AEA 2011 Session 733 - Meta-Analysis De-Mystified-1

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Meta-Analysis De-Mystified:

A Step-by-Step Workshop
A Presentation at the Annual Conference of Pedro Mateu, Western Michigan University
Kristin A. Hobson, Western Michigan University
the American Evaluation Association Robert H. McCowen, Western Michigan University
in Anaheim, California, 2011
•  Background and Context
•  Applicability in the Real World
▫  When can you conduct a meta-analysis?
▫  What is the key in the process?
•  Step by Step Process
•  Conclusions
•  Questions
Background and Context
•  Definition
Meta-analysis seeks to integrate conclusions across
multiple studies and disciplines by applying statistical
analyses to groups of studies.
•  Why it is important?
Through meta-analysis, evaluators can estimate not only
the central tendency of study outcomes, test the pattern
of outcome variations, and estimate the overall effects
and relationships of variables, but also predict results of
future evaluations.
Background and Context
•  Value
The application of this tool is valuable because meta-
analysis yields objective, defensible, and largely value-
neutral evidence, which policy- and decision-makers
could reference when forming and revising policies and
•  Caveats
▫ Narrative reviews are not meta-analyses.
▫ Meta-evaluation is different from meta-analysis.
A Visual Summary of Meta-Analysis

Source:  Benne+,  T.,  Holloway,  K.,    &  Farrington,  D.  (2008).  The  EffecCveness  of  Neighborhood  Watch.  Campbell  Systema-c  Reviews  18.  Doi:  
Applicability in the Real World
•  Which meta-analyses have been published?
▫  Anderson, C. A., et al. (2010). Violent video game effects on
aggression, empathy, and prosocial behavior in eastern and western
countries: A meta‐analytic review. Psychological Bulletin, 136(2),
▫  DuBois, D. L., Holloway, B. E., Valentine, J. C., & Cooper, H. (2002).
Effectiveness of mentoring programs for youth: A meta‐analytic
review. American Journal of Community Psychology, 30(2), 157‐197.
▫  Peterson, J. L., & Shibley Hyde, J. (2010). A meta‐analytic review of
research on gender differences in sexuality, 1993–2007.
Psychological Bulletin, 136(1), 21‐38.
▫  Wilson, S. J., & Lipsey, M. W. (2000).Wilderness challenge programs
for delinquent youth: a metaanalysis of outcome evaluations.
Evaluation and Program Planning, 23(1), 1‐12.
When can you conduct a meta-analysis?
•  Meta-analysis is applicable to collections of
research that
▫  Are empirical, rather than theoretical
▫  Produce quantitative results, rather than
qualitative findings
▫  Examine the same constructs and relationships
▫  Have findings that can be configured in a
comparable statistical form (e.g., as effect sizes,
correlation coefficients, odds-ratios, proportions)
▫  Are “comparable” given the question at hand
What is the key in the process?
•  The effect size makes meta-analysis possible
▫  It is the “dependent variable”
▫  It standardizes findings across studies such that they
can be directly compared
•  Any standardized index can be an “effect size” as long as
it meets the following criteria
▫  Is comparable across studies
▫  Represents both magnitude and direction of the
relationship of interest
▫  Is independent of sample size
Step by Step Process
1.  Formulate the 6.  Select effect size and
research question precision
2.  Set inclusion and 7.  Convert effect sizes
exclusion criteria 8.  Determine effect size
3.  Identify studies model
4.  Develop a coding 9.  Compute heterogeneity
protocol statistics
5.  Code studies 10.  Determine publication
11.  Interpret results
Step 1: Formulate the Research Question
1.  Formulating the question to be answered
-  The statement of the topic will guide study
selection, coding of information, and data
-  Set of examples
Example 1:
“How effective are challenge programs in
reducing the subsequent antisocial behavior
of juveniles with behavior problems? What
are the characteristics of the least and most
successful programs? Do these programs have
favorable effects on other outcomes such as
relations with peers, locus-of-control, and
—Lipsey & Wilson (2001)
Example 2:

How effective was the neighborhood watch

movement in reducing crime?

