Mckinsey'S Knowledge Management Practices: Icmr Center For Management Research
Mckinsey'S Knowledge Management Practices: Icmr Center For Management Research
Mckinsey'S Knowledge Management Practices: Icmr Center For Management Research
In July 2006, US-based McKinsey & Company (McKinsey) earned recognition as one of the
companies committed to growth through innovation and managing enterprise knowledge to create
intellectual capital. McKinsey figured in the Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE)
Report3 2006, published by Teleos4 (Refer to Exhibit I for the winners of 9th annual Global MAKE
A panel comprising executives from Global Fortune 500 companies and KM experts chose the
winners of the 2006 MAKE awards (Refer to Table I for the traits of the companies that won the
2006 Global MAKE Awards). Commenting on the winners, Rory Chase, Managing Director of
Teleos, said, “These organizations have been recognized as global leaders in effectively
transforming enterprise knowledge into wealth-creating ideas, products, and solutions. They are
building portfolios of intellectual capital and intangible assets which will enable them to out-
perform their competitors now and in the future.”5
McKinsey was also inducted into the Global MAKE Hall of Fame for being a Global MAKE
finalist for five years in a row. On McKinsey, the MAKE report wrote, “McKinsey & Company,
founded in 1926, is perhaps the most knowledge-oriented firm within the global management
consulting industry. McKinsey is not the largest consulting company in the world (US$ 3.5
billion in annual revenues and 10,000 staff working in more than 80 offices in 44 countries), but
it is among the most profitable and many consider that it has the strongest brand image.
McKinsey & Company spends at least 10% of its annual revenues on managing and sharing
Lucinda Schmidt, “Knowledge: Word Spreads on Collective Wisdom,” Australia‟s BRW, February 23, 2001.
“McKinsey‟s Managing Director Rajat Gupta on Leading a Knowledge-Based Global Consulting
Organization,” Academy of Management Executive, May 2001.
The report was developed by KNOW Network, in association with Teleos. KNOW is a global
community of knowledge-driven organizations dedicated to sharing best knowledge management
practices. Teleos is an independent knowledge management and intellectual capital research firm.
Teleos is an independent knowledge management research company that administers the MAKE
program. Teleos founded KNOW Network in 1999.
2006, Global Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) Report,,
July 27, 2006.
2006, Global Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) Report,,
July 27, 2006.
Table I
Traits of 2006 Global Make Winners
Creating a corporate knowledge-driven culture
Developing knowledge workers through senior management leadership
Delivering knowledge-based products/solutions
Maximizing enterprise intellectual capital
Creating an environment for collaborative knowledge sharing
Creating a learning organization
Delivering value based on customer knowledge
Transforming enterprise knowledge into shareholder value
McKinsey was founded in 1926 by James O. McKinsey (James), who was a professor at the
University of Chicago. The company was initially known as James O McKinsey & Company
(JOMC). At that time, the company termed itself as „management engineers,‟ with the focus on
improving the efficiency of the clients‟ operations. Marvin Bower (Bower) joined McKinsey in
1933, to manage its newly opened New York office. One of the first high profile projects that the
company undertook was conducting a comprehensive analysis of the businesses of leading retailer
Marshall Field and Company (Marshall Field)7 in 1934. JOMC was asked to analyze the reasons
behind the company‟s huge losses since 1931. At that time, Marshall Field had gone through a
major diversification into wholesale, construction, textile mills, and manufacturing businesses, but
these were not successful and had resulted in huge losses. James and Bower conducted analysis of
the company and recommended to Marshall Field that it concentrate on department stores and
divest itself of other businesses. The report by JOMC generated lot of attention among the
corporates in the US at that time. At the end of 1934, James joined Marshall Field as its Chairman
and Chief Executive.
In 1935, JOMC merged with an accounting firm – Scovell, Wellington & Company8. This led to
the creation of two partnership firms – Scovell, Wellington & Company (SWC) and McKinsey,
Wellington & Company (MWC). SWC concentrated on accounting activities and MWC on
Marshall Field was founded in 1852 and grew to become one of the major department stores. The
company acquired several companies and was finally acquired by British American Tobacco in 1982.
