Deccan Bank 1
Deccan Bank 1
Deccan Bank 1
The term Merchant Banking has its origin in the trading methods of countries in the
late eighteenth and early nineteenth century when trade-taking place was financed by
bill of exchange drawn by merchanting houses. At that time the merchants were
merely financing their own activities. As international trade grew and other lesser-
known names wanted to import goods from abroad, the established merchants ‘lent
their names’ to the newcomers by agreeing to accept bills of exchange on their behalf.
The acceptance houses would charge a commission for this service and thus there
grew up the business of accepting bills of finance trade not merely of themselves, but
of others. Acceptance business thus became and to a degree always has been
hallmark of true Merchant Banks. Merchant Banking
The second historical of Merchant Banks was the raising of capital for foreign
Government. In many cases, the Merchant Banks have been trading in the countries
concerned and gained the confidence of Governments and other authorities in those
countries. Thus the second principal ingredient of Merchant Banking became and still
is raising of capital through the issue of stocks and bonds. Therefore, Merchant Banks
can be accepting houses or issuing houses or both. Merchant Banking started in the
beginning of 20th century in UK and USA. More recently, the services offered by
Merchant Banks have entered into the other areas of operations. Their role is wide
ranging and they can now provide most of the financial services required by a
company, touching almost all aspects of establishing and running of industrial units
on sound financial footing.
Dictionary meaning of ‘merchant bank’ refers to an organization that underwrites
corporate securities and advises such clients on issues like corporate mergers, etc.
involved in the ownership of commercial ventures. This organization may be a bank,
corporate body, firm or proprietary concern.
Merchant Banking
The primary function of a commercial bank is to receive deposits from the public and
lend the same to others. Commercial Banks can undertake some of the merchant
banking activities like Issue Management whereas Merchant Banking Units can not
undertake commercial banking activities. However, the functions of Merchant
Banking may not widely vary from Investment Banking. The Merchant Banker
mainly deals with Issue Management, post issue services, corporate adviser services
etc. the Investment Banker undertaken trading in securities, Investment advises and
Bought out deals which are not the main activities of Merchant Bankers.
Christians were strictly forbidden the sin of usury. The Jewish newcomers, on the
other hand, could lend to farmers against crops in the field, a high-risk loan at what
would have been considered usurious rates by the Church, but did not bind the
Jews. In this way they could secure the grain sale rights against the eventual
harvest. They then began to advance against the delivery of grain shipped to distant
ports. In both cases they made their profit from the present discount against the
future price. This two-handed trade was time consuming and soon there arose a
class of merchants, who were trading grain debt instead of grain.
The first authoritative definition for the term ‘Merchant Banker’ has been given in the
Rule 2 (e) of SEBI (Merchant Bankers) Rules, 1922. Accordingly, “A Merchant
Banker means any person who is engaged in the business of Issue Management
either by making arrangements regarding selling, buying or subscribing to Securities
as Manager, Consultant, Adviser of rendering Corporate Advisory Service in relation
to such Issue Management”.
A British term for a bank that specializes not in lending out its own funds, but in providing
various financial services such as accepting bills arising out of trade, underwriting new issues,
and providing advice on acquisitions, mergers, foreign exchange, portfolio management, etc
The Notification of the Ministry of Finance defines a merchant banker as, “any
person who is engaged in the business of issue management either by making
arrangements regarding selling, buying or subscribing to the securities as manager,
consult, adviser or rendering corporate advisory service in relation to such issue
India has entered the 21st century as one of the Asia’s most dynamic economies. This
is the part of the assessment made by International Financial and Capital Market
Institutions based on India’s economic and financial reforms initiated in 1991 and
brought to fruition in various budget.
The progress of any economy mainly depends on the efficient financial system of the
country. Indian economy is no exception financial system of the country. The
importance of the financial sector reforms affirms an effective means for solving the
problems of economic, financial and social in India and elsewhere in the developing
nations of the world. The progress of the Securities Industry of any country depends
mainly on the flow of funds. In fact, capital generation is the lifeblood of the capital
market without which the health and soundness of the financial system cannot be
geared and for which well-developed capital market as well as money market is
India’s capital market is among the largest in the developing world. The market is
comprised of 24 stock exchanges transacting long-term debt; debentures and equity
shares both electronic and physical forms. Derivatives financial instruments are also
be added to the market shortly. The number of firms listed on the Indian Stock
Exchange is more than the USA. Market Capitalisation of listed firms is 1980s was
similar to Brazil, Malaysia, Singapore and Denmark.
The capital market of the country, however, underwent dramatic changes since the
beginning of 1980s basically because of a progressive realization that the command
economy on which the emphasis was placed could not lead to higher levels of
economic development and that a slant towards a market-oriented economy is
It is in the context of fast expanding economy and a liberalized and deregulated
atmosphere that the growth of the Indian Stock Market activities has to be viewed.
No wonder that the markets have registered a quantum jump judge by any standards.
In India prior to the enactment of Indian Companies Act, 1956,managing agents acted
as issue houses for securities, evaluated project reports, planned capital structure and
to some extent provided venture capital for new firms. Few share broking firms also
functioned as merchant bankers.
The need for specialized merchant banking services was felt in India with the rapid
growth in the number and size of the issues made in the primary market. The
merchant banking services were started by foreign banks, namely the National
Grindlays Bank in 1967 and the City Bank in 1970. The Banking Commission in
its report in 1972 recommended the setting up of merchant banking institutions. This
marked the beginning of specialized merchant banking in India.
To begin with, merchant banking services were offered along with other traditional
banking services. In the mid-Eighties, the Banking Regulation Act was amended
permitting commercial banks to offer a wide range of financial services through the
subsidy rule. The State Bank of India was the first India Bank to set up merchant
Banking division in 1972. Later ICICI set up its Merchant Banking division followed
by Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, Canada Bank, Punjab National Bank and UCO
Bank. The merchant banking gained prominence during 1983-84 due to new issue
Many banks entered merchant banking in the 1960s to take advantage of the
economies of scope produced when private equity investing is added to other bank
services, particularly commercial lending. As lenders to small and medium-sized
companies, banks become knowledgeable about individual firms’ products and
prospects and consequently are natural providers of direct private equity investment to
these firms. As mentioned above, commercial banks were the largest providers of
venture capital in the 1960s. In the middle to late 1980s, the decision to enter
merchant banking was thrust on other banks and bank holding companies by
unforeseen events. In those years, as a result of the LDC (less-developed-country)
debt crisis, many banks received private equity from developing nations in return for
their defaulted loans. At that time, many of these banks set up merchant banking
subsidiaries to try to get some value from this private equity.
