A Study On The Importance of Yoga Education in B.Ed. Curriculum
A Study On The Importance of Yoga Education in B.Ed. Curriculum
A Study On The Importance of Yoga Education in B.Ed. Curriculum
Abstract: This paper intends to study the importance of yoga education in B.Ed curriculum as perceived by the
trainee teachers. Total two hundred trainee teachers are selected as sample of the study from the four B.Ed
colleges of Birbhum District in West Bengal. A self constructed questionnaire was used as a tool in this study
and survey method was used as technique. In modern technological period man faced various complex
situations like stresses, irritation, anxiety, depression, loneliness, ego problem etc. In these situations yoga
education is very useful to every person. By practicing yoga in every day social values are developed which
change the human behavior. As the trainee teachers groups are the future teacher of our society, so inclusion of
yoga education is very much necessary for future generation.
The word „YOGA‟ originates from the Sanskrit word „YUJ‟ meaning a joining or union. This concept
indicates to the joining of the practitioner with a supreme being. The major consideration with this term is the
uniting of an individualized spirit with the almighty spirit. This concept was originally taught by the widely
considered founder of yoga patanjali. Human being are made up of three components- body, mind and soul
corresponding these there are three needs viz. health knowledge and inner peace. Health is physical need,
knowledge is our psychological needs and inner peace is spiritual need when all three are present then there is
harmony. To live in harmony with oneself and the environment is the wish of every human. However in modern
time periods greater and physical and emotional demands are constantly placed upon many ground of life. As a
result most of people suffer from physical and mental tension such as stress, anxiety, insomnia, irritation and
there is an imbalance in the physical activity and proper utilization. This is why methods and techniques for the
attainment and improvement of health as well as physical, mental and spiritual harmony are of great importance,
and it is exactly in this respect that “Yoga in daily life” comprehensively offers an aid to help one‟s self.
The researcher has adopted the survey method which completely fulfills the objective of the study.
The population of the study comprising all trainee teachers of all B.Ed. college who have selected their
optional paper as yoga education.
The sample size of the study area is 200 trainee teachers who selected yoga education as an optional
paper from four B.Ed colleges of Birbhum District in West Bengal.
In the study area the data were collected through the self constructed questionnaire. The questionnaire
is closed form in nature and consisted of 20 statements.
Table 1: Trainee Teachers‟ Responces about the Importance about the Yoga Education as Part of their B.Ed
Sl. No. Statements Response in
1 Yoga education develops the sound mind and sound body. 76%
2 Yoga education helps to concentrate in any matter. 69%
3 Yoga education reduces anger, irritation, stress and anxiety. 74%
4 Yoga education brings a profound change in personality 65%
5 Yoga education develops the values of human being 79%
6 Yoga education helps to develop positive thinking 80%
7 Yoga education develops the non-violence attitude 84%
8 Yoga education improves the inter relationship with others. 76%
9 Yoga education helps to adjust with family members and others 63%
10 Yoga education develops the attitude of truthfulness 70%
11 Yoga education develops beliefs and right decision. 74%
12 Yoga education helps to develop the attitude of right direction 79%
13 Yoga education develops physical, mental and spiritual attributes 84%
14 Yoga education develops good habits 78%
15 Yoga education discards fatigue 73%
16 Yoga education develops the power of good judgement 70%
17 Yoga education corrects the shortcomings of human behavior as well as society 84%
18 Yoga education helps in perceiving much emotional distress among adolescents 76%
19 Yoga education indicates the feelings of Vasudhaibo-Kutumbakam 77%
20 Yoga education is relevant in the present social context 86%
It can be interpreted from the above table that yoga education is very important in present day context.
Most of the respondents are agreed about the importance and inclusion of yoga education in the syllabus. In the
above table we see that each statements of the questionnaire secured a good response from the B.Ed. trainee
teachers. They agreed about yoga education helps to develop sound mind, body and soul, good judgemental
power , good habit, concentration, positive thinking, non-violence attitude, bold personality etc.
In present time of competition and complexities, yoga education is very much significant. Through
practicing yoga social and moral values are developed in human being. It helps to control mental condition and
positive thinking. According to Aurovido, the yoga accepts the value of cosmic existence and holds it to be
reality; its object is to enter into a higher truth consciousness or divine supramental consciousness in which
action and creation are the expression not of ignorance and imperfection, but of the truth, the light, the divine
Ananda (Bliss). As the system of educating children has to be different. So it has to be combined with certain
yoga practices which can remove their psychological blocks, which can make them aware of the psychological
changes that happen in their body and brain, which can them aware of their own distractions and which can give
them the ability to focus on the theme of the subject they are studying.
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IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) is UGC approved Journal with
Sl. No. 5070, Journal no. 49323.
Susmita Pal "A Study on the Importance of Yoga Education in B.Ed. CurriculumIOSR Journal
Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS). vol. 23 no. 05, 2018, pp. 15-17.