Scovell, Wellington & Company was formerly known as Clinton H Scovell and Company. In 1930,
Charles Oliver joined the company, and was made a partner in 1932, after which the firm was renamed.
management related activities. Oliver Wellington (Oliver), who headed SWC, became managing
partner of both the firms. MWC functioned from Chicago, New York, and Boston. One of the
major clients of MWC was US Steel. In order to emphasize the growing consulting abilities of the
firm, Bower decided to rename „management engineers‟ as „management consultants.‟ Though the
merged entity was functioning well, there was some resentment among the staff of the erstwhile
JOMC toward Oliver and what was described as his autocratic management style.
By mid-1937, MWC‟s study on US Steel came to an end, and the firm lost a major source of its
revenues, as US Steel had accounted for around 55% of the billings. In November 1937, James
died of pneumonia. By 1938, MWC had gone into losses, and the differences between the New
York and Chicago offices persisted. Bower proposed a new partnership taking over the practice of
MWC in the east coast, while the Chicago practice functioned separately. The east coast firm was
named McKinsey & Company, and the Chicago firm was called McKinsey, Kearney & Company.
Horace G Crockett (Crockett), who was heading the New York office, became the managing
partner of McKinsey, and continued to be the manager of the New York office. Crockett was
responsible for the day-to-day activities of the firm, while Bower took care of the long-term plans
of the company. In the first year, the firm‟s total billings were US$ 284,000. McKinsey
In 1956, McKinsey became a private corporation and in June 1956, incorporation documents were
signed. This was intended to keep the ownership of the company exclusively with the active
members. All the shareholders were required to sign a contract which stipulated that the partners‟
shares should be sold only to other shareholders or to the firm at the book value. It was also
decided that none of the partners could hold more than 25% of the total available stock. After the
firm was incorporated, the partners were called directors.
By the late 1950s, McKinsey had begun concentrating on expanding internationally. Between 1959
and 1966, the firm opened offices in the UK (London – 1959), Switzerland (Geneva – 1961),
Australia (Melbourne – 1962), Holland (Amsterdam – 1964), France (Paris – 1964), and Germany
(Düsseldorf – 1964). Some of the major international clients included Imperial Chemical
Industries Limited, DuPont, Royal Dutch Shell, and KLM Airlines. By 1967, McKinsey‟s
revenues had increased to US$ 20 million.
The 1970s were turbulent times for McKinsey, as its growth slowed down. At that time,
McKinsey‟s management conducted an in-depth analysis of the company and realized that it
McKinsey acted as a key advisor to CEO of HP Carly Fiorina, when it acquired Compaq.
Since its inception, McKinsey‟s management had focused on capturing, managing, and
disseminating knowledge across the company. In the year 1920, James published a book
Principles of Accounting. In 1922, he published a textbook on budgetary control. In the book, he
expressed his view that accounting should essentially emphasize the understanding of the entire
organization, and should serve as an integrating device to understand the problems.
After setting up the consultancy firm, James developed a General survey outline, in 1931 which
was a 30-page booklet consisting of details about the policies, structure, personnel, facilities,
controls, and industry outlook. The General survey outline was based on the philosophy he had
conveyed in his textbook and was used as a means to evaluate organizations. The main sections
were industry outlook, company‟s competitive position, marketing, facilities, control, finance, and
personnel. The General survey outline helped McKinsey to analyze industry attractiveness and the
competitive position of the client and to analyze the effects of competition on business
performance. By using it, the top managers at McKinsey were able to gain an overall view of the
partners. The executive committee‟s main task was to act for all the partners in the task of decision-
making. The planning committee discussed some of the important management questions and
made recommendations. The committee system went on to become a characteristic of McKinsey
and its management process. This helped in the smooth growth of the company over the years.