Also at about that time, most commercial banks began refocusing their private equity
investments to middle-market and public companies (often low-tech, already
profitable companies) and, rather than providing seed capital, financed expansion or
changes in capital structure and ownership. Most particularly, they took equity
positions in LBOs, takeovers, or recapitalizations or provided subordinated debt in the
form of bridge loans to facilitate the transaction. Often they did both. Commercial
banks financed much of the LBO activity of the 1980s.Then, in the mid-1990s, major
commercial banks began once again focusing on venture capital, where they had
substantial expertise from their previous exposure to this kind of investment. Some of
these recent venture-capital investments have been spectacularly successful. For
example, the Internet search engine Lycos was a 1998 investment of Chase
Manhattan’s venture-capital arm. Commercial banks are permitted to report either
realized or unrealized gains on their merchant-banking portfolios, as long as they are
consistent in the reporting. This option makes it difficult for one to compare different
entities’ financial results and could lead to an overly liberal reporting of profits.
Important reason for the growth of merchant banking is due to exerting excess
demand on the sources of funds forever expanding industry and trade.
Corporate sector had the only alternative to avail of the capital market services
for meeting their long-term financial requirements through capital issues of equity
and debentures.
With the growing demand for funds there was pressure on capital market that
enthused the commercial banks, share brokers and financial consultancy firms to
enter into the field of merchant banking and share the growing capital market
In India have opened their merchant banking windows and are competing in this
field, and also doing advisory functions as merchant bankers as well as managing
public issues in syndication with other merchant bankers.
Merchant banks can play highly significant role in mobilizing funds of savers to
investible channels assuring promising return on investments. activity.
With the growth of merchant banking profession corporate enterprises in both
public and private, sectors would be able to meet the growing requirements for the
funds for establishing new enterprises, undertaking
expansion/modernization/diversification of the existing enterprises.
Merchant banks have been procuring impressive support from capital market for
the corporate sector for financing their projects.
In view of multitude of enactments, rules and regulations, guidelines and offshoot
press release instructions brought out by the Government from time to time
imposing statutory obligations upon the corporate sector to comply with all those
requirements prescribed therein, the need of skilled agency existed which could
provide counseling.
Merchant bankers advise the investors of the incentives available in the form of
tax reliefs, other statutory relaxations, good return on investment and capital
appreciation in such investment to motivate them to invest their savings in
Thus, the merchant bankers help industry and trade to raise funds, and the
investors to invest their saved money in sound and healthy concerns with
confidence, safety and organizations for higher yields.
Merchant Banking, as the term has evolved in Europe from the 18th century to
today, pertained to an individual or a banking house whose primary function was
to facilitate the business process between a product and the financial requirements
for its development. Merchant banking services span from the earliest negotiations
from a transaction to its actual consummation between buyer and seller.
In particular, the merchant banker acted as a capital sources whose primary activity
was directed towards a commodity trader/cargo owner who was involved in the
buying, selling, and shipping of goods. The role of the merchant banker, who had
the expertise to understand a particular transaction, was to arrange the necessary
capital and ensure that the transaction would ultimately produce "collectable"
profits. Often, the merchant banker also became involved in the actual negotiations
between a buyer and seller in a transaction
During the 20th century, however, European merchant banks expanded their
services. They became increasingly involved in the actual running of the business
for which the transaction was conducted. Today, merchant banks actually own and
run businesses for their own account, and that of others.
Since the 18th century, the term merchant banker has, therefore, been considerably
broadened to include a composite of modern day skills. These skills include those
inherent in an entrepreneur, a management advisor, a commercial and/or
investment banker plus that of a transaction broker. Today a merchant banker is
who has the ability to merchandise -- that is, create or expands a need -- and fulfil
capital requirements. The modern European merchant bank, in many ways, reflects
the early activities and breadth of services of the colonial trading companies.
Most companies that come to a U.S. merchant bank are looking to increase
their financial stability or satisfy a particular, immediate capital
Formal merchant banking activity in India was originated in 1969 with Merchant Banking
Division set up by the Grindlays Bank, the largest foreign bank in the country. The main
service offered at that time to the corporate enterprises by the merchant banks included the
management of public issues and some aspects of financial consultancy. Other foreign banks
like Citi Bank, Chartered Bank also assumed the merchant banking activity in India. State
Bank of India started merchant banking in 1973 followed by ICICI in 1974. Both these Indian
merchant bankers emerged as leaders in merchant banking having done significant business
during the ` 15 Merchant Banking period of 1974-1987 in comparison to foreign banks. The
early and mid-seventies witnessed a boom in the growth of merchant banking organizations in
the country with various commercial banks, financial institutions, broker’s firms entering in
to the field of merchant banking. The early growth of merchant banking in the country is
assigned to the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973 (FERA) where under large number of
foreign companies operating in India were required to dilute their foreign holdings in order to
continue business in the country. This had caused two-pronged effect viz. firstly, in the form
of spate in ‘Foreign Exchange Regulation Act Issues’ eliciting interest of the investors by
creating massive awareness about capital markets amongst the new class of investing public,
secondly, merchant banking activity became attractive to banks and the firms of consultants
and share brokers who entered into this fields vigorously to reap the advantages of the
expanding capital markets.
1. ENAM-
ENAM was founded in1984 to provide knowledge-driven financial services at the time
when Indian economy investors faced a bewildering array of options. ENAM is the one
of the largest underwriters in India. ENAM offers promising & exciting companies the
opportunity of assessing the public market equity finances. ENAM’s long-term
association with capital markets & primary markets has provided it with deep insights of
the functioning of Indian financial institutions. The merchant banking services provided
by ENAM are: - Equity debt/syndication: Raising capital through a private placement
of a company’s securities is an effective & timely offering to a public offering. ENAM
represents the clients in the private placement of debt and equity with institutional & high
net worth investors. Corporate Restructuring: - ENAM provides client with strategic
and practical solutions to financial challenges. Their restructuring services includes
Mergers & Acquisitions, Takeovers, Debt restructuring, Buyers services etc. ` 43
Merchant Banking ENAM also provide the seed stage services, value creation services
and IPO’s advisory services which are represented below:
ICICI Securities Limited is a leader across the spectrum of Merchant Banking. We are
experienced in every aspect of the business from domestic and international capital
markets advisory, to M&A advisory, Private Equity syndication, Restructuring and
infrastructure advisory. Our investment banking team, based across key cities in India
and New York, London, and Singapore consists of professionals with expertise across a
range of industries. ICICI SECURITIES provide following services: Mergers and
Acquisitions: - ICICI Securities Limited is amongst the first Indian investment Banks to
form a dedicated M&A practice and continues to be a leader by providing innovative and
unique solutions to achieve varied objectives of the client. They offer a full range of
advisory services, which include joint ventures, mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures.
