refineries are very unlikely to adopt such technology, and the trend has been to
adapt older refineries to more efficient Bayer technology, where this is seen to be
appropriate for the bauxite used. In some cases there are limited options for domestic
bauxite supplies, and this explains the continued use of sinter and combination
processes (see next section) especially in China.
An inherent technical problem with these technologies is the high level of dissolved silica
that is generated by the presence of many and diverse calcium (aluminium) silicates,
some of which have greater solubilities than the corresponding phases produced in a
standard Bayer process (Liu, Li et al. 2003). Product quality concerns (over silica and
associated soda) have prompted refinery modifications to include green liquor deep
desilication (seeding with TCA) (Bartosik, Strnad et al. 1974) (Li, Liu et al. 2003) which
again adds to the cost of production.
The combination process first uses a regular Bayer process to extract alumina values
from the high silica bauxite. Soda and alumina losses are allowed to occur in this first
stage and report to the residue. The residue is then subjected to a lime-soda sinter, in a
similar fashion to that already described. Often the exit leach solution from the second
stage provides the starting liquor for the Bayer stage with fresh bauxite.
The advantage of this combination (compared to a single lime-soda sinter) is the energy
saving associated with heating a reduced mass of residue compared to the bauxite from
which it was produced. Malts (Malts, Shmorgunenko et al. 1984) also claims that the
melt conditions for mixtures containing red mud is more advantageous than those for
bauxite. In addition, and dependent on the bauxite and process variant used, the
combination process can be used to achieve greater alumina loadings in the process
A good overview of the East European versions of the combination process is given in
the papers by Prokopov and Malts (Prokopov and Malts 1974) and Reisner (Reisner
1974). The main concern in recent researches is one of energy, and Liu (Liu, Aye et al.
2006) has indicated the steps taken between 1995–2000 at the Zhongzhou refinery to
reduce the energy consumption of the combination process by ~7 GJ/t Al2O3. The table
below (taken from the Liu paper) shows the relative energy intensity requirements of the
sinter process, the combined process and straight Bayer.
Table 4 Comparison of energy intensities of alumina refinery variants (from (Liu, Aye et al. 2006)).
Refinery name Production method Ore type Energy Intensity
GJ/t Al2O3.
Zhengzhou Combined Diaspore 34.15
Shanxi Combined Diaspore 37.28
Guizhou Combined Diaspore 43.31
Zhongzhou Combined Diaspore 52.17
Pinguo Bayer Gibbsite and diaspore 15.10
Shandong Sinter Diaspore 40.50
(un-named) France Bayer Diaspore 13.52
Pinjarra (Australia) Bayer Gibbsite 11.21
Shennigola (Greece) Bayer Diaspore 14.86
Straford* (Germany) Bayer Gibbsite 9.60
* This is likely to be the Stade refinery since there is no Straford refinery in Germany.
Hurdles to implementation:
Sinter and Bayer-sinter methods are generally considered to be reliable but old
technologies. They are still used because, for some bauxites, there are no alternatives
(or the Bayer alternative is even more expensive due to the loss of caustic soda).
Improvements that have been made during the past ~ten years have been aimed at
process optimisation, especially to reduce energy consumption. To be economically
competitive with Bayer processing of low silica bauxites, energy consumption would
have to be cut by at least 50% and perhaps 65%. This appears unlikely without step
change technology development.
The Rio Tinto (Comalco) bauxite activation process involves a thermal pre-treatment
designed to make the valuable alumina phases (gibbsite and boehmite) amorphous
(Bhargava, Allen et al. 2004). The benefit of this process is that subsequent Bayer
processing can be done under less severe conditions (especially temperature). This
The benefits for high silica bauxite processing come from the reduction of digestion
temperature and the consequent reduction (or elimination) of quartz attack that would
normally occur under the temperatures commonly used to digest boehmitic bauxite.
This process can be advantageously combined with double digestion (see next section)
to further enhance the extractability of the alumina bearing minerals, since, according to
Hollitt (Hollitt, Kisler et al. 2002) there may be difference in the solubilisation of
amorphous alumina from boehmite, compared to amorphous alumina from gibbsite.
Comalco (Rio Tinto) has a number of patents over this process (Hollitt, Grocott et al.
2000a), and (Hollitt, Grocott et al. 2000b).