—Bennett, Holloway, & Farrington (2008)

Example 3:
The purpose of this meta-analysis is to review the
research on feedback in higher education
mathematics and science classrooms to determine
to if there is an overall statistically significant gain
in student achievement when feedback is

—Bentz, Engelman, & McCowen (2011)

Step 2: Set Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
2.  Criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies in
the review
-  Method Quality Dilemma: include or exclude low
quality studies?
-  Inclusion / Exclusion criteria
  Language
  Sample size
  Type of publication
  Study design
  Data collection
Step 3: Identify Studies
3.  Search strategy for identification of studies
-  Checking databases where studies can be
-  Searching one or two databases is generally
Methods: Data Sources
•  Searched databases:
•  Cochrane Central Register of Controlled •  Additional primary studies can be searched
Trials (CENTRAL) for by the reviewing reference lists of
•  Biological and Agricultural Index (since retrieved studies.
•  Don’t forget the search terms.
•  Education Resources Information
Center (ERIC) (since 1966)
•  Dissertations and Theses (since 1860)
•  Dissertation Abstracts, ASSIAbi
•  Google Scholar, MEDLINE (since 1965)
•  ProQuest (since 1971)
•  PsycINFO (since 1887)
•  PubMed (since 1949)
•  Science Direct, Scopus (since 1995)
•  Web of Science (Science Citation Index
Expanded (since 1900)
•  Social Sciences Citation Index (since
•  International Bibliography of the Social
Sciences (IBSS)
Step 4: Develop a Coding Protocol
4.  Development of Coding Protocol
-  Description of studies meeting the eligibility criteria
-  Coding forms and manual
-  File structure: flat vs hierarchical
-  Type of information to code
▫  Report identification
▫  Methodology: Type of intervention
▫  Effect Size
  Statistical methods used to calculate effect size
  Statistic used for reporting final effect sizes
▫  Confidence ratings
Step 5: Code Studies
•  Minimum of two coders per study
•  Measure inter-rater reliability
▫  Coefficient of Agreement: proportion of
observations on which raters agree.
▫  Cohen’s Kappa: extent to which agreement
exceeds that which would be expected by chance.
Step 5 Continued:
Coefficient of Agreement
Coder 2

Row Total

Coder 1

Column Total

where  c  denotes  the  total  number  of  cells,  i  denotes  the  ith  row,  and  j  denotes  the  
jth  column.  
Step 5 Continued:
Cohen’s Kappa
•  Cohen’s kappa k is calculated as

•  Here, p0 is observed agreement, and pe is

expected agreement.
Step 5 Continued:
Cohen’s Kappa
Marginal Row
Coder 2

Coder 1

Step 6: Select Effect Size and Precision
•  Select a comparable effect size measure for each
evaluation/study, including its variance
▫  Raw Mean Difference, D, from independent and
dependent groups
▫  Standardized Mean Difference, d and g, from
independent and dependent groups
Step 6 Continued:
Effect Sizes and Precision

Events Non-Events N
Treated A B n1
Control C D n2
Step 6 Continued:
Effect Sizes and Precision
Step 7: Convert Effect Sizes
•  Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 2.0 (software
suggested) will automate this process and many
effect sizes calculators are also useful.
•  To convert from the logs odd ratio to d

•  To convert from r to d
Step 7 Continued:
Converting Among Effect Sizes
Step 7 Continued:
Confidence Intervals
•  Assuming that an effect size is normally

•  And

•  1.96 is the Z-value corresponding to confidence

limits of 95% (with error of 2.5% at either end of
the distribution)
Step 8 Determine Effect Size Model:
Fixed-Effect Models
Step 8 Continued:
Fixed-Effect Models

Fixed-effect model: True effect

Step 8 Continued:
Fixed-Effect Models
•  Given that all studies share the same true effect,
the observed effect size varies from study to
study only because of random (sampling) error.
•  Although error is random, the sampling
distribution of the errors can be estimated.
Step 8 Continued:
Fixed-Effect Models