Equity Capital Markets: - ICICI Securities Limited is at the forefront of capital markets
advisory having been involved in most major book building and fixed price offerings
over the last decade. It is amongst the leading underwriters of Indian equity and equity-
linked offerings. ` 44 Merchant Banking Infrastructure Advisory: - ICICI Securities
Limited has a dedicated infrastructure vertical focused on assisting clients in identifying
and capitalising on the opportunities thrown up by the all pervasive boom in the Indian
infrastructure sector. Dealing with Bulls and Bears: - ICICI Securities Limited assists
global institutional investors to make the right decisions through insightful research
coverage and a client focused Sales and Dealing team. The equity group leverages
research and distribution reach to domestic and foreign institutional investors in case of
public offerings. Thus the quality of analysis and client servicing standards, are a
testimony to the quality of ICICI SECURITIES team.
Citigroup Corporate and Investment Banking achieve the extraordinary for our clients
around the world. No financial institution is more committed to advancing the goals of its
clients—our diverse and talented staff in more than 100 countries advises companies,
governments and institutions on the best ways to realize their strategic objectives. We
create solutions for and provide the broadest possible capital and market access to
thousands of issuer and investor clients. And no institution better executes the
increasingly complex payment and cash management solutions required in today's global
economy. The features Citigroup are as follows: - Over the years, Citigroup has
established a track record of outstanding business milestones such as Cash Management,
pioneered by Citigroup in 1986 and utilized by over 900 Corporates with through-puts
totaling around $ 35 billion (8% of India's GDP). It is India's largest foreign bank in the
FX (foreign exchange) market with a 14 per cent market share. As the leading
custodian, Citibank has over $22 billion of custody assets under management. ` 46
Merchant Banking
For Business
Construction Tools Credit
Auto Credit
Business Vehicle Credit
Credit against Gold
Recurring Deposits
Fixed Deposits
Life Insurance
General Insurance
Demat Account Services
Mutual Funds
Licensed Banking
Smart Bussiness Facilities
Current account
Savings Account
1 Raising Finance for Clients : Merchant Banking helps its clients to raise finance
through issue of shares, debentures, bank loans, etc. It helps its clients to raise finance from
the domestic and international market. This finance is used for starting a new business or
project or for modernization or expansion of the business.
2 Broker in Stock Exchange : Merchant bankers act as brokers in the stock exchange.
They buy and sell shares on behalf of their clients. They conduct research on equity shares.
They also advise their clients about which shares to buy, when to buy, how much to buy and
when to sell. Large brokers, Mutual Funds, Venture capital companies and Investment Banks
offer merchant banking services.
3 Project Management : Merchant bankers help their clients in the many ways. For e.g.
Advising about location of a project, preparing a project report, conducting feasibility studies,
making a plan for financing the project, finding out sources of finance, advising about
concessions and incentives from the government.
5 Managing Public Issue of Companies : Merchant bank advice and manage the
public issue of companies. They provide following services: Advise on the timing of the
public issue.Advise on the size and price of the issue. Acting as manager to the issue, and
helping in accepting applications and allotment of securities.Help in appointing underwriters
and brokers to the issue .Listing of shares on the stock exchange, etc.
Handling Government Consent for Industrial Projects : A businessman has to get government
permission for starting of the project. Similarly, a company requires permission for expansion
or modernization activities. For this, many formalities have to be completed. Merchant banks
do all this work for their clients.
6 Special Assistance to Small Companies and Entrepreneurs : Merchant banks
advise small companies about business opportunities, government policies, incentives and
concessions available. It also helps them to take advantage of these opportunities,
concessions, etc.
7 Services to Public Sector Units : Merchant banks offer many services to public
sector units and public utilities. They help in raising long-term capital, marketing of
securities, foreign collaborations and arranging long-term finance from term lending
8 Revival of Sick Industrial Units : Merchant banks help to revive (cure) sick
industrial units. It negotiates with different agencies like banks, term lending institutions, and
BIFR (Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction). It also plans and executes the full
revival package.
11 Money Market Operation : Merchant bankers deal with and underwrite short-term
money market instruments, such as: Government Bonds .Certificate of deposit issued by
banks and financial institutions .Commercial paper issued by large corporate firms. Treasury
bills issued by the Government (Here in India by RBI).
12 Leasing Services : Merchant bankers also help in leasing services. Lease is a contract
between the lessor and lessee, whereby the lessor allows the use of his specific asset such as
equipment by the lessee for a certain period. The lessor charges a fee called rentals.
Management of Interest and Dividend : Merchant bankers help their clients in the
management of interest on debentures / loans, and dividend on shares. They also advise their
client about the timing (interim / yearly) and rate of dividend.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has stated that merchant bankers
must be involved more closely in the market making process as share brokers do not
have the requisite expertise to evaluate the fundamentals of the scrips before taking
over the role of market makers. Further, share brokers generally being partnership;
firms do not have the financial clout which is necessary for market making activity.
Resultantly, the SEBI has suggested that any member of the stock exchange along
with one merchant banker registered with SEBI could act as a market maker.
The SEBI has felt that to ensure liquidity of scrip it was necessary to facilitate greater
movement, which could only be achieved through the institution of market makers.
Market makers would also create a market for the scrips by offering two way quotes
to the investors. A minimum of ten scrips has been proposed by SEBI for the market
The Deccan Merchants Co-op. Bank Ltd. is one of the leading co-operative bank in Mumbai,
which provides services through its 13 Branches located at Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane,
Pune areas and two Offices Head Office and Central Office. The area of operation of the bank
is whole of Maharashtra State. We have 99 years excellent long journey with Golden Days
and now from the year 2017 we are going to celebrate our Centenary Year. For the last 99
years we are providing trusted and excellent services. The brief history of our 99 years
journey is as follows.