The bauxite activation process was developed by Comalco at the time when the plans
for the future Yarwun refinery (Gladstone, Queensland) were well advanced. It is the
author’s view that the process was considered for the refinery, but on balance the
owners decided on more proven technology 1 .
Rio-Tinto continues to develop this technology for possible use in the future.
Hurdles to implementation:
There are many benefits to this technology, which are listed in great detail in the patents
and the AQW paper (Hollitt, Kisler et al. 2002). The only benefit directly related to
caustic consumption is the reduction in processing temperature and hence quartz attack.
A similar reduction in the high temperature digestion may be achievable using Double
Digestion technology only, but a detailed comparison would be required. An additional
hurdle surrounds the conditions for the roasting itself. Moisture control (to avoid
problems with amorphous alumina rehydration) and alumina mineral transformation
during the very small reaction times (order of 10’s of seconds) can provide issues of
Double digestion is the application of the principle of counter-current digestion to the
Bayer process (Doucet 1993) (Doucet, Hendricks et al. 2002). In this technology the
bauxite and liquor streams move in opposite directions. Fresh bauxite is contacted with
liquor at ~150oC that has already been through a high temperature “boehmite digestion”.
The gibbsite from the fresh bauxite dissolves producing a highly loaded liquor. The
slurry is separated under high pressure and temperature using a pressure decanter.
Even though the current technology at the Yarwun refinery does include a number of new aspects, it was
considered less radical than bauxite activation.
Liquor to
Bauxite digestion
Spent liquor decanter
Figure 7 Double Digestion circuit schematic (adapted from Doucet (Doucet 1993)).
As with the bauxite activation technology, the key advantage of this process with respect
to caustic loss is the reduced high temperature processing. The saving in soda
consumption will clearly depend on the bauxite used, and would be suitable particularly
to boehmitic bauxites with high quartz contents.
Double digestion is proven technology that has been implemented in several refineries.
The enabling decanter technology was first developed by Alcan (Iida, Stewart et al.
It is interesting to note that although double digest technology has proven benefits, there
has been a growing trend for new (Greenfield) refineries to opt for the leaner tube
digester technology which is more energy efficient and simpler (de Boer, Edwards et al.
Hurdles to implementation:
As a proven technology, the hurdles to implementation are those related to economics.
Retrofitting double digest technology is expensive but has been achieved recently for the
Gove refinery in the Northern Territory Australia (Valenti and Ho 2008). Although the
primary driver in this case was to recover boehmite that was increasing in their bauxite
feeds, the operation of double digestion compared to a single high temperature digest
will undoubtedly save some soda.
Two particular drawbacks that have been identified with double digestion are boehmite
reversion in the first digestion stage where the alumina loadings in liquor are high, and
solid boehmite is present, and the need for green liquor desilication (Lamerant and
Ferret 2002). Both of these disadvantages have been targeted in a patent by Rodda
(Rodda and Shaw 1996) in which the gibbsite digestion is reduced to 2-5 minutes (to
avoid boehmite reversion), followed by solid-liquid separation and green liquor
desilication. Interestingly, the Rodda patent describes similar gibbsite digestion
temperatures to Sumitomo (see section 3.7) but does not claim any reduction in reactive
silica dissolution (this may be as a result of higher caustic concentrations). The two
The benchmark for soda content in DSP is that of Bayer sodalite. The formula
Na6[AlSiO4]6.Na2X.yH2O (where X can be a variety of inorganic anions) indicates a molar
Na2O/SiO2 of 2/3. Low soda DSPs are therefore defined to be DSPs in which the molar
soda to silica ratio is less than 2/3.
The main non-sodalite DSPs produced within the Bayer process are the hydrogarnet
series Ca3Al2(SiO4)n(OH)12-4n, and cancrinite Na6[AlSiO4]6.2CaCO3.yH2O. Whittington
(Whittington 1996b) concludes that under hydrothermal formation conditions in Bayer
liquors n is restricted to <0.1–0.8. Iron can also substitute in the hydrogarnets, but only
at high digestion temperatures (>250oC) (Zoldi, Solymar et al. 1987). Hydrogarnets
therefore represent an effective means of reducing soda losses, but are inefficient
(compared to calcium silicates) in terms of their lime consumption (Ca:Si ratio). They
also constitute a significant loss of alumina from the liquor.
Cancrinites offer the potential of a 25% reduction in soda in DSP (compared to sodalite).
