Part 1 Vol 1 SWM PDF

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Government of Rajasthan

Rajasthan Urban Sector Development Program



Design and Construction of Sewer Network along with Allied Works and
Design and Construction for up-gradation of existing 10 MLD STP at
Soorwal for effluent quality improvement including Operation &
Maintenance services of the entire system for 10 years at Sawai

(Following single stage two envelope bidding procedure)

Part 1– Technical Bid –Volume 1

Issued on: November, 2016

Invitation for Bids No.: RUSDP/Program Loan/02

Package No. RUSDP/ Program/ SWM/ 01

Employer: Local Self Government Department, GoR

Represented by Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project (RUIDP)

Country: India
Table of Contents - Summary Description


Section 1 -Instructions to Bidders (ITB)----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-1

This section specifies the procedures to be followed by Bidders in the preparation and
submission of their Bids. Information is also provided on the submission, opening, and
evaluation of bids and on the award of contract.

Section 2 -Bid Data Sheet (BDS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-1

This section consists of provisions that are specific to each stage of procurement and
supplement the information or requirements included in Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders.

Section 3 Evaluation and Qualification Criteria (EQC) -------------------------------------------------- 3-1

This Section contains the criteria to determine the lowest evaluated bid and the
qualifications of the Bidder to perform the contract.

Section 4 Bidding Forms (BDF) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-1

This Section contains the forms which are to be completed by the Bidder and submitted as
part of their Bid.

Section 5 -Eligible Countries (ELC) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-1

This section contains the list of eligible countries.

Section 6 -Employer’s Requirements (ERQ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 6-1
This Section contains the Specifications, the Drawings, and supplementary information
that describe the Scope of Services, the Personnel Requirements, and the Equipment


Section 7 -General Conditions of Contract (GCC) -------------------------------------------------------- 7-1
This Section contains the general clauses that govern the Contract. These General
Conditions shall be the Conditions of Contract for design, Built and Operate Contracts
prepared by the FédérationInternationale des Ingénieurs-Conseil (FIDIC 2008). These
Conditions are subject to the variations and additions set out in Section 8 (Particular
Conditions of Contract).

Section 8 -Particular Conditions of Contract (PCC) ------------------------------------------------------ 8-1

This Section contains provisions which are specific to each contract and which modify or
supplement the GCC. Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over
those in the GCC.

Section 9 -Contract Forms (COF) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9-1

This Section contains forms, which, once completed, will form part of the Contract. The
forms for Performance Security and Advance Payment Security, when required, shall only
be completed by the successful Bidder after contract award.

Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders

Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders

This Section specifies the procedures to be followed by Bidders in the preparation and submission
of their Bids. Information is also provided on the submission, opening, and evaluation of bids and on
the award of contract.

Table of Clauses

A. General ................................................................................................................................................. 4

1. Scope of Bid ................................................................................................................................... 4

2. Source of Funds ............................................................................................................................. 4
3. Fraud and Corruption ...................................................................................................................... 4
4. Eligible Bidders ............................................................................................................................... 5
5. Eligible Materials, Equipment and Services ................................................................................... 7

B. Contents of Bidding Document ......................................................................................................... 7

6. Sections of Bidding Document ....................................................................................................... 7

7. Clarification of Bidding Document, Site Visit, Pre-Bid Meeting ...................................................... 8
8. Amendment of Bidding Document .................................................................................................. 9

C. Preparation of Bids ............................................................................................................................. 9

9. Cost of Bidding ............................................................................................................................... 9

10. Language of Bid .............................................................................................................................. 9
11. Documents Comprising the Bid ...................................................................................................... 9
12. Letters of Bid, and Schedules ....................................................................................................... 10
13. Alternative Bids ............................................................................................................................. 10
14. Bid Prices and Discounts .............................................................................................................. 10
15. Currencies of Bid and Payment .................................................................................................... 11
16. Documents Comprising the Technical Proposal........................................................................... 12
17. Documents Establishing the Qualifications of the Bidder ............................................................. 12
18. Period of Validity of Bids ............................................................................................................... 12
19. Bid Security/Bid Securing Declaration .......................................................................................... 12
20. Format and Signing of Bid ............................................................................................................ 13

D. Submission and Opening of Bids.................................................................................................... 14

21. Sealing and Marking of Bids ......................................................................................................... 14

22. Deadline for Submission of Bids ................................................................................................... 14
23. Late Bids ....................................................................................................................................... 15
24. Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Bids ....................................................................... 15
25. Bid Opening .................................................................................................................................. 15

E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids ............................................................................................... 17

Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

26. Confidentiality ............................................................................................................................... 17

27. Clarification of Bids ....................................................................................................................... 17
28. Deviations, Reservations, and Omissions .................................................................................... 17
29. Preliminary Examination of Technical Bids ................................................................................. 17
30. Responsivenessof Technical Bid .................................................................................................. 18
31. Nonmaterial Nonconformities ....................................................................................................... 18
32. Qualification of the Bidder............................................................................................................. 19
33. Correction of Arithmetical Errors................................................................................................... 19
34. Conversion to Single Currency ..................................................................................................... 19
35. Margin of Preference .................................................................................................................... 19
36. Evaluation of Price Bids ................................................................................................................ 19
37. Comparison of Bids ...................................................................................................................... 20
38. Employer’s Right to Accept Any Bid, and to Reject Any or All Bids ............................................. 20

F. Award of Contract ............................................................................................................................. 20

39. Award Criteria ............................................................................................................................... 20

40. Notification of Award ..................................................................................................................... 20
41. Signing of Contract ....................................................................................................................... 21
42. Performance Security ................................................................................................................... 21

Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders

A. General

1. Scope of Bid 1.1 In connection with the Invitation for Bids indicated in the Bid Data
Sheet (BDS), the Employer, as indicated in the BDS, issues this
Bidding Document for the procurement of Works as specified in
Section 6 (Employer’s Requirements). The name, identification, and
number of contracts of the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) are
provided in the BDS.

1.2 Throughout this Bidding Document:

(a) the term “in writing” means communicated in written form and
delivered against receipt;
(b) except where the context requires otherwise, words indicating the
singular also include the plural and words indicating the plural also
include the singular; and
(c) “day” means calendar day.

2. Source of Funds 2.1 The Borrower or Recipient (hereinafter called “Borrower”) indicated in
the BDS has applied for or received financing (hereinafter called
“funds”) from the Asian Development Bank (hereinafter called “ADB”)
toward the cost of the project named in the BDS. The Borrower intends
to apply a portion of the funds to eligible payments under the
contract(s) for which this Bidding Document is issued.

2.2 Payments by the ADB will be made only at the request of the Borrower
and upon approval by the ADB in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the financing agreement between the Borrower and the
ADB (hereinafter called the Financing Agreement), and will be subject
in all respects to the terms and conditions of that Financing
Agreement. No party other than the Borrower shall derive any rights
from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the funds.

3. Fraud and 3.1 ADB’s Anticorruption Policy requires Borrowers (including beneficiaries
Corruption of ADB-financed activity), as well as Bidders, suppliers, and
contractors under ADB-financed contracts, observe the highest
standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such
contracts. In pursuance of this policy, ADB:

(a) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth
below as follows:
(i) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or
soliciting, directly or indirectly, anything of value to influence
improperly the actions of another party;
(ii) “fraudulent practice” means any act or omission, including a
misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or
attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or other
benefit or to avoid an obligation;
(iii) “coercive practice” means impairing or harming, or
threatening to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any
party or the property of the party to influence improperly the
actions of a party;
(iv) “collusive practice” means an arrangement between two or

Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

more parties designed to achieve an improper purpose,

including influencing improperly the actions of another
(v) “integrity violation” means any act, as defined under ADB’s
Integrity Principles and Guidelines, which violates ADB’s
Anticorruption Policy including corrupt, fraudulent, coercive,
or collusive practice, abuse, and obstructive practice.
(vi) “obstructive practice” means (a) deliberately destroying,
falsifying, altering or concealing of evidence material to an
ADB investigation; (b) making false statements to
investigators in order to materially impede an ADB
investigation; (c) failing to comply with requests to provide
information, documents or records in connection with an
OAI investigation; (d) threatening, harassing, or intimidating
any party to prevent it from disclosing its knowledge of
matters relevant to the investigation or from pursuing the
investigation, or (e) materially impeding ADB’s contractual
rights of audit or access to information.
(b) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder
recommended for award has, directly or through an agent,
engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive
practices or other integrity violations in competing for the Contract;
(c) will cancel the portion of the financing allocated to a contract if it
determines at any time that representatives of the borrower or of a
beneficiary of ADB-financing engaged in corrupt, fraudulent,
collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices or other integrity
violations during the procurement or the execution of that contract,
without the borrower having taken timely and appropriate action
satisfactory to ADB to remedy the situation;
(d) will sanction impose remedial actions on a firm or an individual, at
any time, in accordance with ADB’s Anticorruption Policy and
Integrity Principles and Guidelines (both as amended from time to
time), including declaring ineligible, either indefinitely or for a
stated period of time, to participate in ADB-financed, or
administered or supported activities or to benefit from an ADB-
financed, administered or supported contract, financially or
otherwise, if it at any time determines that the firm or individual
has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent,
collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices or other integrity
violations; and

(e) will have the right to require that a provision be included in bidding
documents and in contracts financed by ADB, requiring Bidders,
suppliers and contractors to permit ADB or its representative to
inspect their accounts and records and other documents relating to
the bid submission and contract performance and to have them
audited by auditors appointed by ADB.

3.2 Furthermore, Bidders shall be aware of the provision stated in Sub-

Clause 1.15 and 15.6 of the Conditions of Contract.

4. Eligible Bidders 4.1 A Bidder may be a natural person, private entity, government-owned
entity—subject to ITB 4.5—or any combination of them with a formal

Whether as a contractor, nominated subcontractor, consultant, manufactureror supplier, orservice provider; or in any other
capacity (different names are used depending on the particular bidding document). A nominated subcontractor is one which
either has been: (i) included by the bidder in its prequalification application or bid because it brings specific and criticalexperience
and know-how that are accounted for in the evaluation of the bidder’s pre-qualification application or the bid; or (ii) appointed by
the Employer.

Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

intent to enter into an agreement or under an existing agreement in the

form of a Joint Venture (JV). In the case of a JV:

(a) all partners shall be jointly and severally liable, and

(b) the JV shall nominate a Representative who shall have the
authority to conduct all business for and on behalf of any and all
the parties of the JV during the bidding process and, in the event
the JV is awarded the Contract, during contract execution.

4.2 A Bidder, and all parties constituting the Bidder, shall have the
nationality of an eligible country, in accordance with Section 5 (Eligible
Countries). A Bidder shall be deemed to have the nationality of a
country if the Bidder is a citizen or is constituted, or incorporated, and
operates in conformity with the provisions of the laws of that country.
This criterion shall also apply to the determination of the nationality of
proposed subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract
including related services.

4.3 A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest. All Bidders found to have
a conflict of interest shall be disqualified. A Bidder may be considered
to be in a conflict of interest with one or more parties in the bidding
process if including but not limited to:
(a) they have controlling shareholders in common; or

(b) they receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from
any of them; or

(c) they have the same legal representative for purposes of this bid; or

(d) they have a relationship with each other, directly or through

common third parties, that puts them in a position to have access
to material information about or improperly influence the bid of
another Bidder, or influence the decisions of the Employer
regarding this bidding process; or

(e) a Bidder participates in more than one bid in this bidding process,
either individually or as a partner in a joint venture, except for
alternative offers permitted under ITB Clause 13 of the Bidding
Document. This will result in the disqualification of all Bids in which
it is involved. However, subject to any finding of a conflict of
interest in terms of 4.3 (a) - (d) above, this does not limit the
participation of a Bidder as a Subcontractor in another bid or of a
firm as a Subcontractor in more than one bid; or

(f) a Bidder or any affiliated entity, participated as a Consultant in the

preparation of the design or technical specifications of the works
that are the subject of the bid; or
(g) a Bidder was affiliated with a firm or entity that has been hired (or
is proposed to be hired) by the Employer or Borrower as Engineer
for the contract.

4.4 A firm shall not be eligible to participate in any procurement activities

under an ADB-financed or ADB-supported project while under sanction
by ADB pursuant to its Anticorruption Policy (see ITB 3), whether such
sanction was directly imposed by ADB, or imposed by ADB pursuant to
the Agreement for Mutual Enforcement of Debarment Decisions. A bid
from a sanctioned or cross-debarred firm will be rejected.

4.5 Government-owned enterprises in the Employer’s country shall be

eligible only if they can establish that they (i) are legally and financially

Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

autonomous, (ii) operate under commercial law, and that they (iii) are
not a dependent agency of the Employer.

4.6 Bidders shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility

satisfactory to the Employer, as the Employer shall reasonably

4.7 Firms shall be excluded if by an act of compliance with a decision of

the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the
Charter of the United Nations, the Borrower’s country prohibits any
import of goods or contracting of works or services from that country
or any payments to persons or entities in that country.

4.8 In case a prequalification process has been conducted prior to the

bidding process, this bidding is open only to prequalified Bidders.

5. Eligible Materials, 5.1 The materials, equipment and services to be supplied under the
Equipment and Contract shall have their origin in eligible source countries as defined
Services in ITB 4.2 above and all expenditures under the Contract will be limited
to such materials, equipment, and services. At the Employer’s request,
Bidders may be required to provide evidence of the origin of materials,
equipment and services.

5.2 For purposes of ITB 5.1 above, “origin” means the place where the
materials and equipment are mined, grown, produced or
manufactured, and from which the services are provided. Materials and
equipment are produced when, through manufacturing, processing, or
substantial or major assembling of components, a commercially
recognized product results that differs substantially in its basic
characteristics or in purpose or utility from its components.

B. Contents of Bidding Document

6. Sections of 6.1 The Bidding Document consist of Parts I, II, and III, which include all
Bidding Document the Sections indicated below, and should be read in conjunction with
any Addenda issued in accordance with ITB 8.

PART I Bidding Procedures

Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders (ITB)
Section 2 - Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
Section 3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria (EQC)
Section 4 - Bidding Forms (BDF)
Section 5 - Eligible Countries (ELC)
PART II Requirements
Section 6 - Employer’s Requirements (ERQ)
PART III Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms
Section 7 - General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
Section 8 - Particular Conditions of Contract (PCC)
Section 9 - Contract Forms (COF)

6.2 The Invitation for Bids issued by the Employer is not part of the Bidding

6.3 The Employer is not responsible for the completeness of the Bidding
Document and their Addenda, if they were not obtained directly from
the source stated by the Employer in the Invitation for Bids.

6.4 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and
specifications in the Bidding Document. Failure to furnish all

Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

information or documentation required by the Bidding Document may

result in the rejection of the bid.

7. Clarification of 7.1 A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding

Bidding Document shall contact the Employer in writing at the Employer’s
Document, Site address indicated in the BDS or raise his inquiries during the pre-bid
Visit, Pre-Bid meeting if provided for in accordance with ITB 7.4. The Employer will
Meeting respond in writing to any request for clarification, provided that such
request is received no later than twenty-one (21) days prior to the
deadline for submission of bids. The Employer shall forward copies of
its response to all Bidders who have acquired the Bidding Document in
accordance with ITB 6.3, including a description of the inquiry but
without identifying its source. Should the Employer deem it necessary
to amend the Bidding Document as a result of a request for
clarification, it shall do so following the procedure under ITB 8 and ITB

7.2 The Bidder is advised to visit and examine the Site of Works and its
surroundings and obtain for itself on its own responsibility all
information that may be necessary for preparing the bid and entering
into a contract for construction of the Works. The costs of visiting the
Site shall be at the Bidder’s own expense.

7.3 The Bidder and any of its personnel or agents will be granted
permission by the Employer to enter upon its premises and lands for
the purpose of such visit, but only upon the express condition that the
Bidder, its personnel, and agents will release and indemnify the
Employer and its personnel and agents from and against all liability in
respect thereof, and will be responsible for death or personal injury,
loss of or damage to property, and any other loss, damage, costs, and
expenses incurred as a result of the inspection.

7.4 The Bidder’s designated representative is invited to attend a pre-bid

meeting, if provided for in the BDS. The purpose of the meeting will be
to clarify issues and to answer questions on any matter that may be
raised at that stage.

7.5 The Bidder is requested to submit any questions in writing, to reach the
Employer not later than one week before the meeting.

7.6 Minutes of the pre-bid meeting, including the text of the questions
raised, without identifying the source, and the responses given,
together with any responses prepared after the meeting, will be
transmitted promptly to all Bidders who have acquired the Bidding
Document in accordance with ITB 6.3. Any modification to the Bidding
Document that may become necessary as a result of the pre-bid
meeting shall be made by the Employer exclusively through the issue
of an addendum pursuant to ITB 8 and not through the minutes of the
pre-bid meeting.

7.7 Nonattendance at the pre-bid meeting will not be a cause for

disqualification of a Bidder.

Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

8. Amendment of 8.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Employer
Bidding Document may amend the Bidding Document by issuing addenda.

8.2 Any addendum issued shall be part of the Bidding Document and shall
be communicated in writing to all who have obtained the Bidding
Document from the Employer in accordance with ITB 6.3.

8.3 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an

addendum into account in preparing their bids, the Employer may, at
its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids, pursuant
to ITB 22.2

C. Preparation of Bids

9. Cost of Bidding 9.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
submission of its Bid, and the Employer shall in no case be responsible
or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
bidding process.

10. Language of Bid 10.1 The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the
bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Employer, shall be written in the
language specified in the BDS. Supporting documents and printed
literature that are part of the Bid may be in another language provided
they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant
passages in the language specified in the BDS, in which case, for
purposes of interpretation of the Bid, such translation shall govern.

11. Documents 11.1 The Bid shall comprise two envelopes submitted simultaneously, one
Comprising the called the Technical Bid containing the documents listed in ITB 11.2
Bid and the other the Price Bid containing the documents listed in ITB
11.3, both envelopes enclosed together in an outer single envelope.

11.2 The Technical Bid shall comprise the following:

(a) Letter of Technical Bid;

(b) Bid Security or Bid Securing Declaration, in accordance with ITB
(c) alternative bids, if permissible, in accordance with ITB 13;
(d) written confirmation authorizing the signatory of the Bid to commit
the Bidder, in accordance with ITB 20.2;
(e) documentary evidence in accordance with ITB 17 establishing the
Bidder’s qualifications to perform the contract;
(f) Technical Proposal in accordance with ITB 16;
(g) Any other document required in the BDS.

11.3 The Price Bid shall comprise the following:

(a) Letter of Price Bid;

(b) completed Price Schedules, in accordance with ITB 12 and 14;
(c) alternative price bids, at Bidder’s option and if permissible, in
accordance with ITB 13;
(d) Any other document required in the BDS.

11.4 In addition to the requirements under ITB 11.2, bids submitted by a JV

shall include a copy of the Joint Venture Agreement entered into by all
partners. Alternatively, a Letter of Intent to execute a Joint Venture

Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Agreement in the event of a successful bid shall be signed by all

partners and submitted with the bid, together with a copy of the
proposed agreement.

12. Letters of Bid, and 12.1 The Letters of Technical Bid and Price Bid, and the Schedules,
Schedules including the Bill of Quantities, shall be prepared using the relevant
forms furnished in Section 4 (Bidding Forms). The forms must be
completed without any alterations to the text, and no substitutes shall
be accepted. All blank spaces shall be filled in with the information

13. Alternative Bids 13.1 Unless otherwise indicated in the BDS, alternative bids shall not be

13.2 When alternative times for completion are explicitly invited, a statement
to that effect will be included in the BDS, as will the method of
evaluating different times for completion.

13.3 Except as provided under ITB 13.4 below, Bidders wishing to offer
technical alternatives to the requirements of the Bidding Document
must first price the Employer’s design as described in the Bidding
Document and shall further provide all information necessary for a
complete evaluation of the alternative by the Employer, including
drawings, design calculations, technical specifications, breakdown of
prices, and proposed construction methodology and other relevant
details. Only the technical alternatives, if any, of the lowest evaluated
Bidder conforming to the basic technical requirements shall be
considered by the Employer.

13.4 When specified in the BDS, Bidders are permitted to submit alternative
technical solutions for specified parts of the Works. Such parts will be
identified in the BDS and described in Section 6 (Employer’s
Requirements). The method for their evaluation will be stipulated in
Section 3 (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria).

14. Bid Prices and 14.1 The prices and discounts quoted by the Bidder in the Letter of Price
Discounts Bid and in the Bill of Quantities shall conform to the requirements
specified below.

14.2 The Bidder shall fill in rates and prices for all items of the Works
described in the Bill of Quantities. Items against which no rate or price
is entered by the Bidder will not be paid for by the Employer when
executed and shall be deemed covered by the rates for other items
and prices in the Bill of Quantities.

14.3 The price to be quoted in the Letter of Price Bid, in accordance with
ITB 12.1, shall be the total price of the Bid, excluding any discounts

14.4 The Bidder shall quote any discounts and the methodology for their
application in the Letter of Price Bid, in accordance with ITB 12.1.

14.5 Unless otherwise provided in the BDS and the Contract, the rates and
prices quoted by the Bidder are subject to adjustment during the
performance of the Contract in accordance with the provisions of the
Conditions of Contract. In such a case, the Bidder shall furnish the
indices and weightings for the price adjustment formulae in the Tables
of Adjustment Data included in Section 4 (Bidding Forms) and the
Employer may require the Bidder to justify its proposed indices and

1 - 10
Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

14.6 If so indicated in ITB 1.1, bids are being invited for individual contracts
or for any combination of contracts (packages). Bidders wishing to
offer any price reduction for the award of more than one Contract shall
specify in their bid the price reductions applicable to each package, or
alternatively, to individual Contracts within the package. Price
reductions or discounts shall be submitted in accordance with ITB
14.4, provided the bids for all contracts are submitted and opened at
the same time.

14.7 All duties, taxes, and other levies payable by the Contractor under the
Contract, or for any other cause, as of the date 28 days prior to the
deadline for submission of bids, shall be included in the rates and
prices and the total Bid Price submitted by the Bidder.

15. Currencies of Bid 15.1 The unit rates and the prices shall be quoted by the bidder entirely in
and Payment the currency specified in the BDS.

15.2 Bidders shall indicate the portion of the bid price that corresponds to
expenditures incurred in the currency of the Employer’s country in the
Schedule of Payment Currencies included in Section 4 (Bidding

15.3 Bidders expecting to incur expenditures in other currencies for inputs

to the Works supplied from outside the Employer’s country and wishing
to be paid accordingly may indicate up to three foreign currencies in
the Schedule of Payment Currencies included in Section 4 (Bidding

15.4 The rates of exchange to be used by the bidder for currency

conversion during bid preparation shall be the selling rates for similar
transactions prevailing on the date 28 days prior to the deadline for
submission of bids published by the source specified in the BDS. If
exchange rates are not so published for certain currencies, the bidder
shall state the rates used and the source. Bidders should note that for
the purpose of payments, the exchange rates confirmed by the source
specified in the BDS as the selling rates prevailing 28 days prior to the
deadline for submission of bids shall apply for the duration of the
Contract so that no currency exchange risk is borne by the bidder.

15.5 Foreign currency requirements indicated by the bidders in the

Schedule of Payment Currencies shall include but not limited to the
specific requirements for

(a) Expatriate staff and labor employed directly on the Works;

(b) Social, insurance, medical and other charges relating to such
expatriate staff and labor, and foreign travel expenses;
(c) Imported materials, both temporary and permanent, including
fuels, oil and lubricants required for the Works;
(d) Depreciation and usage of imported Plant and Contractor's
Equipment, including spare parts, required for the Works;
(e) Foreign insurance and freight charges for imported materials, Plant
and Contractor's Equipment, including spare parts; and
(f) Overhead expenses, fees, profit, and financial charges arising
outside the Employer's country in connection with the Works.

15.6 Bidders may be required by the Employer to clarify their foreign

currency requirements, and to substantiate that the amounts included
in the unit rates and prices and shown in the Schedule of Payment

1 - 11
Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Currencies are reasonable and responsive to ITB 15.3 above, in which

case a detailed breakdown of its foreign currency requirements shall
be provided by the Bidder.

15.7 Bidders should note that during the progress of the Works, the foreign
currency requirements of the outstanding balance of the Contract Price
may be adjusted by agreement between the Employer and the
Contractor in order to reflect any changes in foreign currency
requirements for the Contract, in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.15 of
the Conditions of Contract. Any such adjustment shall be effected by
comparing the percentages quoted in the bid with the amounts already
used in the Works and the Contractor's future needs for imported

16. Documents 16.1 The Bidder shall furnish, as part of the Technical Bid, a Technical
Comprising the Proposal including a statement of work methods, equipment,
Technical personnel, schedule and any other information as stipulated in Section
Proposal 4 (Bidding Forms), in sufficient detail to demonstrate the adequacy of
the Bidders’ proposal to meet the work requirements and the
completion time.

17. Documents 17.1 To establish its qualifications to perform the Contract in accordance
Establishing the with Section 3 (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria) the Bidder shall
Qualifications of provide the information requested in the corresponding information
the Bidder sheets included in Section 4 (Bidding Forms).

17.2 Domestic Bidders, individually or in joint ventures, applying for

eligibility for domestic preference shall supply all information required
to satisfy the criteria for eligibility as described in ITB 35.

18. Period of Validity 18.1 Bids shall remain valid for the period specified in the BDS after the bid
of Bids submission deadline date prescribed by the Employer. A bid valid for a
shorter period shall be rejected by the Employer as nonresponsive.

18.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the bid validity

period, the Employer may request Bidders to extend the period of
validity of their Bids. The request and the responses shall be made in
writing. If a bid security is requested in accordance with ITB 19, it shall
also be extended twenty-eight (28) days beyond the deadline of the
extended validity period. A Bidder may refuse the request without
forfeiting its bid security. A Bidder granting the request shall not be
required or permitted to modify its Bid.

19. Bid Security/Bid 19.1 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the Bidder shall furnish as part
Securing of its bid, in original form, either a Bid Securing Declaration or a bid
Declaration security as specified in the BDS. In the case of a bid security, the
amount shall be as specified in the BDS.

19.2 A Bid Securing Declaration shall use the form included in Section 4
(Bidding Forms). The Employer will declare a Bidder ineligible to be
awarded a Contract for a specified period of time, as indicated in the
BDS, if the Bid Securing Declaration is executed.

19.3 If a bid security is specified pursuant to ITB 19.1, the bid security shall
be, at the Bidder’s option, in any of the following forms:

(a) an unconditional bank guarantee;

(b) an irrevocable letter of credit; or
(c) a cashier’s or certified check;

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Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

all from a reputable source from an eligible country as described in

Section 5 (Eligible Countries). In the case of a bank guarantee, the bid
security shall be submitted either using the Bid Security Form included
in Section 4 (Bidding Forms) or another form acceptable to the
Employer. The form must include the complete name of the Bidder.
The bid security shall be valid for twenty-eight days (28) beyond the
original validity period of the bid, or beyond any period of extension if
requested under ITB 18.2.

19.4 Any Bid not accompanied by a substantially compliant bid security or

bid securing declaration, if one is required in accordance with ITB 19.1,
shall be rejected by the Employer as nonresponsive.

19.5 If a bid security is specified pursuant to ITB 19.1, the bid security of
unsuccessful Bidders shall be returned as promptly as possible upon
the successful Bidder’s furnishing of the performance security pursuant
to ITB 42.

19.6 If a bid security is specified pursuant to ITB 19.1, the bid security of the
successful Bidder shall be returned as promptly as possible once the
successful Bidder has signed the Contract and furnished the required
performance security.

19.7 The bid security may be forfeited or the Bid Securing Declaration

(a) if a Bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity
specified by the Bidder on the Letters of Technical Bid and Price
Bid, except as provided in ITB 18.2; or
(b) if the successful Bidder fails to:
(i) Sign the Contract in accordance with ITB 41; or
(ii) Furnish a performance security in accordance with ITB 42;
(iii) Accept the arithmetical correction of its Bid in accordance with
ITB 33; or
(iv) Furnish a domestic preference security, if so required.

19.8 The Bid Security or Bid Securing Declaration of a JV shall be in the

name of the JV that submits the Bid. If the JV has not been legally
constituted at the time of bidding, the Bid Security or Bid Securing
Declaration shall be in the names of all future partners as named in the
letter of intent mentioned in ITB 4.1.

20. Format and 20.1 The Bidder shall prepare one original of the Technical Bid and one
Signing of Bid original of the Price Bid comprising the Bid as described in ITB 11 and
clearly mark it “ORIGINAL - TECHNICAL BID” and “ORIGINAL -
PRICE BID”. Alternative bids, if permitted in accordance with ITB 13,
shall be clearly marked “ALTERNATIVE”. In addition, the Bidder shall
submit copies of the Technical and Price Bids, in the number specified
in the BDS, and clearly mark each of them “COPY.” In the event of any
discrepancy between the original and the copies, the original shall

20.2 The original and all copies of the Bid shall be typed or written in
indelible ink and shall be signed by a person duly authorized to sign on
behalf of the Bidder. This authorization shall consist of a written
confirmation as specified in the BDS and shall be attached to the bid.
The name and position held by each person signing the authorization
must be typed or printed below the signature. All pages of the Bid,

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Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

except for unamended printed literature, shall be signed or initialed by

the person signing the bid.

20.3 Any amendments such as interlineations, erasures, or overwriting shall

be valid only if they are signed or initialed by the person signing the

D. Submission and Opening of Bids

21. Sealing and 21.1 Bidders may always submit their bids by mail or by hand. When so
Marking of Bids specified in the BDS, Bidders shall have the option of submitting their
bids electronically. Procedures for submission, sealing and marking
are as follows:

(a) Bidders submitting bids by mail or by hand shall enclose the

original of the Technical Bid, the original of the Price Bid, and each
copy of the Technical Bid and each copy of the Price Bid, in
separate sealed envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as
BID.” These envelopes, the first containing the originals and the
others containing copies, shall then be enclosed in one single
envelope per set. If permitted in accordance with ITB 13,
alternative bids shall be similarly sealed, marked and included in
the sets. The rest of the procedure shall be in accordance with ITB
21.2 and 21.5.
(b) Bidders submitting bids electronically shall follow the electronic bid
submission procedures specified in the BDS.
21.2 The inner and outer envelopes shall:

(a) bear the name and address of the Bidder;

(b) be addressed to the Employer in accordance with BDS 22.1; and
(c) bear the specific identification of this bidding process indicated in
the BDS 1.1.;

21.3 The outer envelopes and the inner envelopes containing the Technical
Bid shall bear a warning not to open before the time and date for the
opening of Technical Bid, in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 25.1.

21.4 The inner envelopes containing the Price Bid shall bear a warning not
to open until advised by the Employer in accordance with ITB Sub-
Clause 25.7.

21.5 If all envelopes are not sealed and marked as required, the Employer
will assume no responsibility for the misplacement or premature
opening of the bid.

22. Deadline for 22.1 Bids must be received by the Employer at the address and no later
Submission of than the date and time indicated in the BDS.

22.2 The Employer may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the
submission of bids by amending the Bidding Document in accordance
with ITB 8, in which case all rights and obligations of the Employer and
Bidders previously subject to the deadline shall thereafter be subject to
the deadline as extended.

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Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

23. Late Bids 23.1 The Employer shall not consider any bid that arrives after the deadline
for submission of bids, in accordance with ITB 22. Any bid received by
the Employer after the deadline for submission of bids shall be
declared late, rejected, and returned unopened to the Bidder.

24. Withdrawal, 24.1 A Bidder may withdraw, substitute, or modify its Bid – Technical or
Substitution, and Price – after it has been submitted by sending a written notice, duly
Modification of signed by an authorized representative, and shall include a copy of the
Bids authorization in accordance with ITB 20.2, (except that withdrawal
notices do not require copies). The corresponding substitution or
modification of the bid must accompany the respective written notice.
All notices must be:

(a) prepared and submitted in accordance with ITB 20 and ITB 21

(except that withdrawal notices do not require copies), and in
addition, the respective envelopes shall be clearly marked
(b) received by the Employer no later than the deadline prescribed for
submission of bids, in accordance with ITB 22.

24.2 Bids requested to be withdrawn in accordance with ITB 24.1 shall be

returned unopened to the Bidders.

24.3 No bid may be withdrawn, substituted, or modified in the interval

between the deadline for submission of bids and the expiration of the
period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Letters of Technical
Bid and Price Bid or any extension thereof.

25. Bid Opening 25.1 The Employer shall open the Technical Bids in public at the address,
date and time specified in the BDS in the presence of Bidders`
designated representatives and anyone who choose to attend. Any
specific electronic bid opening procedures required if electronic bidding
is permitted in accordance with ITB 21.1, shall be as specified in the
BDS. The Price Bids will remain unopened and will be held in custody
of the Employer until the specified time of their opening. If the
Technical Bid and the Price Bid are submitted together in one
envelope, the Employer may reject the entire Bid. Alternatively, the
Price Bid may be immediately resealed for later evaluation.

25.2 First, envelopes marked “WITHDRAWAL” shall be opened and read

out and the envelope with the corresponding bid shall not be opened,
but returned to the Bidder. No bid withdrawal shall be permitted unless
the corresponding withdrawal notice contains a valid authorization to
request the withdrawal and is read out at bid opening.

25.3 Second, outer envelopes marked “SUBSTITUTION” shall be opened.

The inner envelopes containing the Substitution Technical Bid and/or
Substitution Price Bid shall be exchanged for the corresponding
envelopes being substituted, which are to be returned to the Bidder
unopened. Only the Substitution Technical Bid, if any, shall be opened,
read out, and recorded. Substitution Price Bid will remain unopened in
accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 25.1. No envelope shall be
substituted unless the corresponding Substitution Notice contains a
valid authorization to request the substitution and is read out and
recorded at bid opening.

25.4 Next, outer envelopes marked “MODIFICATION” shall be opened. No

Technical Bid and/or Price Bid shall be modified unless the
corresponding Modification Notice contains a valid authorization to
request the modification and is read out and recorded at the opening of

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Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Technical Bids. Only the Technical Bids, both Original as well as

Modification, are to be opened, read out, and recorded at the opening.
Price Bids, both Original as well as Modification, will remain unopened
in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 25.1.

25.5 All other envelopes holding the Technical Bids shall be opened one at
a time, and the following read out and recorded:

(a) the name of the Bidder;

(b) whether there is a modification or substitution;
(c) the presence of a Bid Security or Bid Securing Declaration, if
required; and
(d) any other details as the Employer may consider appropriate.

Only Technical Bids and alternative Technical Bids read out and
recorded at bid opening shall be considered for evaluation. Unless
otherwise specified in the BDS, all pages of the Letter of Technical Bid
are to be initialed by at least three representatives of the Employer
attending bid opening. No Bid shall be rejected at the opening of
Technical Bids except for late bids, in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause

25.6 The Employer shall prepare a record of the opening of Technical Bids
that shall include, as a minimum: the name of the Bidder and whether
there is a withdrawal, substitution, or modification; alternative
proposals; and the presence or absence of a bid security or bid
securing declaration, if one was required. The Bidders’ representatives
who are present shall be requested to sign the record. The omission of
a Bidder’s signature on the record shall not invalidate the contents and
effect of the record. A copy of the record shall be distributed to all

25.7 At the end of the evaluation of the Technical Bids, the Employer will
invite bidders who have submitted substantially responsive Technical
Bids and who have been determined as being qualified for award to
attend the opening of the Price Bids. The date, time, and location of
the opening of Price Bids will be advised in writing by the Employer.
Bidders shall be given reasonable notice of the opening of Price Bids.

25.8 The Employer will notify Bidders in writing who have been rejected on
the grounds of their Technical Bids being substantially non-responsive
to the requirements of the Bidding Document and return their Price
Bids unopened.

25.9 The Employer shall conduct the opening of Price Bids of all Bidders
who submitted substantially responsive Technical Bids, in the
presence of Bidders` representatives who choose to attend at the
address, date and time specified by the Employer. The Bidder’s
representatives who are present shall be requested to sign a register
evidencing their attendance.

25.10 All envelopes containing Price Bids shall be opened one at a time and
the following read out and recorded:

(a) the name of the Bidder;

(b) whether there is a modification or substitution;
(c) the Bid Prices, including any discounts and alternative offers; and

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Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

(d) any other details as the Employer may consider appropriate.

Only Price Bids discounts, and alternative offers read out and
recorded during the opening of Price Bids shall be considered for
evaluation. Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, all pages of the
Letter of Price Bid and Bill of Quantities are to be initialed by at least
three representatives of the Employer attending bid opening. No Bid
shall be rejected at the opening of Price Bids.

25.11 The Employer shall prepare a record of the opening of Price Bids that
shall include, as a minimum: the name of the Bidder, the Bid Price (per
lot if applicable), any discounts, and alternative offers. The Bidders’
representatives who are present shall be requested to sign the record.
The omission of a Bidder’s signature on the record shall not invalidate
the contents and effect of the record. A copy of the record shall be
distributed to all Bidders.

E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids

26. Confidentiality 26.1 Information relating to the examination, evaluation, comparison, and
post qualification of bids and recommendation of contract award, shall
not be disclosed to Bidders or any other persons not officially
concerned with such process until information on the Contract award is
communicated to all Bidders.

26.2 Any attempt by a Bidder to influence the Employer in the evaluation of

the bids or Contract award decisions may result in the rejection of its

26.3 Notwithstanding ITB 26.2, from the time of bid opening to the time of
Contract award, if any Bidder wishes to contact the Employer on any
matter related to the bidding process, it may do so in writing.

27. Clarification of 27.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of the
Bids Technical and Price Bids, the Employer may, at its discretion, ask any
Bidder for a clarification of its bid. Any clarification submitted by a
Bidder that is not in response to a request by the Employer shall not be
considered. The Employer’s request for clarification and the response
shall be in writing. No change in the substance of the Technical Bid or
prices in the Price Bid shall be sought, offered, or permitted, except to
confirm the correction of arithmetic errors discovered by the Employer
in the evaluation of the Price Bids, in accordance with ITB 33.

27.2 If a Bidder does not provide clarifications of its Bid by the date and time
set in the Employer’s request for clarification, its bid may be rejected.

28. Deviations, 28.1 During the evaluation of bids, the following definitions apply:
Reservations, and
Omissions (a) “Deviation” is a departure from the requirements specified in the
Bidding Document;
(b) “Reservation” is the setting of limiting conditions or withholding
from complete acceptance of the requirements specified in the
Bidding Document; and
(c) “Omission” is the failure to submit part or all of the information or
documentation required in the Bidding Document.

29. Preliminary 29.1 The Employer shall examine the Technical Bid to confirm that all
Examination documents and technical documentation requested in ITB Sub-Clause
of Technical Bids 11.2 have been provided, and to determine the completeness of each

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Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

document submitted.

29.2 The Employer shall confirm that the following documents and
information have been provided in the Technical Bid. If any of these
documents or information is missing, the offer shall be rejected.

(a) Letter of Technical Bid;

(b) written confirmation of authorization to commit the Bidder;
(c) Bid Security or Bid Securing Declaration, if applicable; and
(d) Technical Proposal in accordance with ITB 16.

30. Responsiveness 30.1 The Employer’s determination of a Bid’s responsiveness is to be based

of Technical Bid on the contents of the bid itself, as defined in ITB11.

30.2 A substantially responsive Technical Bid is one that meets the

requirements of the Bidding Document without material deviation,
reservation, or omission. A material deviation, reservation, or omission
is one that,

(a) if accepted, would:

(i) affect in any substantial way the scope, quality, or
performance of the Works specified in the Contract; or
(ii) limit in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Bidding
Document, the Employer’s rights or the Bidder’s obligations
under the proposed Contract; or
(b) if rectified, would unfairly affect the competitive position of other
Bidders presenting substantially responsive bids.

30.3 The Employer shall examine the technical aspects of the Bid submitted
in accordance with ITB 16, Technical Proposal, in particular, to confirm
that all requirements of Section 6 (Employer’s Requirements) have
been met without any material deviation or reservation.

30.4 If a bid is not substantially responsive to the requirements of the

Bidding Document, it shall be rejected by the Employer and may not
subsequently be made responsive by correction of the material
deviation, reservation, or omission.

31. Nonmaterial 31.1 Provided that a bid is substantially responsive, the Employer may
Nonconformities waive any non conformities in the Bid that do not constitute a material
deviation, reservation or omission.

31.2 Provided that a Technical Bidis substantially responsive, the Employer

may request that the Bidder submit the necessary information or
documentation, within a reasonable period of time, to rectify
nonmaterial nonconformities in the Technical Bid related to
documentation requirements. Requesting information or
documentation on such nonconformities shall not be related to any
aspect of the Price Bid. Failure of the Bidder to comply with the request
may result in the rejection of its Bid.

31.3 Provided that a Technical Bid is substantially responsive, the Employer

shall rectify quantifiable nonmaterial nonconformities related to the Bid
Price. To this effect, the Bid Price shall be adjusted, for comparison
purposes only, to reflect the price of a missing or non-conforming item
or component. The adjustment shall be made using the method
indicated in Section 3 (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria).

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Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

32. Qualification of 32.1 The Employer shall determine to its satisfaction during the evaluation
the Bidder of Technical Bids whether Biddersmeet the qualifying criteria specified
in Section 3 (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria).

32.2 The determination shall be based upon an examination of the

documentary evidence of the Bidder’s qualifications submitted by the
Bidder, pursuant to ITB 17.1.

32.3 An affirmative determination shall be a prerequisite for the opening and

evaluation of a Bidder’s Price Bid. A negative determination shall result
into the disqualification of the Bid, in which event the Employer shall
return the unopened Price Bid to the Bidder.

33. Correction of 33.1 During the evaluation of Price Bids, the Employer shall correct
Arithmetical arithmetical errors on the following basis:
(a) if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price
that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit
price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected, unless in
the opinion of the Employer there is an obvious misplacement of
the decimal point in the unit price, in which case the total price as
quoted shall govern and the unit price shall be corrected;
(b) if there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or
subtraction of subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total
shall be corrected;
(c) if there is a discrepancy between the bid price in the Summary of
Bill of Quantities and the bid amount in item (c) of the Letter of
Price Bid, the bid price in the Summary of Bill of Quantities will
prevail and the bid amount in item (c) of the Letter of Price Bid will
be corrected; and
(d) if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in
words shall prevail, unless the amount expressed in words is
related to an arithmetic error, in which case the amount in figures
shall prevail subject to (a), (b) and (c) above.

33.2 If the Bidder that submitted the lowest evaluated bid does not accept
the correction of errors, its Bid shall be disqualified and its bid security
may be forfeited or its bid securing declaration executed.

34. Conversion to 34.1 For evaluation and comparison purposes, the currency(ies) of the bid
Single Currency shall be converted into a single currency as specified in the BDS.

35. Margin of 35.1 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, a margin of preference shall
Preference not apply.

36. Evaluation of 36.1 The Employer shall use the criteria and methodologies listed in this
Price Bids Clause. No other evaluation criteria or methodologies shall be

36.2 To evaluate the Price Bid, the Employer shall consider the following:

(a) the bid price, excluding Provisional Sums and the provision, if any,
for contingencies in the Summary Bill of Quantities, but including
Daywork items, where priced competitively;
(b) price adjustment for correction of arithmetic errors in accordance
with ITB 33.1;
(c) price adjustment due to discounts offered in accordance with ITB

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Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

(d) converting the amount resulting from applying (a) to (c) above, if
relevant, to a single currency in accordance with ITB 34;
(e) adjustment for nonconformities in accordance with ITB 31.3;
(f) application of all the evaluation factors indicated in Section 3
(Evaluation and Qualification Criteria);

36.3 The estimated effect of the price adjustment provisions of the

Conditions of Contract, applied over the period of execution of the
Contract, shall not be taken into account in bid evaluation.

36.4 If this Bidding Document allows Bidders to quote separate prices for
different contracts, and the award to a single Bidder of multiple
contracts, the methodology to determine the lowest evaluated price of
the contract combinations, including any discounts offered in the Letter
of Price Bid, is specified in Section 3 (Evaluation and Qualification

36.5 If the Bid, which results in the lowest Evaluated Bid Price, is seriously
unbalanced or front loaded in the opinion of the Employer, the
Employer may require the Bidder to produce detailed price analyses
for any or all items of the Bill of Quantities, to demonstrate the internal
consistency of those prices with the construction methods and
schedule proposed. After evaluation of the price analyses, taking into
consideration the schedule of estimated Contract payments, the
Employer may require that the amount of the performance security be
increased at the expense of the Bidder to a level sufficient to protect
the Employer against financial loss in the event of default of the
successful Bidder under the Contract.

37. Comparison of 37.1 The Employer shall compare all substantially responsive Bids to
Bids determine the lowest evaluated bid, in accordance with ITB 36.2.

38. Employer’s Right 38.1 The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to
to Accept Any Bid, annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to
and to Reject Any contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to Bidders. In
or All Bids case of annulment, all bids submitted and specifically, bid securities,
shall be promptly returned to the Bidders.

F. Award of Contract

39. Award Criteria 39.1 The Employer shall award the Contract to the Bidder whose offer has
been determined to be the lowest evaluated bid and is substantially
responsive to the Bidding Document, provided further that the Bidder is
determined to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.

40. Notification of 40.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, the Employer shall
Award notify the successful Bidder, in writing, that its Bid has been accepted.

40.2 At the same time, the Employer shall also notify all other Bidders of the
results of the bidding. The Employer will publish in an English
language newspaper or well-known freely accessible website the
results identifying the bid and lot numbers and the following
information: (i) name of each Bidder who submitted a Bid; (ii) bid prices
as read out at bid opening; (iii) name and evaluated prices of each Bid
that was evaluated; (iv) name of bidders whose bids were rejected and
the reasons for their rejection; and (v) name of the winning Bidder, and
the price it offered, as well as the duration and summary scope of the
contract awarded. After publication of the award, unsuccessful bidders
may request in writing to the Employer for a debriefing seeking

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Section –I : Instructions to Bidder Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

explanations on the grounds on which their bids were not selected.

The Employer shall promptly respond in writing to any unsuccessful
Bidder who, after Publication of contract award, requests a debriefing.

40.3 Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, the notification of

award shall constitute a binding Contract.

41. Signing of 41.1 Promptly after notification, the Employer shall send the successful
Contract Bidder the Contract Agreement.

41.2 Within twenty-eight (28) days of receipt of the Contract Agreement, the
successful Bidder shall sign, date, and return it to the Employer.

42. Performance 42.1 Within twenty-eight (28) days of the receipt of notification of award
Security from the Employer, the successful Bidder shall furnish the performance
security in accordance with the conditions of contract, subject to ITB
36.5, using for that purpose the Performance Security Form included in
Section 9 (Contract Forms), or another form acceptable to the

42.2 Failure of the successful Bidder to submit the above-mentioned

Performance Security or to sign the Contract Agreement shall
constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and
forfeiture of the bid security or execution of the bid securing
declaration. In that event the Employer may award the Contract to the
next lowest evaluated Bidder whose offer is substantially responsive
and is determined by the Employer to be qualified to perform the
Contract satisfactorily.

42.3 The above provision shall also apply to the furnishing of a domestic
preference security if so required.

1 - 21
Section 2
Bid Data Sheet
Section –II : Bid Data Sheet Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Section 2 - Bid Data Sheet

This Section consists of provisions that are specific to each procurement and supplement the
information or requirements included in Section 1, Instructions to Bidders.

A. General

ITB 1.1 The number of the invitation for Bids is: RUSDP/Program Loan/02

ITB 1.1 The Employer is: Executing Agency, the Local Self Government
Department of the State of Rajasthan. The authorized representative of the
Employer is Project Director, Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development
Project or its successor agency.

ITB 1.1 The name of the Package is: Design and Construction Work of Sewer
Network with House Connections, Design and Construction of Tertiary
Treatment Units of Sewage Treatment Plant & Allied Works and Operation &
Maintenance Services of the Entire Sewerage System for 10 Years at Sawai
The Identification number of the package is: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01
The number and identification of lots comprising this bid is: 1

ITB 2.1 The Borrower is: India

ITB 2.2 Sub clause is deleted

ITB 3 Clause provisions are deleted.

State Government’s Code of Integrity will be applicable.

ITB 2.1 The name of the project is: Rajasthan Urban Sector Development Program
(RUSDP) – Program Loan

Section –II : Bid Data Sheet Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

ITB 4.1 Add sub clause 4.1 (c ) to 4.1 (d) as under:

(c) Bidder will have an option to submit bid in the form of proposed JV.
However, on award of contract, JV bidder will form a Company for the
contract execution before signing of agreement. JV partners will decide
the lead partner before bid submission and will include the name in the
JV agreement.

(d) JV bidder will form a Company under the provisions of the Indian
Companies Act, 2013. The Memorandum and Articles of Association of
the Company should incorporate following provisions in its Articles:

(i) JV Partner’s share holding ratio in Company will be broadly the

same as indicated in JV agreement while submitting bid.
(ii) No change/sale/dilution in shareholding ratio of JV partner in
Company will be allowed during contract execution period (min
equity in JV should be 51% for lead partner and 26% for a
partner with maximum key qualifications other than lead partner
and remaining by others if required)
(iii) Directors on the Board of Company will be broadly in the same
proportion as that of shareholding of JV partners.
(iv) No changes in the Memorandum and Article of Association, as to
the above issues, can be made without prior written consent of
(v) Contract agreement will be signed within 42 day’s time of issue of
Letter of Acceptance and all contract provisions shall be applicable
to the company as envisaged for JV Bidder.
(vi) JV agreement will be integral part of the Bid and construed as
Articles of Association of the Company formed.
(vii) Performance of Company shall be linked with the performance of
JV partners constituting SPV. Any non performance of SPV shall
be construed as non performance of JV partners.
(viii) Board of Directors of proposed Company shall comprise of
representation from all JV partners.
(ix) JV agreement should include the roles and responsibilities of
individual members, particularly with reference to financial,
technical and O&M obligations.
(x) Share equity in the Company shall be not less than 5% of total
project cost (contract value which includes O&M cost as well)
throughout the contract period (includes O&M period as well).

ITB 4.2, 4.4 and Sub clauses are deleted


ITB 5 Clause is deleted

Section –II : Bid Data Sheet Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

B. Contents of Bidding Documents

ITB 6.1 Add following at end of para 6.1:

The Bidding Document is in Two Parts. Part 1 is for Technical bid. Part 1 is
in 3 Volumes. Volume 1 includes Section 1 to 9. Volume 2 includes
Technical Specifications; Volume 3 includes Drawings.

Part 2 is for Price Bid which includes Price Bid form, Preamble to Bill of
Quantities and Bill of Quantities.

ITB 6.3 The Bidding Document, its addenda and other documents and information
arising out of or related to the requirements of the Bidding Document will be
posted on E-procurement website (

ITB 6.5 Standard Publications of RUIDP

The soft copy of publications of RUIDP on “Standard Specifications of Civil
Works” and “Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC)” are available
on RUIDP website ( and will form part of the
ITB 7.1 For clarification purpose only, the Employer’s address is:
Addl. Project Director,
Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project,
AVS Building, 1 Floor, Jawahar Circle,
JLN Marg, Malviya Nagar,
JAIPUR – 302017, India.
Telephone: +91 0141 2548404.
Facsimile : +91 141 2721919

Electronic mail address:;;

Web site :

ITB 7.4 A pre-bid meeting shall take place at the following date, time, and location:
Date : 21 November, 2016
Time: 15:00 hrs
Place: Conference hall,
Office of Project Director,
Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project,
AVS Building, 1 Floor, Jawahar Circle,
JLN Marg, Malviya Nagar,
JAIPUR – 302017, India.
Telephone: 0141 2721966.

Bidders are advised to either attend the pre-bid meeting, or to submit their
queries by fax letter to Project Director or by e-mail to. There will be no online pre-bid meeting.

Section –II : Bid Data Sheet Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

ITB 8.2 Add the following at end of ITB 8.2:

Clarification to Bidder’s queries and amendment will be notified on web site In e-bidding process, it is not possible to have
correspondence in writing with the bidders who have downloaded the bid
documents; Bidders are informed to check the portal at regular intervals for
any such amendments to the Bid document. Employer will not be
responsible, if bidder did not download the addendum from the website.

Section –II : Bid Data Sheet Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

C. Preparation of Bids

ITB 10.1 The language of the bid is: English

ITB 11 Replace sub clause 11.2 entirely with following:

Technical bid shall be submitted in Envelope “A” and Envelope “B” and shall
comprise the following:
Envelope “A” - Bidder shall upload scanned copies of the following:
 Letter of Technical Bid
 Power of Attorney in original duly attested by Notary. In case of
partnership firm / limited company / group of companies, a power of
attorney for the person authorised to sign shall be issued by all the
 Cost of Bid document in form of Demand Draft (DD) for INR 5000/-
issued in favour of Project Director, RUIDP, payable at Jaipur and
RISL (Raj comp Info Services Limited) Fee in from of DD for Rs
1000/- in favour of MD, RISL, payable at Jaipur
 Bid Security - Documentary proof of Bid Security as per ITB 19 of
 If applicable, a valid Joint Venture (JV) agreement legally notarized
or attested by an appropriate authority in the bidder’s home country,
specifying the work responsibility and financial stakes of each of
Joint venture partners under the contract.
Documents submitted in envelope 'A' of eproc website must be
submitted in original in office of the Project Director, Rajasthan Urban
Infrastructure Development Project, AVS Building, 1 Floor, Jawahar
Circle, JLN Marg, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur - 302 017 (Rajasthan) Tel:
0141-2721966 by the deadline indicated in IFB (upto 15:00 hours on 12
December, 2016)

Except for the RISL fees and cost of the bidding document, failure to
submit original copy of the above specified documents in Envelope
“A” on or before the deadline may result to rejection of the bidder’s bid
by the Employer.
Envelope –“B” will contain following:
 Documentary evidence in accordance with ITB 17 establishing the
Bidder’s qualifications to perform the contract;
 Technical Proposal in accordance with ITB 16
 Signed Addendums

Price bid comprising scanned copies of letter of price bid and completed
ITB 11.3:-
price schedule and others as applicable shall be submitted on line at the
web site and shall be digitally signed.
Eproc is the short name of, a website
established by Government of Rajasthan for e tendering purposes

ITB 13.1 Alternative bids shall not be permitted.

Section –II : Bid Data Sheet Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

ITB 13.2 Alternative time for completion shall not be permitted.

ITB 13.4 Alternative technical solutions shall be permitted for the following parts of the
Works: None

ITB 14.5 The Price quoted by the bidder shall be subject to adjustment.
The indices and weightings for the price adjustment formulae are provided in
the tables of adjustment data included in Section 4 (Bidding Forms).

ITB 14.7 Add the following at end of Sub ITB 14.7

The bidders are informed that certain tax and duty exemptions are available
as per the following GOI notifications:
a) In accordance with Notification No. 108/95–CE dated 28.8.1995 (Goods
Supplied to UN or an International Organization) and subsequent
amendments, the Central Government has granted exemptions for all
goods falling under the Schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act 1985
when supplied to projects financed by an international organization (ADB
included) and approved by the Government of India from the whole of (1)
the duty of excise levible thereon under Section 3 of the Central Excise
Act, 1944 (1 of 1944), and (2) the additional duty of excise levible thereon
under Sub-Section (1) of Section 3 of the Additional Duties of Excise
(Goods of Special Importance) Act, 1957 (58 of 1957).
b) In addition, as per Notification No. 84/97-Cus. dated 11.11.1997 and
subsequent amendments, and under General Exemption No. 1A,
Exemptions to Imports by United Nations or International Organization for
Execution of Projects in India, the Central Government has granted
exemptions for all goods imported into India for execution of projects
financed by an International Organization (ADB included) and approved
by the Government of India, from (1) the whole of the duty of customs
levible thereon under First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51
of 1975), (2) the whole of the additional duty of customs levible thereon
under Section 3 of the said Act, and (3) the whole of the special duty of
customs levible under Section 68 of the Finance (No. 2) Act 1996 (33 of
1996), provided that the need for such goods is properly certified by the
appropriate authorities.
The Employer will assist the Contractor to obtain any lawful exemptions
from payment of Excise Duty or Import Duty or any other admissible
exemption from any kind of Tax or Duty on Plant, Equipment and
Materials that are to be incorporated as a part of the Permanent Works by
issue of a “Certificate Under GOI Notification No. 108/95 & 84/97”, duly
signed by the Project Authorities and countersigned by the Secretary
Finance, Govt. of Rajasthan, in the format indicated in Section 9, which
indicates the estimated quantities of the Plant, Equipment and Materials
that are to be incorporated into the Permanent Works. The Employer will
not issue any certificates for plants, materials or equipment that may be
required to carry out the Works, but which are not to be incorporated into
and form a part of the Permanent Works. The responsibility for obtaining
any such exemptions from the Competent Authority will remain with the
Contractor and the Employer shall not in any way be responsible for

Section –II : Bid Data Sheet Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

admissibility of the claims or eligibility of the Contractor.

ITB 15.1 The unit rate and the prices shall be quoted by the bidder in Indian Rupees
(INR) only.

ITB 15.4 Not applicable

ITB 18.1 The bid validity period shall be 150 (One hundred fifty) days.

ITB 19.1 A bid security shall be required. Bid securing declaration shall not be
Amount and currency of bid security shall be: INR 200 Lacs (Rs. 2.0
Crores) as a part of the bid in its original form.

ITB 19.2 Clause not applicable.