From decade Mumbai is known as financial Capital of India. Many industries, factories and
traders were established in Mumbai. At that time Mumbai's population was around 14 to 15
lakh and Three-Fourths of the population was of Marathi speaking people.Marathi peoples
were mainly engaged in service sector, doing labourers jobs or small business and professions
like Advocates and Doctors etc.for the livelihood.They were less in trading and
manufacturing vocation.
The Marathi businessmen were in scarcity of capital. Therefore, the educated Marathi
businessmen were realized the need of their own financial institute which can assist them to
explore their business. On the basis of that on 16th April, 1914 some Cloth sellers,Printing
Press Owners, Book Publishers, Chemist and Traders were gathered and established their
own association called "The Deccan Merchants Association".
The meeting of the members of Deccan Merchants Association was held on 20 August 1917
and it was decided to establish a co-operative society. This meeting was headed by renowned
Economist Shri. Chintamanrao Samant and with his blessing "The Deccan Merchants Co-op.
Society" was established on 30th August 1917. Thereafter, in 1929 on the occasion of
Dipavali Padva i.e. Balipratipada the said society was converted into "The Deccan Merchants
Co-op. Bank Ltd." The bank was started with its single branch at Girgaum, Mumbai and In
August 1937 another branch of bank was opened at Dadar, Mumbai.
The growth of the bank was increased after Independence, the bank which was started with
the core capital of Rs.375, enhanced its capital to Rs.1.25 lakh in the year 1957. At that time
the Deposits of bank was Rs.29.50 lakh.
However, the real progress of the bank was started from the year 1968. Taking into
consideration the progress of the bank The Reserve Bank of India offered the merging of
Goregaon based "Kalavihar Co-operative Bank Ltd. in our bank and on 23 December 1978
this bank was merged with us, where our Goregaon branch was started. As mentioned above
initially the bank had two branches, Girgaum and Dadar. In the year of 1966 the bank opened
its third branch at Byculla and thereafter in the year 1978 at Ghatkoper (West). After that the
bank received further Licenses and opened its branches at Borivali, Dhaisar and Ghatkopar
(East) in Mumbai. Till the year 1990 the bank had total 8 branches and two offices, the Head
office and Central office.
The bank was doing well but its progress was not as good as other banks, as the expansion of
bank was stopped due to various reasons. In the year 2002 existing Chairman Shri. Kashinath
Dinkar More had taken the charge of Chairmanship of the bank, his first objective was
expansion of the bank. He put real efforts and we received license from Reserve Bank of
India on 24th May 2004 to open new branch at Vashi, Navi Mumbai. The Vashi Branch was
inaugurated by former Deputy Chief Minister Shri Chhaganraoji Bhujbal. At present this
branch is our highest profit making branch. In the same year the ground floor premises of our
Girgaum building which was with M/s. Bombay Book Depot was taken back from them and
our Girgaum Branch was shifted to ground floor for the convenience of our customers.
Meanwhile bank was trying to expand its branch network but could not succeed, as the MOU
between the Government of Maharashtra and Reserve Bank of India was not signed.
Therefore the RBI was granted stay on issuing new branch licenses to UCBs. Thus, during the
period from 2004 to 2009 the bank was unable to open new branches. After execution of
MOU between the RBI and Government of Maharashtra in the year 2009 the RBI granted us
the permission to open new branches at Thane and Kharghar. Thane Branch was inaugurated
by deputy CM. Honorable Shri. Chhaganraoji Bhujbal and Kharghar branch was inaugurated
by Honorable Minister Shri. Ganeshji Naik.
At that time the bank's jurisdiction was Mumbai, Thane, Pune and Raigad district but the
bank had no branch in Pune district. In the year of 2011 bank made debut in Pune by
inaugurating its new branch at Hadapsar, Pune on 16th January 2011 and thereafter on 30th
November 2011 it had opened another branch at Saswad Pune. Both these branches were
inaugurated by former deputy CM. Honorable Shri. Ajit Pawar.
The working of the bank was manual till 1990. In the year 1992 the bank started
Computerization process, at first the Girgum Branch was computerized and there after step by
step computerization was done in all the branches and offices. Though the branches of the
bank were fully computerized they had different softwares hence there was no uniformity in
the working of the bank. So there was need to implement unique software in all the branches
and offices of the bank. The said subject was taken on agenda and while discussing the
thought come up, why we should not go for core banking? and the resolution was passed in
year 2005-2006 to implement Core Banking software in the bank and CBS of M/s. Next Step
InfoTech Pvt. Ltd. was successfully installed in bank. This software is still running
successfully and effectively in the bank.
The next vision of the bank was 24x7 banking service and on the basis of that in the year
2007-2008 bank started it's ATM services in its Ghatkopar(East) branch and Borivali branch
and thereafter in Girgaum branch. But scope of ATM services was limited. As Our Account
holders had access limited to local ATM network of the bank. So there was low response to
our ATM services, It was the dream of our Honorable Chairman Shri. Kashinath D. More to
facilitate our customers with ATM facility in all over India by using ATM's of other banks
and his dream was fulfilled by introduction of 'Rupay Card'. On 28th June 2014 the bank
started its Rupay card services and our customer got access to more than 166K ATM's of
other bank in all over India.
The Chairman and Board of Directors are always trying to give all latest banking facility to
our customers. The Bank started giving RTGS/NFTS facility from 2009. The facility like
Online VAT Payment, Demand Draft on prime cities of India, safe deposit locker facility,
Aadhar link saving account facility, franking, life insurance etc. are successfully provided by
the bank and the customers are availing benefit of the same. The bank has obtained license for
giving Franking services through its Dadar, Thane and Byculla branches. The e-Franking
facility is also provided under sub membership of IDBI Bank from all the branches of the
bank. The government Schemes of 'Pradhan Mantri Jeevanjyoti Bima Yojna' (PMJBY) and
'Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojna' (PMSBY) is also effectively implemented by the
The bank is doing continuous progress under the efficient leadership of a Chairman Shri.
Kashinath D. More, the bank has seen its real growth in his tenure. The members of the bank
have a bonding trust in his leadership and the testimony of that the election of the Board of
Directors was held unopposed in the year of 2009 and 2015. The Bank was felicitated by an
Award of Most Excellent Institute by the 'Rashtriya Sahakarita Vikas Tatha Gramin
Prabandh Sanstha'. The Brihan Mumbai Nagari Sahakari Banks' Association had also honored
our bank continuously for two years for its working.