However it should be remembered that the calcium carbonate inclusion in cancrinite
effectively replaces the Na2X in sodalite. If X=sulphate or chloride ion (for example) then
although cancrinite formation reduces “soda loss”, this soda is not, in fact, useful caustic
soda (i.e NaOH or NaAl(OH)4). Cancrinite formation is only observed under high
temperature digestion conditions (Whittington 1996a).
The addition of lime to form hydrogarnets specifically to reduce soda losses has been
pioneered by Chinese researchers (Zhao, Hu et al. 2002) (Gu, Yin et al. 2002).
Additions of up to ~16% CaO on bauxite have been used (Zhao, Hu et al. 2002) which
can reduce the soda content of the residue to ~2.5 wt% (this small content was
considered to be from liquor adhered to residue and not a soda containing mineral
phase). “Lime-Bayer” is currently used in several Chinese Bayer refineries including
Shanxi and Henan (Gu 2008). Hydrogarnets are very stable under typical Bayer
digestion conditions (Ni, Goldman et al. 1979) and thus the process is quite robust.
The description of the iron-hydrogarnets goes back to the pioneering work of Ni (Ni,
Bunchuk et al. 1968), but it is the extensive work of Solymar and co-workers from
Aluterv that have promoted the use of these “catalytic” additives in high temperature
digestions for the reduction of soda losses (Zoldi, Solymar et al. 1987). The technology
was first introduced to control iron problems, especially those related to goethite to
Where ideally x=1 or 2. The theory of hydrogarnet formation and stability in these
conditions is given in the book by Ni (Ni, Goldman et al. 1979) 1 . Recently the
technology has been revisited in a patent (Medvedev, Kiselev et al. 2002) and a paper
(Medvedev, Akhmedov et al. 2003). This technology is very attractive, since if the iron
hydrogarnet can be produced with x=1 (above) then the Ca:Si molar ratio becomes 1.5:1
compared to the hydrothermal aluminium hydrogarnets (5:1). In addition the iron
hydrogarnets represent a smaller loss of aluminium. According to the paper by
Medvedev (Medvedev, Akhmedov et al. 2003) five refineries (one in Bosnia, 2 in Russia
and 2 in the Ukraine) are using the iron hydrogarnet technology.
Hurdles to implementation:
The economic feasibility of the “Lime Bayer” process depends heavily on the availability
and cost of lime compared to caustic soda. Generally lime charges of ~16% CaO on
bauxite would not be considered to be economic outside of China. But in that country,
where lime is plentiful and cheap, the process does find acceptance, especially when its
economics are compared to, say, the combination process.
The iron hydrogarnet technology, although very attractive, also requires significant
operating costs. In particular, in the Medvedev patent (Medvedev, Kiselev et al. 2002)
there appears to be a complex internal cycle to regenerate very low A/C liquor for the
mud digestion (a similar requirement appears in the hydrothermal lime process, next
section). Also, the mud digestion requires the addition of an active iron source (sodium
ferrite) possibly to allow the reaction to occur at lower temperatures than would
otherwise be the case. It is not clear from Medvedev’s publications how or where the
sodium ferrite is produced.
This book is in Russian (no translation available) and the author includes it here only from references by other
This patented process, developed by Comalco in the early eighties 1 , digests Bayer
residue and lime at ~280oC in very low A/C liquor (low alumina) for ~20 minutes. These
conditions lead to the formation of calcium silicates (mostly di-calcium silicate) which are
stable in Bayer liquor and efficient at saving caustic. The process is therefore a
hydrothermal equivalent of the combination process.
The problems that are immediately apparent with this technology is that the re-digestion
requires the Bayer digested slurry to be flashed to atmospheric pressure, deliquored, re-
slurried in low A/C liquor and heated up to the second digest temperature. The cost of
this step, along with the requirement for a high caustic low A/C stream (which Comalco
suggested could made by salting out NaAl(OH)4 from spent liquor) made the process
unattractive at the time (see Figure 8).
The process was patented by Comalco in 1982 (Cresswell and Milne 1982a) and
described by Cresswell in the Bayer literature (Cresswell and Milne 1982b) (Cresswell
and Milne 1984). There does not appear to be any development or use of the process
(at least none published outside Comalco/RioTinto) since this time.
Several years after the Comalco patent, Sagin (Sagin 1988) described a similar
hydrothermal process designed to replace residue sintering in the combined process.