ITB 19.3 Replace ITB 19.3 with the following:-

The bid security shall be, at the Bidder’s option, in any of the following forms:
a. an unconditional bank guarantee in the name of Project
Director, RUIDP, Jaipur; or
b. fixed deposit receipt pledged in favour of Project Director,
RUIDP, Jaipur ;
all from a reputable source from an eligible country.
In the case of a bank guarantee, the bid security shall be submitted using
the Bid Security Form included in Section 4 (Bidding Forms). The bid
security shall be valid for a period of twenty eight days (28) beyond the
original validity period of the bid, or beyond any period of extension if
requested under ITB 18.2.
This security issued by a reputable bank or financial institution shall be
provided in an appropriate form and amount as specified in ITB 19.1 of the
Bidding Document.

ITB 20.1 In addition to original of the bid, number of copies is: NA

ITB 20.2 The written confirmation of authorization to sign on behalf of the Bidder shall
consist of: Power of attorney

Section –II : Bid Data Sheet Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

D. Submission and Opening of Bids

ITB 21.1 Replace the paragraph with following:

Bidders will submit their bids electronically only.

ITB 21.1 (b) “E-Tendering” means submission of a digitally signed bid (by a valid digital
certificate which has been issued by a licensed Certifying Agency, as
approved by Controller of Certifying Agency) which is stored in Time
Stamped electronic sealed tender box.

Bidders, who wish to participate in the bidding process, shall have to procure
Digital Certificate as per Information Technology Act 2000 using which they
can sign their electronic bids. Bidders can procure the same from any CCA
approved certifying agency. Online bids will have to be digitally signed and
submitted in a Time stamped electronic sealed tender box on
On the e-Procurement portal, a bidder is given an option to specify his areas
of interest under maximum 10 different categories of activities (product
category) and these are stored. When a IFB is published, based on the
selection by the bidders, the mails are automatically sent to the bidders by
the system at the end of day. Thus the bidder gets information on
opportunities, IFBs, for the product category selected by the bidder. In case,
a bidder selects and keeps any tender as his favourite tender, All
clarifications, corrigendum, Addendums etc are informed by mail and /or
SMS to the bidder automatically.

Bidders are informed to get acquainted with the bid submission process in e-
Procurement system of the State Government of Rajasthan by contacting
Raj Comp Info Services Limited (RISL). RISL conducts training sessions for
prospective bidders at regular intervals. Refer to for further details.
Online submissions shall be received into an electronic bid box and
maintained to high standards of security for long-term record keeping and
Employer’s country, which may include scheduled banks or nationalized
banks, located in the Employer’s country, which may include banks in Jaipur,
to make it enforceable.
The bidders will be provided two slots in the portal for uploading their
technical forms. Bidders are advised to upload the documents in pdf form, If
size exceeds 25 MB, they can zip and upload it. The technical bid
submissions including the technical forms (Section 4), financial statements,
documents related to qualification requirements shall be submitted in pdf
format only. Bidders are informed to upload sensitive documents under the
“Non-statutory” documents category. Along this, the bidder shall submit the
scanned copies of the RISL fee, cost of Bid Document fee, copy of Bid
Security etc.
Bidders shall submit their response to this bid electronically vide the e-

Section –II : Bid Data Sheet Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Procurement system of the State Government of Rajasthan:
The price bids are to be submitted electronically. The bidders are advised to
download the excel sheets from the portal and fill their rates in excel sheet.
Bidder shall not modify the BOQ like Item Description, quantity, etc and
should not rename the excel sheet. Bidder can download excel sheet on their
computer and fill it and then upload it or can directly fill online the price bid.
The bidder shall submit the Price Bids on line on e-procurement web site.
Bidders have the provision of submitting, modifying or withdrawing bids
electronically before the bid submission deadline. Electronic
acknowledgement of any of these actions with a time stamp is provided to
the Bidder by the system.
Bidders are solely responsible for safe keeping of their Digital Signature
Certificate (DSC). If the Digital Signature Certificate is lost, bidders may
choose to send a mail from their registered login e-mail address in the
company’s letter head to RUIDP and Raj COMP Info Services Ltd (RISL).
The application administrator may at his discretion choose to inactivate the
lost (old) DSC, thereby allowing the bidder to register a new DSC.
After bid opening, participating bidders can view technical bid submitted by
other bidder by clicking on “Bid Opening (Live)” link on the left side.

Bidders can view the technical bid of other bidder online from their respective
logins under the link “Bid Opening (Live)”. Documents uploaded by bidders
during bid submission under the non-statutory link cannot be viewed by the
other bidders. Bidders are herewith informed to load sensitive documents
there may be under the non-statutory link.

“Accept” status of a bidder’s document as shown to the bidder implies that

RUIDP has downloaded the document and shall not be construed as
“Acceptance” of contents of the document.

During evaluation RUIDP reserves the right to verify original copies of

scanned documents uploaded by bidders. RUIDP may seek additional
documentary evidence on their technical proposals, which the bidders shall
provide either online using the e-Procurement or in manual form.

ITB 22.1 Bids shall be submitted electronically on e-Procurement site

th, not later than 18:00 hours on 9
December, 2016
Bid submission and bid opening timelines will be defined as per the e-
Procurement server clock only.

Section –II : Bid Data Sheet Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

ITB 25 Delete ITB 25.1, 25.2, 25.3, 25.4 and 25.5 and replace with the following:-
1. The Employer shall open the technical bids online in public in the
presence of Bidders or designated representative of the Bidders, who
chose to attend at:-
Date : 12 december, 2016
Time: 15:30 hours
Location: Office of the Project Director, RUIDP, AVS Building, 1
Floor, Jawahar Circle, JLN Marg, Malviya Nagar, JAIPUR – 302017,
India Telephone: +91 0141 2721966
2. Bids are electronically opened in the presence of at least two
authorized Bid Openers. In first stage, Envelope A of the tenders, will
be opened. The bidders’ names, the presence (or absence) of Bid
Security, Tender Fee and RISL Fee, will be announced by the Tender
Opening Committee at the opening. Then the Envelope ‘B’ of technical
proposals will be opened and evaluated.
3. The technical bids recorded and opened at the time of opening shall
be considered for evaluation.
4. The Price Bids will remain unopened in the Eproc website and will
remain encrypted, until the specified time of its opening
5. The letter of technical bid shall be initialed by two representatives of
the employer attending the bid opening.

ITB 25.10 The Letter of Price Bid and Bill of Quantifies shall be initialed by at least 2
representative of the Employer attending Bid opening.

E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids

ITB 27.1 Add the following at the end of ITB 27.1:-

Communication during bid evaluation for the purpose of clarification will be
done electronically with the normal restrictions against modification of the
substance and price of the bid. There is a separate heading of Clarifications
on the portal and mode will be only through the e-procurement site. The
Provision is available in the software and can be enabled, if required. If
enabled, the clarifications can be obtained online and all logs of such online
communications through the application are stored in the system.

ITB 34.1 Not applicable

ITB 35.1 A margin of preference shall not apply.

Section 3

Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

Section –III : Evaluation and Qualification Criteria Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Section 3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

- Without Prequalification -
This Section contains all the criteria that the Employer shall use to evaluate bids and qualify Bidders. In
accordance with ITB 32 and ITB 36, no other methods, criteria and factors shall be used. The Bidder shall
provide all the information requested in the forms included in Section 4 (Bidding Forms).

Table of Criteria
1. Evaluation ............................................................................................................................ 2

1.1 Adequacy of Technical Proposal ...................................................................................... 2

1.2 Multiple Contracts ............................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Completion Time ................................................................................................................. 2

1.4 Operating and Maintenance Costs: ................................................................................... 2

1.5 Technical Alternatives ........................................................................................................ 2

1.6 Quantifiable Nonconformities, Errors and Omissions .................................................... 2

1.7 Domestic Preference .......................................................................................................... 3

2. Qualification ........................................................................................................................ 4

2.1 Eligibility .............................................................................................................................. 4

2.1.1 Conflict of Interest .............................................................................................................. 4

2.1.2 Government-owned Entity ................................................................................................. 4

2.1.3 RUIDP Eligibility .................................................................................................................. 4

2.2 Pending Litigation ............................................................................................................... 5

2.2.1 Pending Litigation and Arbitration .................................................................................... 5

2.2.2 Performance in past contracts .......................................................................................... 5

2.3.1 Historical Financial Performance ...................................................................................... 6

2.3.2 Average Annual Construction Turnover .......................................................................... 6

2.3.3 Financial Resources Requirement .................................................................................... 8

2.3.4 Financial Stability ................................................................................................................ 9

2.4 Construction Experience.................................................................................................. 10

2.4.1 Contracts of Similar Size and Nature .............................................................................. 10

2.4.2 Construction Experience in Key Activities .................................................................... 12

Section –III : Evaluation and Qualification Criteria Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

1. Evaluation
In addition to the criteria listed in ITB 36.2 (a) – (e) the following criteria shall apply:

1.1 Adequacy of Technical Proposal

Evaluation of the Bidder's Technical Proposal will include an assessment of the Bidder's
technical capacity to mobilize key equipment and personnel for the contract consistent with
its proposal regarding work methods, scheduling, and material sourcing in sufficient detail
and fully in accordance with the requirements stipulated in Section 6 (Employer's

Non-compliance with equipment and personnel requirements described in Section 6

(Employer’s Requirements) shall not be grounds for bid rejection and such non-
compliance will be subject to clarification and rectification prior to contract award.
1.2 Multiple Contracts
Not Applicable

1.3 Completion Time

An alternative Completion Time, if permitted under ITB 13.2, will be evaluated as follows:

1.4 Operating and Maintenance Costs:

Since the power consumption for operation and maintenance of the Sewerage Treatment
Plant (STP) and Sewage Pumping Station (SPS) varies from bidder to bidder; therefore
differential power consumption costs will be evaluated and shall be added to the Bid price
for evaluation.
Factors, which will be used in calculating, is the estimated total cost of the electricity
required of STP, SPS during 10 years period (after design build period) with a tariff of Rs
8/KWH (for evalaution purpose) for rated raw sewage flow provided in TECH 1 of, Section
4. For this purpose, all annual future costs to be discounted to present value with the rate
at ten (10) percent per annum calculated for the period of 10 years (annuity factor for 10
years at 10% discount = 6.1445).

Cost loading will be worked out, on the basis of lowest power consumption (arithmatic
average of guaranteed power consumptions for various flow rates as provided in TECH 1
form) of STP and SPS among the bidders.

Power consumption for yard lighting shall not be taken into consideration for evaluation

Bidders shall provide information on guaranteed power consumption at various flow

rates in formats provided in TECH 1 of Section 4.

1.5 Technical Alternatives

Technical alternatives, if permitted under ITB 13.4, will be evaluated as follows:

1.6 Quantifiable Nonconformities, Errors and Omissions

The evaluated costs of quantifiable nonconformities, errors and/or omissions are
determined as follows:

Pursuant to ITB 31.3, the cost of all quantifiable nonmaterial nonconformities or omissions
shall be evaluated. The Employer will make its own assessment of the cost of any

Section –III : Evaluation and Qualification Criteria Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

nonmaterial nonconformities and omissions for the purpose of ensuring fair comparison of

1.7 Domestic Preference

If a margin of preference shall apply under ITB 35.1, the procedure will be as follows: Not

Section –III : Evaluation and Qualification Criteria Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

2. Qualification
Unless specifically indicated otherwise, it is the legal entity or entities comprising the
Bidder, and not the Bidder’s parent companies, subsidiaries or affiliates, that must satisfy
the qualification criteria described below.
2.1 Eligibility

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents

Joint Venture
Requirement Single Entity All Partners Each One Requirements
Combined Partner Partner

2.1.1 Conflict of Interest

No conflicts of interest in must meet must meet must meet not Letter of
accordance with ITB Sub- requirement requirement requirement applicable Technical Bid
Clause 4.3.

2.1.2 Government-owned Entity

Bidder required to meet must meet must meet must meet not Forms
conditions of ITB Sub- requirement requirement requirement applicable ELI - 1; ELI - 2
Clause 4.5. with

2.1.3 RUIDP Eligibility

Bidder should be eligible to must meet must meet must meet not Bidder shall submit
an undertaking of
participate in RUIDP; requirement requirement requirement applicable
this aspect as per
therefore he should not be Form TECH-10
blacklisted/ debarred from attached in Section

Section –III : Evaluation and Qualification Criteria Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

2.2 Pending Litigation: Pending Litigation Criterion and performance in past contracts
shall apply:

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents

Joint Venture
Single All Submission
Requirement Each One
Entity Partners Requirements
Partner Partner

2.2.1 Pending Litigation and Arbitration

All pending litigation shall be must meet not must meet not Form LIT – 1
treated as resolved against requirement applicable requirement applicable
the Bidder and so shall in total by itself or by itself or
not represent more than 50 as partner as partner
percent of the Bidder’s net to past or to past or
worth calculated as the existing JV existing JV
difference between total
assets and total liabilities.

2.2.2 Performance in past contracts

Rescinding/ Termination of must meet not must meet not Form TECH 2
contracts due to poor requirement applicable requirement applicable
performance shall not be
more than 5% of contracts in
hand during last 10 years (1
April, 2006 to bid
submission date).
Bidder /each partner of JV
will submit an undertaking in
support of this requirement
(separate by each JV

Section –III : Evaluation and Qualification Criteria Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

2.3 Financial Requirements

2.3.1 Historical Financial Performance

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents

Joint Venture
Single All Submission
Requirement Each One
Entity Partners Requirements
Partner Partner
Submission of audited must meet not must meet not Form FIN - 1
financial statements or, if not requirement applicable requirement applicable with
required by the law of the attachments
Bidder’s country, other
financial statements
acceptable to the Employer,
for the latest 5 years
(Financial Year 2010-11 to
2015-16 or as per
International practice) to
demonstrate the current
soundness of the Bidder’s
financial position.
Return on investment (ratio
of annual profit before taxes
and the net worth) should be
positive for at least three
years in last five years.
Bidder’s net worth for the
latest year* calculated as the
difference between total
assets and total liabilities
should be positive.

* For the Financial Year 2015-16 and if balance sheet is not audited for the Financial Year 2015-16
then for the Financial Year 2014-15

Section –III : Evaluation and Qualification Criteria Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

2.3.2 Average Annual Construction Turnover

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents

Joint Venture
Single Submission
Requirement All Partners Each One
Entity Requirements
Combined Partner Partner
Minimum average annual must meet must meet must meet must meet Form FIN – 2
construction turnover {with requirement requirement 25 percent 50 percent
or without Operation and
of the of the
Maintenance (O&M)} of
requirement requirement
INR 92 Crores calculated
as total certified payments
received for contracts in
progress or completed,
within the last 3 years
(Financial Year 2012-13,
2013-14, 2014-15 and
2015-16 or as per
International practice)*.

* Audited balance sheet of latest 3 years

Note: The present price level for turnover of the previous years’ value shall be given
weightage of 10% per year as follows:

S. No Financial Year Weightage

2015-16 1.00
2014-15 1.10
2013-14 1.21
2012-13 1.331

Section –III : Evaluation and Qualification Criteria Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

2.3.3 Financial Resources Requirement

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents

Joint Venture
Single Submission
Requirement All Partners Each One
Entity Requirements
Combined Partner Partner
1. Using Forms FIN – 3 must meet must meet must meet must meet Form FIN – 3
and FIN - 4 in Section 4 requirement requirement
25 percent 50 percent & FIN – 4
(Bidding Forms), the
Bidder must of the of the
demonstrate access to, requirement requirement
or availability of, liquid
assets, lines of credit,
or other financial
resources (other than
any contractual
advance payments) to
meet the Bidder’s
financial resources
requirement indicated
in Form FIN-4.
2. Availability of Bidding must meet must meet must meet must meet FIN – 6
Capacity should be at requirement requirement 25 percent 50 percent
least equal to INR 103
of the of the
requirement requirement
Available bid capacity
will be evaluated as
under: Bidding
capacity = 2XAXN-B

A= maximum annual
construction turnover in
last five financial years
taking into account the
completed as well as
works in progress (updated
to the current price level,
rate of inflation shall be
10% per year).
N = Number of years
prescribed for completion
of works for which bids has
been invited which is 2.5
B= Value at current price
level of existing
commitments and ongoing
works to be completed
during the next 2.5 years.
Bidders will give a
calculation for the same.

Liquid Assets mean cash and cash equivalents, short-term financial instruments, short term available-
for-sale-securities, marketable securities, trade receivables, short-term financing receivables and
other assets that can be converted into cash within ONE YEAR.

Section –III : Evaluation and Qualification Criteria Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

2.3.4 Financial Stability

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents

Joint Venture
Single Submission
Requirement All Partners Each One
Entity Requirements
Combined Partner Partner
The bidder(s) shall not must meet NA must meet NA Form TECH 3
have applied for Corporate requirement requirement
Debt Restructuring (CDR)
or facing follow up action
of CDR or facing recovery
proceedings from Financial
Institutions or facing
winding up proceedings or
those under BIFR in the
last 3 financial years
(2013-14, 2014-15 and
2015 -16) and up to the
date of bid submission.
The bidder shall submit an
undertaking* to this effect
along with certificate from
the bidder’s Chartered
Accountant or Auditors.

*Undertaking by the bidder along with certificate from the bidder’s Chartered Accountant or
Auditors should be submitted with the technical bid.

Section –III : Evaluation and Qualification Criteria Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

2.4 Construction Experience

Bidder or Bidder’s Parent Companies*, Subsidiaries, Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) must
satisfy the qualification criteria described below:

2.4.1 Contracts of Similar Size and Nature

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents

Joint Venture
Single Submission
Requirement All Partners Each One
Entity Requirements
Combined Partner Partner
Participation in at least one must meet must meet not not Form EXP - 1
contract in sewerage sector requirement requirement applicable applicable
where the value of the completed
or substantially completed**
work exceeds INR 80 Cr OR
two contracts in sewerage
sector where the value of the
each completed or substantially
completed** work exceeds INR
40 Cr , within the last 10 years
(from 1 April 2006 to bid
submission date)

* A parent company is company that owns more than 50% of the outstanding voting stock in
another company (second company) and controls management and operations of second
company by influencing or electing its board of directors; the second company being deemed a
subsidiary of the parent company. Bidder will furnish parent/ subsidiary company guarantee as
applicable in TECH 4/ TECH 5. Failure to furnish the Parent Company Guarantee of the Subsidiary
Company Guarantee(s), as appropriate, shall result in rejection of the tender.

** substantially completed means (i) the contractor has completed the works but could not
commission the same because of hindrances beyond the control of contractor or (ii) contractor has
completed and commissioned the works at least for the amount required for qualification, out of
large size contract.


1. Experience of the bidder earned by him as the JV partner will be considered to the limit of its
share in the completed works shown in that JV or consortium agreement.
2. For present price level of cost of completed and commissioned works, the previous year (s)
value shall be given weightage of 10% per year as follows:

S. No Financial Year in which Weightage

work was completed*
(i) 2015-16 1.00
(ii) 2014-15 1.10
(iii) 2013-14 1.21
(iv) 2012-13 1.33
(v) 2011-12 1.46
(vi) 2010-11 1.61
(vii) 2009-10 1.77

Section –III : Evaluation and Qualification Criteria Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

(viii) 2008-09 1.95

(ix) 2007-08 2.14
(x) 2006-07 2.36

*Financial Year 2006-07 means 1 April, 2006 to 31 March, 2007

Section –III : Evaluation and Qualification Criteria Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

2.4.2 Construction Experience in Key Activities

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents

Joint Venture
Requirement Single Entity All Partners Each One Requirements
Combined Partner Partner
For the above or other must meet must meet NA NA Form EXP - 2
contracts executed requirements requirements
(completed/ substantially
completed) during the
period stipulated in 2.4.1
above, a minimum
construction experience in
the following key activities:
(i) Experience in supply,
installation and
commissioning of
underground urban
sewerage system in a
minimum length of 30
Kms under single
contract having at least
3 Kms of sewer of size
300 mm inner/outer dia
and above.

(ii) Experience in
commissioning and O &
M for a period of
minimum one year of
process) of minimum 5
MLD capacity (Could be
met by subcontractor; A
Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) with
sub-contractor is
required to be
submitted with the bid).

1. Experience of the bidder earned by him as the JV partner will be considered to the limit of
its share in the completed works shown in that JV or consortium agreement.

2. Above required experiences should be of within the period of last 10 years (from 1 April
2006 to bid submission date)

3. In case of JV, each partner should also meet at least one requirement from either 2.4.1
(Single work completed exceeding INR 235 million) OR 2.4.2 (i) OR 2.4.2 (ii) (construction
experience in key activities) for eligibility.

Section 4

Bidding Forms
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Section 4 - Bidding Forms

This Section contains the forms which are to be completed by the Bidder and submitted as
part of his Bid.
Table of Forms
1 Letter of Technical Bid ........................................................................................ 3

2 Letter of Price Bid................................................................................................ 4

3 Bid Security ......................................................................................................... 5

4 Technical Proposal.............................................................................................. 6

4.1 Personnel ............................................................................................................. 7

4.1.1 Form PER – 1: Proposed Personnel................................................................... 7

4.1.2 Form PER – 2: Resume of Proposed Personnel............................................... 8

4.2 Equipment ............................................................................................................ 9

4.2.1 Form EQU: Equipment ........................................................................................ 9

4.3 Site Organization ............................................................................................... 10

4.4 Method Statement ............................................................................................. 11

4.5 Work plan: .......................................................................................................... 12

4.6 Mobilization Schedule ....................................................................................... 12

4.7 Construction Schedule ..................................................................................... 12

5 Bidder’s Qualification ....................................................................................... 13

5.1 Form ELI - 1: Bidder’s Information Sheet ........................................................ 14

5.2 Form ELI - 2: JV Information Sheet .................................................................. 15

5.3 Form LIT –1: Pending Litigation and Arbitration ............................................. 16

5.4 Form FIN - 1: Historical Financial Performance .............................................. 17

5.5 Form FIN - 2: Average Annual Construction Turnover {with or without

Operation and Maintenance (O&M)} ................................................................. 19

5.6 Form FIN – 3: Availability of Financial Resources ......................................... 20

5.7 Form FIN- 4: Financial Resources Requirement ............................................ 21

5.8 Form FIN-5: Sample Form for assured Revolving line of credit facility ......... 22

5.9 Form FIN-6: Available bidding capacity Information and declaration ........... 23

5.10 Form EXP– 1: Contracts of Similar Size and Nature ....................................... 24

Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

5.11 Form EXP - 2: Construction Experience in Key Activities ............................. 25

6 Schedules .......................................................................................................... 26

6.1 Tables of Adjustment Data ............................................................................... 26

7 TECH 1: Draft format on Guaranteed Power consumption............................. 28

8 TECH 2: Draft format for Undertaking on Rescind/ Terminated contracts .... 29

9 TECH 3: Draft format for Undertaking on Corporate Debt Restructuring ...... 30


GUARANTEE...................................................................................................... 31


GUARANTEE...................................................................................................... 33

12 TECH 6: Undertaking of no Deviations ............................................................ 35

13 TECH 7: Undertaking for deployment of Personnel and Equipment as per

Contract Requirement ....................................................................................... 36

14 TECH 8: Draft format for Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between Bidder

and Sub-contractor for the work of .................................................................. 37

15 TECH 9: Draft Format for Memorandum of Understanding for JOINT

VENTURE ........................................................................................................... 38

16 TECH 10: Draft format for Undertaking for RUIDP Eligibility.......................... 44

A. Preamble to Bill of Quantities ........................................................................... 45

B. Bill of Quantities ................................................................................................ 48

Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

1 Letter of Technical Bid

Bid No.:
Invitation for Bid No.:

The Project Director,
Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project
First Floor, AVS Building, Jawahar Circle,
JLN Marg, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur,

We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Documents, including
Addenda issued in accordance with Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 8;

(b) We offer to execute in conformity with the Bidding Documents the following Works:

(c) Our Bid consisting of the Technical Bid and the Price Bid shall be valid for a period of
150 days from the date fixed for the bid submission deadline in accordance with the
Bidding Documents, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any
time before the expiration of that period;

(d) We, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the contract, do not have
any conflict of interest in accordance with ITB 4.3;

(e) We are not participating, as a Bidder in more than one Bid in this bidding process in
accordance with ITB 4.3(e), other than alternative offers submitted in accordance with
ITB 13;

(f) We are not a government owned entity / We are a government owned entity but meet
the requirements of ITB 4.5; *
(g) We are not blacklisted/ debarred from LSG/RUIDP/UDH or its departments
(h) If our Bid is accepted, we commit to mobilizing key equipment and personnel in
accordance with the requirements set forth in Section 6 (Employer’s Requirements) and
our technical proposal, or as otherwise agreed with the Employer.

Name .................................................................................................................................................
In the capacity of ................................................................................................................................
Signed ................................................................................................................................................
Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of ..........................................................................
Date ........................................................................................................................................

* Use one of the two options as appropriate.

Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

2 Letter of Price Bid

(Price Bid Form is available in Part 2 and to be submitted in Price Bid –

Part 2)

Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

3 Bid Security

Bank Guarantee

........................................................ Bank’s Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office .................................

Beneficiary: ............................... Name and Address of Employer ...........................................

Date: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................

Bid Security No.: ....................................................................................................................................................................................

We have been informed that . . . . . name of the Bidder. . . . . (hereinafter called "the Bidder")
has submitted to you its bid dated . . . . . . . . . (hereinafter called "the Bid") for the execution
of . . . . . . . . name of contract . . . . . . . under Invitation for Bids No. . . . . . . . . . (“the IFB”).
Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by
a bid guarantee.
At the request of the Bidder, we . . . . . name of Bank. . . . . hereby irrevocably undertake to
pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of . . . . . . . . . . amount in figures . .
. . . . . . . (. . . . . . .amount in words . . . . . . . )upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing
accompanied by a written statement stating that the Bidder is in breach of its obligation(s)
under the bid conditions, because the Bidder:
(a) has withdrawn its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder in the
Letter of Technical Bid and Letter of Price Bid; or
(b) does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders
(hereinafter “the ITB”); or
(c) having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Employer during the period of
bid validity, (i) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Agreement, or (ii) fails or refuses
to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the ITB or (iii) fails or refuses to
furnish a domestic preference security, if required.
This guarantee will expire: (a) if the Bidder is the successful Bidder, upon our receipt of
copies of the Contract Agreement signed by the Bidder and the performance security
issued to you upon the instruction of the Bidder; or (b) if the Bidder is not the successful
Bidder, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of a copy of your notification to the Bidder of the
name of the successful Bidder; or (ii) 28 days after the expiration of the Bidder’s bid.
Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at the
office on or before that date.
This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication
No. 458 .

. . . . . . . . . . . .Bank’s seal and authorized signature(s) . . . . . . . . . .

Note: All italicized text is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted from the final document.
Or 758 as applicable.

Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

4 Technical Proposal



Site Organization

Method Statement

Mobilization Schedule

Construction Schedule


Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

4.1 Personnel

4.1.1 Form PER – 1: Proposed Personnel

Bidder should provide the details of the proposed personnel and their experience record in the
relevant Information Forms below for each candidate:

1. Title of position*


2. Title of position*


3. Title of position*


4. Title of position*


5. Title of position*


6. Title of position*


etc. Title of position*


*As listed in Section 6 (Employer’s Requirements).

Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

4.1.2 Form PER – 2: Resume of Proposed Personnel

The Bidder shall provide all the information requested below.


Personnel Name Date of birth


Professional qualifications

Present Name of employer


Address of employer

Telephone Contact (manager / personnel officer)

Fax E-mail

Job title Years with present employer

Summarize professional experience in reverse chronological order. Indicate particular technical

and managerial experience relevant to the project.

From To Company / Project / Position / Relevant Technical and Management


Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

4.2 Equipment

4.2.1 Form EQU: Equipment

The Bidder shall provide adequate information and details to demonstrate clearly that it has the
capability to meet the equipment requirements indicated in Section 6 (Employer’s
Requirements), using the Forms below. A separate Form shall be prepared for each item of
equipment listed, or for alternative equipment proposed by the Bidder.

Item of Equipment

Equipment Name of manufacturer Model and power rating


Capacity Year of manufacture

Current Current location


Details of current commitments

Source Indicate source of the equipment

 Owned  Rented  Leased  Specially manufactured

Omit the following information for equipment owned by the Bidder.

Owner Name of owner

Address of owner

Telephone Contact name and title

Fax Telex

Agreements Details of rental / lease / manufacture agreements specific to the project

Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

4.3 Site Organization

1. The Bidder shall supply a table of personnel and a chart showing the proposed organization
to be established for (i) carrying out the construction works during all phases of works like
mobilization; preparation of Service Improvement Plan; design built period (development
period) and operation and maintenance period separately.

4 - 10
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

4.4 Method Statement

1. The subproject is for improvement of sewerage collection system in the service area of
Sawai Madhopur. Sub project will include design and construction of central sewerage
system along with Allied Works and design & construction for up-gradation of existing 10
MLD STP at Soorwal for effluent quality improvement including Operation and maintenance
services for the entire system for 10 years. The Employer's indicative guidelines on
Methodology are given in the Employer’s Requirement which may be followed.

2. The bidder is required to submit Approach and Method Statement for carrying out all the
activities for construction of works along with the technical bid. The bidder's approach and
method statement shall be in line with the overall principle of the Employer. Sewerage
system has earlier been laid in Sawai Madhopur including Sewage treatment plant and
outfalls. The Proposed works will be linked with already laid system. Contractor shall
develop the SIP with overall goal to connect each and every property in service area to the
system and to collect sewage from each house(s) and transfer to STP through gravity to
standards mentioned in the detailed specification.

3. The activities for methodology shall also include following:

(i) Surveys or confirmatory surveys (as applicable) including topographic,

geotechnical, underground utility surveys etc
(ii) Property and consumer surveys and GIS mapping of all properties showing
water consumers
(iii) Review, verifications and updation of designs;
(iv) Preparation of service improvement plan (SIP), including phasing of works, cost
effective value Engineering and drawings
(v) Approval of SIP (may be in phases)
(vi) Implementation schedule along with methodology as per scope of works:
(vii) Operation Services:
(viii) Customer services;
(ix) Safeguard activities;

4 - 11
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

4.5 Work plan:

1. The Contractors will submit detailed work plan as part of Technical proposal covering all
sections of work to achieve sectional and full work key milestones as shown in Employer’s

4.6 Mobilization Schedule

1. The Bidder shall submit mobilization and de-mobilization schedule of personnel and
equipments in detail for all phases of works. The mobilization schedule should include
mobilization of skilled and unskilled manpower, different machineries and equipment,
materials, as required in each Phase.

4.7 Construction Schedule

1. The Bidder shall prepare and submit overall construction schedule. The construction
schedule shall be designed and documented in a series of tasks and task assignments
complete with projected completion target dates with the aid of computer operated
management software like Microsoft project office, Primavera or latest by using Gantt charts
and PERT diagrams to allow all factors to know their contribution towards fulfilling the
Employer’s Requirement.

4 - 12
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

5 Bidder’s Qualification

To establish its qualifications to perform the contract in accordance with Section 3 (Evaluation
and Qualification Criteria) the Bidder shall provide the information requested in the
corresponding Information Sheets included hereunder.

4 - 13
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

5.1 Form ELI - 1: Bidder’s Information Sheet

Bidder’s Information

Bidder’s legal name

In case of JV, legal

name of each partner

Bidder’s country of

Bidder’s year of

Bidder’s legal
address in country of

Bidder’s authorized
(name, address,
telephone numbers,
fax numbers, e-mail
Attached are copies of the following original documents.
 1. In case of single entity, articles of incorporation or constitution of the legal entity named
above, in accordance with ITB 4.1 and 4.2.
 2. Authorization to represent the firm or JV named in above, in accordance with ITB 20.2.
 3. In case of JV, letter of intent to form JV or JV agreement, in accordance with ITB 4.1.
 4. In case of a government-owned entity, any additional documents not covered under 1 above
required to comply with ITB 4.5.

4 - 14
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

5.2 Form ELI - 2: JV Information Sheet

Each member of a JV and Specialist Subcontractor must fill out this form

JV / Specialist Subcontractor Information

Bidder’s legal name

JV Partner’s or
Subcontractor’s legal

JV Partner’s or
country of constitution

JV Partner’s or
Subcontractor’s year
of constitution

JV Partner’s or
Subcontractor’s legal
address in country of

JV Partner’s or
(name, address,
telephone numbers,
fax numbers, e-mail
Attached are copies of the following original documents.
 1. Articles of incorporation or constitution of the legal entity named above, in accordance with ITB 4.1 and 4.2.
 2. Authorization to represent the firm named above, in accordance with ITB 20.2.
 3. In the case of government-owned entity, documents establishing legal and financial autonomy and compliance with
commercial law, in accordance with ITB 4.5.

4 - 15
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

5.3 Form LIT –1: Pending Litigation and Arbitration

Each Bidder or member of a JV must fill in this form if so required under Criterion 2.2 of
Section 3 (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria).
Pending Litigation and Arbitration

 No pending litigation and arbitration.

 Below is a description of all pending litigation and arbitration involving the Bidder (or each JV member if
Bidder is a Joint Venture).

Value of
Value of
Year Matter in Dispute Claim as a
Claim in INR/
of Net Worth

4 - 16
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

5.4 Form FIN - 1: Historical Financial Performance

Each Bidder or member of a JV must fill in this form

Financial Data for Previous Years [INR Equivalent]

Year 1:2015-16
Year 2:2014-15 Year3:2013-14
(if available)

Information from Balance Sheet

Total Assets

Total Liabilities

Net Worth

Current Assets

Current Liabilities

Information from Income Statement

Total Revenues

Profits Before Taxes

Profits After Taxes

Return on investment
(ratio of annual profit
before taxes and the
net worth)

Financial Data for Previous Years [INR Equivalent]

Year 6:2010-11
Year 4:2012-13 Year 5:2011-12 (if not available for FY

Information from Balance Sheet

Total Assets

Total Liabilities

Net Worth

Current Assets

Current Liabilities

4 - 17
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Information from Income Statement

Total Revenues

Profits Before Taxes

Profits After Taxes

Return on investment
(ratio of annual profit
before taxes and the
net worth)

4 - 18
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

5.5 Form FIN - 2: Average Annual Construction Turnover {with or without

Operation and Maintenance (O&M)}

Each Bidder or member of a JV must fill out this form

The information supplied should be the Annual Turnover of the Bidder or each member of a JV in
terms of the amounts billed to clients for each year for work in progress or completed, converted
to INR at the rate of exchange at the end of the period reported.

Annual Turnover Data for the Last 3 Years

Amount Exchange INR Equivalent
Currency Rate

Average Annual Turnover

4 - 19
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

5.6 Form FIN – 3: Availability of Financial Resources

Specify proposed sources of financing, such as liquid assets, lines of credit, and other financial
resources (other than any contractual advance payments) available to meet the financial resources
requirement indicated in Form Fin-4.

Financial Resources
No. Source of financing Amount (INR Equivalent)

Liquid Assets mean cash and cash equivalents, short-term financial instruments, short term available-
for-sale-securities, marketable securities, trade receivables, short-term financing receivables and
other assets that can be converted into cash within one year.


 The bidder shall provide supporting documents like letter from the Banks for the
revolving line of credit facility etc specific to the project(in format FIN 5) if applicable for
its declared availability of financial resources.

 Bidder shall provide details on available credit facility from each source of financing
after utilizing to the commitments

4 - 20
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

5.7 Form FIN- 4: Financial Resources Requirement

Bidder (or each JV partner) should provide information indicated below in order to calculate the
aggregated financial resources requirement, which equals the sum of: (i) the Bidder’s (or each JV
partner’s) current commitments on all contracts that have been awarded, or for which a letter of
intent or acceptance has been received, or for contracts approaching completion, but for which an
unqualified, full completion certificate has yet to be issued and (ii) financial resources requirement
for subject contract as determined by the Employer. Bidder must also disclose any other financial
obligations that could materially affect the implementation of subject contract if such contract were
to be awarded to the Bidder.

Financial Resources Requirement

Remaining Outstanding
Employer’s Two Months Financial
Contract Contract Contract
S Name of Contact Resources Requirement
Completion Period in Value
No Contract (Address, 1 2 (2 x B / A)
Date months (A) (B)
Tel, Fax)

A. Cumulative Financial Resources Requirement for two months for Current Contract
3 INR ……….

B. Financial Resources Requirement for Subject Contract (Employer to specify)* INR 10 Crores

Financial Resources Requirement (Sum of A and B) INR ……….

Remaining contract period to be calculated from 28 days prior to bid submission deadline.

Remaining Outstanding Contract Values to be calculated from 28 days prior to the bid submission
deadline (equivalent based on the foreign exchange rate as of the same date).

Bidder should calculate this amount based on the sum of 2 Months Financial Resources Requirements
for Each Current Works Contract based on the following calculation:

2 x Estimated Outstanding Contract Value (Inclusive of Taxes and Duties)

Remaining Completion Period for completion in Months

*Employer should specify financial resources requirement for the subject contract based on the
following calculation: 3 x Estimated Contract Value (Inclusive of Taxes and Duties)/ Completion
Period in Months

4 - 21
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

5.8 Form FIN-5: Sample Form for assured Revolving line of credit facility

(To be submitted by a Reputed Bank on the Bank’s Letter head)

Date: (Insert Date)

To: Project Director

Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project
AVS Building, Jawahar Circle, JLN Marg
Malviya Nagar
Jaipur 302 017
Rajasthan, India

Subject: Letter of Assurance for Revolving line of credit facility for INR ----

Dear Sir,

WHEREAS _________________________________________________ [name and

address of Bidder] (hereinafter called the “Bidder”) intends to submit a bid for-------------
-------- ---(name of contract package) ---------------------------" under the Rajasthan Urban
Infrastructure Development Project (RUIDP) (hereinafter called the “Employer”) in
response to the Invitation for Bids issued by the RUIDP through IFB no. ----------------------;

WHEREAS the Bidder has requested that an assured revolving line of credit be provided
to it for executing the --------------------- ---(name of contract package) ----------------------------
----------------------In the event that the Contract is awarded to it; then
KNOW ALL THESE PEOPLE by these presents that We
____________________________ [name of Bank] of ____________________ [name of
Country] having our registered office at ______________________ [address of registered
office] are willing to provide to _________________________ (the Bidder) a sum of up to
____________________________ [amount of guarantee in figures and words] as an
assured revolving line of credit for executing the Works under --------------------- ---(name of
contract package) --------------should the Bidder be awarded the contract based on its
tendered prices.

We understand that this assurance may be taken into consideration by the Employer
during evaluation of the Bidder’s financial capabilities, and further assure that we intend to
maintain this revolving line of credit until such time as the Works are completed and taken
over by the Employer.

SEALED with the Common Seal of the said Bank on the ____ day of _________, 2016.

Date: __________________________ Signature of the Bank: ______________________

Witness: _________________________ Seal: ____________________________________

[Signature, name and address]

4 - 22
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

5.9 Form FIN-6: Available bidding capacity Information and declaration

(To be submitted by bidder through affidavit as explained)

Availability of Bidding Capacity should be at least equal to INR 100 Cr

Available bid capacity will be evaluated following formula stated below:

Bidding capacity = 2 x A x N - B


A = maximum annual construction turnover in last five financial years taking into account
the completed as well as works in progress (updated to the current price level, rate of
inflation shall be 10% per year).

N = Number of years prescribed for completion of works for which bid has been invited;
which is 2.5 years

B= Value at current price level of existing commitments and ongoing works to be

completed during the next 2.5 years. Bidders will give a calculation for the same.

Bidders will submit an undertaking in original confirming that the details of all such works
have been provided either being executed in their name or being executed as joint
venture within India or abroad (bidder’s share).

4 - 23
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

5.10 Form EXP– 1: Contracts of Similar Size and Nature

Fill up one (1) form per contract.

Contract of Similar Size and Nature

Contract No. . . . . .of. . . . . .

Award Date Completion Date

Total Contract Amount Equivalent INR ------------

If partner in a JV or subcontractor,
Percent of
specify participation of total contract Amount

Employer’s Name
Telephone/Fax Number

Description of the similarity in accordance with Criteria 2.4.1 of Section 3

Participation in at least one contract in
sewerage sector where the value of the
completed or substantially completed* work
exceeds INR 80 Cr or two contracts in
sewerage sector where the value of the each
completed or substantially completed* work
exceeds INR 40 Cr or three contracts in
sewerage sector where the value of the each
completed or substantially completed* work
exceeds INR 27 Cr, within the last 10 years
(from 1 April 2006 to bid submission date)

Reference page No. of copy of work order completion certificate in support of above experience:

* substantially completed means (i) the contractor has completed the works but could not
commission the same because of hindrances beyond the control of contractor or (ii) contractor has
completed and commissioned the works at least for the amount required for qualification, out of
large size contract

4 - 24
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

5.11 Form EXP - 2: Construction Experience in Key Activities

Fill up one (1) form per contract

Contract with Similar Key Activities

Contract No. . . . . .of. .
Contract Identification

Award Date Completion Date

Total Contract Amount -------------Equivalent INR -----

If partner in a JV or
subcontractor, specify
Percent of Total Amount
participation of total
contract amount

Employer’s Name
Telephone Number
Fax Number

Description of the key activities in accordance with Criteria 2.4.2 of Section 3

(i) Experience in supply, installation and
commissioning of underground urban
sewerage system in a minimum length of 40
Kms under single contract having at least 4
Kms of sewer of size 450 mm inner/outer dia
and above.

(ii) Experience in commissioning and O& M for a

period of minimum one year of STP (WSP
process) of minimum 5 MLD capacity (Could
be met by subcontractor; A Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) with sub contractor is
required to be submitted with the bid)
Bidder will provide reference page no. of copy of work order completion certificate in support of above

4 - 25
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

6 Schedules

6.1 Tables of Adjustment Data

Table A.1 - Local Currency – Payment for Design Build

Index Source of Base Value

Index Description Amount Weighting
Code Index and Date
Nonadjustable — — — 0.00

a Labour Component Consumer Indices As per cost of work 0.30

(L): Price Index for applicable on done
Industrial 28 days prior
labour for to deadline for
Jaipur issued bid submission
by Labour
b Cement (C) Indices As per cost of work 0.10
Price Index for
applicable on
Cement and
28 days prior
Lime issued by
to deadline for
Reserve Bank
bid submission
of India
c Bitumen (B) Indices As per cost of work 0.05
Price Index for
applicable on
28 days prior
issued by
to deadline for
bid submission
Advisor, GoI
d Ferrous Metal (S) Indices As per cost of work 0.05
Price Index for
applicable on
ferrous metal
28 days prior
issued by
to deadline for
Reserve Bank
bid submission
of India
e HDPE/ PVC Pipes Indices As per cost of work 0.20
Price Index for
and specials (H) applicable on
Rubber and
28 days prior
Plastic Product
to deadline for
issued by
bid submission
Reserve Bank
of India
f Plant and Indices As per cost of work 0.10
Price Index for
Machinery and applicable on
Machinery and
Spares (PM) 28 days prior
Machine Tools
to deadline for
issued by
bid submission
Reserve Bank
of India
g Other Materials (O) Indices As per cost of work 0.20
Price Index for
applicable on
28 days prior
to deadline for
issued by
bid submission
Reserve Bank
of India
Total 1.00

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Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Table A.2 - Local Currency – Payment for Operation Services

Index Source of Base Value

Index Description Amount Weighting
Code Index and Date
a Nonadjustable — — — -

b Material Wholesale Indices As per cost of work 0.25

Component: Price Index for applicable on
all 28 days prior
commodities to deadline for
issued by bid submission
Reserve Bank
of India

c Labour Consumer Indices As per cost of work 0.75

Component: Price Index for applicable on
Industrial 28 days prior
labour for to deadline for
Jaipur issued bid submission
by Labour

Total 1.00

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Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

7 TECH 1: Draft format on Guaranteed Power consumption

Guaranteed Gross Power requirement for Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), Sewage
Pumping Station (SPS) (excluding power consumption for yard lighting), during O &
M period (after design build completion):

A. Sawai Madhopur STP (10 MLD), SPS (10 MLD):

Raw Sewage Guaranteed Maximum Power Consumption KWH per Day

Inflow (MLD)
Up-gradation unit/Plant of 10 Existing STP & Master pumping
MLD Capacity station at STP campus (10 MLD)

i. For intermediate raw/ treated sewage flows, guaranteed maximum power
consumption at STP, SPS will be linearly interpolated.
ii. If power consumption is not provided by the bidder for any flow (as given in table) of
any unit (STP/ SPS), it shall be linearly interpolated from the power consumptions of
lower/ higher side flows, given for that unit.
iii. Cost loading will be worked out, on the basis of lowest power consumption (arithmatic
average of guaranteed maximum power consumptions for various flow rates as
provided in above table) of STP, SPS among the bidders.
iv. There is no power consumption guarantee of STP, SPS for sewage flow less than 2
v. Bidders are advised to visit the existing STP site and collect the necessary details
required for bidding.
vi. We confirm that the power consumption stated in the above table is the guaranteed
maximum consumption. In case of more consumption to the guaranteed power,
Employer will recover the costs of excess monthly power consumed with two times
the prevailing power rate.
vii. Power consumption for yard lighting etc shall not be included in above table.

Signature of the bidder

Seal of the Company

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Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

8 TECH 2: Draft format for Undertaking on Rescind/ Terminated contracts

(Bidder or each partner of JV will submit separate undertaking in support of this

I/We ---------------------------------(name of bidder) (the Bidder/ JV partner of bidding

entity) undertake and certify that not a single contract has been Rescind/
Terminated due to poor performance of our firm OR ------- number of contracts
were Rescind/ Terminated due to poor performance of our firm out of --------
number of contracts in hand of our firm during last 10 years (from 1st April, 2006
to bid submission date).

I/We ---------------------------------(name of bidder) (the Bidder/ JV partner of bidding

entity) further undertake and certify that Rescind/ Terminated contracts due to
poor performance of our firm are not more than 5% of contracts in hand during
last 10 years (1 April, 2006 to bid submission date).

Place: ------------------- Signed by:

Date: --------------------- ---------------------------
(Name of authorized representative)
Name of bidder

Attested by:

(Notary Public)

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Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

9 TECH 3: Draft format for Undertaking on Corporate Debt Restructuring

(Bidder or each partner of JV will submit separate undertaking in support of this

I/We ---------------------------------(name of bidder) (the Bidder/ JV partner of bidding

entity) undertake and certify that our firm (i) has not applied for Corporate Debt
Restructuring (CDR) (ii) is not facing follow up action of CDR (iii) is not facing
recovery proceedings from Financial Institutions and (iv) are not facing winding
up proceedings or those under BIFR in the last 3 financial years (2013-14, 2014-
15 and 2015-16) till the date of bid submission.

Place: ------------------- Signed by:

Date: --------------------- ---------------------------
(Name of authorized representative)
Name of bidder

Counter Signed by: Attested by

------------------------- --------------------------------

Chartered Accountant/ Auditor (Notary Public)

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Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01



Name of Contract/ Contract No.; ______________________________________

Name and address of Employer: __________________________
_________________________________ (together with successors and assigns)
We have been informed that ____________________________________(Name
of Contractor) (hereinafter called the "Contractor") is submitting an offer for such
Contract in response to your invitation, and that the conditions of your invitation
require his offer to be supported by a parent company guarantee.
In consideration of you, the Employer, awarding the Contract to the Contractor,
we _______________________ (name of parent company) Irrevocably and
unconditionally guarantee to you, as a primary obligation; (i) the due performance
of all the Contractor's obligations and liabilities under the Contract, including the
Contractors compliance with all its terms and conditions according to their true
intent and meaning; (ii) for the entire duration of the Contract, we will make
available to the Contractor, out technical capacity, expertise and resources
required for the Contractor’s satisfactory performance of the Contract; and (iii)
that we are fully committed, along with the Contractor, to ensuring a satisfactory
performance of the Contract.
If the Contractor fails to so perform his obligations and liabilities and comply with
the Contract, we will indemnify the Employer against and from all damages,
losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) which arise from any
such failure for which the Contractor, is liable to the Employer under the
Contract, This guarantee shall come into full force and effect when the Contract
comes into full force and effect. If the Contract does not come into full force and
effect within a year of the date of this guarantee, or if you demonstrate that you
do not intend to enter into the Contract with the Contractor, this guarantee shall
be void and ineffective. This guarantee shall continue in full force and effect until
all the Contractor's obligations and liabilities under the Contract have been
discharged, when this guarantee shall expire and shall be returned to us, and our
liability hereunder shall be discharged absolutely.
This guarantee shall apply and be supplemental to the Contract as amended or
varied by the Employer and the Contractor from time to time. We hereby
authorize them to agree any such amendment or variation, the due performance
of which and compliance with which by the Contractor are likewise guaranteed
hereunder. Our obligations and liabilities under this guarantee shall not be
discharged by any allowance of time or other indulgence whatsoever by the
Employer to the Contractor, or by any variation or suspension of the works to be
executed under the Contract, or by any amendments to the Contract or to the

4 - 31
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

constitution of the Contractor or the Employer, or by any other matters, whether

with or without our knowledge or consent.
This guarantee shall be governed by the law of the same country (or other
jurisdiction) as that which governs the Contract and any dispute under this
guarantee shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration provided in the
contract. We confirm that the benefit of this guarantee may be assigned subject
only to the provisions for assignment of the Contract.

Signed by: ______________________ Signed by: _______________________

(signature) (signature)

_____________________________ _______________________________
(name) (name)

______________________________ _______________________________
(position in parent company) (position in parent company)

Date: ______________________

Bidder will furnish parent/ subsidiary company guarantee as applicable. Failure to furnish the
Parent Company/ Subsidiary Company Guarantee(s), as appropriate, shall result in rejection
of the tender.

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Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01



Name of Contract/Contract No.; ______________________________________

Name and address of Employer: __________________________
_________________________________ (together with successors and assigns)
We have been informed that ____________________________________(Name
of Contractor) (hereinafter called the "Contractor") is submitting an offer for such
Contract in response to your invitation, and that the conditions of your invitation
require his offer to be supported by a Subsidiary company guarantee.
In consideration of you, the Employer, awarding the Contract to the Contractor,
we _______________________ (name of Subsidiary company) Irrevocably and
unconditionally guarantee to you, as a primary obligation; (i) the due performance
of all the Contractor's obligations and liabilities under the Contract, including the
Contractors compliance with all its terms and conditions according to their true
intent and meaning; (ii) for the entire duration of the Contract, we will make
available to the Contractor, out technical capacity, expertise and resources
required for the Contractor’s satisfactory performance of the Contract; and (iii)
that we are fully committed, along with the Contractor, to ensuring a satisfactory
performance of the Contract.
If the Contractor fails to so perform his obligations and liabilities and comply with
the Contract, we will indemnify the Employer against and from all damages,
losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) which arise from any
such failure for which the Contractor, is liable to the Employer under the
This guarantee shall come into full force and effect when the Contract comes into
full force and effect. If the Contract does not come into full force and effect within
a year of the date of this guarantee, or if you demonstrate that you do not intend
to enter into the Contract with the Contractor, this guarantee shall be void and
ineffective. This guarantee shall continue in full force and effect until all the
Contractor's obligations and liabilities under the Contract have been discharged,
when this guarantee shall expire and shall be returned to us, and our liability
hereunder shall be discharged absolutely.
This guarantee shall apply and be supplemental to the Contract as amended or
varied by the Employer and the Contractor from time to time. We hereby
authorize them to agree any such amendment or variation, the due performance
of which and compliance with which by the Contractor are likewise guaranteed
hereunder. Our obligations and liabilities under this guarantee shall not be
discharged by any allowance of time or other indulgence whatsoever by the
Employer to the Contractor, or by any variation or suspension of the works to be
executed under the Contract, or by any amendments to the Contract or to the
4 - 33
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

constitution of the Contractor or the Employer, or by any other matters, whether

with or without our knowledge or consent.
This guarantee shall be governed by the law of the same country (or other
jurisdiction) as that which governs the Contract and any dispute under this
guarantee shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration provided in the
contract. We confirm that the benefit of this guarantee may be assigned subject
only to the provisions for assignment of the Contract.

Signed by: ______________________ Signed by: _______________________

(signature) (signature)

_____________________________ _______________________________
(name) (name)

______________________________ _______________________________
(position in subsidiary company) (position in subsidiary company)

Date: ______________________

Bidder will furnish parent/ subsidiary company guarantee as applicable. Failure to furnish the
Parent Company/ Subsidiary Company Guarantee(s), as appropriate, shall result in rejection
of the tender.

4 - 34
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

12 TECH 6: Undertaking of no Deviations

We, ------------------ (the bidder) have submitted bid for the contract package of ------
--------------. It is certified that we have read the bid document and have no
reservation in accepting the provisions of bid document, contract conditions, scope
and specification of works etc. We undertake that we have no deviation to the
terms and conditions of the bid document, scope of works etc. At later date, if any
deviation is observed, it shall stand withdrawn.

Signed by -------------------

On behalf of -----------------------

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Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

13 TECH 7: Undertaking for deployment of Personnel and Equipment as

per Contract Requirement

We, ------------ (the bidder) have submitted bid for the contract package of ------------
-------------------------, We undertake that we will deploy the personnel and
Equipment of required experience and qualification as per bid document
provisions and work requirement during execution of works, if work is awarded to

Signed by -------------------
On behalf of -----------------------

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Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

14 TECH 8: Draft format for Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between

Bidder and Sub-contractor for the work of -------------------{(name of key
activity(ies)} --------------

Date: _________________________
Package No.: --------------
Invitation for Bid No.: -------------------

Project Director,
RUIDP, Jaipur
We, . . . . . name of the Bidder. . . . . (hereinafter called "the Bidder") intends to submit bid
dated . . . . . . . . . (hereinafter called "the Bid") for the execution of . . . . . . . . name of
contract . . . . . . . under Invitation for Bids No. . . . . . . . . . (“the IFB”).
According to qualification requirement provided in the bid document, bidder should have
experience in ----------------(name of key activity) ----------- which, if not available with the
bidder, could be met by the sub contractor. In such case a Memorandum of Agreement
(MOA) with sub contactor is required to be submitted with the bid.
To fulfill this qualification requirement, we, -------------(name of bidder) ----- and -----------
(name of sub contractor) ------------ certify as under:
(A) I/We -------------(name of sub contractor) ---------certify that:
(i) I /We have agreed to work as sub contractor to the bidder M/s --------(name of
bidder) -------- for the work of -------(name of key activity) -------------------on the
terms and conditions agreed between us.
(ii) I/We meet the above stated qualification requirement. Required document in
support of the qualification requirement are provided to the bidder for
submission with the technical bid.
(iii) I/We will execute the above work with full due diligence as per the Employer’s
requirement and technical specifications provided in the bid document. I/We
will be fully responsible for execution of the said work/key activity.
(B) I/We -------------(bidder)-----------certify that I/We will get the above work executed
through the sub contractor M/s ------------ on the terms and conditions agreed
between us.

This Memorandum of Agreement will be valid up to the completion of the key activity and
expiry of defect liability period, as applicable.
Signed by
Bidder M/s Sub contractor M/s
Name: _________________ Name: _________________
In the capacity of: ________ In the capacity of: ________
Signed ______________ Signed ______________
Date---------------------- Date-----------------------------
Duly authorized to sign for and on behalf of Duly authorized to sign for and on behalf of

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Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

15 TECH 9: Draft Format for Memorandum of Understanding for JOINT


THIS AGREEMENT is made the ____ day of ____________ 2016, by and between:

M/s. _____________________________, having its registered office at

______________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as
‘Company A’, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning
thereof, mean and include its successors and permitted assigns)
……………………………………………………………………………………………… One


M/s. _____________________________, having its registered office at

______________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as
‘Company B’, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning
thereof, mean and include its successors and permitted assigns)
…………………………………………………………………………………………… Other Part


M/s. _____________________________, having its registered office at

______________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as
‘Company C’, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning
thereof, mean and include its successors and permitted assigns)
…………………………………………………………………………………………… Other Part

WHEREAS the Company A is carrying on the business, inter alia of _________

_____________ _________________.

Company B is carrying on the business, inter alia of ______


Company C is carrying on the business, inter alia of _______


AND WHEREAS the parties hereto have, after several consultations with each other
shown the intention to co-operate with each other and enter the Joint Venture for the work
of construction of ___________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as
‘the contract name’) for the consideration and upon the terms and conditions herein


AND WHEREAS pursuant to the aforesaid intention of the parties hereto they propose to
form a Limited Company in India under the Indian Companies Act, 2013, (hereinafter
called 'the Special Purpose Company') and register it.