Fixed-effect model: True effects and sampling error

Step 8 Continued:
Random-Effects Models
•  Does not assume that the true effect is identical
across studies
•  Because study characteristics vary (e.g.,
participant characteristics, treatment intensity,
outcome measurement) there may be different
effect sizes underlying different studies
Step 8 Continued:
Random-Effects Models

Random-effects model: True effects

Step 8 Continued:
Random-Effects Models
Step 8 Continued:
Random-Effects Models

Random-effects model: True effect and observed effect

Step 8 Continued:
Random-Effects Models
Steps 6, 7 and 8: Let’s see an example

Source:  Bentz,  Engelman,  &  McCowen  (2011).  FormaCve  Assessment  and  Feedback  in  Higher  EducaCon  MathemaCcs  and  Science  Classrooms:  
A  Meta-­‐Analysis.  Manuscript.  
Step 9: Compute Heterogeneity Statistics
•  Although we are usually concerned with the
dispersion in true effect sizes, observed dispersion
includes both true variance and random error
•  The mechanism used to isolate true variance is to
compare the observed dispersion with the amount
expected if all studies shared a common effect size
▫  The excess is assumed to reflect real differences among
▫  This portion of the variance is used to create indices of
Step 9 Continued: An Example

Effect Size and 95% CI Test of Null Heterogeneity


Fixed 12 0.94 0.85 1.02 -1.44 0.15 29.72 11 0.00 62.99 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.23

Random 12 0.87 0.72 1.06 -1.42 0.16

Source:  Hobson,  K.  A.,  Mateu,  P.,  &  Fields,  J.  K.  (2011,  April).  A  meta-­‐analysis  of  studies  of  the  effects  of  measles,  mumps,  and  rubella  
vaccines  on  the  development  of  auCsm  among  children.  Poster  presented  at  the  5th  Annual  Western  Michigan  University  Research  and  
CreaCve  AcCviCes  Poster  Day,  Western  Michigan  University,  Kalamazoo,  MI.  
Step 10: Determine Publication Bias
•  Publication bias is concerned with biases that
arise from missing studies in a meta-analysis.
•  Publication bias methods are used to determine
if bias is likely, the impact of bias, and to make
•  The models used to assess publication bias
▫  Large studies are likely to be published regardless
of statistical significance
Step 10 Continued:
Determine Publication Bias
Step 10 Continued:
Funnel Plot (To Left of Mean)

Larger  sample  
Step 10 Continued:
Funnel Plot (To Right of Mean)

Duval  and  Tweedie’s  Trim  

and  Fill  =  3  (to  right  of  
mean)  and  0  (to  leb  of  the  
Step 11: Interpret Results
•  Example: Let’s recall slide 5
Strengths of Meta-Analysis (1)
•  Imposes discipline on the process of
summarizing research findings.
•  Represents findings in a more differentiated
and sophisticated manner than conventional
•  Capable of finding relationships across
studies that are obscured by other
Strengths of Meta-Analysis (2)
•  Protects against over-interpreting differences
across studies.
•  Can handle large numbers of studies (this
would overwhelm traditional approaches to
research review).
Weaknesses of Meta-Analysis (1)
•  Requires a good deal of effort.
•  Mechanical aspects don’t lend themselves to
capturing more qualitative distinctions
between studies.
•  “Apples and oranges” criticism.
•  Most meta-analyses include “blemished”
studies to one degree or another (e.g., a
randomized design with attrition).
Weaknesses of Meta-Analysis (2)
•  Selection bias poses a continual threat.
▫  Negative and null finding studies that you
were unable to find.
▫  Outcomes for which there were negative or
null findings that were not reported.
•  Analysis of between study differences is
fundamentally correlational.
Contact Information
Western Michigan University
Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Evaluation
Pedro Mateu
Kristin A. Hobson
Robert H. McCowen

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