The advance that Sagin proposed was to design the lime digestion to encourage the
formation of the desilication product Na2.Ca2Si2O5.(OH)2 which, it is claimed, is superior
to di-calcium silicate in two important ways – firstly it requires half the lime charge, and
secondly it can be easily re-processed to recover soda without returning silica to the
process. A similar desilication product has also been mentioned by Rayzman and
Fillipovitch in the pyrometallurgical equivalent – “High Alkaline Sintering Method”
(Rayzman and Fillipovich 1999).
Hurdles to implementation:
At the time that the Comalco and Sagin processes were developed double digestion was
presumably not available (or at least not in commercial use). Double digestion
technology could be used to save considerably on energy costs of re-digestion. The
problem of how to create a high caustic low A/C stream still remains however, as well as
how to integrate this process into a regular Bayer cycle (particularly washing).
The original idea appears in a paper by Klan (Klan 1971).
Flash Flash
cooling cooling
Sod. aluminate
Crystallisation Lime
Calcination Alumina
Figure 8 Process flowsheet for Hydrothermal lime treatment of residue and its incorporation into the Bayer
cycle (after Cresswell 1984).
The main principle of these processes (for the processing of high silica gibbsitic ores) is
exploiting the difference in extraction rates of gibbsite and kaolin. In the most recent
variation (the Sumitomo process), at low temperature digestion (130oC), gibbsite can be
almost totally extracted into Bayer liquor at good loadings (A/C~0.69) in 2–5 minutes. In
the same amount of time, only a fraction of reactive silica (kaolin) dissolves and almost
none of this has precipitated into DSP (Figure 9).
Digestion Conventional
2-5 30 - 60
Time (minutes)
Figure 9 Schematic of the principle of the Sumitomo process (adapted from Harato et al. (Harato, Ishida et al.
After this short digestion, the slurry is rapidly solid-liquid separated using a pressure
decanter, and the kaolin-containing residue is subjected to high rate washing to prevent
further reactive silica transformation to DSP. The pregnant liquor has a high
concentration of dissolved silica which necessitates a seeded, post-digestion desilication
prior to hydrate precipitation.
When operated under “careful control” the process is claimed to reduce caustic
consumption by ~50% compared to a conventional Bayer process (Harato, Ishida et al.
The original work in this area was done by Takahashi (Takahashi 1962) who considered
the use of two bauxites, one high silica and one low silica. The high silica bauxite is
digested under conditions of low temperature (80–105oC i.e. atmospheric digestion) and
solid-liquid separated under conditions to maximise the amount of undigested reactive
silica in the residue. The liquor from the atmospheric digestion is then used to digest
further low silica bauxite in a conventional digestion. The second digestion therefore
increases the alumina loading and desilicates the liquor.
Other variations are by Grubbs (Grubbs 1986) and Iwase (Iwase and Murase 1988).
They found that when bauxite is ground and separated into fine and coarse fractions, the
fine fraction is richer in silica and poorer in alumina than the coarse fraction. The
principle of Takahashi can then be applied to a single bauxite, separated into two
Fulford (Fulford, Chinloy et al. 1991) also patented a version of this process using
double digestion technology in which it is claimed the second digestion stage in the
double digester can be used as the post-digestion desilicator. Fulford does not claim
soda savings, but it is clear that the application of this technology to a Sumitomo type
process would be advantageous.
HSB review 2008_240209 This version 24 February 2009 Page 26 of 42
Banvolgyi (Banvolgyi and Siklosi 1998) proposed another variation in that gibbsite is
charged to very high Al2O3 loadings (close to the solubility of the gibbsite) at which the
free hydroxide concentration in the liquor is very low. This free hydroxide concentration
is the driver for not only gibbsite dissolution but also kaolin dissolution, and hence low
free hydroxide concentrations further retard kaolin dissolution. The high A/C (alumina
loadings) produced by this variation would normally cause problems with alumina
reversion during solid-liquid separation and even though the digestion time is not so
critical as with the Sumitomo version, Banvolgyi recommends pressure decantation be
conducted at or near digestion temperature. The process is patented (Banvolgyi, Zoldi
et al. 1992) and the theory behind the process has been described (Banvolgyi 1992).
Hurdles to implementation:
The Sumitomo process is restricted to gibbsitic bauxite ores because of the low
digestion temperatures. There are a number of potential problems with all versions of
this process including the operation of the pressure decanters, especially the
effectiveness of flocculants, the operation of the high rate washers, and the
effectiveness of the post-digestion desilication, especially aspects of seeding (Harato,
Ishida et al. 1996). However, developments in these operations over the period since
this technology was introduced are likely to provide at least partial solutions. Of
particular importance would be the combination of modern double digest technology with
the Sumitomo variation.