AND WHEREAS the duration of the Company shall be until the stipulated or extended
completion period of the said contract.
NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED between the parties as follows:
1. Forthwith upon the execution of this agreement the parties hereto shall get
registered a Special Purpose Company under the Indian Companies Act, 2013.
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Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Also, this JV Agreement shall form part of the Memorandum and Articles of
Association and shall be laid at the first Board of Directors Meeting for the
approval. Additionally, this JV Agreement shall be part of the Memorandum and
Articles of Association of the Company. Further, the Alteration of Memorandum
and Articles of Association of the Special Purpose Company will need the prior
written approval of the Employer.
2. JV partners will be jointly and severally responsible for successful execution of the
contract. Performance of Special Purpose Company (SPC) shall be the
performance of JV partners constituting the SPC. Any non performance of SPC
shall be construed as non performance of JV partners. Employer will be eligible to
take any action against JV partners in such cases.
3. All JV partners shall compulsorily be Directors of SPC.
4. All guarantees under the contract will be provided by JV partners.
5. The roles and responsibility of individual members particularly with reference to
financial, technical and O&M obligation shall be as under:

Item Company A Company B Company C

Amount/item % Amount/item % Amount/ item %



O&M obligation

6. The rights attaching to the shares of the Company have been set out in the draft
Articles of Association referred to in Clause 1 hereof.
7. Each of the parties hereto undertakes to the other–
7.1 To perform and observe and (so far as it is able by the exercise of voting rights or
otherwise so to do) to procure that the SPC will perform and observe all the
provisions of this Agreement.
7.2 To take all necessary steps on its part to give full effect to the provisions of this
agreement, and
7.3 Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, to exercise and procure that
every person for the time being representing it will exercise or refrain from
exercising any rights of voting at any meeting of the members or of the Directors of
the SPC so as to ensure the passing of any and every resolution necessary or
desirable to procure that the affairs of the Special Purpose Company are
conducted in accordance with this agreement and otherwise to give full effect to
the provisions of this agreement and likewise so as to ensure that no resolution is
passed which does not accord with such provisions.
8. The registered office of the SPC shall be at _______________________.
9. The parties hereto agree that the share equity in the SPC shall be not less than
5% of total project costs throughout the contract period and in the following
9.1 The Company A shall hold ____ percentage (not less than 51%), and

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Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

9.2 The Company B shall hold ____ percentage (not less than 26%) of the total issued
share capital of the Special Purpose Company at any one time throughout the
period of this SPC. Other companies will hold remaining shares.
9.3 Physical responsibility of lead partner shall be _____% (not less than 40%) and
other major partner shall be _____% (not less than 20%)
9.4 The Remaining Companies, if any, shall hold remaining share capital of the
Company at any one time throughout the period of this SPC.
10. All shares issued shall be paid in full in cash and/or in kind to the Company but no
additional shares shall be issued without the prior mutual agreement of the parties
hereto. However, the parties hereto shall have pre-emptive rights in proportion to
the number of shares held by each of them with respect to any new issuance of
shares of the SPC, subject to the provisions of the Indian Company Act, 2013.
11. Neither of the parties hereto shall pledge, sell, transfer or otherwise encumber or
dispose of all or any of the shares of the Company without the prior written
consent of the Employer/Employer.
12. All the parties hereto shall be aligned with the SPC until the winding-up of the SPC
unless otherwise approved by the Employer in writing.
13. As provided in the draft Articles of Association referred to hereof the number of
Directors of the Company shall be ______ of whom ______ will be nominated by
the Company A and ______ by the Company B, remaining by other shareholding
companies respectively hereto. Before the commencement of each financial year
of the Company the Directors shall appoint one of their members to be the
Chairman of the Board throughout such financial year and the person so elected
shall be nominated in respect of alternate years by the parties hereto. The
chairman shall have a casting vote at meetings of directors or at general meetings
of the Company. The first Chairman of the Company shall be nominated from the
Company A. No director so appointed as herein provided shall be entitled to
remuneration whatsoever unless otherwise agreed by the parties hereto.
14. In the event that a director vacates his position at any time for whatsoever reason
the vacancy shall be filled by the nomination of the party whose nominated director
as aforesaid has vacated his/ her position.
15. The Board of Directors shall decide the time and venue for convening all meetings
of the Company.
16. All general meetings of the SPC shall be conducted in the language understood by
the parties hereto and/ or the shareholders of the SPC but all the minutes of such
meetings shall he written in the English language.
17. The quorum for meetings of Directors of the SPC and the procedure for
transacting business at meetings of Directors of the SPC shall be as prescribed in
the draft Articles of Association referred to in clause 1.
18. The Company A will arrange for the necessary accounting and other essential
services and facilities to be provided for the SPC on terms to be approved by the
Directors of the SPC.
19. Except with the approval of the Employer–
19.1 The SPC shall not engage in any other business than the
________________________ (contract name) ;
19.2 The SPC shall not make or incur any commitment for capital expenditure; and
19.3 The SPC shall not enter into any contract or engagement of a material nature
outside the normal course of business.

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Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

20. This Agreement shall continue to be in effect so long as the Purpose/ contract of
the SPC is accomplished/ achieved unless the same is earlier terminated as
provided here in below by prior written approval of the _____________ Employer
21. Neither the parties shall dilute their equity without the prior written approval of the
__________________ Employer. Further, any substantial change as mentioned
below shall not have any effect unless it is carried with the prior written approval of
the _____________ Employer.
22. In the event that there be any term or provision of this agreement becoming
invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect after execution hereof such
invalidity or un enforceability shall not affect any other term or provision of this
agreement and this agreement shall be interpreted and construed as if such
invalidity, illegality or unenforceability had never existed and/ or contained in this
23. The failure or delay of either party hereto to perform any obligation under this
agreement solely by reason of acts of God, acts of Governmental policies
(otherwise than provided herein) riots, wars, strikes, lockouts, accidents in
transportation and/ or such other causes beyond the party's control shall not be
deemed to be a breach of this Agreement.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, if the party is so prevented from performing as herein

stated it shall continue to take all expedient steps and/ or actions within its ability to
rectify the situation.
24. Except where the nature of the happening is such as to prevent the party from
doing so the party suffering from the acts by force majeure shall notify the other
party and a copy of the said notifying letter shall be addressed to the
_________________ Employer in writing within seven (7) days after the
occurrence of such happening.
25. This agreement shall not be construed by either party hereto as constituting each
of them the agent of the other nor the Special Purpose Company as the agent for
either of them.
26. This Agreement shall be binding upon and accrue to the benefit of the parties
hereto and their respective successors and assigns but any assignment of this
agreement by one party shall not be effective without the written consent of the
___________________ Employer.
27. The costs and expenses incidental to this Shareholder’s Agreement shall be paid
by the parties hereto but such payments shall be reimbursed by the SPC after the
execution hereof.
28. The terms and conditions, apart from those contained herein, on which the parties
has agreed to collaborate and to render necessary help in the achieving the
Purpose/ Accomplishing the Project by the Special Purpose Company by
supplying the know-how and transferring its patents and trademarks, have been
recorded in a draft of the agreement to be entered into between the Special
Purpose Company and the parties hereto and such draft which is approved by All
the parties hereto and is annexed hereto as Annexure A shall be deemed to form
part of this agreement. On the registration of the said SPC, the said draft
agreement will be got adopted by the Board of Directors of the SPC and shall be
thereafter executed by and on behalf of the SPC and the parties hereto so as to be
binding on the Company.
29. In case the SPC fails to comply with the contractual obligations and terms and
conditions in a given time frame for whatever reason may be, all share holders/
Joint Venture Partners along with SPV shall severally and jointly be held liable to
the Employer. And accordingly, the penal provisions as applicable to the SPC will
4 - 41
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

also be applicable in the same manner and to the same extent to all the
shareholders/ Joint Venture Partners along with the SPC.
30. The parties hereto covenant with each other as follows:
30.1 That it will carry out the provisions of this agreement in good faith and in the spirit it
is executed.
30.2 That it warrants and represents to the other party that it has no outstanding
commitments or obligations which would impede its ability and right to enter into
this agreement and/ or fulfill its obligations hereunder except for those disclosed in
writing at the time of the execution hereof.
30.3 That it will indemnify the other party if the aforesaid warranty and/ or
representation is found to be false or untrue and save it harmless from all
damages, fines, costs and such other expenses in consequence thereof.
30.4 That it will not engage or participate in any manner with any other party in any
venture within India which may compete and/ or be detrimental to the Special
Purpose Company's interest and wellbeing of the Company generally, and
30.5 That it will do such acts and/ or deeds as are necessary and beneficial to the
Special Purpose Company upon the request by the other party hereto.
31. The Shareholders shall not during the continuance of this agreement or at any
time thereafter divulge or disclose to any person whomsoever or make any use
whatever for his own or for whatever purpose, of any confidential information or
knowledge obtained by him as to the business or affairs of the company or as to
any trade secrets or secret processes of the company and they shall during the
continuance of this agreement hereunder also use their best endeavors to prevent
any other person from doing so. A Confidentiality Agreement could be required to
be signed any time in the future.
32. All disputes and/ or differences arising between the parties hereto with regard to
this agreement including Annexure A hereto or the duties, powers or liabilities or
either party hereunder or with regard to the construction of any clause hereof or
any act or thing to be done in pursuance thereof or arising out of anything herein
contained whether during the continuance of this agreement or upon or after its
termination by any act of either party hereto or otherwise shall be referred to a
single Arbitrator in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Arbitration &
Conciliation Act, 1996.
33. Any notice required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be in writing and may
be given by the personal service or by electronic transmissions to the parties
hereto at their addresses specified below:

To the Company A: ____________________

To the Company B: ____________________

To the Company C: ____________________

and any such notice given shall be deemed to have been received by either of the
parties hereto within fourteen (14) days after it has been posted and if it is sent by
electronic transmission it shall be deemed to have been received within forty eight
hours after it has been transmitted. For the purpose of showing proof of posting
and/ or transmitting it shall be sufficient to produce a letter, a telex, a cable and/ or
a telefax message containing the notice and properly addressed, posted and/ or
transmitted to the party intended therefor.
4 - 42
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

The said notices shall also be copied to _______________ Employer in the same
manner as mentioned above.
To the Employer: _________________________
This agreement shall be construed and shall take effect in accordance with the law in
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by
each of the duly authorized representatives as appearing below:-

Signed by )
For and on behalf of
_________________________ )

in the presence of: )

Name :

Signed by )
For and on behalf of ) ________________________________
in the presence of: ) Name :
______________________ ) Designation:

4 - 43
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

16 TECH 10: Draft format for Undertaking for RUIDP Eligibility

(Bidder or each partner of JV will submit separate undertaking in support of this

I/We ---------------------------------(name of bidder) (the Bidder/ JV partner of bidding

entity) undertake and certify that we have not been blacklisted/ debarred by LSG/
RUIDP/ UDH or its departments; effective as on bid submission date.

Place: ------------------- Signed by:

Date: --------------------- ---------------------------
(Name of authorized representative)
Name of bidder

Attested by:

(Notary Public)

4 - 44
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

A. Preamble to Bill of Quantities

1. The Bill of Quantities (BOQ) shall be read in conjunction with the Instructions to Bidders,
General and Particular Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Drawings.

2. The quantities given in the BOQ are estimated and provisional, and are given to provide a
common basis for bidding. The basis of payment will be the actual quantities of work ordered
and carried out, as measured by the Contractor and verified by the Employer’s Representative,
and valued at the rates and prices bid in the priced BOQ, where applicable, and otherwise at
such rates and prices as the Employer’s Representative may fix within the terms of the

3. The rates and prices bid in the priced Bill of Quantities shall, except as otherwise provided
under the Contract, include all construction equipment, labor, supervision, materials, surveying,
setting out, erection, maintenance, all lead and lift, insurance, profit, taxes, and duties, together
with all general risks, liabilities, and obligations set out or implied in the Contract.

4. General directions and descriptions of work and Materials are not necessarily repeated nor
summarized in the Bill of Quantities. References to the relevant sections of the Contract
documentation shall be made before entering prices against each item in the priced Bill of

5. The method of execution and measurement of completed work for payment shall be in
accordance to the respective procedures provided in the Technical Specifications or Particular
Specifications under this Contract and in the absence of which shall be in accordance to the
relevant BIS Standard and Standard Specification of the State of Rajasthan or Standard
Specification published by the Central Public Works Department, Government of India as the
case may be.

6. Rock is defined as all material that, in the opinion of the Employer’s Representative, require
blasting, or the use of metal wedges and sledgehammers, or the use of compressed air drilling
for their removal, and that cannot be extracted by ripping with a tractor of at least 150 brake
horsepower (BHP) with a single, rear-mounted, heavy-duty ripper.

7. All defective works are liable to be demolished, rebuilt and defective materials replaced by the
contractor at his own cost and time
8. In view of the site location and their prevailing condition, it is mandatory to the Contractor to
visit the site and make himself thoroughly familiar with the site conditions, access and account
for all possible difficulties and other requirements mentioned elsewhere in his bid prior to
submission. When a contractor submits his bid for this work, it will be considered that he has
quoted for this work with full and complete knowledge of the site and prevailing conditions, and
no claim for additional compensation shall be entertained on this account.
9. Description of items in this BOQ is by itself not complete, and for a full description the BOQ
should be read together with the Technical Specifications and Drawings. Rates quoted in the
BOQ are deemed to have included all aspects covered in the Preamble and Technical
Specifications, and all features and details shown in the Drawings.

10. The Bidder shall, in the course of studying the bid document, point out all his/her remarks on
the documents and make all his/her queries to the Employer who will study these remarks and
clarify any discrepancy between the Bidding Documents.

11. Submissions shall be strictly in accordance with the documents and shall not be qualified in
any way. The Bidder shall not alter the text of the BOQ.
12. Extra and excess items of work shall not vitiate the Contract. The Contractor shall be bound to
execute extra items of work as directed by the Engineer. The rates for extra items will be as
per rates decided under Contract Conditions.

4 - 45
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

13. For the evaluation process, if requested by the Evaluation Committee, the Contractor shall
provide a sheet analysis for all priced items showing how the rate entered was derived.

14. The rates shall be deemed to include all the cost of Works described in the Bidding Documents
to operate, maintain and manage the sewerage system and services in Sawai Madhopur as
per the scope of work.

15. The Bidder shall satisfy himself/herself as to the meaning of every item in the BOQ. The rates
and prices inserted in the BOQ by the bidder shall be deemed to cover all costs, taxes,
customs and import duties, levies, profits, risks, liabilities, insurance and obligations set forth or
implied in the bid, as well as proper operation, maintenance and management of the Works
including, but not limited to the following:
(i) All labour and Materials including consumables;
(ii) All temporary work of every description required including over ground pumping and
other requirements to avoid disruption to the service whilst maintenance or repair
work is carried out;
(iii) The provision and use of all equipment, tools and Plant of every kind, whether
mechanical or non-mechanical, required for the expeditious carrying out of the Works
in their proper sequence;
(iv) Provision for scaffolding, staging, guard rails, temporary stairs, temporary access
during execution, approach roads up to the Site for the movement of vehicles, and
heavy excavation machinery with supporting transport facility;
(v) Provision for excavation, back-filling, bringing to the Site extra fill for back-fill, making
good and reinstating surfaces, disposing of surplus material, dealing with all ground
water and wastewater flows, and for work in close proximity to other utility apparatus
including protecting that apparatus;
(vi) Provision for work on pipe line corridors such as traffic control measures, safety
barriers, obtaining any approvals and permits from authorities, and reinstatement of
(vii) Cooperation and coordination of the work with related authorities, other contractors
and utilities, including obtaining their permission before starting the related Works if
required; and
(viii) Providing security arrangements to guard the Site and premises at all times and to
maintain strict control on the movement of Materials and labor until the completion of
the work.
(ix) Tender drawings are indicative only. Contractor shall submit drawings as per design
requirement and as per BOQ items for approval by Engineer.

Excise exemption/ custom duty exemption certificates in the format provided in the Bid
document will be issued in favour of named supplier proposed by the Contractor.

16. All electricity costs and initial connection charges etc associated with operations shall be paid
by PHED/SMC directly to the electricity service provider. The power connections shall be
obtained in the name of PHED/SMC, the charges of which will be paid by PHED/RUIDP/ SMC
directly to electricity department or reimbursed under provisional sum if paid by the Contractor.

17. The serviceable materials, recovered while shifting of utilities as ascertained by the Engineer,
shall be deposited at designated store yards or as directed by the Engineer. No payment shall
be made to the Contractor in this regard.

18. Works itemized in the BOQ will be subject to measurement. Such measurement will be in the
unit of measurement shown the BOQ and payment shall be made on the measured quantities.

19. Any item of work which is specified and required for the proper operation, maintenance and
management of Works, but not included or itemized in the BOQ, shall be treated as an extra
item and will be paid separately.

20. All rules and regulations of the labor department, contract labor Laws, provident fund and
employee state insurance and connected Laws, and all other Laws of the land are to be
complied with by the Bidder within the quoted rates.

4 - 46
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

21. PHED/ SMC will provide required space for construction of service centers, office and stores
may be in campuses or at suitable locations. No land will be provided by the Employer to the
Contractor for constructing any structure for his labor, workman and supervisory camps, un-
authorized hutments, at the Site or within the premises. The Contractor shall make his/her own
arrangements for the same outside the premises/boundary. These, if any, shall be with the
knowledge of and prior approval of the Employer’s Representative.

22. The Provisional Sum included and so designated in the BOQ/ Letter of Price Bid shall be
expended in whole or in part at the direction and discretion of the Employer’s Representative in
accordance with the Conditions of Contract. It will be used by the Employer’s Representative
for nominated sub-contractors, line agencies, and installation of power connections/ power
feeder by the electricity department, third party inspecting agencies, charges levied by
statutory electrical, telephone, or other authorities, or for other miscellaneous works. The use
of the Provisional Sum will also be for relocation of utilities above or underground that conflict
with the existing or permanent line or level of the Works, independent sampling and laboratory
testing, as directed by the Employer’s Representative, replacement or compensation for plants
and trees removed due to the Works etc as, IEC activities, incentive to consumer for physical
sewer connections etc or as directed by the Employer’s Representative.

23. Operation Service costs, which include operation, maintenance and management of entire
system, shall not be less than 10% of design build costs. If bidder’s evaluated bid price for
Operation Service Cost is less than the cost proposed above, Operation Service Costs will be
increased and design build costs will be accordingly reduced to keep the evaluated amount of
entire scope of services same. Adjustment for such amount shall be done by Employer in
consultation with the successful bidder before award of contract.

24. Metric System and Abbreviations

Millilitre ml
Million Litres per Day mld
Million Litre ML
Litre ltr
Linear meter m
Gram gm
Square metre m
Cubic metre m
Number No.
Kilogram kg
Lump Sum LS
Indian Rupees Rs
Millimetre mm
Square Centimetre cm
Square Millimetre mm

25. The abbreviations used in the Specification and BOQ shall be read as follows:

IS Indian Standard
BHP Brake Horsepower
BS British Standard
Cm or CM or cm Centimeter
Cum or CUM Cubic Meter
MM or mm Millimeter /s
Rm or RM or RMT Running Meters
Sqm Square Meters
SqKm Square Kilometers
Qty. Quantity
Drg. Drawing
No. or Nos. Number or Numbers
PCC Plain Cement Concrete
RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete
Rs. Indian Rupees

4 - 47
Section-4: Bidding Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

B. Bill of Quantities

Provided in Part 2

4 - 48
Section 5:
Eligible Countries
Section –5 : Eligible Countries Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Section 5 - Eligible Countries

This section is deleted….

Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Section 6 : Employer’s Requirement Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Section 6 – Employer’s Requirements

This Section contains the Scope of Services, Specifications, Drawings, supplementary

information that describes the existing system, Personnel Requirements and Equipment

Table of Contents

6.1 Scope of Services

6.2 Specifications

6.2.1 Standard Specifications (RUIDP Publication, available on RUIDP website)

6.2.2 Particular Technical Specifications (Part I – Volume 2)

6.3 Drawings (Part I – Volume 3)

6.4 Supplementary Information

6.5 Personnel Requirements

6.6 Equipment Requirements

6.7 Environmental & Social Management Plan

Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01


Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01


Table of Contents
1. CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. DEFINITIONS....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. PROGRAM BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................... 4
1.3. PROJECT OBJECTIVE ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.4. INTRODUCTION OF PROJECT TOWN .................................................................................................. 5
1.5. EXISTING SEWERAGE SYSTEM IN PROJECT CITY ................................................................................ 5
1.6. EMPLOYER’S REQUIREMENTS DURING DESIGN-BUILD ..................................................................... 5
1.6.1. Confidentiality ................................................................................................................................. 7
1.6.2. Codes and Standards ....................................................................................................................... 7
1.6.3. Design Responsibilities .................................................................................................................... 7
1.6.4. General Principles ............................................................................................................................ 8
1.7. SCOPE OF SERVICES: SCOPE OF CONTRACT FOR DESIGN BUILD PERIOD ........................................ 12
1.8. THE SUMMARY OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE CONTRACT ................................................................... 13
1.9. SCOPE OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PHASE ........................................................................ 14
1.9.1. Operating Obligations for the Works ............................................................................................ 15
1.9.2. General .......................................................................................................................................... 15
1.9.3. Tests to Be Carried Out During O&M Period ................................................................................. 18
1.11. SIP SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................ 19
1.12. PHASING OF CONTRACT ................................................................................................................ 21
1.12.1. Mobilization Period ..................................................................................................................... 21
1.12.2. Preparatory Period (Preparation of design during preparatory period) ..................................... 21
1.12.3. Design Refinement ...................................................................................................................... 22
1.12.4. Deliverable Documents for SIP .................................................................................................... 22
1.12.5. Operating and Management related Deliverable ....................................................................... 22
1.13. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ......................................................................................................... 23
1.13.1. Methodology for Measurement of Performance Standards....................................................... 23
1.14. METHODOLOGY FOR SITE ACQUAINTANCE .................................................................................. 23
1.14.1. Survey and Mapping .................................................................................................................... 24
1.14.2. Pre-Construction Surveys and Setting Out .................................................................................. 24
1.14.3. Working Drawings ....................................................................................................................... 25
1.14.4. As-Built Drawings and GIS Data Creation .................................................................................... 26
1.14.5. Construction Program and Progress of Works ............................................................................ 27
1.15. WASTE WATER COLLECTION SYSTEM............................................................................................ 27
Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

1.16. DESIGN CRITERIA FOR DESIGN OF SEWERAGE NETWORK ............................................................ 28

1.16.1. Design Criteria Adopted .............................................................................................................. 28
1.17. SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT DESIGN REQUIREMENT .................................................................. 30
1.18. CIVIL STRUCTURES DESIGN REQUIREMENTS................................................................................. 32
1.18.1. Design Submissions ..................................................................................................................... 33
1.18.2. Design Standards ......................................................................................................................... 33
1.18.3. Design Life ................................................................................................................................... 34
1.18.4. Design Loads ................................................................................................................................ 34
1.18.5. Dead Load .................................................................................................................................... 34
1.18.6. Live Load ...................................................................................................................................... 34
1.18.7. Wind Load .................................................................................................................................... 34
1.18.8. Earthquake Load .......................................................................................................................... 34
1.18.9. Dynamic Load .............................................................................................................................. 34
1.18.10. Equipment Loads ..................................................................................................................... 35
1.18.11. Crane Loads ............................................................................................................................. 35
1.18.12. Temperature Load ................................................................................................................... 35
1.18.13. Individual Members Load ........................................................................................................ 35
1.19. Civil Works Technical Requirements ............................................................................................. 35
1.19.1. Partly/Fully Underground Liquid Retaining Structures- Basis for Design .................................... 36
1.19.2. Foundations ................................................................................................................................. 36
1.19.3. Requirements for Reinforced and Plain Concrete Works (Structures) ....................................... 37
1.19.4. Requirements for Building Works ............................................................................................... 38
1.19.5. Concrete Reinforcement ............................................................................................................. 41
1.19.6. Joints ............................................................................................................................................ 42
1.19.7. Reservoir and Pump House ......................................................................................................... 42
1.19.8. Safety Equipment ........................................................................................................................ 45
1.19.9. Boundary Wall ............................................................................................................................. 47
1.20. Design criteria for Instrumentation AND Control Systems ........................................................... 47
1.20.1. Instrumentation System .............................................................................................................. 47
1.20.2. PLC System................................................................................................................................... 48
1.20.3. Functional Design Specification (FDS, Sequence of Operation) .................................................. 49
1.20.4. Power Supply ............................................................................................................................... 49
1.20.5. Voltages ....................................................................................................................................... 50
1.20.6. Control System Protection .......................................................................................................... 50
1.20.7. Instrumentation Power Supply Cables and Instrumentation Signal Cables ................................ 50
1.20.8. SURVEILLANCE CCTV SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 50
1.20.9. Submittals .................................................................................................................................... 51
Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

1.20.10. Reference Standards ............................................................................................................... 53

1.21. REQUIRMENT FOR SEWER NETWORK ........................................................................................... 53
1.21.1. SCOPE OF WORK & CONTRACTUAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................. 53
1.22. ROAD RESTORATION ..................................................................................................................... 57
1.22.1. Provisions of road restoration - Sewer ........................................................................................ 57
1.22.2. For laying Sewer on CC Road ....................................................................................................... 58
1.23. SIP IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................................................... 58
1.23.1. Customer Survey ......................................................................................................................... 58
1.23.2. Management Information System .............................................................................................. 59
1.23.3. Billing and Revenue Collection responsibility.............................................................................. 59
1.23.4. Electricity Consumption............................................................................................................... 59
1.23.5. Maintaining Performance Standards........................................................................................... 59
1.23.6. Periodic Reports .......................................................................................................................... 60
1.23.7. Employer’s Representative's Site Office ...................................................................................... 61
1.23.8. Survey Equipment and Field Assistance to the Employer’s Representative ............................... 61
1.23.9. Safety Equipment to the Employer’s Representative ................................................................. 62
1.23.10. Contractor's Offices, Stores and Services ................................................................................ 62
1.23.11. First Aid at Office and work site .............................................................................................. 62
1.23.12. Testing Facilities, Laboratory ................................................................................................... 62
1.23.13. Site Safety ................................................................................................................................ 63
1.23.14. Protection of Overhead and Underground Services ............................................................... 63
1.23.15. Signboards ............................................................................................................................... 64
1.23.16. Site Drainage............................................................................................................................ 64
1.23.17. Detours and Traffic Control ..................................................................................................... 64
1.23.18. Provision of Temporary Services ............................................................................................. 66
1.23.19. Protection of Adjoining Property and Reinstatement upon Completion ................................ 66
1.23.20. Coordination with Other Authorities ...................................................................................... 66
1.23.21. Submissions by the Contractor................................................................................................ 67
1.23.22. Quality Control ........................................................................................................................ 67
1.23.23. Sampling and Testing............................................................................................................... 68
1.23.24. Inspection and Acceptance...................................................................................................... 69
1.23.25. Site Records ............................................................................................................................. 71
1.23.26. Daily Log Book ......................................................................................................................... 72
1.23.27. Separation of Water and Sewer lines ...................................................................................... 72
1.23.28. Sectional Tests ......................................................................................................................... 73
1.24. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (MIS) .............................................................................. 74
1.24.1. Key Objectives ............................................................................................................................. 74
Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

1.24.2. Scope of Work ............................................................................................................................. 75

1.24.3. Use of Technology ....................................................................................................................... 76
1.24.4. Contractor’s key responsibilities for MIS..................................................................................... 76
1.24.5. Customer Services ....................................................................................................................... 80
Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

The words, terms and expressions beginning with capital letters and defined under this Section 6.1
including those in Section 7 - General Conditions of Contract and those in Section 8 – Particular
Conditions of Contract shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meanings as described
thereto / herein:

a) “Battery Limits” shall mean the boundary within which the Contractor has the responsibility of
providing services in accordance to the terms and conditions under this Contract;

b) “SWMC” means Sawai Madhopur Municipal Corporation;

c) “Customer Relation Management Centers” means the special centers, planned and established
by the Contractor to provide commercial and public relations services to Customers;

d) “Customer or Consumer” means the registered user of the water supplied through the meter at
the private tap;

e) “Contract Commencement Date” means the stipulated date of commencement of contract

indicated in Notice To Proceed (NTP). NTP is issued after signing of the agreement or as
decided by the Employer.

f) “Contract Completion” means the Contract Completion Date as mentioned in the Contract
Completion Certificate issued by the Employer’s Representative to the contractor on fulfillment
of his obligations in respect of both the Design-Build and the Operation Service;

g) “Contract Date” means the date on which the contract is signed;

h) “Contractor” means the agency responsible for Design Build & Operating & Maintaining the
entire waste water system as specified in Scope of work and in Section 6;

i) “Contractor's Personnel” means personnel hired and deployed by the Contractor under
provision of Works and Services but excluding the Sawai Madhopur (SWMC) or PHED Personnel;

j) “CPHEEO” means the Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization
under the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India;

k) “Critical Measurement Points” means the locations agreed for undertaking measurement for
facilitating the monitoring of minimum Service levels stipulated in Clause of Performance

l) “Design Build Period” means the period commencing from contract commencement date to
completion of design and construction testing commissioning and trial runs of the permanent

m) “Development Period” has the same meaning as Design Build Period;

n) “Electricity Department” means the local service provider supplying electricity for facilitating
Operation of the facilities;

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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

o) “Employer’s Representative means” concern Superintending Engineer / Executive Engineer, PIU,

Sawai Madhopur or as nominated by the Employer from time to time.

p) “ESR” means Elevated Service Reservoir; OHSR (Over Head Service Reservoir), OHT (Over
Head Tank) has the same meaning as ESR;

q) “Existing Assets” means infrastructure components, plant, machinery, equipment and any other units
existing at the site as on the Commencement Date in the Employers Representative -ship of the
Employers Representative of Assets;
r) “EPS” means Effluent Pumping Station;

s) “Government Agencies” means all those agencies comprising of local, state and central
government authorities directly or indirectly connected to provision of water and waste water
collection services to the customers in Sawai Madhopur;

t) “Mandatory Works” means, works which are listed in the Bill of Quantities and are required to be
constructed, installed or erected and commissioned and/or rehabilitated including those during
Operation and Maintenance period and in line with the provisions of this Contract unless such
works require change of scope or design as agreed, as part of the works;

u) “Minimum Service Levels" means the levels of service to be maintained in the operations,
maintenance and management and service delivery to Customers, described in Clause of
Performance Standards as per Section 8 of the Bid Document;

v) “Minor Maintenance” means routine preventive or corrective maintenance works such as minor
repair, reconditioning, or replacement of spare parts to ensure serviceability of existing and new
infrastructure assets procured and installed by the Contractor including, pipes, electrical
equipment, flow meters, pressure monitoring equipment, and Customer meters, starter panel,
electro-mechanical equipment etc.;

w) “Mobilization Period” means the period in which activities defined in Section 6 would be completed.
It is the period commencing from the Contract Commencement Date and extends up to limit
mentioned further in this document;

x) “New Assets” means infrastructure components, plant, machinery, equipment and any other units
procured, supplied, installed, erected and commissioned by the Contractor during the
Implementation period other than those existing on the site as on the Commencement Date;

y) “Operating Payments” means the eligible payments towards operation, maintenance, repairs and
service delivery after meeting the stipulated performance indicators;

z) “Performance Standards” mean the Minimum Service Levels to be achieved and maintained
during Contract period set forth in Section 8 of the bid document;

aa) “PHED” means the Public Health Engineering Department, GoR;

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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

bb) “Planned Maintenance” means activities required to undertake preventive maintenance of any or all
assets existing or proposed to be installed under the Contract and /or those taken over for operations
under this contract;

cc) “PMDSC” means the Consultant for Project Management Design and Supervision Consultancy as
appointed by the Employer;

dd) “Preparatory Period” or “Service Improvement Plan Preparation Period” is the period
commencing from the Contract Commencement Date up to the time as specified in this
document during which time the Contractor will prepare the Service Improvement Plan (SIP);

ee) "Project" means “Waste Water System for Sawai Madhopur”;

ff) “Project Report” means the Reports of Sawai Madhopur Waste Water System;

gg) “Release Event” shall mean an event such as non-availability of electricity etc., or an event of force
hh) “RUIDP” means Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project or its successor agency and
is synonymous with “Employer”

ii) “RUSDP” means Rajasthan Urban Sector Development Program;

jj) “SBR” means Sequential Batch Reactor;

kk) “Scheduled Design Build Completion Date” or “SDBCD” shall mean the date by which the
construction of all the Works as per the agreed Service Improvement Plan are to be completed,
commissioned and certified by the Employer’s Representative;

ll) “Schedules or Schedule” means the schedules forming part of this contract, or any one of them, as
the context requires;

mm) “Scope of Services” shall mean all those services to be provided by the Contractor in accordance
to the obligations, activities, responsibilities and tasks in implementing the contract;

nn) “Service Area” means the area where Contractor and/or RUIDP or its successors is responsible for
collection of sewerage from the Customers;

oo) “Sewerage Charges" shall mean the charges of sewerage services to the customers payable to the
SWMC /ULB as fixed by the SWMC/ULB from time to time;

pp) “Services” means all those activities, interventions, actions and tasks required as part of the
implementation of design built works including all planning, design, detailed engineering,
procurement, construction, rehabilitation and operations, maintenance, and management in
sewerage services to the Customers in Sawai Madhopur; including all those activities as defined
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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

in the Scope of Services;

qq) “SIP” mean Service Improvement Plan proposed by the Contractor and approved by Employer’s

rr) “SNI” means Sewerage Network Improvement; “STP” means Sewage Treatment Plant;


Government of Rajasthan has approved a Project cum Program Loan of US$500 million under RUIDP
Phase III as a Sector Development Program (SDP). SDP has two components- Project Loan and
Program Loan. Under Project Loan of US$250 million (with project costs of US$360 million including
State counterpart of US$110million), Water management works in six cities namely Sri-
Ganganagar, Hanumangarh, Jhunjhunu, Pali, Bhilwara and Tonk shall be taken up. The Program
Loan of $250 million shall be used for policy reforms and urban development in the state and
Sawai Madhopur with other town has been taken up under program loan.

As per agreed scope of Program Loan, works under Sewerage in the program will include expansion of the
sewerage network, including property connections;

The major scope of works in this scheme shall include

Sewerage System

a) Construction of the sewerage network, including property connections and all ancillary works;

b) Up gradation of existing 10 MLD Sewage Treatment Plant to meet the latest CPCB effluent disposal
norms at Sawai Madhopur;


The Program Objective of Rajasthan Urban Sector Development Program is to improve the economic
development by providing the infrastructure and service in the sewerage sector. The improvement of
quality of life and thereby effective contribution of beneficiary people in the economic activity is
expected. The project therefore focuses on service delivery along with the creation of quality assets
and service delivery monitoring systems. Objective of the project is to collect all sewage generated
within Sawai Madhopur town through sewerage network and upgrading the existing STP to discharge
treated effluent to meet latest CPCB norms (April 2015) is also considered within the scope of project.

The project objective also includes the following measures in form of

 Environmental and

 Social measures

Services under this contract are divided in three parts. Division is only to facilitate easy understanding
of the scope, proper estimations, and for better planning for execution of the project. Bidder has to
include in his offer the entire scope of Services needed for achieving the objectives and the intentions
of the project and of the Programs.

 Service Improvement Plan (SIP) Preparation (Survey, Investigation about underlying

utilities/strata, accessibility etc., Methodology for project execution, Project Works Design
Submissions and Approval including attending the Environmental and Social measures)

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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

 Design & Build (Design, Construction and commissioning of the project components,
including continual designs submissions and approval as per the project methodology
approved during SIP preparation)

 Operating & Maintenance


Sawai Madhopur Town is located 26/01’ north latitude and 77/22’ longitude at an altitude of 266.00
meters above mean sea level and is very well connected with Delhi-Mumbai broad gauge railway line. A
broad gauge railway line also links it with Jaipur. State Highway No.30 links with Bundi and Kota. The
old town is located in a narrow valley carved out amidst the hill. It is thus surrounded by hills from all
The Maharaja Sawai Madho Singh of Jaipur founded Sawai Madhopur Town on grid Iron pattern, similar
to City Jaipur. In 1944 Mirza Ismail the then Prime Minister of Jaipur State started its development of
main town named after Sawai Man Singh II. Sawai Madhopur is a city and Municipal Corporation (Nagar
Parishad) in the Sawai Madhopur district in the Indian state of Rajasthan. It is the administrative
headquarters of the district. The region is hot and dry with scanty rains. The average temperature varies
from 28°C to 49°C in summer and 2°C to 25°C in winter. As of 2011 India census, Sawai Madhopur had
a population of 121,106.
At present, ground water is the single source of water in Sawai Madhopur. As per PHED, presently in
Sawai Madhopur, 97 bore wells & 08 open wells are extracting 118 lakhs liters of water and water supply
rate is 67.72 LPCD. The water supply rate is likely to increase with completion of Chambal -Sawai
Madhopur-Nadoti Scheme. Under this scheme, 36.6 million liters of water per day is proposed from
intake well at Chambal River for Sawai Madhopur.


Sawai Madhopur city has partial underground sewerage system. About 80 Km of sewer network has been
laid and construction of 10 MLD STP is already completed under Rajasthan Urban Sector Development
Investment Program (RUSDIP) project. The coverage of present sewerage network system is limited to 15
municipal wards (No. 1 to 11, 14 and 43 to 45) of Man town area i.e. north–west area of Sawai Madhopur.
For providing sewerage system for which the area of the town has been divided in 7 zones according to
topography as well as to accommodate whole town with respect to join by gravity with the existing outfall
Under the present proposal, areas lying under Zones 1 to 7 are considered for providing sewerage system.
The Zone-7, named as Man town area has already laid sewer lines under RUSDIP scheme join to existing
outfall sewer by gravity flow. However left out areas of zone-7 having dense population has been
considered for the project.
The topography of the balance Zones is also permitting to propose sewer network joining to existing
system by gravity flow.
However a portion of Zone 2 & 4 having scattered low density population and the terrain of the portions
cannot be join existing system by gravity and cannot be justified as per present scenario.


This part describes extent of works and Employer’s requirements for works in brief. The contract
includes survey, investigation, design, construction, supply, installation, testing and commissioning,
trial run, operation of Works after commissioning date and thereafter Operation and Maintenance
services for 10 years for the entire works from commissioning date upto contract completion date and
as per the stipulations of the bid document.

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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

The contractor shall ensure the technical feasibility of the offer submitted after visiting the site. It
must be clearly understood that as the Contract is “Design-Build-Operate Contract” the Contractor
shall be required to design and execute every such item(s) of work(s) which are considered
required or necessary for the satisfactory completion and functioning of the entire work,
commissioning of pipeline, Operation and Maintenance during 10 years O&M period etc. even if
such items of work are not specified in this bid document, but are essential to complete the works.

The Scope of work includes but is not restricted to all necessary topographical survey, property
survey, geo-technical investigations and other site investigations, functional planning, , sewer
pipelines, , preparation of design report, and testing o f m a t e r i a l s at places of manufacturer,
painting, packing, transport, delivery, supply, storage, erection, building – in, setting to work,
commissioning, testing, painting, lining and finishing after erection of all works, including pumps,
pumping installations, machinery apparatus, flow meters at various installations, station pipe work,
lifting, handling and ventilation equipment, electrical equipment instrumentation, automation
including SCADA control, lighting systems, earthing and lighting protection systems, materials,
articles, fittings and accessories, ancillaries, ancillary works, enabling works of all kind and
nature required for installations of the highest possible operative standards and for compliance with
the standards prescribed in the specification and with the particulars and guarantees entered by the
contractor in the schedules.

The Contractor shall, to the maximum extent practical and feasible, endeavor to standardize on the
manufacturing and supply of Plant and equipment so as to minimize the maintenance requirements.
The Contractor shall ensure that his designs are "maintenance friendly" and that all items of Plant and
equipment are designed and installed in a manner which will facilitate routine and periodic
maintenance operations.

All works, plants, equipment etc. shall also conform to specifications incorporated in the bid

All materials and services required for procurement of the whole works shall be provided by the
Contractor. Thus, the works included under this contract require survey, investigation, design,
inspection, supply, installation and commissioning within 30 months from contract commencement
date and Operation and Maintenance for ten (10) years from commissioning date till issue of contract
completion certificate.

The Employer/Employers Representative provides drawings for lump sum works as reference in the
Bid. The Contractor shall review Employer/Employers Representative’s data, designs and come
up with its own designs for the Sewerage network, suggested / allowed by the Employer/
Employers Representative. The changes in the suggested that include technical; allowed alignments
etc. shall be considered only due to compelling site conditions or unforeseen technical reasons,
subject to the approval of the Employer/ Employers Representative or its authorized representative.

The designs and drawings as formulated by the Contractor shall be subject to approval by the
Employer/ Employers Representative as part of SIP.

The Contractor shall be responsible for any discrepancies, errors or omissions in the specifications,
drawings and other technical documents, desired output/performance of the Works, whether
specifications, drawings and other documents have been approved by the Employer/Employers
Representative or not, provided that such discrepancies, errors or omissions are not because of
inaccurate information furnished in writing to the Contractor by or on behalf of the Employer
Representative. Contractor shall not deviate from the specifications prescribed by the Employer
Representative unless the proposed changes will result in better performance and cost effectiveness.
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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

1.6.1. Confidentiality
The Contractor shall keep confidential and shall not, without the written consent of the
Employer/Employers Representative, divulge to any Third Party any documents, data or other
information arising directly or indirectly from the performance of Services under the Contract, whether
such information has been furnished prior to, during or following termination of the Contract.
Notwithstanding to the General Conditions of Contract, the Contractor may furnish to its Sub-
Contractors such documents, data and other information to the extent required for the Sub-
Contractors to perform their work under the Contract, in which event the Contractor shall obtain from
such Sub-Contractors an undertaking of confidentiality similar to that imposed on the Contractor.

The Contractor shall not use such documents, data and other information received from the
Employer/Employers Representative for any purpose other than the Services as are required for the
performance of the Contract. The Contractor shall not publish, permit to be published, or disclose any
particulars of the Services, Site or The Works in any trade or technical paper or advertising materials
without the prior written consent of the Employer/Employers Representative.

1.6.2. Codes and Standards

Wherever references are made in the Contract to codes and standards, in accordance with which the
Contract shall be executed, the edition or the revised version of such codes and standards 30 days
prior to the Submission Deadline shall apply unless otherwise specified. During Contract execution,
any changes in such codes and standards shall be applied after approval by the Employers

1.6.3. Design Responsibilities

The Contractor’s design and design-related services shall include the following including also as
mentioned elsewhere in the bid document, but not limited to the following:
Investigation and assessment of the design requirements taking into cognizance of the indicative
results of the assets condition assessment study

Site investigation and data collection including geotechnical assessment, soil analysis, underlying
utilities etc. for the design and construction of the structures required for the Sewerage Network;
Contractor uses the population data/projections for per capita wastewater production assumptions by
the Employer’s Representative. Selection, adoption and detailed engineering designs for the most
appropriate techno economically feasible cost effective pumping configuration, network alignment and
network installation process ensuring that the sewerage system meets with the standards prescribed
by the MOEF/ CPHEEO/ CPCB as may be applicable. The hydraulic designs shall use computer
based approved/proven software.

Preparation of Hydraulic Flow Diagram (HFD)/ schematic/ preliminary design documents to illustrate
the scale and character of the Design-Build Services and how the units of the process-adopted
functionally relate to each other;

Preparation of design documents, based on the approved HFD/ schematic design documents
accepted by the Employer’s Representative, consisting of drawings and other documents appropriate
to the size of the proposed works to describe the character of the proposed works including
architectural, mechanical, civil works, and electrical systems, instrumentation & SCADA, materials,
operations, landscaping, and such other elements as may be appropriate.

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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

1.6.4. General Principles

 The Contractor shall carryout all works, wholly, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
contract to fulfill the requirement of the project. All the materials used and the equipment installed
shall be as per the specifications defined in the contract.

 The Contractor shall conduct site investigations, execute the basic and detailed design and
Engineering work in compliance with the provisions of the Contract, or where not so specified, in
accordance with good Engineering practice followed internationally.

 The design parameters of various component stated in the Employer’s Requirement, General
Technical Specifications and Standard Specifications are indicative and are for guiding the bidder

i. The Contractor shall design all components of the system as per the Obligation table provided
in the bid document to meet the minimum requirements and specifications stated in
Employer’s Requirement, General Technical Specifications and Standard Specifications of

 The Contractor shall supply all plants, construction materials, manufactured goods, labor,
machineries, equipment, etc. necessary for the installation of the works in accordance with
Employer’s Requirement and Specifications. The said plants and materials shall include, but not
limited to the following:

i. All pipes, fittings, valves and accessories required for the pipelines and up-gradation units of
treatment plant etc.

ii. All mechanical equipment, accessories and instrumentations

iii. All electrical equipment, accessories and instrumentations

iv. All SCADA and related Automation components.

v. All materials for concrete, grout, block work mortar and similar products,

vi. Paint, whitewash, sealing compounds, painting repair material including primer, etc.

vii. Steel reinforcement.

viii. All materials, forms and appurtenances.

ix. All materials required for street and roadway resurfacing, and other road r e s t o r a t i o n ,
restoration and/or correction to existing pipes, reconstruction of drains and sewers, etc.

x. All materials including water, required for testing, flushing and chlorinating of pipelines.

xi. All machineries, equipment and labor required for installations of the works.

xii. All materials used for permanent installation in the works shall be new and shall conform to
the respective clauses of the specifications and if not specified they shall conform to good
standards of construction practice.

 Employer reserve the right to construct any work or any part thereof on, over, under, in or through
the site. Employer may use or occupy any part of the permanent work.

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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Generally the following activities shall be carried out for each component of this contract
but shall not be limited to:

 Detail survey and investigations to be done for design of the whole system including survey for
work including GIS Development and mapping of Proposed Sewerage Network, including
preparation of L-sections based on survey along the proposed Sewer pipeline alignment and
submission of L-section of the proposed pipeline to be laid for approval of Employer’s

 Conducting required soil/ strata investigations as per specifications for Proposed Sewerage
Network and all other civil works in all type of soil conditions. The Contractor is also required
to prepare and submit the layout plans of all the components of the Works.

 Conducting underground utilities survey with geo-radar or other suitable technology with physical
verification of the survey data and marking utilities on the digital map with detailing of utilities and
their locations in plan as well as depth below from ground surface. Any damages caused due to
survey/ verification of survey data shall be repaired well in original condition and no payment for
repairing shall be made to contractor.

 All designs shall conform to latest Indian Standard (I.S.) Specifications and Codes of Practice
unless otherwise specified in the Bid Specifications. The design standards adopted shall follow
the best modern engineering practice in the field based on any other international standard or
specialist literature subject to such standard reference or extract of such literature in the English
language being supplied to and approved by the Employer’s Representative. In case of any
variation or contradiction between the provisions of the I.S. Standards or Codes and the
specifications given in the bid document, the provision given in this bid document shall be

 Preparation and submission of all detailed working drawings on the basis of conceptual designs
and plans approved by the Employer’s Representative.

 Design reviews and appraisals at regular interval, prior to construction of works.

 Submission of the credential of manufacturer for supply of various materials, machinery,

equipment/instruments for approval of Employers representative.
 Submission of the design/s pec ifications, product brochur es, technical data sheets, test,
Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) and performance certificates etc., of all mechanical plant and
works (pumps, valves, fittings etc.), instrumentation/ automation SCADA system,
appurtenances required for surge protection, design of the mechanical, electrical components,
taking into account the interfaces to the other project components/ packages.

 Electric design and electric load calculation, and fulfillment of IEC requirement.

 Construction/ Installation, testing and commissioning of all civil, mechanical, electrical and
instrumentation SCADA works strictly as per scope of work, approved drawings, designs, relevant
IS codes and specifications.

 Pre- commissioning checks and inspections as per requirement.

 Testing of hydraulic, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation system as per relevant IS codes
and specifications and guidelines.

 Optimization of the whole system as per design parameters and commissioning of all the
components including but not limited to Sewerage Network in all respect, and tertiary treatment
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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

of existing Sewage treatment.

 Responsibility to collect, transfer, dispose, discharge, pump and treat the sewage generated from
property chambers to the downstream components of the system from within the sewerage
network is solely of the Contractor, the Contractor is required to review the designs of the Sewer
Network, at his own to achieve the objectives of the work.

 Getting approval of all designs and drawings, material to be used, machinery and equipment
specifications and the samples, prior to dispatch by manufacturer or supplier/ installation/
commissioning of work at site is the sole responsibility of the contractor. If any specific
provision/references have been made in more than one specification, at different places in the
tender document, the provision which is more stringent, shall apply.

 The complete work of Road Crossing on National Highway, and railway crossing, shall be done
by trenchless technology, and is in the scope of this contract. All other road crossings are also to
be done by the contractor, by deciding a suitable method as per the instructions of the Employers

 To co-ordinate with the Operation and Maintenance staff and concerned officers of PHED, PWD,
Forest, BSNL, Gram Panchayat, Mining, Army/ Defense, electric supply company and personnel
of local water supply system or any other department/ agency (for installation of new equipment
etc.,), with the district administrative offices and other offices for necessary approvals and
certificates wherever required.

 Manufacturing, shop testing, pre-dispatch inspection, transportation to site, providing transit

insurance, storage, handling at site, installation, sectional testing, pre-commissioning testing,
commissioning and trial runs for all components of the system and the system as a whole,
including the hydraulic, mechanical, electrical, Electro-Mechanical and instrumentation
 Civil works, Campus development and all such ancillary structures, road works, storm water
drains, RCC chambers, horticulture, and electrical works, forming part of the lump sum work of
Customer Service Centre at appropriate locations as indicated by the Employers
representative and as defined herein after.

 For laying of pipe line and construction of any component of project, for Item rated works, the cost
of shifting of electrical poles, transformers, water pipelines, telephone line, trees etc., if
required shall be reimbursed to contractor under provisional sum. The permission fee/ Bank
Guarantee including banking charges for BG etc. for crossing of NH/SH and railway crossing
shall be paid/deposited by Contractor and the same shall be reimbursed to the contractor
under provisional sum on submission of the original bill/ documents of concerning department
along with proof of payment done. The contractor shall be responsible for any damage
occurred to telephone lines, electricity cables, OFC cables, cutting of trees, cables,
distribution/pumping water mains and gas pipes, sewer lines, drains, constructed by other
departments/ agencies while laying sewer pipeline or construction of any component of the
project and shall be liable to pay the amount levied by respective departments/ agencies for the
repair and/or damages so occurred.

 The submission of as-built drawings of the works is the pre-condition for the final payment of
execution part. The final drawings shall be submitted in 6 copies on linen bound in an album of an
approved size. The contractor shall submit all the completion drawings and approved design
calculations on CD ROM/DVD in two sets with proper directory structure.

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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

 Submission of operation and maintenance manual as per scope of works, requirements and

 Operation, routine and preventive maintenance during Defect Liability Period of 1 year, System
shall be operated and maintained along with rectification of any defects which are observed
/pointed out by the department as defined in tender document. Payment for only operation of the
system shall be admissible during Defect Liability Period, and no separate payment for spares,
material, equipment and labor required for rectification of defects, routine maintenance of the
system shall be made.
 Operation, routine and preventive maintenance for 10 years with Defect Liability Period (as 1
year of operation and maintenance period) of 1 year is included. Payment for all labor, spare
parts, consumables, material/ equipment/ tools and tackles required for Operation and
Maintenance shall be deemed to be included in accepted O&M charges.

 Power charges and fuel (i.e. Diesel etc.) which is used to operate DG set in absence of electricity
to run the STP plant, shall be paid, up to power consumption guaranteed by the contractor,
during O&M period will be borne by the SWMC/ULB. A log register should be maintained duly
certified by the employers representative for operative hours of DG Set.

 Providing mandatory spares tools and tackles at the end of the execution of physical works as
per list required to be submitted along with the bid.

 Existing all Civil, Pipelines, Mechanical & Electrical, Instrumentation, etc., equipment, structures,
materials, etc. if required at the site shall be removed and transported at the location as per the
instruction of the Employers representative. No extra cost will be paid for this work. Contractor
shall include the cost for this work in his bid.

 Reference bench marks for Reduced Level shall be adopted as fixed by Survey of India

 Marking of assets on GIS Platform

The contractor shall submit geo-referenced AUTOCAD/ Shape files drawings compatible with GIS
software, for the complete proposed and existing components including but not limited to
Existing & Proposed Sewerage Network under this contract. Location of all manholes,
property chambers, junctions and points of change in alignment of pipeline shall be
determined using differential GPS of 0.5 m accuracy or better. Attributes of pipeline, like
diameter, material, class etc., shall be linked with GIS, as directed by Employers
representative. Detailing of all consumers with required information shall also be mapped.
 Arrangement of adequate security, watch and ward of the system during the execution period to
safeguard the equipment and completed section of the work from any type of mishandling, theft,
fire and other hazards, etc.

 Restoration of road surface after completion of back filing of the earth shall be a part of the work.

 There shall be provision for weekly and monthly power audit, to check consumption of energy per
MLD for. Separate energy meters shall be provided for lighting/ auxiliary equipment.

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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01


The Scope of Services for Sewerage is detailed out in Table-1.

Table 1: Scope of work and services – Sewerage

S.N. Components Indicative Works

1) No. of sewerage zones proposed in this scheme 7 zones in Sawai Madhopur and
2011 Census population- 1,21,106
2) Topography survey, underground utility survey For Project area.
and preparation of GIS based Customer mapping
and database plotting assets on GIS map by linking
with Geo-spatial data bases and hydraulic modeling
using suitable software (for sewerage sector). It
shall also include development of website for
customer care services etc. and linking of the
same with GIS database.
3) Detailed, Design Engineering based on Survey For Project area
works and consisting of but not limited to Hydraulic
modeling using suitable software for Waste Water
Components such as Sewer network using Sewer
Gems and Preparation of SIP
4) Detailed design and construction of Sewer Network 121.452 Km Network including
of various sizes from 150 mm to 900 mm. 14.27 Km trenchless laying
5) CCTV mounted on float with inspection provision for For the entire Sewerage Network
Sewer inspection & Reporting (121.452 km + existing about 80 km)
6) Detailed design and construction of pre-cast RCC M- 4117 nos.
40 grade circular manholes.
7) Detailed design and construction of Sewer 1899 nos.
Brick/ Stone masonry Manholes.
8) Construction of Boundary Wall as per specification, About 2 km in length
drawing and as directed by Engineer in charge.
9) Up gradation of Treated effluent of Existing 10 MLD Up gradation of effluent of existing 10
STP MLD STP to suit the requirements of
CPCB including supply and installation
of all the civil, electrical & mechanical
equipment comes under package for up
gradation as per their standard.

The offered plant should function as a

whole, a fully integrated system which is
capable of achieving the required
effluent parameters in an efficient and
economical manner, designed and
constructed in accordance with good
engineering practice and best Industrial
The Bidder shall, to the maximum extent
practical and feasible, endeavor to offer
standardized designs and Plant and
equipment keeping in view minimization
of operation and maintenance
The Bidder shall ensure that his offered
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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

S.N. Components Indicative Works

designs and equipment are

10) Reuse of treated water for irrigation / Industrial / Construction of 01 ESR (200 KL, 20 m
Recycling purpose. staging), GLR (400 KL), Pump House of
required capacity as per direction of EIC.
11) Construction of room over existing sump of 10 MLD About 80 Sqm area of room to be
STP constructed including RCC Stairs, over
existing Pump House and shifting of
Panels and extension of cables etc. as
per direction of EIC.
12) Operation and Maintenance of new and old For Created System: from Initial
s e w e r a g e s y s t e m including sewerage collection commissioning date till Contract
system, service delivery with performance completion date.
guarantee for 10 years.
For Old System: Sewer Network about
80 Km ranging from 150 mm to 1100
mm dia.
13) Operation and Maintenance of proposed Up- from Initial commissioning date till
gradation unit of existing 10 MLD STP Contract completion date including O &
14) Operation and Maintenance of existing 10 MLD O & M of existing STP is stared from
(Waste Stabilization pond) STP including Master 10.10.2014 for 5 years. O & M under
Pumping Station at STP Campus. this Contract will start after completion
of ongoing O & M services.**
15) Solar Power Generation All the yard lighting should be fitted
with solar panels.

The Scope of Services shall include all technical, managerial, administrative, commercial,
environmental, and social interventions as required in accordance with acceptable, prudent waste
water utility construction and management practices. The Scope of Services mentioned in Table
above is indicative only and the contractor is required to undertake his own detailed investigation of
the Project Facilities to determine the complete Scope of Services for achieving the Minimum
specified Service Levels.
** Bidders are advised to visit the existing STP site and collect the necessary details required
for bidding, such as guaranteed power consumption etc.

Quantities indicated in the Table above are indicative and need to be confirmed by Contractor
through SIP, and all components covered under the contract for implementation of SIP are to
be planned in detail including commissioning and operation and maintenance.


The summary of obligations related to Waste Water system under the Contract is mentioned in the
following table:-

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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Table 2: Waste Water

Description New/Rehab.
Design Rehab. Build Operate Maintain

1) Sewer Network comprising

of Outfall/Trunk/lateral and
other sewers (laid under the
contract) of DWC, RCC
NP3/NP4 and PE etc. pipes New Yes No Yes Yes Yes
with manholes and allied

2) Trenchless sewer work New Yes No Yes Yes Yes

3) House Service Connections

up to property chamber. New Yes No Yes Yes Yes

4) Operation and maintenance

of Plant and machineries,
for sewerage Network
(Jetting machine, CCTV New Yes No Yes Yes Yes

5) Road Restoration New Yes No Yes Yes Yes

6) Management Information
New Yes No Yes Yes Yes


The Operation Services are divided in 3 categories.
1) O&M of created assets during Defect Liability Period.
2) O&M of all Assets created on completion of Design Build.
3) O & M of Existing Assets created under RUIDP Phase-II after expiring of their original O & M
 The Contractor will be required to operate and maintain the newly constructed and existing
assets in such a way, to meet the performance requirements and as agreed upon during the SIP
 From the design, built completion date (which shall also mean sectional completion date;
the Contractor shall collect and dispose off the sewage as part of sewerage services through
the laid and commissioned sewerage system.)
 O & M work will be supervised by concerned ULB and also O & M charges as decided in BOQ,
shall be paid by the ULB immediate after commissioning of project.
 Tri-party Agreement for O & M will be executed between ULB, O & M Contractor and
Construction Agency RUIDP.
 For running of STP units, all electricity charges and required fuel for power (electricity)
generation will also be paid by concerned ULB.
Contractor shall be responsible for operation, maintenance and management of the entire waste
water services in service area as detailed below:

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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Table 3: Scope of Works under Operation Phase

S. No. Obligation Period

from Date of Construction

Customer services and maintaining the infrastructure in
1. Completion Certificate/
sewerage sector
sectional commissioning.