In these 99 years the bank has seen different scenarios and experience ups and downs but still
its stand firmly and continuously marching towards progress. It was headed by many well
known personalities as a Chairman and all of them had contributed their efforts in the
progress of bank in their own fashion.
On the achievement of every mille stone there was a grand celebration. The Silver Jubilee of
the bank was celebrated on 19th September 1942 in a garden at 'Vanita Vishram' and the
Chairperson of the programme was Raja Sir Raghunath Panth Sachiv, the King of Bhore
Sansthan. The programme was concluded by dinner in Hotel Taj.
The Golden Jubilee celebration of the bank was arranged at Vanmali Hall, Dadar on 3rd April
1968. The Chairperson of the Program was Honorable Shri. S. K. Patil and Mr. Balasaheb
Desai, the then Revenue Minister of Maharashtra was the Chief Guest, who gave slogan to
the bank "असमर्थास समर्ा करणे " .
The Platinum Jubilee celebration was arranged at Swatantryaveer Sawarkar Hall, Shivaji Park
Dadar. on 10th and 11th October 1992.. On 10th October the get together of Volunteers of
Co-operative Banks was arranged and the Chief Guest was the then Honorable Opposition
leader Shri. Gopinathji Munde. On 11th October the ceremony of platinum jubilee concluded
in presence of Finance Minister Shri. Ramrao Adik as a Chief Guest.
The bank is now waiting to celebrate its Centenary Year in 2017, the Members, Account
holders, Depositors, Customers, Board of Directors and Employees are eager to see the grand
celebration of completion of 100 years trusted service of the bank . So many have come, so
many have taken benefits, so many have contributed, some of them are still there to share
their experience, some of them are gone with history and memories but still the Deccan
Merchants Co-operative Bank exists and will exist forever.
The Deccan Merchants Co-operative Bank Ltd (DMCB) was founded in 1917 by Shri.
Chintamanrao Samant and has the unique distinction of being a witness to history from
India's freedom movement and the glorious chapter of post-independence India and is in the
business for the past 99 years. Today The DMCB has 15 locations, which includes Head
office, Central Office, Data Center and 13 branches, branches spread over Mumbai , New
Mumbai & Raigad and Pune Dist. The Bank have plans for moderate growth in branches,
total business and profits. The bank has plans to open branches in Thane, Pune and Raigad
region. All 13 branches are computerized with a Total Branch Automation solution. The
Board of Directors and the management of the Bank continued to demonstrate their steady
faith in the progress of the common man and the co-operative movement and they encouraged
the shareholders to save despite all odds. Though the bank has medium size banking business
structure but has been successful to maintain the pleasant position in the changing scenario.
The bank has always kept the respect of RBI norms and followed to match the expectation of
DMCB has plans to provide modern, competitive service to its retail and small-scale
customers using IT as a driver to provide the best customer conveniences. The bank started to
incorporate Core Banking Solution (CBS) to achieve the projected business growth and to
match the expectation of customers. The bank has started to implement the CBS in true
centralized environment.
Hon. Shri. K. D. More currently heads the Bank as a Chairman and has continuously adopted
the practice of fast and effective decision-making and has a perfect futuristic view. He is
basically a practical businessman and social worker having broad techno-banking vision. His
work, views, practices is always supported by other colleagues in the board. Shri. More
always considers the opinion of each and every entity in the bank, and based on that he takes
the effective decisions. He always believes in the Team Work and Team Spirit. He and his
team in the Board has planned to adopt modern technology and wish to start Internet
Banking, ATM Services, Mobile/SMS Banking, Tele-Banking etc. within short span of time.
Now Shri. S. L. Abhang - General Manager have been handling day-to-day operations and
have shown his manageability and effectiveness by maintaining a strong position of the bank
in this modern and competitive era.
1:Savings Deposit
Facilities and Services
E-Statement Facility
Rate of Interest
B Above 1 year 4%
C Above 2 year 5%
3. Daily Current Deposit
181 days to 12
3 months 6.00 % 6.00 %
Above 1 year to 2
4 years 7.50 % 8.00 %
Above 2 years to 3
5 years 7.25 % 7.75 %
Above 3 years to 5
6 years 7.60 % 8.10 %
Personal Loan
Consumer Loan
Housing Loan
Vehicle Loan
Education Loan
Pledge Loan Against Gold/NSC
Loan Against Deposit
Rebate On Regular Repayment
Personal Loan
Sr.No. Type of Loan Schemes Present Rate of Interest
For personal Loan where undertaking of Direct deduction from the salary
of Borrower under section 49 of M.C.S Act from the Company of
organized sector / Government / Semi Govt. Undertaking / Public Sector
Undertaking. (Employees Working in Private Ltd. companies, Proprietary
A and partnership concerns will not be considered under this scheme) 14.50 %
B THAN TYPE A 16.50 %
C LOAN(FOR NEW LOAN w.e.f 30.09.2016) 13.00 %
3. Proof of Identity - Photo copy of PAN Card (must) and Any one from photo Copy of ID Card
/Passport /Driving License / Aadhaar Card etc.
4. Proof of Residence - Photo copy of Ration Card (must) and Any one of the following -
Latest Telephone Bill / Electricity Bill / Property Tax paid / Passport / Voters ID /
Aadhaar Card etc.
6. Income Proof:
● Salary earner
* last 3 months original authenticated salary slips.
* Copy of Form No.16 for last 2 years.
● Businessman
* Acknowledged copies of last three years I.T. Return with IT paid Challans.
* CA certified Trading and Profit Loss A/c, Balance Sheet with all schedules.
* Computation of Income statement.
* Business proof.
2. Other
7. In case of salaried person - Direct Deduction Letter U/s 49 if applied under secured personal
8. ECS mandate copy, Post Dated Cheques (PDC), Standing Instruction (SI) for debiting
monthly EMI from SB or CD A/c.
3. Proof of Identity - Photo Copy of PAN Card (must) and Any one from following; Photo Copy
of ID Card/ Passport / Driving License / Aadhaar Card etc.
4. Proof of Residence - Photo Copy of Ration Card (must) and Any one from following;
Latest Telephone/Bill / Electricity Bill / Property Tax paid / Passport / Voters ID /
Aadhaar Card etc.
6. Income Proof:
● Salary earner
* last 3 months original authenticated salary slips.
* Copy of Form No.16 for last 2 years.
● Businessman
* Acknowledged copies of last three years I.T. Return with IT paid Challans.
* CA certified Trading and Profit Loss A/c, Balance Sheet with all schedules.