There are several variations of the Bayer process in which a DSP concentrate is formed
from the precipitation of DSP from a silica saturated liquor, either before or after
digestion. The DSP concentrate can then be re-processed to recover caustic.
Reprocessing of the DSP can be by the use of any sinter process of known technology
(e.g. the lime-soda sinter). In this respect the process is similar to the combination
process, but it is differentiated from it by the use of a DSP concentrate in the sinter stage
rather than sintering the whole residue solids.
In the various processes already described in the sections on differential extraction and
double digestion, post-digestion desilications will provide a “pure” DSP concentrate.
Some of this will be returned to seed the desilication, but it also provides a source of
DSP concentrate for re-processing.
In a process patented by Comalco (Hollitt, Crisp et al. 1998) the whole of the spent
liquor stream is used to treat the raw bauxite with the aim of completely dissolving the
reactive silica. The solids charge is designed to ensure that the resulting level of silica in
liquor is not high enough to trigger the precipitation of DSP at the particular temperature
of the dissolution (~100oC). After dissolution, the slurry is solid-liquid separated. The
high silica liquor is seeded with DSP and desilicated, producing a DSP concentrate
which is separated. The liquor is recombined with the silica leached bauxite and sent to
regular Bayer processing. There is no evidence of any commercial application of the
Comalco technology.
The Comalco patent appears to have a number of antecedents, in which the silica is
extracted into spent liquor before digestion – all are Japanese. A selection are:
(Kanehara, Morishige et al. 1983) (Kokoi, Sakamoto et al. 1993) and (Tanjo, Yudate et
al. 1994). The objective in all of these works appears to be the production of Bayer
residue low in soda (and silica) and higher in iron for re-use in the cement industry. In
most cases there is no indication of the use of the DSP concentrate to recover soda.
Hurdles to implementation:
The benefit of this process compared to the combination process would be the energy
savings associated with re-processing a 100% active concentrate rather than a total
solids residue. However the extra capital and operating costs associated with the
production of the concentrate would not be expected to be economically favourable
when compared to the conventional Bayer process with soda losses included.
These economics are significantly influenced by the economics of the sinter, the
products of the sinter, and how easily a concentrated caustic stream can be produced
and returned to the Bayer process. A paper by Rayzman (Rayzman and Fillipovich
1999) summarises a particular VAMI technology designed to reduce sinter costs by
using coal in the sintering process of high iron bauxites. However this relatively dirty fuel
source brings its own environmental problems.
Weak acids can be used to leach or dissolve soda from sodalite DSP. CO2 reaction with
sodalite can leach the caged soda from DSP (caged soda represents 25% of the total
sodalite soda). The equation for this process for hydroxide inclusion (hydroxy-sodalite)
has been given by Cooling et al. (Cooling, Hay et al. 2002) -
The mobility of the soda is significantly dependent on the included anion, and since
Bayer sodalite from high silica refineries is more likely to contain aluminate and
carbonate, this leaching may not be as efficient as with hydroxy-sodalite (Smith, Wingate
et al. 2008). It is not known whether H+ in carbonic acid could ion-exchange for sodium
which is part of the cage structure itself.
Treatment with a stronger (sulphurous) acid can dissolve the DSP itself liberating silica
into the acid solution. Amorphous silica can be precipitated from the leach solution,
which is then causticised with lime to produce a caustic stream (recycled to the refinery)
and solid calcium sulphite (which is calcined to regenerate CaO and SO2). The process
has been patented by Comalco (Cresswell, Grayson et al. 1986) (Cresswell 1992).
Carbonation of residue has been developed over a number of years by Alcoa in
Australia, primarily to ameliorate the residue (both chemically and physically) to improve
red mud disposal practices. The release of soda from sodalite by this process is
considered to be part of the neutralisation process and its recovery is not a priority.
There is little in the literature on the dissolution of DSP with sulphurous acid, but the use
of residue to scrub SO2 from stack gases has received attention (Yamada, Fukunaga et
al. 1979) (Yamada and Harato 1982) (Leoni and Penco 2002). The reactions produce
both sodium sulphite and sodium bisulphite which are rapidly oxidised to sodium
sulphate. It is unclear what happens to the silica phase, although a spinel phase is most
likely. In a soda recovery process the challenge would be to separate the sodium
sulphate and causticise it to recover caustic value.