Managing the sewerage network for collection of sewage from Date of Construction
3. including maintenance of entire system from property Completion Certificate/
chambers upto disposal outfall of Sewage to STP sectional completion

from Date of Construction

Sampling treated effluent to ensure that it meets the
4. Completion Certificate/
guaranteed treatment parameters;
sectional completion

from Date of Construction

Provide house sewer connections for collection of sewage
5. Completion Certificate/
from house properties on approval or sanction by Employer
sectional completion

Contractor will provide continuous on-the-job trainings that

Will start from the day the contractor gets mobilized,
6. and other capacity building programs by the contractor as from Commencement Date
important regular activities for staff of the Employer, PHED
and SWMC.

Operation and maintenance of existing sewers laid under

RUIDP Phase-II Project and IHSDP Project, Total length of from the end of existing O &
7. M Contract which is done by
existing network is about 80 km and diameter ranging from
150 to 1100 mm dia.

1.9.1. Operating Obligations for the Works

The contractor shall operate and maintain the entire works and all other allied works under this
contract, for 10 yrs O&M including DLP of one year. It is to be noted that all costs during the DLP,
excluding the cost of power /fuel (diesel) for D.G. Set is to be borne by the contractor. Within his
quoted cost, the contractor is to ensure that all guarantees as given in Schedule 5 & 7, Section
8 of this bid document, are maintained during the defect liability period (DLP) and O&M period.

The contractor shall provide on the job training to the SW MC/UL B staff as per specifications. At
the end of the one year of O&M period, an assessment of the condition of the plant will be done
by Employers Representative and based on the assessment, the contractor shall, at no extra cost
to the Employer/RUIDP, in the concluding month of the O&M period to a condition so that they are
in running condition.

1.9.2. General
The contractor, under the scope of this work shall carry out the following activities, but these shall
not limit requirement of other activities, which otherwise are required as per terms and conditions of
contract or to fulfill contractual responsibilities or are essential as per good industrial practices. The
contractor shall be responsible for:

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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

a) Providing the minimum specified staff during operation and maintenance and in

b) Providing all required consumables required for functioning / operation & maintenance
of equipment excluding fuel for DG Sets and electricity.

c) Preventive / breakdown maintenance of all pumps, electrical, mechanical & instrument

equipment, installed under the contract. All costs including costs of all material,
equipment, etc. required for operation and/or maintenance (preventive and / or
breakdown) to be borne by the contractor.

d) Maintenance of the lighting fixtures and the lighting system of the areas and
replacement of all nonfunctional lighting fixtures within 24 hours.

e) Maintenance of STP premises including cutting and cleaning grass and trees and
providing water in plant etc.

f) Maintaining;

 Repair history of all mechanical, electrical and instrumentation control

equipment Logbooks.

 Every day power availability, input voltages, KWH meter, power factor
readings at pumping station.

 Daily operation of pumps with every hour readings for operating voltage,
amperage and power factor, pressure on the manifold, pressure at outlet of
pumps and flow rate in manifold.

 Observations made during patrolling of the pipe lines.

In addition to maintenance of above log-books, the contractor is required to maintain

one inspection book at pumping station. The complaint register must be investigated
and remedial measures must immediately be taken.

g) Providing adequate spares and maintaining adequate inventory of accessories or

equipment itself for repair of system so that the electrical, mechanical, pipe and pipe
appurtenances, can work efficiently as per the guarantees given or minimum required
efficiencies asked for in the contract, without any additional cost. At the end of the
contract the contractor shall hand over the spares, tools, tackles.

h) Maintenance of the stores for the electrical, mechanical and instrumentation equipment.
The maintenance of stores will include but shall not be limited to:

 Loading / unloading materials received and issued for works.

 Proper arrangement of material in stores to ensure its safety and easy


 Maintaining store area neat and tidy.

 Keeping records and Accounting the incoming materials.

 Keeping records and Accounting the consumed materials

The contractor shall be solely responsible for the safety and security of the goods in the store
and its accountability and will be responsible for any loss or damages in stores for any reason.
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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

He shall maintain insurance cover against the value of the goods in the stores without any
additional costs on the Employer.

i) Patrolling of the sewer mains laid in the contract, to identify and report the damages /
defects in pipe and pipe appurtenances, CD works, en-route structures.

j) Emergency Maintenance/ Periodic routine maintenance: providing a fleet consisting of

suitable hauling machine, sufficient inspection/ patrolling vehicles and material hauling
vehicles and any other vehicles/ machinery/ equipment of adequate and timely repairs
and/or for routine/ periodic maintenance/ patrolling of the system.

k) Periodic routine maintenance of buildings & reservoirs built in the contract such
maintenance must ensure adequate cleanliness, ventilation, illumination and structural
safely. In addition to this the general hygienic standards must be maintained and
adequate plantation should be done.

l) Updating and periodic submissions of the operation and maintenance manual as

defined in specifications for O&M works. The contractor shall take up all periodic
maintenance works provided in the approved O&M manual.

m) Submission of monthly report.

n) Co-ordination with other contractors and / or agencies responsible for the Execution,
operation and maintenance for regional schemes and Electric Supply Company.
Pipeline Works Contractor is to provide all labor and material for O&M of all pipe lines
which are supplied and laid under this contract as well as for existing pipe lines for
accomplishing aims of this Project.

o) Repair of leaks/ sewer spills, damaged portion of road, embankment, pipe and pipe
appurtenances, CD works and en-route structures identified during patrolling.

p) Emergency Repair(s) or burst(s) for maintaining regular supplies.

q) To maintain the manholes/inspection chambers along the complete sewerage network

in clean and dry conditions.

r) To maintain the cover on the pipe/ manhole covers damaged due to rains, theft, runoff
or any other reason. Cleaning of CD works along the pipeline alignment and to do
required regarding works of area between road and pipe to ensure that water is not
impounded near the pipe during rainy season.

s) To record the pressure readings once daily at all pressure points and submitting the
same to the employer.

From commissioning date to Contract Completion date:

 Providing assistance in house sewer connections on approval or sanction by Employer’s

Representative or line department.

 Provide continuous on-the-job trainings and other capacity building programs

If the Contractor fails to achieve the services defined in performance targets, then the Contractor
shall be levied with Non-Performance Adjustment as specified in Schedule 5 & 7 of section 8 of
PCC. The Contractor shall not be liable for Non-Performance Adjustment to the extent such failure is
attributable to a Release Event in which event the Contractor shall take necessary steps to mitigate

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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

the effects of the event and operate the potable water system in accordance with the standards of a
reasonable and prudent way.

Replacement of equipment, assets or infrastructure which is not part of the contractor’s work or
agreed in the SIP for replacement shall be paid separately. Contractor will include costs for repairs
of flow meters, valves, panels, motor pumps and all other equipment and its spares including
battery, and other equipment in his quoted price. Any equipment supplied and installed by the
contractor shall not be paid separately for replacement or repairs etc.

1.9.3. Tests to Be Carried Out During O&M Period

The minimum requirement of sampling and testing is to be carried out daily at Inlet and outlet of
existing STP and outlet of proposed up-gradation unit. This schedule shall also be maintained during
the O&M period.

 Flow, pH, BOD, COD, Suspended solids/ MLSS, Dissolved oxygen, Alkalinity, Total
Nitrogen, Sulphate, Total Phosphate, Residual Chlorine, fecal coliform – online measurement
for raw sewage and treated sewage; hourly on daily basis as well as the parameters related to
unit process performance evaluation.
 Flow measurement with flow meter at inlet and outlet.


Table 4: Milestone and Key Time Periods

Time period for
Sr. completion of
No. Sectional Milestone activity (days) Activities
1 Service Improvement Plan 150 Preparation of SIP for
finalization of scope of work.
2 Lateral Sewer Network of internal dia. 200 – Approx. Length 121.452 Km
900 mm (including laying through trenchless) 350 (50% of scope)
including construction and connection of Inclusive of period for
property chambers with main sewers with approval of relevant
manholes, appurtenances, road restoration etc. component of SIP.
complete in 50% of entire area of sewer zones Period from contract
in scope of work including testing and commencement date.
commissioning complete.
Up gradation of Treated effluent of Existing 10
MLD STP, components mentioned in scope of
work for Reuse of treated water, Construction of
room over existing sump, Solar power
generation for yard lightening.
3 Lateral Sewer Network of internal dia. 200 – Balance l a t e r a l s
400 mm (including laying through trenchless) 600 I n c l u s i v e of period for
including construction and connection of approval of relevant
property chambers with main sewers with component of SIP.
manholes, appurtenances, road restoration etc. Period from contract
complete in balance remaining area of sewer commencement date.
zones in scope of work including testing and
commissioning complete.

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Time period for

Sr. completion of
No. Sectional Milestone activity (days) Activities
4 Completion of entire sewerage works and Completion of entire system
preparation of as built drawing etc. 900 and making the system fully
Inclusive of period for
approval of relevant
component of SIP.
Period from contract
commencement date.
Operation Service delivery
1 Operation and maintenance of entire system as Period from the date of final
per scope of work 3650 days completion of design-build
work as per final
commissioning certificate

The Contractor shall submit the outcome of each activity for review of Employer’s Representative
immediately after completion of the activity. Employer’s Representative will review the outcomes on
regular basis and will submit their review comments within 21 days of receipt of the document.
Contractor will develop data bases for waste water hydraulic manholes data, overspill of sewers,
condition of sewer pipeline etc.

Contractor shall also submit the activity wise Monthly Reports for reviewing by the employer. Progress of
all activities will be reviewed on weekly basis for design part. Progress will be reviewed based on the
progress Reports on Monthly basis during construction part and daily basis during operations part.


SIP activities are divided into two categories.

Category 1 include those activities which are essentially to be completed within initial 120 days as per the
schedule given in table 5. Delays will attract penalties as per the column 4.

Category 1; Table 5: Milestones for Preparation of the SIP - Main sub activities

Target period for Penalty for per

completion from day of delay
Activity contract
commencement date
1 2 3 4
A. Mobilization on site 30 days

B. Preparation of Programme as per clause 8.3 of 45 Days

Particular Conditions of Contract “Part A”

C. Topographical survey and ground profiling of the 60 Days Rs. 25,000 per day
service area, plot surveys and any other surveys
to ensure accurate design.
D. Ground verification of satellite image footprint 75 days Rs. 25,000 per day
dividing into obtaining control points at site.
E. Process Design, layout Plan, Hydraulic 75 days Rs. 50,000 per day
Calculations, Hydraulic Flow Diagram of Up-
gradation unit of 10 MLD
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Target period for Penalty for per

completion from day of delay
Activity contract
commencement date
F. Design & drawing of Boundary wall & Room over 75 days Rs. 25,000 per day
existing sump as per scope of work
G. Sewer network design 90 Days Rs. 50,000 per day
H. Design & GA drawings of Up-gradation units 90 days Rs. 50,000 per day
and ESR, GLR & Pump house for re-use etc.

I. Mobilisation plan for construction manpower, 90 days

machinery, material etc, and detailed
methodology of continuous monitoring etc.
J. Development of complete GIS using Arc GIS for 100 days Rs. 70,000 per day
all the components included in the contract
comprising of Sewage pumping station, Sewage
Treatment Plant, Sewage Network, and all
components as per scope of works
K. Compilation and submission of Final SIP for 120 days
necessary items

L. Scrutiny of documents 128 days from


M. Shortcoming improvement and submission 145 days Rs. 80,000 per day

N. Approval of final SIP 150 days.

Category 2 include those activities which also need to be completed within 120 days of contract
commencement but are not so essential therefore no harm if these are delayed and may be completed
after 120 days but delays in preparation of category 2 documents and it approval shall not be considered
reason for contractor’s claim or extension of contract period or will not relieve the contractor from any
responsibility of completing the work in time.
Category 2; Table 6: Milestones for Preparation of the SIP - Other sub activities

Sl Target period for completion from

No. contract commencement date
1 2 3
A. Geotechnical Investigations at plots where Upto 180 days but before commencement of
components of water waste water systems will works in that stretch.
be constructed and along alignments where
pipelines will be laid.
B. Underground and above ground Utility Survey as Upto 180 days but before commencement of
per BOQ works in that stretch.
C. Construction drawings before commencement of works in that

D. Preparation of abstract of draft quantities and 180 days but before any contract variation
cost estimates for the final designs

E. Detailed O&M plan, Standard Operating before commencement of O&M service

Procedures and policies plan, Performance
measurement plan

The Contractor shall submit the outcome of each sub activity for review of Employer’s Representative

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immediately after completion of the activity. Employer’s Representative will review the outcomes on
regular basis and will submit their review comments within 21 days of receipt of the document. Contractor
will develop data bases for wastewater hydraulic and quality parameters and the daily flows at each
delivery point including hourly flows and total flow, raw/ treated wastewater produced at each Sewage
treatment plant, and sewage flow at pumping stations, pump operations, electric parameters, manholes
data, overspill of sewers, condition of sewer pipeline etc.
Contractor shall also submit the activity wise Monthly Reports for reviewing by the employer. Progress of
all activities will be reviewed on weekly basis for design part. Progress will be reviewed based on the
progress Reports on Monthly basis during construction part and daily basis during operations part.
In case of delays in meeting timelines of SIP activities, penalty as per the sums indicated in column 4 will
be imposed and recovered from due payments. If the delays that occurred in activity milestones are
covered by the Contractor within the stipulated or extended period for Compilation and submission of
SIP in complete, which is not attributable to Contractor, penalty imposed on account of such delays will
be refunded. This penalty is separate from the delay damages of contract and shall not be considered
under delay damages item.


The Contract is divided into two stages (I. Design and build II. Operation and maintenance services)
spread over the contract period; from the stipulated date of Contract Commencement up to the
Contract Completion Date.

I. Mobilization, preparatory and construction period as per approved designs and

II. Operation, Maintenance, Manage, Repairs and Service Delivery Period during the contract
period as per the sectional completion of work from commencement date (in case of sectional
completion), till contract completion date.

1.12.1. Mobilization Period

During the 30 days mobilization period the contractor is required to:
 Establish a furnished project office in Sawai Madhopur

 Employ/ mobilize the staff required for starting the preparatory work

 Mobilize the survey teams

 Provide GIS based maps, hydraulic modeling and optimizing, project management etc. along
with connectivity with PIU.

 Establish Employer Representative office

 Mobilize vehicles, office (furnished), equipment, communication equipment.

1.12.2. Preparatory Period (Preparation of design during preparatory period)

During the Preparatory Period, the Contractor is required to:

 Familiarize himself with the project site condition after required consultation

 Collect data and maps etc. and review designs of sewer network, etc.

 Confirm/ conduct topographic survey to ascertain the levels, road width, existing services,
obstacles, etc.

 Surveys for all underground utilities with geo-radar or other suitable technology and above
ground utilities and marking on GIS based maps by linking with geo referenced points.

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 Review the project report and the detailed project report in sewerage provided by RUIDP
including all designs and provisions for Sawai Madhopur.

 Prepare and get approval of designs of entire sewer network, etc. complete.

 Prepare an asset inventory report, strategy for improving services.

1.12.3. Design Refinement

The Contractor during DB period will be allowed for refinement of overall design of the systems for long
term efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability.

1.12.4. Deliverable Documents for SIP

(i) Design should be prepared including sectional completion requirements;

(ii) Detailed design, drawings and cost estimates of works;

(iii) Work plan, Methodology and timelines for implementation should be in line with the
Employer’s intentions;
(iv) Detailing of integrated Contract Management Information System by using latest software like
Primavera, MS project , data capture, management and reporting structures, protocols
including all related hardware, software, installation;
(v) Contractor Personnel Deployment Plan;
(vi) Construction Plant and equipment deployment plan;
(vii) Cash-flow for the entire contract with sectional completion break up;
(viii) Asset Replacement Schedule with justification;
(ix) Detailed methodology for continuous monitoring of the performance of the Contractor in
achieving and maintaining the Performance Standards for release of the eligible Operating
(x) Compliance matrix of contract and service requirement, O&M requirement and other
requirement like social, environmental, resettlement etc. and;
(xi) A separate Design Report on, shall be prepared and submitted for due diligence;

1.12.5. Operating and Management related Deliverable

(i) Annual Operating Plan (AOP) covering all operations, maintenance and management
requirements in the Service Area;

(ii) Emergency Response Plan (ERP); this shall also separately include response plan for
effective emergency rectifications against any major break downs occurring from the STP and
Pumping Station up to the service area of this contract;

(iii) Public Relations Plan;

(iv) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for routine operations and emergency responses;

(v) Sewage Quality Flow Measurement Monitoring Program;

(vi) Energy optimization program;

(vii) Detailing of an Integrated Management Information System (MIS) including its architecture,
data capture, management and reporting structures, protocols including all related hardware,
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software, installation, and operation and maintenance requirements; and

(viii) Periodic reporting plan including the formats for different performance reports;

(ix) The computer hardware and software improvement plan for continued operation of the MIS,
instrumentation and SCADA.


Performance indicators to show the performance of the proposed sewerage system and used to have
an international comparison of Sewerage systems are indicated in Schedule 7 of Section 8 of the Bid

1.13.1. Methodology for Measurement of Performance Standards

The Contractor shall develop a robust methodology and framework for measurement and monitoring
of Performance Standards stipulated under the contract and proposed as part of the SIP. The
Employer with the assistance of the Employer’s representative or Auditing Body shall verify the same
and upon agreement between the Parties the agreed methodology shall form the basis for monitoring
the performance of the Contractor and apply the Non Performance Adjustments on the eligible
Operating Payments in case of failure to meet the performance standards.


As part of this activity, contractor is required to:

i. Establish contact with all relevant stakeholders RUIDP, SWMC, UIT, PHED, PWD,
NHAI, RIDCOR, Electricity Distribution Company, Telecommunication companies and the
local traffic police and other government agencies including consultants under the RUIDP,
become familiar with the Sawai Madhopur sewerage system, and the applicable standards
and guidelines for sewerage system design, and with existing assets and current on-going
works in the Service Area. The contractor shall also study the works being done by SWMC/
UIT and other departments being undertaken during the same or previous period in the same
ii. Satisfy him-self with the nature and scope of work and the prevailing Site conditions.
iii. Be familiar with governing Laws and regulations in order to undertake studies and
construction activities under the Contract such as:

a. Environmental and social impact assessments and prevention, mitigation and monitoring
of impacts during construction;

b. Compensation for damages to property or services;

c. Occupational health and safety including workers compensation;

d. Signage and safety measures for construction works and;

e. The permissions and co-ordination required from the different agencies

iv. The Contractor shall review and validate the Detailed Project Report of the project which will
enable him to prepare SIP:

1. In line with the Detailed Project Report (DPR) approved for funding,
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2. In compliance with the Draft Master Plan – Vision 2031 for Sawai Madhopur,
3. In compliance to the terms and conditions of the Project and Loan Agreements among
ADB, Government of India and Government of Rajasthan and
4. In coordination with the on-going and programmed activities of PHED, ULB and GoR as the
case may be.
5. Any deviations to the document, data provided by RUIDP and consultation shall be
highlighted and got approved as part of the SIP.

v. In case of any interventions proposed in the SIP, which are not part of the DPR or those
interventions which are part of the DPR but require improvement from conventional
design practices, the Contractor shall provide sufficient explanation and justification as to
how implementing such interventions would influence the ac h iev em ent of t h e
P e r f o r m a n c e Standards stipulated in the document.

vi. In a situation where the Employer does not agree to the interventions proposed in SIP,
there may be mutually agreed revision of the Performance Standards.

1.14.1. Survey and Mapping

The contractor shall procure a color satellite image of 0.5 m resolution (using provisional sum
amount) and digitize all the footprints, roads, water bodies, electricity poles, water supply, sewerage,
storm water, and other infrastructure components as visible in the image. A detailed topographical
survey of the area shall be carried out and the spot levels and the contours at 0.5 m interval shall be
drawn using Total Station equipment and GIS based digitized map in ArcGIS shall be prepared.

Contractor will survey all underground utilities upto 1.5 m depth and mark on GIS based maps by
linking with geo referenced points.

1.14.2. Pre-Construction Surveys and Setting Out

The Contractor shall verify all measurements and be responsible for their correctness. Any
differences which may be found between actual measurements and the dimensions given in the
Contract Documents shall be submitted to the Employer’s Representative, in writing, for consideration
and directives before proceeding with the Works.

Site bench marks shall be accurately and safely established, maintained and removed upon
completion of the Works, all to the satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative. The Employer’s
Representative will indicate the position, co-ordinates and elevation of bench marks near the works, as
shown on the Drawings.

The Contractor shall prepare a plan detailing the location of the benchmarks and keep this up-to-date
throughout the period of the Contract. Reproducible copies of the plan so prepared shall be supplied
to the Employer’s Representative, as and when he may require.

The Employer’s Representative reserves the right to order levels, considered necessary for the full
and proper supervision and measurement of the works, to be taken at any time.

Before the Works, or any part thereof, are commenced, the Contractor and the Employer’s
Representative shall together make a complete survey, and take levels, of the Site and agree on the
dimensions and elevations upon which setting out of the Works shall be based. The contractor must
assure the most feasible alignment having less utilities and available Right of Way.

These levels shall be related to the bench marks and shall be plotted and drawn up by the Contractor.
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After agreement of the drawings, which shall be signed by the Employer’s Representative and the
Contractor, these levels shall form the basis of setting out of the Works.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting out of the Works in relation to
reference data given on the Drawings and shall accurately set out the positions, levels and dimensions
of all parts of the Works. Any delay or loss resulting from errors in the setting out of the Works shall
be the responsibility of the Contractor.

Setting out shall be reviewed by the Employer’s Representative before commencing the Works, but
any approval shall, in no way, relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the correct execution of
the Work.

1.14.3. Working Drawings

The Drawings prepared by the Employer’s Representative, are called Employer’s Representative’s
Drawings and may be modified, added or created new to as provided by the following clauses.

The proposals shown on the Employer’s Representative’s Drawings are based on information
available prior to preparation of the Tender Documents. All levels indicated or proposed are based on
survey information previously available but will need to be revised subject to the results of survey and
site investigation carried out by the Contractor during SIP.

Working Drawings of the designs carried out by the Contractor shall be submitted by the Contractor to
the Employer’s Representative. Working Drawings shall include, but not be restricted to, pipeline
plans and profiles, reinforcement detail drawings and bending schedules, equipment drawings,
drawings for approval of equipment, equipment installation drawings, shop drawings for structural
steel and miscellaneous metal work, and drawings for other work for which the Employer’s
Representative's approval is required. The contractor shall provide L-section of individual reach
showing Ground Level, Invert Level, depth of cutting, distance between M/H to M/H and as directed
by EIC.
It shall be the Contractor's own responsibility to prepare such Working Drawings as he may require for
the proper setting out and construction of all structures and facilities. Work shall not commence on an
individual structure or facilities until the relevant Working Drawings have been approved by the
Employer’s Representative.

All dimensions shall be in SI units and each drawing shall be properly identified by a drawing head
and a numbering code in the form prescribed by the Employer’s Representative after contract

The Contractor shall submit 6 (six) copies of all drawings for approval.

Any changes or modifications to the Working Drawings that the Employer’s Representative considers
necessary shall be made by the Contractor promptly and the drawings resubmitted for approval.

Approval of W orking Drawings will be given by the Employer’s Representative in the form of a stamp
"Released for Construction" together with the date and signature of the authorized representative.
Only those Working Drawings carrying the signed and dated stamp shall be used for execution.

Copies of all such approved Working Drawings together with one unreduced transparency shall be
supplied to the Employer’s Representative by the Contractor immediately after approval. The cost of
preparing and providing all Working Drawings shall be included in the Contract Rates.

Should it be found at any time after approval has been given by the Employer’s Representative to a

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Working Drawing submitted by the Contractor that the said Working Drawing does not comply with the
terms and conditions of the Contract or that the details do not agree with the Working Drawings
previously approved, such alterations and additions as may be deemed necessary by the Employer’s
Representative shall be made therein by the Contractor and the work carried out accordingly without
entitling the Contractor to extra payment on account thereof, except where such alternations and
additions are to be made in direct consequence of written order by the Employer’s Representative to
vary the Works. Contractor shall be wholly responsible for correctness of all the drawings and designs
for all the components of the project.

No examination by the Employer’s Representative of any document submitted by the Contractor or of

the Contractor's Working Drawings, nor the approval expressed by the Employer’s Representative in
regard there to, either with or without modification, shall absolve the Contractor from any liability
imposed upon him by any provision of the Contract. Notwithstanding the Employer’s Representative's
approval of the Working Drawings the Contractor shall be responsible for any dimensional or other

1.14.4. As-Built Drawings and GIS Data Creation

Such approved W orking Drawings as have been selected by the Employer’s Representative shall
work shall be done strictly as per approved design, drawing and working drawing. If any change is
required due to exigencies of changed site condition, formal approval of revised working drawing
shall be obtained from Employers Representative. Such drawings shall show the actual arrangement
of all structures and items of equipment installed under the Contract. The Contractor shall submit
6(six) nos. As-Built Drawings clearly named as such to the Employer’s Representative for approval
before applying for the Taking-Over Certificate for the respective Section of the Works. After approval
of the As Built Drawing the Contractor shall supply an electronic copy of the drawing in together with a
licensed copy of the drafting software.
During the course of the Works, the Contractor shall maintain a fully detailed record of all changes
from the approval to facilitate easy and accurate preparation of the As-Built Drawing.

Irrespective of the other contractual prerequisites no Section of the Works will be considered
substantially completed until the respective As-Built Drawings have been approved by the Employer’s

In parallel with the preparation of as-built drawings, the Contractor shall produce GIS data of the
constructed works. The contractor conducts all necessary survey work, and shall ensure that vertical
and horizontal measurements shall be captured at an accuracy of +/- 0.5m at a 95% confidence level,
using the most suitable and cost-effective field data collection technology and methodology. All
horizontal and vertical survey measurements will be referenced to the present Survey of India GIS
geo reference.

The Contractor will survey the three-dimensional position (x, y, z) of all point and line assets
constructed under this project, e.g., pipelines, bridge crossings, manholes, house connections,
chambers, valves, meters, hydrants, plugs, reducers, and tees. Nodes shall be created to clearly
delineate different pipe sections in terms of material and/or diameter and to allow for future
development of a hydraulic model in the GIS platform. Nodes shall also require a three-dimensional
position, and through this, the position of the ends of a pipeline segment shall be defined. Point and
line data (i.e., the pipeline) should be consistent with the attributes of the existing Survey of India GIS.
However, the Employer’s Representative and the Employer may require the Contractor, at no
additional cost, to create new attributes to include non-survey data, e.g., valve model, name of the
manufacturer, images or plans, etc. Prior to the field survey, the Contractor shall submit to the
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Employer’s Representative, for approval, the GIS design in terms of themes, feature types and

The Contractor shall develop a checklist of QC checks for each type of deliverable and will be
responsible for ensuring that these QC checks are performed. The Contractor shall assign a GIS
quality officer to manage the quality review process. This officer shall be independent of the capture
and production teams.

The Contractor shall be required to integrate the GIS deliverables with the existing pipe network data,
i.e., ensure that the GIS data connects with any existing GIS system. This may entail revising GIS
data of existing pipes at connection points. GIS data for the project will be delivered in an ArcGIS
compliant file geo-database.

1.14.5. Construction Program and Progress of Works

Construction Program

Contractor shall prepare Construction Program as part of SIP. Construction Program shall be in the
form of a Critical Path Method (CPM) Diagram showing, sequences, dependencies, durations and
dates for execution of all major items including sectional completion following the sub-divisions in the
Bills of Quantities for the execution of the Works within the periods stated in the Contract. It shall be
supported by:

a. Data of the construction methods

b. Equipment Utilization Schedule

c. Manpower Utilization Schedule

d. Subcontracting Schedule

e. Mobilization/Demobilization Schedule

The CPM diagram incorporating the above mentioned schedules shall be prepared using Microsoft
Project, or similar approved project management software, and shall be presented in hard copy and
electronic form to the Employer’s Representative as part of SIP.

In carrying out the Works due attention shall be paid to all measures which can reasonably be taken in
order to diminish the inconvenience which the work may cause to services and access to property


The scope of work includes, but is not limited to the Design, Construction, Supply, Installation, Testing,
Commissioning, Trial Run, and 10 yr. O&M of all c i v i l , m e c h a n i c a l , e l e c t r i c a l a n d
i n s t r u m e n t a l s Works related to sewerage collection system with all ancillary structures and all
material labor and Tools and plants, operating the system and maintaining within limits of the
performance indicators and training to the maintenance personnel.

Bidder’s scope also covers topography survey, soil investigations and design of sewerage network
within the project area as specified in this section/clause of bid document. Bidder shall also design
proper sewerage collection network in various areas complete project area has to be covered with
sewerage network. For design of the sewerage network, design criteria shall be as per CPHEEO
manual. The Hydraulic design of distribution network shall be done by modeling software like Sewer
CAD which will be compatible with GIS. The approximate quantity of pipe lines for each
Diameter and pipe material to be laid for rising main, Gravity trunks and laterals are given in price bid.
These quantities are for the bid purpose only and shall be verified by the contractor at the time of
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putting forth designs as part of SIP.


1.16.1. Design Criteria Adopted

1. Design Period –

The design period for the project is taken as 30 years. With initial year as 2011, intermediate
design year will be 2026 and Ultimate design year will be 2041. The proposed sewerage
network is designed for the ultimate stage flows expected in the year 2041.

2. Per Capita Sewage Flow –

As per CPHEEO norms, about 80% of water supply finds its way as wastewater into sewers
i.e.108 LPCD. Per capita flow of 108 LPCD, including provisions for infiltration
(1000 liter/km/day) has been considered for the design.

3. Peak Factor –

Peak factor or the ratio of maximum to average flows. Computation of peak flow in design
of the underground sewerage network is considered based on cumulative nodal population
as per CPHEEO norms as furnished below;

Table 6: Peak Factor (As Per CPHEEO)

Contributory Population Peak Factor

Up to 20,000 3.00

20,000 to 50,000 2.50

50,000 to 7,50,000 2.25

Above 7,50,000 2.00

4. Hydraulics of Sewers –

The Sewers are designed considering steady state flow with appropriate peak factor.
Self-cleansing velocity should be attempted as far as possible to minimize self-deposition in
pipes. The hydraulic analysis of sewers is simplified by assuming steady flow
conditions. The design of wastewater collection system presumes flow to be steady and
uniform. A properly functioning sewer has to carry the peak flow for which it is designed
and transport suspended solids in such a manner that deposits in a sewer are kept to

5. Design Flow-Friction Formula -

The available head in sewers is utilized in overcoming surface resistance and, in small part,
in attaining kinetic energy for flow.

Manning’s formula will be adopted for the design of gravity sewers.

2/3 1/2
V=1/n * R *S

Q = A ×V
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Q = Discharge in (m3/sec)

A = Cross-sectional area in (m2)

S = Slope of hydraulic gradient

D = Internal dia. of pipeline in

(m) V = Velocity in (m/sec)

R = Hydraulic radius in (m)

n = Manning’s coefficient of roughness

6. Manning’s Coefficient of Roughness - Manning’s roughness coefficient varies with the

type of pipe material used in sewer construction. The roughness coefficient “ n” value of
0.010 For DWC/ PE and 0.011 for RCC pipes have been adopted in the design of
sewage collection system.

7. Minimum Diameter of Pipe - The minimum size of sewer of 200 mm has been considered
in the design of sewage collection system so as to prevent chocking of sewer lines. However
the size of pipe in upstream of existing system of is less than 200mm can be adopted

8. Minimum Depth of Cover - To facilitate connection of house sewers to branch sewers and
provide protection to sewers from external loads, the minimum depth of cover on any
proposed sewers will be 0.8 m. However, in some critical starting laterals, cover is restricted
to 0.6 m to avoid uneconomical depth of cut in subsequent reaches.

9. Self- Cleansing Velocity - Sewers have been designed to maintain flow velocities more
than 0.60 m/sec (for ultimate peak flow) as far as possible to avoid silt deposition and
ensure self-cleaning velocity in sewers. The flow in sewers varies widely from hour to hour
and also seasonally, but for the purpose of hydraulic design, steady state flow is considered.
However in initial stretches the minimum velocity may not be achieved in design.

Table 7: Recommended Min. Slopes for Velocity

Sl. Sewer Size(mm) Grade 1 in

1 150 170

2 200 250

3 250 360

4 300 450

5 400 670

6 450 830

7 >=500 1000

Maximum velocity in a sewer is so adopted as not to exceed 3.0 m/s as it would result in its
erosion caused by sand and grit.

10. Maximum Allowable Depth of Flow –

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Sewers have been designed for partial flow condition to carry estimated peak flows
generated in the ultimate design year to run at not more than 0.8 full. This is to ensure
proper ventilation and prevent septicity.

11. Sizing of Sewers -

It is necessary to size the sewer to have adequate capacity to carry the peak flow to be achieved
at the end of design periods, so as to avoid steeper gradients and deeper excavations. It is
desirable to design sewers for higher velocities wherever possible. This is done on the
assumption that although silting might occur at a minimum flow, the silt would be flushed out
during the peak flows. However the problem of silting may have to be faced in the early years
particularly for smaller sewers which are designed full flow part full at the end of design period,
where depth of flow during early years is only a small fraction of the full depth. Similarly upper
reaches of the laterals pose a problem as they flow only partly full even at the ultimate design
flow, because of necessity of adopting the prescribed minimum size of sewer. In such situations
flushing arrangements may have to be provided in the initial years. After arriving at slopes for
present peak flows, the pipe size has been decided on the basis of ultimate design peak flow
and permissible depth of flow. The minimum diameter of pipe size adopted in the design is 200
mm with the point of view of avoiding choking if smaller pipe size is adopted.


Based on the Sewerage design, entire sewage of proposed sewerage system will join with already laid
trunk sewer under RUSDIP catering to total town population in year 2041.

Sewage from Sawai Madhopur is currently being treated using facultative ponds located at Soorwal
village. The treatment plant has been designed to treat 10 MLD sewage of the design period. The present
10 MLD STP consists of 2 anaerobic ponds measuring 75 m x 42 m (at Top) and 53 m x 20 m (at bottom)
with 5.5 m depth each and 8 facultative ponds measuring 138 m x 71 m (at Top) and 130 m x 63 m (at
bottom) with 1.8 m depth each. Total land acquired for construction of STP is 63 Hectares. Presently STP
is constructed on 14 hectares and remaining 49 acres is reserved for further extension of STP up to 30
MLD in future.

STP is in operation since 10.10.2014 and catering the present sewage flow from Man town as well as Old
Township. The existing STP is based on WSP technology (Facultative Ponds followed by Aerobic
Stabilization Ponds). Influent & Treated Effluent Wastewater Characteristics are as follows:

The influent wastewater characteristics to be used as the basis of design below:


1 pH mg/l 6.5 - 7.5
2 BOD 5 @ 20 C mg/l 300
3 COD mg/l 650
4 TSS mg/l 600
5 TKN mg/l 55

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6 TN mg/l --
7 TP mg/l 6

Effluent Wastewater Characteristics

The existing STP has been designed to produce treated effluent of quality as given hereunder:
BOD <= 100 mg/l
COD <= 150 mg/l
SS <= 100 mg/l

To meet the revised treated effluent discharge norms from CPCB (April 2015), there is a requirement of
upgrading the existing STP.

S. No. Parameters Parameters Limit

1 pH 6.5 – 9.0

2 BOD (mg/l) Not more than 10

3 COD (mg/l) Not more than 50

4 TSS (mg/l) Not more than 20

5 NH4-N (mg/l) Not more than 5

6 N-Total (mg/l) Not more than 10

7 Fecal Coliform (MPN/100ml) Less than 100

The proposed treatment plant is based on appropriate process meeting the tender
document conditions:

In general the design of the proposed Up-gradation plant shall be based on “Manual on Sewerage &
Sewage Treatment” issued by CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi (latest edition) and all
up to date amended relevant Indian Standards issued by BIS unless otherwise specified elsewhere in
these specifications up to one month prior to last date of submission of bid unless otherwise specified
elsewhere in these specifications. Any deviations from the parameters suggested in the above references
should be clearly spelt out and rationale/ logic for each such deviation should be appended to the
Technical proposal with adequate cross-references.

Contractor is required to submit the complete proposed process along methodology, with the Bid
document. In case methodology is not approved by Engineer In charge, contractor is required to submit
revised methodology for the approval of Engineer In charge.

For Instrumentation and Electrical works, in general, bidder shall follow specification given in the bid
document. However, design criteria shall be as per bidder’s design. Bidder shall furnish detailed

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specification of other equipment not listed in the main bid. The bidder shall ensure compliance of all
Governmental regulatory requirements along with those pertaining to the plant construction, operation &
maintenance requirements. The bidder shall arrange submission and clearance of appropriate drawings,
details, etc. and obtain all necessary statutory clearances as deemed necessary.

It is strongly recommended that the bidders carry out their own hydraulic and process calculations and
submit the design and drawings accordingly.

The piping, chambers, channels etc. shall all be designed to ensure non-silting velocity during the low

Completeness of the Offer :

The Bidder shall be fully responsible to include in his bid the whole of the Works, including each
individual component, designed and constructed in accordance with good engineering practice and best
Industrial standards. The offered plant should function as a whole, a fully integrated system which is
capable of achieving the required effluent parameters in an efficient and economical manner, and
eliminate all public complaints originating from the odors and pest nuisance assignable to improper
design and/or poor Operation & Maintenance. The offer shall include all buildings, plant, equipment and
accessories required for the efficient, safe and satisfactory operation of the facilities. Any accessories
which are not specifically mentioned in the specifications/requirement, but which are usual or necessary
for completion of the Works and successful performance of the plant and facilities, shall be provided by
the Bidder within the tendered cost. The Bidder shall, to the maximum extent practical and feasible,
endeavour to offer standardized designs and Plant and equipment keeping in view minimization of
operation and maintenance requirements. The Bidder shall ensure that his offered designs and
equipment are "maintenance-friendly".


This section specifies the Design requirements pertaining to Civil RCC Structural works. The Civil General
Technical Specifications and Standard Specifications included in the tender shall be read in conjunction
with these requirements.

The bidder shall be responsible for the safety of structures, correctness of design and drawings, even
after the approval of the same by Employers Representative. Complete detailed design calculations of
foundations and superstructure together with general arrangement drawings and explanatory sketches
shall be submitted by the contractor to the Employer’s Representative. Separate design calculations for
foundations or superstructures submitted independent of each other shall be deemed to be incomplete
and will not be accepted by the Employers Representative.

The design considerations described hereunder establish the minimum basic requirements of plain and
reinforced concrete structures, architectural details, masonry structures and structural steel works.
However, any particular shall be designed for the satisfactory performance of the functions for which the
same is being constructed. The contractor shall also check the stability of completed structures to be used
for the project.

The contractor shall be bound to submit the detailed methodology and technology for up-gradation unit to
get test results as per latest CPCB norms and also will arrange the inspection of Engineer-in-charge/
Process Expert of same running up-gradation unit of same or higher capacity and also ensure to check
the effluent quality of running units.
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Employer’s Requirements for Design works

The Bidder must fulfill the following requirements during the contract implementation :

The design shall be prepared by qualified designers who are engineers or other professionals complying
with the following criteria:

• For each part of the Works, the prior consent of the Employer’s Representative shall be obtained
as regards the modalities of the design by the designer. However, nothing contained in the
Contract shall create any contractual relationship or professional obligations between any
designer or a design sub- contractor and the Employer. The Contractor shall carryout and be
responsible for the design of the Works.

• The Contractor holds himself, his designers and design sub-contractors as having the experience
and capability necessary for the design.

• The Contractor undertakes that the designers shall be available to attend discussions with the
Employer’s Representative at all reasonable times during the Contract Period.

• The Contractor may include the name and detailed biodata of the designers or the design sub-
contractors with the Bid.

• The contractor shall provide soft copy of design and drawings for checking and approval with all
formulas and calculations.

1.18.1. Design Submissions

The Contractor shall submit 6 (Six) copies of complete detailed design calculations of each of the components
such as substructure and superstructure together with general arrangement drawings, construction drawings
and explanatory sketches as required by the Employer. Separate calculations for substructures or
superstructures submitted independent of each other shall be deemed to be incomplete and will not be
accepted by the Employer.

1.18.2. Design Standards

All designs shall be based on the latest Indian Standard (I.S.) Specifications or Codes of Practice. The design
standards adopted shall follow the best, modern and sound Engineering practice in the field based or any other
international standard or specialist literature subject to such standard reference or extract of such literature in
the English language being supplied to and approved by the Employer’s Representative. In case of any
variation or contradiction between the provisions of the BIS Standards or Codes and the specifications given
along with the tender document, the provision given in this Specification shall be followed.

All the designs of reinforced concrete structures shall generally confirm to the recommendations made in the
following publications (latest versions) of the Bureau of Indian Standards:

i. IS : 456: Code of Practice for plain and reinforced concrete

ii. IS: 875: Code of Practice for design loads for buildings and structures other than Earth Quake loads
(Part 1 to 5).

iii. IS: 3370: Code of Practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids (Part I to IV)

iv. IS: 1893: Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures.

v. IS: 2974 : Code of Practice for design and construction of machine foundations (Part 1 to 4)

vi. IRC: 6 Part II :Standard specification and Code of Practice for road bridges Loads and Stresses

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vii. SP: 34: Handbook on concrete reinforcement and Detailing.

All structural steel design shall generally conform to the following recommended latest publications of the
Indian Standards Institution:

i. IS : 800 :Code of Practice for general construction in steel

ii. IS : 806 :Code of Practice for use of steel tubes in general building construction

1.18.3. Design Life

The minimum design life of all structures and buildings shall be 60 years.

1.18.4. Design Loads

All buildings and structures shall be designed to resist the worst combination of the following loads/stresses
under test and working conditions; which includes dead load, live load, wind load, seismic load, stresses due to
temperature changes, shrinkage and creep in materials, dynamic loads.

1.18.5. Dead Load

This shall comprise loads arising due to all permanent construction including walls, floors, roofs, partitions,
stairways, fixed service equipment’s and other items of machinery. In estimating the loads of process
equipment all fixtures and attached piping shall be included, but excluding its contents.

The minimum Dead Loads shall be as per IS: 875 (Part 1).

1.18.6. Live Load

Live loads shall be in general as per IS: 875 (Part 2). However, the following minimum loads shall be
considered in the design of structures:

i. Live load on roofs : 1.50 kN/m2

ii. Live load on floors supporting equipment such as pumps,

blowers, compressors, valves etc. : 10.00 kN/m2

iii. Live load on all other floors, walkways, stairways and

platforms. : 5.00 kN/m2

In the absence of any suitable provisions for live loads in I.S. Codes or as given above for any particular type
of floor or structure, assumptions made must receive the approval of the Employer’s Representative prior to
starting of the design work. Apart from the specified live loads or any other load due to storage of materials,
any other equipment load or possible overloading during maintenance or erection/construction in part or full,
most critical condition shall be considered in the design.

1.18.7. Wind Load

Wind loads shall be as per IS: 875(part 3).

1.18.8. Earthquake Load

This shall be computed as per IS: 1893. The project area falls in seismic zone 2.

1.18.9. Dynamic Load

Dynamic loads due to working of plant items such as pumps, blowers, compressors, switch gears, traveling
cranes, etc. shall be considered in the design of structures.

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1.18.10. Equipment Loads

Loads of all equipment like pumps (static and dynamic), valve, switchgear, electrical control and relay panels,
cable load, pipe load (static and dynamic), etc. shall be considered over and above the imposed loads.

1.18.11. Crane Loads

For crane loads, an impact factor of 25% and lateral crane surge of 10% (of lifted weight + trolley weight) shall
be considered in the analysis of frame according to the provisions of IS : 875. The

longitudinal crane surge shall be 5% of the static wheel load.

1.18.12. Temperature Load

The structure shall be designed to withstand stresses due to temperature variation.

1.18.13. Individual Members Load

Individual members of the frame shall be designed for the worst combination of forces such as bending
moment, axial force, shear force, torsion, etc.

1.19. Civil Works Technical Requirements

This section specifies the technical requirements pertaining to Civil works. The General Civil requirements and
standard specifications included in the tender shall be read in conjunction with these requirements.

The various structures covered under this specification for Civil technical requirements comprises of all
structures for waste water system under the contract as mentioned below but not limited to:

Stilling chamber

Inlet Chamber/RCC Channel

Sewage Pumping Station

Sewage Treatment Plant & Associated buildings & Structures

Sewerage Network

Any and all other water/Sewage retaining structures

All other structures not listed above but mentioned elsewhere in the bid document shall also follow the civil
works technical requirements and specification of the bid document.

Submissions of detailed design calculations and Good for Construction drawings shall include the following as a

A. Detailed Design Calculations

1. Six (6) set of CD/DVD containing electronic files relevant to the structure’s modelling, analysis
and design calculations (Microsoft Excel, Staad Pro, etc.). Files submitted shall be in editable

2. Print copy (6 Copies) of the contents as submitted in the CD/DVD.

B. Good for Construction Drawings

1. Six (6) set of a CD/DVD containing Autocad files (Civil General Arrangement, Structural
Dimensions and Reinforcement Details) pertaining to the structure. Files submitted shall be in
editable format.

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2. Print copy (6 Copies) of the contents as submitted in the CD/DVD. Prints to be submitted on
A1 Size Sheet as a minimum or A0 Size Sheet as required by the Employer’s Representative.

3. Bar-bending schedule indicating the number, shape and size of the rebars shall be submitted
as part of the Reinforcement Details

4. Detailed drawing showing the location, number and depth of inserts shall be included for any
structural steel inserts/Metal inserts in the structure such as rungs, bolted connections for
ladders/railings, etc.

5. Location of Construction Joints and pour sequence shall be included on the drawing for base
slabs, walls and top slabs.

6. Revised drawings shall be submitted by clouding at the location with the latest revision number
and also show the history of revisions in a table format just above the title block.

The design considerations described hereunder establish the minimum basic requirements of plain and
reinforced concrete structures, masonry structures and structural steel works. However, any particular structure
shall be designed for the satisfactory performance of the functions for which the same is being constructed. The
Contractor shall also take care to check the stability of partly completed structures.

1.19.1. Partly/Fully Underground Liquid Retaining Structures- Basis for Design

All underground or partly underground liquid containing structures shall be designed for the following

i. liquid depth up to full height of wall and free board: no relief due to lateral soil pressure from outside
to be considered;

ii. Reservoir empty (i.e. no liquid or any material inside the storage area): full lateral earth pressure at
rest due to surrounding saturated soil and surcharge pressure as applicable, shall be considered;

iii. partition wall between dry sump and wet sump to be designed for full liquid depth up to full height of

iv. partition wall between two compartments to be designed as one compartment empty and other full;

v. Structures shall be designed for uplift in empty conditions considering the depth of the highest water
table recorded in the area.

vi. walls shall be designed under operating conditions to resist earthquake forces developed due to
mobilization of earth and dynamic liquid loads;

vii. Underground or partially underground structures shall also be checked against stresses developed
due to any combination of full and empty compartments with appropriate ground/uplift pressures on
the base slab. A minimum factor of 1.2 shall be ensured against uplift or floatation.

1.19.2. Foundations
i. The minimum depth of foundations for all structures, equipments, buildings and frame
foundations and load bearing walls shall be as per IS: 1904.

ii. Care shall be taken to avoid the interference of the foundations or any other
component of the new building with the foundations of adjacent buildings or structure.
Suitable adjustments in depth, location and sizes may have to be made depending on
site conditions. The Employer’s Representative shall accept no extra claims for such

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iii. Special attention is drawn to danger of uplift being caused by the ground water table.
Base raft for underground structure shall be designed for uplift forces that are likely to
be developed.

iv. Where there is level difference between the natural/ existing ground level and the
foundations of structure or floor slabs, this difference shall be filled up in the following

 In case of non-liquid retaining structures the natural top soil shall be removed
till a firm stratum is reached (minimum depth of soil removed shall be 500 mm.)
and the level difference shall be made up by compacted backfill as per
specifications. However, the thickness of each layer of the backfill shall not
exceed 150 mm. The area of backfilling for floor slabs shall be confined to
prevent soil from slipping out during compaction. The safe bearing capacity of
this well compacted backfilled soil for design calculations shall not exceed 100
KN/m .

 In case of liquid retaining structures, the natural top soil shall be removed as
described above and the level difference shall be made up with Plain Cement
Concrete (1:5:10)

1.19.3. Requirements for Reinforced and Plain Concrete Works (Structures)

The following are the design requirements for all reinforced or plain concrete structures:

a. All blinding and levelling concrete shall be a minimum 100 mm thick with minimum
concrete M10 grade for buildings and M15 grade for liquid retaining structures.

b. All structural reinforced concrete other than for liquid retaining structures shall at least be
of M-30 grade having minimum cement content of 370 kg/m with a maximum 40 mm
aggregate size for footings and base slabs and with a maximum 20 mm aggregate size for
all other structural member. The RCC work shall be carried out with SRC cement where
the structure will remain in touch with sewage / sludge in design mix of minimum M-30.
The contractor shall take approval/testing of Design Mix from authorized Govt. Laboratory
or as directed by EIC.

c. As a design consideration to control crack, though general requirements of IS 3370 shall

be followed, All liquid retaining structures shall be designed based on no crack basis.

d. The minimum clear cover to all reinforcement including stirrups and links shall be 50 mm
for liquid retaining structures including the bottom of roof. For other structures the
minimum clear cover shall be as specified in IS: 456. Water bars shall be provided in all
water retaining structures.

e. Any structure or pipeline crossing below roads shall be designed for a minimum of Class A
of IRC loading.

f. The bridges and supporting structure (for clarifiers, pipeline crossing river, etc.) shall be
designed to safely withstand the loadings such as loads and torque transmitted through
scrapper blades, motor, water force in the river, etc. depending on the arrangement
offered besides other loads.

g. All pipes and conduits laid below the structural plinth, road works, river bed, nallah
crossing, etc. except those crossing National Highway/Railway line, shall be embedded in

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reinforced concrete of minimum grade M25 having minimum 300 mm thick concrete cover
all around.

h. Approved quality water proofing compound (chloride free) shall be added during
concreting of all liquid containing structure, in the proportion specified by manufacturer.

i. For walls of liquid retaining structures, the following shall be considered.

 Minimum reinforcement shall be as per IS: 3370 part -2.

 Maximum length of panel to be concreted considering partial construction joints shall be

7.5 m. The adjacent panels shall be poured with a minimum time gap of 4 days. Height of
pour shall not exceed 2 m.

j. The following minimum thickness shall be used for different reinforced concrete members,
irrespective of design thickness:

(i) Walls for liquid retaining structures : 200 mm

(ii) Roof slabs for liquid retaining structures : 150 mm

(iii) Bottom slabs for liquid retaining structures : 200 mm

(iv) Floor slabs including roof slabs, walkways, canopy : 150 mm


(v) Walls of cables / pipe trenches, underground pits etc : 125 mm

(vi) Column footings : 300 mm

(vii) Parapets, Chajja : 100 mm

(viii) Precast trench cover : 75 mm

1.19.4. Requirements for Building Works

Unless otherwise specified, all the building works shall generally comply with the following
a. All buildings shall have Reinforced Concrete framework.

b. 75 mm thick RCC Damp Proofing Course in M15 shall be provided to all building walls.

c. Anti-termite treatment as per IS: 6313 part-III – 1971 with injection of chloropyrious
emulsifiable concrete (1%) timber care ground treatment chemically emulsion 1:3 and
creating a chemical barrier under and around the column pits, wall trenches, basement
excavation, top surface of plinth filling, junction of wall and floor along the external
perimeter of building, expansion joints, surrounding of pipes and conduits etc.

d. All external walls shall be in 230 mm thick brick masonry built in cement mortar in
(1:4). Transoms and mullions shall be of 115 mm x 230 mm size of cement concrete in
M15 with four numbers 6 mm bars and 6 mm links at 150 mm c/c shall be provided to
form panels not exceeding 3500 mm x 3500 mm in size.

e. All internal partition walls except for toilets shall be in 230 mm thick brick masonry built
in cement mortar 1:4 with transoms and mullions as stated above. Toilet partition walls
shall be in 115 mm thick brick masonry built in cement mortar 1:4 and shall have

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transoms and mullions as stated above to form panels not exceeding 1200 mm x 1200
mm size.

f. All internal masonry surfaces shall be finished with 12 mm thick smooth faced cement
plaster in cement mortar (1:4).

g. All external masonry surfaces shall be plastered in two coats with sand faced cement
plaster in cement mortar (1:4) and shall have total thickness of 20 mm. Waterproofing
compound of approved make and quality shall be added to the cement mortar in
proportions as specified by the manufacturer.

h. Bathroom/ W.C. floor slab shall be sunk and filled with brickbat coba (broken bricks set
in lime) and provided with waterproofing as per the specifications of an approved
specialist waterproofing company. The finished floor level in Bathroom / W.C. areas
shall be normally 12 mm below the finished floor level on the outer side.

i. Toilet facilities shall be provided at all New Pumping stations, Master Control
Centre, for men and women usage separately and shall include at least:

i. 1 No. Water closet with white porcelain EWC/ Orissa pan minimum 580 mm
long with PVC flushing cistern of 10 liters capacity.

ii. 1 No. Urinal of sizes 600 mm x 400 mm x 300 mm flat back type in white
porcelain separated by a kota stone partition of size 680 mm x 300 mm shall
be provided outside toilet.

iii. 1 No. Washbasin of size 510 mm x 400 mm in white Porcelain with inlet, outlet
with bottle trap.

iv. 1 No. Mirror of size 400 mm x 600 mm PVC moulding wall mounted type fitted
over washbasins.

v. 1 No. Plastic liquid soap bottles

vi. 1 No. Chromium plated brass towel rails minimum 750 mm long.

vii. All stopcocks, valves and pillar cocks shall be of chromium-plated brass, heavy

viii. All fittings such as `P’ or `S’ traps, floor traps, pipes, down-take pipes etc.

ix. The sewage from toilet blocks shall be led to the sewerage system is as
directed by the Employer.

i. Wherever specified, staircases shall be finished with 25 mm thick Kota Stone treads
and 20 mm thick Kota Stone skirting. The rise of stairs shall not exceed 170 mm and
minimum width of the tread shall not be less than 275 mm. All steps shall have 20 mm
nosing. R.C.C. stairways shall be provided to permit access between different levels
within buildings. All roof tops and tops of overhead tanks shall be made accessible
with ladder provision. Vertical ladders fitted with landing point extensions will be
permitted where considered appropriate by the Employer’s Representative to access
areas not frequently visited.

j. For all structures other than constructed for sewerage works, floor cutouts and cable
ducts, etc. shall be covered with pre-cast concrete covers in outdoor areas and G.I.
chequered plates of adequate thickness in indoor areas. All uncovered openings
around the platforms, balcony, stairs, and landing shall be protected with G.I. hand
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railing of 20mm diameter medium class GI placed and fixed in two rows. Top railing
and vertical of the G.I hand railing shall be 20 mm dia. G. I. Pipe of Class-A. The lower
railing shall be 25 mm dia. G.I. pipe of Class A.

k. All staircases shall be provided with steel railing with PVC cover or wooden handrail.

l. The reinforced concrete roofs shall be made waterproof by application of approved

cement/ lime based waterproofing treatment. The finished roof surface shall have
adequate slope to drain quickly the rainwater to R.W down-take points.

m. For roofing drainage, PVC rainwater down-takes with khurra and door bend with
grating at top shall be provided. For roof areas up to 40 m2. minimum two nos. 100
mm diameter down-take pipes shall be provided. For every additional area of 40 m2 or
part thereof, at least one no. 100 mm dia. down take pipe shall be provided. The RW
pipes shall be concealed.

n. Top surfaces of chajjas and canopies shall be made waterproof by providing a screed
layer of adequate slope or application of an approved roof membrane and sloped to
drain the rainwater.

o. Building plinth shall be minimum 450 mm above average finished ground level around
building and shall not be less than plinth level of existing buildings.

p. All buildings shall have a minimum 1.0 m wide, 100 mm thick plinth protection paving
in M15 grade concrete finished with stone slabs/ tiles. All plinth protection shall be
supported on well-compacted stratum.

q. All concrete channels and ducts used for conveying liquid shall have smooth finish
from inside. The width of concrete channels shall not be less than 500 mm. All open
channels shall be provided with G.I. hand railings.

r. Kerbs to be provided below the hand railing on the catwalks/pathways should be as

per relevant sections of the Factory Act.

s. All rooms in the treatment plant buildings and SPS shall be provided with appropriate
signboards indicating the function of the rooms involved.

t. Wherever equipment and machinery is required to be moved for inspection, servicing,

replacement etc., suitable movable gantry of required capacity shall be provided.

u. The design of buildings shall reflect the climatic conditions existing on site and it shall
as far as possible permit the entry of natural light.

v. Emergency exit doorways shall be provided from all buildings in order to comply with
local and international regulations. Stairways and paved areas shall be provided at the
exit points.

w. Toilet blocks in process building shall be provided with two drinking water taps of
12mm size and sink with appropriate drainage.

x. All chequered Plates shall be hot dip galvanized.

y. All types of opening such as doors, windows and ventilators shall be minimum 25% of
the floor area.

z. Glass shall be minimum 5 mm thick, pin headed or opaque.