* Computation of Income statement.
* Business proof.
2. Other
8. In case of salaried person - Direct Deduction Letter U/s 49 of M.C.S Act. If applied under
secured consumer loan.
9. ECS mandate copy, Post Dated Cheques (PDC), Standing Instruction (SI) for debiting
EMI from SB or CD A/c.
Housing Loan
N Present Rates
o (w.e.f. Special
. Type of Loan Scheme 01.10.17) Rebate
A) Housing Loan Scheme
3. Proof of Identity - Photo Copy of PAN Card (must) and Any one from following; Photo Copy
of ID Card/ Passport / Driving License / Aadhaar Card etc.
4. Proof of Residence - Photo Copy of Ration Card (must) and Any one from following;
Latest Telephone Bill / Electricity Bill / Property Tax paid / Passport / Voters ID /
Aadhaar Card etc.
2. Other
7. Property Documents -
Original Registration / Sale Agreement / Chain Agreement, NOC to mortgage the flat
from the Society / Builder Concerned Authority, Share Certificate, Latest Property Tax Paid
Receipt and Maintenance Paid Receipt, Copy of Registered Development Agreement and
power of Attorney, CC, OC, Architect's Work Completion Certificate and all other
related title documents as per legal opinion.
9. ECS mandate copy, Post Dated Cheques(PDC), Standing Instruction (SI) for debiting monthly
EMI from SB or CD A/c.
11. Collateral securities - LIC sum assured should not be less than 25% of loan amount.
Present Rate of
Interest (w.e.f.
Sr .No. Type of Loan Scheme 01.06.17)
3. Proof of Identity - Photo Copy of PAN Card (must) and Any one from following; Photo Copy
of ID Card/Passport / Driving License / Aadhaar Card.
4. Proof of Residence - Photo Copy of Ration Card (must) and Any one from following;
Latest Telephone Bill / Electricity Bill / Property Tax paid / Passport / Voters ID/
Aadhaar Card etc.
6. Income Proof:
● Salary earner
* last 3 months original authenticated salary slips.
* Copy of Form No.16 for last 2 years.
● Businessman
* Acknowledged copies of last three years I.T. Return with IT paid Challans.
* CA certified Trading and Profit Loss A/c, Balance Sheet with all schedules.
* Computation of Income statement.
* Business proof.
2. Other
7. Property Documents -
Original Registration Receipt / Sale Agreement / Chain Agreements, NOC to mortgage
flat from the Society / Builder concerned Authority, Share Certificate, Latest Property
Tax paid Receipt and
Maintenance paid Receipt, Copy of Registered Development Agreement and power of
Attorney, CC, OC, Architect's Work Completion Certificate and all other related title
documents as per legal opinion.
10. In case of salaried person - Direct Deduction Letter U/s 49 of M.C.S Act.
11. ECS mandate copy, Post Dated Cheques(PDC), Standing Instruction (SI) for debiting
monthly EMI from SB or CD A/c.
Vehicle LOAN
Revised Rate of
Sr Interest from
.No. Type of Loan Scheme 01.06.17
1 WHEELERS 12.00 %
10.00 %
1) For Purchase of New Brand Car for own
use 11.00 %
New Vehicle
o. Type of Vehicle Margin
1 Two Wheeler Rs. 5000/- (Irrespective of Invoice Price)
4. Proof of Identity - Driving License and Photo copy of PAN Card compulsory and Any one of
following; photo copy of ID Card / Passport / Aadhaar Card.
5. Proof of Residence - Photo Copy of Ration Card (must) and Any one from following;
Latest Telephone Bill / Electricity Bill / Property Tax paid / Passport / Voters ID/ Aadhaar
Card etc.
7. Income Proof:
● Salary earner
* last 3 months original authenticated salary slips.
* Copy of Form No.16 for last 2 years.
● Businessman
* Acknowledged copies of last three years I.T. Return with IT paid Challans.
* CA certified Trading and Profit Loss A/c, Balance Sheet with all schedules.
* Computation of Income statement.
* Business proof.
2. Other
8. Proforma Invoice for new vehicle to be purchased and valuation Report in case of old vehicle
from Banks approved valour .
Educational Loan
Sr Present Rate of
.No. Type of Loan Scheme Interest
11.00 %
Upto Rs. 5.00 lac
A Above Rs.5 lac to Rs.25 lac 11.00%
3. Proof of Identity - Driving License and Photo copy of PAN Card compulsary and Any
one of following; photo copy of ID Card / Passport / Aadhaar Card.
4. Proof of Residence - Photo Copy of Ration Card (must) and Any one from following;
Latest Telephone Bill / Electricity Bill / Property Tax paid / Passport / Voters ID/
Aadhaar Card etc.
6. Income Proof:
● Salary earner
* last 3 months original authenticated salary slips.
* Copy of Form No.16 for last 2 years.
● Businessman
* Acknowledged copies of last three years I.T. Return with IT paid Challans.
* CA certified Trading and Profit Loss A/c, Balance Sheet with all schedules.
* Computation of Income statement.
* Business proof.
2. Other
8. Necessary travelling and hostelling which will satisfy the norms of educational loan.
9. ECS mandate copy, Post Dated Cheques(PDC),Standing Instruction (SI) for debiting
monthly EMI from SB or CD A/c.
11. In case of immovable property the margin shall be 25% of loan amount.
In case of liquid security i.e. FDR/NSC/KVP/LIC margin shall be 15%.
Pledge Loan
(w.e. Specia
f. l
Sr. 01.06 Rebat
No. Type of Loan Scheme .17) e
Business Loan
Size of Rate of
Sr.No. Advance Interest Special Rebate
Upto Rs.
1 10 lac 13.50 % For the business
Term Loan &
Above Rs. Overdraft
10 lac to 1% rebate will be
2 Rs. 50 lac 13.00 % given against the
regular repayment .
Above Rs. Details as per Loan
3 50 lac 12.50 % Policy of the Bank.
Maximum Loan Available : Upto Bank's Loan Exposure Limit or As per Scrutiny of Loan
Application whichever is less
Guarantors Required : Two Guarantors (All Partners, Directors and owners of property
will be taken as a guarantors.)
Income of Surety : Net salary income Rs.15,000/- p.m. OR Rs.2 Lac p.a. for businessman
4. Proof of Identity - Driving Licence and Photo copy of PAN Card compulsary and Any one
of following; photo copy of ID Card / Passport / Adhar Card)
5. Proof of Residence - Photo Copy of Ration Card (must) and Any one from following;
Latest Telephone Bill / Electricity Bill / Property Tax paid / Passport / Voters ID/ Adhar
Card etc.