Hurdles to implementation:
It is unlikely that a soda recovery process based on carbonic acid leaching could be
viable. The maximum recovery of soda is ~25% and the leaching is unlikely to produce
a caustic stream that is concentrated enough to return to the refinery.
Recovery of soda by sulphurous acid leaching however targets all of the DSP soda
although 100% recovery is never achieved (Yamada and Harato 1982). Causticisation
by lime and the calcination of CaSO3 would be significant process costs. Despite these
shortcomings, this process has potential.
Complex causticisation was a term coined in the 1980’s by Hungarian researchers to
describe a two stage hydrothermal soda recovery process using lime (Baksa, Vallo et al.
1986) (Baksa, Boros et al. 1984). In the first stage lime is added to a residue slurry at
~95oC. The lime reacts firstly with alumina in solution to form hydrogarnets (or TCA
depending on the amount of silica in solution). Thereafter the lime attacks solid Bayer
sodalite, liberating soda, alumina and silica. Lime combines with the released alumina
to form more hydrogarnet, and, when the alumina is exhausted, lime reacts with silica in
liquor to form (amorphous) calcium silicates. Soda, once associated with the sodalite, is
liberated as useful caustic. To minimise the lime reacting with liquor alumina, this
process is usually performed on last washer underflow where liquor strength is low.
However this also means that the caustic produced from the breakdown of the sodalite
is also of low strength, and needs significant evaporation to be useful.
The solids from the first stage are re-slurried in a concentrated solution of sodium
carbonate. The high carbonate concentration causes the breakdown of hydrogarnets to
form calcite (CaCO3) liberating sodium aluminate which can also be returned to the
process. Apparently the amorphous calcium silicate produced in the first stage is stable
through the second stage and does not revert to sodalite. An optimisation of this second
stage has been described by Liu (Liu, Zhang et al. 2004).
Figure 10 Schematic of the complex causticisation of red mud residue - adapted from Baksa (Baksa, Vallo et
al. 1986).
According to “Alumina refineries and producers of the world”, this process has been
used commercially in the Hungarian refinery at Ajka from the mid 80’s until at least 1998
(Aluminium-Verlag 2007). There is no information on whether other installations use this
Hurdles to implementation
There are several hurdles to implementation with this process. The first is high lime
consumption, in that significant lime is used to scavenge alumina in solution before the
DSP can be broken up, and this detracts from lime efficiency. Additionally the recovery
of caustic from the first stage depends heavily on the efficiency of washing and thus the
integration of the process into the back-end of the Bayer process is critical.
The recovery process is based on the principle of ultra-fine grinding of residue. The
mechanism of soda recovery is not clear, but as with similar grinding of the bauxite
(section 2.6) it is thought to be the energy of the collisions (ore with ore or ore with
grinding media) that produces phase changes that would not normally occur without the
Picaro (Picaro 2000) claims that the ultra-fine milling of red mud residue (with or without
additives such as lime) can result in caustic recovery from DSP. Alumina is also
recovered but it is not clear whether this comes from DSP or from unextracted or re-
precipitated alumina values. Recoveries of ~40% of the soda from DSP are claimed
without additives, and up to 70% recovery for residue milling with lime.
The mechanism for soda recovery is not clear and has not been disclosed. Since XRD
patterns of the sodalite become less well defined after milling, the speculation in the
patent was that the soda is leached through a partial breakdown / amorphitisation of the
sodalite structure.
There does appear to be any disclosed further work since the patent.
Hurdles to implementation:
The process does not appear to be tested under rigorous conditions. This needs to be
done and the soda recoveries confirmed. There is a concern that if silica is released into
solution that might trigger the re-formation of DSP which would be counter-productive,
and so the fate of the silica is important to determine.
The cost of ultra-fine grinding must be weighed up with the benefit of soda recovery. In
this respect, the beneficiation of residue to produce a DSP concentrate (or the
production of pure DSP, see section 4.1) or the use of new grinding technology may be
Options in this strategy are concerned with beneficiation of reactive silica or bauxite pre-
treatments. They are, by their nature, largely dependent on the mineralogy, liberations
and associations of the minerals in the bauxite ore. As such, they will find specific
applications for particular bauxites; for example the washing and screening of Weipa
pisolites and the flotation of kaolin from diasporic ores in China.