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aa. Steel staircases shall be constructed of standard channel stringers with M.S. grating
treads 25mm thick with non skid nosing. Steel Ladders shall be minimum 600mm wide
and shall not exceed 6m of straight run. The ladders shall be painted with epoxy paint.

bb. All doors, windows and ventilators shall be made of aluminium confirming to latest
version of IS: 1948. All fixtures for doors, windows and ventilators shall also be of
aluminium. Aluminium grills shall be provided in all the windows. Doors shall be in two
panel and both panels shall be glazed/unglazed. Minimum weight of aluminium doors
and windows shall be as follows

I. Single Glazed Window : (Weights indicated shall be aluminium)

a) Openable

Outer Frame : Weight 0.70 kg/Rmt

Shutter Frame : Weight 0.97 kg/Rmt

Intermediate Mullion : Weight 0.97 kg/RMt

Beading : Weight 0.31 kg/Rmt

Fixing Louvers windows/ventilators

Outer Frame : Weight 0.46 kg/Rmt

II. Double Glazed Window

Outer Frame : Weight 0.72 kg/Rmt

Shutter Frame : Weight 0.97 kg/Rmt

Intermediate Mullion : Weight 0.98 kg/Rmt

Beading : Weight 0.31 kg/Rmt

III. Sliding Windows

Bottom and Top Frame : Weight 0.70 kg/m

Shutter Frame : Weight 0.42 kg/m

Interlocking Section : Weight 0.47 kg/m

IV. Aluminium Door

Outer Frame : Weight 2.508 kg/Rmt

Shutter Frame : Weight 2.508 kg/Rmt

Bottom Stile : Weight 2.508 kg/Rmt

Glazing shall be 5.5 mm thick glass.

1.19.5. Concrete Reinforcement

All major structures, buildings, Pump Station, Electrical sub stations, thrust blocks, and all liquid retaining
structures including all other structures in the Contract will use TMT Fe 415 or Fe500 of approved
make/manufacturer for concrete reinforcement.

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1.19.6. Joints
Movement joints such as expansion joints, complete contraction joints, partial contraction joints and sliding
joints shall be designed to suit the requirements. However, contraction joints shall be provided at specified
locations spaced not more than 7.5 m in both directions right angle to each other for walls and rafts.

Suitable gap at the location of expansion joints placed at a suitable interval not more than 30m shall be
provided in walls, floors and roof slabs of all structures.

Construction joints shall be provided at right angles to the general direction of the member. The locations of
construction joints shall be decided as per convenience of construction. To avoid segregation of concrete in
walls, horizontal construction joints are normally to be provided at every 2 m height. Approved PVC water-
stops of 8 mm thick & 150 mm width shall be used for walls and 230 mm width for base slabs. Expansion joints
for non-liquid retaining structures shall be provided as per IS 3414.

1.19.7. Reservoir and Pump House

The scope of work includes, but is not limited to the Design, Construction, Supply, Installation, Testing,
Commissioning, Trial Run, and 10 yr. O&M of the all Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation SCADA
Works for the pump house and Reservoir with other ancillary structures along with all material, Labour and
T&P, training to the maintenance personnel.

Table 9: The general requirement of pump Station buildings shall be as follows:


a) Type of Structure RCC frame Structure

b) Plinth Level Minimum 0.60 meters above finished

ground level

c) Minimum Height of building above finished floor As per conceptual drawing.


d) Retaining Walls RCC

e) External walls Below Ground Level RR stone masonry in Cement Sand mortar

f) External walls above Ground Level Brick masonry 230 mm thick in Cement
Sand mortar 1:3

g) Internal load bearing Walls and partition wall around Full Brick 230 mm in Cement Sand mortar
electrical/ battery rooms 1:3

h) Partition walls Half Brick masonry in Cement Sand

mortar 1:3

i) Earth Filling for Reclamation of additional Land With suitable earth with compacted to 95%
modified proctor density
j) Area for PLC Control Room with AC 20 m having partitions with aluminum
framed glazed panel partitions of height up
to lintel level

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k) Area for duty room 20 m

l) External finish Either of water proofing cement paint,

sand face plaster, grit wash facing as per
approved architectural plan

m) Plaster

Interior Plaster 12 mm thick in Cement Sand mortar 1:4

Plaster on external Walls 20 mm thick in Cement Sand mortar 1:4,

two coats

Ceiling Plaster 8 mm thick in Cement Sand mortar 1:4

Toilet Ceramic tiles up to lintel level and plaster

20 mm thick in Cement Sand mortar 1:4

n) False Ceiling Required in PLC control room only.

o) Flooring

Pump/motor Room Floor Hardener topping with CC base

Switchgear Room Kota stone with rubber mat

Battery room and Battery charger Room Acid resistant tiles for flooring and dado,
Sink and eye wash

Contractor office space/ duty room/ stairs / office Kota stone

space/toilets and other areas

PLC control room Anti-static PVC flooring with CC flooring


Walk ways GMS Chequered plates

Corridors and stairs Kota stone

p) Painting

Outer building area Cement based paint of good quality ISI


Inner areas of pump/motor room, office area and Dry distemper/Oil bound Distemper or as
lobbies per direction of EIC.

PLC Control room Acrylic Plastic Emulsion Paint

Battery room Acid resistant paint

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q) Doors

PLC Control room Glass paneled Aluminum Double door

shutters with aluminum frame and single
panel hinged shutters with door closures.
The first gate shall be provided with air
curtain of appropriate design to ensure
dust proofing.

Main Entrance Doors Glass paneled Aluminum door shutters

with aluminum frame and double panel
hinged shutters with door closures.

Switchgear room/ Battery room 2 hour Fire rated door-HMPS(hollow metal

pressed steel)

Toilet and other areas Pressed steel frame with 40mm thick flush
doors shutter

r) Windows

On Outer Front Walls and other windows opening in Glass paneled Aluminum shutters with
main entrances aluminum frame and double panel
shutters. (All windows in PLC room will be
fixed without shutters of same

Other Windows Aluminium section window with wire gauge

and safety grill

s) Cooling Arrangement

Entrance lobby Fans

Office rooms and duty room Fans and Coolers

Pump Station Air washer

PLC Control room Fan and air-conditioners to maintain 24C

temperature throughout the year

Drinking water arrangements Taping to be taken from the general water

Chlorination system installed.

Treatment and cooling Water cooler 40 liter per Hour and storage
capacity 80 liters with Zero –B, to be

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1.19.8. Safety Equipment

One set of safety equipment and emergency repair tool kit shall be provided in chlorinator Room
as well as in drum store area. Safety charts and printed operating instruction in bold readable
prints shall be paste on walls of Chlorine Drum Store and Chlorinator Room.
Chlorine safety equipment comprising of mask, canister leak detection etc. shall be provided in
chlorine room.
Firefighting extinguishers, first aid equipment as per statuary requirement shall have to be
provided in chlorine room and in chlorine store.
Materials and equipment necessary to ensure the safety of personnel operating the ch lorination
plant and others shall be provided.
The chlorination house and chlorine drum room shall have chlorine fume detectors and be force
Other safety equipment shall be provided including emergency blowers, resuscitators, breathing
apparatus and suits.
Provision for an alkali pit shall be made so as any leaking drum can be dumped into it by lifting
and moving it by electrical hoist. A pit and alkali absorption system shall be provided to contain
and neutralize chlorine in the event of a leak. The system shall comprise a pit located in the drum
room and accessible by the overhead crane system. The pit shall be provided with load bearing
covers which can be easily removed manually in an emergency and shall be surrounded with
removable guard railing. The pit shall be kept full with a neutralising solution of lime. The pit shall
be capable of holding side by side two 1 tonne nominal capacity chlorine drums. A pump shall be
provided in the base of the pit to facilitate emptying.
A 500 mm deep and 500 mm wide drain covered with perforated RCC covers shall be provide at
on all side of drum store to collect the water sprayed during leakages.
Special consideration shall be given to any floor drainage system in the drum; adequate traps shall
be provided to ensure that chlorine gas cannot escape into other system. All leader tubes carrying
cables or pipes out of the building shall be sealed at either ends to prevent any chlorine gas
leaking out.
The safety equipment shall include but shall not be limited to:
two sets of approved self-contained breathing apparatus, each comprising an air set, carrying
harness, face mask and valves and ancillary equipment. Each set shall be provided with three 200
litre capacity, 140 mm diameter, air cylinders;
two sets of approved positive airline breathing apparatus, each comprising body harness, face
masks and valves and 30 m of airline. One air trolley, comprising wheeled frame with two air
cylinders, control manifold, airline hose and hose winding drum. Two spare cylinde rs suitable for
changeover shall be provided;
one portable electric motor driven air compressor for recharging air cylinders, complete with quick -
release air hose couplings;
two `instant action' resuscitators.
four sets of safety clothing in various sizes, each comprising PVC overalls, wellington boots with
steel toe caps, goggles, gloves and safety helmets.
Each set of safety equipment shall be mounted in a glass-fronted, non-locking PVC coated steel
cabinet in approved locations on the outside of the building. Two emergency showers shall be
provided and shall be installed outside on either side of the drum room. Each shower shall be
operated automatically by a quick acting hand or foot valve.
Four eyebaths shall be supplied. Two eyebaths shall be adjacent to each of the showers. Water
for the showers, etc, shall be drawn from the service water supply.
Chlorine store shall be designed to store minimum 4 chlorine tonners in two rows of two tonners

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each. Appropriate saddle shall be provided for safe keeping of tonners. Working and standby
tonners shall be placed on rollers.
Provision for one or more electrically operated hoist of two shall be made for loading and
unloading of drums form the lorry as well as for handling of drums in the chlorine s tore. Hoist shall
be suitable for lifting any of the drum from any location of the drum store and for its movement
within drum store, loading unloading location and up to neutralization pit.
Provision for an alkali pit (NaOH) shall be made so as any leaking drum after controlling
with emergency kit can be connected to pit by inverted U tube of 35 ft height.
Floor of drum store shall be provided with iornite top finish
Contractor will have to obtain necessary approvals for storing of Chlorine Drums from Explosive
Inspector’s office and all other statutory approvals required for handling, storage and use of
chlorine gas in pressurized cylinder.
Design and safety features outlined in CPHEEO Manual should be adhered to.

Design Requirements for Instrumentation AND Control Systems

The instrumentation, control, automation installations shall fully comply with design standards, regulations and
the material and workmanship requirements of the Specification.

The electrical plant installations associated instrumentation control and automation systems shall also comply
with and be tested in accordance with the latest edition of BS 7671 or equivalent Indian standards.

All equipment and materials incorporated in the system shall be selected, designed and rated to operate under
the defined performance duties and specified site conditions and to maintain a high level of operational

The instrumentation control and monitoring system equipment and materials shall have an operational life of
not less than 15 years, unless otherwise approved by the Employer.

Site Conditions
A. Temperature and Humidity Range

The equipment shall be installed in an environment having a temperature range of 0 °C to 55 °C and a

maximum relative humidity of 100 % (non-condensing). The Contractor shall use, where required, fans,
heaters, and air conditioning units to maintain a correct working temperature for the equipment. All Parts of the
equipment shall be constructed of materials or treated to prevent the formation of mould, fungus or any
corrosion over the temperature and relative humidity ranges specified.

B. EMI/RFI Noise Immunity

The equipment to be provided shall be adequately protected against interference from the use of radio
transmitters, at any point external to the equipment housings and no malfunction of the equipment shall result
from this cause. Responsibility for the correct and reliable operation of the equipment shall rest with the
Contractor, who must ensure that the equipment is adequately protected against the ingress of radiated,
mains-borne signal-borne interference.

C. Generated Interference

The Contractor shall ensure that the computer, instrumentation and communications equipment conforms to
BS EN 50081-1or equivalent Indian Standard for noise emissions.

D. Coordination

The Contractor shall check with other trades to ensure that equipment and material can be installed in space
provided. Provide other trades with information necessary for them to execute their work. Details on

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Drawings, which are specific regarding dimensions and locations, are for information purposes. Coordinate
with other trades to ensure work can be installed as indicated.

E. Sequencing

The Contractor shall make applications to the local telecommunications Service Provider for provision of
communications and coordinate with the sub-contractor responsible for installation of power supply services
under this contract. Applications shall be made in time to ensure services are available for installation and
commissioning of the telemetry equipment.

1.19.9. Boundary Wall

Contractor has to take provision of construction of boundary wall at existing STP at Soorwal along with
provision of suitable MS fabricated gates as per approval of Engineer In charge. The boundary wall
height shall be 1.5 Mtrs. from GL. Foundation of boundary wall shall be 1.05 mtr below natural ground
level. Construction up to plinth level shall be in RR masonry in 1:6 cement mortars with 150 mm thick PCC in
1:4:8 below masonry. First wall section 90 cm wide with 45 cm. height, above it, second section of wall shall be
60 cm. wide with height of 45 cm above it. RR masonry wall of 30 cm thick with provision of columns of
45X45 cm at an interval of 3 mtr along with suitable joints provisions shall be constructed in CM 1:6 The
gates shall be made of MS with duly painted. Width of gates shall be 5.00 Mtr along with provision of
one pivot gate at each places. The design of gates & wall shall be as per approval of the Engineer. Total
length of Boundary wall is about 2000 mtr., there shall be provision of coping of CC of 75 mm thick in 1:2:4.
The wall shall be plaster with ornamental work in CM 1:4 on both side as per approval of the employer or his
representative. In case there is any increase/ decrease in length of boundary wall the same shall be, adjusted
(deducted/ paid) with a rate of Rs. 5000/mtr or as quoted by the bidder whichever is higher.

1.20. Design criteria for Instrumentation and Control Systems

1.20.1. Instrumentation System

a) Electronic instruments shall utilize solid state electronic components, integrated circuits,
microprocessors, etc., and shall be of proven design.

b) all instruments shall be suitable for continuous operation;

c) all digital outputs shall be volt free;

d) all instrumentation systems for use out of doors shall be protected to IP 65 for sensors and
transmitters, while enclosures under submersible conditions shall be protected to IP68;

e) all analogue displays shall be of the digital type with no moving parts utilizing back lit liquid crystal
diode technology;

f) For transmitting instruments, output signal shall be 4-20 mA DC linear having two wire system

g) Unless otherwise stated, overall accuracy of all measurement systems shall be ±0.5% of measured
value, and repeatability shall be ±0.5%.

h) After a power failure, when power supply resumes, the instruments and associated equipment shall
start working automatically.

i) The instruments shall be designed to permit maximum inter-changeability of parts and ease of access
during inspection and maintenance.

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j) The instruments shall be designed to work at extremes of the ambient conditions of temperature,
humidity, and chlorine contamination that may prevail. The instruments shall be given enough
protection against corrosion.

k) Lockable enclosure shall be provided for the field mounted instruments wherever required.

l) All field instruments, and cabinets / panel-mounted instruments shall have tag plates / name plates
permanently attached to them.

m) The performance of all instruments shall be unaffected for the ±10% variation in power supply voltage
and ±5% variation in frequency simultaneously.

n) All wetted parts of sensors shall be made out of non-corrosive material capable of working with

o) For all instruments (transmitting analogue signals) installed in the field, surge protection devices
(SPDs) shall be provided at both ends of the connecting cable for the protection against static
discharges / lightning and electromagnetic interference.

p) Pressure transmitters shall be provided with two valve manifold and a test port, so that in situ
calibration can be carried out.

q) Two wire transmitters shall be provided with on-line test terminals.

r) The ranges of all instruments shall be suitable for the application in the process.

s) Instruments of similar type shall be of same make for appropriate inventory of spares, ease of
maintenance and training.

t) The Indian agents of imported equipment shall have establishment to provide after sales maintenance

1.20.2. PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) System

PLC shall be provided as a Hot-Standby configuration to perform combinational and sequential logic functions,
status monitoring and reporting functions with counter and timer facilities.

PLC Panel interrogation power supply should be fully redundant.

PLC shall comprise of necessary processors, input/output (I/O) modules, communication interface modules
and Human-machine interface (HMI) min. 15” required to perform the desired functions.

Each PLC shall have memory protected built in historical archiving/data logging of system alarms & events and
process variables. Data logger shall be able to log data based on time or an event PLC shall have enough
memory allocated to allow 200,000 time and data stamped discrete and /or analog values to be archived. The
historical archive shall allow the oldest data to roll off the system as memory is used keeping the 200,000 most
current data points available. Process point time stamping frequency shall be selectable within the
configuration software. It shall be possible for the archived data to be exported in CSV format allowing use with
standard spread sheet and data software applications

PLC shall have the following attributes as a Hot-Standby configuration.

- carry out sequential logic implementation for operations of plant;

- carry out computation and interfacing for data acquisition, data storage and retrieval;

- it shall accept downloaded program from a programmer;

- it shall have different functional modules to perform the desired functions;

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- it shall scan the inputs in time cycles and update the status of its outputs.

1.20.3. Functional Design Specification (FDS, Sequence of Operation)

The Contractor shall propose the details the sequence of operation for the sewerage system, sewerage
treatment plant and pumping stations through careful study of the scheme proposed. Further, the contractor
shall be solely responsible to comply with any change/additional processes during the contractors design

The Contractor shall submit a complete functional design specification (FDS) for approval by the Employer
within 3 months of the award of the contract.

Functional design specification (FDS) for the IC&A system shall be combined with the FDS for instrumentation,
control and automation to form a complete document and shall comply with the specification of the FDS for
instrumentation, control and automation. This document shall serve as the primary mechanism by which the
Employer may confirm that the Contractor possesses an accurate understanding of the system and its control
requirements. The Contractor is encouraged to obtain any necessary clarifications and to suggest refinements
to the control descriptions contained in this Specification.

The FDS shall include a detailed block diagram of the PLC & Control system with a description of the
communications scheme to be provided. The FDS shall include operational details of the control system which
have an effect on pumping system operations, such as power failure response, communication failure
response, and automatic shut-down and start-up of the system.

The Contractor shall submit a preliminary FDS and obtain approval before the system architecture design is
finalized or detailed design takes place. The Contractor shall formally notify the Employer for approval of any
amendments or additions to the approved FDS. The final FDS shall be submitted for approval before
submission of the factory acceptance test definition documents. The Contractor should take note of the
importance of this obligation.

The FDS shall comprise an overall description of the system, its functioning and control, and a detailed
description of each section of the control system covering modes of operation, manual overrides, set-point and
parameter selection and adjustment. The detailed description shall include a step-by-step control description
which defines the function of each piece of equipment and each control action and interlock, including details
of the program in each programmable item.

The FDS shall describe the ‘fail-safe’ features incorporated into the design for the event of failure of a plant
item or system, or loss of an input signal affecting a control loop or process sequence.

The FDS shall describe control actions taken and monitoring functions which remain available during a power
failure, and any automatic controls or sequencing which take place during system start-up and shut-down.

The FDS shall be presented in a clear and precise manner and shall include figures or drawings where

1.20.4. Power Supply

The control system shall be powered from a number of uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs). These shall be
sized to provide sufficient power to maintain the control system functioning for a period of not less than two

The UPS for use with each Control Panel may be free standing or integral with the Control Panel and shall
derive their primary power from the Control Panel.

The status of each UPS shall be monitored and alarmed via the control system for any fault condition including
the UPS battery supply is about to expire.

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1.20.5. Voltages
The following control voltages shall be used:

Item Voltage
1. within starter enclosures 240 V AC
2. instrumentation power supplies 240 V AC / 24 V DC
3. PLC inputs cards 24 V DC
4. PLC outputs 24 V DC

1.20.6. Control System Protection

Short Circuit

All circuits shall be protected against short circuit by the provision of adequate numbers of fuses or miniature
circuit breakers.

For ease of maintenance and system security power supplies to each instrument loop and each PLC output
shall be protected with an individual fuse (terminal type).

1.20.7. Instrumentation Power Supply Cables and Instrumentation Signal Cables

Contractor shall include in his scope the supply and laying of instrumentation signal and instrument power
supply cables and associated civil / mechanical work required for completing the instrumentation, control and
automation system for entire sewerage system.

Cables shall be capable of satisfactorily withstanding without damage, transportation to site, installation at site,
and operation under normal and short circuit conditions of the various systems to which the respective cables
are connected when operating under the climatic conditions prevailing at the site as indicated in this

Cable joints in instrument signal and power supply cables shall not be permitted.

Cables shall be capable of satisfactory performance when laid on trays, in trenches, conduits, ducts and when
directly buried in the ground.

Cables shall be capable of operating satisfactorily under a power supply system voltage variation of ±15%, a
frequency variation of ±5.0%.


Surveillance CCTV system is required to ensure effective surveillance of STP & Up-gradation Plant as well as
create a tamperproof record for post event analysis. The System shall provide an on- line display of video
images on TFT monitors/Video Wall/Large plasma monitors located in Central as well as Local control rooms.

System should facilitate viewing of live and recorded images and controlling of all cameras by the
authorized users present in the LAN.

System should provide inter-operability of hardware, OS, software, networking, printing, database connectivity,
reporting, and communication protocols. System expansion shall be possible through off-the-shelf available
hardware. It is must to install this system also at online effluent quality monitoring system and sampling

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1.20.9. Submittals

Functional Design Specification (FDS)

1. The Functional Design Specification (FDS) shall be submitted to the Employer within 3 months of the award
of contract and approved before manufacture and purchasing commences. The system vendor and/or
Contractor shall include the following as a minimum:

a. Project Overview, design concept, criteria and system architecture

b. Description of the design and design criteria.

c. Details of associated equipment.

d. Plant Operating Screens (mimics)

e. Instrumentation Design Specifications

f. Quality Plan.

g. Outline of acceptance test procedures (FAT & SAT).

h. Implementation program for manufacture, installation and commissioning.

i. Manufacturers literature for each item of equipment supplied.

j. Outline of factory and site acceptance test procedures

Drawings and Documentation

1. All drawings of telemetry and instrumentation control and Automation (ICA) equipment shall be on A3 or A4
size sheets, with title blocks approved by the Employer.

2. Signature of the Contractors authorized representative to indicate the drawings have been checked prior to

3. The text of all drawings and documentation provided by the Contractor shall be in the English Language.

Contractor’s Drawings

1. The Contractor shall submit 3 (three) reproducible copies plus two photocopies of general and detailed
dimension arrangement drawings, schematics and wiring diagrams of all major items of Plant, for the
Employer’s approval. Manufacture of an item of Plant shall not commence until the associated drawings have
been approved in writing by the Employer.

2. All modifications or revisions to drawings shall be clearly indicated and the revision reference changed.

3. Drawings affecting work by other disciplines shall be provided to the Employer, within 6 weeks from the date
of enterprise.

4. Drawings for instrumentation equipment shall include:

a. Manufacturer’s general arrangement drawings for all items showing clearly the position of all cable glands
and main components including, where appropriate, foundation plans, showing the position of all holes
required for fixing bolts and cables etc.

b. Manufacturers’ schematic diagrams and connection diagrams for all items showing all internal wiring and
terminal connections suitably referenced. Connection diagrams shall include existing and proposed outgoing
cable connections.

c. General layout of plant showing cable routing

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d. Instrument schedules with complete details of each instrument

e. Block diagram showing all plant, cable runs and cable reference numbers.

f. Cable schedules giving full details of use, destinations, size and number of conductors, grade, class and

g. Layout of instrumentation earthing and grounding facilities.

h. Proposed arrangements for cables laid below ground showing identification references, voltage, depth of
laying, route and length, crossings with other services, location of any joints and position of ducts, with cross
sectional arrangements.

The Contractor shall modify existing drawings to show the modifications. If suitable existing drawings are not
available the Contractor shall provide drawings showing the modifications.

Record Drawings

As part of the Works and before Taking Over, the Contractor shall provide and forward to the Employer, a
complete set of drawings comprising two original size permanent transparency and six paper prints, of all final
drawings of the Works as installed, schematic wiring diagrams, panel wiring and connection diagrams, cable
route diagrams and schedules and any other special drawings which have been prepared during the course of
the Contract. The Contractor shall also provide drawings on compact disk in AUTO CAD (Latest Version), for
the modification and printing of drawings. Also all drawings shall be converted in to PDF files and stored in the
Engineers workstation.

Training Plan and Manuals

1. As part of the Works and before beginning training, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer, 6 copies of
complete operating and maintenance instructions for the system, referring specifically to the Plant. The
documents shall also be presented on a compact disk in Microsoft Office 2003/2007 Word or latest version
available for Windows software format and manual should also be prepared in local regional language

2. Each copy of the instructions shall be contained in a substantial binder.

3. These manuals shall include but not be limited to the following information:

- Detailed descriptions of the Plant operation and control scheme.

- Manufacturer’s original operation and maintenance procedures.

- Complete parts list for all items of the Plant.

- Recommended spare parts list.

- Detailed maintenance instructions for all items as necessary to maintain the items in good working order,
including all step-by-step procedures for troubleshooting and fault correction.

- Configuration of data base, reports, logs and screen displays.

- Data communication interface standards and protocols.

- All ladder logic and control loop flow diagrams.

- Programme user instruction for all software

- The system shall provide on line, complete user documentation, including examples of how to operate the
various modules within the system. The documentation must be in electronic format, HTML based with the
ability to search for topics by keyword or search for specific text.
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1.20.10. Reference Standards

Unless otherwise approved, instrumentation shall comply with relevant quality standards test procedures and
codes of practice collectively referred to as Reference Standards including those listed in General
Instrumentation, Automation and Control System in accordance with the requirements detailed elsewhere in
this specification


The Sewerage Network to be Designed, Built, refurbished if applicable, operated and maintained, as
detailed in the ITB/BDS sections, Tested and Commissioned by the Contractor shall comply with the
guidelines contained in “Manuals on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment - Part A - Engineering, Part B
- O&M, and Part C - Management” Latest Edition(s) published by the Central Public Health &
Environmental Engineering Organization (CPHEEO), Ministry of Urban Development, Government of

The design submitted by the Contractor shall be proof checked by qualified Engineering Institute
(Approved by the Employers Representative), for which the charges shall be borne by the Contractor. The
delay in checking designs by the third party as above shall be treated as the delay on the part of the
Contractor for operation of the tender clause

Documents Comprising the Technical Standards

The Technical Standards consist of Technical Specification to be followed during Construction of

Sewerage Network and other ancillary/ allied works for all civil, mechanical, electrical and
instrumentation required to be executed under this Contract. Notwithstanding the said Specifications, the
Contractor shall adopt and follow necessary standards and approved Codes /specification wherever
required for fulfillment of all the works under this contract.

In respect of the Design-Build Services, the Contractor shall ensure that the design of the Sewerage
Network is prepared by qualified designers who are professionally recognized to design the Sewerage
Network and allied services.

The Contractor warrants that the Contractor and its designers have the experience and capability
necessary for the design. Planning of the entire system should be done in such a manner so as to
optimize capital and operational costs on whole on sustainable basis.


The scope of work under this section shall include but not limited to the following and as specified in Bill
of Quantities.

i. Review of Employers Representative’s proposals and designs: The Contractor has to

(i) undertake field survey of the entire area proposed for coverage with sewerage,

(ii) check the actual levels with the levels used in the Employers Representative’s proposal,

(iii) review designs of sewerage system proposals provided by the Employers


(iv) re-design the sewers (using S e w e r - CAD / Sewer Gems Software) wherever
necessary and prepare revised drawings,
(v) submit the revised designs & drawings and obtain approval of the Employers
Representative. The payment will be made as per the quoted rates in bill of quantities for
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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

conducting survey, reviewing and redesigning. The Bidder has to consider this aspect
and make provision, while quoting the rates for Sewer pipe, supply, laying and jointing
item in the tender.
ii. Conducting Survey for laying of lateral sewers for proposed alignment and levels, at every 30
meters interval and other necessary locations before execution of the work including all data
required for generating L section and GIS maps of sewer network. Submission of survey
drawings showing L-Sections, ground levels at every 30 meters interval and other necessary
locations, detailed strip plans showing adjacent structures etc., in AutoCAD for approval of the
Employers representative before execution of the work.

iii. Also, conducting Survey for laying of sewers (equal to or greater than 300 mm diameter) for
proposed alignment and levels, at every 30 meters interval and other necessary locations
before execution of the work including all data required for generating L section and GIS maps
of sewer network. Submission of survey drawings showing L-Sections, ground levels at every
30 meters interval and other necessary locations, detailed strip plans showing adjacent
structures etc., in Auto CAD for approval of the Employers representative before execution of
the work. The Contractor shall take prior approval of the Employers Representative before
surveying in any changes in locations or alignments from his original proposals.

iv. Earth work excavation for pipeline trenches and manhole chambers including depositing on
bank including, danger lighting and using sight rails and boning rods at every 100 meters and
wherever necessary, including shoring, strutting, bailing out water, as directed with all lifts etc.,
complete & lead as per Bill of quantities for different strata and depth ranges.

v. De-watering for Excavation in all classifications in watery situation or foul conditions towards,
including overnight recuperation for all depth ranges, with all lead and lifts etc., complete.

vi. Providing erecting and removing three tier Barricading firmly including cost and conveyance of
all materials, labor, lead and lift charges complete.

vii. Carting of excavated Earth of all types to a lead distance detailed in bill of quantities & stacking
of earth at identified suitable site and re-carting back the stacked earth to the same site by
vehicle, including loading, unloading charges for to & fro, with all lifts, labor, HOM of
machinery etc. complete. Lead distance indicated is one side distance only. Bidder shall quote
the rate for to & fro lead distance.

viii. Disposing off the excess excavated earth of all types to a distance detailed in bill of quantities
by vehicle, including neatly stacking, loading, unloading, with all lifts, labor, HOM of machinery
etc. complete

ix. Construction of all appurtenant structures such as Sewer Brick masonry, S t o n e

m a s o n r y , RCC Cast in-situ / R C C Pre-cast M-40 manhole structures and other structures
coming in contact with sewage, using SRC (sulphate resisting cement confirming to IS
12330 with latest revisions) with SFRC frames & covers and/or DI covers, plastic
encapsulated/ M.S. footsteps, drop manholes, ventilating shafts, pipe supports, drain and road
crossings, etc. as per Bill of Quantities, approved drawings and relevant IS codes including all
temporary works and safety measures.

x. Interlinking the existing sewer lines with proposed lines and vice versa.

xi. The contract covers, Conducting Level Survey of proposed and Existing sewerage system by
Collecting ground levels, invert level of sewers, size and type(material of construction) of
Sewers and at every manhole, including depth of manhole and measuring length in between
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manholes and safely closing the manhole cover, preparation and submission of Drawings in
AutoCAD & GIS with all particulars in complete manner as per specification and as directed by
the Employers representative for cross verifying the adaptability of existing sewer network
wi th t he proposed, wh ich will be verifie d by Employe rs R epresentati ve’ s enginee rs, and
decision will be given to retain or reject the part or whole of the existing sewer network. Levels
shall be carried from the nearest Bench mark given by Employer representative for
conducting this survey.

xii. Providing PVC-U pipes for House Service Connections from Manholes / Sewer lines as
per specifications and approved drawings and as directed by the Employers representative
etc. including all materials such as connecting pipes, earthwork, pipe line laying and
jointing, bedding etc. complete as per Bill of Quantities items of work.

xiii. Backfilling the trenches in layers of specified thickness, material as per detailed specifications
and items in bill of quantities.

xiv. Providing Road or Railway crossing by adopting Trench less Method (i.e. pipe ramming
method/ HDD/ Pipe jacking method) as per items in bill of quantities at locations shown in the
approved drawings, specifications and as directed by the Employers representative.

xv. Taking all measures for complying to the Environmental Management Plan and monitoring the
same as per detailed specifications.

xvi. Contractor shall be responsible for providing insurance as provided in Contract data.

xvii. Testing and commissioning the sewers after laying and construction of manholes as per
detailed specifications.

xviii. Submission of as built drawings of sewer lines & its appurtenances, including L-sections and
plans as per specifications including existing laterals for which the Contractor has conducted
the existing system level survey showing the entire sewer network in the scope of this contract.
The scope also covers associated civil works including protective works, encasing of pipes with
concrete and RCC NP3/ NP4 / DI and HDPE PE/ HDPE DWC, PVC-U pipes at road crossings,
all safety measures etc.

xix. All works shall be done as per the specifications, in Bill of Quantities and in compliance to the
Technical specifications and as directed by the Employers representative. The work shall be
executed on item rate basis. Indicative Drawings related to the works to be done, are given for
guidance of the Contractor. For the execution of Works, exact details will be given in
construction drawings based on the alignment drawings given by the Contractor. The
prospective bidder is expected to visit the site of works at his own expense to fully study the
local conditions and to familiarize with the working area and local conditions and include all
such factors in his quoted rates.

xx. Trial run of the System:-After commissioning of works or a section of the completed works, the
Contractor shall conduct trial run to demonstrate satisfactory performance to the Employers
representative prior to declaring commencement of O&M.

Contractor’s Inspection of Sites

The Contractor is deemed to have visited the sites and familiarized himself of the conditions and
restrictions under which the work will be executed. The omission of any details shall not relieve the
Contractor of his prima facie obligation and responsibility under the Contract to carry out and
successfully complete the contract. The Employers Representative will entertain no monetary or other

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claims, made by the Contractor on the grounds of „want of knowledge’

Work plan

The Contractor shall prepare the work plan for the execution of works, which includes procurement of
pipes before starting of the works. The Contractor shall submit the planning (Survey, reviewing and
redesigning, Construction, Quality control, and Commissioning) within 14 days after issue of letter of
acceptance and take necessary approvals for the same. The planning’s shall be done on MS project/
Primavera software and indicate, resources such as material, manpower, cash-flow etc. to complete the
works as per agreed time. The planning shall include all allowances to guard against delays caused
due to inclement weather or its effects (such as floods or draughts), fire or industrial disputes, unless such
events could not reasonably have been foreseen by an experienced Contractor.

Alignment Survey and the L-Sections

The Contractor shall carry out the Survey work for laying of lateral sewers (less than 300 mm
diameter) for proposed alignment and levels, at every 30 meters interval and other necessary
locations, before execution of the work, including all data required for generating L section and GIS
maps of sewer network. Contractor shall submit the survey drawings showing L-Sections, ground
levels at every 30 meters interval and other necessary locations, detailed strip plans showing adjacent
structures etc., in latest version of AutoCAD for approval of the Employers representative before
execution of the work. The Contractor shall be deemed to have considered this aspect and made
provision, while quoting the rates for Sewer pipe (less than 300mm), supply, laying and jointing item in
the tender. If the alignment and flow directions of the sewers are to be changed according to the
site conditions and the Employers representative agrees to that, the Contractor has to redo the
alignment and level survey at every 30 m and junction points, and submit all the details in latest version
of Auto Cad & GIS in soft form to Employers Representative, for re-design of that particular stretch
and take up the work on receipt of approved designs from Employers Representative

Also, the Contractor shall carry out the Survey work for laying of branch/ sub-main /main / trunk
sewers (more than 300 mm diameter) for proposed alignment and levels, at every 30 meters interval and
other necessary locations, before execution of the work, including all data required for generating L
section and GIS maps of sewer network. Contractor shall submit the survey drawings showing L-
Sections, ground levels at every 30 meters interval and other necessary locations, detailed strip plans
showing adjacent structures etc., in latest version of AutoCAD & GIS for approval of the Employers
representative before execution of the work. The Contractor shall take prior approval for location and
length of the survey work for this paid item. The payment will be made as per the quoted rates for
conducting survey in bill of quantities. If the alignment and flow directions of the sewers are to be
changed according to the site conditions and the Employers representative agrees to that, the
Contractor has to redo the alignment and level survey at every 30 m and junction points, and submit all
the details in latest version of Auto Cad in soft form to Employers Representative, for re-design of that
particular stretch and take up the work on receipt of approved designs from Employers Representative.
The alignments, L-section and location of manholes may be changed at site if required, and after
approval of the Employers representative.
The Survey work for all the sewer lines (for all diameters of sewers) alignment shall also include
the following:

a) All the Survey works shall be carried out from G.T.S. Benchmarks, using Total Station
instrument of standard make, and by qualified survey personnel. The survey shall consist of
field data collection and related attribute information collection of all the aspects using GPS and
transferring to GIS map of sewer network before and after laying of sewer pipes and allied

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structures, as required by Employers Representative.

b) Field attribute collection for Mapping with respect to existing sewerage network does not
require any digging in the field. The existing maps / Employers Representative field staff
knowledge can be utilized by the Contractor to provide the data for mapping the said network
and it will be paid as per the survey work item in Bill of quantities.

c) Network entity’s attribute information like pipe dia., pipe type, ground material, depth of the
pipe, manhole type; manhole size, manhole depth etc. along with inlet and outlet sewer I.L. at
each M/H with L-section shall be submitted.

d) The data pertaining to House Service Connections (connection to Customers) have to be

collected up to building footprint and submitted.

e) The Contractor shall communicate regularly, with the Employers Representative

regarding the GIS mapping survey data and for clarifications.


Road restoration is a critical activity which requires special attention of the contractor. Following
guidelines should be followed:

a) The contractor shall have to restore the road up to WBM/ WMM stage including refilling trench
in layers, watering, rolling and compacting to within 10 days after trenching is completed in a
particular street/ section. The contractor shall ensure that total uncovered length of WBM/
WMM does not exceed 5.0 KM at any stage of work and will complete the bituminous work

b) Contractor shall erect informatory board at his own cost showing type of work, inconvenience
expected and timeline for various construction activities going to take place in a particular street
or a particular reach of road as per direction of Employer’s Representative in charge.

c) Contractor shall deploy a community outreach team headed by a qualified social expert (post
graduate in sociology) having minimum 3 years’ experience of social activity work with
government recognized NGO or other government institutes to make strong relation with public
prior to start of work in a particular ward/ area.

d) The contractor shall have to do the sequencing of activities as per direction of Employer’s
Representative in charge to synchronize sewer work and water pipe line work to minimize the
road excavation and restoration in the street which will have both pipe lines.

e) The cutting of existing C.C. pavement shall be done by using mechanical cutter to ensure
cutting in regular line and the laying of CC pavement shall be done below 30 degree ambient

1.22.1. Provisions of road restoration - Sewer

a. For laying sewer on B/T Surface for road width up to 4 m, restoration up to WMM stage in
trench width and bituminous work (wearing surface) in full width of the Existing Road.

b. For laying sewer on B/T Surface for road width 4 m to 7 m, restoration up to WMM stage in
trench width and bituminous work (wearing surface) in entire road width up to 7 m.

For road width more than 7 m, bituminous restoration work (wearing surface) limited to 7 m (2
lanes) to cover the trenches (may be one lane over each trench).

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1.22.2. For laying Sewer on CC Road

a. For road width less than 4.0m, restoration up to PCC stage (lean concrete) will be in trench
width and CC pavement of M-30 grade in full width.

b. For road width more than 4.0m, restoration by lean concrete and pavement in M-30 grade in
trench width only.
In Bituminous road restoration, Use of Paver is mandatory for carriage way width above 3.75 m of
road restoration.

Notwithstanding all which has been laid down on road restoration, Employer’s representative with
reasons recorded and prior permission of PIU in charge will be authorized to come up with the site
specific solution based on prevailing ground situation.

If contractor fails to adhere the provisions of time cap for road restoration mentioned in a) above, he
shall be penalized as below:-

a. For a stretch/ section uncovered by WBM/ W MM/ PCC after refilling of trench beyond 10 days,
a penalty of Rs. 6000/- per day per km of incomplete length will be imposed and same will be
recovered from next Running Payment to contractor.

b. If the length of uncovered WMM/ WBM/ PCC restoration exceed 5.0km, a penalty of Rs. 3000/-
per day per km of uncovered length over 5.0km of WMM/ WBM/ PCC will be imposed and
same shall be recovered from the next Running Payment to contractor.


The Scope of Services during the implementation Period shall essentially comprise of implementing the
approved SIP based on the hydraulic model prepared for sewage network. SIP will be implemented in
accordance to international best practice and industry standards and sufficient care shall be taken by
the Contractor in minimizing supply interruptions, traffic disruptions and ensuring good and timely
communications with the Customers in the Service Area. During work execution, contractor would be
required to inform the residents & all concerned govt. agency whose utilities are expected, say, of a
particular street, well in advance about the type of work, inconvenience expected, timelines for various
works, etc. Contractor has to have a strong Public Relations and Community Outreach team. Contractor
will plan sequencing of activities of sewer works in such a way that it could be made functional
starting from the d/s ends without leaving missing gaps.

All the Works and interventions proposed as part of the SIP shall be in conformity with the Specifications
set out in the Employer’s Requirements. Implementation of sewer collection networks and the water
supply transmission and distribution network in a given street / road shall be taken up simultaneously so
that the people living in the area are not affected multiple times.

1.23.1. Customer Survey

The Contractor shall complete door to door Customer survey to ground truth the footprints and the
properties in the subproject area shall be carried out. It may happen that the satellite image may give one
footprint but the footprint may be divided in several properties internally either horizontally or
vertically. The foot print shall be divided to show clear distinction.

The Contractor shall undertake a door-to-door survey of all properties whether connected to the
network or un-connected and obtain the details in regard to name, address, number of resident

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members, categories of general residential households (independent housing, group housing

connections and apartments), urban poor households, government housing, non-domestic, commercial,
institutional, religious places, industrial and fire services and any other category of resident,
Customers income status in the Service Area ,availability of water connection, metering status,
estimated consumption levels, alternate water supply arrangements, existing sewerage system , method
of disposal of wastewater, willingness to pay, etc. The contractor shall get the data from PHED about the
authorized water connection and their location of properties. The data collected from household survey
shall be geocoded to the footprints from the digitized satellite image. This geospatial database will be
used for designing hydraulic models etc.

1.23.2. Management Information System

Contractor shall develop, establish, operate and manage during the entire contract period a
comprehensive Integrated Management Information System (MIS) in respect of all matters including but
not limited to:

i. Design Built activities

ii. All the Operation and maintenance activities

iii. billings and collection systems;

 Customer services, including data bases relating to complaints and questions, response times
and resolution;

 Financial management, including accounting systems;

iv. Performance information systems; and

v. Others as identified during SIP preparation and implementation.

1.23.3. Billing and Revenue Collection responsibility

The billing and revenue collection of sewerage charges are to be done with water bill and therefore,
billing and revenue collection shall be done by PHED/ line agency.

1.23.4. Electricity Consumption

The Contractor, during the preparation of the Service Improvement Plan, shall assess the capacity of
pumps and motors proposed to be provided, the arrangements for maintaining the power factor before
taking over the same etc. During operation and maintenance period, the contractor shall be
responsible to maintain power factor; any equipment required to maintain power factor will be installed
by the contractor under provisional sum and will be paid separately. Contractor will be responsible for
maintaining power factors at the pumping equipment installed by him. Electricity connections at all
existing and proposed permanent installations will be applied by contractor and will be reimbursed to
contractor under provisional sum. Power charges will be directly paid by the SWMC / ULB/ line
agency. Penalty if any levied by the electricity company for not maintaining the power factor etc will be
recovered from the contractor as per actual.

1.23.5. Maintaining Performance Standards

The performance standards for the Design Build works during the SIP implementation shall consist of
i) quality of work as per specifications and ii) The time line for completion as per the milestones
defined in. The liquidated damages will be levied for non-achievement of these milestones in time, as per
the provisions in Section 8: Particular Conditions of Contract.

The measurement of the quality of work will be as per the tests laid down in the specifications of

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various items while the measurement of the achievement of milestones is based on the defined works and
defined dates.

Payment of operation services will be in accordance to the procedures in Schedule 5 – Contractor

Payments attached to Section 8: Particular Conditions of Contract. Operation service contract will be
governed by Performance Standards provided in Schedule 7 – Performance Targets and
Measurement attached to Section 8: Particular Conditions of Contract.

1.23.6. Periodic Reports

The Contractor shall prepare and submit periodic reports on different plans, progress of Works,
performance standards etc., including exceptional reports on emergencies if any. The reporting
requirements are provided in Table below. The Contractor shall as part of the SIP develop the
required formats for the periodic reports and also identify any critical reporting requirements in order to
enable timely decision making by the Employer.

Table 14: Summary of Periodic Document/Reporting Requirements

Deliverable First Report Follow-up Tasks

Design Documents Submit designs not later than Not applicable

100 days from the Contract
Commencement Date

Annual Operating Plan (AOP) Submit Annual Operating Plan Submit AOP for subsequent
(AOP) not later than 100 days years not later than 90 days
from the Commencement Date prior to end of previous year

Standard Operating Procedures Submit report not later than Complete implementation and
(SOPs) for operation and 360 days after Commencement training 30 days before
management Date commissioning of first zone and
subsequently whenever new
employees join for O & M.

Management Information Submit report not later than Generate monthly reports from
Systems (MIS) 100 days after Commencement MIS

Operating Performance Report Submit OPR for any and every To be submitted every month
(OPR); the OPR shall include: month before the 10th day of
a detailed progress report on subsequent month commencing
the implementation of the from the commencement date
designs; and Performance
Standards achieved or
maintained during the month;
staff details engaged at various
centres; exceptional reports on
emergencies, Environmental
and Social Responsiveness

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Quarterly Performance Report Submit Quarterly Performance Repeat for every quarter
(QPR); the QPR shall include a Report for any and every
brief summary of the relevant quarter before 10 day of
issues detailed in the Monthly subsequent quarter
Performance Reports. commencing from the
Commencement Date

Annual Performance Report Submit Annual Performance Repeat for every year
(APR); the APR shall include Report for any and every year
the annual accounts, cash before 20 day of subsequent
flow, and financial performance year
including summary analysis of
lapses in revenue collection.

Asset and Facilities Register Submit Asset and Facilities Submit updated Asset and
Register within 150 days from Facilities Register before 30
the Commencement Date day from the completion of an
operating year

1.23.7. Employer’s Representative's Site Office

The Contractor shall provide, furnish, equip and maintain, for the design, build period, 1 site office for the
sole use of the Employer’s Representative’s site staff. The offices shall be located near the
Contractor’s site offices. Basic construction details and dimensions shall generally conform to local
building standard or as approved by the Employer’s Representative.

Site office shall have an internal area of at least 500 Sq. Ft. and shall have at least, 2 office rooms, a
conference room, pantry and a toilet. The layout of the site office and the sizes of the individual
rooms shall be agreed upon between the Employer’s Representative and the Contractor. Each office
room in these offices shall be provided with air conditioning facilities; sufficient lighting and well
ventilated and shall be so insulated as to provide comfortable working conditions. The Contractor
shall establish Employer’s Representative’s site office within 28 days of the issue of the Notice to

Site office shall have required furniture/appliances, desktops, printer, required stationary and printing
material, a telephone connected to the public system and broadband internet. Site office and equipment
shall become the property of the Contractor upon completion of the Contract.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper maintenance of the offices during the design build
period. He shall keep the offices and toilets clean and shall provide adequate cleaning staff for this
purpose throughout the Contract period. All electricity, water and telephone charges, relating to the
Employer’s Representative's offices, including connection and disconnection fees and rental charges
shall be paid by the Contractor. If the Employer’s Representative feels that office arranged by the
contractor is not being maintained properly, Employer’s Representative has right to deduct a reasonable
amount from that payment.

1.23.8. Survey Equipment and Field Assistance to the Employer’s Representative

The Contractor shall make available to the Employer’s Representative required survey equipment,
suitably educated and trained survey assistants and laborers for use on and about the Site in
sufficient numbers and at all reasonable times. The above mentioned equipment shall be the property of

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the Contractor upon the completion of the Contract.

1.23.9. Safety Equipment to the Employer’s Representative

The Contractor shall provide the Employer’s Representative with the safety equipment at each site
office. The Contractor shall replace each item after it wears out and becomes unsuitable for use.

1.23.10. Contractor's Offices, Stores and Services

The Contractor shall provide, erect, construct, maintain and subsequently remove proper offices,
stores, workshops, laboratories, storage and parking areas for his own use. Such facilities shall be
sufficiently sized and equipped to enable him to manage his operations and those of his
Subcontractors in a professional manner and to enable him to carry out all his obligations under the
Contract. Sheds for storage of materials that may deteriorate or corrode if exposed to the weather
shall be weatherproof, adequately ventilated and provided with raised floors. No material shall be
placed directly on the ground. Within his offices a meeting room shall be available for site meetings with
the Employer’s Representative and the Employer.

1.23.11. First Aid at Office and work site

The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for treatment of casualties on the Site in such first- aid
units as may be thought necessary. The Contractor shall be responsible for the construction of such
first-aid units and their management and operation and the removal by ambulance of injured or sick
employees to nearby hospitals. The first-aid service shall cover the Contractor's own personnel as well
as that of the Employer, the Employer’s Representative and all Subcontractors.

1.23.12. Testing Facilities, Laboratory

Within 28 days of issue of Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall establish, in the campus of site
office, an on-site fully furnished and adequately equipped field laboratory staffed by qualified personnel
suitable for construction material testing except cement and steel etc. He will make the facility to test
other material in the approved independent material testing laboratory. The name and qualifications of
independent testing laboratories shall be submitted to Employer’s Representative for approval no less
than thirty calendar days prior to the date the laboratories are to be used. Once approved, dismissal
and replacement of the approved independent testing laboratory shall require written authorization by
the Employer’s Representative. The site laboratory shall be functional till the design build work is
completed. Laboratory and equipment shall become the property of the Contractor upon completion of
the Contract

If Project Manager found that Laboratory arranged by the Contractor is not being maintained properly
then Project Manager has right to deduct a reasonable amount from payment. The calibration of the
laboratory equipment and instruments shall at the initial stage to be certified by agencies approved by the
Employer’s Representative. Laboratory equipment shall be properly maintained and calibrated
throughout the period of the Contract by the Contractor at his own expense. The Contractor shall
notify the Employer’s Representative in sufficient advance prior to conducting any tests for the
materials and work. The Employer’s Representative will also inspect the laboratory and the contractor
shall provide adequate facilities to the Employer’s Representative for his independent verification of the
accuracy and adequacy of the facilities.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the sampling, curing, and transport to the laboratories of all

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materials for testing, and all testing costs including laboratory fees, and/or all costs in running the on- site
laboratory, i.e., chemicals, reagents, and other test consumables, staff, and utilities.

1.23.13. Site Safety

The Contractor shall at all times in the conduct of his work and that of his Subcontractors adhere to the
established rules and regulations concerning all safety matters at Site such as the
recommendations contained in the "Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction", published by the
Associated General Contractors of America, Inc., or other internationally recognized recommendations
to the extent that such provisions do not conflict with the applicable laws. This is especially important
wherever it is necessary to enable the free passage of the public through the Site.

The Contractor's Safety Officer shall have the qualification and the authority to issue instructions to the
Contractor's personnel regarding protection measures to prevent accidents.
The Contractor shall provide the public with adequate information on all risks with respect to the
construction works. If the general public sustains any kind of bodily injury or death, the Contractor
shall be responsible for providing all necessary medical care and compensation.

During construction the Contractor shall erect, maintain and subsequently remove sufficient
barricades, guards, lighting, sheeting, shoring, temporary sidewalks and bridges, danger signals as well
as temporary covering of potential accident areas, as approved by the Employer’s Representative. .

All open excavations along pipe lines shall be protected sufficiently to keep out livestock, and ensure the
safety of workmen and members of the public and be in accordance with the directives of the police
and the other local regulations.

The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all persons working in the vicinity of power lines are
aware of the relatively large distance that high voltage electricity can "short" to earth when cranes or other
large masses of steel are in the vicinity of power lines.

Where work is to be carried out in the proximity of buildings, bridges, tanks or other structures, the
Contractor shall take all necessary precautions, including shoring and strutting, where necessary, to
ensure the safety of the structures that are at risk.

The Contractor shall be responsible for all damages or injury which may be caused on any property by
trespass by the Contractor's or his Subcontractor's employees in the course of their employment,
whether the said trespass was committed with or without the consent or knowledge of the Contractor.

1.23.14. Protection of Overhead and Underground Services

The Contractor will be held responsible for any damage to known services

(i.e. overhead services that are visible within the Site and underground services surveyed by him and
indicated on the drawings during SIP) and he shall take all necessary measures to protect them. All
work or protective measures shall be subject to approval of the Employer’s Representative. In the
event of a service being damaged he shall inform the Employer’s Representative and the authority
concerned, the Contractor shall not repair any such service unless instructed to do so.

Contractor will map the underground utilities. W here no underground services are shown on the
drawings or scheduled but the possibility of their presence can reasonably be inferred, the Contractor
shall, in collaboration with the Employer’s Representative, ascertain whether any such services exist
within the relevant section of the Site. The Contractor shall complete such an investigation well/pits in
advance of the start of construction work in the said section and he shall submit a report in good time to

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enable the Employer’s Representative to make whatever arrangements are necessary for the
protection, removal or diversion of the services before any construction activities commences.

As soon as any underground service not shown on the drawings is discovered, it shall be deemed to be
a known service and the Contractor will be held responsible for any subsequent damage to it. If such a
service is damaged during the course of its discovery, the cost of making good such damage will be met
by the Contractor due to contractor not exercising reasonable diligence and that the damage was

Where the authority concerned elects to carry out on its own account any alterations or protective
measures, the Contractor shall co-operate with and allow such authority reasonable access and
sufficient space and time to carry out the required work.

1.23.15. Signboards
Signboards shall be placed at each of the project offices, at important locations and at each DNI zone, in
English/Hindi, information about the project and Employer, and the names of the Employer’s
Representative and Contractor in a form and size to be agreed by the Employer’s Representative.
They shall be of durable construction capable of withstanding the effects of the climate until the end of the
design build Period.

The Contractor shall keep the signboards in good repair for the duration of the contract and shall
remove them on completion of the Contract.

Besides these signboards the Contractor shall not, except with the written authority of the Employer’s
Representative, exhibit or permit to be exhibited on the Site any other form of advertisement.

1.23.16. Site Drainage

The Contractor shall keep each Section of the Works well drained until the Employer’s Representative
certifies that it is substantially complete and shall ensure that, so far as is practicable, all work is
carried out in the dry. Site areas shall be kept well drained and free from standing water except where this
is impracticable having regard to methods of Temporary Works properly adopted by the Contractor.

The Contractor shall provide, operate and maintain in sufficient quantity such pumping equipment, well
points, pipes and other equipment as may be necessary to minimize damage, inconvenience and
interference and shall construct, operate and maintain all temporary cofferdams, sumps, ditches,
drains and other temporary works as may be necessary to remove water from the Site while
construction is in progress. Such Temporary Works and construction equipment shall not be removed
without the approval of the Employer’s Representative.

Notwithstanding any approval by the Employer’s Representative of the Contractor's arrangements for the
removal of water, the Contractor shall be responsible for the sufficiency thereof and for keeping the
Works safe at all times and for making good at his own expense any damage to the Works.

The Contractor shall be responsible to keep the Site clear of water at whatever pump rate is found

The Contractor’s site drainage facilities shall not cause pollution in any local watercourses; he shall be
responsible for any legal action resulting from pollution events.

1.23.17. Detours and Traffic Control

The Contractor shall program his work in such a way that, wherever the temporary closure of street

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sections to public thoroughfare cannot be avoided, the duration of traffic diversion can be kept as
short as possible. No streets shall be closed and no detours shall be introduced and no traffic diverted until
the Contractor's proposals have been approved by the Employer’s Representative and the
appropriate Government authorities, such as the Public Works Department/Traffic Police.

Where work is to be carried out in public roads, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employer’s
Representative sufficiently in advance of the date on which he wishes to commence such work.

The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the permission of the Employer’s Representative,
Road Department and the Police for activities he intends to carry out in public roads. Two copies of the
Contractor's proposals to the relevant authorities shall be submitted to the Employer’s
Representative. One copy of all obtained approvals shall be submitted to the Employer’s

The Contractor's attention is drawn to the fact that processing of the documentation required by the
local authorities prior to the cutting of existing public roads takes approximately 30 days. During the
Monsoon period (June to September) no road cuttings are normally allowed.

Detours shall be selected in such a way that the inconvenience to the affected traffic as well as to the
inhabitants of the affected areas is kept to a minimum.

The Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain at all times during the execution of the Works all
necessary traffic signs, barricades, lights, signals and other traffic control devices, including flagging and
other means of guiding traffic through the work zone. Traffic control shall be managed in
accordance with prevailing rules and regulations, and with the approval and to the satisfaction of the
Employer’s Representative.

All devices mentioned above shall be in conformity with the requirements of the Roads Department. All
traffic signs and control devices to be furnished and installed by the Contractor shall be approved by the
Employer’s Representative for their location, position, visibility, adequacy and manner of use under
specific job conditions.

All traffic control devices necessary for the initial stage of construction shall be properly placed and
operational before any construction is allowed to start. When work of a progressive nature is involved, the
necessary signs shall be moved concurrently where they are needed.

If the Employer’s Representative determines that proper provisions for safe traffic control are not
being provided or maintained, he may restrict construction operations affected by such defective signs or
devices until such provisions are established or maintained, or may altogether order suspension of the
Work until a proper traffic control is achieved. In case of serious or willful disregard by the
Contractor of the safety of the public or his employees, the Employer’s Representative may take
necessary steps to rectify the situation and deduct the cost thereof from monies due or becoming due to
the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for all resulting delays.