6. Proof of Business - Partnership Firm's and Company's PAN Card, Shop Act Licence,
Partnership Deed with Registration Certificate, CST / VAT Registration Certificate,
Company Incorporation Certificate with Memorandum & Article of Association, Board
Resolution, SSI Registration Certificate and all copies of certificates issued by the various
Authorities related to specifc business.
9. Statement of other Bank Business A/cs (Current A/cs & Loan A/cs) for last one year
12. For calculate Assessment of Working Capital - Stock Statement, List of Sundry Debtors
(Below 90 Days) & Sundry Creditors, List of monthwise Sales & Purchases
16. Project Report (showing Brief History of business, Cost of Project, Assessment of Working
Capital and Repayment Capacity with DSCR)
18. Collateral securities - Business loan above Rs.5 Lac require Collateral securities.
28. For the salaried guarantors latest 3 months salary slip along with form 16
Type of
Arrangement Service Charges
1 issue charges
Current/Cash First cheque book free for new A/c
Credit / Opened.
Overdraft Rs.2.00 per Cheque leaf at the time of
A/c issue of cheque book.
Free 105 leaves per year (April to
2) Savings Over 105 Leaves Rs.2/- per cheque leaf.
Bank (This charge will be applicable from
Account 1st April, 2013.)
Cheques /
2 Bills
1) Upto
2) Rs.10,001/-
3) Above
(the above
charges will
be all
inclusive, no
charges such
as courier or Rs.50/-
postage Rs.100/-
charges) Rs.150/-
3 Collection of Rs.35/- Handling charges plus Equal
foreign Commission charged by the collecting
currency bank.
through other
Upto Rs. 5
Above Rs. 5 Rs.25/-
Lac Rs.50/-
Transaction Nil
Upto Rs. 1
Above Rs. 1
Lac to Rs. 2
Lac Rs.5/-
Above Rs. 2 Rs.15/-
Lac Rs.25/-
Transaction Nil
Upto Rs. 1
Above Rs. 1 No Charges
Lac Rs.150/-
ECS Debit
7 Return
1) Upto
Rs.5,000/- Rs.50/-
2) Rs.5001/- Rs.75/-
to Rs.10,000/- Rs.100/-
3) Rs.10,001/- Rs.200/-
to Rs.50,000/- Rs.500/-
4) Rs.50,001/- Rs.750/-
to .1,00,000/- Rs.2500/-
6) Rs.
5,00,001/- to
7) Above
8 Rtd.)
Cheques /
a) Upto
b) Rs.10,001/-
to Rs.50,000/-
c) Rs.50,001/- Rs. 25/-
to .1,00,000/- Rs. 50/-
d) Above Rs. 100/-
Rs.1,00,000/- Rs. 150/-
a) Outstation Cheques Rs.100/- Per
(Plus actual Postage/ Courier charges)
Rs. 3,000/-
If no such balance is maintained Charges:
2. Current Rs.100/- p.m. will be charged for Current
Account A/c.
13 Enquiry: Rs. 150/-
14 Folio Charges Rs.100/- for 40 entries,
(Incidental Minimum Rs.100/- & Maximum Rs.1000/-
Charges) Will be charged half yearly in the month of
For C.D., C.C. September and March every year.
& O.D.
Except OD
Deposit, Govt.
Security and
OD against
Gold, OD
Rs.10/- per instrument
Maximum Rs.100/- (If cheque returned
Stop Payment due to insufficient balance, return
15 Charges charges will also be applicable)
Penalty for
delay in
installment in
16 MRD A/c R.D. Late Fees Rs. 1.50 per Rs.100/-
Issue of
Term Deposit
Receipt/ R.D. Rs.50/- per Receipt OR R.D. / D.R.D.
Pass-Book / Pass-Book. (Stamp paper charges will be
D.R.D .Pass extra for issue of Duplicate Term Deposit
1 Book Receipt)
Type of Service/Facility
Arrangement Service Charges
1 Issue of No Dues Certificate Rs.100/- per Account
Encashment of :
2 SHARES/LIC Rs.200/- per certificate / Policy document
3 Encashment of : Rs. 200/- Per Certificate.
NSC/KVP/ Indira Vikas
4 Legal Notice from Advocate Rs.300/- plus Advocates actual charges
I) Borrower / Guarantor
II) Final demand notice
III) Salary attachment
IV) Monthly Stock Rs.50/-
Statement & Renewal Paper Rs.100/-
Reminder Rs.100/-
V) Locker Rent Reminder Rs.200/-
5 Notice Rs.50/-
Non submission of monthly
Stock statement & List of
Creditors & Debtors on or
before 10th day of the
6 month Rs.300/- p.m. per statement
Commitment Charges
for Under Utilization of Cash-
Credit Limit i.e. Utilization 0.10 % p.m. On unutilized funds.(charges
7 below 50 % to be applied on monthly basis)
8 Cash-Credit / Overdraft
Extension Charges Rs.1000/- for each
month Lump sum.
Type of Service/Facility
Arrangement Service Charges
Issue of Pay
1 orders
1) Upto
2) Rs.5,001/- to
Rs.10,000/- Rs.30/-
3) Rs.10,001/- Rs.50/-
to Rs.75,000/- Rs.125/-
4) Rs.75,001 Rs. 2/- per Thousand OR Part there of
and above Maximum Rs.2000/-
Issue of DD
through Tie-
2 Banks
Rs.5/- per thousand per part thereof.
1) Upto Minimum Rs.100/- and maximum Rs.
Rs.10,000/- 2500/-
2) Above Note - Issuing Bank's Commission / Charges
Rs.10,000/- (if any) will be paid from our commission
Issue of D. D.
through Non
Tie-up Issuing Bank's Commission Plus 50% of the
2- Arrangement said Bank's Commission be recovered as our
A Banks. Commission.
1) Issue of
Duplicate Pay Rs. 50/- per instrument
Rs. 50/- per instrument
Revalidation ( If a new pay order issued in lieu of
OR cancelled pay order then only the
Cancellation cancellation charges be recovered and no
3 of charges be levied for the New Pay order)
Pay order
1) Issue of
Duplicate DD
of DD OR
Cancellation Rs.75/- per instrument
of DD
Rs.75/- per instrument
Issued under
Tie-up [Tie-Up Arrangement Bank's Charges (if
4 Arrangements any) will be paid from our charges only]
1) If Bank Guarantee issued against 100%
Deposit, Commission ofRs.500/- will be
charged upto Rs.1.00 Lac & @ 0.50%
p.a. on remaining amount.