Most of the important decisions were made through consensus among the committee members and
found firm-wide acceptance. In 1964, McKinsey launched the McKinsey Quarterly, a journal of
management ideas.
McKinsey solved the problems of the clients using the Mutually Exclusive-Collectively
Exhaustive (MECE) approach. The approach advocated that each idea was separate and distinct.
Collectively exhaustive implied that all the possibilities had been thought about. The teams solving
the problem worked from an initial hypothesis and either proved or disproved it. The issue of lack
of specialized industry specific or company specific knowledge was handled through exhaustive
data and analysis (Refer to Table II for more about MECE).
Table II
MECE and Structured Way of Thinking
McKinsey‟s „one-firm‟ culture helped in creating informal networks that facilitated knowledge
sharing within the organization. The company‟s values also helped in the problem solving
approach (Refer to Exhibit III for Values and Mission of McKinsey). However, knowledge sharing
was limited to the methodology, like solving problems and framing issues. There was no specific
attempt to use the learning from one assignment in the other. The main reason for not being able to
transfer knowledge was that though the partners and directors were successful in developing
generalized knowledge and excelled in maintaining client relationships, they were not ready to
acquire specialized skills. Several consultants were of the view that specialized knowledge would
damage the value of client service as it would lead to a few specialists interacting with the clients
on a short-term basis, which would prove a hindrance to long-term association with the clients.
In the 1970s, the oil crisis and economic recession slowed down the company‟s expansion across
Europe. At the same time, client management was getting sophisticated and specialized with the
advent of companies like the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), which came up with a new concept
of marketing the corporate strategy as products such as „growth share matrix‟ and „experience
curve.‟ Big accounting firms also came up with their own management consultancy divisions.
A commission was appointed in April 1971 to study the firm‟s aims and goals. It researched the
problem and concluded that McKinsey had been neglecting the advancements in professional and
technical skills, due to its concentration of generalized management and was losing ground to
companies which were promoting thought leadership.
Ron Daniel (Daniel), who took over as Managing Director in 1976, redefined the mission of the
company to in order to institutionalize the changes. The new mission suggested attracting,
developing, exciting, and retaining exceptional people. Under Daniel, a new position of training
director was created. He also emphasized developing functional expertise.
A catalogue of key words describing the research and consulting tasks that McKinsey undertook
was planned. Through this exercise, McKinsey planned to label specific experiences and research
projects, and collect them in a central database. This was mainly done in order to help the
consultants understand and study what had already been done on a specific topic, and also to get
the support from employees who had already worked on those areas.
McKinsey already had a standard classification in place for industries and it realized that all the
documents could be classified based on the industries. But another classification based on the
functions also became necessary, as some functions like change management and organizational
restructuring could be similar for different industries. Again, there was confusion about the right
terminology to be used. McKinsey decided to limit the number of keywords. For example, in
marketing some of the sub-terms were sales force management, pricing, global marketing, and
In 1988, Gluck became the managing director.
contributions were few and far between. McKinsey found that though collectively the employees
were very knowledgeable, it was not taking advantage of their knowledge and was thus missing
several opportunities to provide better service to customers.
To address this problem, in 1987, McKinsey launched the KM project, which made
recommendations to improve the capturing and distribution of knowledge. The recommendations
Maintaining a computer database that consisted of details of the projects carried out for the
clients (practice information system).
Developing a database of 2000 documents, representing the core knowledge (practice
development network) of the company.
Creating a list of specialists and key document titles (knowledge resource directory).
Acting on the recommendations, McKinsey set out to build a common database of knowledge
accumulated through client interaction and service. This was called the practice information
system. Other initiatives included a knowledge resource directory – a list of specialists and titles of
In 1994, Rajat Gupta (Gupta) became the first foreign born managing partner of the firm. Under
Gupta, KM practices in the company received a further boost. He considered knowledge to be a
key business driver, and put in place a four-pronged strategy. The strategy comprised emphasis on
practice development, practice Olympics (an annual event, special initiatives to focus on emerging
issues), and expansion of the McKinsey Research Institute.