The Contractor shall designate or otherwise employ personnel to furnish continuous surveillance of the
traffic control operations. The designated personnel shall be available day and night to respond to calls
involving damage due to traffic accidents.

At sections where traffic is in operation and when ordered by the Employer’s Representative, the
movements of the Contractor's equipment from one place of work to another shall be subject to traffic
control. During rush hours movement of larger vehicles, such as trucks, cranes, dumpers, etc. through
main thoroughfare are not permitted by the police. Spillage resulting from hauling operations along or
across the road way shall be removed immediately at the Contractor's expense.

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The cost of road construction for detours will be paid separately but costs of traffic control are deemed to
be included in the rates for works.

1.23.18. Provision of Temporary Services

When the execution of the Works requires the temporary disconnection of existing public utilities, the
Contractor shall provide the affected users with temporary services in at least the same standard as the
original services.
The alternative arrangement shall be made by laying temporary line/ by tanker/ mobile toilets before
disconnection of existing public utilities, so as to cost minimum inconvenience to the public.

When forced to disconnect existing sewers/ drainage facility, the Contractor shall install temporary
pipes of adequate size to carry off sewage/ drainage. No sewage/ drainage shall be allowed to flow
upon the ground surface/ nallah or into the trench excavation.

No valve or other controls in public service facilities shall be operated by the Contractor without
approval of the Employer’s Representative and the relevant authorities. All users affected by such
operation shall be notified by the Contractor at least one hour before the operation and advised of the
probable time when service will be restored.

1.23.19. Protection of Adjoining Property and Reinstatement upon Completion

The Contractor shall be responsible and take all measures in order to protect adjoining property
including buildings, electrical and telephone poles, bridges and culverts, retaining walls, compound
walls and fences, and other structures. Prior to the commencement of the activities, the Contractor
shall assess the probability and extent of unavoidable damages, if any, to the building and properties and
submit his assessment to the Employer’s Representative. The Employer’s Representative may make
his own opinion and if required may order arrangements for protection or repair of such likely
unavoidable damage in which event the Contractor shall complete the activities.
Temporary facilities shall be provided by the Contractor, only for as long as required after which he
shall dismantle and remove the same from their place of use as speedily as possible. Re-usable
components shall be safely stored by the Contractor in his yard. The place of use shall be cleared and
reinstated immediately to at least the condition existing before the temporary facilities were provided, and
to the satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative.

1.23.20. Coordination with Other Authorities

Statutory Services

The Contractor shall acquaint himself with the actual location of all existing public utilities such as
sewers, water mains, drains, cables for electricity, telephone lines, lighting poles, masts, etc., before
commencing any activities likely to affect the existing utilities. The Contractor without reducing his
responsibilities in any way whatsoever towards carrying out the works, shall with the assistance of the
Employer obtain such information in written or telephonic directly from the responsible authorities as early as

Notices, Permits
Well in advance of the programmed start of any work which may affect traffic or any existing utilities the
Contractor shall give advance information to the Employer/Employer’s Representative indicating the
type, the exact location, the programmed starting time and the expected duration of the activities and
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shall provide whatever particulars may be required by the authorities to issue any required permits
and make all necessary arrangements.

1.23.21. Submissions by the Contractor

Updating, Monitoring and Reporting Progress

The Contractor shall monitor the progress of the Works including information provided by his Sub-
contractors and suppliers, as necessary, for purpose of network planning, scheduling and updating and
shall confirm the actual progress on each current activity shown on applicable CPM networks. The
CPM networks shall form part of the Monthly Progress Report and shall indicate changes of
schedule, if any in network activity duration and start/finish imposed dates. It shall also be provided in
electronic form.

The Contractor shall prepare written explanatory notes on the particular activities which are
overrunning or going to overrun against the schedule. If any such overrunning work is on the critical
path, the Contractor shall state what corrective actions will be taken by him to bring it back on the
Detailed Fortnightly Program

The contractor shall submit at the end of each working week a detailed bar chart program for the next
fortnight. The program shall identify where further drawings or instructions are to be issued by the
Employer’s Representative to avoid disruption to the progress of the Works.

Progress Reports

The Contractor shall furnish the Employer’s Representative with 5 copies of Progress Reports at
regular monthly intervals in a form determined by the Employer’s Representative, containing the
following information:

 Physical progress for the report month and estimated progress for the next month;
 CPM networks and explanatory notices ;
 Updated S-curves for physical progress at different sections of the Works
 Any report which may be specifically requested by the Employer and/or the Employer’s
These monthly progress reports shall be submitted not later than 7 days after the end of the report
Operation and Maintenance Manual

The contractor will submit an operation and maintenance manual, providing details of all the plant/
mechanical facilities (valves, meters, etc.) he supplies and give details of recommended maintenance
intervals and procedures.
Record / Progress Photographs/Videography

The Contractor shall arrange each month sufficient number of photographs as Record Photographs of
progress of works, before commencement of the work and for work being executed and shall provide the
electronic files. Contractor will include progress photos in the progress reports.

1.23.22. Quality Control

Quality Control Plan and Procedures

The Contractor shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining procedures for quality control that
will ensure that all aspects of the Works comply with the requirements of the Contract.
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As soon as reasonably practicable prior to the commencement of Works the Contractor shall submit for
approval a Quality Control Plan giving detailed proposals for control of quality of all aspects of work
on the Site and at suppliers' workshops.

The Quality Control Plan shall include the following:

a) a list of the Contractor's staff engaged in quality control

b) a list of any outside testing agencies employed by the Contractor for work in connection with quality

c) where a testing laboratory is to be established on Site under the Contract, a list of major items of
equipment and a layout of the laboratory, together details of the tests which will be carried out there

d) a list of manufactured items and materials, obtained by the Contractor for the Works, which require
inspection at the suppliers' premises, and the proposed procedures for ensuring quality control

e) a list of materials and operations to be inspected by the Contractor at the various stages of
construction work on Site, together with inspection procedures, test types and frequencies f) sample of
proposed quality control records, testing and reporting forms.

Unless the Engineer permits otherwise, the approved Quality Control Plan shall be followed throughout
the construction of the Works. Any approval by the Engineer of the Contractor's plan and procedures
shall not relieve the Contractor of his obligation to ensure that the Works comply with the requirements of
the Contract.

The Contractor shall appoint a suitably qualified member of his staff to be responsible for all aspects of
quality control and to maintain effective liaison with the Engineer.

1.23.23. Sampling and Testing

The Contractor shall provide for the approval of the Employer’s Representative, samples of all
construction materials and manufactured items required for the Permanent Works. All samples
rejected by the Employer’s Representative shall be removed from Site. All approved samples shall be
stored by the Contractor in a sample room, at a location approved by the Employer’s Representative, for
the duration of the Contract, and any materials or manufactured items subsequently delivered to Site for
incorporation in the Permanent Works shall be of a quality at least equal to the approved sample.
The approved samples may only be disposed of with the Employer’s Representatives approval.

Samples shall be submitted and tests carried out sufficiently early to enable further samples to be
submitted and tested if required by the Employer’s Representative. Samples for testing will generally be
selected by the Employer’s Representative from materials to be utilized in the project and all tests will be
under the supervision of, and as directed by, and at such points as may be convenient to the Employer’s

Material requiring testing shall be furnished in sufficient time before intended use so as to allow for
testing. No materials represented by tests may be used prior to receipt of written approval of said

The Contractor shall give the Employer’s Representative 15 days’ notice in writing of the date on
which any of the materials will be ready for testing or inspection at the suppliers' premises or at a
laboratory approved by the Employer’s Representative and unless the Employer’s Representative shall
attend at the appointed place and time the test may proceed in his absence. The Contractor shall in
any case submit to the Employer’s Representative within 3 days after every test such number of certified
copies of the test readings as the Employer’s Representative may require.
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Approval by the Employer’s Representative as to the placing of orders for materials or as to samples or
tests shall not prejudice any of the Employer’s Representative's powers under the Contract.

The provisions of this clause shall also apply to materials supplied under any nominated subcontract.

After all construction at each Section is completed and before applying for taking-over, the Contractor
shall perform field tests as called for in the Specifications. The Contractor shall demonstrate to the
Employer’s Representative the proper operation of the facilities and the satisfactory performance of the
individual components including all units and equipment, etc. Any improper operation of the system or
any improper or faulty construction shall be repaired or corrected to the satisfaction of the Employer’s
Representative. The Contractor shall make such changes, adjustments or replacement of equipment as
may be required to make the same comply with the Specifications, or replace any defective parts or
materials. In case any of the section of works or equipment as noted by the Employers
representative, does not function and fulfill the requirement for which it is intended to even after the
same is repaired or corrected, that section of any work or equipment shall be constructed/replaced.
Costs towards such construction/replacement will be borne by the contractor and no payment will be
made to the contractor on this behalf. Some of the faulty equipment may require total replacement
without going in to repair; the decision regarding the replacement of faulty un-repairable equipment will be
made by Employers representative.

In addition to any special provision made herein as to sampling and testing materials by particular
methods, samples of materials and workmanship proposed to be employed in the execution of the
Works may be called for at any time by the Employer’s Representative and these shall be furnished
without delay by the Contractor at his own cost. Approved samples will be retained. The Employer’s
Representative will be at liberty to reject all materials and workmanship that are not equal or better in
quality and character than such approved samples.

The tests required for quality control shall include but not be limited to:

a) tests conducted at the premises of the Contractor, Subcontractor, manufacturer or supplier

which are normally or customarily carried out at such premises for the items or materials being
supplied for the Works
b) tests which are normally or customarily conducted on the items or materials being supplied
for the Works by the Contractor, Subcontractor, supplier or manufacturer but which have to be
conducted at an approved laboratory because the necessary testing facilities are not available on the
premises of the Contractor, Sub-Contractor, supplier and manufacturer
c) tests on locally obtained materials or items either on the Site or at an approved laboratory for
the purpose of obtaining the approval of the Employer’s Representative to the classification, use and
compliance with the Specifications of such items or materials
d) routine quality control tests conducted by the Contractor to ensure compliance with the
e) regular testing of concrete and other materials as specified in the relevant section of the
Technical Specifications
f) standard shop and Site acceptance tests, including trial assemblies, of Plant.

1.23.24. Inspection and Acceptance

The Employer’s Representative will not inspect any item of fabricated or finished work until such time as
the Contractor shall have forwarded to the Employer’s Representative the approved Working
Drawings covering the items to be inspected, together with copies of the respective orders.

Manufactured items and materials delivered to the Site shall be inspected by the Contractor on arrival. Any
defects shall be notified to the Employer’s Representative. The contractor shall ensure Third Party
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Verification stamp on each material piece.

Minor defects to surface finishes and the like in manufactured items shall be made good in an
approved manner to the satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative. Items with more serious
defects shall be returned to the suppliers for correction or replacement as appropriate. Detailed
requirements pertaining to Inspection, Testing and Commissioning is provided under Section 6 Volume
2 General technical Specifications. All the costs arising due to all the Inspection Testing & commissioning
will be borne by the contractor.
Materials/ Plant Certificates and Inspections

Where certificates are required by the Specifications or relevant Reference Standard, the original and one
copy of each such certificate shall be provided by the Contractor.

Certificates shall be clearly identified by serial or reference number and shall include information
required by the relevant Reference Standard or Specification clause.

The timing for submittal of certificates shall be as follows:

a) manufacturer's and supplier's test certificates shall be submitted as soon as the tests have
been completed and in any case not less than 7 calendar days prior to the time that the materials
represented by such certificates are needed for incorporation into the Permanent Works
b) Certificates of tests carried out during the construction or on completion of parts of the
Permanent W orks shall be submitted within 7 days of the completion of the test.

No materials, articles or items of fabricated or finished work to be supplied by the Contractor or

Subcontractors which have been inspected and tested by the Engineer or the inspecting Engineer
shall be dispatched unless a Passing Certificate has been requested by the Contractor from the
Engineer and subsequently been issued by the Engineer to the effect that the same are approved.
Neither the Contractor nor Sub-Contractors shall make use of any materials or articles ordered by
them for the purpose of fabrication until a Passing Certificate covering the said materials and articles
shall have been issued by the Engineer or inspecting Engineer.

All material under the contract is divided in 3 categories.

Category A: The Drawing will be approved by the Employer before manufacturing and Testing. The
material will be inspected by the Employer or by an Inspecting agency approved by the Employer at the
manufacturer’s premise before packing and dispatching. The Inspection charges of the agency will be
borne by the Employer but initially the contractor has to pay the inspection charges. The Contractor
shall include in their next bill the inspection charges and the same will be reimbursed by the Employer
from the provisional Sum. The Contractor shall provide the necessary equipment and facilities for tests
and the cost, thereof, shall be borne by the Contractor. In case of failure of any item during third party
inspection, no charges shall be reimbursed to the contractor for the same.
Category B: The drawings of the Equipment will be submitted and to be approved by the Employer
prior to manufacture. The material has to be tested by the manufacturer and the manufacturer’s test
certificates are to be submitted and approved by the Employer before dispatching of the Equipment.
Notwithstanding the above, the Employer, after examination of the test certificates, reserves the right to
instruct the Contractor for retesting, if required, in the presence of Contractor’s representative.

Category C: The material may be manufactured as per standards and delivered to the site.

For material / Equipment under category “A” and “B”, the Employer will provide an authorization for
packing and shipping after inspection. The testing, approval for dispatching shall not absolve of the
Contractor’s obligation for satisfactory performance of the plant. Employer will take the decision on
category of inspections.
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For material / Equipment under category “A” and “B”, the Employer will provide an authorization for
packing and shipping after inspection.

The testing, approval for dispatching shall not absolve of the Contractor’s obligation for satisfactory
performance of the plant. Employer will take the decision on category of inspections.

Table 15: Testing, Approval for Dispatching

S. No. ITEM Category of inspection

1 All pipes including HDPE DWC/ PE100, DI, RCC NP-3/ NP-4, A
PVC-U, uPVC etc.

2 HDPE, DI and CI fittings, rubber rings for pipes and other A


3 Micro Strainers, Single or dual media Filters, Activated Carbon A

Filters, Sluice gates, Screens, Air Blowers, Diffusers, Decanter.

4 Submersible pumps-sets, Centrifugal pump sets, Sluice A

Valves, NRVs and other valves etc.

5 Dismantling Joints, Split collars, leak repair clamps (LRC) A

6 LV Motor starter Panels, Feeder Pillar Panels, Induction A

motors, PLC, MCC, SCADA, DG set, Transformers and other
important electro-mechanical, instrumentation equipment,

7 Capacitor, Submersible Cables, Power and Control cables B

8 Earthing system, Lighting system, Local push buttons B

9 Reinforcement Bars, Bitumen, Cement B

10 Bitumen C

1.23.25. Site Records

Daily records of on-site testing and inspection shall be kept on forms of approved format. Test results
shall be certified by the responsible member of the Contractor's staff. All test certificates and inspection
records (including any from suppliers or other outside testing agencies) shall be clearly identified with
the appropriate part of the Works to which they refer, and they shall be submitted to the Employer’s
Representative together with the respective Passing Certificate.

Once each month, or at such other intervals as the Employer’s Representative may require, the
Contractor shall submit in an approved form a summary of all quality control inspections and tests
performed at Site and elsewhere in the intervening period.

Test results shall be summarized in tabular form or graphically or both in a way that best illustrates the
trends, specific results and specification requirements. Where the tests show that the specified
requirements were not achieved, the report shall describe the action that was taken.

Each report shall also contain a forecast of quality control work likely to be carried out during the
period to be covered by the succeeding report.

The Contractor shall keep detailed and up-to-date inventories in an approved form of goods and
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materials already approved by the Employer’s Representative for which Passing Certificates have
been issued as well as of all other goods and materials subject to quality control which are on order,
delivered, found faulty, lost during the work or found to be surplus to requirements. The Employer’s
Representative shall have access to these records at all times.

1.23.26. Daily Log Book

The Contractor shall keep a Daily Log Book at each location where major construction activities are
taking place. This Daily Log Book shall be in a form approved by the Employer’s Representative and
shall contain, but not be limited to, the following major items of information:

a) Name of Contractor and Package No.

b) Date

c) Weather conditions (max./min., temperature, hours and intensity of rainfall)

d) Work carried out during the day per Section (description, quantities)

e) Major equipment used per section (on contractual work, on extra work ordered, approximate
operating time on either)
f) Strength of labor force per Section (on contractual work, on extra work ordered, hours
worked on either)
g) Delays (cause, effects such as idle time etc.)

h) Unusual events (earthquakes, floods, fires, storms, accidents, strikes, rallies, etc.)

i) Visitors at Site.

Each daily log shall be signed by the responsible Site Manager of the Contractor and "noted" by the
Employer’s Representative.

1.23.27. Separation of Water and Sewer lines

The issue of relative placement of the water line and sewer in relation to possibilities of pollution
should also be paid attention. The provisions of the Manual of Water Supply shall be followed in the
matter. Accordingly broadly the following may be followed:

Horizontal Separation:

 Desirable 3 m separation however as per CPHEEO manual, A minimum offset of equal to half
the width of the manhole plus 30 cm shall be the lateral offset between water mains and sewer
lines. It is advisable to encase the sewer than the water mains.

 In case of local compulsions, it may be laid in a separate trench on a shelf closer to the sewer
but 0.5 m above the top of the sewer

Vertical Separation:
 In case of crossings, the water main should be 0.5 m above the sewer top or drain for 3 m on
either sides and should have joints as far as possible.

 Any water pipeline shall not in any case be allowed to pass through the sewer

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1.23.28. Sectional Tests

Each section of sewer shall be tested for water tightness preferably between manholes. To prevent
change in alignment and disturbance after the pipes have been laid, it is desirable to backfill the pipes up
to the top keeping at least 90 cm length of the pipe open at the joints. However, this may not be
feasible in the case of pipes of shorter length, such as stoneware and RCC pipes. With concrete
encasement or concrete grade, partial covering of the pipe is not necessary.

In case of concrete and stoneware pipes with cement mortar joints, pipes shall be tested three days
after the cement mortar joints have been made. It is necessary that the pipelines are filled with water for
about a week before commencing the application of pressure to allow for the absorption by pipe wall.

The sewers are tested by plugging the upper end with a provision for an air outlet pipe with stopcock. The
water is filled through a funnel connected at the lower end provided with a plug. After the air has been
expelled through the air outlet, the stop cock is closed and water level in the funnel is raised to
2.5 m above the invert at the upper end. Water level in the funnel is noted after 30 minutes and the
quantity of water required to restore the original water level in the funnel is determined. The pipe line
under pressure is then inspected while the funnel is still in position. There shall not be any leaks in the
pipe or the joints (small sweating on the pipe surface is permitted). Any sewer or part there of that
does not meet the test shall be emptied and repaired or re-laid as required and tested again.

The leakage or quantity of water to be supplied to maintain the test pressure during the period of 10
minutes shall not exceed 0.2 liters/mm dia. of pipes per kilometer length per day.
Exoneration test for detection of leakage shall be carried out at a time when the ground water table is low.
For concrete, RCC and asbestos cement pipes of more than 800 mm dia. the quantity of water inflow
can be increased by 10% for each additional 100 mm of pipe dia.

Failure to pass the test

All pipes or joints which are proved to be in any way defective shall be replaced or remade and re-
tested as often as may be necessary until a satisfactory test shall have been obtained. Any work
which fails or is proved by test to the unsatisfactory in any way shall be redone by the Contractor.

Water for Testing

The Contractor shall provide all water required for testing the pipeline at his own cost.

Disposal of water after testing shall be arranged by the Contractor with prior approval from the
Engineer. The disposal shall be done in such a manner as will not cause any harm to any standing
crop, cultivated land, damage to roads or structures, cause submergence and/or nuisance to any
public or vehicular traffic.

Testing and Commissioning

After successful sectional tests after pipe laying and other pre-commissioning tests after physical
completion, the pipeline shall be commissioned by the Contractor. Dynamic commissioning shall be
made in conjunction with or after the commissioning of the respective system.
Complete supplying, laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of the pipeline works are included in the
contract package and Contactor will make all necessary arrangement for complete commissioning of the
transmission pipeline system when the pump sets feeding the pipelines are installed, complete and
ready. Such coordination with the other Contractors and ensuring availability of required personnel and
necessary equipment for such commissioning will have to be provided by the Contractor in consultation
with and to the full satisfaction of the Engineer.

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During testing/ commissioning, the Contractor shall supply all material and labor to supervise, adjust, test,
repair and do all things necessary to maintain the testing/ commissioning. This shall include labor on
a 24 hour-a-day basis during the test period and for such other period of continuous operation as
the Engineer may consider necessary to establish the efficient operation of the cluster distribution

If any test result shows noticeable variation from the specification requirements for the system the
Contractor shall immediately take steps to rectify the deficiency without any extra cost to Engineer.

The Contractor shall test and commission the system for 7 days at a stretch, from the date of
commissioning. On expiry of this period the system shall be taken over by the Engineer and a taking-
over certificate shall be issued by the Engineer, provided all defects and/or deficiencies noticed are
rectified to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Generally, the timing of most of the commissioning tests will depend on the availability of the
respective pumps and power availability at the pumping station and the completion of the storage

The main indicators for the successful commissioning are:

a) No leaks in pipes, joints, locations of specials and valves,

b) All valves are properly installed and operational,
c) Execution of the entire work including finishing according to the drawings and
d) Submission of “As built” drawings both in soft copies and hard copies (two prints and one
Polyester film)
e) The dynamic commissioning shall commence after the work has been physically
completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. It shall simulate
f) The treated effluent from the Sewage treatment plant meets the standards for reuse in


The Contractor shall establish, develop and maintain a Management Information System (MIS). The MIS
shall have capabilities for facility management, inventory management, billing and collection
management, operational job management and records and data management as well as all capabilities
necessary for safe and efficient management, operation and maintenance of the Facilities.

1.24.1. Key Objectives

The key objectives are:

A. Capability: The proposed MIS shall be capable of handling at least 60,000 customer records with
ability to expand to 80,000 to record, monitor and report on all core business activities of the
Contractor in connection with the services and obligations under this Contract.

B. Modules: The MIS shall have integrated modules for (1) record and monitoring the customer
complaints, redresses (2) billing and collection system, (3) keep an accurate asset registry of the
sewerage/existing w ater suppl y inf rastructure , (4) ma nage all accoun ts r elated to t he
sewerage/w ater services and (5) record all operational data for monitoring efficacy and efficiency
of the sewerage/water services.

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A pictorial representation of the MIS structure is shown below.

Figure: MIS – Conceptual Design

1.24.2. Scope of Work

The scope of work given below is the minimum output expected from the Contractor. The Contractor
may suggest changes to the proposed methodology and work plan to achieve the desired results.
Deviation from the given specification/ requirement shall be only with better specifications and the
Contractor shall take approval from the Employer.

A. Customer Services – shall be a database management system for recording customer

complaints like no water, less water, low pressure, poor quality water, leakage, sewage
overspills, manhole covers lost, wrong bills, no bills etc. and facilitating monitoring the
complaint until its redresser by the Contractor and closing the loop when the complaint is
resolved or upgrading the status of complaint to higher authorities etc.;

B. Accounts: shall be a simple accounting system confirming to Applicable Laws and accounting
standards for recording all transactions of expenditure accounts, revenue accounts and
capital accounts including debt service if any.

C. Operational Data – address all facets of the operation, maintenance and work order
management, stores and inventory. Continuous logging of operational data like consumption
of energy, chemicals and spares; volume of water produced, volume of water sold, treated
water quality, repairs and bursts etc.;

D. Asset Registry – shall be capable of recording all assets installed in the sewerage system
including the asset rehabilitation and replacements executed from time to time;
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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

E. Record of units operated; power consumption and power factor at WS pumping stations, SPS
on daily basis and monthly basis etc.
F. Report Generation: Besides acting as a powerful standalone, report-creating application,
reports shall provide a report-writing module that can add to applications. The report shall be
generated in English. A multitude of ready-made reports for users to execute shall be
incorporated. Users can modify and customize these reports or add new ones by using
relevant reports. The Report Engine enables printing to a printer or a preview window or the
files can be exported through e-mail, directly to disk. The report can be exported in any of
several word processing, spreadsheet, database file, or data exchange formats including

On developing the application, the Contractor shall organize for deployment and testing including
training at designated Customer Service Centers set up by the Contractor with prior approval from the

1.24.3. Use of Technology

Considering the requirements in Sawai Madhopur ULB, it shall be simple easy to understand and shall
be on recognized open source platform:

i. Shall support Windows, web-enabled with modular software design employed enables a phased
implementation with unlimited growth options at any later stage.
ii. Distributed and scalable system architecture shall allow any system to be implemented in
standalone mode on a single PC or in a multi-user and multi-tiered distributed manner
iii. Easy to use, the modules are intuitive and user-friendly with innovative onscreen pictorial
schematics that systematically guide the user in a step-by-step fashion through the more complex
activity cycles.
iv. A flexible Database API (Application Program Interface) shall be employed, enabling easy
integration with most commercially available database systems.
v. Data protection: The systems shall be specifically designed to protect the integrity of data,
including the protection of data and transactions during system interruptions (e.g. power failures),
transaction rollbacks, updating of transactions from remote or off-line workstations etc.
vi. Audit trail: Audit trail mechanism shall provide a detailed description of each activity and every
transaction executed by a user shall record in the audit trails.
vii. Units’ mechanism: The systems shall allow for a flexible and dynamic unit mechanism. The user
can define his/her operational unit preferences and the system shall be dynamically customized
accordingly. Unit preferences can be defined at a workstation level to apply to an individual user
or defined as a general use default.

1.24.4. Contractor’s key responsibilities for MIS

i. The Contractor shall be responsible for establishing, keeping and maintaining the information
systems in conjunction with the Employer requirement. The Contractor shall collect and keep up
to date information on the above and below ground facilities.

ii. The Contractor shall develop the MIS system architecture and on approval shall procure all the
necessary hardware, software, network connectivity as required and install and commission the
MIS system as indicted in SIP schedule.
iii. All facilities taken over by the Contractor from PHED, SWMC and facilities created under the
project shall be entered into the MIS. The Employer shall provide information in an agreed format.

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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

iv. The Contractor shall verify all information in accordance with procedures agreed with the

v. The Facility Register shall be supported by operational information on compliance with

Performance Targets, achievement.

vi. The Contractor shall be responsible for operating the facilities in the correct manner and for
maintaining them in a professional manner.

vii. The Contractor shall use the data to plan the Annual O and M Plan in consultation with
the Employer.

viii. The Employer shall be responsible for using the information to gain an overall view of the facility’s
value, performance and condition.

A. Facility Register

The Facility Register shall be a schedule (a computerized database, but also available on paper for
ease of inspection) of all the facilities to be maintained under the responsibility of the Contractor as
agreed with the Employer. The Facility Register shall be used to perform, or support, the services
carried out by the Contractor.

The format of the Facility Register shall be designed in consultation with the Employer and/or
Employer’s Representative.

The Employer shall have the right to verify the Facility Register and the Contractor’s procedures for
keeping it up to date.

B. Facility Numbering

Each above ground Facility shall be given a unique number within the Facility register. Numbering
system shall be designed in consultation with the Employer. The number shall refer to the site and the
type of Facility.

C. Performance and Condition Grades

Performance grades shall define whether the Facility is meeting the required quality standards or
levels of service standards or is suitable for its function. Condition grades shall define the structural
condition of the Facility. This may be from an assessment of the structural condition or from recording of
the frequency of failures of the Facility.

Table below describes the meaning of some of Grades of the Facilities. Detailed definition of these
Facilities shall be formed within six months of commencement of Operations Period, for each Part, in
consultation with the Employer.

D. Definition of Facilities

Grade Description General Meaning

1 Good Of sound structure with components that are operable and well maintained.
2 Fair As 1, but showing some minor signs of deterioration. Routine repair,
refurbishment and maintenance required with review of condition in the
medium term.

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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

3 Adequate Functionally sound, but affected by minor cracking, staining or minor leakage.
Some reduced efficiency and minor failures. Review of condition required in
the medium term with action likely to be needed in the medium term to
prevent deterioration to Grade 4.
4 Poor Condition has a significant effect on performance of the Facility with
components requiring significant repair or maintenance to remain
operational. Shall require major overhaul/replacement within the medium
5 Bad Condition of the Facility has a serious effect on its performance. Effective life
of mechanical and electrical plant and other components is exceeded and
incurring excessive repair and maintenance costs due to unreliability. Shall
require major overhaul/replacement in the short term.

E. Timing Definitions and Differentiation Between Facility Types

i. Performance Aspects

The Contractor shall develop a clear understanding of the exact meaning of the phrases
'Immediately' ,'Short Term' and 'Medium' Term' used in association with the Performance
Grades with the Employer, within six months of contract commencement date.

ii. Condition Aspects

Different Facilities shall have different expected lives. Buildings or Civil (usually reinforced
concrete structures) Facilities are expected to have a Facility life of 60 years. Electrical and
Mechanical Facilities are expected to have a Facility life of 15 years. Bulk water mains would
be expected to have Facility lives in excess of 60 years, or may be taken as having an
indefinite life.

The terms 'immediate', 'short term', 'medium term' need to describe approximately when major work
shall be required relative to the Facility's normal life.

The Contractor, in consultation with the Employer, shall assign the Performance and Condition Grade. The
Contractor shall give separate Performance and Condition Grades for Facilities with a mix of Building
and Civil elements and Electrical and Mechanical Elements. The Employer shall be entitled to order an
independent inspection at such times. The Contractor shall take into account both the Performance
and the Condition Grade when deciding upon the recommendation to the Employer on investment on the
Facility as part of the capital replacement and refurbishment program.

F. Records to be Produced and Maintained

The scope of the Facilities to be included is summarized in Table below

Type Facilities

Management and Stocks

General Computers and associated equipment

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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Above Ground Below Ground

Supply Services Sewer lines (all) and house


G. Operational Job Management

The Contractor shall establish and maintain a suitable job management system, in consultation with the
Employer. This job management system shall provide detailed information on Facilities such as the type
and make of motors, pumps, equipment, valves maintenance schedules etc.

H. Record Drawings

Raw data on Facilities shall be held on Record Drawings.

The Contractor shall establish and maintain up-to-date Record Drawings for both above ground and
below ground Facilities.

The Contractor shall update the Record Drawings and Facility Register to include the facilities taken
over them, together with any works that are subsequently undertaken. The Record Drawings shall be
updated by the Contractor within 3 months of any modifications being carried out in the facilities.

I. Accuracy of Data.

The Contractor shall assign 'Confidence Grades' to the data to validate its accuracy. The Contractor
shall develop the definitions of these grades and how they are to be used in consultation with the

J. Inventory Management

The Contractor shall operationalize a computer based inventory management system to enable
effective control of spares and consumables. This system shall use standard proprietary software and
shall be linked by the Contractor to MIS. The Contractor shall provide monthly reports from this
system to the Employer.

K. Customer Service Management System

Customer service encompasses a broad range of activities. The Customer Service Management
System shall have an interface with the Customer’s premises to ensure required performance are met
water pressure and flow) and proper response are given to customer enquiries. The following
provisions shall be integrated into the customer service management system:

i. Advance warning of planned supply shut off for repairs and renewals

ii. Advice Customers during emergencies

iii. Billing Customers

iv. Dealing with billing queries

v. Recording and Responding to Customer Complaints

L. Systems and Procedures for Creating and Updating Customer Database

Within one year from the contract commencement date, Contractor shall operationalize the Customer
Database, with all customer contacts with respect to billing and provision of services can be controlled.

Information held shall include the Customer name, reference number, mailing address, telephone
number and account history information.

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Section –6.1: Scope of services (Employer’s Requirement) Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

1.24.5. Customer Services

A 24 hour customer service desk shall be established at the Customer Service Centers. The customer
service desk will be integrated with the MIS. All enquiries and customer complaints shall be recorded into
the system along with resolution mechanisms, time of resolution, action taken and feedback

The Contractor shall receive and handle all customer queries and complaints, including, but not
limited to, queries and complaints related to

i. blockage or flooding of sewers; and

ii. leakage and damaged Sewers;

iii. Cancellation of connection by the customer

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6.2 Specifications
1. The Contractor shall carry out the Works based on the Specifications included in this
section. The section comprises the following two parts:
6.2.1 Standard Specifications and;
6.2.2 Particular Specifications
6.2.1 Standard Specifications
 The “Standard Specifications (Civil Works)” issued by the Project Management
Unit, RUIDP, is part of the Bidding Document; set out the specifications that shall
be followed for construction of general civil works under the RUIDP. Specifications
for additional specialized items of civil works, and for pipes, mechanical
instrumentation and electrical works, shall be as set out in Particular Specifications,
of this Section.
 The priced publications of RUIDP on “Standard Specifications of Civil Works”
and “Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC)” from the office of the Project
Director, RUIDP at Jaipur. Soft copy of these publications are available on RUIDP
website ( and will form part of the tender document.
 In the event of any discrepancy between the provisions of the Standard
Specifications and the Particular Specifications, then the provisions of the Particular
Specifications will prevail.
 In the event of conflict between this Specification and the Codes for equipment,
provisions of this Specification shall govern. Certain specifications issued by
National or other widely recognized bodies are referred to in this Specification.
 All steel shall be procured from the original billet manufacturer who manufacture
billets directly from iron ores and roll the billets to produce steel conforming to
IS:1786 and no rerolled steel will be incorporated in the works. The rates for steel
reinforcement for structures shall include all works at various levels including
foundation and superstructure and should be measured in kg.
6.2.2 Particular Specifications
 The Particular Specifications (General Technical Specifications) contains
specification for additional specialized items of Civil Works; Pipeline; Mechanical,
Electrical and Instrumentation works; Sewage Treatment Plant and Sewage
Pumping Station etc including the requirements for Operating Service. In the event
of any discrepancy between the provisions of the Standard Specifications and the
Particular Specifications, provisions of the Particular Specifications will prevail. The
Particular Specifications are included in Volume 2 of Part 1 of the Bidding
 All the Materials incorporated in the Works shall be the most suitable for the duty
concerned and shall be new and of first class commercial quality, free from
imperfections and selected for long life and minimum maintenance. These may be
tested according to relevant Indian Standards (IS) or International Standards
Organization (ISO) standards in qualified labs and certificates produced to the
satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative.
 The objectives of the specifications given are to specify the details pertaining to the
designs, drawings, and selection of equipment or product. The equipment or
product supplied shall be of high standard of quality and best engineering practices
and shall comply with all currently applicable standards, regulations and codes.
 Except as otherwise specified in these technical specifications, the
Indian/International Standards and codes of practice in their latest version shall be
adhered to for the design, manufacturing, inspection, calibration, installation, field
testing, packing, handling and transportation of products.
 Should any product be offered conforming to other standards, the equipment or
products shall be equal to or superior to those specified and the documentary
confirmation shall be submitted for the prior approval of the Employer.
6.2.1 Standard Specifications
“Standard Specifications (Civil Works)” and “Quality Assurance and Quality Control
(QAQC)” issued by the Project Management Unit, RUIDP is part of the Bid Document
and Bidder can purchase the priced publication: However, soft copy of these
publications are available on RUIDP website ( and will form
part of the tender document.
6.2.2 Particular Specifications (General
Technical Specifications)

(Provided in Part 1 : Volume 2 of the document)

6.3 Drawings
1. Employer’s Drawings. Tender drawings as shown in table below, are provided as a
guideline of the specifications and work in Volume 3 of Part 1 of the Bidding
Document. All data and information furnished in the drawings by the Employer is given in
good faith, but the Employer does not guarantee their completeness and accuracy. The
drawings shall be verified by the Contractor who should point out errors or discrepancies to
the Employer’s Representative.

2. Contractor’s Drawings. All drawings provided by the Contractor shall be on standard size
sheets, prepared on computer with Auto CAD or equivalent and shall show particulars in a
title block located in the lower right hand corner, in addition to the name of the Contractor and
equipment manufacturer, date, scale, drawing, revision number (RO for drawings submitted
initially, R1, R2 etc., for drawings submitted subsequently). A blank space shall be provided
for the Employer’s Representative’s approval stamp and provision shall be made for
details of revisions to be recorded. All drawings submitted by the supplier shall use the
English language. All drawings shall be clearly and fully cross‐referenced to the other
drawings as relevant.


1 SWM/WW/ 01 Ward Boundary Map

2 SWM/WW/ Z-1 Sewer Network Zone- 1 (13 Sheets)
3 SWM/WW/ Z-2 Sewer Network Zone- 2 (1 Sheets)
4 SWM/WW/ Z-3 Sewer Network Zone- 3 (1 Sheets)
5 SWM/WW/ Z-4 Sewer Network Zone- 4 (1Sheets)
6 SWM/WW/ Z-5 Sewer Network Zone- 5 (1 Sheets)
7 SWM/WW/ Z-6 Sewer Network Zone- 6 (1 Sheets)
8 SWM/WW/ Z-7 Sewer Network Zone- 7 (1 Sheets)
9 SWM/WW/ 02 Existing Laid Network Drawing
10 SD/1 RR Masonry Manholes Type-A At Sawai Madhopur Town
11 SD/2 RR Masonry Manholes Type-B At Sawai Madhopur Town
Brick Masonry Manholes Type-C At Sawai Madhopur
12 SD/3
13 SD/4 Pipe Bedding Details
14 SD/5 General Arrangement For House Service Connection
General Arrangement of Precast Manholes 1.0 M Dia At
15 SD/6
Sawai Madhopur Town
General Arrangement of Precast Manholes 1.2 M Dia At
16 SD/7
Sawai Madhopur Town
General Arrangement of Precast Manholes 1.5 M Dia At
17 SD/8
Sawai Madhopur Town
18 SD/9 General Arrangement Drawing of Ventilating Shaft
19 SD/10 Typical Pipe Jacking at Major Road, National Highway
Location of Sewer line crossing National Highway, State
20 SD/11
Highway & Railway line
Bore Hole Points For Geotechnical Investigation At Sawai
21 SD/12
General Arrangement For House Service(Rectangular
22 SD/13
Brick Masonry) Connection
23 SD/14 Vent Shaft Location Drawing
24 SD/15 Drawing Showing Trenchless Sewer Line
25 SD/16 Drawing showing proposed room over sump well
26 SD/17 Boundary Wall Drawing
Sawai Madhopur Sewerage Scheme

6.4 Supplementary Information

1. The following list is not exhaustive but shows some of the main reports that are available as
part of the electronic data room (EDR) set up in RUIDP. Bidders can obtain the information
by seeking the necessary permission from the Addl. Project Director

a) Topographical Survey Report;

b) Geotechnical Investigation Report;
Section –6 : Employer’s Requirement Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

6.5 Personnel Requirements

Using Form PER-1 and PER-2 in Section 4 (Bidding Forms), the Bidder must demonstrate it has personnel
that meet the following requirements:

Total Work Experience Deductable

S Experience In Similar per month
Position Requirement
No. [years] Work if not
[years] provided
During Design Built period
1 Project Manager - Graduate In field office on 15 years 10 years 100,000
Engineer with good experience in regular basis
implementation sewerage since mobilization
construction in urban areas

2 Planning and Material Engineer -1; In field office on 7 years 5 years 70,000
Graduate Engineer regular basis
since mobilization
3 Sewer network design Engineer In design office 7 years 5 years
-1; Graduate Engineer in civil/ during design
hydraulic engineering period
4 STP design Engineer -1; Graduate In design office 10 years 5 years
Engineer in civil /hydraulic during design
engineering period
5 Structural Engineer -1; Post In design office 7 years 3 years
Graduate in civil or structural during design
engineering period
6 Quality Engineer -1; Graduate In field office on 7 years 3 years 50,000
Engineer regular basis
of work
7 Safety Engineer – 1 Graduate In field office on 7 years 3 years 50,000
Engineer with diploma course regular basis
in fire & safety since
of work
8 Construction Supervisors – 4; In field office on 7 years 3 years 50,000
Graduate Engineers in civil/ regular basis
electrical/ mechanical/ since
instrumentation engineering commencement
of respective
During Operation period
9 Customer Manager – Graduate in In field office on 7 years 5 years 70,000
business management with regular basis
experience in customer services of since
any utility services commencement
of operation
9 Operational Manager Sewerage – In field office on 5 years 3 years 50,000
Graduate Engineer with experience regular basis
in sewerage system since
of operation
Section –6 : Employer’s Requirement Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Total Work Experience Deductable

S Experience In Similar per month
Position Requirement
No. [years] Work if not
[years] provided
10 Plant Superintendent – minimum In field office on 5 years 2 years 50,000
Diploma Engineer with experience regular basis
in operating a STP of minimum 10 since
MLD capacity commencement
of operation
11 Waste water quality analyst In field office on 5 years 2 years 50,000
regular basis
of operation
During Contract period (as per requirement)
15 Utility Finance Manager – Graduate In field and 10 years 5 years
in finance or business management design office on
with experience in managing the requirement
utility finances basis since
of respective

Note: Personnel will be mobilized as per agreed key personnel mobilization schedule. Above proposed
recovery/deductions will be applicable if personnel are not mobilized as per agreed personnel schedule.
Section –6 : Employer’s Requirement Package No RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

6.6 Equipment Requirements

Using Form EQU in Section 4 (Bidding Forms), the Bidder must demonstrate it has the key
equipment listed below:

No. Equipment Type and Characteristics Min. Deductible per

Number month if not
Required mobilized/ not
found in working
1 Excavator 4 1,00,000
2 Laboratory for testing fineness, consistency,
setting time, compressive & tensile strength of
cement compressive & flexural strength of
cement concrete and proof stress, elongation, 50,000
tensile strength, bending & re-bending of
reinforcement steel, field density test, OMC and
other tests required to be carried out in field.
3 Concrete mixer with hopper 4 30,000
4 Road roller (tandem) 1 1,00,000
5 Needle/ plate vibrator 10 3,000
6 Dumper/Tipper lorries 5 50,000
7 Total station survey equipment set/Auto level 3 50,000
8 Bituminous hot mix plant 1 5,00,000
9 Road layer/ paver equipment 1 3,00,000
10 Hydraulic testing equipment for pipes 5 sets 50,000
11 Water tanker (with sprinkling arrangements) 2 1,00,000
12 Crane 2 1,00,000
13 Mini compactor/ roller (for inside trenches 5 50,000

Note: Equipment will be mobilized as per agreed equipment mobilization schedule. Above
proposed recovery/ deductions will be applicable if equipment are not mobilized as per agreed
mobilization schedule.
Initial Environmental Examination: Sawai Madhopur Sewerage


Sewerage Works in Sawai Madhopur

Brief Description of Proposed works

Proposed works under this subproject include mainly- (i) Refurbishment of existing 10
MLD STP (ii) Total lengths of pipelines of various diameters- approx. 121.452 km.
Table-12.1 presents the proposed scope of works-

Table12.1: Proposed Sewage Networks in Sawai Madhopur

S. Function Description Location

1 Refurbishment of Refurbishment of existing 10 MLD Existing 10 MLD STP
. existing 10 MLD STP based on WSP to meet the site, Surwal Village
STP standards of new CPCB guidelines of
treated effluent parameters
2 Sewage Network Laying of sewage pipes of various Various locations in the
. size at various locations as total town
121.452 km length as per following

200 mm- 101352.30 M

250 mm- 1816.70 M
300 mm- 1550.40 M
Total – 104719.40 M (say 86.22%)

B. HDPE PE 100 pipe

200 mm- 4554.40 M

250 mm- 1167.20 M
300 mm- 606.30 M
400 mm- 869.60 M
450 mm- 140.50 M
600 mm- 225.90 M
Total – 7563.90 M (say 6.23%)

C. RCC NP4 pipe

160 mm - 1680.90 M (PVC-U)

350 mm – 353.50 M
700 mm –2746.30 M
800mm – 1058.70 M
900mm – 3329.10 M
Total – 9168.50 M (say 7.55%)
1. Implementation Arrangements.

The Local Self Government Department (LSGD) of Government of Rajasthan will

be the Executing Agency (EA) and RUIDP will be the Implementing Agency (IA)

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Initial Environmental Examination: Sawai Madhopur Sewerage

for preparation of DPRs. The LSGD will be responsible for overall strategic planning,
guidance and management of the RUSDP. The RUIDP will be responsible for
detailed design at this stage. The RUIDP will recruit two consulting firms – (i) project
management, design and supervision consultant (PMDSC), and (ii) community
awareness and participation consultant (CAPC) to provide support in
implementation of RUSDP. Once the infrastructure is built and commissioned,
the Urban Local Bodies will operate and maintain the infrastructure through O&M
contractors. Project Officer (Environment) at PMU will be responsible for
environment management and monitoring activities, and will be supported by
Environment Safeguard Specialist of PMDSC Team. Contractor personnel will
include an Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) supervisor.

2. Description of the Environment.

Location, area and connectivity. The Urban Agglomeration (UA) of Sawai

Madhopur District is located about 180 km in the north-eastern part of Jaipur along
the rolling hills of Vindhyas and Aravali ranges. It is surrounded by Kota, Tonk, and
Karauli districts. Its total land area is 504,299 sq. km. The district has been divided
into 4 subdivisions: Sawai Madhopur, Bonli, Gangapur Town, and Bamanwas. There
are seven tehsil headquarters in this district: Sawai Madhopur, Khandar, Choth Ka
Barwara, Bonli, Malarna Dungar, Gangapur Town, and Bamanwas. Sawai Madhopur
Town is located 26/01’ north latitude and 77/22’ longitude at an altitude of 266.00
meters above mean sea level. Sawai Madhopur is well connected by road networks
and is connected with Jaipur, Delhi and other important cities. It is about 428 km from
Delhi and 167 km from Jaipur. The nearest airport is at Jaipur (190 km). The Delhi-
Bombay broad-gauge railway lines pass through Sawai Madhopur, Gangapur and
Hindaun towns of the district. District is very well connected with Delhi-Mumbai broad
gauge railway line. A broad-gauge line connecting Jaipur with Sawai Madhopur
passes through Isarda, Chauth-Ka-Barwara and Deopura stations. State Highway
No.30 links with Bundi and Kota. The old town is located in a narrow valley carved out
amidst the hill. It is thus surrounded by hills from all sides.

Topography, Soils and Geology

Sawai Madhopur is located at latitude 25o 45’ north and longitude 75o 59’ east, at a
height of 400 to 600 m above mean sea level. Soil in Sawai Madhopur falls within
rainfall zone of 500 to 700 mm. The soil is generally alluvial in nature which prone to
water logging. Also nature of recently alluvial calcareous has been observed. The
nutrient status of the Sawai Madhopur soil is graded as low to medium level.

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Initial Environmental Examination: Sawai Madhopur Sewerage

The various rocks type exposed in the area belong to Bhilwara, the Delhi, and the
Vidhyan Supergroups. The Bhilwara Supergroup represented by the Mangalwar
Complex, the Hindoli Group and the Ranthambore group is in decreasing order of
antiquity, is exposed in south western part. The northeast-southwest trending linear
quartzite ridges between Baunli and Sarsop belong to the Mangalwar Complex. Low
grade metamorphites of the Hindoli group indicate shale, slate, phyllite with mirror
quartzite which is exposed northwest of Jatwara. The overlaying Ranthambore
quartzite occurs east of Jathwara and support luxuriant growth of vegetation and
hosts game sanctuary. Several quartzite bands belonging to the Alwar Group (Delhi
Super group) from strike-ridges between Toda Bhim and Gudha Chandraji in
northwestern corner of the district. These are intruded by granite. The Vindhyan
Super group consists of various types of shale sandstone and limestone is
represented by the Bhander, Rewa, Kaimur, Sand, and Satola Groups in increasing
order of antiquity. These rocks occupy the eastern half the district and are separated
from the older rocks by a major reverse fault, the great Boundary Fault. A major part
of these districts is occupied by thick alluvium related to the various river systems


Sawai Madhopur town lies in low damage risk zone II. The area is less prone to
earthquakes and based on evaluation of the available earthquake zone information, it
is located on relatively stable geological plains. Natural hazard include mainly water
erosion which are moderate and severe to very severe. Other hazards include area
prone to water logging, salination, flash floods and high fluorine concentration in

Climatic Conditions

The climate of Sawai Madhopur is hot and arid with large variation in temperature.
The average temperature variation in summers and winters are 45o to 24.94o C and
20.05o C to 4o C respectively. The maximum and minimum temperature recorded is
45o C in summer and 4o C in winter. Dust storms and thunderstorms occur all through
the summer and are particularly active in pre-monsoon period. In summer, mean
humidity is 60%. The predominant wind direction is from west and south-west.


The rainfall over Sawai Madhopur is scanty and is concentrated over four months i.e.
from June to September. The south-west monsoon is active from July to mid-
September, recording an annual rainfall of 837.40 mm. The rains are erratic and so is
the distribution of the rainfall.

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Initial Environmental Examination: Sawai Madhopur Sewerage

Surface Water

The major Sawai Madhopur Rivers include Morel, Chambal and Banas. The Morel
River flows through the towns of Mittarpura, Pipalda, Jastana, Shyampura and
Rorawad. The tributaries of this river are Dhund, Kankrauli and Kalisil rivers. It has a
catchment area of approximately 5,491 sq km. The Chambal River is also known as
Charmawati River. Its total length is approximately 376 km. The Banas River
originates in the Khamnor Hills of the Aravalli Range in the district of Rajsamand and
flows through Isarda, Dubi, Shyampura, Rorawad, Bagroli and Padra towns in Sawai
Madhopur then flows through the northeastern region of Mewar meeting Chambal
River near the Rameshwar Village. There is no available data for surface water
quality. It was observed that surface water quality deteriorates during monsoon due to
total suspended solids (TSS) load. Due to high temperature at summer most of the
surface water sources become dried.

Tributary of Banas River, River Morel originates in the hills near Dharla and
Chainpura villages in Bassi Tehsil of Jaipur District. It flows southeast for 29 km, then
southwest for 35 km, up to the confluence with river Dhund, and then southeast for 83
km in Jaipur and Sawai Madhopur Districts, before joining Banas River near Hadoti
village, Tehsil Sapotara of Karauli District. Tributaries of river Morel are Dhund,
Kankrauli and Kalisil rivers.

River Kalisil originates in the hills near Rajpura village in Sawai Madhopur District.
The river flows generally southwest, partly through hills and partly in the plains of
Sawai Madhopur District, for about 48 km, before joining Morel River. 3 Numbers of
small nallahs of Sawai Madhopur are joining to River Kalisil.


For broadly grouping geological formations from ground water occurrence and
movement considerations, the various litho logical units have been classified into two
groups on the basis of their degree of consolidation and related parameters. These
are porous formations – quaternary unconsolidated formations and fissured
formations – consolidated sedimentary rocks.

Air Quality

The Rajasthan Pollution Control Board (RPCB) does not monitor the ambient air
quality of Sawai Madhopur because there are no major industries located in the
district therefore no data on ambient air quality is available. The nearest ambient air
quality monitoring station is located at Kota (110 km from Sawai Madhopur).

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Vehicles are considered to be the only significant source of air pollution in Sawai
Madhopur. Traffic, bad roads coupled with dry weather, and some industries are the
significant polluting activities, so levels of particulate matter (PM) are likely to be
under prescribed limits. Air quality monitoring will be done before start of construction
works in the town under the project.

Ecological Resources

Flora: The principal species found in Sawai Madhopur is Dhok (Anogeispendula)

.Some other species sparsely scattered are Raunj (Acacia leucophloea), Tendu
(Diospyrosmelanoxylon). Acacia cataechu Scrub: These scrubs exclusively occur in
Deoli blocks of Uniara range in Tonk District. Small patches also occur in Rawanjna
Doongar main and Sawai Madhopur ‘B’ blocks. The growing stock chiefly consists of
stunted and crooked Khair (Accacia catechu), Raunj (Acacia lencophloea) and Krail
(Capparies deciduas).The undergrowth is scanty and consists of Ber-Jhari
(Zizyphusnummulana) and Papadhani (Fluggeaviscosa).

Fauna: Sawai Madhopur is rich in wild life. It has a large variety of animals, birds, and
fishes. Tigers, leopards or panthers, and wild dogs (Dhole) are also found in this
area. Sloth bears are less uncommon here than in many other parts of India where
they were once well known. Wild pigs are also plentiful. Among the forest birds are
the peafowl, doves, parakeets, owls and other birds of prey. Other birds seen here
are egrets, pond herons, grey and purple herons.

There are no forest areas near the subproject site. The nearest reserve is the
Ranthambore Tiger Reserve which is 7 km away. Ranthambore was established as
the Sawai Madhopur Game Sanctuary in 1955 by GoI, and was declared one of the
Project Tiger reserves in 1973. In 1984, the adjacent forests were declared the Sawai
Man Singh Sanctuary and Keladevi Sanctuary, and in 1991 the tiger reserve was
enlarged to include Sawai Man Singh and Keladevi sanctuaries. The park lies at the
edge of a plateau, and is bounded to the north by the Banas River and to the south
by the Chambal River. There are several lakes in the park. It is named for the historic
Ranthambore fortress, which lies within the national park. The park covers an area of
392 sq km, and is famous for its tiger population. Other major wild animals include the
tiger, leopard, nilgai, dhole, wild pig, sambar and chital. It is also home to wide variety
of trees, plants, birds and reptiles. Ranthambore is also the site for one of the largest
Banyan trees in India. No endangered flora and fauna is reported from the site. No
works will be done within 500 meter radius of the protected forest area.

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Proposed subproject components are located in Sawai Madhopur City, an urban area
located in semi-arid dry region. City area is mostly characterized by dense habitation,
there is no natural habitat left in these places. Outer municipal area includes partly
rugged terrain undulated by short ridges and agricultural lands.

Industry & Agriculture

Sawai Madhopur being a desert district generally faces famines & drought. The bulk
of population depends upon agriculture & animal husbandry. Being the district
headquarter, Sawai Madhopur town is the main regional center for the entire district
and is working as service center for providing services like trade and commerce,
transport, commercial and other higher level public facilities for the entire district.

Sawai Madhopur town is a fast developing industrial town of Rajasthan mainly

because of its nodal location at the junction of Broad Gauge railway lines. The
industrial employment has increased from 4,124 in 1971 to 8,125 by 2001. The town
has one large scale industrial unit namely; Jaipur Udyog Cement limited which is
located in the north town. There are two planned industrial areas by Rajasthan State
Industrial Development & Investment Corporation (RIICO) for small scale industries,
Kherda industrial area is located on Tonk road in the west, with an area of 100 acres
for 137 plots while the other industrial area is located on Ranthambhore road in the
east with an area of 57 acres for 62 plots .Both industrial areas have been fully

3. Environmental Regulatory Compliance

Table 11.2 presents a summary of environmental regulations and mandatory

requirements applicable to proposed sewage works subproject in Sawai Madhopur.

Table-11.2: Applicable Environmental Regulations

Applicable Law Description Requirement
Water (Prevention Act was enacted to provide for the For the refurbishment of
and Control of prevention and control of water pollution existing 10 MLD STP to meet
Pollution) Act of 1974, and the maintaining or restoring of effluent standards prescribed
Rules of 1975, and wholesomeness of water, by Central and by CPCB will also require
amendments State Pollution Control Boards and for fresh CTO as the existing
conferring on and assigning to CTO is expired on
CPCB/SPCBs powers and functions 30.04.2016
relating to water pollution control.
All relevant forms, prescribed
Control of water pollution is achieved fees and procedures to
through administering conditions imposed obtain the CFE and CFO can
in consent issued under provision of the be found in the RPCB
Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) website (
Act of 1974. These conditions regulate the
quantity and quantity of effluent, the All the precautions to be
location of discharge and the frequency of taken to prevent any water

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Applicable Law Description Requirement

monitoring of effluents. Any component of pollution during construction
the subproject having the potential to and operation of STP and
generate sewage or trade effluent will allied works.
come under its purview.
Such projects have to obtain Consent For
Establish (CFE) under Section 25 of the
Act from Rajasthan Pollution Control Board
(RPCB) before starting implementation and
Consent For Operate (CFO) before
Air (Prevention and This Act was enacted to achieve For Sewage treatment plant
Control of Pollution) prevention, control and abatement of air (STP), no consents are
Act of 1981, Rules of pollution activities by assigning regulatory required from Pollution
1982 and powers to Central and State boards for all Control Board under this act.
amendments. such functions. The Act also establishes
ambient air quality standards The following will require
CFE and CFO from RPCB:
The projects having potential to emit air (i) diesel generators (more
pollutants into the atmosphere have to than 5 KVA) ; (ii) Batching
obtain CFE and CFO under Section 21 of Plant
the Act from RPCB The occupier of the hot mix plants; and (iii) stone
project/facility has the responsibility to crushers, if installed for
adopt necessary air pollution control construction.
measures for abating air pollution.
All relevant forms, prescribed
fees and procedures to
obtain the CFE and CFO can
be found in the RPCB
website (
Environment Emissions and discharges from the Appendix 1 provides
(Protection) Act, 1986 facilities to be created or refurbished or applicable standards for
and CPCB augmented shall comply with the notified
Environmental standards ambient air quality and
Standards. Appendix 2 provides vehicle
exhaust emission norms

Noise Pollution Rule 3 of the Act specifies ambient air Appendix 3 provides
(Regulation and quality standards in respect of noise for applicable noise standards.
Control) Rules, 2000 different areas/zones.
amended up to 2010.
The BOCW Act 1996 Employer shall- Contractors are required to
 Provide and maintain, at suitable point, follow all the provisions of
sufficient quantity of wholesome drinking
water, such point shall be at least 6
meters away from any washing areas,
urinals or toilets
 Provide sufficient urinals and latrines at
convenient place, easily accessible by
 Provide free of charge, temporary living
accommodations near to work sites with
separate cooking place, bathing and
lavatory facilities and restore the site as
pre conditions after completing the
construction works
 Provide crèche with proper
accommodation, ventilation, lighting,
cleanliness and sanitation if more than

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Applicable Law Description Requirement

fifty female workers are engaged
 Provide first aid facilities in all construction
For safety of workers employer shall
 Safe access to site and work place
 Safety in demolition works
 Safety in use of explosives
 Safety in operation of transporting
equipment and appoint competent person
to drive or operate such vehicles and
 Safety in lifting appliance, hoist and lifting
 Adequate and suitable lighting to every
work place and approach
 Prevention of inhalation of dust, smoke,
fumes, gases during construction works
and provide adequate ventilation in work
place and confined space
 Safety in material handling and
stacking/un stacking
 Safeguarding the machinery with fly-wheel
of moving parts
 Safe handling and use of plants operated
by compressed air
 Fire safety
 Limit of weight to be lifted by workers
 Safety in electric wires, apparatus, tools
and equipment
 Provide safety net, safety sheet, safety
belts while working at height (more
than1.6 mtrs. as per OSHA)
 Providing scaffolding, ladders and stairs,
lifting appliances, chains and accessories
where required
 Safety in pile works, concrete works, hot
asphalt, tar, insulation, demolition works,
excavation, underground construction and
handling materials
 Provide and maintain medical facilities for
 Any other matters for the safety and
health of workers
Motor Vehicles Act, No person will be allowed to drive a motor Valid and appropriate
1988 vehicle unless he holds an valid driving (LMV/HMV) driving licence of
license issued to him authorizing him to
drive the vehicle operators and drivers is
required to operate or drive
vehicle and equipment at
construction site

The Petroleum All due precautions will be taken at all times Do not allow any escape of
Rules 2002 to prevent escape of petroleum into any diesel, lubricants in to drain or
drain, sewer, river or watercourse or over any any nearby water course

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Applicable Law Description Requirement

public road or railway line.