There is no beneficiation process that will be suitable for bauxites in general. However,
the particle size distribution for quartz in bauxite is almost always coarser than for the
alumina and alumino-silicate minerals such as gibbsite and kaolin. Therefore, removal
of quartz from bauxite (by flotation or another beneficiation technique) could be a
general strategy to reduce reactive silica input for boehmitic bauxites.
Options within this strategy are less bauxite dependent than those in strategy one.
Both sinter and combination processes are robust, reliable technologies that have been
used extensively to process high silica ores for many years in the former Eastern Block
and in China. Although they have been the subject of much research with respect to
reducing their energy consumption, it is clear that they can never be reduced to the level
to compete with standard Bayer processing of high quality ores.
Both bauxite activation and double digestion (although different process variations) have
the same objective with respect to high silica bauxite processing, i.e. they both allow the
digestion of bauxite at temperatures sufficiently lower than normal for boehmitic ores, to
reduce the degree of quartz attack (and therefore soda loss). These are variations
which are known to work, and are currently available. Although bauxite activation has
other benefits (e.g. organics destruction) it would not provide any extra benefit with
respect to soda loss, and therefore would not be as attractive as double digestion. It
should be pointed out that although these process variations can clearly save soda, their
cost/benefit needs to be established.
Low soda DSPs potentially offer the most exciting prospect with respect to soda saving.
However sodalite and cancrinite (for the sodium alumino-silicates) and hydrogarnets (for
the calcium aluminium silicates) appear to be overwhelmingly the most stable
desilication products. It is likely that in the unpublished literature of the alumina
companies and other research organisations has examined different alumino-silicate
mineral structures, and other DSP cations to encourage DSP phases other than those
mentioned above. However since there is no disclosed advances in this field, it is also
likely that these phases are not stable enough under Bayer processing conditions to be
useful. If this is the case, then the opportunities for low soda DSPs appear to be
restricted to cancrinite and (iron) hydrogarnets.
The Sumitomo (and related) processes provide an excellent option for the processing of
high silica gibbsitic bauxites. The hurdles to the use of such a process, including
engineering problems associated with the operation of high-rate washers, pressure
decantors are likely to have diminished with improvements in technology and control
strategies over the last 10 years.
Options in this category are also less dependent on bauxite, and have the added benefit
of being somewhat separate from the workings of the Bayer process itself. As such,
some could be treated as “swing processes”, i.e. used only at times that justified their
use (e.g. when caustic prices are high), or for other operational reasons detailed below.
Recovery of soda from the use of weak acids such as the aqueous forms of CO2 and
SO2 with residue are possible but, in common with the lime sinter of DSP processes, are
likely to have bigger benefits from the reduction of residue alkalinity. Of the two, the SO2
process is the most likely to be useful in terms of returning soda to the process.
The chemistry of the complex causticisation process (mud causticisation) process has
never been adequately explained (especially the fate of the silica in the second stage).
However it is unlikely that the lime efficiency in this process could be elevated to a point
of being economical without a step change in the technology (especially the recovery of
alumina in the second stage with normal Bayer process streams). The technology is
appealing though, especially since it is independent of both the bauxite and the process
itself (it would essentially be a “bolt-on” rear end process applicable to most operations).
It is possible that the economics could change if this process was combined with another
to produce a DSP concentrate.
Ultra-fine grinding of the mud would need more evaluation to be dismissed, but at
present there is no clear indication of the fate of the other DSP components (especially
silica) if and when soda is recovered. The stability of the changed desilication product
(after soda removal) is critical in determining the robustness of any soda recovery
The author would like to thank Takuo Harato (CSIRO Minerals) for valuable comments.
This work was undertaken as part of a project receiving funding from the Australian
Government as part of the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate.
Permission to publish is gratefully acknowledged.
The views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of the Commonwealth, and
the Commonwealth does not accept responsibility for any information or advice
contained herein.
Baksa, G., J. Boros, et al. (1984). "Process for the Reduction of the Sodium Hydroxide
losses of the Bayer-type alumina production." Patent US4486393
Baksa, G., F. Vallo, et al. (1986). "Complex Causticization: An Effective Means for the
Reduction of NaOH Losses in an Alumina". Light Metals, New Orleans, LA, USA,
Metallurgical Soc of AIME, Warrendale, PA, USA.
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