Gupta, like his predecessors, laid major emphasis on KM. He was personally involved in KM
efforts in all the fields. According to him, “When I started as managing director, one of the most
important things I emphasized was making sure we were in the forefront of knowledge, in the
development of knowledge, and in investments in knowledge. To be in the forefront and the
cutting edge of research in management thinking, not as much from an academic point of view as
from a truly applications point of view.”11
Recruitment was given high importance in McKinsey. The company recruited graduates from top-
tier business schools. Before a candidate was selected, he/she was interviewed six to eight times by
the partners and principals. The company recruited talented individuals capable of receiving and
the exchange network, top performers could share their knowledge and experience. Those who
contributed to the program were able to bid for good projects in the company. Through the internal
exchange program, consultants could move around different industries and verticals. This also
acted as a method of spreading knowledge and helped the employees gain new knowledge.
In order to share the process and findings of the project, McKinsey required all the teams carrying
out projects to appoint an employee to document the proceeds including experiences from the
assignment, team members involved in the project, and client reactions to the assignment.
For successful implementation of KM systems, McKinsey ensured that the employees developed
proficiency in their field of specialization and that they were willing to share their expertise with
others. In order to encourage the consultants to share their expertise, the company had a reward
system in place. These consultants were evaluated based on their role as knowledge generators and
it was one of the criteria based on which their promotions were decided.
In order to encourage intellectual contribution from the employees that would promote generation
of knowledge, McKinsey introduced practice Olympics in 1995. Through this, teams (of two to six
McKinsey employed editors to convert the knowledge that was present in PowerPoint
presentations and videos into documents. The company also had a quality ratings system that
ensured that all outdated documents were removed from databases in due course.
McKinsey had in place a KM support system in order to support the consultants in the field. This
included business research libraries and industry specific libraries, apart from several databases
and journals. The practice development documents written by the consultants also helped in
capturing the data about client engagements. The data also included the details of employees who
had worked in specific areas and with specific clients. The consultants who were working on a
particular project could approach these employees for any clarifications.
McKinsey established the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), a research center, in the year 1990.
The main objective of MGI was to study the critical economic issues facing businesses and
governments around the world and to study the implications of the changes in the global economy
on business and improve the business performance and competitiveness of the clients. MGI
focused exclusively on long-term research on topics like capital markets, consumer demand,
At McKinsey, all employees had an important role to play and the major roles were serving their
clients, developing knowledge, and building the practice. Knowledge management helped
McKinsey in solving the clients‟ problems effectively through every step (Refer to Table III for
steps in a typical engagement at McKinsey).
In 1995, McKinsey had undertaken a project on the impact of the digital economy on services. In
the report, it was said that reducing telecom costs would result in remote services, by which
countries like China and India would provide assistance to customers in the US. This led
McKinsey to establish a knowledge center in Gurgaon near New Delhi, India. At the knowledge
center, the researchers carried out background research to help the consultants located across the
world. These activities included number crunching, analysis, PowerPoint presentations for the
consultants across the world, etc. It also set up research programs on topics like growth,
globalization, and the changes taking place in companies across the world. The oft repeated quote
within the company was, “We do more research on business issues than the business schools at
Harvard, Stanford, and Wharton combined.”13
The center had three groups – generalist research, practice research, and analytics. The generalist
research supported consulting teams across the world on issues that called for research and
analysis, in the areas of financial and economic analysis and company and industry overview.
Practice research group provided support to the industry and functional practices of McKinsey.
These included industry practices like financial institutions, pharmaceuticals, telecom, etc. and
functional practices like finance, manufacturing, and supply chain management. Analytics used
advanced tools like SAS and CPLEX, and techniques like cluster analysis, simulation, and linear
programming to solve data intensive problems (Refer to Exhibit VI for different industry and
functional practices).
McKinsey & Company, Company Profiles,
Table III
Steps in a Typical Engagement at McKinsey
Define the problem. Meet with the CEO or client team to clearly articulate the challenge
they are facing and come to a mutually agreed goal.