Rajasthan State Follows the National Environment Policy, - Project implementation

Environment Policy, 2006 and core objectives and policies are: should adhere to the policy
2010 and Rajasthan - Conserve and enhance environmental aims of: conservation &
Environment Mission resources; assure environmental enhancement of
and Climate Change sustainability of key economic sectors; and, environmental resources,
Agenda for Rajasthan improve environmental governance and integration of environmental
(2010-14) capacity building concerns into projects/plans,
- it recommends specific strategies and and capacity building in
actions to address the key environmental environmental management
issues: water resources, desertification - under water sector, major
and land degradation, forest and concerns, as the policy
biodiversity, air quality, climate change: notes, are: huge water
adoption and mitigation, mining, industry, losses & wastage, declining
tourism, energy, urban development, etc. water availability, pollution
- Establishment of Environment Mission - Relevant recommendations for
under the chairpersonship of the Chief the project include: control of
Minister and a Steering Committee under
the chairpersonship of Chief Secretary, losses, integrated water
Government of Rajasthan Resources management,
Tasks force set up for six key areas control of raw water

- pollution, reuse and

-avoid/minimize use of forest
With reference to Climate
change adoption & mitigation
following should be
considered in the project:
- diminishing flows in surface
water bodies, and
groundwater depletion, and
revival traditional water
bodies as water sources
- equal stress on demand
side management in water
-minimize energy use -
design energy efficiency

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Applicable Law Description Requirement

Gas Cylinder Rules These rules deal with Filling, possession, All the safety in storage,
2004 import and transport of cylinders, Safety transportation, handling,
relief devices, Marking on cylinders,
Markings on valve, Identification colors, usage, maintenance, repairing
Labeling of cylinders, Restriction on of gas cylinders and other
delivery or dispatch of cylinders, repairing precautions should be taken
of cylinders, Prohibition of employment of
and record should be kept
children and intoxicated persons,
Prohibition of smoking, fires, lights and maintained.
dangerous substances, General
precautions, Special precautions against
accidents, Competent person to be in
charge of operations, Handling and use,
Restrictions on filling, Loading, unloading
and transport of cylinders, Storage of
cylinders, ownership and record keeping
Labor Laws The contractor shall not make employment Appendix 4 provides
decisions based upon personal applicable labor laws
characteristics unrelated to job including amendments
requirements. The contractor shall base issued from time to time
the employment relationship upon equal applicable to establishments
opportunity and fair treatment, and shall engaged in construction of
not discriminate with respect to aspects of civil works.
the employment relationship, including
recruitment and hiring, compensation
(including wages and benefits), working
conditions and terms of employment or
retirement, and discipline.
The contractor shall provide equal wages
and benefits to men and women for work of
equal value or type.
Forest (Conservation) The Forest (Conservation) Act prohibits the Can be applicable if there are
Act, 1980 use of forest land for non-forest purposes works in forest areas
without the approval of Ministry of
Environment and Forests (MoEF),
Government of India
Rajasthan Forest Act, This Act makes the basis for declaration of Can be applicable if there are
1953 and Rajasthan Reserved Forests, constitution of village works in forest areas
Forest Rules, 1962 forest committees, management of
reserved forests and penalties and
The Prohibition of Prohibition of insanitary (dry types) latrines No dry latrines should be
Employment as Manual and employment and engagement of manual constructed at any site, only
Scavengers and Their scavenger flush type latrines should be
rehabilitation Act 2013 made
Rehabilitation of persons retracted from
manual scavenger works Any person employed as
manual scavenger, he should
Prohibition of persons from engagement or
retract from this work and
employment for hazardous cleaning of sewers
engaged in other work in same
and septic tanks

No person. Local authority or

any agency shall engage or
employ, either directly or

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Applicable Law Description Requirement

indirectly, any person for
hazardous cleaning ( without
proper precautions and
providing safety aids) of a
sewer or a septic tank

Provide proper PPEs and

safety equipment before
entering in to manhole of

Solid Waste Every waste generator shall prima-facie be Prior to the construction or
Management Rules, responsible for collection, segregation of demolition work as per these
2015 (Draft stage) concrete, soil and others and storage of rules, the generator shall obtain
construction and demolition waste generated, permission from local body and
as directed/notified by the concerned local shall submit the waste
body in consonance with these rules. management plan of
Construction &Demolition waste
and follow during

4. Anticipated Environmental Impacts

Potential environmental impacts of the proposed infrastructure components are

presented in this section. Mitigation measures to minimize/mitigate negative impacts,
if any, are recommended along with the agency responsible for implementation.
Monitoring actions to be conducted during the implementation phase is also
recommended to reduce the impact.

Screening of potential environmental impacts are categorized into four categories

considering subproject phases: location impacts and design impacts (pre-
construction phase), construction phase impacts and operations and maintenance
phase impacts.

i. Location impacts include impacts associated with site selection and include
loss of on-site biophysical array and encroachment either directly or indirectly on
adjacent environments. It also includes impacts on people who will lose their
livelihood or any other structures by the development of that site.

ii. Design impacts include impacts arising from Investment Program design,
including technology used, scale of operation/throughput, waste production,
discharge specifications, pollution sources and ancillary services.

iii. Construction impacts include impacts caused by site clearing, earthworks,

machinery, vehicles and workers. Construction site impacts include erosion,
dust, noise, traffic congestion and waste production.

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iv. O&M impacts include impacts arising from the operation and maintenance
activities of the infrastructure facility. These include routine management of
operational waste streams, and occupational health and safety issues.


(A) Locations of Sewer Networks: The proposed sewer networks will traverse through
different city roads within ROW. Therefore no impacts shall be envisaged regarding
location. These works will require advance permission from concerned authority for
road cutting and traffic diversion etc. No tree cutting will be required as per preliminary
design and if any tree cutting will be required during execution mitigation measures
shall be adopted.


(A) Refurbishment of existing STP: Existing STP of 10 MLD is constructed under

RUIDP Phase-2 (RUSDIP) based on WSP technology. Treated effluent does not meet
the recent standards (April 2015) prescribed by CPCB. Therefore the refurbishment in
this STP is proposed to meet the prescribed standards. It has to ensure that treated
effluents standards should meet the said standards. Consent to operate from RPCB
will be required as the existing CTO is already expired and also there is change in
treatment process.

(B) Design of Sewer Networks: Sewer networks are designed to cover the whole town,
therefore it is very possible that disturbance to traffic and residents will take place
during execution. During excavation of roads for pipe laying there may be impacts like
traffic disturbance, dust emission, noise, tree cutting, disruption of utilities etc., which
cannot be avoided. Therefore, mitigation measures are prepared to reduce/minimize
the impacts and contractor is required to follow these mitigation measures during
construction. Detail survey is required before start of construction to identify the nature
and extent of impacts.


Potential Environmental Impacts envisaged for construction and their mitigation

measures are briefly described in following paragraphs-

A. Proposed pipe line (approx. 121.452 km)

A detail survey is needed after finalization of alignment to access the feasibility of the
alignment for need of any tree cutting, demolition of any structure, road and railway
crossings, pipe laying in any private land, presence of any sensitive receptor along
alignment, disturbance to public or business etc. Mitigation measures will be prepared
for significant aspects. Prior consent from land owners (if pipe laying is required in

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private land) and NOC from concerned departments (for pipe laying in roads,
road/railway crossings etc.) prior to start of construction works, is required.

B. Storage and Disposal of excavated earth

A large quantity of soil will be excavated for pipe laying construction. Some part of this
excavated soil will be reused for backfilling and/or surface levelling; rest of the soil will
be needed to be disposed in other locations. Proper storage and disposal plan from
contractor is required before start of the work. Prior permission from land
owner/concerned authority for storage and disposal of excess earth is required. Prior
to the commencement of works, contractor shall identify a debris disposal site in
consultation with the PIU and adhering to following criteria:

(i) The site shall be selected preferably from barren, infertile lands. In case
agricultural and needs to be selected, top-soil stripping, stacking and
preservation should be under taken prior to initiation of any activities.

(ii) Debris disposal site shall be at least 200m away from surface water bodies.

(iii) No residential areas shall be located within 100 m downwind side of the site.

(iv) The site is minimum 250 m away from sensitive locations like hospitals,
religious places, ponds/lakes or other water bodies.

(v) The local governing body and community shall be consulted while selecting
the site.

C. Prevention and control of Air Pollution

For the prevention and control of air pollution, contractor is required to practice
periodical water sprinkling in dust prone areas/activities. All the vehicles and
equipment used in construction works are required to be all time in good condition to
prevent air pollution. Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificate is required for all the
vehicles used in construction works. To mitigate the impacts, construction
contractors will be required to:

a. Consult with PIU/on the designated areas for stockpiling of soils, gravel, and other
construction materials;

b. Damp down exposed soil and any stockpiled material on site by water

c. Use tarpaulins to cover sand and other loose material when transported by trucks;

d. Clean wheels and undercarriage of haul trucks prior to leaving construction site

e. Don't allow access in the work area except workers to limit soil disturbance and
prevent access by barricading and security personnel

f. Fit all heavy equipment and machinery with air pollution control devices which are
operating correctly, DGs should have proper stake height as per norms;

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g. Ensure all the equipment are having PUC certificates

h. Do regular water sprinkling in dusty areas to reduce dust emission during works

i. Damp down the structures before demolishing to reduce dust emission

j. Damp down on regular basis all the access ways

k. Maintain all the equipment and vehicles to reduce emission of smoke and keep
pollution under control and keep records of periodic maintenance

l. Carry out regular ambient air quality monitoring and keep records

D. Prevention and control of Water Pollution

Run-off from stockpiled materials and chemical contamination from fuels and
lubricants during construction works can contaminate downstream surface water
quality of the streams. These potential impacts are temporary and short-term duration
only. However, to ensure that these are mitigated, construction contractor will be
required to:

(i) Prepare and implement a spoils management plan;

(ii) Avoid to construct any construction camps and labor camps away from any water body
and do not allow to dispose any waste or sullage in to any water body

(iii) Avoid stockpiling of earth fill especially during the monsoon season unless
covered by tarpaulins or plastic sheets;

(iv) Prioritize re-use of excess spoils and materials in the construction works. If spoils
will be disposed, consult with PIU on designated disposal areas;

(v) Install temporary silt traps or sedimentation basins along the drainage leading to the
water bodies;

(vi) Place storage areas for fuels and lubricants away from any drainage leading to
water bodies and provide impermeable lining under the storage yard of fuels and

(vii) Dispose any wastes generated by construction activities in designated sites; and

(viii) Conduct surface quality inspection according to the Environmental Management

Plan (EMP)

E. Noise and vibration impacts

Construction works will be conducted in government lands and along the roads
in Sawai Madhopur urban area, where there are houses, schools and hospitals,
religious places and small-scale businesses. The sensitive receptors are the
general population in these areas. Increase in noise level may be caused by
excavation, particularly breaking of cement concrete or bitumen roads, operation
of construction equipment like concrete mixers, and the transportation of

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equipment, materials, and people. Vibration generated from construction activity, for
instance from the use of pneumatic drills, will have impact on nearby buildings. This
impact is negative but short-term, and reversible by mitigation measures. The
construction contractor will be required to:

(i) Plan activities in consultation with PIU so that activities with the greatest
potential to generate noise are conducted during periods of the day which will result
in least disturbance;

(ii) Horns should not be used unless it is necessary to warn other road users or
animals of the vehicle’s approach;

(iii) Minimize noise from construction equipment by using vehicle silencers, fitting
jackhammers with noise-reducing mufflers, and use portable street barriers to
minimize sound impact to surrounding sensitive receptor;

(iv) DGs being used at site should have sound reducing enclosures, preferably silent DGs
should be used at site;

(v) Maintain maximum sound levels not exceeding 80 decibels (dBA) when measured at
a distance of 10 m or more from the vehicle/s and equipment;

(vi) Identify any buildings at risk from vibration damage and avoiding any use of
pneumatic drills or heavy vehicles in the vicinity;

(vii) Consult the custodians of important buildings, cultural and tourism authorities and
local communities in advance of the work to identify and address key issues, and
avoid working at sensitive times, such as religious and cultural festivals;

(viii) Provide all workers appropriate PPEs like ear plug/muff, working in high noise

(ix) Keep all vehicles and equipment in good conditions to avoid excessive noise

(x) Provide noise barriers near sensitive receptors like schools, hospitals, temples, courts
etc. and consult in advance with sensitive receptors about the working hours (specially
schools, offices, courts etc.) and avoid noisy works in those hours;

(xi) Avoid noisy works in nights in inhabited areas to avoid any disturbance to habitants;

(xii) Consult in advance with habitants and inform them about the nature and duration of

F. Establishment of batching plant, hot mix plant, crusher plant, DG sets and
quarrying/mining operations etc.

If contractor establishes any batching plant, hot mix plant, crusher plant and doing
quarrying or mining exclusively for the project, he will be required to take prior

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consents (for establishment and operation) from pollution control board and/or
department of mines and submit to PIU before start of the work and follow all the
conditions stipulated in consents. If contractor is purchasing the readymade concrete
from other agencies or purchasing other construction materials from other agencies,
he should confirm that other agency is having all the required consents and collect
the copy of the consents and submit in PIU prior to start of the work. If DG sets of
more than 5 KVA are being used for construction works, consent from RPCB is to be
taken prior to start of its operation.

G. Traffic diversion and/or road closure

If traffic diversion and/or road closure is required for the proposed works, prior consent
from traffic department will be required and prior information to affected areas and
public should be disseminated through consultations by CAPC. Proper road signage
and traffic aids should be provided at site. Excavation along the roads, hauling of
construction materials and operation of equipment on-site can cause traffic problems.
Potential impact is negative but short term and reversible by mitigation measures. The
construction contractor will be required to:

(i) Prepare and implement a Traffic Management Plan

(ii) Plan transportation routes so that heavy vehicles do not use narrow local
roads, except in the immediate vicinity of delivery sites;

(iii) Schedule transport and hauling activities during non-peak hours Locate entry
and exit points in areas where there is low potential for traffic congestion;

(iv) Keep the site free from all unnecessary obstructions;

(v) Drive vehicles in a considerate manner;

(vi) Coordinate with Traffic Police for temporary road diversions and for provision
of traffic aids if transportation activities cannot be avoided during peak hours;

(vii) Notify affected sensitive receptors by providing sign boards informing nature
and duration of construction works and contact numbers for

Wherever road width is minimal, there will be temporary loss of access to pedestrians
and vehicular traffic including 2 wheelers during the laying of pipes. Under those
circumstances, contractor shall adopt following measures:

(i) Inform the affected local population 1-week in advance about the work

(ii) Plan and execute the work in such a way that the period of disturbance/
loss of access is minimum.

(iii) Provide pedestrian access in all the locations until normalcy is restored.

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Provide wooden/metal planks over the open trenches at each house to

maintain the access

H. Disruption of Utilities

Telephone lines, electric poles and wires, water lines within the proposed project
locations may require to be shifted in few cases. To mitigate the adverse impacts due
to relocation of the utilities, the contractor, in collaboration with ULB will (i) identify the
locations and operators of these utilities to prevent unnecessary disruption of services
during construction phase; and (ii) construction contractor is required to prepare a
contingency plan to include actions to be done in case of unintentional interruption of

I. Site selection of construction work camps, stockpile areas, storage areas, and
disposal areas

Priority should be to locate these near the project location. However, if it is deemed
necessary to locate elsewhere, sites to be considered will not promote instability and
result in destruction of property, vegetation, irrigation, and drinking water supply
systems. Residential areas will not be considered for setting up construction camps to
protect the human environment (i.e., to curb accident risks, health risks due to air and
water pollution and dust, and noise, and to prevent social conflicts, shortages of
amenities, and crime). Extreme care will be taken to avoid disposals near forest areas,
water bodies, swamps, or in areas which will inconvenience the community.

Operation of work camps can cause temporary air and noise pollution from machine
operation, water pollution from storage and use of fuels, oils, solvents, lubricants.
Potential impacts are negative but short-term and reversible by mitigation measures.
The construction contractor will be required to:

(i) Consult PIU before locating project offices, sheds, and construction plants;

(ii) Minimize removal of vegetation and disallow cutting of trees;

(iii) Provide drinking water, water for other uses, and sanitation facilities for

(iv) Ensure conditions of live ability at work camps are maintained at the
highest standards possible at all times;

(v) Prohibit employees from poaching wildlife and cutting of trees for firewood;

(vi) Train employees in the storage and handling of materials which can
potentially cause soil contamination;

(vii) Recover used oil and lubricants and reuse or remove from the site;

(viii) Manage solid waste according to the following preference hierarchy: reuse,
recycling and disposal to designated areas;

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(ix) Remove all wreckage, rubbish, or temporary structures which are no longer
required; and

(x) Request PIU to report in writing that the camp has been vacated and
restored to pre-project conditions before acceptance of work

J. Social Impacts

The project components will be located in government land and there is no requirement
for land acquisition or any resettlement. Construction works will impede the access of
residents to specific site in limited cases. The potential impacts are negative and
moderate but short-term and temporary. The construction contractor will be required to:

(i) Prepare and implement spoils management plan;

(ii) Leave spaces for access between mounds of soil;

(iii) Provide walkways and metal sheets where required to maintain access
across for people and vehicles;

(iv) Increase workforce in the areas with predominantly institutions, place of

worship, business establishment, hospitals, and schools;

(v) Consult businesses and institutions regarding operating hours and factoring
this in work schedules; and

(vi) Provide sign boards for pedestrians to inform nature and duration of
construction works and contact numbers for concerns/complaints.

(vii) Notify community/ water users in advance about likely interruptions in water

(viii) Provide alternate sources of clean water until water supply is restored

(ix) Employ at least 50% of the labor force, or to the maximum extent, local
persons within the 2-km immediate area if manpower is available; and

(x) Secure construction materials from local market.

K. Occupational Health & Safety

Workers need to be mindful of the occupational hazards which can arise from
working in height and excavation works. Potential impacts are negative and long-
term but reversible by mitigation measures. The construction contractor will be
required to:

(i) Comply with all national, state and local labor laws;

(ii) Develop and implement site-specific occupational health and safety (OH&S)
Plan which will include measures such as: (a) excluding public from the site;
(b) ensuring all workers are provided with and use personal protective
equipment; (c) OH&S Training for all site personnel; (d) documented

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procedures to be followed for all site activities; and (e) documentation of

work-related accidents;

(iii) Ensure that qualified first-aid is provided at all times. Equipped first-aid
stations shall be easily accessible throughout the site;

(iv) Provide medical insurance coverage for workers;

(v) Secure all installations from unauthorized intrusion and accident risks;

(vi) The project area experiences extreme temperature during summer months of
April and May, which may affect the health of workers engaged in
construction work. Contractor should take necessary measures during
summers including the following:
a. Work schedule should be adjusted to avoid peak temperature hours
(12 – 3 PM)
b. Provide appropriate shade near the work place; allow periodic resting
and provide adequate water
(vii) Provide necessary medicine and facilities to take care of dehydration related
health issues

(viii) Provide supplies of potable drinking water;

(ix) Provide clean eating areas where workers are not exposed to hazardous or
noxious substances;

(x) Provide H&S orientation training to all new workers to ensure that they are
apprised of the basic site rules of work at the site, personal protective
protection, and preventing injuring to fellow workers;
(xi) Provide visitor orientation if visitors to the site can gain access to areas where
hazardous conditions or substances may be present. Ensure also that
visitor/s do not enter hazard areas unescorted;

(xii) Ensure the visibility of workers through their use of high visibility vests when
working in or walking through heavy equipment operating areas;

(xiii) Ensure moving equipment is outfitted with audible back-up alarms;

(xiv) Mark and provide sign boards for hazardous areas such as energized
electrical devices and lines, service rooms housing high voltage equipment,
and areas for storage and disposal. Signage shall be in accordance with
international standards and be well known to, and easily understood by
workers, visitors, and the general public as appropriate; and

(xv) Disallow worker exposure to noise level greater than 85 dBA for duration of
more than 8 hours per day without hearing protection. The use of hearing
protection shall be enforced actively.
L. Community Health and Safety

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Hazards posed to the public, specifically in high- pedestrian areas may include
traffic accidents and vehicle collision with pedestrians. Potential impact is negative
but short-term and reversible by mitigation measures. The construction contractor
will be required to:

(i) Plan routes to avoid times of peak-pedestrian activities.

(ii) Liaise with PIU in identifying risk areas on route cards/maps.

(iii) Maintain regularly the vehicles and use of manufacturer-approved parts to

minimize potentially serious accidents caused by equipment malfunction or
premature failure.

(iv) Provide road signs and flag persons to warn of on-going trenching activities.

Some part of the town is characterized by narrow roads and some of which are
accessible only by foot. Besides impeding the access, the trench excavation and pipe
laying will pose safety risks to pedestrians, and the people living in these areas.
Though the width (<500 mm) and depth (<750 mm) of trench is minimal, it will pose
safety risk, especially for children and elders, the construction contractor will be
required to:

(i) Provide prior information to the local people about the nature and duration of

(ii) Conduct awareness program on safety during the construction work

(iii) Undertake the construction work stretch-wise; excavation, pipe laying and
trench refilling should be completed on the same day

(iv) Provide barricades, and deploy security personnel to ensure safe movement
of people and also to prevent unnecessary entry and to avoid accidental fall
into open trench

M. Night works (if required)

Following requirements should be fulfilled for construction works at night hours-

1. Night works should be avoided at construction sites specially in residential areas

and should be performed only when day works are not possible due to excessive
traffic/public/pedestrian movement, site of cultural or religious importance, where
there is huge crowd during day hours or any other unavoidable circumstances.
2. Contractor should plan for night works only after directions from PMU/PIU/DSC
3. Contractor should submit plan for night works for approval from PIU.
4. PIU should ensure that prior written information should be given to local authorities
such as district administration, Police/traffic police, and line agencies concerned,
residents welfare association/business association/vyapar mandal of the affected
areas and their consents/permissions should be taken prior to start of night works.

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5. PIU/DSC engineers should check and ensure that all the preparation as per
management plan is done by contractor and contractor is having all the necessary
equipment and materials for night works.
6. Contractor is required to have following equipment/arrangements for night works-
 Contractors should have hand held noise level meter for measurement of
noise during night hours
 Contractors should have hand held lux meter for the measurement of
illumination during night hours
 Preferably electrical connections is available for running equipment
otherwise sound proof/super silent Diesel Generator set should be available
 Sound level should not increase as per following-
Type of area of work Maximum noise level dB(A)

Industrial 70

Commercial 55

Residential 45

Silence zone 40

 Illumination should be as follows-

Minimum Areas to be Type of work activity
illumination (lx) illuminated
54 Illumination General work area lighting, and
throughout the performance of visual tasks of large size,
work area or medium contrast, or low require

108 Illumination of work Performance of visual tasks of medium

area and areas size, or low to medium contrast, or
adjacent to medium required accuracy
216 Illumination of task Performance of visual tasks of small size,
or low contrast or high required accuracy
or fine finish

 As far as possible ready mix concrete from batching plant to be used,

otherwise the concrete should be prepared away from residential areas and
brought to the site
 All the noise activity like hammering, cutting, crushing, running of heavy
equipment should be done in day time and avoided in night time
 Workers engaged in night works should have adequate rest/sleep in day time
before start of night works
 Worker engaged for night works should have previous experience of night
works and should be physically fit for such works including clear vision in night
 All the necessary provisions of traffic aids such as traffic signals, road signage,
barricades, cautions boards, traffic diversion boards etc. should be available
with fluorescent/retro-reflective arrangements

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 Workers should be trained before start of night works about risks and hazards
of night works and their mitigation measures and should be provided all the
protective aids (PPEs) including fluorescent/retro-reflective vests
 Horns should not be permitted by equipment and vehicles
 Workers should not shout and create noise
 First aid and emergency vehicles should be available at site
 Emergency preparedness plan should be operative during night works
 Old persons and pregnant women and women having small kids should not
work in night time
 All the vehicles and equipment being used at night works should have
adequate type of silencers/enclosures/mufflers to reduce noise
 All the vehicles should be checked for working head lamps, tail lamps, inner
lights etc. before start of night works
7. PIU/DSC site engineers and contractors safety personnel should closely monitor the
safety of works continuously and noise and illumination levels on hourly basis and
maintain photographic and video graphic records as well as register the observations
8. Night works should be stopped early in the morning at least one hour before start of
pedestrian/traffic movement
9. After completion of night works all the site should be cleaned and maintained
obstruction free for day time movement of vehicles and pedestrians
10. Drivers and workers should be alert and responsive during night works
11. All the wages to workers working in night hours should be as per the applicable labour
12. Avoid any nuisance which may create problems to nearby habitants and work
peacefully during night hours
13. Night works should not be conducted near hospitals and during peak seasons such as
peak tourist season, students’ exam times etc.


Consent for Operation (CFO) for STPs from RPCB is required before start of the
operation of STP as a legal compliance under Water Act. Operation and Maintenance
of the proposed Waste water system (Sewage pipe lines, manholes) will be carried
out by Sawai Madhopur Nagar Parishad through contractor. The system have a
design life of 15/30 years, during which shall not require major repairs or
refurbishments and should operate with little maintenance beyond routine actions
required to keep the equipment in working order. The stability and integrity of
the system will be monitored periodically to detect any problems and allow
remedial action if required. Any repairs will be small-scale involving manual,
temporary, and short-term works involving regular checking and recording of
performance for signs of deterioration, servicing and replacement of parts.

Recurrence of pipe bursting and leakage problems can be managed by the leak
detection and auditing surveys. Another problem of chocking of pipes and
overflowing of manholes may also emerge during operation stage. The ULB will be
required to ensure that the leak detection and rectification time is minimized.
Nevertheless, during cleaning/clearing of manholes and sewer lines great precautions

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should be taken for the safety of workers conducting such works. The O&M contractor
will be required to-
(i) As for as possible use CCTV mechanism to detect the problems in pipe lines
and do not engage persons for this purpose
(ii) As far as possible use mechanized cleaning of manholes and pipe lines by
using modern techniques and machines and do not engage persons for this
purpose and engage persons only if mechanized cleaning is not possible in
any way
(iii) Ensure that employees and line management understand the risks through
proper instruction, training and supervision.
(iv) Use gas detector before entering any person inside manhole to detect any
hazardous or inflammable gas present inside the manhole.
(v) Provide suitable personal protective equipment that may include waterproof /
abrasion-resistant gloves, footwear, eye and respiratory protection. Face visors
are particularly effective against splashes. Equipment selection and a proper
system for inspection and maintenance are important.
(vi) Provide adequate welfare facilities, including clean water, soap, nailbrushes,
disposable paper towels, and where heavy contamination is foreseeable,
(vii) For remote locations portable welfare facilities should be provided.
(viii) Areas for storage of clean and contaminated equipment should be segregated
and separate from eating facilities.
(ix) Provide adequate first-aid equipment, including clean water or sterile wipes for
cleansing wounds, and a supply of sterile, waterproof, adhesive dressings.
(x) Make effective arrangements for monitoring the health of staff.
(xi) Keep emergency preparedness plan ready before start the work of sewage
system cleaning

Improper disposal of silt and debris removed from manholes and pipes could cause
inconvenience to public. Silt and debris shall be collected in trucks and transported
to the approved disposal site or in landfill facility.

Repair works could cause some temporary disruption of activities at locations of

social and cultural importance such as schools, hospitals, religious places, tourist
sites etc., so the same precautions as employed during the construction period
should be adopted. ULB needs to:
(i) Identify any buildings at risk from vibration damage and avoiding any use of
pneumatic drills or heavy vehicles in the vicinity;

(ii) Complete work in these areas quickly;

(iii) Consult the custodians of important buildings, cultural and tourism authorities
and local communities in advance of the work to identify and address key
issues, and avoid working at sensitive times, such as religious and cultural

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1.1 Appendix 1: National Ambient Air Quality Standards

Concentration in ambient air

Pollutants weighted Industrial, Ecologically Method of measurement
average Residential, Rural Sensitive
& Other Areas Areas

Sulphur Dioxide Annual 50 20 Improved West and Geake-

24 hours 80 80 Ultraviolet fluorescence

Nitrogen Dioxide Annual 40 30 Modified Jacob &Hochheiser

2 3 (Na-Arsenite)
(NO2) µg/m 24 hours 80 80
Particulate Matter Annual 60 60 Gravimetric
3 (Size less than 10 -TOEM
3 24 hours 100 100
µm) or PM10 µg/m -Beta attenuation
Particulate Matter Annual 40 40 Gravimetric
4 (Size less than 2.5 -TOEM
3 24 hours 60 60
µm) or PM2.5 µg/m -Beta attenuation
Carbon Monoxide 8 hours 02 02 Non Dispersive Infra Red
5 3
(CO) mg/m 1 hours 04 04 (NDIR) Spectroscopy

1.2 Appendix 2: Vehicle Exhaust Emission Norms

Norms CO( g/km) HC+ NOx(g/km)

1991Norms 14.3-27.1 2.0(Only HC)
1996 Norms 8.68-12.40 3.00-4.36
1998Norms 4.34-6.20 1.50-2.18
India stage 2000 norms 2.72 0.97
Bharat stage-II 2.2 0.5
Bharat Stage-III 2.3 0.35 (combined)
Bharat Stage-IV 1.0 0.18 (combined)

1. Passenger Cars
2. Heavy Diesel Vehicles
Norms CO( g/kmhr) HC (g/kmhr) NOx (g/kmhr) PM(g/kmhr)
1991Norms 14 3.5 18 -
1996 Norms 11.2 2.4 14.4 -
India stage 2000 norms 4.5 1.1 8.0 0.36
Bharat stage-II 4.0 1.1 7.0 0.15
Bharat Stage-III 2.1 1.6 5.0 0.10
Bharat Stage-IV 1.5 0.96 3.5 0.02
Source: Central Pollution Control Board
CO = Carbon Monixide; g/kmhr = grams per kilometer-hour; HC = Hydrocarbons; NOx =
oxides of nitrogen; PM = Particulates Matter

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Appendix 3: National Ambient Air Quality Standards in Respect of Noise

Area code Category of Limit in dB (A)
area/zone Day time Night time
A Industrial area 75 70
B Commercial area 65 55
C Residential area 55 45
D Silence zone 50 40

Appendix 4: Salient Features of Major Labour Laws Applicable to Establishments

Engaged in Construction/Civil Works

(i) Workmen Compensation Act, 1923 - The Act provides for compensation in
case of injury by accident arising out of and during the course of employment.

(ii) Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 - Gratuity is payable to an employee under the
Act on satisfaction of certain conditions on separation if an employee has completed
5 years’ service or more or on death at the rate of 15 days wages for every
completed year of service. The Act is applicable to all establishments employing 10
or more employees.

(iii) Employees’ PF and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 - The Act provides
for monthly contributions by the employer plus workers @10 % or 8.33 %. The
benefits payable under the Act are:

(a) Pension or family pension on retirement or death as the case may be; (b) deposit
linked insurance on the death in harness of the worker; (c) payment of PF
accumulation on retirement/death etc.

(iv) Maternity Benefit Act, 1951 - The Act provides for leave and some other
benefits to women employees in case of confinement or miscarriage etc.

(v) Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 - The Act provides
for certain welfare measures to be provided by the Contractor to contract labour
and in case the Contractor fails to provide, the same are required to be provided
by the Principal Employer by Law. The principal employer is required to take
Certificate of Registration and the Contractor is required to take a License from
the designated Officer. The Act is applicable to the establishments or Contractor of
principal employer if they employ 20 or more contract labour.

(vi) Minimum Wages Act, 1948 - The employer is supposed to pay not less than
the Minimum Wages fixed by appropriate Government as per provisions of the Act if

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the employment is a scheduled employment. Construction of Buildings, Roads,

Runways are scheduled employment.

(vii) Payment of Wages Act, 1936 - It lays down as to by what date the wages are
to be paid, when it will be paid and what deductions can be made from the wages of
the workers.

(viii) Equal Remuneration Act, 1979 - The Act provides for payment of equal
wages for work of equal nature to Male and Female workers and not for making
discrimination against Female employees in the matters of transfers, training and
promotions etc.

(ix) Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 - The Act is applicable to all establishments
employing 20 or more workmen. The Act provides for payments of annual bonus
subject to a minimum of 8.33 % of wages and maximum of 20 % of wages to
employees drawing Rs. 3,500/- per month or less. The bonus to be paid to
employees getting Rs. 2,500/- per month or above up to Rs.3, 500/- per month
shall be worked out by taking wages as Rs.2, 500/- per month only. The Act does
not apply to certain establishments. The newly set up establishments are exempted
for five years in certain circumstances. Some of the State Governments have
reduced the employment size from 20 to 10 for the purpose of applicability of the Act.

(x) Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 - The Act lays down the machinery and
procedure for resolution of industrial disputes, in what situations a strike or lock-out
becomes illegal and what are the requirements for laying off or retrenching the
employees or closing down the establishment.

(xi) Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 - It is applicable to all

establishments employing 100 or more workmen (employment size reduced by
some of the States and Central Government to 50). The Act provides for laying
down rules governing the conditions of employment by the employer on matters
provided in the Act and get the same certified by the designated Authority.

(xii) Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and

Conditions of Service) Act 1996 and the Cess Act of 1996 - - Applicable to all
construction works in the project, Contractor to obtain license from designated labour
officer, Contractor shall register with Labour Department, GOR if Inter-state migrant
workmen are engaged, Adequate and appropriate amenities and facilities shall be
provided to workers including housing, medical aid, traveling expenses from home and
back, etc.,

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Project Location: The sub-project is located in Sawai Madhopur, the headquarters

town of Sawai Madhopur District, in the eastern part of Rajasthan. The Urban
Agglomeration (UA) of Sawai Madhopur District is located about 180 km in the north-
eastern part of Jaipur along the rolling hills of Vindhyas and Aravali ranges. It is
surrounded by Kota, Tonk, and Karauli districts. Its total land area is 504,299 sq. km.

Sawai Madhopur is well connected by road networks and is connected with Jaipur,
Delhi and other important cities. It is about 428 km from Delhi and 167 km from Jaipur.
The nearest airport is at Jaipur (190 km). The Delhi-Bombay broad-gauge railway lines
pass through Sawai Madhopur, Gangapur and Hindaun towns of the district. A broad-
gauge line connecting Jaipur with Sawai Madhopur passes through Isarda, Chauth-Ka-
Barwara and Deopura stations. District map of Sawai Madhopur shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Map of Sawai Madhopur Town

Existing Sewerage system: The Collection system is subjected to frequent overflows

due to numerous blockages, surcharging of the collection sewers .Unauthorized
disposal of solid waste, particularly from licensed and unlicensed cattle yards,
Marriage halls, Hotels and Hostels etc, contribute further to the blockage problem.

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Initial Environmental Examination: Sawai Madhopur Sewerage

Lack of storm water drains and functioning storm water also aggregate the problem
due to the interconnection between Strom water and sewers.

Need for improvement of the Sewerage System: At present, sewerage system

covered Man town under RUIDP phase II- and gradually getting urbanized by the
migration and settlement of the people from other parts of the district, immediate
need of providing sewerage facilities in the remaining zone. Proposed works under
this subproject include mainly- (i ) Upgradation of Existing of Sewage Treatment Plant
– 10 MLD (ii) Total length of pipelines of various diameters- 121.452 km Table-1
presents the proposed scope of works-

Table1: Proposed Sewage Networks in SAWAI MADHOPUR

S.No. Function Description Location

1 Upgradation of Upgradation of Existing Sewage at Surwal Village

Existing Sewage Treatment Plant t of 10MLD at Surwal
Treatment Plant Village
2 Sewage Network 121.452 km Various locations

Figure 2: Proposed Drawing

Positive Impacts: The Proposed Sewerage project will be beneficial to the citizens of
Sawai Madhopur towns. The most noticeable long-term benefits due to the
subproject are: (i) The quality of life and the hygienic conditions in the areas will be

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improved (ii) reduction in vulnerability to water borne diseases. (iii) The sewerage
system once operate, provides a healthier and more appropriate way to manage
liquid wastes. (iv) Generally, sewage waste is discharging in septic tanks and
cesspits, resulting in the pollution of the ground water of the caused various risks and
other environmental problems. With the operation of the sewerage system no more
pollution of ground water is effected and the discharge of sewage waste in the area
will be reduced.(v) The most significant advantage of the system is maintaining
sustainable development, the protection of the environment and improvement of the
quality of life in our town, with a further impact on the development of tourism and the
economy in general.
Employment Opportunities: Employment opportunities will be offered to the
construction workers and any other person who will be hired to provide her/his
services during the construction phase.
During execution, contractor and project implementation authority should abide to the
mitigation plan as deliberated below:-
Table 2: Action Required for Possible Impact

Other 1. Special festival, business (local bazaar) etc. days will be strictly
Measures / followed and works causing disturbance will not be carried out on
Recommendat those days.
ion 2. No drainage channel shall be disturbed/stopped during construction
works. Any drain affected by construction works shall be set right as
early as possible and definitely before onset of monsoon.
3. The pedestrian area shall be always kept free from debris / trip
4. Land contamination, if encountered, shall be immediately brought to
the notice of the PIU/PMU and remedial measures shall be taken as
advised. Disposal of contaminated earth shall be as advised by the
PIU/PMU experts.
5. Night time work, if any, shall be carried out after due authorization
with adequate safety and security measures. Acoustic hood shall be
used on equipment to reduce noise pollution. Female workers, if any,
shall not be involved in night time work.
6. Include women, poor & vulnerable groups in the implementation of
the Project activities, in general
7. Contractor to provide adequate mobile toilets on site, contractor to
provide crèche for labourer’s children if found necessary.

Public information and consultation is an important method of involving various

stakeholders particularly, local community with reference to the proposed development

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initiatives. It provides a platform to participants to express their views, concerns and

apprehensions that might affect them positively or negatively. Through participation
and consultation stakeholders influence development initiatives, and decision making
process. The effectiveness of participation and consultation is directly related to the
degree of involvement by the likely project affected persons and the local community
and integration of outcome of consultations wherever feasible in the proposed
development initiatives. The purpose of consultations is to inform people about the
project, take note of their issues, concerns and preferences, and allow them to make
meaningful choices. Consultations will be held during the project preparation which will
covered group consultations, public meetings, and individual meetings, etc.


While the Project needs to address the improvements of sewerage system, the
consumers’ needs to understand the advantage of house connection. During execution
of these systems pipe will be laid from manhole to outside of property of each house to
facilitate connection by the house owner and to protect rapture of manhole and cutting
of road in future. It is necessary that for proper functioning of STP and entire sewerage
network, sufficient sewerage flow is there. Therefore, it will be utmost important that
property connections in entire sewerage network to be completed at the time of
commissioning of the system. Public cooperation will be requiring for make a
sewerage system mote accurate.

Though this project involves improvement in health, hygiene and sanitation, the role of
public/community therefore becomes will be more important, as these relate to the
community practices and their perceptions. The community is both responsible for the
pollution, as well as it is one of the affected parties. Therefore, the stakeholders
(including public/community) need to be made environmentally aware, so as to have
their pro-active involvement into the project.

Considering the above it is imperative to have public awareness programme as

integral part of the project. The plan shall disseminate information on various aspects
including role of different stakeholders and target group to promote community
participation. Awareness would be linked to cultural messages, carefully taking into
account the local cultural values suiting to the behavioural dimensions of the
stakeholders / community.

Community commitment is the key factor for the successful implementation of public
health related projects such as sewerage. Generally, a large number of households in
the community hesitate to connection to sewers. If all others do not connect to sewers
and instead just dump their waste water into road side drains, an individual connection
does not change the hygienic condition for anyone in the community. In other
communities, most of the community members implicitly knew that everyone else
would connect to sewers.

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The main objective of Awareness program will be: (a) Promote participatory
community involvement in the project and to contribute to the delivery of sustainable
urban service.(b) Cover community awareness, participation, and education with
respect to implementation and management of the project facilities, and to educate
communities about environmental sanitation and health linkages.(c) Inform the project
beneficiaries about implications to the community in terms of benefits and
responsibilities, including the need to pay for sustainable urban and civic amenities.(d)
Ensure that the communities develop a sense of “ownership” of the new and
rehabilitated infrastructure and services.


To achieve the objective of awareness program, NGOs should be involved, who have
an expertise in sanitation sector. The NGO will be work closely with Resident Welfare
Associations, Self Help Groups, Community Based Organization (CBOs).Involvement
and participation of women will be the key issues. IEC activities are to be carried out
by local NGOs to ensure connectivity of the houses to the sewerage network by
motivating the community


 To disseminate information on sewer connectivity and benefit of sewer connection.

 To motivate/aware the households of concerned wards for property connection

 To obtain feedback/suggestions of the community, share with technical officials

find solutions to the issues raised by the community; and to ensure sustainability of
the sewerage system

The Ward Members of the concerned wards should be contacted to intimate about the
activities proposed and seeking their support in conducting the IEC activities. The
office bearers of the Resident welfare Associations of the concerned colonies shall be
identified and contacted to plan the activities in the colonies. Consultations,
discussions, meetings, health camps and talks shall be organized with the community
to make them aware about the importance of sewer connection and its benefits.
Resource persons from Health departments shall be identified to facilitate these
activities. In addition, camps/talks shall be organized in schools and colleges of the
town, especially in the concerned wards to generate awareness on sewer connection
.Focus will be given to women/girls in all these activities. Door to door visit shall be
done in colonies where the community is not likely to be present in the consultations,
discussions and meetings. The sequencing of the activities should be planned starting
with FGDs, Small Group Meetings and ending with Sewer/ water connectivity camps.
The following are some indicative activities proposed for this purpose:

a) Focus Group Discussions & Small Group Meetings with community especially

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b) Organize stakeholders meeting for dissemination of information, clarification of

doubts and obtaining suggestions;

c) Preparation of IEC materials and share the same with the community;

d) Organize talks/camps/film shows in schools & colleges focusing on girls;

e) Organize camps/film shows in the concerned wards/colonies

f) Organizing Street Plays, film shows and showing slides/advertisement in cinema

halls & TV channels;

g) Publicity through audio system;

h) Door to door survey ;

i) Appeal & advertisement in News Papers;

j) Banners & posters;

k) Organizing Sewer Connectivity Camps;

l) Any other as deemed fit during the campaign.

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Section 7:
General Conditions of Contract
Section 7 – General Conditions of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

General Conditions of Contract

The General Conditions that follow are the Conditions of Contract for Design, Built and Operate
contracts pepared by the Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseil, or FIDIC (FIDIC 2008).

Any amendments and additions to the GCC, specific to the contract in hand, are introduced in
Section 8 (Particular Conditions of Contract), Part A (Contract Data) and Part B (Special
Provisions). Clause numbers in the PCC correspond to those in the GCC. As per GCC 1.5 (Priority
of Documents), the PCC take precedence over the GCC.

Part A (Contract Data) of the PCC includes data to complement the GCC.

Part B (Specific Provisions), includes the amendments and additions to the GCC.

Section 8

Particular Conditions of Contract

Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Section 8 - Particular Conditions of Contract

The following Particular Conditions of Contract (PCC) shall supplement the General
Conditions of Contract (GCC). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall
prevail over those in the GCC.

Part A – Contract Data

Data to be Given Data
1.1.24 Cost Plus Profit Cost + 20% (including profit, overhead
and statutory deductions etc
1.1.32 Employer’s Name and Address (i) During Design Build:
Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure
Development Project (RUIDP) or its
successor agency, AVS Building, JLN
Marg, Malviya Nagar, JAIPUR, State
of Rajasthan, India;
(ii) During Operation Services:
Sawai Madhopur Municipal Council
(SMC), State of Rajasthan, India

1.1.35 Employer’s Representative The Employer’s Representative shall be

Mr. ---------------, Superintending Engineer/
Executive Engineer, PIU, Sawai
Madhopur or as nominated by the
Employer from time to time.
1.1.70 Section Section means the part of Works
scheduled to be completed in accordance
to the Milestones provided at Section 6 –
Employer’s Requirements.
1.1.78 Time for Completion of Design Build 900 days from Commencement Date
1.3 (c) Agreed Systems of Electronic By facsimile or electronic mail only
1.3 (d) Address of Employer’s Superintending Engineer/ Executive
Representative for communication Engineer, PIU,
---------------------, Sawai Madhopur
1.3 (d) Address of Contractor for Contractor to provide after signing of
Communication Contract Agreement
1.4 Contract shall be governed by the Union of India and State of Rajasthan. In
law of case of conflict, the Laws of Union of
India will prevail.
1.4 Ruling Language English
1.4 Language for Communication English
2.1 After signing of Contract Right of access
Agreement, the Contractor shall be  all sites: 14 days
given right of access to part of the
Site within:
4.2 Performance Security (as “The Performance Security shall be in the
percentages of Accepted Contract form of an unconditional bank guarantee
Amount in currencies) in the amount of 10% of the Accepted
Contract Price, issued by a reputable
bank located in the Employer’s country,
which may include scheduled banks or
nationalized banks, or by a foreign
reputable bank outside the Employer’s
country, through a correspondent bank

Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

located in the Employer’s country, which

may include banks in Jaipur, to make it
4.2 Reduction in Performance Security 30%
at the end of Retention Period
5.1 Period for notification of errors, 80 days from the Commencement Date
faults and other defects
5.2 Contractor’s Documents requiring The Service Improvement Plan (SIP)
approval which includes all documents as detailed
in Section 6.1, Scope of Services
6.5 Normal working hours on the Site 9.00 hours to 18.00 hours with one hour
8.2 Period of the Operation Service From the date stated in the initial
Commissioning Certificate (in case of
sectional completion) till 10 years (3650
days) after the date stated in the final
Commissioning Certificate.
Period of the Operation Service can be
extended with mutual consent on same
terms and conditions upto further period
of 5 years.
8.3 Programme Detailed Time Programme should be
submitted in 45 day
9.2 Time for Completion of Design-Build 900 days from Commencement Date.
9.2 Time for Completion of each Section Section is the part of those Permanent
Works shown in Section 6: Employer’s
Requirements - Contract Milestone and
key time periods and approved in SIP
9.6 Delay damages  Applicable on delays in sectional
completion and/or delay in complete
Design Build works
 0.04 % of the Accepted Contract
Amountof Design Buildworks of
sections or full Design Buildwork
(excluding Operation services) on per
day basis pertaining to each sections
or full completion of Design Build.
9.6 Maximum amount of delay damages  Maximum amount of sectional delay
damages limited to 10% of Accepted
Contract Amountof the section
 Maximum amount of delay damages
equal to 10% of Accepted Contract
Amount for the Design Build.
10.6 (a) Maximum compensation payable by 10% of the Accepted Contract Amount for
the Contractor Operation Service
10.6 (a) Maximum compensation payable by 5% of the Accepted Contract Amount for
the Employer Operation Service
10.7 Performance damages Shall be in accordance with clause 3.1
&3.2 of Schedule 5to Section 8: Particular
Conditions of Contract -Contractor
10.7 Minimum production output required Shall be in accordance with subsection B-
Performance Targets of Schedule 7to
Section 8: Particular Conditions of
Contract– Performance Targets and

Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

10.7 (b) Period of Failure 28days

13.5 Percentage rate to be applied to 10% which includes statutory deductions
Provisional Sums on contractor payment
13.8 Adjustment for changes in costs Adjustment for changes in costs (Price
adjustment) shall be as per the provisions
in Schedule 5 to Section 8: Particular
Conditions of Contract -
14.2 Amount of Advance Payment  On an annual basis.
(percent of Accepted Contract  Equal to 10 % of construction works
Amount) approved in Annual Plan
 Limited to maximum 5% of the total
construction works cost, at any point
during the Contract Period
Against a bank guarantee (BG) of
equal amount issued by a reputable
bank located in the Employer’s
country, which may include scheduled
banks or nationalized banks, or by a
foreign reputable bank outside the
Employer’s country, through a
correspondent bank located in the
Employer’s country, which may
include banks in Jaipur, to make it
14.2 Percentage deductions for Replace last two paragraphs with
repayment of Advance Payment following:
 Advance payment shall be repaid
through 10% deductions in each
interim payment certificate which shall
commence after 6 months of giving
advance but in any case all amount to
be recovered within 18 months of
giving advance.
 Entire amount to be recovered by the
time,80% of Design Build work is
completed or stipulated period of
Design Built work whichever is early
14.3(c) Percentage of Retention 5%
14.3(c) Limit of Retention Money 5% of Accepted Contract Amount
14.6 (b) (i) Plant and Materials Not applicable; No payment against
shipping will be made to the contractor.
14.6(c) (i) Plant and Materials for payment Payment for Plant and Materials when
when delivered to the Site delivered to the Site shall be as stated in
Schedule 5 to Section 8: Particular
Conditions of Contract - Contractor
14.7(b) Minimum Amount of Interim  No limit
Payment Certificate payment on monthly basis
14.9 Financing charges for delayed 2% above the discount rate of 7%,
payment: totaling to 9%
14.17 Currencies for payment of Contract In INR.
14.19 Amount of Maintenance Retention 5% of the Accepted Contract Amount for
Fund Operation Service
17.8 Total liability of the Contractor shall Equal to Accepted Contract Amount
Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

not exceed
19.2 (a) (i) Deductible Limits NIL
19.2 (c) Amount of professional liability INR 100million
19.2 (c) Period for which professional liability
Until issue of final payment certificate for
insurance required Design Build
19.2 (d) Amount of insurance required for Shall be to a minimum of INR 5 (five)
injury to persons and damage to million for each occurrence with unlimited
property occurrences upto the Contract
Completion Date
19.2 (f) Other insurances required from the None
19.3 (a) Amount of fire extended cover INR 100 million
insurance required
20.3 Date for appointment of DAB 28 days from the Commencement Date
20.3 The DAB shall comprise One (1)/ Three (3) member
20.4 Appointing entity (official) for DAB President, Institution of Engineers (India),
members, if not agreed, shall be: Rajasthan State Chapter
20.8 Place of Arbitration Jaipur, State of Rajasthan India.
20.8(a) Arbitration to be administered by: Any dispute shall be settled by arbitration
in accordance with the rules of procedure
for Indian arbitration act as in force on the
date of the Contract.

Place of arbitration: Jaipur, State of

Rajasthan India.

Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Part B -Specific Provisions

The Particular Conditions of Contract (PCC) Part B - Specific Provisions, is to amend or for
additions to the General Conditions of Contract (GCC - Section 7). Whenever there is a
conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in the GCC.

Sub- Section Specific Provision

1.1 Definitions Unless otherwise specifically stated, or unless the
context requires otherwise, capitalized terms in
this Part B and in the Schedules to theSection 8:
Particular Conditions of Contractare as defined
under Sub-Clause 1.1 of the General Conditions
of Contract and under Section 6.1 Scope of
Services under Section 6 - Employer’s

‘Bid’ and ‘Tender’ will have the same meaning, as

defined in Section 1- Instructions to Bidder.

Service Area means the area where Municipal

Council, Sawai Madhopur (SMC)is responsible for
sewerage services. The Service Area can be
either within the administrative boundary as
extended from time to time and also include future
growth areas where RUIDP/Sawai Madhopur
Municipal Council (SMC)decides to provide
expansion of sewerage services and undertake
operation, maintenance and management

Performance Standards are the minimum

standard for service delivery in sewerage sectors
set under clause D of Schedule 7attached to
Section 8: Particular Conditions of Contract
1.1.35 Employer’s The term “Engineer”, as used in the Contract, is
Representative synonymous to “Employer’s Representative
1.1.58 Operation Service Add following:
Period The Works installed or constructed and
commissioned by the Contractor (sections or zone
or any particular area etc) will be put to Operation
Services and will be operated on section basis
until Design-Build completed in accordance with
Sub-Clause 9.12 [Completion of Design-Build]
and the Commissioning Certificate issued under
Sub-Clause 11.7 [Commissioning Certificate]. The
Operation Service of entire system will be
commenced only after Completion of Design-Build
and the Commissioning Certificate issued.
1.1.83 Year and Month Amend the Definition as:
“Year means three hundred and sixty five [365]
days and “month” means thirty [30] days
1.5 Priority of “Delete sub paragraphs (a) to (i) in Sub-Clause
Documents 1.5 and substitute with the following:
(a) Contract Agreement,

Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

(b) Letter of Acceptance,

(c) Tender (Technical and Price Bid including
priced Bill of Quantities)
(d) Particular Conditions – Part A,
(e) Particular Conditions – Part B
(f) General Conditions of Contract
(g) Employer’s Requirements;
(h) Environmental Management Plan (EMP),
Social management plan and any other
documents forming part of the Contract
1.6 Contract Add the following at the end of paragraph:
Agreement "The submission of acceptable Performance
Security pursuant to Sub- Clause
4.2[Performance Security] is inter-alia, a
prerequisite for entering in to the Contract
For JV bidder, forming company and registering
under Companies Act, 2013, is prerequisite for
entering into the Contract Agreement.
JV bidder will form a company under the
provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. The
Memorandum and Articles of Association of the
company should incorporate following provisions
in its Articles:
(i) JV Partner’s share holding ratio in Company will
be broadly the same as indicated in JV
agreement while submitting bid.
(ii) No change/sale/dilution in shareholding ratio of
JV partner in Company will be allowed during
contract execution period (min equity in JV
should be 51% for lead partner and 26% for a
partner with maximum key qualifications other
than lead partner and remaining by others if
(iii) Directors on the Board of Company will be
broadly in the same proportion as that of
shareholding of JV partners.
(iv) No changes in the Memorandum and Article of
Association, as to the above issues, can be made
without prior written consent of RUIDP.
(v) Contract agreement will be signed within 42 day’s
time of issue of Letter of Acceptance and all
contract provisions shall be applicable to the
company as envisaged for JV Bidder.
(vi) JV agreement will be integral part of the Bid and
construed as Articles of Association of the
Company formed.
(vii) Performance of Company shall be linked with the
performance of JV partners constituting SPV. Any
non performance of SPV shall be construed as
non performance of JV partners.
(viii) Board of Directors of proposed Company shall
comprise of representation from all JV partners.
(ix) JV agreement should include the roles and
Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

responsibilities of individual members, particularly

with reference to financial, technical and O&M
(x) Share equity in the Company shall be not less
than 5% of total project cost (contract value which
includes O&M cost as well) throughout the
contract period (includes O&M period as well).
Contract agreement will be made among three
parties, RUIDP as Employer to the Design Built
works, Sawai Madhopur Municipal Council (SMC)
during Operation and maintenance and the
1.14 Compliance with Add sub clause (d), (e) and (f) as follows:
Laws (d) Preparing applications in accordance to
standard procedures for obtaining all statutory
clearances and approvals required from
Government of Rajasthan and/or Government of
India, including all environmental clearances,
permission from highway and railway authorities,
inland waterway authorities, forest authorities and
any other such authorities as may be required.

(e) RUIDP/Sawai Madhopur Municipal Council

(SMC) shall by or before the Commencement
Date, grant, or arrange for the benefit of the
Contractor, the rights and authority to repair or
replace the facilities, to lay pipes, construct civil
structures, install equipment and machinery on its
behalf and to carry out necessary excavations to
carry out its obligations under this Contract.

