Hemolytic Cancer
Hemolytic Cancer
Hemolytic Cancer
Michael Rytting, MD, Laura Worth, MD, PhD,
and Norman Jaffe, MD, DSc
From the Department of Pediatrics, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, Texas
VOLUME 10 * NUMBER 2 APRIL 1996 365
366 RY'ITINGetal
Figure 1. Peripheral blood smear in a patient with hemolytic anemia. The red blood cells
are characterized by a variety of morphologic abnormalities. These include burr cells, red
cell fragments, tear drops, and microspherocytes.
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75 The antibodies display monoclonal characteristics and
thermal amplitude; as the temperature approaches zero degrees Celsius,
agglutination of red cells increases. Generally, cold-reacting antibodies
occur in elderly persons with known lymphoproliferative disorders such
as lymphoma, CLL, myeloma, and Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia.*s,
74 The anemia is usually chronic, and Raynaud’s phenomenon may be
CDP = cisplatin; B = bleomycin; VC = vincristine;- = estimated; Vb = vinblastine; ACUP = adenocarcinoma of the unknown primary; M = mitomycin C; A =
Adriamycin; Vn = vindesine; 5-F = 5-fluorouracil; AMMoL = acute rnyelomonocytic leukemia; C = cytarabine; P = prednisone; N = neocarsinostatin; MT = mitoxantrone;
E = etoposide; D = dactinomycin; CY = cyclophosphamide; Da = dacarbazine; NS = not stated.
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