* Issue of
Solvency Rs. 500/-
Certificate Rs. 750/-
8 1. Up to Rs.1 Rs. 2000/-
lac -
2. Over Rs.1
Lac to 5 lac -
3. Over Rs.5
lac -
Issue of
Identity Card
9 to a Member Rs.35/-
Charges for
Inland Bills
for Collection/
payment in Rs.100/- per Documents
Indian currency (Plus actual postage or courier charges if any
10 ) )
* Service Tax
is Not
Charges for
Bill for
payment in Rs.100/- per document
foreign Plus equal commission charged by the
11 currency ) remitting Bank .
Issue of
Inland LC
12 (Our Banks) 0.50 % of the LC amount
Issue of any
other than
Certificates of
13 Deposits Rs.50/- per Certificate
Loan upto
Rs.10 Lac
Loan Above Rs.1000/-
Rs.10 Lac to Rs.2500/-
14 Rs.50 Lac Rs.5000/-
Loan Above
Rs.50 Lac
Vehicle Loans
i) Seizing
charges for 2
wheelers, 3
wheeler and
light motor
ii) Seizing
charges for
tempo, truck Rs.1000/- (One time charges)
& other heavy
Rs.2500/- (One time charges)
(In additional
to above
towing Godawn charges to be received extra:-
charges actual 1) At actual if kept in other's garage
to be 2) If kept in Bank's Premises Rs. 50/- Per
15 received.) day.
Charges will be fixed on the basis of actual
16 ATM CARDS cost incurred and other recurring expenses
17 Charges Rs.10/- per document.
E RS :
e of
ker Locker Rent
Adva Adva
nce nce
For 1 For 3
Year Years
Rs. Rs.
A 800/- 2300/-
1 Rent : B Rs. Rs.
950/- 2750/-
Rs. 4100/
C 1400/- -
Rs. Rs.
H1 1500/- 4400/-
Rs. Rs.
D 1600/- 4700/-
Rs. Rs.
E 1800/- 5300/-
Rs. Rs.
F/L 2200/- 6500/-
Sma Rs. Rs.
ll 2400/- 7100/-
H Rs. Rs.
Big 2800/- 8300/-
G Rs. 10100
Big 3400/- /-
4 open of Rs.500/- plus actual charges of break-open.
in case
of loss
of Key/
Financial Growth
After the obligations of the CCI, the place was occupied by a legal organ called as
“Securities and Exchange Board of India”. The issue of capital and pricing of
issues by companies has become free of prior approval. The SEBI has issued
for the issue of capital by the companies. The guidelines broadly covers
the requirement of the first issue by a new or the first issue of a new company set
up by the existing company, the first issue by the existing private companies and
public issues by the existing listing companies. The SEBI is the most powerful
organization to control and lead both the primary market and secondary market.
The SEBI has announced the new guidelines for the disclosures by the
Companies leading to the investor protection. They are presented below:
✓ If any Company’s other income exceeds 10 per cent of the total income, the
details should be disclosed.
✓ The Company should disclose any adverse situation which affects the
operations of the Company and occurs within one year prior to the date
filing of the offer document with the Registrar of Companies or Stock
✓ The Company should also disclose the information regarding the capacity
utilization of the plant for the last 3 years.
✓ The Promoters of the Company must maintain their holding at least at 20 per
cent of the expanded capital.
✓ The minimum application money payable should not be less than 25 per cent
of the issue price.
✓ The company should disclose the time normally taken for the disposal of
various types of investor’s grievances.
✓ The Company can make firm allotments in public issues as follows:
✓ Indian mutual funds (20%),
✓ FIIS (24%),
✓ Regular employees of the company (10%),
✓ Financial institution (20%).
✓ The Company should disclose the safety net scheme or buy back
arrangements of the shares proposed in public issue. This scheme is
applicable to a limited number of 500 shares per allottee and the offer should
be valid for a period of at least 6 months from the date of dispatch of
✓ According to the guidelines, in case of the public issues, at least 30
mandatory collection centres should be established.
✓ According to the SEBI guidelines regarding rights issue, the Company
should give advertisements in not less than two news-papers about the
dispatch of letters of offer. No preferential allotment may be made along
with any rights issue.
✓ The Company should also disclose about the fee agreed between the lead
managers and the Company in the memorandum of understanding.
Corporate Counseling
Corporate counseling covers the entire field of merchant banking activities viz.
project counseling, capital restructuring, public issue management, loan
syndication, working capital, fixed deposit, lease financing acceptance credit, etc.
Merchant bankers also offer customized solutions to their client’s financial
Project Counseling
Project counseling includes preparation of project reports, deciding upon the
financing pattern to finance the cost of the project and appraising the project report
with the financial institutions or banks. It also includes filling up of application
forms with relevant information for obtaining funds from financial Institutions and
obtaining government approval.
Credit Syndication
Merchant bankers arrange to tie up loans for their clients. This takes place in a
series of steps. Firstly they analyses the pattern of the client’s cash flows, based on
which the terms of borrowings can be defined. Then the merchant banker prepares
a detailed loan memorandum, which is circulated to various banks and financial
institutions and they are invited to participate in the syndicate.
After taking action as per SEBI guidelines, the merchant banker arranges a meeting
with company representatives and advertising agents to finalize arrangements
relating to date of opening and closing of issue, registration of prospectus,
launching publicity campaign and fixing date of board meeting to approve and sign
prospectus and pass the necessary resolutions. Pricing of issues is done by the
companies in consultant with the merchant bankers.
Portfolio Management
Portfolio refers to investment in different kinds of securities such as shares,
debentures or bonds issued by different companies and government securities.
Portfolio management refers to maintaining proper combinations of securities in a
manner that they give maximum return
Is there another lucrative area of financing where merchant bankers are turning?
Leasing is a viable source of financing while acquiring capital assets. The services
include arrangement for lease finance facilities for leasing companies, legal;
documents and tax consultancy.
In spite of problems popping up, merchant banking in India has vast scope to
develop because of lot of domestic as well as foreign businesses booming here.
Indian economy provides an amicable environment for these firms to set up,
flourish and expand here.