(f) RUIDP/Sawai Madhopur Municipal Council

(SMC) shall procure, obtain and maintain all
consents to enable the Contractor to perform its
duties and its obligations under the Contract for
the duration of the Contract. Sawai Madhopur
Municipal Council (SMC) shall deal directly with
the departments of the government or statutory
authorities on behalf of the Contractor on all
matters that require consultation and discussion
with such department and shall ensure that the
Contractor is able reasonably to perform its duties
under the Contract. The Contractor will provide all
reasonable assistance in procuring consents.
1.16 Inspections and Add Sub Clause 1.16 as follows:
Audit by the Asian The Contractor shall permit the Asian
Development Bank Development Bank and/or persons appointed by
the Bank to inspect the Site and/or the
Contractor’s accounts and records relating to the
performance of the Contract and to have such
accounts and records audited by auditors
appointed by the Bank if required by the Bank.
2.1 Right of Access to Add at the end of Sub-Clause as follows:
the Site Sawai Madhopur Municipal Council (SMC) shall
provide to the Contractor and Contractor’s
Personnel, at no cost to the Contractor, free,
Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

continuous and exclusive access to, possession

and right to use of, and rights over, the land,
installations, and Works and Site, sufficient to
enable the Contractor to carry out its obligations
under this Contract on or before the
Commencement Date until the Contract
Completion Date.
Employer will get all the utilities shifted in right of
way. Contractor will assist in identifying the
2.3 Employer’s Add following sub clauses after sub clause (b):
Personnel (c) The day-to-day management control, work
requirements, responsibilities and related terms
and conditions pertaining to the Employer’s
Personnel deputed to the Contractor shall be in
accordance to the Section – 6, Employer’s
(d) Sawai madhopur Municipal Council (SMC), its
sub-contractors, employees and consultants
(other than the Contractor), in exercising their
rights of access to the Project Facilities within the
Site, shall comply at all times with:
 All governing Laws, relevant permits set forth
in GCC Sub-Clause 1.14 and 2.2 and other
permits for the services and all relevant health
and safety requirements;
 Instructions and directions issued by the
Contractor which are necessary to ensure
compliance by the Contractor with any
governing Laws and any relevant health and
safety requirements applicable to their
respective activities in the Service Area; and
 Such health and safety regulations and Site
regulations as the Contractor has in effect at
the facilities from time to time, such regulations
having been provided to Sawai Madhopur
Municipal Council(SMC)
2.4 Employer’s Add following paragraph at end of sub clause:
Financial Employer shall establish a dedicated
Arrangement projectaccount with funds secured from
Government of Rajasthan, sufficient to ensure
atleast 90 days cumulative Contractor Payments
atany given period of the Contract.
2.5 Overall Project Add following sub clause 2.5:
Management Employer through its representative will be
responsible for review and finalization of the
Service Improvement Plan (SIP) submitted by the
Contractor and supervision of agreed SIP,
disbursement of the Contractor Payments, taking
decision regarding completion of the works and
achievement of the respective obligations by each
party, approval of investments as per the agreed
Service Improvement Planetc
3.1 Employer’s Insert the following after the second paragraph:
Representative’s Employer’s Representative will have no authority

Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Duties and to approve the (i) Service Improvement Plan (ii)

Authority Time extensions (iii) Variation (iv) Liquidity
3.4 Replacement of Replace 42 days with 28 days under line 2 of first
the Employer’s paragraph.
3.6 Management Insert sub-clause 3.6 after sub-clause 3.5:
Meetings The Employer’s Representative or the
Contractor’s Representative may require the other
to attend a management meeting in order to
review the progress with reference to the agreed
program and arrangements for future work. The
Employer’s Representative shall record the
business of management meetings and supply
copies of the record to those attending the
meeting and to the Employer. In the record,
responsibilities for any actions to be taken shall
be in accordance with the Contract.
4.2 Performance Amend the last paragraph as:
Security The Employer shall return 70% of the
Performance Security on expiry of 365 days after
the design buildcompletion. 15% of performance
security shall be refunded 5 years after
completion of the Design Build. The remaining
15% shall be refunded on issue of the Contract
Completion Certificate.
4.12 Unforeseeable Add the following at end of the Sub-Clause:
Physical In addition to notice of any Unforeseeable
Conditions Physical Conditions, the Contractor shall provide
the Employer’s Representative with a written
notice of any unanticipated environmental or
resettlement risks or impacts that arise during
construction, implementation or operation of the
Plant or Permanent Works, which were not
considered in the updated and approved
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and
Social Management Planattached in Section 6,
Employer’s Requirement.
4.16 Transport of Add the following at end of the Sub-Clause:
Goods The Contractor shall adequately record the
condition of roads, agricultural land and other
infrastructure prior to the start of transporting
Materials, Goods and equipment, and
4.18 Protection of Insert the following at the end of Sub-Clause:
Environment The Contractor shall comply with all applicable
national, provincial and local environmental Laws
and regulations.
The Contractor shall:
(a) establish all operational systems for
managing environmental impacts;
(b) carry out all of the monitoring and
mitigation measures set forth in the updated and
approved EMP and Social Management
Planattached in Section 6, Employer’s

8 - 10
Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

(c) allocate the budget required to ensure that

such measures are carried out.
The Contractor shall submit monthly reports on
the implementation and monitoring of such
measures to the Employer.
More particularly, the Contractor shall comply with
(i) the measures and requirements set forth in the
updated and approved EMP attached in Section
6, Employer’s Requirement; and (ii) any corrective
or preventative actions set out in safeguards
monitoring reports that the Employer will prepare
from time to time to monitor implementation of the
The Contractor shall allocate a budget for
compliance with these measures, requirements
and actions.
4.19 Electricity, Water Insert the following at the end of Sub-Clause:
and Gas Sawai madhopur Municipal Council(SMC) shall
provide the Contractor with continuous access to
electricity supply facilities. Sawai madhopur
Municipal Council(SMC)shall pay to the electricity
supply company all the charges for demand,
consumption, etc., as levied other than the
penalties if levied due to operating negligence of
the Contractor or power factor surcharges.
4.21 Progress Reports Insert following after Sub-Clause (h):
(i) Monitoring of the obligations in Sub-Clauses
4.18, 6.4, 6.7, 6.12, and 6.13.
4.26 Contract Add sub-clause 4.26 as follows:
management Contractor will use the suitable computer
operated software to manage the contract.
5.6 Operation and Insert 28 days in the first line of Sub -Clause
6.4 Labour Laws Insert the following at the end of the Sub-Clause:
The Contractor shall not make employment
decisions based upon personal characteristics
unrelated to job requirements. The Contractor
shall base the employment relationship upon
equal opportunity and fair treatment, and shall not
discriminate with respect to aspects of the
employment relationship, including recruitment
and hiring, compensation (including wages and
benefits), working conditions and terms of
employment or retirement, and discipline.
The Contractor shall provide equal wage and
benefits to men and women for work of equal
value or type. The Contractor shall not employ
forced labour, which consists of any work or
services, not voluntarily performed, that is exacted
from an individual under threat of force or penalty,
and includes any kind of involuntary or
compulsory labour, such as indentured labour,
bonded labour, or similar labour-contracting
6.7 Health and Safety Insert the following at the end of the Sub-Clause:

8 - 11
Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

The Contractor shall conduct health and safety

programs for workers employed under the project,
and shall include information on the risk of
sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS
in such a program.
6.12 Child Labour Add Sub-Clause 6.12 as follows:
The Contractor shall not employ any child to
perform any work, including work that is
economically exploitative, or is likely to be
hazardous to, or to interfere with, the child’s
education, or to be harmful to the child’s health or
physical, mental, spiritual, moral, or social
development. “Child” means a child below the
statutory minimum age specified under applicable
national Laws.
7.3 Inspections Add following paragraph at the end of sub clause:

Sawai madhopur Municipal Council(SMC)shall be

entitled to monitor on a regular basis the
Contractor's performance of the services and may
request any technical documents and reports
necessary to do so provided that such requests
would not hinder the Contractor in performing its
obligations under the Contract. The Employer
shall have access to the Project Facilities to
inspect the facilities during business hours upon
reasonable advance notice to the Contractor.
Sawai madhopur Municipal Council(SMC)shall be
entitled to delegate such inspection rights to a
third party provided that the same conditions shall
8.2 Time for Add following paragraph at the end of sub clause:
completion of If the contractor is not able to complete the work
Design Build within the stipulated time for completion or the
extended time for completion, contractor will
submit an application for extension of time for
Contract Completion atleast 28 days before the
expiry of stipulated or extended Contract period.
The Employer will extend the Contract
provisionally to keep the Contract alive without
prejudice to the right of Employer to take
appropriate decision as per the Contract
9.6 Delay damages Add following paragraphs at the end of sub-
 If the delays that occurred in sectional
milestones are covered by the Contractor
within the stipulated or extended period for
design and built work for complete contract
work which is not attributable to Contractor,
liquidated damages imposed on account of
such delays will be refunded.
 If there has been total delay upto 125 days
beyond stipulated or extended period (not
attributable to Contractor), in such case, delay
damages will be imposed as per smaller of two

8 - 12
Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

figures of sectional delay damages and overall

delay damages.
 If there has been total delay more than 125
days but upto 250 days beyond stipulated or
extended period (not attributable to
Contractor), in such case, delay damages will
be equal to the average of sectional delay
damages and overall delay damages.
 For total delay beyond 250 days over the
stipulated or extended period (not attributable
to Contractor), in such case, delay damages
will be imposed equal to 10% of accepted
contract Amount for the Design Build.
9.14 Bonus for early Add a new sub-clause 9.14 as follows:
completion of
Design Build The Contractor shall be eligible for an incentive/
bonusfor early completion of work for each day
(less any days of which the Contractor is paid for
acceleration) that the completion is earlier than
the original completion date of the contract
Sectional Milestone and Key Time periods as
detailed below:
 For entire sewerage works, provided he has
completed all activities under contract.
 @ 0.04% (zero point zero four percent) of the
Accepted Contract Amount of the entire
sewerage networkDesign Build work.
 maximum amount of bonus shall be limited to
5% (five percent) of the Contract Amount of
the entire sewerage networksDesign Build
 The Employer’s Representative shall certify
that the respective works are complete.
12.1(a) iii Completion of Add a new Sub-Clause as follows:
outstanding work (iii) on the completion of construction, the
and Remedying Contractor shall fully reinstate pathways, other
the Defects local infrastructure, and agricultural land to at
least their pre-project condition as recorded by the
Contractor in consonance with its obligation in
Sub-Clause 4.16.
13.3 Variation Add following at the end of clause:
procedure In case of Variation, except as otherwise stated in the
Contract, the Employer’s representative shall
proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5
[Determinations] to agree or determine the Contract
Price by evaluating each item of work, applying the
measurement agreed or determined and the
appropriate rate or price for the item. For each item of
work, the appropriate rate or price for the item shall
be the rate or price specified for such item in the

The RUIDP Schedule of Rates (SOR) of 2013

shall be part of the Contract Agreement.
Variation will be dealt as follows:
(i) for items having weightage of each item upto

8 - 13
Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

0.1% of the Accepted Contract Amount, all

quantity variations will be paid on BOQ rate.
No new rate will be given.
(ii) for items having weightage of each item more
than 0.1% of the Accepted Contract Amount,
quantity variation ( plus or minus) upto 20% of
the BOQ quantity will be paid on the BOQ
rates. Quantity variation will generally be
limited to 20% of BOQ quantity.
New rate for BOQ item for quantities more
than 20% of BOQ quantity and non BOQ items
and items of Major Maintenance:
 Each new rate or price shall be derived from any
relevant rates or prices in the Contract, with
reasonable adjustments. The adjustment in rates
shall be based on RUIDP Schedule of Rates
(SOR) 2013.
 If no rates or prices are relevant for the derivation
of a new rate or price from BOQ items, it shall be
derived from the reasonable cost of executing the
work (rate analysis on current market rate),
together with overhead of 10% and profit of 10%.
The rate analysis method will be based on RUIDP
SOR analysis.

Until such time as an appropriate rate or price is

agreed or determined, the Engineer shall determine
a provisional rate or price for the purposes of Interim
Payment Certificates as soon as the concerned work
13.8 Adjustment for Adjustment forchanges in costs shall be as per
changes in costs the provisions in Schedule 5 to Section 8:
Particular Conditions of Contract - Contractor
14.1 Contract Price Add a paragraph as follows:
“Employer will issue essentiality certificate (EC)
under GOI notification No. 108/95 and 84/97
which will assist the Contractor to obtain any
lawful exemptions from payment of excise duty or
import duty on Plant and Materials, which are to
be incorporated as a part of the Permanent
Works. The EC alone will be issued, which
certifies the estimated quantities of Materials that
are to be incorporated into the Permanent Works.
The responsibility for obtaining any such
exemptions from the excise or import duty
departmentwill remain with the Contractor and the
Employer shall not in any way be responsible for
admissibility of the claims or eligibility of the
14.3 Retention Add following paragraph at the end of
sub-clause 14.3:
In lieu of cash retentions, Contractor may submit
the Bank Guarantee for the full amount of
retention money of Design Built works (5% of cost
of Design Build works). In such case, cash from

8 - 14
Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

each payment invoice shall not be retained.

Bank guarantee shall be refunded in the same
proportion as applicable for cash retentions as
stated in clause 14.10.
Bank guarantee, in a format acceptable to the
Employer, shall be issued by a reputable bank
located in the Employer’s country, which may
include scheduled banks or nationalized banks
located in the Employer’s country, which may
include banks in Jaipur, to make it enforceable.
14.10 Payment of Add the following at the end of the Clause:
Retention Money
The Employer shall return 70% of the retention
money upon completion of 365 days from the date
of issue of final Commissioning Certificate. 15% of
the retention money shall be refunded 5 years
after issue of final Commissioning Certificate. The
remaining 15% shall be refunded on issue of the
Contract Completion Certificate.
15.2 Termination for Add sub clause (i) after sub clause (h)as follows:
Contractor’s (i) changes the Memorandum and Article of
default Association of the company without prior
written consent of the Employer.
15.4 Payment after Add following paragraph after the sub-clause:
termination for Under this sub-clause, the Employer will be
Contractor’s entitled to recover from the contractor all costs,
default losses and damages incurred or suffered by the
Employer as a result of termination under sub
clause 15.2. This amount will be deducted from
the amount determined to be due to the
Contractor in accordance with sub clause 15.3.

If the amount due to the Employer exceeds the

amount determined to be due to the contractor
under sub clause 15.3, then the balance due to
the Employer will be recovered by the Employer
from the Contractor as per applicable Indian Law.
15.8 Corrupt or deleted
20.8 Arbitration Replace paragraph (a),(b) and (c) with following:
(a) The Dispute shall be finally settled as per
Rules of Arbitration of the Indian Arbitration
(b) Dispute shall be settled by sole or three
arbitrators. Dispute to be arbitrated upon shall
be referred to a sole Arbitrator where the total
value of claims does not exceed to Rs. 10
millions. Beyond the claim limit of Rs. 10
Million, there shall be three arbitrators. For
this purpose the Employer will make out a
panel of Engineers with the requisite
qualifications and professional experience
relevant to the field to which the Contract
relates. This Panel, will be for serving or
retired Engineers of Government
Departments or of Public Sector. The
8 - 15
Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Arbitrator/Arbitrators shall be appointed within

a period of 30 days from the date of receipt of
written notice/demand of appointment of
Arbitrator by either party. In case of a single
arbitrator, the panel will be of three
Engineers, out of which the contractor will
choose one. In case three arbitrators are to
be appointed, the Employer will make out a
panel of five. The contractor and the
employer will choose one arbitrator each and
the two so chosen will chose the third
arbitrator from the panel. Neither party shall
be limited in the proceeding before such
arbitrator/s to the evidence or arguments put
before the Engineer for the purpose of
obtaining his decision. No decision given by
the Engineer in accordance with the foregoing
provisions shall disqualify him from being
called as a witness and giving evidence
before the arbitrator/s on any matter
whatsoever, relevant to dispute or difference
referred to arbitrator/s. The arbitration
proceeding shall be held at Jaipur. The
arbitrators shall always give item-wise and
reasoned awards in all cases where the value
of total claim exceeds to Rs. 5.00 million.
Where three arbitrators have been appointed,
the award by the majority will prevail.
(c) The language for proceeding, documents and
communication shall be English and the
awards shall be made in writing.
20.8 Arbitration Add the following at the end of the Clause:
Provision of this sub clause will be applicable only
for settlement of claims of disputes between the
parties for values less than or equal to 10% of
Design Build contract value. In case of more claim
value, this provision will not be applicable and
arbitration will not be remedy for settlement of
such disputes.

8 - 16
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Schedules to Section 8: Particular Conditions of Contract

Schedule 1: Obligations of the Employer through RUIDP- supplement to GCC

Clause 2
Schedule 2: Obligations of the Employer through Sawaimadhopur Municipal
Council - supplement to GCC Clause 2
Schedule 3: Obligations of the Contractor - supplement to GCC Clause 4
Schedule 4: PHED/SMC Personnel - supplement to GCC Sub-Clause 2.3
Schedule 5: Contractor Payments - supplement to GCC Clause 14
Schedule 6: Terms of Reference (ToR) of Auditing Body – supplement to GCC
Sub-Clause 10.3
Schedule 7: Performance Targets and Measurement

Schedules to 8 - 1
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Schedule 1: Obligations of the Employer through RUIDP or Its

Succeeding Agency

During the term of this Contract, the Employer shall have the following obligations:

1. On receipt of a reasonable request from the Contractor, and in consultation with

SMC, the obligation to direct SMC to depute a specified number of employees to the
Contractor to report on the date stated in the Commissioning certificate.
2. On receipt of a request from the Contractor, deemed reasonable to RUIDP, to: (i)
release sufficient funds to undertaking major maintenance like replacement of
existing or new infrastructure but not including those assets procured and installed
by the Contractor as part of the approved Service Improvement Plan; and (ii)
expressly permit the Contractor to implement such works (a) on appropriate
Variation orders, or (b) by organizing implementation of such works by third party
contractors under separate contracts in such a manner that it will not affect the
smooth conduct of the Contractor Obligations under this Contract.
3. Manage the project roles and responsibilities, interfaces and resolution of problems
arising out of them using appropriate level(s) of interface.
4. Employer will be responsible for getting the utility shifting and provide hindrance free
right of way to the Contractor. Contractor will provide full support and assistance in
identifying utilities and hindrances.

Schedules to 8 - 2
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Schedule 2: Obligations of Employer through SMC

1. SMC shall by or before the Commencement Date, grant, or procure for the
benefit of the works the rights and powers to repair or replace the facilities, to
lay pipes, construct civil structures, install equipment and machinery on its
behalf and to carry out necessary excavations to do the works, to undertake
necessary remedial works at the Works sites and pumping stations and new
works, where appropriate, and to install connections and any other rights and
powers reasonably required by the Contractor.

2. SMC shall be responsible for and pay the land rent and the property taxes if
any and the Contractor shall not be responsible for these charges. SMC will
also bear the cost of any increase in such charges from time to time.

3. Upon receiving a request and confirmation of proof of payment of any

statutory charges from a potential new Consumer, SMC shall grant the
approval for providing house sewer connections to such Consumers and
inform the Contractor within a reasonable time for making new connection.

Schedules to 8 - 3
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Schedule 3: Obligations of Contractor

1. Contractor Obligations

1.1. General Obligations of the Contractor

1.1.1. The Contractor shall have the right and obligation to provide the Design – Build and
Operation Services in the works site on an exclusive basis during the Contract period.
Should the Employer desire to expand the Service Area, the Employer and the Contractor
shall meet and negotiate in good faith with a view to agreeing on the provision of Operation
Service by the Contractor to such expanded Service Area and the payment to the
Contractor there for.

1.1.2. The Contractor shall perform the Design – Build and Operation Services in accordance with
governing Laws (including all environmental legislations), Asian Development Bank policies
and procedures, guidelines and agreements with Government of India and Government of
Rajasthan on RUIDP, approved SIP, prudent industry practice, the Performance Standards,
the urban poor services policies, and the locally applicable regulatory social policies if any.

1.1.3. The Contractor shall have care and custody of Works and Site during the term of this

1.1.4. Subject to Section 1.1.2 above, the Contractor shall have discretion in determining the
means and methods to be used to perform the Design – Build and Operation Services.

1.2. Accounting, Audit

1.2.1. The Contractor shall maintain accurate and systematic accounts and records in respect of
the Operation Service in such form and detail enabling clear identification of all relevant
charges and cost incurred by the Contractor and the basis thereof as well as proper and
timely technical and financial audits. Such accounts may be audited by external auditors as
appointed by RUIDP or ADB.

1.2.2. Financial accounts shall be in accordance with the accepted Indian accounting principles.

1.2.3. The Contractor shall permit the Employer or its designated representative to semi-annually
inspect such accounts and records and shall permit AB to carry out technical and financial
audits on an annual basis.

1.2.4. Contractor shall open a dedicated Bank account in the project city or at Jaipur and all
payments including advance payment received from RUIDP shall be deposited in the
dedicated account. Employer will have full right to monitor the flow of funds from this
account and will ensure that the funds are used at project activities and have no problem of
mobilization of financial resources.

1.3. Conflict of Interests

1.3.1. Neither the Contractor nor its sub-contractors nor the Contractor personnel shall engage
during the term of this Contract, either directly or indirectly in any business or professional
activities in the Service Area which would conflict with the activities assigned to them under
this Contract.

1.3.2. Notwithstanding Sections 1.3.1, the Contractor will be eligible to bid for subsequent
contracts related to the Operation Services, but shall not have any right of first refusal
except in case of reuse and recycle of treated sewage which is part of the total city
Integrated water management.

Schedules to 8 - 4
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

2. Standard of Design – Build and Operation Services Provided by the Contractor

2.1. The Contractor shall perform all the Design – Build and Operation Service from the
Commencement Date until the Contract Completion Date in accordance with Section 6 Employer
Requirements, Schedule 5 to the Particular Conditions of Contract - Contractor Payments and
Schedule 7 to the Particular Conditions of Contract – Performance Targets and Measurements;
as well as:

a) The standards of a reasonable and prudent Contractor;

b) All relevant permits set forth in GCC Sub-Clause 2.2 and other permits for services in force
from time to time and;
c) All governing Laws, in force from time to time.

Schedules to 8 - 5
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Schedule 4: PHED/SMC Personnel

1. Issues concerning PHED/SMC Personnel

1.1. PHED/SMC personnel will assist and provide full support to the Contractor in making
assessment of existing infrastructure during preparation of Service Improvement Plan
and during execution of Design Build and Operation Service.
1.2. PHED/SMC shall not depute any personnel for Operation Service of the works.
1.3. Contractor will arrange all required personnel for Operation Serviceduring the Operation
Service period.

Schedules to 8 - 6
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Schedule 5: Contractor Payment

1. The total Contractor Payments comprises of two components:

a. Payment for Design-Build; and

b. Payments for Operation Service.

2. Payments for Design-Build: The eligibility of payment shall be as follows:

(A) For Sewerage collection system ( laterals )

i. 50% of the cost of sewer line on supply and stacking pipes at site
ii. 30% of the cost of sewer line laying, jointing, hydro testing and road restoration
iii. 20% on commissioning of lateral system with property connection up to property

(B) For pumping main, Trunk main, Outfall and other sewers
i. 50% of the cost of sewer line on supply and stacking of pipes
ii. 30% of the cost of sewer line on laying, jointing, hydro testing and road restoration
iii. 20% on commissioning of sewer line

(C) For civil works and other items: Progressive payment as per progress of work

(D) For STP, Sewage Pumping Stations and other lump sum items etc.: 80% of progressive
payment as per progress of work and approved break up of payment + 10% on testing
& trial run + 10% on commissioning.

(E) For supplied material, contractor shall be fully responsible for safety, watch and ward
and storage in proper covered place. PE/PVC pipes are to be utilized within six months
time, if not utilized within 6 months after supply at site, payment made against supply of
pipes shall be recovered from the next running bill

3. Payment on Operation Services

Payment for the Operation Services would comprise two components, namely Fixed payment
and Performance payment, as follows:

(i) Fixed Payment equal to 70% of the eligible Total Payment for Operation
Services with service delivery in sewerage system;
(ii) Performance Payment equal to 30% of the eligible Total Payment for Operation
Services with service delivery in sewerage system as per Schedule 7:
Performance Target and Measurement

Employer shall pay the fixed Payment to the Contractor within 7 days of raising the monthly
bills. The monthly payment bills will be reviewed and certified by the Employer’s representative/
Auditing Body/ Technical Auditor within 7 days of submission by the Contractor. Eligible
performance Payment and other charges if any will be paid on certification within 21 days of
recommendation by the Employer’s representative/ Technical Auditor along with a certificate
regarding fulfilment of the performance conditions and the Technical Auditor’s report.

Schedules to 8 - 7
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

3.1 Fixed Payment

Maximum Eligible fixed payment for month shall be calculated as = eligible payment
for operation & maintenance for the month x 70%

3.1.1 The Fixed Payment shall be paid to the Contractor on monthly basis subject to
fulfilment of the following conditions:

(i) Maintaining the minimum personnel as specified in contract during the

previous month.
(ii) Compliance with the obligations under the Contract.
(iii) Providing daily sewerage service to the citizens in the service area.

3.1.2 The essence of the contract is achieving superior performance in service delivery
to the end user. Towards achieving this, deductions as proposed below shall be
made from the fixed Payment in case of below satisfactory or inferior
performance in achieving the performance indicators.

Contractor is eligible to get full 70% of the agreed Operation Services Payment as fixed
Payment only if he achieves performance indicators sufficient enough to get 50% of the
maximum Performance Payment. In case the Contractor gets less than 50% of the
maximum Performance Payment of 30%, deductions at the following rates shall be
made from the fixed Payment for below satisfactory or inferior performance.

Performance Payment payable to the Contractor Fixed Payment payable to the

during the payment period (As percentage of total Contractor (As percentage of
agreed Payment for Operation Services for the total agreed Payment for
corresponding payment period) Operation Services for the
corresponding payment
15% or More 70%
Less than 15% but more than or equal to 10% 60%
Less than 10% 50%

3.2 Performance payment and damages

Maximum Eligible Performance payment for month shall be calculated as = eligible

payment for operation & maintenance for the month x 30%

A maximum of 30% of the total agreed Payment for Operation Services will be based on
achieving performance as shown in Schedule 7: Performance Target and
Measurement during Operation Services under the contract.

Contractor is eligible to get performance payment i.e. 30% if he meets the threshold
limits of all the performance indicators. The breakup of performance payment related to
performance indicators are listed below.

Schedules to 8 - 8
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

3.2.1 Performance based payment

Breakup for various criteria is as given below:

S.N. Parameter & reference % of eligible monthly

Operation Service payment
For sewage For sewage
flow less than flow 10 MLD or
10 MLD higher
(Average of the (Average of the
month) month)
1 B-I-(i) Achieving effluent parameters 8 7
2 B-I-(ii) Continuous operation of STP 6 5
3 B-I-(iii) Continuous operation of SPS 0 5
4 B-I-(iv) CRM centres established,
staffed and consumer query 6 5
satisfaction time adhered
5 B-I-(v) Sewer spills from main, branch
6 5
and lateral sewers.
6 B-I-(vi) house sewer connection
4 3
request in time
TOTAL 30% 30%

4. Adjustment for changes in costs for Design- Build:

The amount payable to the Contractor and valued at base prices in accordance with the
payment Schedule shall be adjusted for rises or falls in the cost of Labour and materials as
given in formula, by the addition or deduction of the amounts determined by the formulae
prescribed in this Clause.
Increase or decrease in the cost of Labour and materials shall be calculated quarterly. The
first statement of price adjustment shall be prepared at the end of quarter in which the work
was awarded and the work done from the date of start to the end of quarter shall be taken
into account. For subsequent statement, cost of work done during every quarter shall be
taken into account. At the completion of work, the work done during the last quarter or
fraction, thereof, shall be taken into account.

For the purpose of reckoning the work done during any period, bills prepared during the
period shall be considered. Dates of recording measurements in the Measurement Book by
the Engineer’s Representative shall be the guiding factor to decide the bills relevant to any
period. The date of completion, as finally recorded by the Engineer’s Representative in the
Measurement Book, shall be the criterion.

The index relevant to any quarter, for which such compensation is paid, shall be the
arithmetical average of the indices relevant of the calendar month.

The amount to be added to or be deducted from the Payment Certificates for changes in
cost shall be determined from formulae as stated below:

Schedules to 8 - 9
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01


VL =0.75 x L/ 100 x R x (IL1 - IL0) / IL0

VL = Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under consideration.

R = Value of the work done during the quarter under consideration.

IL0= Base Price which is Consumer Price Index for Industrial labour for jaipur issued by
Labour Bureau, Shimlaon the base date.

IL1= Final price (average for the quarter under consideration)which is Consumer Price Index
for Industrial labour for jaipur issued by Labour Bureau, Shimla.

L= Percentage of labour components.

(Note: In case of revision of minimum wages by the Government or other competent

authority, nothing extra would be payable except the price escalation permissible under this

(b) Cement (excluding material supplied by the department).

Vc = 0.75 x C / 100 x R (LcI - Lc0) / Lc0
Vc= Increase or decrease in the cost during the quarter under consideration.
R= Value of the work done during the quarter under consideration excluding the cost of
material supplied by the department.
Lc0= Base price which is Wholesale Price Index for Cement and Lime issued by Reserve
Bank of India Journalon the base date
LcI= Final price (average for the quarter under consideration) which is the Wholesale Price
Index for Cement and Lime issued by Reserve Bank of India
C= Percentage of Cement component.

(c) Bitumen:
Vb = 0.75 x B/100 x R (Bi – B0) / B0
Vb= Increase or decrease in the cost of the work during the quarter under consideration.
R= Value of the work done during the quarter under consideration excluding the cost of
materials supplied by the department.
Bo= Base price which is the Whole sale Price Index for Bitumen issued by Economic
Advisor, GoI on the base date.
Bi= Final price (average for the quarter under consideration) which is the Wholesale Price
Index for Bitumen issued by Economic Advisor, GoI.
Pb= Percentage of bitumen component excluding bitumen supplied by the Department.

(d) Ferrous metal (excluding material supplied by the department).

Vs = 0.75 x S / 100 x R (LsI - Ls0) / Ls0
Vs= Increase or decrease in the cost during the quarter under consideration.

Schedules to 8 - 10
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

R= Value of the work done during the quarter under consideration excluding the cost of
material supplied by the department.
Lso= Base price which is the Wholesale Price Index for ferrous metal issued by Reserve
Bank of India on the base date
Lsi= Final price (average for the quarter under consideration) which is the Wholesale Price
Index for ferrous metalissued by Reserve Bank of India
S= Percentage of steel component.

(e) HDPE/PVC Pipes and Specials:

Vf = 0.75 x H/100 x R (F1 - F0) / F0
Vf= Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under consideration.
R= The value of the work done during the quarter under consideration excluding the cost of
materials supplied by the department.
Fo= Base price which is the Wholesale Price Index for Rubber and Plastic Product issued
by Reserve Bank of India on the base date.
F1= Final price (average for the quarter under consideration) which is the Wholesale Price
Index for Rubber and Plastic Product issued by Reserve Bank of India.
H= Percentage of HDPE/PVC resin.

(f) Plant and Machinery and Spares:

Vf = 0.75 x PM/100 x R (F1 - F0) / F0
Vf= Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under consideration.
R= The value of the work done during the quarter under consideration excluding the cost of
materials supplied by the department.
Fo= Base price which is Wholesale Price Index for Machinery and Machine Tools issued by
Reserve Bank of India on the base date.
F1= Final price (average for the quarter under consideration) which is the Wholesale Price
Index for Machinery and Machine Tools issued by Reserve Bank of India.
H= Percentage of Construction machinery component.
(g) Other Material:

VM = 0.75 x O/ 100 x R x (IM1 - IM0) / IM0

VM= Increase or decrease in the cost during the quarter under consideration.

R= Value of the work done during the quarter under consideration excluding the cost of
materials supplied by the department.

IM0= Base price which is Wholesale price index (all commodities) published in Reserve Bank
of India Journal on the base date.

IM1= Final price (average for the quarter under consideration) which is the wholesale price
index (all commodities) published in Reserve Bank of India Journal.

Schedules to 8 - 11
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

O=Percentage of other material components

The cost indices or reference prices stated in the table of adjustment data in section 4 shall
be used.

Foreign currency payments, if any, will be converted into the local currency (INR) at the
selling exchange rate, published by Reserve Bank of India, on the last date of quarter for
which the index is required to be applicable.

Until such time as each current cost index is not available, the Engineer shall determine a
provisional index for the issue of Interim Payment Certificates. When a current cost index is
available, the adjustment shall be recalculated accordingly.

Adjustment for changes in Cost will be applicable for amount of work carried out by the
Contractor with in stipulated completion period or extended contract period for which delay
is not attributable to the Contractor.

The price adjustment will be calculated on the date of removing hindrancefor the cost of
actual work done upto the stipulated completion period or the extended contract period for
which delay is not attributable to the Contractor, as the case may be. It is further clarified
that there may be hindrances that on handling may not lead to overall delay in the project
and there can be hindrances which might lead to contract period being extended with delay
not attributable to the Contractor.
Adjustment for the work items valued on the basis of Cost or current prices or new rate
items shall be applicable from the next quarter in which new rate has been given.

Adjusted Amount: The adjusted amount of each Payment Certificate may be subject to any
deductions there from for liquidated damages, and any other monies due to the Employer
from the Contractor including the recovery of advance amounts, if any.
Items not to be included in the Price Adjustment Calculation: The following items are not to
be included in the price adjustment calculation:
(a) Liquidated damages.
(b) Retention withheld and released.
(c) Advance payments in the form of loans and their repayments.
(d) Payment to 'nominated' Sub-Contractors included as 'provisional sums'.

5. Adjustment for changes in costs for Operation Services: All Operation Services under
this Contract shall be governed in accordance to the adjustments for change in costs as
provided in above clauses and based on following formula:

VL =0.75 x PL/ 100 x R x (IL1 - IL0) / IL0

VL = Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under consideration.

R = Value of the work done during the quarter under consideration excluding the cost of
materials supplied by the department.

Schedules to 8 - 12
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

IL0= Base Price which is Consumer Price Index for Industrial labour for jaipur issued by
Labour Bureau, Shimla on the base date.

IL1= Final price (average for the quarter under consideration)which is Consumer Price Index
for Industrial labour for Jaipur issued by Labour Bureau, Shimla.

PL= Percentage of labour components.

(Note: In case of revision of minimum wages by the Government or other competent

authority, nothing extra would be payable except the price escalation permissible under this

(B) Other Material:

VM = 0.75 x PM/ 100 x R x (IM1 - IM0) / IM0

VM= Increase or decrease in the cost during the quarter under consideration due to change
in rates of material.

R= The value of the work done during the quarter under consideration excluding the cost of
materials supplied by the department.

IM0= Base price which is Wholesale price index (all commodities) published in Reserve Bank
of India Journalon the base date.

IM1=Final price (average for the quarter under consideration) which is the wholesale price
index (all commodities) published in Reserve Bank of India Journal.

PM=Percentage of other material components

Schedules to 8 - 13
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Schedule 6: Terms of Reference (ToR) of Auditing Body

1. Appointment: RUIDP and Contractor jointly will appoint an Auditing Body (AB) for the
purpose of monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the Contract during the
Operation Service Period. AB may be the Employer’s representative from the Team of
project consultant (PMDSC) or any other personnel appointed by the Employer. AB shall
play a positive and independent role in discharging its functions, thereby facilitating smooth
implementation of the Operation Service.

2. Obligations: The key obligations of the AB shall be:

a) Review the Service Improvement Plan (SIP) furnished by the Contractor and suggest
modifications if any required especially with reference to the baseline service levels and
investments proposed by the Contractor to achieve the Performance Standards
stipulated in, Section 6.1 - Scope of Services; and in clause 2&3 of Schedule8
b) Monitor the performance of the Contractor and verify the periodical reports furnished by
the Contractor in terms of achievement or maintenance of Performance Standards set
forth in Section 6.1 – Scope of Services;
c) Review the procedures and policies and suggest any modifications or changes required
to protect the interest of Consumers, Employers RUIDP and SMC;
d) Review matters related to safety and environmental management measures adopted by
e) Provide independent advise to both Parties under this Contract in times of requirement
of revision or rebasing of the Performance Standards required due to the following
i. Substantial change in baseline parameters;
ii. Discovery of unknown assets and additional infrastructure which can be put to
use resulting in revision of Mandatory Works;
iii. Failure of the performance of any of the existing assets other than the new or
replaced assets implemented by the Contractor necessitating Major Maintenance
by way of replacement;
iv. Substantial change in Raw Sewage Quality and requiring additional processing
and treatment requirements; and
v. Default of the Employer, RUIDP or SMC on the Contractor’s Notice to Correct.
f) Attend project review meetings and provide recommendations on mid-course corrections
if any, required for successful implementation of the Project;
g) Check, verify and advise the Parties on any Variations proposed by the Contractor from
time to time;
h) Undertake periodical, at least once in a month, on-site verification of the Services and
provide recommendations on any issues which require immediate attention and action
from any of the Parties;
i) Set out a mechanism and monitor smooth handover of Project Facilities by sMC to the
Contractor and hand back of the Project Facilities by the Contractor to SMC or other
authorised agency

3. Reports: The AB shall prepare and submit to RUIDP, monthly reports including the following:

a) Monthly report on validation of performance of Contractor with reference to the

achievement or maintenance of the Performance Standards set forth in Section 6.1
Scope of Operation Services;
b) Report on Variations, Force Majeure Events and Disputes if any;
c) Report on Notice to Correct issued and compliance of Parties to correct;
Schedules to 8 - 14
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

d) Issues, if any, with regard to operation, maintenance and management along with the
details of the action taken for the resolution of the same;
e) Photographic records of on-site periodical verification;
f) Report on AB’s compliance with this Terms of Reference; and
g) Any other report as may be reasonably required by RUIDP or as may be necessary to
give effect to the provisions of this Contract.

4. Duration: The appointment of AB shall be initially for 1800 days commencing from the
contract commencement date or the dates as decided by Employer but not later than the
day as the Operation Service commences. RUIDP reserves the right to extend the services
of the AB for a further period or up to the Contract Completion Date on mutual consent

Schedules to 8 - 15
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Schedule 7: Performance Target and Measurement

A. Definitions

i. Sewerage Services shall include but not limited to, the operation, maintenance and
repairs of all existing and new assets created for the Sewerage system to be kept in
operation to deliver the services, from sewerage collection system from sewage
collection chambers (property chamber) to sewage treatment plant including pumping
station, operation of pumps and other infrastructure for reuse of treated sewage etc. This
involves operation & maintenance of collection network within the drainage zone,
treatment of the sewage effluent, House sewer connections, operating 24 hour
consumer care centre, consumer complaint redressal within specified time period etc

ii. Blockage & Spillage: Blockage in sewer is any incident that affects free flow of sewage
through the sewer. Spillage is any incident by which sewage comes out of a sewer line
or manhole or inception chamber or the property that result in a public health concern;
damage to public or private property.

iii. Performance Achieved

Performance Achieved = (Total Number of Successful Incidents/ Total Number of

B. Performance Targets

I Sewerage: Sewage Collection and Treatment System

i. Achieving effluent Parameters

ii. Continuous Operation of Sewage Treatment Plant

iii. Resolution of Complaints: Consumers Relation Management Centre established, staffed

and operated on a 24-hour basis, all Consumer calls are attended to (on toll free number)
within 60 seconds, queries and complaints to be responded within specified time frame.

iv. Adhering to sewer spills

v. Adhering to House Sewer connection request in time.

C. Methodology for Measurement of Performance:

The Contractor shall develop a robust methodology and framework for measurement and
monitoring of Performance Standards stipulated under this clause and proposed as part of
the Service Improvement Plan (SIP). The Employer shall review the same and upon
agreement between the Parties, the agreed methodology shall form the basis for monitoring
the performance of the Contractor and apply the Performance Payment.

D. Parameter, Minimum Service Level, Measurement and Monitoring System of

Performance Indicators/ Standards

Schedules to 8 - 16
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01


S.No. Description Details

1. Parameter Achieving effluent parameters
Minimum 98% of the daily composite sample tested for various parameters
Service Level stated below shall be within limits specified against each of them
BOD - To be less than 10 mg/l
TSS - To be less than 10 mg/l
COD – To be less than 50 mg/l
Measured By Daily composite sample made out of 24 hourly samples taken from
the outlet of the CCT of the STP shall be tested in the in house lab
and the results obtained are converted into electronic register.
100 X no. of samples complying to individual parameter standard /
Total number of samples
This figure shall be minimum 98%.
Monitored By An electronic registry maintained by the Contractor; from the
laboratory results received.
The database shall include:
 Date of sampling
 Date of testing by laboratory
 Results against each parameter
Allowable Nil
2 Parameter Continuous Operation of STP
Minimum level 100% of times

Measured by For the period under review:

The number of hours STP is operating X 100 / Total number of
Monitored by Electronic registry from the PLC log data of operating time of
sewage pumps/ flow measurement unit for the period under review
3. Parameter Resolution of Complaints
Minimum 95% of complaints resolved during the month under review.
Service Level
Methodology for Consumer Relation Management Centre: The Contractor shall
lodging design, develop and set up consumer relation management centre
complaint (CRMC) of at least one center of about 30 sqm to facilitate
receiving and resolving consumer requests in the areas of new
connections, service deficiencies etc. The consumers shall file
their complaints through e-mail, text message from mobile phones,
telephone, Fax and other electronic media. The Centre shall
function between 8 am to 8pm during all working days and
between 8am to 1pm during public holidays including Sundays.
The CRMC shall be air conditioned and have reasonable space
and furniture for the Consumers to wait, interact and represent
their requirements. During the other off peak times of 8pm to 8am,
the Contractor shall have a facility to receive Consumer complaints
through telephone, fax, text message, email and any other
electronic means. The complaints once received should be
acknowledged automatically and a registration number shall be
given to the complainant immediately. The CRMC shall be
Schedules to 8 - 17
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

equipped with sufficient human resources, hardware and software

to facilitate continuous record of consumer requests, monitoring
the resolution, and reporting completion of necessary actions and
tasks. There shall be an exclusive desk for servicing the urban
poor consumers preferably serviced by an efficient lady executive
who can interact in local language.
Measured By Percentage of total number of complaints responded to within 24
hours and resolved as given below during the period under review
over the total number of complaints received during the month
under review

Sl. Nature of complaints Resolution

No time
1 Blockage and overflows 12 hours
2 Stolen / Broken manhole covers 12 hours
3 Sewer spills from main sewer, branch 72 hours
and house sewer connections
(between property chamber and public

Resolutions of complaints = 100* (Total number of complaints

responded to within 24 hours and resolved within the resolution
times given above during the month under review / Total number
of complaints received during the month under review)
Monitored By An electronic registry maintained by the Contractor, the registry
shall include detailed database and summary tables including:
 Time and date
 Complaint number
 Consumer name
 Consumer identification number
 Nature of complaint
 Time and date at which Consumer is provided with response
 Action taken report
Time and date of resolution of complaint
4. Parameter Adhering to sewer spills
Minimum Service Sewer spills incidences not to exceed 3 nos. per month from all
Level causes and type of sewers and structures.
Measured By Number of sewer spills complaints received through CRM centres
plus the spills recorded as per the register of inspection by staff
Monitored By An electronic registry maintained by the Contractor in CRM centre
and electronic log of inspection notes.
Allowable No exclusion allowed
5. Parameter Adhering to House Sewer connection request in time

Schedules to 8 - 18
Schedules to Section 8 – Particular Condition of Contract Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Minimum 100%
Service Level
Measured By No. of connections given in 7 days of clearance X 100 / Total no.
of connections cleared
Monitored By The electronic register of dated requests for connections received,
cleared by authority and actually connected as per the signed
report of consumer.
Allowable Nil

Schedules to 8 - 19
Section – 9
Contract Forms
Section –9 : Contract Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Section 9 - Contract Forms

This Section contains forms which, once completed, will form part of the Contract. The forms for
Performance Security and Advance Payment Security, when required, shall only be completed by the
successful Bidder after contract award.

Table of Forms

Letter of Acceptance .............................................................................................................................. 2

Contract Agreement (Works) ................................................................................................................. 3
Contract Agreement (Operation and Maintenance) .............................................................................. 5
Performance Security ............................................................................................................................. 7
Advance Payment Security ..................................................................................................................... 8
Format of Certificate Under GOI Notification No. 108/95 & 84/97 ....................................................... 9

Section –9 : Contract Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Letter of Acceptance
[on letter head paper of the Employer]

. . . . . . . date. . . . . . .

To: . . . . . . . . . . name and address of the Contractor . . . . . . . . . .

Subject: . . . . . . . . . . Notification of Award Contract No. . . . . . . . . . .

This is to notify you that your Bid dated . . . . date . . . . consisting of the Technical Bid
and the Price Bid for execution of the . . . . . . . . . .name of the contract and
identification number, as given in the Bid Data Sheet . . . . . . . . . . for the
Accepted Contract Amount of the equivalent of . . . . . . . . .amount in figures and
words and name of currency . . . . . . . . ., as corrected and modified in accordance
with the Instructions to Bidders is hereby accepted by our Agency.

You are requested to furnish the Performance Security within 28 days in accordance
with the Conditions of Contract, using for that purpose the Performance Security Form
included in Section 9 (Contract Forms) of the Bidding Document.

Authorized Signature: ......................................................................................................

Name and Title of Signatory: ...........................................................................................

Name of Agency: .............................................................................................................

Attachment: Contract Agreement

Section –9 : Contract Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Contract Agreement (Works)

THIS AGREEMENT made the . . . . . .day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . ., between . . . . .

name of the Employer. . . . .. . . . . (hereinafter “the Employer”), of the one part, and . . . . .
name of the Contractor. . . . .(hereinafter “the Contractor”), of the other part:

WHEREAS the Employer desires that the Works known as . . . . . name of the Contract. . . .
.should be executed by the Contractor, and has accepted a Bid by the Contractor for the
execution and completion of these Works and the remedying of any defects therein,

The Employer and the Contractor agree as follows:

1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the Contract documents referred to.

2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of
this Agreement. This Agreement shall prevail over all other Contract documents.

(a) the Contract Agreement,

(b) the Letter of Acceptance
(c) the Letter of Technical Bid
(d) the Letter of Price Bid
(e) the Variation Nos . . . . . insert variation numbers if any. . . . .
(f) the Particular Conditions of Contract – Part A
(g) the Particular Conditions of Contract – Part B
(h) the General Conditions of Contract;
(i) the Specifications
(j) the Drawings; and
(k) the completed Schedules

3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as

indicated in this Agreement, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Employer to
execute the Works and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with the
provisions of the Contract.

4. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution
and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price or
such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the
times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.

5. Employer for the Design Built Services would be RUIDP and for Operation Services
would be the authorized representative from Sawaimadhopur Municipal Council (SMC).

IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in
accordance with the laws of . . . . . name of the borrowing country. . . . .on the day, month
and year indicated above.

Signed by ................................................................Signed by ...............................................................

for and on behalf of the Employer in the for and on behalf of the Contractor in the
presence of presence of
Employer 1: --------------- (RUIDP)

Section –9 : Contract Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Employer 2: --------------------
(Sawaimadhopur Municipal Council) Witness, Name, Signature, Address, Date .............
Witness, Name, Signature, Address, Date ..............

Section –9 : Contract Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Contract Agreement (Operation and Maintenance)

Contract No.: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

BID No. : RUSDP / Program Loan/ 02

This Agreement made this day of , 2016, between the Municipal Corporation /
Municipal Council of the Government of Rajasthan, represented by the Chief Executive Officer/
Commissioner, Municipal Corporation/ Municipal Council………………………………. (hereinafter
called "the Employer") of the one part and _________________________________ of
_______________ (hereinafter called "the Contractor") of the other part.

Whereas, the Employer desires that the permanent Plant, Equipment and all other facilities
incorporated into the Works known as the “Design, Construction of Sewerage network, Sewage
Pumping Stations and upgrading the existing Sewage Treatment Plants and allied works and
Operation & maintenance services of the entire system for 10 years at “”Sawaimadhopur” should
be properly operated and maintained for the purposes for which they are intended by the
Contractor after completion of construction, and has accepted a Bid by the Contractor for the
operation and maintenance of such plant and equipment for a period of 10 (Ten) years after
completion and acceptance of the Works.
The Employer and the Contractor agree as follows:
1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to.
2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of
this Agreement:
(a) The Letter of Acceptance dated ________________
(b) The Employer's Requirements
(c) The Addenda nos. _____________
(d) The Bid dated ______________
(e) The Conditions of Contract (Parts I and II)
(f) The Completed Schedules, and
(g) The Contractor's Proposal.
3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Employer, or his legal successors or
assignees, to the Contractor as hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants
with the Employer to operate and maintain the Works at its rated capacity, including
maintaining the Plant and equipment in good operating condition, normal wear and tear
excepted, and remedying any defects therein in conformity in all respects with the
provisions of the Contract.
4. The Employer, or his legal successors or assignees, hereby covenants to pay the
Contractor, in consideration of the operation and maintenance of the Works and the
remedying of defects therein, the O&M Contract Price or such other sum as may become
payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by
the Contract.

Section –9 : Contract Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

In Witness whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and
year first before written in accordance with their respective laws.

Authorized signature of Contractor Authorized Signature of RUIDP Officer


in the presence of: in the presence of:

Name ____________________________ Name _________________________________

Signature_____________________________ Signature________________________________

Address ____________________________ Address ________________________________

Authorized signature of Employer


in the presence of:

Name ____________________________


Address ____________________________

Section –9 : Contract Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Performance Security

..................................Bank’s Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office .................................

Beneficiary: “Superintending Engineer/ Executive Engineer, RUIDP, PIU Sawai Madhopur” ......
Date: .........................................................................................................................................................
Performance Guarantee No.: ................................................................................................................

We have been informed that . . . . . name of the Contractor. . . . . (hereinafter called "the
Contractor") has entered into Contract No. . . . . . reference number of the Contract. . . . .
dated . . . . . . . .with you, for the execution of . . . . . . name of contract and brief description
of Works. . . . . (hereinafter called "the Contract").
Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, a performance
guarantee is required.
At the request of the Contractor, we . . . . . name of the Bank. . . . . hereby irrevocably
undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of . . . . . name of the
currency and amount in figures . . . . . . (. . . . . amount in words. . . . . ) such sum being
payable in the types and proportions of currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, upon
receipt by us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that
the Contractor is in breach of its obligation(s) under the Contract, without your needing to
prove or to show grounds for your demand or the sum specified therein.
This guarantee shall expire, no later than the . . . . . Day of . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , and any
demand for payment under it must be received by us at this office on or before that date.
This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.
458 , except that subparagraph (ii) of Sub-article 20(a) is hereby excluded.

Seal of Bank and Signature(s)

- Note -
All italicized text is for guidance on how to prepare this demand guarantee and shall be
deleted from the final document.
The Guarantor shall insert an amount representing the percentage of the Contract Price
specified in the Contract and denominated either in the currency(ies) of the Contract or a
freely convertible currency acceptable to the Employer.
Insert the date twenty-eight days after the expected completion date. The Employer
should note that in the event of an extension of the time for completion of the Contract, the
Employer would need to request an extension of this guarantee from the Guarantor. Such
request must be in writing and must be made prior to the expiration date established in the
guarantee. In preparing this guarantee, the Employer might consider adding the following
text to the form, at the end of the penultimate paragraph: “The Guarantor agrees to a one-
time extension of this guarantee for a period not to exceed [six months][one year], in
response to the Employer’s written request for such extension, such request to be presented
to the Guarantor before the expiry of the guarantee.”
Or 758 as applicable.

-- Note to Bidder --
If the institution issuing the performance security is located outside the country of the
Employer, it shall have a correspondent financial institution located in the country of the
Employer to make it enforceable.

Section –9 : Contract Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Advance Payment Security

........................................Bank’s Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office ...........................
Beneficiary: ..........................................Name and Address of Employer ...........................................
Date: .........................................................................................................................................................
Advance Payment Guarantee No.: .......................................................................................................
We have been informed that . . . . . name of the Contractor. . . . . (hereinafter called "the
Contractor") has entered into Contract No. . . . . . reference number of the Contract. . . . . dated . .
. . . . . .with you, for the execution of . . . . . . name of contract and brief description of Works. . . . .
(hereinafter called "the Contract").
Furthermore, we understand that, according to the Conditions of the Contract, an advance payment in
the sum . . . . . name of the currency and amount in figures . . . . . . (. . . . . amount in words. . . .
. ) is to be made against an advance payment guarantee.
At the request of the Contractor, we . . . . . name of the Bank. . . . . hereby irrevocably undertake to
pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of . . . . . name of the currency and
amount in figures . . . . . . (. . . . . amount in words. . . . . ) upon receipt by us of your first demand
in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Contractor is in breach of its obligation
under the Contract because the Contractor used the advance payment for purposes other than the
costs of mobilization in respect of the Works.
It is a condition for any claim and payment under this guarantee to be made that the advance
payment referred to above must have been received by the Contractor on its account number . . . . .
Contractor’s account number. . . . . at . . . . . name and address of the Bank. . . . . .
The maximum amount of this guarantee shall be progressively reduced by the amount of the advance
payment repaid by the Contractor as indicated in copies of interim statements or payment certificates
which shall be presented to us. This guarantee shall expire, at the latest, upon our receipt of a copy
of the interim payment certificate indicating that ninety percent (90%) of the Contract Price has been
certified for payment, or on the . . day of . . . . . ., . . . , whichever is earlier. Consequently, any
demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at this office on or before that date.
This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 458 .
Seal of Bank and Signature(s)

- Note -
All italicized text is for guidance on how to prepare this demand guarantee and shall be
deleted from the final document.
The Guarantor shall insert an amount representing the amount of the advance payment
denominated either in the currency(ies) of the advance payment as specified in the Contract,
or in a freely convertible currency acceptable to the Employer.
Insert the expected expiration date of the Time for Completion. The Employer should
note that in the event of an extension of the time for completion of the Contract, the
Employer would need to request an extension of this guarantee from the Guarantor. Such
request must be in writing and must be made prior to the expiration date established in the
guarantee. In preparing this guarantee, the Employer might consider adding the following
text to the form, at the end of the penultimate paragraph: “The Guarantor agrees to a one-
time extension of this guarantee for a period not to exceed [six months][one year], in
response to the Employer’s written request for such extension, such request to be presented
to the Guarantor before the expiry of the guarantee.
Or 758 as applicable.

-- Note to Bidder --
If the institution issuing the advance payment security is located outside the country of the
Employer, it shall have a correspondent financial institution located in the country of the
Employer to make it enforceable.

Section –9 : Contract Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Format of Certificate Under GOI Notification No. 108/95 & 84/97

Government of Rajasthan
Office of the Project Director
Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project
(AVS Building, Jawahar Circle, JLN Marg, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur-17)
Tel: 0141-2721966, 2545831 Fax: 2721919


We have placed an order on M/s (Name of Firm and
Address)____________________________ for the work of Package No.
_________________________________amounting to Rs.__________ (In words) vide
Notice to Proceed no. ______________ dated _____________.

It is certified that M/s (Name of Firm and Address)__________________________________

______, requires to purchase following materials for the work of above package no.
________________under Rajasthan Urban Sector Development Program (RUSDP).

S. No. Items Unit Qty.

We hereby certify that the above material is required for use of Rajasthan Urban Sector
Development Program (RUSDP) being implemented under Local Self Government
Department of Government of Rajasthan. We further certify that this project Rajasthan Urban
Sector Development Program (RUSDP) is being financed by Asian Development Bank
through loan No. ADB Loan: 3183-IND duly approved by Government of India.

This certificate is being issued in pursuance of the requirement under Government of India
(Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue) Notification No. 108/95 dated 28.8.1995 as
amended up to date. Excise Duty Exemption may be allowed against above referred

Project Manager,
Project Director,
RUIDP, Jaipur

Counter signed

Secretary Finance (Expenditure)
Government of Rajasthan

Section –9 : Contract Forms Package No: RUSDP/Program/SWM/01

Office of the Project Director

Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project
(AVS Building, Jawahar Circle, JLN Marg, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur-17)
Tel: +91-141-2721966, 2545831 Fax: +91-141-2721919
We have placed an order on M/s [ Insert name of Contractor and address ] for the
work of the ____________________________________________________ under bid
package number________, in the amount of I Insert the contract amount in figures and
words ] vide Notice to Proceed No. ______________ dated ___________ .
It is certified the M/s [Name of Contractor and address] is required to purchase the following
plant, materials and equipment which will be incorporated into and form a part of the
Permanent Works to be constructed under this Contract Package No. __________ under
Rajasthan Urban Sector Development Program (RUSDP).

S. Item Unit Quantity


We hereby certify that the above plant, material and equipment are required for use of the
under Rajasthan Urban Sector Development Program (RUSDP) being implemented under
the Local Self Government Department of the Government of Rajasthan. We further certify
that the Rajasthan Urban Sector Development Program (RUSDP) is being financed by the
Asian Development Bank (ADB) through loan No. ADB Loan: 3183-IND, duly approved by
the Government of India. We also certify that the condition of giving an essentiality certificate
for claiming custom duty exemption exists in the Contract Agreement with this organization.

This Certificate is being issued in pursuance to the requirement under Government of India
(Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue) Notification No. 84/97 dated 1.11.1997 as
amended up to date. Custom Duty exemption may be allowed against the above referred
plant, materials and equipment.
________________________ ________________________
Project Director, RUIDP
Countersigned by:
Secretary Finance (Expenditure)
Government of Rajasthan

9 - 10

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