Break the problem down. The team breaks the problem up into manageable pieces,
assigns responsibilities, and creates work plans to prove or disprove hypotheses.
Understand the client’s business. Team members interview client team members to better
understand how the business and industry work, define specific problems, and identify data
sources. Team members also access McKinsey's global network to get industry or
functional expertise.
Gather and analyze data. The team develops models, analyzes results, and refines
hypotheses. The team also makes recommendations on which parts of the client‟s problem
will be addressed as rapidly as possible.
Exhibit I
Ninth Annual Global Make Study – Winners
Accenture (Global)
Apple Computer (United States)
BHP Billiton (Australia/United Kingdom)
Buckman Laboratories (United States)
Dell (United States)
Ernst & Young (Global)
Fluor (United States)
Google (United States)
Hewlett-Packard (United
States) Honda Motor (Japan)
Exhibit II
Core Principles of McKinsey
Follow the top management approach
We find and solve the most critical and challenging problems. We take an overall, independent,
and fact-based view of a client‟s performance. We rely on facts because they provide clarity and
align people. Facts are the global management language. We work with facts to provide credible
recommendations. We work directly with leaders who can partner with us to develop and accept
recommendations and have the ability to implement them.
Use our global network to deliver the best of the firm to all clients
No one at McKinsey "owns" a client relationship. We rely on multiple people, not a single
consultant or a single office, to provide leadership and our high standard of client service in each
situation. We draw on our global network of internal or external expertise to bring together the
right minds for the right solutions.
Exhibit III
McKinsey – Values and Mission
What we Believe
We believe we will be successful if our clients are successful.
We believe that solving the hardest problems requires the best people. We believe that the best
people will be drawn to the opportunity to work on the hardest problems. We build our firm
around that belief. We believe you can‟t do one without the other. We believe these two parts of
our mission reinforce each other and make our firm strong and enduring.
We believe in professionalism. For us this means to always:
Put the client’s interest ahead of our own.
This means we deliver more value than expected. It doesn‟t mean doing whatever the client asks.
Behave as professionals.
Uphold absolute integrity. Show respect to local custom and culture, as long as we don‟t
Exhibit IV
Training at McKinsey
Basic Consulting Readiness
This is a week-long course and all the consultants who join the firm are required to take the
course. The course basically teaches McKinsey‟s problem solving approach and knowledge
management techniques, along with core values and guiding principles.
This course is for the people who join the firm with advanced degrees in subjects other than
business management to help them develop business judgment needed to begin their career as a
consultant at McKinsey. The training is of three weeks‟ duration, and covers topics like
microeconomics, accounting and finance, marketing, and business strategy.
Business Analysis Training
Exhibit V
McKinsey Global Institute – Research
Capital Markets
The capital markets database of McKinsey maps global financial stock and analyzes capital
flows and financial systems at country level.
Consumer Demand
The focus is on examining how the rise of new consumer classes in developing countries,
especially India and China, will impact businesses and societies
Resource Markets
With McKinsey‟s expertise in the energy sector. MGI studied the drivers of energy demand.
Exhibit VI
Industry and Functional Practices
1. John Huey, How McKinsey Does It, Fortune, November 01, 1993.
2. Adrian Wooldridge, The Big Idea, Economist, March 22, 1997.
3. Morten T. Hansen, Nitin Nohria, Thomas Tierney, What’s your Strategy for Managing
Knowledge, Harvard Business Review, March – April 1999.
4. Lucinda Schmidt, Knowledge: Word Spreads on Collective Wisdom, Australia‟s BRW,
February 23, 2001.
5. McKinsey’s Managing Director Rajat Gupta on Leading a Knowledge-Based Global
Consulting Organization, Academy of Management Executive, May 2001.
6. Gerry McGovern, Knowledge Management is about Desire,,
November 19, 2001.
7. Susanne Hauschild, Thomas Licht, Wolfram Stein, Creating a Knowledge Culture,